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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:04pm BBT: Ashleigh and Pilar in bathroom doing their hair just general talk. out at the hot tub Bruno, Zach , Brittnee and Sarah are talking about driving and being a defensive driver. 12:07pm BBT: By the hot tub talk is about drinking and driving and how they should not do it. Sarah says if you lose a licence for driving under the influence then you should not get them back cause driving is a privilege. Zack says a ticket for DWI now is like 300 dollars. Ashleigh AND Pilar comes out of the bathroom and Pilar Says Jordan what are we doing today and he says i do not know and she laughs. Out in the BY Willow and Kevin are running as ashleigh is looking for her flip flops. 12:13pm BBT: Back at the hot tub Bruno is telling Sarah and brittnee and Zach that when you have kids there is always something to do always. he says my days are full of shit and snot but i would not trade it for anything in this world. 12:15pm BBT: Bobby is doing sit ups in the have not room where he and Sindy are in solitaire confinement. Sindy is laying on the bed the clock says 23:04:17 as their time to go on the clock Sindy says so we can go to bed in like 10 hours as Bb told them nap time is over and they can not go to sleep. Sindy then says they will probably keep us up all night huh? Bobby says yeah probably. 12:18pm BBT: Bobby says what me not be able to play hoh since i am working out to much. he then say some deodorant would be nice right now. He then says we can play a game with the vaults so i will walk around and find a number and then i will give you a clue. He lays on the bed and says ok i got my vault let me think of clues. he says this box is in the section with the most boxes in the section. Sindy says ok time to work out let me put on my sweater she gets up and Bobby says yeah one hour and they hug. 12:21pm BBT: Sindy lays on the bed and says she is tired. Bobby lays down and says so i have done 200 right and she says yes. sindy says the house will be just as bored as we are cause they have nothing to do either today. Sindy says they do not know about the buttons or they would run in and say press it and other will say no don't touch it. Bobby says i think this is a tourcher thing though. Sindy says i do not think that it is an exit button and Bobby says that Bb said do not take this task lightly. 12:24pm BBT: Bobby and Sindy just laying in silence as the clock is counting down it now says 22:54:35. Sindy says she is hungry now and Bobby says yeah me too. Sindy says they will probably give us a time where we can eat and go to the bathroom. Bobby says we will have to tell them when we need to go to the bathroom. Sindy says i do not think they are going to let us sleep. She ask do you think they are going to torcher us and not let us sleep to see if we will push that button? Bobby says yeah probably it is going to be torcher. 12:28pm BBT: Bobby says we got this Sindy we can do this. Sindy says why is it always our group that loses? Bobby laughs.
  2. 11:27am BBT: The girls are in the KT saying at least they get beds. brittnee says the smell of something is making her sick and sarah says i do not know how long they let this set out but i am cooking it anyways. Zach comes in and talks about task and willow says i think it is going to be alot of task through out the day. Zach says maybe it will be letters or phone calls from home. 11:29pm BBT: Jordan and kevin whispering in the hoh rm . Jordan says i do not know if Sarah told him that or what But next week we need to win and take the veto cause they think you are with them. Jordan says i am close to Sarah as well and Sarah trust me as well. Kevin tells Jordan that Sarah is doubting you and Zach now. Jordan says should i tell her about the chop shop then? Kevin says no i do not think so not right now. 11:33am BBT: Kevin says Pilar told him that if she wins HOH she doesn't know what she will do. In the have not rm there is a timer set for 24 hours. sindy says second clue is make a knight move from the higher number box and Bobby is thinking. Bobby is pointing at the wall saying make a knight move and he says this one? Sindy is going over clues with Bobby and he says ok i have to count the vaults. 11:38pm BBT:Bobby says he has to count the vaults on each side of the room and starts counting He says there is 126 on one side and starts counting the other side. there is 64. He asked to repeat the clue. Sindy says the vault number you are finding equals the sum of the number of boxes in the most section plus the number of boxes in the least section plus the lowest number. Clue number 4 is the first number and the last number of the row and it equals to 2000. they are now adding to see if it is right. 11:54pm BBT: Brittnee talking about Bobby and Sindy being in 24 hour solitary confinement. She says Sindy you better not be stealing my snuggle partner in there i want him back after you get out of there. 11:56pm BBT: Bruno and Zach in the hot tub talking about People being to close to Sarah. In the bathroom Ashleigh talking to Pilar and Jordan about it being Sindy's Birthday today She then says she is not going to do full make up today. Back in the hot tub Sarah comes out to smoke and says something is up and Bruno says it is great out here and Sarah says it is gorgeous out here as it is raining.
  3. 9:07pm BBT: Sindy now telling brittnee that the house is divided the youngest to the oldest and brittnee agrees it is. Sindy says so Jordan needs to go this week and next week we need Willow Bobby or Bruno to leave and i don't care who is upset. 9:22pm BBT: Pilar and Ashleigh gathering laundry to go wash. Pilar says this day has flew by. Bruno Godfrey and Kevin are talking in the BY talking about Bb getting them a bucket of chicken. They then talk about how rough it is being on slop. 9:26pm BBT: Jordan, Zach and brittnee by the pool talking about making Pizza. In the BY Pilar is telling Bruno how to make her special sauce for the slop chips and laughing alot. 9:41pm BBT: Zach and brittnee in the Kt, Sarah comes in and says the Pizza's are in the oven now. brittnee says Sindy just cleaned the whole KT. BT the Pool is Jordan and Ashleigh talking. Brittnee comes out and they tell her to play ball with Bobby and he would have a good time. 9:45pm BBT: Zach and Sarah at the hot tub and Zach gets in the hot tub with his mic pack on and realizes it and pulls it out of the water. Sarah tells zach she was freaking out cause he did not use the Veto and if i had won it then i might not have used it cause i would have been afraid you would put up Kevin and zach says no no if i hadn't have won it you would have so we was good either way. brittnee comes out and sits with Sarah.
  4. 7:00pm-8:00pm BBT: Sarah and zach talk and she tells himm it is ok she knows he is playing both sides. She says i freaked out some when i seen how close you was with BObby and bruno but i know it can help us both by doing that.Zach tells her he knows he can not stay with them guys cause they will beat me in the end, Jordan tells Zach that they can still use sarah for a couple of more weeks . Jordan then tells him that he has no desire to win HOh this wek at all he will throw it cause he does not want to be the one to take Sindy out of the house.Talk between Jordan and zach is about who to take out next and that Willow is a rat in the house and needs to go soon. 8:00pm-9:00pm BBT: Most hg have been in the BY playing with the football. Sindy has been in the HOh rm repeating herself over and over about voting Jordan out this week as brittnee has been rolling her eyes. Pilar and Kevin have been making out in the hottub and Sarah just walking around the house.
  5. 6:00pm-7:00pm BBT: Sindy tells Sarah and Zbrittnee that they need to keep Godfrey as he will be a vote to get Zach out. They agree it would be the best move for them. Sindy thinks she can get brunos vote since he wants to work with me.Sarah says she could go to bruno also but she is scared to go talk to him cause shemight get thrown under the bus. Sindy goes to talk to Bruno and he is thinking of keeping Jordan this week so Sindy tells him that she wants to keep Jordan and she knows Jordan will work with her but it is better for her game to get rid of Jordan. Bruno agrees with her. Bruno says i do not know iof Bobby will vote Jordan out and sindy says that no one has to know that Bobby votes jordan out.Bruno ask will sarah vote Jordan out and Sindy says yeah i will talk to her again though. briuno says talk to her and let me know then their talk was interupted. Sindy goes to sarah and tells her about her talk with Bruno, sarah ask is bruno lying and sindy says no I will talk to him again and if they are one hundred percent on board to evict jordan are you? sarah says it is what has to be done.
  6. 3:00pm-4:00pm BBT: Sarah tells Jordan she is som stressed and that she needs infoermation from him He tells her that bruno is threatened by her. Sarahn talks about Their talk lastnight about the other allinace of Zach ashleigh Bobby and bruuno and willow. and how they work together. Jordan tells her she is right there is an alliance He says i have known about it since graig left. Sarah says i need you to tell me things like i tell you things She says i tell you everything and i trust you but it is going to end up screwing me. Jordan tells her he could have talked to Zach and screwd her already but he didnt. He tells her i am staying on the block and that she is not going on the block. Sarah ask if he has something going on with Ashkeigh andf zach abnd he says no he has nothing going on with them.Sarah and Jordan go on more about the allaince and how Jordan is close to Zach. Jordan then says i know i will gt nominated next to Sindy next week. 5:00pm-6:00pm BBT: Feeds return after the Veto ceremony and Zach did not use the POV on anyone as Niominations remain the same
  7. 12:00pm-1:00pm BBT: The chop shop meet to talk about who is in what alliance and Bruno says that sarah is dangerous Zack then says that sarah has to go after Sindy goes.ack says they can figure out who to niominate between Sindy, Sarah and brittney and any combination of those three will work as no one knows about the chop shop. Sarah and Godfrey talked about there being a big alliance and Godfrey told her that is is actually small. He tells her the alliance is Ashleigh, zack, Jordan and Willow. e tells her that each one of them is working on another HG but bruno and Bobby are not in it. Godfrey tyells sarah that he has realized that he is going out the door this week. Godfrey wans Sarah that just because people act as if they are with her does not mean that she is safe and he tells him she knows that. 2:00pm-3:00pm BT:Sarah and brittnee talk about Godfrey and him saying that He has Bobby and brunos Votes. brittnee says he is crazy sarah tells her she wants to send Jordan home , She wants to blow everything up and Brittnee says that it would be fun to blow it all up.Brittnee says we need to wait till after the veto meeting before we do anything.
  8. 8:00am-9:00am BBT: Bruno and Bobby talk and Bruno tells that Godfrey went to Zack and threw them under the bus. Bobby tells him thats fine then Godfrey will be voted out this week he needs to go. Bruno says that Godfrey told him that Zack was going to backdoor Bobby this week. Now Bruno and Bobby are scared that Godfrey will tell Kevin that they plan to back door him next week.Bruno then tells BObby that Sarah and Jordan can not be trusted cause he caught them talking in the middle of the night alone. Bobby tells bruno he trust Zack and that he will realize the chop shop is the best alliance in the house as no one knows about that one and they know about the others. Bruno says he doesnt think Backdooring Kevin is a good idea anymore since they brought someone back with a twist. 9:00am-10:00am BBT: Bobby ask Zack if he was leaving the noms the same. zack says yeah. Zack ask if bruno told Bobby about Godfrey throwing them under the bus and he says yeah he did. Zack says he now feels good about sending Godfrey home this week and the chop shop is safe cause no one knows about us. 11:00am-12:00pm BBT: Sindy tells brittnee and sarah they need to create some paranoia In the house and to vote Jordan out of the house instead of Godfrey. Sarah says that everyone will knwo it is us who did it. Sindy says that Jordan will be with me no matter what. Sarah feels like no one cares about Jordan anyways. sarah says well Zack doeas not trust us anyways. Godfrey talks to Sindy about What everyone said when she was coming back in the housem that she will be the next one out because she has had 2 live3s already. He then tells hwer if he stays this week that it could be he will be the biggers tastrget and they will not nominate her as they will go after him. Jordan tells zack thatn he tyolod Sindy about the pact to get her out od the house next , He said im was testing hwer when i told her. Jordan says he was afraid he would get used as a pawn against Sindy. Zack tells him that it will not happen. Bobby joins Zack and Jordan and lets Jordan know he is safe this week.
  9. 2:19pm BBT: Hg are excited about the evicted HG playing in a comp. Kevin says they was all drenched. Jordan says i seen the screen as we was playing cards and i seen them playing and i was like i haven't seen this game before. Kevin saying we have to win the next HOH guys. Zack ask who will be the most Chaotic and they say Risha. Bruno says Risha will be out for blood. Hg are very excited and walking all around the house. saying someone is coming back in later today so we have to win HOh next week. Godfrey says whoever comes back guys we send them back out. 2:22pm BBT:Godfrey and Kevin, Bruno and Bobby says who ever comes in man they have to go. Bruno says whoever comes in is going right back to that group and you know that group is going to be reunited. 2:24pm BBT:Most Hg in the LVR talking about what if the evicted HG comes back for next weeks HOH or if they don't come back till Wednesday and be HOH. Sarah says why would they do all this work to have someone come back in and be slaughtered? Brittnee says never a dull moment in here BB never a dull moment. 2:28pm BBT: Hg talking at at one time about the Evicted Hg and who wants it more. Sarah says i am about to pass out here. BB calls zack to the DR. HG says that Naeha wants it bad and Johnny too. 2:29pm BBT: Bruno says wow those are five fierce competitors up there right now man. Godfrey says imagine if the POV is the same as the evicted HG are doing right now? 2:34pm BBT: Brittnee comes in the STR with Zack, Sarah and Jordan, Jordan says if Risha comes back then she loves zack and Graig was hurting you could tell that. Sarah says who ever comes back we will take the heat but we have the votes anyways. Brittnee looks at the camera and says Graig i know you didn't think i had it in me but i back doored you bud.Jordan says if Johnny comes back he will jump right back in no problem and if Sindy comes back i can pull her back in. 2:38pm BBT: Ashleigh , Brittnee and Sarah in STR talking about if Graig comes back then brittnee and Sarah are screwed. Ashleigh says no he wont be back he was struggling so i see Graig falling then Risha then Johnny and Naeha then Sindy and Sindy will be coming back is what i think. 2:40pm BBT: In the HOh rm Bruno, Zack and Willow are talking Jordan is also there. They say they have to win HOH next week. Willow says it sucks we just lost a week now. Jordan says well now we know that when we get to jury no one is coming back this is it. Willow agrees. Bruno says Sindy isn't bad if she comes back. Jordan says Johnny is a great player but he isn't strong. 2:44pm BBT: Sarah comes into the HOh rm and says this is so messed up. Willow says there wont be a veto today so they will; come back in and their chip will be in there to play POv too. 2:46pm BBT: Bruno says Risha spent 23 days in sequester she did not look happy. Willow says she will be out for revenge. willow says they all looked strong out there though. They say no one should have 2 lives in this game there should just be one. Bruno says the only one that deserves to come back is Naeha. they all agree with him. Bobby says man they were battling hard man. They say how epic was that arena that was set up and the uniforms. 2:49pm BBT: Bruno says we all said it at the beginning that if anyone ever came back in this house they would leave again. Willow says so you think next Wednesday will be a double.? zack says that will be messed up if it is. 2:52pm BBT: In the LVR Ashleigh, Pilar,brittnee, Sarah and Godfrey talking about if Graig comes back in but Pilar says Graig did not look good out there so i do not think he will be back. Godfrey says anyone could win that challenge. BB calls all Hg to the HOH bedroom. Everyone in HOh and Sarah says we got each others back guys and whoever comes into this house we will be nice to them but they will know that they have no way in hell of making it. 2:55pm BBT:Hg are sitting in HOh rm not saying alot . They are all in a panic as to who will come back and when they will be back in the house. 2:56pm BBT: BB comes on the speaker warning the HG to watch their language. Bruno is called to the DR. WE now have FOTH.
  10. 2:09pm BBT: Hg are screaming as the screen is showing the Evicted Hg playing a game. Pilar says i told you they are playing to come back and we get FOTH.
  11. 1:00pm BBT: Pilar says she wants to play this POV comp but yet i want to host too. Willow says this is going to be an intense comp. She then says i want to play in this POV. 1:08pm BBT: Most Hg still in Kt eating or playing cards. Pilar and Ashleigh in the bedroom getting dressed after their bubble bath. 1:16pm BBT: All HG in KT area just playing cards and walking around and eating as everyone is talking at one time about food and the card game. 1:33pm BBT: Hg still eating and playing cards Just general talk going on . 1:53pm BBT: Most Hg at the KT table playing cards. Sarah is washing dishes.
  12. 12:05pm BBT: willow, Ashleigh and Kevin laying on the HOh bed talking about how drunk Godfrey got the other night and how bad he was hung over. 12:12pm BBT: Pilar is french braiding Sarah's hair and BB tells Sarah to put her mic on. Brittnee tells Pilar she misses Candles as she always burns candles and has a glass of wine to relax. 12:14pm BBT: Bruno and Jordan are in the KT cleaning. Bruno says My wife will be so proud.Jordan ask where is everyone? In the HOh rm probably? Bruno says yeah probably. Jordan says i just want to get the draw going for the veto so i can breath easier. 12:17pm BBT: Bruno says we will be ok this week. Jordan says yeah i just want to win the POV so i will be safe. Jordan tells Bruno that zack told him he was going to go up but I told him obviously i don't want to but i trust you and we will go from here. Bruno says yeah i was kinda shocked there. Jordan said i would have been too if Zack hadn't have told me.Bruno says it will all work out man. Jordan says yeah i know but its a game and we will all have to go up . 12:23pm BBT: Just general talk going in the HOH rm Brittnee says Guys it is so boring in here. Willow says something is up i want to pick players for the POV comp. 12:26pm BBT: Bruno and Jordan are gathering the cards they made lastnight and are going to try to play crazy eight. 12:33pm BBT: Ashleigh and Pilar are in the HOh bathtub taking a bubble bath. Pilar asking Ashleigh if she likes zack and she whispers obviously.Pilar says she has to be careful with Kevin.Zack walks into the HOh bathroom and they say hi to him and ask him if he wants to join the bubble bath. he says no i don't think i will fit. 12:40pm BBT: Ashleigh tells Pilar that she wants to take Brittnee out of this game so badly cause she plays with her emotions.Pilar says i want Bobby to go and ashleigh says and Godfrey. Pilar says i want Bobby to go first. Ashleigh says yeah it might have to be a backdoor, Pilar agrees. 12:42pm BBT: Ashleigh says if bruno goes home this week then Bobby is going to be mad so as long as Bobby, Godfrey or brittnee doesn't win HOh next week we are good .Ashleigh says and Sarah we don't know what she will do. 12:47pm BBT: Pilar and Ashleigh are now talking about what dresses they want to wear and Kevin comes in and ask if there is room for one more and they tell him yes come on in. They ask him to come closer and they give him a bubble beard. Ashleigh says he looks like young Santa Clause. He says he is going to go get lunch and for them to enjoy their bath. 12:53pm BBT: Zack and Kevin in the STR talking about what votes they have to get Bruno out this week. Kevin says we have 5 and if it blows up then i will pull Willow aside and tell her that i was thinking of turning and tell her everything Bobby comes in and talking stops. Bobby leaves the STR and then Brittnee comes in.Kevin then leaves the STR. 12:55pm BBT: Most HG in the KT making food for lunch. Pilar and ashleigh still in the Bubble bath giving shout outs to friends and family.
  13. 11:01am BBT: Sarah and willow in HOH rm talking about when they was picking teams and it was done so backwards.Sarah says ok so hoe does a couch not know how to pick teams. Willow says slow down you are making me nauseous. Sarah laughs and says ok lets talk about Sindy with an "S". Willow leaves the HOh rm. 11:09am BBT: Zack talking to Willow and Sarah about the POV today and Willow says she does not want to shower if she is going to play in the POV cause it would be a waste of a shower. Willow then as i Wonder what Bb would say if we both (Sarah and Willow) got in the shower together? Zack says nothing. 11:14am BBT: Willow finishes her hair and then says she has to put make up on. brittnee comes in the HOh rm and lays on the bed with Sarah.Willow is saying how loud the building outside was lastnight. She says it sounded like they was scraping up the floors. 11:22am BBT: BB calls Zack to the DR and Sarah says uh oh something is up. 11:24am BBT: In the LVR Kevin and Bruno are playing mancalla as Godfrey, Ashleigh, Pilar and Bobby watch them. 11:27am BBT: Pilar says is it weird that the couches are not moved yet? The guys says yeah. She tells them there is something going on. 11:38am BBT: In the HOH rm Willow is listening to the Ipod and brittnee is waiting to listen to it. Kevin is laying on the HOh bed. Sarah in the HOH shower. In the LVR the mancalla game is still being played. 11:49am BBT: Zack, Jordan, Pilar and ashleigh in the KT eating and just general talk going on. In the HOH rm BB tells Kevin to wake up that nap time is over. Sarah is putting lotion on her legs and Brittnee sitting on the couch not talking. 11:59am BBT: Bruno is walking around the KT with the football as Jordan is eating. In the HOh rm Willow is talking to Kevin and brittnee and Sarah about the Hg from last year and who she would have gotten with.
  14. 1:00-3:00AM BBT: Zach tells Jordan and Ashleigh about how bobby has a Brigade plan to have the Chop Shop get in individual alliances. They then talk about the plan for the week, Zach says, "It sucks to have to backstab Bruno and Bobby this early in the game." Jordan tells Zach he doesn't have to go through with the plan. Zach says, "I will 'cause it is what needs to be done." Zach and Jordan both want to draw HGs choice in the veto drawing and both want to pick Willow to play for them as she is weak. They then say if she wins though it will suck. Zach worries that Sarah might win PoV and then take a shot at him. Jordan says, "No, she will run any idea she has by me first." Jordan assures Zach that if he goes on the block next week that they have the votes to save him. Before going to bed Zach and Ashleigh had another talk, He tells her that Bobby and Godfrey can not win HoH next week or else he might be in trouble. He then tells her that it is hard to do this to Bruno since he knows Bruno would never do this to him. Ashleigh assures him it is the right move. Zach says he hope that the Diaper Alliance knows what a big move he is making for them. He then says I know Bruno and Bobby would be my two biggest allies. "I hope Kevin is ready to battle and win competitions." Ashleigh thinks he will be and also Kevin will always be a target ahead of Zach.
  15. 10:03pm BBT: Pilar and Brittnee in the KT making food. Kevin and Jordan just walking around Zack comes in and watched brittnee. In the HOH rm is Sarah, Willow, Bobby, Godfrey and Bruno they are playing the mancalla game. 10:05pm BBT: Jordan, Zack and Kevin sitting at the KT table making Cards to play with using ketchup and mustard. 10:12pm BBT: Ashleigh comes into the KT and ask what is going on. Jordan says we are making cards do you want to join us and she sits down to help. 10:13pm BBT: Jordan says nominations was good and Godfrey got everyone going with saying ready ok. Pilar laughs and says nominations was good. Jordan has been called to the DR and lets Ashleigh take over his spot in making cards. 10:17BBT: Godfrey and Bobby are playing a game of Mancalla as Bruno watches in the HOH rm. Kevin, Ashleigh, Pilar and zack are still making cards with mustard at the Kt table. Just general talk going on about painting with mustard and ketchup. 10:23pm BBT: Ashleigh says this is fun painting with mustard but i really want a corndog now. Kevin laughs at her. 10:25pm BBT: Sarah and Willow in HOh bathroom talking about smoking pot and Willow ask if you can get high from second hand smoke . Sarah says i don't think so but some say you can. Sarah goes to the Kt to get slop and says she will be back.
  16. 3:00pm-4pm BBT: Bobby goes back tot he HOh rm and tells Zack Not to worry that he will not say anything to Bruno about Ashleigh saying that since week one bruno tried to get him out. Willow comes in HOh rm as zack leaves and the talk turns to if there will be a double evictoion or not. Bobby terlls them he does not care as long as kevin leaves this week. Bobby leaves the HOh rm and willow ask Ashleigh if Jordan is mad and ashleigh says i do not think so.Kevin comes in and talk turns to the POV as Willow thinks it is going to be a long night one or maybe a movie premier one. 4:00pm-5:00pm BBT: Zack jokes around with Willow in the HOh rm as she is rubbing Ashleighs back and sarah is watching. Alot of talking going on about the jack shack from BBUSA and willow talking about having dreams that she would be good at playing BB. 5:00pm-6:00pm BBT: Godfrey and bruno in the LVR talking and Godfrey tells him he heard the backdoor plan was Kevin Bruno tells Godfrey if it ends up you and Jordan on the block and the veto does not get used then we have the votes to keep you , you just go to Kevin and tell him about the backdoor plan but that is only if the veto is not used. Bruno says zacvk might be HOh but we control who goes home. He says if Johnny had come and made a deal he might not have gone home,. bruno then tells Godfrey that he can not believe Zack is putting him and Jordan up but Godfrey says as long as one of you guys get veto i am good. Bruna agrees with him. HG get locked in the HOh rm as they wait on the nomination ceremony to begin.
  17. 2:02pm BBT: Most Hg in the LVR lounging just general talk going on.BB says Brittnee, Godfrey and Willow wake up nap time is over. 2:04pm BBT: Ashleigh comes to the HOh rm and tells them she has talked to Bobby. She says that Bobby said he knew that something is up he can feel it.She says she told Bobby that she knows that no one is coming after you or anything. She says i asked him if he doesn't go after Kevin then who and Bobby said i would be ok with Brittnee. She says that Bobby told her that Bruno is 100 percent loyal and i could talk to Bruno everyday of the week and i know he would put up Brittnee. He also told me that if Kevin did not go up on the block then he would question things. 2:09PM BBT: Bobby comes into the HOh rm and talk stops. they ask how his workout went? He says i did 100 sit ups so its good. talk then turns to food and eating slop. 2:16pm BBT: Kevin is cutting up paper towels and making a game called mancalla. Pilar is in the KT helping make slop for the have nots.Ashleigh and Jordan in the hoh rm still talking about conversations they had before . 2:26pm BBT: Jordan and Sarah in the KT eating and getting water. Sarah tells him this is a game and we are all here for ourselves. Jordan says i am ok with slop now if i had no food then i would be mad but we have food so i am good cause Godfrey and I are the kings of slop. 2:29pm BBT: In the HOH rm Ashleigh and zack are sitting in silence as Zack throws the football around and Ashleigh says damn damn. Zack says it is just a game and Ashleigh says i know. Ashleigh says i just wish Bobby wasn't so gunge ho about keeping Bruno. Zack says it is going to be alright. Ashleigh says i know i just wish he wasn't questioning it yet. Zack says i know i was hoping he wouldn't question this all this early. 2:41pm BBT: Ashleigh and zack in HOh rm still talking and whispering lowly Ashleigh says it will be a weird couple of days but you have the votes if it is a double eviction. He says i just don't want to be back doored cause i will puke right in front of Arisa. 2:45pm BBT: The mancalla game is still going on ion the living room as Kevin is explaining the game to Sarah while Jordan and Godfrey are playing the game. 2:55pm BBT: Most Hg in the KT eating and trying the sauce that Pilar made for the have not's to go with their slop. Everyone says it is amazing sauce she made.
  18. 1:02pm BBT: General talk in the KT with Bobby, Ashleigh Willow and Jordan about when everyone's birthdays are. 1:06pm BBT: All the Hg run to the STr to find they have been restocked. Everyone is yelling and thanking BB. Bobby said there are things i asked for and i can not eat them cause i am on slop this week. They have been given burgers and pizzas so they are excited. 1:10pm BBT: Hg are talking about the pictures on the jars and bottles . Brittnee has a bottle of soda and says Tyson looks like a charmer as she looks at his picture. 1:19pm BBT: All HG in the KT making food and eating just general talk going on about not getting sugar and other spices. BB tells them to please stop talking about production. 1:35pm BBT: Ashleigh is in the have not rm talking to Bobby as he does sit ups. She is telling Bobby that Kevin and Pilar are getting really close and that Bruno is getting close to them also.She then says Bruno and Willow are getting closer and that worries me. In the HOH rm Jordan and Zack are talking about Jordan being a pawn and how it will help him out in the long run. 1:44pm BBT:Zack and Jordan Talking in HOh rm about Who needs to go this week and who the good players are in the game. Jordan says Sarah will do what ever i tell her to do. Jordan says Bruno didn't make a big move cause he doesn't have the balls. Jordan then says that the young kids are running this house. Godfrey pisses everyone off in the house all the time. Zack laughs and says yeah. 1:51pm BBT: In the have not rm Bobby and ashleigh still whispering about who needs to go up on the block. Ashleigh says i know we need Kevin to go home but them Pilar will be upset. Bobby said who cares we have 5 votes. 1:54pm BBT: Bobby says Bruno is paranoid cause he doesn't know what Zack is going to do. Ashleigh says yeah. Bobby says Zack does not have the numbers to take us down. 1:56pm BBT: Zack and Jordan talking about taking the chop shop down. Jordan says i am so happy to work with Ashleigh too cause she is so great. Jordan says it is going to be a good week. Zack says it is our social game that is helping us. Zack says if i wanted to make a safe move then i would go after brittnee and say she was coming after ashleigh But then the chop shop will go after Kevin again.
  19. 12:02pm BBT: Zack is in the bedroom talking to Sarah and willow.Sarah is talking about being attracted to both sexes. Willow ask are you attracted to men or women more? Sarah says i am more attracted to women i think. 12:07pm BBT: The group in the LVR are talking about jobs that they have had. The screen is showing Nominations Today. 12:13pm BBT: Sarah, Willow and Zack laying in the beds in the bedroom talking. Zack says the HOH rm was so cold lastnight. Willow says she thinks there are 6 HOH's left and zack says why would there be 6 there are 11 people left and there should be like 9 HOH's left. 12:16pm BBT: Zack says after this week there will be 10 people left and we never know could be a double eviction this week. 12:18pm BBT: In the LVR they talk about Risha saying she was an extra on the Tv show saved By The bell. Godfrey talks bow Risha's outfit on the first night entering the house. Bruno says yeah what an outfit and if someone hadn't loaned her a shirt she would have been in just a piece of cloth for 3 days. 12:26pm BBT: Ashleigh and BObby in the bathroom area and Bobby says next HOh i am going to drink all 6 of my beers fast. Sarah comes in and Ashleigh ask where have you been Sarah? Sarah says in bed and now i have to pee more than i ever have in my life i think. 12:31pm BBT: Zack and ashleigh in the HOh rm talking about Who to put up this week. Ashleigh says ok so are you basically picking alliances now? She says I pick the diaper alliance are you picking Diaper? he says yeah i am basically taking out the big players in this game and if i take out all the big players then i move up and then people will try to take me out of this house. Zack says Bobby and Godfrey will be scary after this week, Ashleigh says yeah if Bruno leaves they will be. 12:36pm BBT: Zack says you need to get closer to Bobby this week and if you have to sleep in his bed one night. Ashleigh says i do not want to do that. Zack says i can not have them come after me after this. 12:39pm BBT: Zack tells Ashleigh the two people i see at the end in this house is Sarah and Jordan they are well liked no one is coming after them so don't trust people to much in this house. 12:48pm BBT: Ashleigh is in the Kt eating candy. Most Hg in the LVR just general talk going on as they wait for the Nomination Ceremony. 12:55pm BBT: Bobby goes to the Kt and wants to make slop pancakes but the STR is still locked Ashleigh tells him it has been locked for awhile now so maybe it is them putting costumes in for POV or maybe new batteries.
  20. 11:06AM BBT: Willow and Zach listening to music together in the the HoH room 11:18AM BBT: HGs just sitting in the living room talking general talk. 11:27AM BBT: Sarah and Willow whispering in the bedroom. Sarah says I want to stay in the girls alliance. 11:32AM BBT: Brittnee, Sarah and Willow in the bedroom talking about stretching sweaters. 11:40AM BBT: HGs are just sitting around and talking waiting for the nomination ceremony. 11:46AM BBT:Kevin, Bruno, Pilar, Godfrey, Bobby, Jordan in the living room talking general talk. Sarah, Willow and Brittnee in the Bedroom talking about how to flirt. 11:52AM BBT: BB tells Godfrey to wake up nap time is over as Godfrey was talking to the other HG. HGs start laughing and saying they are so used to pushing that button that they hit the wrong one. BB then calls Jordan to the DR and the HGs start laughing saying now they got the right one.
  21. 1:00AM BBT: - 3:00AM BBT: Ashleigh as Zach if Jordan is going on the block. Zach says yes. Ashleigh thinks that is crazy. Zach tells her that Jordan is the most liked person in the house and will not go home.He then says that he wished Jordan had won this HoH as he wanted to play in the physical HoH and didn't want anyone to know how smart he was in the mental HoH. He says he is going to blow things up this week. They then talk about who to target this week Bruno or Bobby. Zach says if Bobby leaves he will tell bruno that Bobby was getting into another alliance and he will tell Bobby that Bruno was forming another alliance if Bruno leaves. Zach says he is going to be loyal to the Diaper alliance. Jordan comes in to the HoH to talk to Zach and Ashleigh. Zach tells Jordan that Bobby and bruno are so excited cause they think Kevin is going home this week.Zach m ask Jordan not to act mad about being nominated as Godfrey will feed off it and he does not want that to happen. Zach says, "If we get rid of Bruno is he will get everyone against us, And Bobby is strong at competitions and him going home will make it easier for the girls in ther Diaper alliance." JP has second thoughts about going up as a pawn but then decides that it is best for him to go up as a pawn. Zach wants the Purple cobras and Pilar to know about the plan they go downstairs and to talk to Sarah, Jordan tells Sarah about the plan to nominate jordan and Godfrey, Sarah was confused. She asked why Jordan as a pawn? Kevin tells her that BObby, Bruno and Willow want to backdoor Kevin. Zach says so if the veto isn't used the Godfrey will go home and not Jordan. Zach is worried that Brittnee will will be upset if Bruno leaves and Sarah says she will take care of Brittnee and talk to her. Zach and Ashleigh Back in the HoH rm, Zach says everyone is OK with what is going on to get Bruno out so they do not have to next week.Zach says bruno is the better game player but no one would care if Bobby left the house . Ashleigh and Zach thinks that Bobby will go after Zach before Bruno will Zach still does not know for sure what he wants to do or who he wants to target this week.
  22. 1:15pm BBT: Feeds are still on FOTH as the Hg are getting prepared for tonights eviction.
  23. 12:05pm BBT: Pilar is doing Willow's hair as Johnny is finishing up on Kevin's hair cut. Brittnee is sitting and watching. In the KT the rest of the Hg are eating breakfast and talking about pooping. Bobby is laughing as he eats his cereal. 12:14pm BBT: Pilar finishes Willow's hair and Willow says she loves it. Willow says now 4 hours till eviction. Pilar tells her to do her make up now. Willow says oh Pilar lets get some tuna wraps going tomorrow. 12:22pm BBT: Jordan and Ashleigh in the KT washing and drying dishes as Bobby sits and watches them and they talk about movies. 12:34pm BBT: Hg are just talking about random things and Bb tells Godfrey to wake up that nap time is over. 12:44pm BBT: Zack is in the KT eating. Ashleigh is still doing dishes and asking where the water is coming from. Bobby tells her it is coming from the counter. He says he sees it dripping. ashleigh is cleaning up the water. In the bathroom most Hg are still in there doing hair and make up. 12:51pm BBT: Hg in the Bathroom area talking about bets that have been made in the house and brittnee made a 100 dollar bet with Godfrey that they would never kiss then we get FOTH.
  24. 11:03am BBT: Godfrey, Brittnee and Pilar, Ashleigh and Willow in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Johnny comes in and ask if all the hot water is gone? They says no i don't think so. Willow says i am so hungry. 11:10am BBT:The guys are in the Kt eating breakfast and Kevin is sweeping the floor. They are talking about Amber from BB16 and how she is a babe. 11:16am BBT: Pilar is called to the DR. Girls are still in the bathroom doing make up and hair. Brittnee says this is perfection. as she brushes her hair. She then says i think i need to get new deodorant as this one balls up or maybe i am just putting to much on. 11:19am BBT: Brittnee tells Sarah it is so interesting that you do not know who to believe in here anymore. Sarah says come on i do not need that right now. Brittnee says no no you are fine Sarah. Jordan is Ironing his pants talking to Zack about they need to win HOh and the POV. 11:23am BBT: Willow and Johnny in the bedroom talking to Kevin who is laying down on the bed. They are talking about playing in the POV. Willow says Kevin maybe you will get to play and she laughs. Johnny is getting lint off his clothes and hanging his pants on a hanger. 11:28am BBT: Kevin talking to Johnny saying i just want you to know i was not campaigning against you. Johnny says yeah i get it. Johnny says it was like a nail being driven in my coffin and Kevin said i'm wasn't driving the nails but i guess i didn't do much to stop it.Johnny says it is what it is and i got to come play for a little bit anyways. Kevin says you can still come back. 11:30am BBT: Johnny says there is no hard feelings so don't worry that is not how i roll. Johnny goes back to packing saying i feel like if something interesting happens tonight it is going to be a fun night. Johnny says i swear all that i said about the gummy bear thing was true. Kevin says I know. Ashleigh and Pilar come in and Johnny ask for a hug in case there isn't time later and he tells them to be careful of the couples thing. 11:36am BBT: Pilar is cutting kevins hair. he tells her do not rush and she says i wont we have time right? Willow says who wants to examine my bruise for me and Kevin yells i volunteer. Kevin ask Pilar is this the first time you have ever cut hair and Pilar says yeah. Kevin says Oh God! 11:44am BBT: Johnny has come in and taken over Kevins hair cut now and is going to use the sheers and do a fade from a 2 to a 3 . Kevin said lets do it. 11:47am BBT: Ashleigh and Pilar in the Kt talking about how they guys have thrown them under the bus. Ashleigh says why would they say that in front of Johnny though? Pilar says i don't know we will talk later. Pilar goes back to the bathroom where Kevin is still getting a hair cut. 11:57am BBT: Hg still getting ready for tonight's eviction just general talk going on.



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