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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:30am -11:00am BBT: BB wakes the HG and they wonder if they will get the hot water back today for showers. Bobby , Sarah and Willow talk about how to dress tonight for the eviction show. Wiloow says she will not eat slop this morning.Sarah tells her she has to eat something Willow says she will eat a piece of cardboard. BB tells the HG they can have Hot water back. Sarah thinks this might be a double eviction week or a Canada HOH week.JOhnny and Sarah talk and say they hope for another twist like the double pov but this time it needs to be used.
  2. 10:03pm BBT: season 11 was the season of the clicks.they are talking about Ronnie and how he made alliances with everyone in the house and how he stayed in his room and cried cause he was afraid Russel would beat him up. they choose Russel for season 11. 10:11pm BBT: Season 12 was the year of the sabator. Annie was the sabator and got voted out first then Reagan was the sabator. They say Brittney Was the best in the DR it was so funny. they choose Reagan from season 12. 10:20pm BBT: Season 13 is the season of couples. there was 3 super couples that came in that season. it was the worst year of the newbies. they choose Dani Danato for season 13. 10:25pm BBT: Season 14 was the season of the couches. after 4 weeks the coaches entered the game. They says it was a great season to watch .they choose Danielle Murphy in for season 14. 10:30pm BBT: Season 15 is the season of the MVP. There was 3 nominees this season as America had a vote each week to nominate. BB calls Johnny to the DR. Jordan goes on about season 15 HG. They choose Amanda for season 15 .
  3. 9:03pm BBT: Hg are doing dishes now after dinner and still talking about survivor. 9:05pm Pilar and Willow eating slop in the KT as everyone is talking loudly at one time and Pilar is laughing loudly. Jordan and Zack go to the BY to sit and talk. Zack says he is concerned about Brittnee. Jordan says and you should be i talked to her today and right now she is on the same page to get rid of Bobby but as soon as that is done she will flip. 9:08pm BBT: Zack says he asked her who is the plan after Bobby and brittnee said i don't know so I asked her Bruno and brittnee said no. Jordan says yeah once Bobby is dumped we need HOH. 9:09pm BBT: Jordan tells Zack that he thinks this week will be an A or B comp so we need strength next week not this week so once Bobby is gone then we need to play to win and not throw it again.again. Zack says we need to get rid of the chop shop you know what i mean? Godfrey and Bruno come out and talk stops. 9:12pm BBT: Jordan and Zack get up and start putting cushions back where they belong as they are all over the BY. In the KT all the girls plus Johnny are sitting around talking general talk about slop. 9:16pm BBT: Willow is dumping the old slop into the trash and saying how bad it smells and gagging and brittnee is laying on the floor with her nose pinched and laughing saying it smells bad. Willow yells BB do not refill these buckets ever again we don't want it. 9:18pm BBT: Brittnee is gagging and Willow is cleaning the slop bucket yelling no B you can not throw up on the floor. over and over then B runs to the bathroom and throws up. Pilar goes to check on her and tells her to go outside. Pilar says that slop turned green it is like moldy. Ashleigh and Johnny go to help Willow clean the bucket and Johnny says he will wash it and Willow says no i want to be a woman who does things. 9:22pm BBT: Wilow and brittnee are trying to clean the next bucket that has green. slop in it. Willow is gagging saying it smells like baby shit that looks like was throwed up on. brittnee has her nose covered with her sweater. Willow yelling Jesus help me oh lord Jesus help me. Ashleigh says let me do it and Sarah comes in and Willow gags more 9:24pm BBT: Willow is yelling the chunks are to much and the chunks won't go down the drain. brittnee says this is crazy dude. Willow says is this a challenge is this the veto cause my life is on the line i feel like. 9:25pm BBT: Willow says BB do not refill these please i am not playing do not fill them. She then says well my appetite is gone. Willow then says well my challenge is done. 9:33pm BBT: Sarah, Willow and zack in the bedroom just general talk as Zack is looking for a dress shirt with blue buttons. He says he think he hung it up by the dryer. He leaves to go check. Sarah says i just got a weird feeling. Willow tells her to stop being paranoid. 9:36pm BBT: Brittnee and Johnny talking about laundry. All the Hg are gathering in the LVR. they have moved 2 chairs in there and waiting on zack and ashleigh. 9:39pm BBT: Jordan says this is the BB pod cam. We might have got cancelled so we are just doing this once a week now on Tuesdays. BB calls Jordan to the DR and he says we might have just got cancelled. and the HG laugh. 9:43pm BBT: Jordan is back and says so to recap last weeks episode and we did battle of the seasons. How this works we pick 16 players from the BBUSA seasons and last week we only got 8 of them so this week we finish recap is we pick players who are good for an all stars cast. the first 8 we picked is Season 1 Chicken George, Season 2 hardy , Season 3 Lisa ,Season 4 Allison , Season 5 Dianne, Season 6 James, Season 7 Danielle, Season 8 Eric. so we have the first 8 now we need the last 8 seasons. we need 4 guys and 4 girls. season 9 they choose Sharon. 9:50pm BBT: Now we are on to BIG brother 10. This was Dans season. they talk about Jerry and Dan and Memphis and then they laugh and talk about Renny. Season 10 they choose Jordan says we are not including Dan Dick or will cause we don't need them in all stars. they chose Memphis.
  4. 8:04pm BBT: Pilar is shaving her arm pits , Kevin is shaving his face. Zack comes in and ask how Pilar's razor works so she shows him on his finger and he yells ouch and Pilar laughs. 8:13pm BBT: Godfrey, Bruno, Jordan and zack talking in the KT about BB bringing someone back into the game. on BBUSA they say that Brian, Jessica , Cowboy and Jessie was up to go back in and Jessie got to go back in after the Hg played in a comp. 8:17pm BBT: the talking in the Kt with the guys is about BBUSA and the all star seasons. 8:27pm BBT: Guys in the KT talking about Graig and saying how he got caught up in emotions and then left without saying bye And Sindy did the same thing. Bruno says i think Risha was the only normal goodbye. 8:39pm BBT: Zack is cooking pasta as the other guys are sitting around and walking around talking general talk. the girls are in the bedroom giggling and talking general talk. 8:42pm BBT: In the Kt they are now talking about Ronnie in BBUSA and how he was in his hoh rm for 2 days crying and wanting his wife and how Russel bullied him.Then they talk about Rachel and how she is a favorite but was annoying. 8:52pm BBt: willow and brittnee in the bedroom talking about they need to win hoh this week. They try to decide who needs to be a target next week. Willow says when we get to final 6 then it is going to get so hard in here. brittnee says that feels so far away. willow says i know sometimes i cry wondering how do i get there. 8:58pm BBT Brittnee says why cant we just go to our have not rm and sleep the time away? Just let us go. Willow says we just have till tomorrow to go till after HOh comp.
  5. 7:00pm BBT: Godfrey, Bruno and Bobby talking by the hot tub about Kevin not finding out about their plan next week to back door him. They leave the hot tub area and go to the BY. 7:02pm BBT: Bruno goes to the hoh rm and gets in the bath tub and starts the water to wash his dirty feet. Brittnee, Sarah, ashleigh, Jordan, zack, Willow and Johnny are laying in beds in the bedroom. Godfrey comes in and is asked if he feels better. he says alot better. ashleigh says i am feeling worse. Bobby comes in and they talk about Johnny being asleep then Bobby gets on the bed with Johnny. 7:10pm BBT: All HG in the bedroom in groups on beds just general talk going on in all groups. 7:18pm BBT: Ashleigh and Godfrey in the bathroom as Ashleigh is doing make up and Godfrey is brushing his teeth. They are talking about the water being so ice cold. Ashleigh says i need a shower though. Godfrey tells her to go use the bath tub. She ask Godfrey why he is inspecting his toothbrush and he says i am so paranoid that i am using someone elses toothbrush and ashleigh starts laughing. 7:20pm BBT: Ashleigh tells Pilar that Godfrey just used the wrong tooth brush and Pilar says what? who's? Ashleigh says yours and Pilar says what? Ashleigh tells her i am joking and Godfrey laughs. 7:25pm BBT: Pilar says you go get ice cream and i will go get slop. Ashleigh says you want to go and Pilar gets up and says ok lets go. Ashleigh says tomorrow you get food. Pilar tells her she doesn't want to get her hopes up as they go to the KT. 7:37pm BBT: Pilar ashleigh and Bobby talking about the food they had lastnight and how good it was. 7:49pm BBT:Johnny is walking around taking fresh batteries to the other HG. 7:55pm BBT: Hg getting ready to cook dinner as soon as they find what they want to cook for tonight.
  6. 6:27pm BBT: Brittnee,Sarah, Zack and johnny in the bedroom talking about missing their families and how Johnny's mom cried then remembered that it was his birthday then they cried more. 6:30pm BBT: Pilar and JP are in the STR talking to Kevin. JP says we will be fine guys. Pilar says who you think will win it? JP says any one of us can win it Pilar. JP says they all tell me everything and they will never suspect us working together. 6:33pm BBT: Pilar, Kevin and JP leave the STR and Pilar says i should eat something and gets mayo out of the refrigerator. In the BY Bruno and Godfrey are kicking the football around like it is a soccer ball. 6:34pm BBT: Back in the bedroom JP is in there talking to the other HG about a game that Godfrey was playing but they can not remember so JP is going to go ask him what it was. Hg are laying down in the beds just laughing about making cheese now. 6:38pm BBT: Brittnee says i miss hot water i miss food i miss my bed and i miss feeling like a human. Sarah says i am just going to take my soap to the hot tub. 6:40pm BBT: Talk in the bedroom is about piercing ears and hair cuts then about falling and getting cuts on them. Sarah says she bit through her tongue when she got excited and thought her dad was home. Brittnee says and you have a hole? Sarah says no it just healed up but it has a bump there. 6:48pm BBT: talking in the bedroom is about hang overs and smoking weed. Pilar says she takes Tylenol or Advil before she drinks if she thinks about it. Then talk turns to Willows hair. 6:51pm BBT: Sarah and Willow and Pilar talking about them being a super fan now. Zack is sleeping and starting to snore. Ashleigh is almost asleep. Pilar leaves the room saying i am going since i can't sleep on the bed. 6:55pm BBT: BB comes on and says please wake up or be prepared to face the consequences. Sarah says who is sleeping and BB repeats himself. 6:57pm BBT: Hg in the bedroom talking about food and how tonight is the last night and tomorrow they get restocked. and the have nots get to eat.
  7. 4:16pm BBT: Hg just sitting around talking about drinking and kissing and just general talk, 4:19pm BBT: Hg talking about Halloween and dressing up as Judge Sarah from yesterday. Sarah says i am sorry everyone and everyone says no it was good. BB calls Sarah to the DR. 4:22pm BBT: Everyone ask for a story and Pilar yells story time. Jordan ask you want BB3 or BBCAN3 and they all yell BBCAN3. Jordan says i haven't seen all the DR's but when everyone starts falling asleep then it will be story time. Jordan goes to get more rice and they laugh at him about his rice. #BBCAN3 4:28pm BBT: Once apon a time the 12 Hg had to put on BBTV show and they had a search comp. Godfrey got disqualified and Kevin almost killed himself and then we had the treyB's as their names begin with B's. Anyways treyb's won the comp but as a reward they won nothing but they won the hearts of Canada and all the Hg were called to the wrap party in the KT where they had pizza Sushi,this weird potatoes cheese chicken thing which was so good. as well as shrimp and calamari and even the have not them poor bastards that have to eat hot sauce , ketchup and mustard or that shit Bobby makes. Even they got to eat.then they was full and it was pretty quick and they was a little disappointing that there was no more. then they went to the hot tub to play truth or dare.and all of a sudden willow the little cute girl said please BB give us some alcohol and i will put on a show all of the hg were surprised then all of a sudden BB says Willow. The hg Gasped as they was all in shock. yes replied Willow. BB said what did you say and willow replied i will put on a show for some Alcohol then BB said stay tuned. The Hg were elated they was so excited could this mean alcohol? even then though they wasn't to excited cause previously Bb had provided them with alcohol and it wasn't very much only enough for 2 young 22 year olds to get hammered before the POV ceremony.However truth be told BB delivered.The Hg ran into the pantry to find beers large craft beers for each HG as well as 3 bottles of wine. the Hg were so excited and did cheers in the By and the hot tub. they all chugged their beers and some one said to Zack hey Zack you should chug your beer and all his beer was already gone.they were starting to feel a little tipsy then BB gave them another round. 4:58pm BBT: Hg just sitting around the LVR dozing off and saying they are gonna get in trouble for falling asleep.
  8. 3:03pm BBT:Zack, Bobby and Bruno making food. Bobby wants to make chicken. Bobby then leaves the Kt and zack and Bruno are cooking whispering about what might happen tomorrow after eviction. 3:06pm BBT: Pilar in the bedroom folding clothes and saying she has to do laundry so bad. Jordan in the bathroom talking to sarah about Johnny and him telling about the gummy bear thing. Bobby walks in and talk stops. 3:14pm BBT: Most Hg in the KT getting food that zack has been cooking. BB comes on and says Hg this is your 15 minute warning all Hg please make your way into the house. Zack says maybe time to set up the hoh comp for tomorrow. 3:16pm BBt: At the hot tub Kevin and Pilar are kissing. Kevin says is it weird knowing that thousands of people are watching you kiss me? she says no. 3:18pm BBT: Pilar sees a helicopter flying over the house and says how cool that is. 3:23pm BBT: Hg's in the Kt eating and talking about how bad slop is and how Kevin was not happy when he was on slop. 3:28pm BBT: As most Hg are eating Ashleigh says not eating makes me very unhappy. Brittnee says not eating is very unhealthy for your body. 3:34pm BBT: Willow and Sarah in the LVR alone. Willow says i am so hungry and being hung over makes it worse. Sarah says eat some slop chips with some heated up mayo. Sarah then says she is not drinking in this house anymore. Willow says give it a few days and Sarah says your probably right. 3:41pm BBT: Bruno is now talking to Willow and Sarah about Willow being hung over. Ashleigh is doing her nails and other Hg are just sitting around talking general talk. 3:53pm BBT: Hg just sitting around in the LVR laughing at each other and at JP for eating rice. Bb is calling everyone to the DR. 3:57pm BBT: talk among the Hg is Willow and Sarah kissing lastnight . BB tells godfrey nap time is over. the Hg start laughing.
  9. 2:01pm BBT: Hg are lounging in the BY talking about playing cards. 2:03pm BBT: Sarah is laying in the BY by the couches as the guys are talking about professional poker playing and casinos. Bobby in the KT talking to ashleigh about loving Canada. They head to the STR and look in the freezer then Ashleigh grabs a Popsicle. Ashleigh says yesterday was such a fun day. Bobby says yeah it just got me stoked for everything going on this season and to know Canada is watching us. 2:25pm BBT: Sarah and Willow talking about cooking. Hg just lounging around in the BY. 2:44pm BBT: HG are still lounging and general talk. 2:49pm BBT:Pilar is in the bathroom washing her hands and says no towels. Ashleigh in the bedroom folding clothes saying she has to stay busy cause she could go for a snoozer like a 2 hour snoozers right now. 2:54pm BBT: Willow and Sarah laying in the BY talking about friends and things they did and places they went. Johnny looks to be sleeping on the By couch. Brittnee comes over and lays down on the other couch. 2:56pm BBT: In the KT Bobby, Bruno and zack talking about next week could be a double eviction. They are whispering about JP and willow whispering alot.
  10. 10:00am-11:00am BBT:This morning Bb woke the HG's they were all talking about the wrap partry lastnight and how drunk everyone was. Zack told Ashleigh that Brittnee chased him around all nigth and pushed him on the bed and intop a door.Johnny comes in and joins the conversation and says that brittnee was mad that Zack kissed her then went right back to ashleigh. Johnny tells zack that brittnee told him there was a love triangle between her Zack and Ashleigh. Johynny then spoke to kevin about sarah and how she thinks she does not have to work with peole that does not help her. Johnny tells him that he will go after people and thet he is not scared to make big moves. He then says that his noms would be Bruno and Godfrey with a plan to backdoor Bobby. 11:00am-12:00pm BBT: Pilar and Ashleigh talk about the pouints that johnny has made about him staying in the house this week. Pilar thinks he made a good point. she wants to talk to the Diaper alliance about it. Pilar talked to Joedan and kevin about this and they assured her that Johnny is saying anything he can to keep himself safe this week.Jordan says sarah trust him and she is going after bruno and Bobby. Jordan tells them that Johnny needs to go cause he is to smart. Jordan tells zack that willow is the one standing in the middle of the girls and she needs to go so we can be in the middle of the girls. 12:00pm -1:00pm BBT: Jordan suggest to pilar if she wins hoh to put up Godfrey and a floater like maybe Sarah with a backdoor plan to put up Bobby. Pilar thinks if the veto is not used though then they are waisting a week on Godfrey. Jordan them tells her that Godfrey said that he would put up Pilar and backdoor kevin, So then Pilar was ok with putting up Godfrey. Ashleigh and kevin joinj Pilar and Jordan and they agree that sarah and Brittnee would both go after Bobby and Bruno. Ashleigh says if brittnee wins HOh thenm we will just throw zack after her.
  11. 10:00pm BBT: We are still on FOTH as Hg were getting ready for their warp party they won today doing the BBTV.
  12. 8:58pm BBT: Feeds come back to Hg in the bedroom changing clothes.and talking about shoes. Willow is in the bathroom with brittnee just walking around. 9:00pm BBT: Sarah, Pilar in the bedroom talking about dressing up and putting on heels. Jordan says he is so drained after today and zack says yeah me too. Jordan ask Godfrey if he got enough sleep and Godfrey says yeah i guess. Then says we got to change. 9:04pm BBT: In the HOH rm Bruno and Kevin are laying on the bed and Johnny is on the couch while zack lays in the floor and Bobby walks around . they say they better get dressed and Bruno gets up and heads to the bathroom. BB tells some Hg to please wake up that nap time is over. Jordan is now in the KT walking around. 9:06BBT: Ashleigh is heading back upstairs. Bobby goes back to the HOh rm as he is buttoning up his shirt. Godfrey is now up getting dressed. Pilar in the HOh rm bathroom and Bruno says i am not taking a shower and Pilar says neither am I. Bruno says it is to cold. Pilar tells him no one is judging. Godfrey leaves the HOh rm and heads downstairs to the STR to return batteries. 9:09pm BBT: Jordan and Willow says that was fun and was so good . willow says i am exhausted but i am hungry i can not wait to eat. ( the have nots get to eat at the wrap party also) Pilar says i am gonna eat so much. 9:11pm BBT: Bobby comes into the bathroom and says looking great ladies and they say thank you Bobby. Pilar is fixing willow's hair for the Wrap party. 9:18pm BBT: . Ashleigh is putting her heels on and then puts jewelry on. In the bedroom zack is talking to Sarah and telling her not to worry about things as she is getting ready for the wrap party. Zack says just don't worry Sarah you and I been together since day 2. Sarah ask are we getting locked in the room again and brittnee says yeah. 9:25pm BBT: Pilar, Ashliegh and Willow in hoh bathroom finishing their make up and we get FOTH.
  13. 6:44pm BBT: Feeds are still on FOTH. 7:09pm BBT:Hg are in the BY . The judges are sitting and watching as they start the comedian show. Zack says welcome to the BB Canada for the BB search for Skills competition. Jordan says tonight we have some very talented competitions come out so we have 6 contestants come out , but first lets meet the judges. Ashleigh and johnny. 7:12pm BBT: The first act tonight is Mr Godfrey. Godfrey comes out and starts rapping. Godfrey is rapping about the other HGs. Godfrey finishes his rap and everyone claps. as they are laughing. Zack says lets take it to the judges and ashleigh says it was good bravo. johnny says the outfit was alright but his rap was kind of cheesy. Ashleigh gives Godfrey a 7 and Johnny gives Godfrey a 5. Jordan says godfrey has a total score of 12. Our next act is a stand up comedian and her name is sarah. sarah comes out and says what is the deal with BB he makes us cry and tells us every action. No wait that was graig. 7:20pm BBT: sarah is talking about all the HG and says there are three virgins in the house this year what is the chance of that? She says bruno you won 2 comps this week, pretty good for a 50 year old man. She says all of you i hate your asses get your head out of your asses and start playing the game. Everyone laughs. zack says that was very good a little harsh but good. Ashleigh says a lil harsh but good. Johnny says i thought that was on point but good.Ashleigh gives Sarah a 8 and Johnny gives her a 9 and a total scare of 17. 7:24pm BBT: next is willow dancing as she throws herself all over the stage.HG are laughing as Willow stomps and goes all over the stage. She then rubs something red all over herself.herself. Zack thinks that was kinda a success as she didn't hurt herself.Johnny says good job i guess. Ashleigh gives her a 9 and Johnny gives her a 4 with a total 13. Next act is Pilar and she is going to do artistic work.Pilar comes out giggling she says i am going to draw someone from this house and wears glasses the judges Ashleigh gives Pilar a 6 johnny gives her a 6 with a total of 12. 7:35pm BBT: next act is kevin and he will be juggling. he comes out and says no one on this stage tonight has risked their life tonight on this stage and that is what i am about to do. he goes to his bag of juggling tools and Jordan ran up and said no knives and took his knives away. kevin starts juggling and can actually juggle. Now he starts juggling eggs and says great with bacon and very hard to get out of Tshits. he now juggles 2 pineapples and a jar of pickles. Jordan says thank you the show is over. kevin joins Jordan and zack and they go to the judges. Ashleigh gives him a 8 and Johnny gives him a 6 for a total of 14. and that puts kevin in second place. 7:40pm BBT: and now the finale is a dance group of brittnee , Bruno and Bobby. they come out and the music starts.Bruno does the moon walk and Bobby break dances. Then Bruno breaks out doing the robot. the dance is over and zack and Jordan comes out and says unbelievable. Jordan says that was excellent. Ashleigh gets down on her knees and bows. Ashleigh gives them a 10 Johnny gives them a 10 with TOTAL OF 20 so they have won the skillz search competition. 7:45pm BBT: Jordan says it is time to see if we passed our mission if the score is 2 or higher we will get a wrap party. zack opens the envelope and yells we get the wrap party and everyone starts screaming and hugging and we get FOTH.
  14. 5:03BBT: Hg are getting ready for the next segment of the BBTV. Godfrey is up next dressed as Arisa. This is your host of BBCAN2. this is the most dynamic cast you will ever see. Bobby comes out says Hi i am Kenny i am a professional model and i am gay. Jordan comes up and says hey Canada you ready for the dad in the house?Johnny comes in and says I am Andrew i like hawks i have hawks tattooed on my chest. Willow is on as Sarah i am a hair stylist and a make up artist. Pilar comes out as Rachelle .Ashleigh comes out as heather and says she is am model. Bruno is John. Brittnee is Ika. Kevin is Orlie. 5:09pm BBT: Andrew has won HOH and is making his nominations as the HG sit on the couches waiting. He says as HOh i nominate netta and Paul for eviction this week. He says i nominate you Paul cause you make slanderous comments towards my family and friends. Paul says listen that man is racist and a homophobic cause he put me on the block man. Paul goes to the Dr. I know Andrew is not sexist or homophobic cause i need the house against me cause i need the house to know i am the greatest even like chill town. 5:14pm BBT: Next scene is Paul was evicted from the BB house and the next hOh is Rachelle. Sabrina goes to the DR to talk about her relationship with Rachelle. . She says i am so excited and her nomination is mine she will do what i want. Ika comes up missing but in the BY is a 5000 dollar check and letters from home . Ika is on the screen and Hg see her pick the 5000 dollars. Hg were angered and ika was evicted from the house by a unanimous vote. Hg go to BY for HOh comp to find nothing then are told that Canada is HOh this week as the Hg walk around yelling. HG to the living rm and Arisa says First up for eviction is Sabrina.the second nominations by Canada is Andrew 5:22pm BBT: Hg are still going on with the BBCAN2 show.it is eviction time for the BBCAN2 Sabrina and Andrew are on the block and John won POV and did not use the POV and it is now time to evict.By a vote of 6-0 Sabrina you are safe and Andrew you are evicted from the BB house.then Sarah went home then Kenny went home and everyone was in the BY all was Quiet till Kenny made an announcement. Kenny says I am gay.then the Hg were shocked. 5:36pm BBT: JOHn from BBCAN2 comes running out of the DR in a diaper yelling Whats up Canada as the Hg go crazy. he says Netta and him are no more and that Jordan is the new Netta.Hg are making food and eating in the KT as everyone is talking loudly at one time. 5:43pm BBT:Back to the POV and evictions for BBCAN2 John has won the pov and Sabrina and Rachelle are on the block and John gives Rachelle a chance to say why he should use the pov on her he says thats enough now Sabrina is up and John says sit down Sabrina. that's how we talk to Sabrina around here. he says i have decided to use the pov on Rachelle and the replacement nominee is Arlie. 5:49pm BBT: Sabrina and netta are on the block and John has to decide who gets evicted and who goes to final 2 so i evict netta. everyone is in shock. John then ask to see the rest of the BB house and we get FOTH. 5:54pm BBT: John has now left the house and HG's are standing around saying that was amazing and how they did not realize that it was John at first. Pilar says that was amazing. Hg are saying they are sweating.All Hg walking around the house getting ready for the next part of BBTV .
  15. 4:06pm BBT:WE now have Judge sarah show room on and everyone is guilty until proven innocent. First on trial is godfrey cause people have bones to pick with him. judge Sarah says you are guilty we need a prosecutor. Godfrey.Godfrey says what kind of show is this? Sarah says shut up you ever been on trial before? we are here cause you broke the rules man. Let me tell you now that the truth will set you free as she pops him on the arm. JP you have time to talk to Godfrey and make it good. JP says i am BB and this is my house Sarah. Sarah says go JP go. Godfrey says i like those legs Sarah and she says yeah? Sarah then says we need a new prosecutor here Kevin get over here. 4:07pm BBT: Kevin says i tell you right now this man might look awake but he is not. Godfrey says man let me tell you i got some chicken feet that looks like your legs.Sarah says hush. Sarah says it is time to defend yourself what do you have to say? Godfrey says it is actually my strategy to sleep in this house and i might look asleep but i am looking and listening i aint really asleep. 4:09pm BBT: Judge Sarah says we will need to take a break now i got some business to do. She then says who is on trial next as she gets up and leaves the room. Judge Sarah comes back walking in with Zack. Johnny is the next on trial. he says you gonna make me? Sarah says get him Kevin and johnny says get your hands off me Kevin unless you put them in a better place. Sarah says as far as i am concerned this man is guilty. He is ion trial for being a piece of sas. zack says 26 days we been in this house and this bish comes in here being all sassy. Sarah says first i need to know what a bish is. She ask for lipstick and Johnny and Sarah argue. 4:10pm BBT:sarah has the bailiff to bring a gag in for Johnny. Judge Sarah moves to Zacks lap and says she can hear better there. and starts making out with Zack and says you are guilty. She then says i am guilty of having my panties hanging out and you are guilty of making me hot and bothered, and Johnny i don't care if you are guilty. she says court over Johnny you are guilty. 4:20pm BBT: Judge Sarah is back for her next case.the next person is a gosh darn liar Bruno. She says Bruno if that is your name you are a liar. Let me ask you a question here . What do you construct if that what you do. Bruno says well i like to go home at night and construct babies. Judge Sarah says well prosecutor what you think of that? zack says well i say you keep your hands off and Sarah says zack i think i might need some more wine. Zack then tells Bruno that Judge Sarah is a bloody drunk.Judge Sarah says so i hear you are laying a sidewalk have you ever laid the pipe Bruno? Bruno laughs and says i have been known to lay the pipe Sarah and as a matter of face there is a building being erect right now. Sarah says i do hear there is a building being erected right now as we speak and Bruno says well only one problem is that it has to be straightened out first. Sarah says meet me in my chamber Bruno. 4:30pm BBT: Kevin is now on trial for stealing clothes and hearts and the prosecutor says bring in Pilar she tells them they are guilty and Kevin must kiss Pilar they kiss them Zack kisses Judge Sarah. Sarah stands up and says Guilty guilty guilty. 4:38pm BBT: Sarah is done and she tells everyone she is sorry and they all hug her and tell her it was so funny not to be sorry.
  16. 3:05pm BBT: Hg in Bathroom area getting dressed and ready In the LVR Kevin is sitting in a chair and says good morning ladies and gentlemen we have a great show planned for you and first up is a guest so welcome Justin Bieber as willow comes out in men underwear and a sock stuffed in them to look like a guy. Kevin says Justin what is it like to be the most popular person in the world and Pilar comes running in yelling. 3:06pm BBT: Kevin is asking Justin Bieber (Willow) questions about her body and then ask if we can see a little dancing. Kevin ask for a little beat as the Hg start clapping and Justin Bieber (Willow) starts dancing. The Hg are cheering her on. 3:08pm BBT: Kevin says Justin can we look forward to any concert dates soon? Justin says Court dates or concert dates? Kevin says Concert dates.. Justin thanks Kevin for letting him be on the show and leaves then Kevin introduces Godfrey the DR.Kevin says i know you study 10 to 12 hours a day on your degree so thank you for coming on our show. Godfrey says no problem so over the course of my studies i have studied Poop. He says alot of [people go to the bathroom they sit on the toilet and that's what they are supposed to do but i am worried about the elderly and the kids so when you go to the bathroom squat don't sit down . Godfrey demonstrates how to do this on the red chair. 3:14pm BBT:Kevin says lets give Dr manguisa a hand here as we move on. Kevin says our next guest is Pilar she runs in screaming. Kevin says make up and hair took care of you as her hair is a mess. she is acting hyper and Kevin says lets take this coffee from you. She says i am so excited. Kevin says Pilar has said it all already and we are just going to move on. Pilar hugs him and leaves. Kevin says lets go to our first commercial break so Jordan come on down . Jordan says every year 16 Americans are locked in a house and are forced to eat slop they are called have nots who sleep in urine and eat slop. what is slop you ask it is a concoction made of stuff that taste like dog shit. 3:19pm BBT: Pilar come here , this is Pilar she smells really bad as she is a have not in the BB canada house so please donate to this cause. 3:20BBT: Kevin is back and says they have lots coming up soon and we have BBCAN2 HG coming back for a rerun. We are very excited to have this group come in and lets keep it clean but lets bring out what we call 2 girls and a gay. In comes in brittnee and Ashleigh and johnny. Kevin says welcome.Johnny you look fantastic. We had fans fill out questions before the show and Dominic wants to know he is very worried about his kissing skills can you give him advice? Ashleigh says well i like to go in for the little caress and a nibble on the lips. Kevin says can we see some of these moves? I will volunteer to do this and Dominic pay attention and take notes please. 3:25pm BBT: Next we have Bobby he is a good looking guy. Bobby walks in with no shirt on and pajama bottoms on. Kevin says Bobby how dd you obtain a Hercules type body. Bobby says it is called cinnaslop that's what it was. one thing i would like to say about good abs is flex all the time all day but not to much that you crap on yourself. lets thank Bobby for this. kevin says he sweated on the chair so we might need to wipe that off. So we kind of ran a guest off earlier so lets bring him back come on Johnny. Kevin then ask him about his clothes. 3:28pm BBT: Kevin ask Johnny if he has a crush on anyone in the house and Johnny says you know i am crushing on all the men in the house. 330PM bbt::it is time for another commercial break so Jordan come on down for another commercial. Jordan comes in and says Once again Canada i am here to tech you about slop. Slop is the most disgusting and vile thing to eat. But you can add spice and stuff but it taste like burnt. I mean burnt. Jordan takes a bite of the slop chip and says you know when you cook a burger to long and it taste like crap well that's how bad slop taste. My good friend Brittnee actually said she rather cover herself in ketchup, mustard AND MAYO AND SHOWER IN IT THAN EAT SLOP I HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN HER EAT SALSA ALONE INSTEAD OF SLOP THAT'S HOW BAD IT IS. 3:37pm BBT: Justin Bieber is back on with Kevin and Kevin says welcome back and i just have to apologize to you. he says thank you. Kevin says can we see your tattoos again. He says i am human i feel things. Kevin says ladies are throwing lingerie at you on the set now. Justin (willow) says i have to keep this body up and i do lunges that's why i wear my pants low so my lunges are better.Kevin says Justin do you want a family? He says I am a man now i am 21 now so maybe in the next year i want a family cause i am a man now. 3:41pm BBT: Kevin says thank you Justin Bieber. Kevin says BBTV rolls on as soon a Justin moves on. coming up in about 10 minutes we will have court room judgement. lets bring in the judge for that. Sarah walks in and Kevin says judge Sarah please sit down , she yells your guilty guilty. Kevin says who is on trial here and Judge Sarah says we have alot of people on trial. Godfrey is on trial for breaking rules and taking naps. 3:46pm BBT: kevin says we are going to take a small break then we will be back.
  17. 2:09pm BBT: All HG'S are in the HOh rm everyone is talking at one time about the task they have to do today.Pilar is drawing pictures on Willow's arms. 2:14pm BBT: Hg are all talking at one tome and Sarah says we should watch the swearing on this segment of BBTV. Everyone agrees they should. They are talking about acting out some scenes from BBCAN2. Jordan says lets not be locked into character for BBCAN2 though. Willow says yeah yeah. 2:21pm BBT: Hg discussing what they will do and say on the BBTV show. Sarah says she will just rip on everyone so she apologizes in advance. 2:29pm BBT: Jordan talking about hosting and how he will call brittnee over into a relationship and start making out. Bruno tells will there be tongue? brittnee says ok lets do it. Brittnee says i am so nervous now cause i don't want this to suck. 2:41pm BBT: Hgs still sitting in the HOh rm talking about doing the BBTV that begins in 19 minutes. 2:57pm BBT: We are on FOTH as HG's get ready for the BBTV.
  18. 1:00:pm BBT: Hg are locked out of the house and sitting by the hot tub talking about the movie Titanic. 1:18pm BBT: Feeds come back after a brief FOTh and Hg are talking about a TV task Hg are excited and deciding what to wear. and we go back to FOTH. 1:26pm BBT: Feeds back Jordan says ok guys for the BB search for Skittles we will need 1 hg to host 2 to be judges and the rest of the HG to perform in the talent show in these categories 1 rapper, 3 to be in the dance troop, 1 stand up comedian, 2 performance artist, and one characteristis .Music will be provided for the dance troop and a beat for the rapper and paper provided for the comedians part . 1:30pm BBT: Hg are talking about what they will wear and who will do what. Host will be Jordan or Zack or maybe both. Johnny and Ashleigh will be judges, Godfrey will be the rapper, Bobby, Bruno and Sarah will be the dancers, 2 performance artist will be Kevin and willow. and charecterist is Pilar. 1:40pm BBT: Hg are wigging out and going through clothes that BB has provided them. 1:42pm BBT: Hg are all talking and laughing about the wigs and shoes and costumes they have to put on. 1:50pm BBT: Hg still trying on costumes and wigs and just talking about what they will have to do and then saying they only have one hour till the BBTV starts. 1:52pm BBTL Bruno, Bobby and brittnee in the STR with music going practicing their dance moves . 1:58pm BBT: Brittnee says i am so excited guys we are going to do so good as they walk out of the STR to the KT and get water. Brittnee says we got to figure out what else to do cause i don't know if i want to do the robot. and we get FOTH.
  19. 1:01pm BBT: kevin, Bruno and Zack walking and running in the BY as Bobby is doing sit ups. Kevin tells Bruno not to worry if he is talking to Johnny this week it means nothing cause Johnny is gone this week no matter what. Bruno says i understand man and they start running again. 1:12pm BBT: Pilar goes to the bedroom and Kevin tells her hello cutie. he comments her on her hair and then he kisses her. willow walks in and says sorry guys. Kevin leaves the room and Willow and Pilar get clothes to change into. 1:20pm BBT: Hg are sitting around the house and the BY just general talk going on. 1:31pm BBT: Johnny and Sarah in the LVR talking. In the BY is Bobby,Kevin. Bruno. zack and ashleigh on the couches just talking about movies. 1:41pm BBT: HG are running around screaming and yelling saying thank you BB. They was given juice and pickles and food with pictures on them.Ashleigh says thank you Bb i can so kiss your face or whatever i am so freakin excited . 1: 44pm BBT: Hg are going to start cooking noodles and chicken now . Everyone is talking loudly at one time as they are excited and yelling thank you BB. 1:49pm BBT: Zack and Godfrey are in the BY working out with weights as the other Hg are in the house still yelling thank you Bb and making food. 1:54pm BBT: Willow in the Ky with all the Hg except Godfrey who is in the BY saying Bb knows how much we love our pickles. Jordan says we are not throwing these bottles away we will make a shrine out of the empty bottles.
  20. 12:07pm BBT: Most hg have now moved to the bathroom area to do hair cuts. pilar says she is a hair dresser. They talk about Godfrey saying he is a barber. Johnny says yeah you seen what he did to Bobby's hair and they all laugh. 12:11pm BBT: Ashleigh is trying on a shirt Naeha left behind and she says it is like she is wearing two bra's. Willow and Pilar say they have high wasted leggings she could wear with it. Ashleigh says then i can look like Sandy in Grease. 12:23pm BBT: Hg are talking in the LVR just general talk going on. In the bathroom areas ashleigh, Pilar and willow are talking about being on slop and drinking iced coffee. 12:37pm BBT: Willow, Ashleigh and Pilar in the bathroom area doing their nails. Willow says i am going to give you this. if we go out there next week and we have a step up and step down or an A B or true and false then we know it will be a double eviction. If it is a normal comp then you know it will be a normal week. 12:40pm BBT: In the Kt brittnee is washing dishes and Bruno tells her he has her and she is good with him in the house. She says thank you. Brittnee ask do you think they will give you a cake for your birthday or you just going to have pie? Bruno says i don't care either way i am just glad to be here on my birthday. 12:54pm BBT: General talk going on in the house. Pilar and willow in HOH rm doing Willow's nails.
  21. 11:01am BBT: Brittnee is called to the Dr and Godfrey tells zack he has never seen him so tired. he says you must have had a wild night. 11:04am BBT: Bruno, Bobby, and Kevin in the hot tub talking about what will happen if Godfrey wins HOH. Bruno says with Godfrey who knows i don't even talk game with him. Kevin says Neither do I. Bruno says if Sarah wins HOH one of us 3 will go up maybe with Godfrey being the pawn. 11:09am BBT: Bruno is saying that Johnny tells him he does not talk game with anyone and he never talked game with Naeha and Bruno says i know he was talking game with her. Bobby says everyone says they are not talking game. 11:11am BBT: Bruno says if Johnny stays this week he will go all the way. he saved himself last week and if he saves himself this week he will make it all the way to the money. He would even throw his best friend under the bus to keep himself safe. 11:13am BBT: Bruno tells Kevin and Bobby that what is done is done and it is up to you guys if he leaves this week or not. The guys say they get to set and relax the rest of the week now and not worry about anything. They get out of the hot tub saying they are boiling and head inside. 11:15am BBT: Ashleigh, Pilar and brittnee in the bathroom putting on make up. as Jordan goes to the hot tub to talk to Kevin who decided to stay in for awhile . he says i was talking to Bruno and Bobby and they was trying to sell me on the hoh thing. Kevin says then that the noms are locked and Jordan says yeah they are locked. Jordan says what are they telling you how to run an HOH? Kevin says yeah Bruno says we have a good thing here. He then says Bruno is smart man, But we are good. Jordan says yeah we got it man it is all pretty simple. 11:19am BBT: Kevin tells Jordan we just got to study more on who went out on comps first and what order they went out and who played in each comp. 11:28am BBT: Johnny, Sarah and Kevin talking around the hot tub about decorating their homes.In the bathroom ashleigh is still doing her make up and Bobby is combing his hair. 11:33am BBT: Jordan and Godfrey in the living room talking about taking classes and the food they got to eat in college. 11:35am BBT: Bruno and zack in the KT making coffee and eating and talking general talk.Bobby comes in looking for butter but Bruno doesn't think they have anymore. 11:42am BBT: Sarah is done smoking and is going inside to lay on the couch.Kevin says i love her and Johnny says me too. Kevin says she is such a bright light. Johnny tells Kevin he knew when he went out to play the POV he knew he had no shot. Kevin says well if we can get the votes. Johnny says can we get the votes? Kevin says well maybe. Johnny says can we get willow and ashleigh cause i don't know if they are willing to vote against you know? 11:45am BBT: Johnny says why couldn't that comp be how much do you want it cause i would have done anything to win it i would have given up anything even the grand prize. 11:46am BBT: Willow,bobby, Bruno and zack in the Kt eating and talking general talk. other Hg can be heard in the LVR talking and giggling. 11:52am BBT: Most Hg in the LVR listening to Godfrey telling a story about getting stung . 11:58am BBT: Bobby comes out of the STR and Godfrey ask him if he made a slop shake and Bobby says no it is ice coffee. Hg are just sitting around in the LVR talking general talk.
  22. 1:00pm - 2:00pm BBT: Godfrey get told to wake up that nap time is over. Zack and Jordan talk in the STr about Bobby saying they need to get Kevin out. Jordan says if Johnny wins this pov we are screwed.Jordan tells zack he is going for it and next week Bobby needs to go. zack agrees and tells him he thinks he can get Bobby to throw HOH next week. Ashleigh comes in and tells them Bobby said he didn't give a shit about winning the veto cause he will not take slop or any punishments. Pialr comes in and they tell her that Kevin needs to win. In the bedroom Zack tells Sarah he has to win HOH next week and go after Bobby but tell Bobby we are going after Kevin. 2:09pm BBT: Feeds go to FOTH. 3:18pm BBT: We are still on FOTH as Hg might be playing for the POV.
  23. 12:00pm BBT: We now have FOTH. 12:11pm BBT: Most Hg are sitting in the LVR and the screen says POV Competition Today. Zack is jogging up and down the stairs. Just general talk going on about drinking. 12:14pm BBT: Jordan comes in and says i am sorry guys and everyone tells him its ok dude. Don't worry about it. Bruno says it is all good buddy. Bobby is ion the bedroom getting a shirt on then heads to the KT to check on the slop chips he is making for Pilar. 12:19pm BBT: Sarah goes to the bedroom to look for Jordan and ask Godfrey if he is ok. Godfrey says yeah he is ok. Sarah then says it was all of us and we should all own up to what we do. They leave the bedroom and go to the LVR where all the other Hg are just lounging around. 12:21pm BBT: Sarah goes to the STR to get the medical kit and Kevin goes in and tells her she is good and not to worry. He then leaves her to get her bandages. 12:25pm BBT: Pilar is in the bedroom, Kevin comes in and ask her if she is ok. She says yeah i am just changing clothes cause i am cold. he tells her to come lay with him and chill and talk about life.She gets in the bed covers up and they start kissing. 12:35pm BBT: Sarah talking to Jordan about what happened earlier. Sarah says you was not being malicious it was your since of humor and we all curse sometimes. Jordan says yeah but not at them. 12:41pm BBT: Johnny is now helping Sarah doctor her knees as brittnee is telling about how bad the texture of the slop cakes were earlier and she just couldn't eat them. 12:46pm BBT: Kevin and Pilar are still in bed kissing and snuggling. In the HOh rm Zack is giving Willow a back rub. 12:52pm BBT: Zack still rubbing Willows back as Bruno comes in and ask Willow how she is today. Willow says i am stiff today and just sore. 12:58pm BBT: Bobby calls Pilar to try his slop chips with salsa. She says it is really good and they get brittnee to try it. brittnee says i like the salsa. Pilar says this is so freaking good bobby.
  24. 11:02am BBT: Hg are starting to leave the HOh rm as they talk about the veto comp should be later tonight. 11:04am BBT: Ashleigh and Zack are in the bathroom talking about her putting make up on. She tells him you should let me do your make up. he says he doesn't like it. Ashleigh says all you guys should let us girls do your make up. 11:09am BBT: Brittnee and Sarah in the bedroom talking. Sarah says that all them girls are with Bruno and Bobby. She says these people need to get their crap together. Sarah says that Pilar looks at her like why are you annoyed and i don't get it i was nice to her when she was on the block. Brittney says you have to stay positive and Sarah says ok i know it is just hard. 11:12am BBT: Brittnee says i don't know that Kevin will use the pov cause it will put a target on his back. But will he use it on Johnny like Johnny used it on Kevin. So makes you wonder how much do they have each others back. 11:17am BBT: Willow, Bruno and Bobby in hoh talking about the remote always being broken. Bruno says he is glad that Kevin got picked for veto. Kevin says i wont use it you know that i will keep it the same. Bruno says i just hope i can play with my thumb. 11:22am BBT: Kevin leaves the HOh rm and says we will win. Willow and Bobby leave the HOh rm to go to the KT to make tea. 11:24am BBT: Brittnee, Sarah and Jordan and Kevin in t he bedroom talking. brittnee tells Sarah that she will not shave her head for her but will do anything else. Jordan and Kevin leave and hugs the girls and says we got this we will work it out. 11:28am BBT:In the bathroom Pilar comes in and says the coffee. Johnny says live feeders Kevin brittnee and Bobby are playing the veto today. 11:30am BBT: Johnny tells brittnee that he will shave his head he will go the rest of the time on slop or do anything. Even if there was no prize money at the end i would still do it all just for the experience. Brittney says i will not shave my head at all for anyone. 11:33am BBT: In the Kt Ashleigh, Pilar Bobby, Godfrey and Bruno are talking about what the veto comp might be and Ashleigh says it will be a timed one or a how bad do you want it comp. They say that Johnny will do anything to win. 11:35am BBT: Pilar and Ashleigh ask Bobby if he will shave his head to win the veto and pilar says it is half shaved already. They then ask Bobby if he will go on slop for 2 weeks and Bobby says i aint trying to win this and hell no i wont go on slop for any time. 11:41am BBT: Ashleigh and Bobby in the STR trading hats. Bobby says i can not rock a cap. Ashleigh tells him to turn it backwards then she burps real loud and Bobby says that was a good one. She says it was ok. They leave the STR and go back to the KT. Bobby says ok i am going to try to make chips if i can. 11:44am BBT: Brittnee is eating slop with maple syrup and she starts gagging and then Bobby starts gagging and says B. She says sorry sorry. 11:50BBT: Bobby is making Pilar slop chips and she tells him Thank You and that he is keeping her alive. Godfrey and Jordan are working out in the Living rm as Pilar, Willow and ashleigh are sitting on the couches just watching them telling them good job.
  25. 503pm BBT: Feeds are back. an in the bathroom Jordan taking his mic off. ,Ashleigh, Pilar, Zack and Kevin in the living room wearing pajamas.Sarah has skinned up Knees she said was from the knee pads she had to wear. Jordan is trying to put doctor it and Bobby holds her while he does. 5:07pm BBT: Godfrey comes in and tells Sarah she needs to put salt on her open wound. Ashleigh goes to the bathroom and ask Willow if she is ok. Willow is in the shower and says no. zack comes in and sits down but is not talking.Johnny comes in and ashleigh says wish you guys could keep them jammies and johnny says i know they are so comfy. Jordan comes in and said he was nervous he couldn't see what everyone else was doing. 5:12pm BBT:Johnny is in the hoh rm with Bruno talking about what Graig had said and how he said alot of hurtful things to me and about me but as far as last week went i was not HOH so that was not on me. Bruno says i agree you won it and you deserve it.Johnny says i am in a tough pickle this week as everyone knows. Bruno says it isn't you i would love to work with you but i can not make 10 enemies and i hope you do win the veto and take yourself down. 5:18pm BBT: Sarah is in the bedroom getting a towel so she can take a shower.Willow just got out of the shower. Sarah says i am glad you are fine. willow says i am fine i was just embarrassed. Johnny comes in and says its ok i wanted to be a have not so its fine. Sarah says willow you did fine it was like 12-15 in 20 minutes. Sarah says Willow you did good you didn't quit like i did at the beginning at a challenge again. 5:20pm BBT: sarah says willow you did great being blind folded crawling on the ground and getting zapped.Willow saya it was the fence that got me the worst i would run into it. 5:23pm BBT: In the HOh rm Ashleigh Bobby and Bruno talking. Bruno tells them about the talk he had with Johnny and how he told him to win the veto . he says i just don't want the guy to feel alone cause no one should feel alone. 5:25pm BBT: In the bathroom Willow and Johnny are sitting in silence as Sarah and Kevin are taking a shower. BB calls Willow to the DR.Back in the HOH rm most Hg's are there talking about they got eggs , steak, wine, cheese, cereal, beer, candy and cheesecake in the food comp today. 5:29pm BBT: Sarah was going to the hoh rm and stubbed her toe and left and went back down stairs.Johnny goes to check on her and she says she is ok. Johnny says you screamed and your face looked like you was in alot of pain. She says i think i broke it. Bruno looks and says yeah looks like you might have broke it. She goes to the couch and says i think i need to relax is all. Bruno sits with her and tells her that he really likes her and it is nothing personal. Sarah says i know and i just want to let you know if i go up its fine i respect your decision. 5:35pm BBT: Sarah telling Bruno that she didn't win hoh Brittnee had it so I didn't put anyone up i didn't make the decisions. Bruno says i know but people look at it like you both won and was working together. Bruno says you are not on my radar and if you ever come to my house i will welcome you. 5:40pm BBT: Bruno gives Sarah a hug and tells her to take care of her foot. Sarah sits on the couch drinking water. Bruno and Bobby go to the STR. Bobby says he is sure Johnny and Kevin are working together as he seen them whispering together on the couch earlier.Bobby says Kevin Johnny AShleigh and Pilar have something going on.then they leave the STR. 5:47pm BBT: Sarah has gone to the bedroom and tells Brittnee she is going on the block and brittnee says i am going to do everything i can to save you. You saved me and i will do the same for you. 5:48pm BBT: Pilar comes in and ask brittnee and Sarah if they like coffee and if they want some. They say no thank you. brittnee tells pilar she will lose weight and Pilar leaves the room.



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