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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:02am BBT: Brittnee and Sarah in hoh bathroom blowing bubbles as Sarah soaks in the bathtub.
  2. 12:02pm BBT: Pilar telling a story about her brother being drunk at a school dance. BB calls Sarah to the DR. 12:12pm BBT: Sarah is putting things from the last comp they did in the STR. then goes to the BY to check the laundry. All the other Hg are by the Hot tub just sitting and laying in silence. 12:24pm BBT: Hg look to be napping at the hot tub. Sarah is in the DR. 12:38pm BBT: No changes Hg still sleeping by the hot tub 12:49pm BBT: Sarah joins the other HG by the hot tub. Most HG are sleeping. Godfrey gets up and moves saying it is to hot now.
  3. 11:05am BBT: Pilar and Ashleigh are in the WA doing their makeup.Brittnee, Sarah and Zach by the hot tub laying in the sun just general talk. 11:18am BBT: Pilar is now by the Hot tub in the sun talking to Brittnee and Zach as Sarah was called to the DR. 11:24am BBT: Ashleigh, Brittnee, PIlar and zack sitting and laying by the hot tub not talking. 11:33am BBT:All the HG are by the hot tub talking about reading books and how some people love the smell of books. 11:45am BBT: HG still by the hot tub just general talk going on. 11:55am BBT: HG sitting by the hot tub as Pilar tells a story about cleaning house and family.
  4. 11:00am BBT: Bruno is in the shower and brittnee tells him it is a shame the BY is closed off as she just wants to spend her last few days outside. BB tells Godfrey to wake up that nap time is over. 11:008am BBT: Zach is soaking in the hoh tub . Pilar is now in the KT with Brittnee and Godfrey just general talk going on about muscles. 11:13am BBT: HG eating and yawning just general talk going on about how hard the slop cakes are. 11:19am BBT: Ashleigh in the HOH bathroom area doing her make up while Zach is still soaking in the bathtub. Brittnee and Pilar are in the KT talking about dreaming about their families. 11:26am BBT: Pilar tells brittnee that she does not regret anything she has done in this house or in this game. Brittnee says no i don't either. 11:27pm BBT: Brittnee says man this game stresses you out and Pilar says tell me about it. Pilar tells her this is a hard hard game. 11:44am BBT: Godfrey and Bruno in the KT talking about brittnee and something she said to Pillar but Godfrey says he did not hear what they said he just seen them talking. Bruno says this is the week we need to save each other. Godfrey says yes we do. 11:46am BBt: Pilar and Ashleigh are in the HOh rm talking, Ashleigh says Zach is not sure about getting Sarah out next week he said it might have to be Godfrey. Ashleigh says next week if we have Bruno and Godfrey on the block then we might have to send Bruno home cause i just don't trust him. 11:52am BBT:Most HG in the KT talking and making food. Sarah is in the BY smoking . Pillar joins her and says she had to get some air. 11:58am BBT: Ashleigh and all the men are in the KT making food. Just general talk going on.
  5. 12:12pm BBT: Bruno is sweeping the KT as zach is eating and ashleigh standing in the KT. No talk is going on except Bruno saying this is so nasty.12:20pm BBT: HG just sitting around as Bruno is sweeping then Godfrey says i need to learn how to cross my legs and tuck them in when you sit. 12:26pm BBT: Bruno telling the other Hg about a new dog he got and it did not like the other dogs. 12:29pm BBT: Sarah and brittnee are in the By switching laundry and just general talk. 12:45pm BBT: Bruno and Godfrey in the KT as Bruno gets cereal to eat. Zach , Brittnee, Ashleigh and Pilar in the LVR just general talk and laughing going on. 12:49pm BBT: Bruno says there is only 2 more HOH's left then the last one will be a two parter and Pilar says that is crazy we are almost to the end. 12:55pm BBT: All HG are sitting around in the LVR talking about movies and laughing.
  6. 11:00am BBT: Sarah says she has to go to the bathroom so her and Brittnee head to the BY and Sarah says i think my laundry is done. 11:05am BBT: Ashleigh is in the KT making food. The guys are in the LVR just talking general talk. 11:12am BBT: bruno and brittnee talking in the LVR about getting dizzy on spinning things. BB calls Godfrey to the DR. 11:21am BBT: Brittnee and Bruno just talking about VHS and Records as Ashleigh is eating and Pilar is laying on the couch. 11:23am BBT: Sarah is laying in the hoh rm on the couch alone. 11:30am BBT: Most Hg in the LVR just general talk going on as everyone talks at one time. 11:42am BBT: Godfrey telling how a lady was a Dan super fan and was so annoying as she kept saying that Dan should have won and not Ian. 11:51am BBT: Sarah and Pilar laying on a couch together talking about how close they are to being out of the house. 11:54am BBT: Pilar and Sarah talking about Kevin and Pilar tells how she likes being in this house but is ready to go out to see Kevin. 11:55am BBT: Bruno and Godfery are in the BY throwing a ball at the baskets.
  7. 12:03pm BBT: All Hg still sitting in the LVR just talking about Tv shows 12:31pm BBT:Bruno is in the BR brushing his teeth and the other Hg are in the LVR laying on the couches . No one is talking. 12:33pm BBT: Bruno and zach upstairs talking about the hoh comp and how huge it is to win and how big it is to win the pov. 12:35pm BBT: Bruno says once Sarah goes then we will be ok. Zach says yeah man. Zach says one of the girls will not take out Godfrey and Bruno says no they wont they need him especially Sarah cause she is like the glue and rallying. 12:38pm BBT: Bruno tells zach that the girls was after him and you know Sarah was pissed cause i totally saved YOU MAN. zACH SAYS YEAH 100 PERCENT. 12:40pm BBT: Brittnee and Sarah in the Bathroom as Sarah takes a shower and brittnee says this is a blessing to my life we are so lucky to been chosen for this.
  8. 11:01am BBT:Ashleigh, Zach and brittnee in the LVR, They are talking about how Godfrey said they was having a triple eviction and they all told him to shut up that it was a lie then they start laughing. 11:02am BBT:In the BR Bruno, Godfrey and Sarah talking and Sarah crying as Bruno apologizes to Sarah for what he said lastnight to her. He says he feels so bad for the way he talked to her. BB calls Bruno to the DR. 11:06am BBT: Brittnee comes into the BR and is laughing. Sarah says Bruno just came in and we had a talk and brittnee says what did he say? Godfrey says he apologized and its ok. 11:11am BBT: Sarah and brittnee are leaving the BR and going to the LVR to join the other hg and we get FOTH. 11:54am BBT: Feeds are back and HG sitting in the LVR talking about movies.
  9. 12:10pm BBT: Sarah, Willow and Godfrey are by the hot tub playing a game and the other Hg are in the BY talking General talk about friends and drinking. 12:15pm BBT: BB comes on and says HG this is your 15 minute warning the Back yard will be off limits in 15 minutes. 12:23pm BBT: All HG are in the BY talking about states and waiting for Bb to make them go into the house for a lock down. 12:26pm BBT: BB just told the Hg to all go to the HOh rm . Hg get excited and willow says maybe it will be a task. 12:30pm BBT: All Hg are in lockdown in the HOh rm and we get foth
  10. 11:06am BBT: Most Hg in the By just general talk going on . 11:12am BBT: Bruno and Willow laying on the hammock and Kevin in the chair and Zach, Ashleigh, Bobby, and Pilar are on the couch in the BY just talking general talk. 11:23am BBT: Brittnee is in the hoh rm listening to music and doing her nails. Willow comes out of the bathroom and Brittnee tells her she loves the music and the iPod. Willow says it is a great iPod. Willow tells her she is going to go get a tan and leaves the hoh rm. 11:25am BBT: All HG except brittnee is out in the BY just talking general talk about Zach and his girlfriend and going on test drives. 11:36am BBT: Willow and Sarah by the hot tub and Sarah asking why does bobby feel so comfortable and willow says i do not know why. Sarah says he feels safe cause people in this game is cowardly telling everyone they are safe until they go home. 11:38am BBT: Sarah tells Willow they messed up and they should have played dumb and sucked up to Kevin. Willow says no shut up we are who we are and we play our game. Sarah says i want to slap Zach and say you made out with ashleigh. Willow says no just talk to people and they will tell things , they will slip up. 11:44am BBT: Willow goes to tell the other Hg that the sun is coming out now leaving Sarah laying by the hot tub alone. 11:49am BBT: sarah is complaining about being in the BB house and looking at all these peoples faces. Willow tells her to calm down and Sarah says i am in a bad mood i need my period and i need out of this house. Willow tells her to stop and gets her to play the Alphabet game. 11:57am BBT: Godfrey talking to Sarah and Willow about eviction and nominations. Sarah says if i win HOH i will ask Zach and Kevin who wants to go up ? Do you want to use your girl friends? Godfrey laughs at her and she says i am cause they are going up. They go back to playing the alphabet game.
  11. 12:04pm BBT: Sarah putting breakfast burritos together as brittnee and Zack talk general talk. 12:09pm BBT: All the HG have been put on outside lock down again and have taking their food outside to eat. 12:17pm BBT: everyone siting in the BY just general talk and Bobby and Ashleigh talking about the slop off game they played in . 12:37pm BBT: The feeds have been on FOTH for over 15 minutes now as the HG were locked in the back yard.
  12. 11:01am BBT: All Hg are on am outside lock down. Kevin,Zach, Pilar, ashleigh and willow are talking about Naeha and Sindy and how much they showed their colors to early in the game. 11:04am BBT: By the hot tub is Brittnee , Godfrey, Sarah,Bruno and bobby talking about being tired lastnight and Bb tells them to stop talking about production. 11:08am BBT: Most hg talking about the evicted HG and how they would rank them if they went into allstars. Sarah says Naeha is number 1 and then number 2 is Johnny. 3rd is Jordan then 4th is Sindy and then 5th is Graig. then 6th is Risha. 11:15am BBT: Godfrey telling Bruno and brittnee how eats goat eyeballs and goat head and the brain.He then says that you can eat the goat. brain and it just spreads on bread and you can add ketchup or hot sauce but it is so good. Brittnee says that is so messed up and Bruno says just as you said spread the brain you lost me right there.Brittnee is still laughing and says that is messed up and Godfrey says it is so good man. 11:24am BBT: The lock down is over and Hg are going back into the house to get food to eat and ashleigh wants to finish her hair. 11:34am BBT: Brittnee , Sarah and bobby are making food ion the KT. Godfrey, Bruno and Zach by the hot tub talking about bugs on a papaya tree and how they sting. Bruno then tells about being stung by a bee and how bad it hurts. 11:43am BBT: The guys at the hot tub are picking up the pillows and blankets and putting them away and saying it is getting cloudy and starting to rain. 11:46am BBT: BB tells the HG that the back yard is now off limits as the Hg make their way into the house where brittnee and Sarah are making breakfast burritos. 11:54am BBT: Bruno, Godfrey and Bobby laying on LVR couches just general talk. Kevin , Pilar and ashleigh in the hoh rm talking about what options they have. Ashleigh says she feels like the couples are staying together but does not feel that the couples are together. Pilar says yeah yeah yeah. Kevin tells Ashleigh that at 2am sarah got called to the dr and Bruno pulled her out by the pool first and told her that if they get rid of Bobby this week then the couples will be running the house. Ashleigh says no way and Kevin says yeah. 11:58am BBT: Ashleigh says that Bobby is trying so hard to stay this week but he is going at it the wrong way. Pilar says yeah and we have to keep Godfrey close this week.
  13. 12:08pm BBT: HG in the LVR area talking about Pictures and the screen reads POV competition today. 12:18pm BBT: Sarah and Willow in HOH rm Talking about how Kevin and pillar are to scared to put Bruno on the block and Sarah says i told you this and it is pissing me off. 12:19pm BBT: Bobby in the LVR area helping Pilar get her gloves back on.Kevin is just watchmaking them. Bruno and Godfrey are sitting there just general talk going on as they wait for the POV comp to begin. 12:33pm BBT: Girls are in the HOh rm talking about their hair. GUys in the LVR area talking general talk.
  14. 11:01am BBT: Pilar, Bruno, Kevin and Godfrey in the KT talking about DR's and the money thing. In the Bathroom area Bobby and Brittnee are whispering, Bobby says he is scared now too and brittnee says well there is a reason he put you up there but you should not feel worried but i am worried cause i have no back up and you do. Brittnee ask are you going to use your veto? Bobby says i have to i have to. I can not take any chances 11:05am BBT: Brittnee and Bobby leave the bathroom and Brittnee goes to the bedroom and talks to Ashleigh,Brittnee says Bobby has a veto and he is going to use it today, Pilar and Bruno walk in and talk stops as Bruno wants a trim around his ears done. 11:09am BBT Ashleigh and Kevin and Pilar in the bedroom talking about how weird Bobby and Bruno are acting this week. Ashleigh says we have to watch out for Bruno and Godfrey both this week but it would be nice if Godfrey could go and the veto go this week too. 11:12am BBT: Brittnee and Bruno walk into the bedroom and Kevin leaves then talk turns to putting on bras before the comp later and Bruno says he needs to gel his hair before he host the veto comp. 11:23am BBT: Brittnee and Zach in the hoh bathroom talking then Kevin comes in and brittnee ask him if he wins POV will he take Bobby down? Kevin says yes but would Bobby be ok with taking you down? Brittnee says i do not know. Kevin says yeah see we will have to see. 11:26am BBT: Ashleigh in the bedroom talking to Pilar about if Bobby has a pov and if he will use it . In the bathroom area Willow is talking to Sarah and Bruno about the POV . 11:33am BBT: Brittnee leaves the HOh rm, Pilar and ashleigh are in the bedroom laying on the bed as Pilar is moaning cause it is hot in the costume.We then get FOTH. 11:41am BBT: BB calls about Half the Hg and tells them to please wake up that nap time is over. 11:45am BBT: Zach is still soaking in the hoh tub , Pilar is in the hoh shower and Kevin laying on the bed. Sarah and brittnee are in the HOh rm floor. Looks as if Brittnee is going to sleep again 11:53am BBT: Hg are leaving the HOh rm now after a brief lockdown. 11:56am BBT: Pillar yells ok who did we get this time and we get FOTH.
  15. 3:33pm BBT: Hg are in the KT yelling to Bobby that it is dinner time. Sindy says thank you very much guys for the best bitrthday. 3:34pm BBT: Hg are eating and have nots are sitting and watching except Godfrey and he is having slop chips. 3:36pm BBT: Sindy says after dinner she will have a pageant and will teach them all how to walk and will ask them one question. She then says when you are in a pageant you put Vaseline on your teeth cause it taste bad and you keep smiling that way. 3:40pm BBT: Hg are talking about when they first came in the house and tomorrow will be a month. Godfrey goes to get himself and Bruno water . 3:44pm BBT: The have nots are sitting and just watching the other HG eat and talking among themselves about the slop chips. Pilar is called to the DR. 3:48pm BBT: Ashleigh is up and cleaning the table off as they are finishing their Dinner.Just general talk going on about pageants and food. 3:52pm BBT: Zach says everyone's Birthday has happened the day after their Birthdays. Then they talk about Johnny's birthday and how his got messed up cause the camera was broke. 3:55pm BBT: Sindy says i am going to go to the bathroom then class will commend.She walks off and says everyone looks so good as they are all dressed up. The have nots are talking about having a feast Wednesday. 3:57pm BBT: The HG are all gathering in the LVR for their pageant class with Sindy.
  16. 11:20am BBT: Feeds return to HG in the KT eating breakfast and saying they did good and we get foth again
  17. 2:04am BBT:Bruno and zach in KT eating talking generakl talk and ashleigh just sitting listening as she drinks her coffee. 2:15am BBT: Jordan joins them in the KTY and Ashleigh says i am going to go pee and go to bed and they all says they are going too. 2:23am BBT: Ashleigh walking around the HOh rm with Zack, They talk about their friends seeing him win the POV on the show tonight. They get in the bed and and they talk about hating mornings and Zach feels tired in the mornings. 2:35am BBT:Ashleigh andf zack are going over happenings in the house so they can study for an HOH Comp. 2:49am BBT: Feeds are on Bobby and Sindy asleep in the Vault with the clock on 7:09:13 but we hear Ashleigh and zack sydying. All other Hg are in bed with Lights out. 3:00am BBT: all Hg sleeping and lights out except the Vault lights.
  18. 6:03pm BBT: Zach talking about buying houses in different places and how much it cost to buy houses as vacation houses. 6:07pm BBT: Pilar and ashleigh talking about Brittnee not liking Ashleigh. Ashleigh ask do you think she will put us up on the block since she does not like me and she wants to go after the couples but she does not have the balls to put the guys up. Pilar said she put Graig up and ashleigh says that was a house decision. 6:10pm BBT: Brittnee comes in and stops their talk. they then wonder about Bobby and Sindy. brittnee says i am so full from that pasta i do not know why i am eating. 6:12pm BBt: brittnee leaves and ashleigh says yup i feel like she has it in for me. She then puts nail polish away saying they are done. Pilar says i am still snacking. 6:13pm BBT: Pilar and ashleigh are going to go back outside where the other Hg are at. ashleigh says i think i will let my nails dry a little bit more. Pilar Goes to the bathroom area where brittnee is and Kevin is shaving. 6:17pm BBT: Pilar is helping to shave Kevin's face and he tells her she is doing it wrong that she has to go with the direction of the hair. 6:25pm BBT: Most Hg in the BY talking about people tweeting about getting killed with guns all the time in the states and maybe once in Canada.
  19. 5:39pm BBT: Hg are talking about gravy and How Sarah loves gravy and how their moms cook. They then talk about Bobby and Sindy and how interesting it is going to be when they come out tomorrow. 5:46pm BBT: Most Hg in BY talking about Diseases that come through immigration and through animals like monkeys and cats. 5:48pm BBT: Pilar and Brittnee in the KT making coffee, Willow is getting peanut butter. Pilar is getting hazel nut spread. Ashleigh is polishing her nails. 5:55pm BBT: In the BY just general talk going on about traveling. In the house Pilar and Ashleigh just talking about dresses.
  20. 5:04pm BBT: Willow is in the hoh rm listening to music. In the BY most hg are sitting there talking about computers and web sites. 5:11pm BBT: The HG in the BY are talking about space and The flag on the moon. 5:15pm BBT: Hg are now talking about Michael Jackson and how he was going on a come back tour the day before he died.Then we get FOTH. 5:26pm BBT:All Hg are out in the BY except Sindy and Bobby are are in solitaire. Sarah is telling about a movie she seen.
  21. 4:01pm BBT: Sarah and Brittnee come from the hot tub and tells everyone it is pouring and Pilar runs to see the rain. Kevin follows her and they are kissing in the rain by the hot tub . 4:04pm BBT: Pilar and Kevin go back to the By saying it is pouring and brittnee says oh guys. Godfrey says they are so good together. brittnee says they live so far from each other though. 4:06pm BBT: In the KT Jordan and Sarah are eating slop and ashleigh is talking to them about eating the slop. Ashleigh says i can not hear bobby and Sindy, I wonder if they are allowed to sleep cause i stood there and could not hear anything. 4:16pm BBT: Godfrey and Bruno and brittnee on the BY couch talking about marriage and relationships. Bruno says let me tell you this if the first year you are married you put a loony in a jar every time you have sex then after that first year you take a loony out every time you have sex then your jar will never go empty. Brittnee and Bruno laugh and brittnee says Emily i will not let him put your business out there. 4:18pm BBT: Pilar and Kevin are in the hot tub as it is raining outside and they are just sitting talking about how cool it is that it is raining. 4:25pm BBT: Ashleigh comes out to the By couch and Bruno ask Godfrey if he would Marry out of his race. Godfrey says i will be honest with you my sisters want me to marry a sister. 4:38pm BBT: Bruno, Godfrey, Ashleigh, Willow and brittnee talking in the BY about family trees. Pilar and Kevin are still in the hot tub just talking general talk. 4:44pm BBt: Willow and Sarah in the house by the vault door talking about how they was talking to Sindy and bobby.( as a part of being in solitaire Bobby and Sindy are not allowed to talk to the Hg through the door). Ashleigh says we love you Sindy and walks off. Pilar and Kevin come in and they listen to Willow say that maybe they get to meet the three fans. Sarah says i do not think they are in there anymore cause earlier we could hear them in there but i do not think they are in there we can not hear them anymore unless they are asleep. 4:50pm BBT: Kevin is listening at the vault door for Bobby and Sindy and Pilar ask when do you guys get to pee again and willow says when ever we get locked out again. They all start laughing. 4:52pm BBT: Kevin and Willow standing up against the vault door and they hear a knock on the door and start yelling and Sarah says they can not do that and they all get excited and yell we miss you. 4:54pm BBT: Kevin says everything in this house was flashing then They said it is Sindy. Willow yells through he door and says Sindy your episode aired lastnight so Canada knows you are back in the house now.
  22. 3:07pm BBT: Bobby and Sindy look to be napping in the vault as the clock says 20:12:53. Bobby starts moving and exercising again.He looks to be doing Yoga. Willow and Sarah going to the hot tub talking about where they are going to sit in the hot tub. 3:11pm BBt: Kevin and Jordan are now in the KT with Bruno as Bruno is still cooking his slop chips. Kevin is eating his pasta. Jordan is wrapping himself in a blanket. They are talking about how weird it will be if they are still there final 7 or 8 and then Kevin ask do the final 3 get to be in here a long time together? Jordan says no not to long. 3:13pm BBT: Bruno and Jordan talk about Bobby and Sindy being quiet in the vault. they say they could be doing anything in there or they could be watching us. Kevin says they could be watching us and he laughs. 3:24pm BBT: Bruno tells Godfrey the slop is ready and Godfrey comes inside to get some. Sarah and Willow are still in the hot tub talking about she can not get a loan in the States if she does not have a job. 3:32pm BBT: Jordan is in the KT alone eating slop. Godfrey and Kevin in the BY playing with the football. Bruno is laying on the BY couch. Sarah and Willow in the hot tub just sitting there. 3:49pm BBt: Sarah is getting out of the hot tub as she tells a story about her dog and Willow and Jordan are listening to her. In the BY Godfrey and Kevin are still throwing the ball and Bruno is still on the couch laying down and talking about Risha and how she only lives 15 minutes from the BB house.
  23. 2:01pm BBT: Hg are in the KT making lunch. 2:07pm BBT: Kevin and Jordan are on the BY couches laying down then Willow comes out and says she they are making slop. In the Kt most Hg are eating candy as the food is being prepared. 2:21pm BBT: Pilar in the BY telling Godfrey how to eat and not gain weight. In the KT they are talking about Pilar's special dip she makes to go with the slop chips. 2:26pm BBT: Sarah is washing her water bottle so she can go sit in the hot tub soon. Zack is making food with Ashleigh and Bruno and Willow are watching them. In the BY Godfrey is telling Jordan and Kevin and Pilar about being a personal trainer or a nutritionist. 2:29pm BBT: Sarah comes out and goes to the pool then gets in as Pilar ask her if she is going for a swim. She says yeah the water is warm. 2:35pm BBT: Pilar is now in the KT as Zach and Ashleigh are making pasta and spaghetti sauce. 2:41pm BBT: Pilar says when Graig left i was going to say Graig you tried to get me out the first week and then i couldn't do it. She says that Graig said he thought Willow was crying cause he was leaving. Willow says no i wasn't. Zach has finished cooking the pasta and sauce and Hg are going to eat. 2:45pm BBT: Bruno keeps saying the pasta looks so good as he is cooking slop chips in the oven. They say that Bobby and Sindy are very quiet in there. 2:49pm BBT: Bruno says all we know is that someone could be going into the vault to talk to Bobby and Sindy. Pilar says yeah. Then Pilar and willow talk about how they can not picture this house how it was last year cause it is so different this year. 2:55pm BBT: Ashleigh is washing dishes as Willow, Bruno, Pilar and Zach are talking about last years Big Brother cast. In the BY Godfrey, Jordan and Kevin talking general talk about soccer. Sarah is still in the pool alone. BB yells Kevin wake up nap time is over.
  24. 1:09pm BBT: Hg are in the BY and are on lock down. They are saying something is up as Bobby and Sindy are in solitaire confinement. Jordan is telling About last years comp with Ika and she had to count balls in the BY. 1:15pm BBT: Kevin and Pilar laying alone in the BY talking about scholarships. The rest of the HG are on the BY couch and talking about something is up or maybe someone is coming back. The house is still on lock down and Sindy and Bobby are locked in the vault for 24 hours. 1:21pm BBT: Hg are talking about the vault and how there are 2 beds in there. Willow is saying she wants to go in the hot tub since she has not been in it in 2 days cause it breaks her skin out. 1:38pm BBT: Sindy and Bobby in the vault acting silly and laughing the clock now says 21:42:00 and they start playing thumb wars. 1:39pm BBt: Sindy and Bobby just talking about things they have done in the house and then asking where is our families? Where is everyone at. Sindy ask if Bobby can braid hair and he says i do not know let me see if i can or not. Bobby ask how much hair do you use? She says normally all of it. 1:50pm BBT: Bobby and Sindy are quiet and look to be going to sleep. All the other Hg are still on out door lock down just laying around the BY and no talking going on. 1:53pm BBT: BB has opened the house back up , Brittnee gets up to go in and we get FOTH. 1:54pm BBT: HG are yelling through the vault door asking if Bobby has lost his V card yet and laughing. They say Sindy be gentle with him ok be gentle. Brittnee yells it is to quiet in there guys.
  25. 12:33pm BBT: Godfrey is running up and down the stairs in the house and ashleigh goes to the bedroom looking for her flip flops saying you have to be in here somewhere cause you could not be no where else. In the BY Kevin and Jordan are throwing the football as Pilar works out with weights.. 12:36pm BBT: Ashleigh and Sarah yelling i love you and miss you to Bobby and Sindy and Ashleigh says i love it that i can trash talk Bobby and he can not say anything back tom us. She then yells Bobby you are a shit player at ball and then laughs. Godfrey is still working out on the stairs. 12:42pm BBT: Jordan and Sarah talking on the BY couches about Jordan's mom doing daycare and his pets he had. Bruno and ashleigh comes to join them with their coffee. Willow then come over and stands drinking her water. Pilar and Kevin are still working out across then yard. Bruno yelling through the door at Bobby and Sindy and says you better not be taking my boys V card in there you behave yourself in there Sindy and laughs then walks away. Godfrey is laughing. 12:48pm BBT: Willow is at the door talking to Bobby and Sindy she says we are doing good out here hope you two are having fun in there and hope Bobby is giving you a massage so yeah i am going to the hot tub now . Bye. Willow leaves walking through the house saying hello am i alone in here? She goes to the bedroom and Zach is in there. she whispers really low to Zach. 12:52pm BBT: Zach says i need to go do a little laundry. Willow ask him if he feels ok and he says yeah i have just shut my brain down for today there is nothing else can be done. 12:56pm BBT: HG are talking about Sindy being in solitaire confinement on her birthday and how she wanted to go in there . Brittnee wants to make her Birthday special when she comes out. Jordan says is Kevin Dr wills nephew he kinda looks like him



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