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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 2:03pm BBT: Godfrey is telling about a girlfriend he had and he told her it was to early to meet his parents so he took her to his sisters house and his aunt and uncle was there too. His uncle flirted with her and so now i take no one home to my family. 2:16pm BBT:HG just sitting around . Several conversations going at one time just general talk. 2:22pm BBT some Hg in the HOH rm. Bruno said it might be awhile before they do the food comp. bobby says there hasn't been much building as they have not heard much noise. Bruno says no i think they finished building. 2:33pm BBT: Bruno is saying that it will be amazing of Johnny goes this week. He then says that Bobby is scared of Kevin and i know Kevin is scared of Bobby. he was gone last week i mean gone. But now he can help us get Johnny out. Zack says if Kevin wins POV then Johnny wont go home i know it. Bruno ask is Johnny really a beast or do the comps just favor him? 2:43PM BBT: Sarah and brittnee in the bedroom talking about how they do not feel safe.and how close people are in the house. brittnee says what do you want me to do? Sarah tells her to stay close to Bruno and let me know what they are saying. 2:46pm BBt: Sarah is crying saying she feels so bad and alone in this house. Shen says she feels manipulated. Sarah says that she was told to pick Ashleigh tom play for her in the veto comp if she is put on the block. 2:53pm BBT: BB has called all HG's to the HOH rm. 2:55pm BBT: Feeds go to FOTH.
  2. 1:02pm BBT: Most Hg in the HOh rm talking about how Willow got hurt in the comp lastnight. Bruno gets called to the DR and they yell here we go time for food comp. 1:08pm BBT: Most Hg in the HOH rm talking about Music and movies as they wait to play the food comp. 1:17pm BBT: Bruno talking about his hurt thumb and says one day he will look back on this and laugh. it is all about the experience he says. 1:26pm BBT: Hg in the HOH rm still talking about music and then Bruno says i want to play in this comp but he is hosting instead. 1:30pm BBT: Pilar, Ashleigh,Brittnee and Johnny are eating some of Bruno snacks before the food comp starts. Johnny says might be the last thing i get to eat today. 1:34pm BBT: Bobby is asleep in the hoh rm floor. Ashleigh pops him on his butt with her hand and he did not move. brittnee says no way. She goes back to do it again and Bobby scares her. 1:36pm BBT: Bobby is now eating Bruno's snacks before the comp begins. Brittnee and Johnny are listening to the Ipod and talkling about music. 1:40pm BBT: Johnny and Brittnee are left alone in the hoh rm and johnny says you know we are pretty much going up right and brittnee says well probably . Johnny says we have to count on this veto. 1:44pm BBT: Zack, Jordan, Godfrey, Sarah and Bruno in the Kt eating and talking about where they graduated from. 1:54pm BBT: HG just sitting around waiting for the food comp to begin and talking general talk.
  3. 12:00pm BBT: Willow, Jordan and Brittnee talking about BB US and the food comp of name that pie. and wonders if it could be something like that. Jordan says this is our last hour of eating and drinking so that's why i ate so much this morning . 12:02pm BBT: In the HOH rm Godfrey, Kevin and Zack are talking about playing Rugby. Kevin says 14 you want the big guys and 7 you want the fast guys. 12:05pm BBT: Bobby is in the Kt eating. Jordan is just sitting there with brittnee. Johnny comes out and tells them he has to collect all the bears in the house to the DR and brittnee is running through the house screaming saying no you can't take them, you can't have them. Johnny says give me all the bears.Willow grabs her bear and yells I do not understand BB you give them to us for a week and a half then take them away. 12:07pm BBT: Johnny is gathering all the bears and laughing as the girls are throwing fits. Willow yells this is the worst day ever.Johnny is in the STR and he counts 11 bears.he says let me see if there are any more and goes out and finds one and says this one almost got away as he takes it to the STR. 12:18pm BBT: Johnny and Sarah in the bathroom talking about when the food comp will start and Johnny says it will start soon. Sarah is putting on her make up. 12:22pm BBT: Bruno, Godfrey and Willow in the hoh rm talking about last nights comp and willow says it was so fun and when the bubbles started coming i loved it. Bruno says the bubbles where so high. Willow says yeah you couldn't see. Zack says that ringer was not fun. 12:29pm BBT: Bruno, Godfrey and Zack talking about the food comp and Bruno Bobby and Ashleigh are automatically have this week as they chose teams and Bobby and ashleigh are on Bruno's team.Sarah and willow walk in and Willow sits on the couch and hits something hard and screams as it hurt her bruised butt. 12:38pm BBT: pilar, Ashleigh, Kevin, Bobby and Johnny in the Kt eating before the food comp. In the HOh rm Bruno is looking at a bruise on willow when she fell into the couch a few minutes ago. Godfrey says she will need a cast before she leaves the house. 12:44pm BBT: Talking in the Kt is about body piercing and how it feels to have sex with certain piercings. 12:51pm BBT: Brittnee and Jordan are in the bedroom talking about last nights comp and how they did not know they could help each other and swap letters. Jordan tells her how Bobby said in a comp that he has a photographic memory. Brittnee says then Bobby complains about being on slop after he volunteered to be on it. Jordan says yeah i know. Brittnee says Bobby come straight to her room last week as soon as BB woke us up and i had to get my barrings together. She says he thinks he has this charm with the girls but he doesn't.Jordan says but he doesn't he is kind of like a dweeb like me. 12:56pm BBT: Jordan tells brittnee that they just have to stay calm this week and we will be ok. brittnee says i will try JP.
  4. 11:48am BBT:Hg are speculating what the food comp is going to be. Pilar says she is so excited to play and wonders what it is going to be.Kevin says i bet it is going to be intense. In the HOH rm Bruno and zack are talking about the food comp and Bruno says i hope you kill it. 11:53am BBT: In the KT Pilar says Back to our team meeting guys. Willow and Brittnee are in there saying they are excited and Pilar says we can so do this guys. Willow says this is Pilars and I's first Food comp and brittnee says this is her 2nd. Pilar says we can do this and it doesn't matter how hard the comp is we got this. 11:56am BBT:Pilar says if it is a catching game then we can catch things cause we got this we just have to communicate and and do this. Willow says we will win and high fives brittnee. Jordan walks in and the girls tell him they are having a team meeting. Jordan says i am just after my water bottle see it has my name on it.
  5. 11:00am BBT: In the KT Johnny is talking about when he came out to people that he was gay and when he decided that he would come out and be who he is. Zack tells about his dates in High School. Bruno tells Johnny that it is great he can be honest . 11:06am BBT: Willow shows Pilar and Ashleigh her bruised Butt and how swollen it is.Willow ask them if they are doing their nails and Pilar says yeah. Willow then says she hopes that in the food comp she doesn't have to use her butt. 11:12am BBT: In the KT Godfrey, Zack,Bobby,Johnny and brittnee talk about being gay and how gays have been around since the turn of the century. Bobby and zack start talking about getting married as a gay and in the United States you can in some states. Godfrey says they are just starting to allow gays to donate blood and Johnny says i still cant donate blood and i can not donate my organs either. 11:18am BT: In the bathroom Pilar and Willow are doing nails and talking about how tall everyone is.Sarah is in the shower.In the KT ashleigh is eating a Popsicle and Johnny says he has to have one now and goes to get one. Just general talk going on about crackers. 11:22am BBT: Everyone just doing General talk then we get FOTH.
  6. 12:16pm BBT: We are still on FOTH as Hg are preparing for tonight's Eviction. 1:00pm BBT: We are still on FOTh as BB is preparing for tonight's Eviction.
  7. 11:03am BBT: Kevin tells Pilar she is smoking hot this morning as she is brushing her teeth. Ashleigh walks in and he says here comes Snow white. 11:05pm BBT: Graig in the LVR with Bruno saying in a few days he will be back in the real world for sure. he tells Bruno he isn't worried about leaving now he is ok with it. He will get back to his job. 11:10am BBT: Johnny tells BB that the bathroom sink is dripping and it is turned off. Ashleigh puts towels there to catch the water then checks the drawers and there is water all in it. She tells Johnny there is nothing else they can do. 11:15am BBT: Godfrey, Bobby, Bruno and Graig sitting in the LVR . Godfrey says everyone is ready and they haven't even gave us a time yet man. Bruno says yeah but we only have about 4 or 5 hours left. 11:22am BBT: Brittnee and Kevin in HOh rm talking about last weeks HOh comp. brittnee says she was so nauseous during the comp cause she wanted to win so bad. Brittnee ask Kevin if he is good at puzzles and he says yeah. She tells him we have to win this week too then. Pilar walks in and says it is nice in here. Brittnee says it is cold in here and Pilar says no it is nice in here. Pilar then leaves to find her water bottle. 11:24pm BBT: Kevin says he will not be surprised if tonight is a double eviction night. We just need to win tonight and i think we have a solid group and we are good if we can win tonight. 11:32am BBT: Brittnee and Kevin say there has been 7 comps already and we have played in 6 of them . Brittnee so we have just sat out one. Kevin says i have won veto and you have won HOH . Brittnee says we will swap it up this week. Kevin says lets do it. Sarah comes in and says Jordan is coming in a sec.Jordan comes in and they start studying the other comps and evictions. BB announces for all HG to go to the HOH rm for a lockdown. 11:37pm BBT: All HG are now locked in the HOH rm. Bruno is rewrapping his thumb and the girls tell him to put baby powder under the wrap to help absorb moisture. Everyone is sitting and laying down in a silent HOH rm. 11:45am BBT: HGs are talking about video games and cats. Just general talk as they are locked in the HOH rm. 11:53am BBT: Hg are talking about cats. Willow has a male cat names Nala. Feeds then go to FOTH.
  8. 11:04pm BBT: Hg in the Hot tub telling stories about evacuating hospitals and universities. 11:09pm BBT: Bruno telling a story about shattering a door glass and eggs being on a ceiling and his mom being mad. 11:18pm BBT: Hg still just talking general talk in the hot tub. Sarah and Jordan sitting away from the hot tub talking alone. 11:22pm BBT: Pilar tells them in 2003 her house caught fire and she doesn't know how and her whole house was orange.She says her and her sister were sleeping and she heard a noise and told her sister to stop playing around and her sister said nothing. She says i got up and she was sleeping so i thought it was weird so i was going to go tell mom and i opened the door and it was all orange.The fire didn't get to my parents room but it did the rest of the house. Willow ask was everyone was ok and Pilar says yeah we were all ok. 11:30pm BBT: HG in the hot tub now talking about TV shows. 11:32pm BBT: Godfrey and Ashleigh in the Kt talking. Godfrey says the life of slop huh? Ashleigh says this is my last night in the have not room. Godfrey says well someone goes on slop again tomorrow night. he says he doesn't mind being on slop you just cant have veggies or protein and i lost so much weight being on slop. 11:37pm BBT: Godfrey asking Pilar if she can do gymnastics and she says yeah. Ashleigh asking if anyone knows any excersizes to do for shin splints . 11:43pm BBT: Pilar ask Ashleigh what time it is. Ashleigh tells her it is 11:44pm. Pilar says it is bed time. Godfrey says yeah for me too. Pilar ask Ashleigh what she is wearing tomorrow and she says her mint dress. 11:50pm BBT: Godfrey, Bobby and Pilar are talking about dancing then Bobby and Godfrey start dancing in the KT. Ashleigh and Willow yell ok now you got our attention. 11:52pm BBT: Brittnee and Kevin in the Hot Tub talking to Sarah and Jordan about willow saying that she is going to win HOH tomorrow. Sarah says she found it threatening when Willow said earlier that she didn't find Bobby threatening at all. 11:55pm BBT: Sarah says that willow thinks her game play is like emmit and Juliann. Bobby's favorite player is Emmit and i wouldn't be surprised if they had this conversation. Jordan says that Bobby plans on winning every competition.
  9. 10:02pm BBT: Hg are siting around in the Kt talking and brittnee is drinking wine. sarah tells her if she drinks most of it in the next 10 minutes then she will finish it. brittnee says i don't know if i can do that. 10:12pm BBT: Hg strill sitting around KT drinking water and just general chat with everyone talking at one time. 10:22pm BBT:All the Hg are talking at one time in the KT. Guys are talking about cab rides and how much it cost to take a cab 10:30pm BBT: Hg sitting talking about what year they graduated. 10:33pm BBT: Hg are changing clothes to go sit in the Hot Tun for awhile. Bruno, zack and Godfrey talking about not wanting on slop next week and going to the have not room. Kevin comes in and changes clothes for the hot tub now. 10:35pm BBT: Zack and Kevin whispering about sides in the house and Pilar comes in and Kevin says got it and they stop talking. Pilar says she is just putting her feet in the water tonight. 10:37pm BBT:Kevin and Bruno in the hot tub talking about the eviction tomorrow night. Saying they think it will be a sweep and Bobby will be ok . Bobby comes out to the Hot tub and they tell him what they was talking about and Bobby says graig is so crushed that i don't even know what to say to him. 10:42pm BBT: Bruno talking now about his thumb being hurt and he hopes it doesn't stop him from winning HOh but his thumb is not his strength.Everyone else comes out to get in the hot tub now as they are laughing alot. 10:46pm BBT: Godfrey and Graig in the KT talking about motorcycles and how fast each one goes. Graig says he is going to go get in a shower and Godfrey is going outside as soon as he gets a jacket. Graig says there is Bobby's grab it. Godfrey ask if he will mind and Graig says no Bobby don't care. 10:52pm BBT: Everyone except Graig is at the Hot tub all talking at the same time. Just general chat.
  10. 3:05pm BBT: Godfrey and Bruno get out of the hot tub and heads to the BY. Ashleigh and Pilar on BY couch talking about who has been on slop. 3:13pm BBT: In the Kt HG are complimenting Bruno on his clothes. general talk going on about Judo and the girls are talking about nice looking guys. Then Bruno starts talking about him getting his black belt when he was 9 years old. 3:15pm BBT: BB says Hg this is your 15 minute warning the BY will be shut down. Please make your way into the house. 3:31pm BBT: All HGs in the LVR just general talk about smokers . 3:35pm BBT: Graig is walking around alone playing with the gears near the Dr trying to get in. 3:43pm BBT: Willow comes in the HOh rm saying they can't find Graig she says they have looked everywhere. Ashleigh says maybe he is in the have not rm. willow says maybe so we didn't look there. 3:55pm BBT: most Hg in the LVR general talk about headaches as they all sit there .
  11. 2:02pm BBT: Jordan and Zack the bathroom talking about keeping themselves safe next week. zack says 2 ships are better than one as he walks out of the bathroom. In the BY Kevin, Bruno, Ashleigh and Bobby are talking the past challenges and who was out when. 2:12pm BBT: Most Hg in the KT eating as Sarah does dishes. General talk going on. Back yard talk is about bills as Ashleigh only has her car insurance at 120 dollars a month and can fill her gas tank for 35 dollars and can go 400 miles on a tank. 2:20pm BBT: talk between Willow, Jordan, Johnny , Zack and Sarah is about survivor and how much they pay to use the islands and about their comps and how much it takes to do each comp. 2:24pm BBT: Bobby, Bruno and Godfrey are getting ready to go in the hot tub. Pilar is brushing her teeth. Ashleigh says she is getting a rash on her skin so doesn't want to go in the hot tub. Bobby says his chest is still red from the waxing yesterday. Ashleigh tells him to use Aloe and it will be fine. 2:34pm BBT: Bobby, Bruno and Godfrey in the hot tub. Most Hgs in the Kt just general talk as Sarah is still washing dishes. 2:43pm BBT: Just general talk going on through the whole house as Hg are just relaxing today. 2:50pm BBT: Ashleigh and Pilar in the By talking about how they feel like they are not designated to a side so everyone will be coming to them for numbers.Ashleigh says they will all be going after Bobby so i think this HOh thing i might need to throw it even though i don't believe in doing that. then when it comes time we will win it. Pilar says yes. 2:53pm BBT: Ashleigh says i don't like saying that i feel safe but right now I feel safe. Pilar says yeah me too.
  12. 1:00pm BBT - 2:00pm BBT: Hg had the camera and was taking pictures then went to making lunch and general talk about the pictures they took.
  13. 12:06pm BBT: Ashleigh in the Kt Having her slop and gets Pilar to taste it. Bobby says they taste just like pancakes they are so good. 12:11pm BBT: Ashleigh and Pilar are getting sunglasses to go outside. they go to the bathroom where Sarah is doing her make up. In the HOH rm is Brittnee leaving and Kevin stays in talking to the camera and says this is what i do when i vote and no one messes with the fortress. He then starts dancing around the room listening to the ipod. 12:17pm BBT: Sarah, Brittnee, Ashleigh and Johnny are by the Hot tub and sitting in the sun talking about how nice it is to sit in the sun. 12:25pm BBT: Hg working out in the BY or just sitting around in the sun . Just general talk going on. 12:35pm BBT: Kevin and Bruno are upstairs playing a bowling game. Bruno is up and ask if Kevin is ready for a strike and Kevin says yeah. Bruno throws the ball and no strike. 12:38pm BBT: Ashleigh and Sarah telling a stories about schools.Johnny is listening as they tell about taking pictures at school and photo bombing pictures. 12:44pm BBT: Brittnee just got the camera. They are all excited to take pictures. 12:50pm BBT: All the HG are excited about the camera. brittnee wants everyone to get all dressed up and take pictures. She is running around all crazy taking pictures and giggling. 12:54pm BBT: Brittnee is having the HG get all dressed up and wants to take their pictures in a setting not in the bedroom or the KT.
  14. 11:00am BBT: Sarah tells willow that only one person can win these hoh comps. Sarah says i am going to be tough. She ask willow what makes you better than all these other people? Willow says Nothing.Willow says this is my Life if I don't win then what do i have? Sarah says this is a game just a game. 11:05am BBT: Sarah telling willow how Zack loves her and she needs to be strong.She then says this is a game of luck, it is like a board game .Brittnee comes in and tells willow that she promises her that if she makes this move it will be good and it is a game of chance. Willow says i know. Willow says why cant i be like Pilar she is like an angel walking around this place she never complains about anything. 11:08am BBT: Willow says we helped zack win that yesterday and Brittnee says do you think Godfrey deserved it more and Willow says yeah he did. brittnee says this is tough and we all have our breakdowns, I have had mine and i bet Sarah has had some too . 11:11am BBT: Sarah and Brittnee repeating to Willow that she needs to be strong and everything will be ok and that everyone has days like this as Jordan walks in to use the HOh bathroom. 11:15am BBT: In the Downstairs bathroom Zack , Ashleigh and Johnny are playing a color game with Ashleigh's nail polish while Johnny is brushing his teeth. 11:18am BBT: Correction it is Bruno in the bathroom playing the game with Ashleigh. Zack is in the HOh rm talking with kevin, Willow, Sarah and Brittnee. 11:20am BBT:In the HOH rm The purple cobras are doing a clap and hissing. The purple cobras are Kevin,Johnny,Jordan,Zack,Sarah and brittnee. Kevin ask what was wrong with Willow and Sarah tells them that she was upset that Zack took away from Godfrey. Sarah says a 1000 dollars is nothing she needs to concentrate on the game the 1000 dollars is nothing.She is just very emotional today. 11:33am BBT: PIlar is painting Bruno's toe nails in the bathroom area as Ashleigh is painting her nails and Bobby is watching. They are talking about slop. Back in the HOh rm the purple cobras are talking about winning HOH and talking about Bobby making easy moves like putting up the first 2 people that fell off in the HOh comp. Ashleigh and Bobby walk in and talk turns to alligators. 11:37am BBT: Willow is in the BY running alone as all the other Hg are in the HOh rm except Godfrey and Graig. They are talking about what animal each Hg was in that last HOh comp. 11:44am BBT: Sarah telling a story about her being lifted by her dad on the boardwalk and when he went to put her down a spike went into her leg and all the muscles were hanging out when she went to the hospital and the Doctor put it all back in as he asked her about her 2nd grade teacher. she said she never even cried she was just in shock. Bruno tells about a car running over his foot and when the person stopped the car it was still on his foot so he tried to pull his foot out and then he couldn't walk for a couple of weeks. Bb calls Bruno to the DR. 11:49am BBT: Graig is laying on the red couch in the LVR. Willow is still running in the BY. Godfrey is walking around looking for his water bottle. Bruno is in the Dr and all the other Hg are in the HOH rm telling stories about being injured. 11:56am BBT: Pilar is showing cheer leading moves in the hoh rm and Sarah says that is so good. Godfrey and Willow are working out in the BY while Jordan and Zack are running.
  15. 9:01pm BBT: Bobby, Brittney and Kevin sitting in the hot tub Just general talk about Bobby playing the piano. Bruno and Godfrey still in the BY playing a toss game with clothes baskets. 9:07pm BBT: Sarah, Brittnee, Kevin and Jordan talking about Bobby saying things that are going to get him evicted from the house. Jordan says we have to win HOh this week to keep it away from the other side. 9:14pm BBT: Graig has joined Bruno outside tossing into the baskets now. brittnee is still in the hot tub with Jordan and Kevin as sarah sits on the side and they are talking about Bobby campaigning. 9:20pm BBT: Brittnee leaves the hot tub and goes inside. Jordan says it smells like gasoline out there and Sarah agrees it does.
  16. 8:05pm BBT: Most Hg in the KT eating dinner just general talk going on. Zack is in the HOH bathroom getting dressed after his shower. 8:14pm BBT: HGs just sitting around the KT eating and talking general talk and getting in trouble with BB for language. 8:40pm BBT: some HG are in the hottub and others are laying on the couches in the LVR. feeds have lost sound . 8:50pm BBT: Godfrey and Bruno are in the BY setting up a toss game. Some of the Hg are in the hot tub just general talk going on about getting home to see their families.
  17. 7:30pm BBT: the girls are now waxing Bobby's stomach and waist line the guys are laughing and bobby jumps as they rip the wax off ,Bobby is saying hurry up please as he has pain in his face and is laughing at the same time. 7:41pm BBT: They are still waxing Bobby. Just trying to get all the little hairs they missed. 7:45pm BBT: zack, Willow and Sarah in the hot tub talking about Movies and documentaries . 7:58pm BBT: They are finished waxing Bobby now as he is up walking around rubbing his chest .Johnny is now putting lotion on Bobby's chest and stomach.
  18. 6:33pm BBT: Willow and Sarah are putting pillow cases on pillows in the bedroom. Zack and Jordan are gathering sheets to make beds. 6:43pm BBT: Most Hg in the BR making beds. Bruno, Kevin and Ashleigh in the bathroom laughing as Bruno leaves and Kevin puts lotion on his legs and Ashleigh doing her make up. Just general talk going on. 6:45pm BBT: Ashleigh putting lotion on Kevin's back and he tells her we used to snuggle once and she says we did used to snuggle once but that seems so long ago.He then ask her if she has any facial cream and she says yeah and tells him where to find it. 6:53pm BBT: Ashleigh is fixing to wax Bobby's chest hairs. Brittnee is mixing the wax as Bruno and godfrey are watching and laughing. Ashleigh tells him it is just going to be warm on there. brittnee and Ashleigh decide to do both nipples together and rip it off at the same time. 6:56pm BBT: Ashleigh shows Bobby where they will wax at and then says we don't do pubic areas.Ashleigh ask Brittnee if it is cool yet? She says no not yet. Pilar comes in and ask whats going on and they tell her they are gonna wax Bobby. Pilar says no your not i have to watch this. 7:00pm BBT: The girls are still trying to cool the wax off some as it is still steaming. 7:04pm BBT: Brittnee sticks her fingers in the wax and burns herself so bobby gets up and says no way and leaves. brittnee and Pilar are laughing. 7:08pm BBT: the wax is almost ready. Bruno is calling Bobby back to be waxed. Godfrey says he is scared to do this himself. he is afraid he will have blood coming out if he does it. Bruno says no no you will be fine. 7:12pm BBT: Bobby is laying down and ready to be waxed. Ashleigh puts baby powder on him to protect his skin then now Brittnee puts the wax on his chest and he says it is hot. he tells then watch the nips. it is now time to pull the wax off and they yank fast. Bobby is making faces and grunting as the girls are laughing.Bobby says man tattoos are worse man. The girls move to the rest of his chest now and tells him they are going to have to do the nipples. Bobby makes a face. 7:16pm BBT: bruno says he is bleeding to put baby powder on it and Bobby looks and says i am bleeding as ashleigh puts baby powder on him. 7:20pm BBT: The girls are now doing Bobby's nipples. they wax is on and now they go to pull the wax off and Bobby jumps around but is laughing.. 7:26pm BBT: Pilar, Brittnee and ashleigh are still waxing Bobby as he just lays there waiting for them to finish. Bruno, Johnny and Kevin are watching and laughing
  19. 6:11pm BBT: Graig, Godfrey, Bobby and Bruno in the hot tub just relaxing and not talking. Kevin and Pilar are still in the have not bedroom talking about the guys campaigning. Jordan comes in and gives them fresh batteries.Jordan sits down and tells about graig telling to to talk to Kevin to keep him in the house. And then Jordan says that graig said he thinks he might have Pilars vote but then says if he doesn't that's ok. Pilar says what? they all start laughing. 6:21pm BBT:Jordan, Kevin and Pilar figure out that there are two different tiles in the floor in the have not room and one makes the sound go off and the other makes the lights flash red. Pilar says so it isnt even the cameras and laughs then they leave the have not room. 6:29pm BBT: BB keeps going to FOTH.
  20. 5:00pm BBT: In the By Godfrey and Bruno are laying on the couches talking about hanging the t shirts . Bruno said we should have had 31. It was fun though. 5:03pm BBT:Godfrey telling Bruno that the HOh comp was made for small feet and that's why brittnee won.Bruno says yeah the next hoh comp if our side wins it then we are good but if the other side wins it then it will not be good. Godfrey says yeah if we win it will be good cause Ashleigh i don't know what side she is on. Bruno says if Graig stays then he will always be number one and so it is better for our game if graig stays here. godfrey agrees. 5:08pm BBT: Kevin and Pilar in the LVR talking about lifeguards. back in the BY Godfrey still talking to Bruno about getting the tshirts. Bruno says how did all this happen man? Godfrey says i don't know i went to bed one night then got up the next morning and Graig said i was going on the block. 5:14pm BBT:Bruno says to Godfrey if we get picked off this week then we will have to win HOH the next 4 or 5 weeks in a row in order to stay in this game. Godfrey says i think Ashleigh is working both sides of the house cause of Zack and willow? Bruno says Willow i don't know about her i will have to work on her. 5:21pm BBT:Brittnee, Willow and zack laying in the upstairs floor talking to Johnny. Ashleigh comes up and they talk about slop.Back in the BY Bruno and Godfrey still talking and Graig joins them and tells them to keep him because everyone is going after him not Bobby. Bruno says true. Graig says Bobby is branching out and Bruno says that's true. graig tells them i am the biggest target. 5:26pm BBT: Graig tells Bruno that Bobby is a threat and now he is trying to get good on the other side. Bruno says he is just playing different but if he keeps going as he is now he will keep going up. graig says but he is getting good with the other side and someone will say Bobby is making out with me and now put him up. Bruno says i know what your saying man. 5:37pm BBT: graig is trying to get Bruno to campaign for him and he says he cant cause if he does then he is a target. graig says just to Kevin and zack dude and Bruno says alliances change in this house all the time and i don't want to be a target. 5:38pm BBT: Bruno says i am loyal to a fault man to Graig and Graig says i know you are. Godfrey says i cant talk to Kevin one on one dude Pilar is always with him. graig says Kevin will vote with the house and if you go to him and tell him this is how the house is voting he will vote that way. 5:43pm BBT: Graig says if you don't get Johnny out next week man he is going after zack. Bruno agrees he is. 5:45pm BBT: Bruno . Bobby, graig and Godfrey are heading to the hot tub. 5:49pm BBT: Sarah and Jordan in the Kt talking about movies.Upstairs is Johnny, Willow, Brittnee and zack talking general talk. 5:55pm BBT: Kevin in the have not bedroom showing how to make the buzzer sound and lights go off to Pilar. they then lay down on the mattress and start kissing. 5:57pm BBT: In the hot tub the guys are talking general talk about not being comfortable.Then talk turns to a bowling tournament.
  21. 4:34pm BBT:Most Hg in the KT eating. In the Bathroom Zack is hugging Ashleigh and she tells him congrats. he ask what she is doing and she says just watching Bruno shower and then laughs 4:38pm BBT: upstairs in the chairs Ashleigh and zack talking about HOh comp Wednesday and she ask him if he is planning on throwing the HOh comp? he says i can't win hoh right now it is not good for my game cause if i start winning now then i am a bigger target. 4:41pm BBT: Zack tells Ashleigh that this was a big week for brittnee to win HOH cause i can sit back. Bruno comes out of the shower and they stop talking a minute. Zack then says i listen around the house i can i bet who everyone wants to take out this week. Ashleigh ask Bruno? he says i will tell you everything you know i will. 4:49pm BBT: Bobby and Godfrey are in the BY lifting weights. Bobby walks away and says we are hitting the hot tub in half an hour. 4:52pm BBT: Bobby tells bruno that he still had like 10 or 11 hangers left cause he kept walking past people and whispering. he says i wasnt really trying cause the game is more inportant to me that this stuff is. 4:57pm BBT:Willow at the top of the stairs talking to zack and Johnny about taxes and car payments.
  22. 12:06pm BBT: Most Hg in the LVR talking about last years HG and just general talk. 12:16pm BBT: Girls are talking about losing weight and they say they are losing cause they haven't been drinking. Godfrey is talking about his clothes. The girls tell Godfrey to give them a show . He tries on several shirts. 12:21pm BBT: Ashleigh is in the Kt cutting up the slop cookies. She taste them and tells Bruno that they aren't bad. All other Hg in the LVR talking about clothes. 12:30pm BBT: Hg are sitting around in the LVR talking about people having wrinkles and Sarah says she loves wrinkles. 12:37pm BBT: Hg are talking about auditioning and Bb tells Pilar that nap time is over. Godfrey talking about live feeds and people asking for chicken when they are down to last 6 or 7 people. Talk then goes to when they finish the slop and Jordan says like final 3 or 4. 12:43pm BBT: Bruno is telling how if people don't pay for storage lockers in 3 months then they get sold and he buys them if they have good stuff in them. He says i don't have a pawn shop so i don't want to buy one with junk in it. I just do it for a hobby though so i might not do it anymore nut I might I don't know. 12:45pm BBT: Bruno says one time he bought a locker that some guys kids pictures and handprints when his daughter was 3 months old so I took it to the front desk and asked them top please get this back to the guy as this stuff can not be replaced and I even told them I would pay for the shipping cause i put myself in his shoes and would want my kids stuff back too. 12:51pm BBT: Graig and Jordan sitting upstairs listening to Bruno. Jordan says total ego and Graig laughs . They are now silent just listening.
  23. 11:01am BBT: BB announces the BY will be off limits in 3 minutes. Hgs start moving inside to the KT. 11:04am BBT: Willow and Pilar go to the HOH rm to work out with hand weights and talk about how they had a good run and they hear the shower going . They go to see who is in the shower and Zack tells them it is him. They lay on the carpet and start to workout more. 11:06am BBT:Brittnee in the LVR telling about her parents to Jordan and Kevin. 11:21am BBT: Willow is walking around the HOH rm Stretching. Zack is out of the shower leaving the HOH rm. IN the LVR Brittnee is still talking about her family and how tight they are. 11:31am BBT: Bruno and Ashleigh and Graig are in the KT. Bruno is making tea as Ashleigh says she is tired and lazy and no energy. Most HG in the LVR listening to Brittnee talk about her family. 11:36am BBT: Godfrey is telling sarah and brittnee about having skunks as an exotic pet. 11:42am BBT: Hgs are just sitting around talking general talk about coffee and tea. 11:46am BBT: Willow and Ashleigh are sitting in front of the oven watching the slop cook and talking about dipping it in mustard and ketchup and other dips that they made make up. 11:50am BBT: Willow and Ashleigh talking in the Kt about how bad the have not rm is and Ashleigh says it is so gross and gets very cold in there in the mornings that even the robes don't cover her up as she is to tall. Ashleigh ask who has not been on slop and willow says me. Sarah and Pilar.
  24. 2:48pm BBT: All the HGs are sitting in the living room on the couches not saying a word as BB has called them there. 2:50pm BBT: Kevin walks in the room and takes a deep breath. Arisa come on the screen and says hi everyone you are probably wondering why i am here in a empty studio? I have news for you.(Silence) Tonight is an instant eviction. Then the feeds go to FOTH.



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