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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:08pm BBT: Liz in the KT alone doing dishes. 12:14pm BBT: Jason is in the KT talking to Liz now about not getting any sleep. Meg comes in and Liz says Maggie. Meg says those chairs are awful and it is so cold in there. 12:16pm BBT: Meg goes to make slop and Liz says the best way i found to eat it is to burn it then fry it and eat it with ketchup.
  2. 11:01am BBt: James and Meg in the have not rm talking about the shades on their eyes and how it blocks the light. James ask if anyone was snoring lastnight and Meg says i did not hear anyone. James tells her this is day one now for being a have not. 11:13am BBT: All HG are sleeping. 11:25am BBT: Shelli and Clay in the HOh rm snuggling in bed talking about who is more touchy feely. She says he is more so than she is. 11:27am BBT: Liz and Vanessa in the WA. Liz is doing her make up as Vanessa goes to the WC. 11:33am BBT: Shelli and Clay still talking about Clay's parents and how they met and about clay's family. Liz is in the bedroom looking through her stuff. 11:35am BBT: Shelli tells Clay not to say things to James cause everyone probably thinks the plan is to backdoor Audrey so please do not tell James anything this is my plan and please do not mess it up. 11:40am BBT: Shelli tells Clay to not tell John he is going to come off the block and he says you told him you would. She says i did not say that i told him to throw B.O.B so that i could stay HOH but not take him off the block. She tells Clay do not make promises please do not tell him that. 11:42am BBT: Shelli says if John wins POV then i will put someone up but the best thing would be if he wins and does not take himself off so it stays the same because no one will vote him out over DA. 11:59am BBT: Liz comes out of the DR and goes to the WC. All other HG in bed sleeping.
  3. 1:38pm BBT: HG are all getting ready for the live show tonight.some Hg are looking for something to wear tonight as others are doing their hair and make up. 1:46pm BBT: HG still getting ready for tonight show as Jace is talking to Austin saying he is not going to walk out of here tonight like this. Austin says yeah as Jason walks through and the talk stops and they all walk off. 1:56pm BBT: Some HG are sitting in the LVR wondering what the numbers are for and Some HG in the WA doing hair wondering what the hoh comp will be and if they will be in pairs or what. 2:07pm BBT: Hg still doing hair and makeup. Some Hg laying in bed general talk going on. 2:12pm BBT: Jace goes in the have not rm with Vanessa and DA and says well if i get evicted tonight i will get to go see my mamma. He says I miss you mamma. 2:15pm BBT: Jace talking to the camera saying i came in here i fought my hardest i made friends i lost friends i ate good food i ate bad foods. I had a dream of who was the bad person in here and it was right. live feeders if you want to play this game keep trying it isn't that hard to get on you do not have to be a football star or and athlete and even the pretty girls that say they will not miss you they will as he points to Liz. 2:19pm BBT: Jace tells Liz he is sorry that she did not see the real Jace the last 4 days but that was the scared mad and confused jace so it was not bi polar it was me mad. 2:22pm BBT: HG lounging around Jace talks to the cameras again. He says i do not regret anything he did in this house but he does regret his tone and I suggest if you get in this house keep calm.
  4. 12:57pm BBT: HOH lock down is over Hg are heading down stairs and James is moving his things down stairs as he says it has been a good run HOh rm. 12:59pm BBT: Jeff goes to the STR and then to the WA with clippers and scissors. Clay is standing watching him eating fruit loops. Most Hg are in the Kt heating up left overs from lastnight. 1:11pm BBT: Clay is giving James a hair cut as Jeff watches. Most HG are in the KT eating lunch. 1:18pm BBT: Clay is cutting James hair and clips his ear. James says it is a good thing they did not give you sharp ass scissors. meg is laughing behind them. 1:22pm BBT: Austin is now in the Wa trimming his beard. Meg is saying that James's hair is now all over the rug and yelling at James not to use scissors on Clay's hair. DA is at the Kt table taking a knot out of her necklace as Steve watches her. 1:31pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking in the have not rm about trying to get HOh. Austin walks in and Steve says it is a matter of winning HOh. Austin says it might be physical endurance.
  5. 11:00am BBT: Most Hg in the purple BR getting up and getting dressed. DA is laying in the LVR on the couch. 11:03am BBT: Most HG doing ADL'S . Some HG still laying in bed not wanting to get up just general talk going on about hurting hips and wanting to stay in bed. 11:07am BBT: Jace and Austin in the lounge rm talking about if Jace has the votes to stay and Austin says there is no way just no way the votes are there. Austin says i would try one more time with them and if they say no then that's it. Jace says if i get a chance to come back i will come back with a vengeance with some fresh ass laundry in my bag. They leave the lounge rm. 11:11am BBT: Austin in the KT eating as some HG are heading to the HOh rm for an HOH lockdown. 11:16am BBT: HG are all i the HOH rm for a lock down. Audrey is in the HOH bathroom doing her makeup. General talk going on and we get FOTH.
  6. 12:05pm BBT: Austin and Liz still in the lounge rm repeating themselves about the hoh comps and they need to win hoh and take power. 12:08pm BBT: DA is in the WA getting ready for the day. Austin and Liz are in the lounge rm still talking about who needs to win HOH and who doesn't. Austin says i wish i could talk to Jason more then BB tells them to clean the mirror over the sink. Austin says i am tired and Liz says me to but i am not sleeping in that room anymore. 12:15pm BBT: Austin says to Liz this is not going to be good i feel like Jace will have hard feelings and not be friends with any of us after the show. Liz says yeah he is leaving first and he wanted to get to be a little more known. 12:20pm BBT: Liz and Austin talking about everyone wanting Audrey out next week and who will throw a comp and who won't. Liz says they will backdoor Audrey though. Austin agrees. 12:25pm BBT: HG sleeping and Liz, Austin in lounge rm talking general talk. DA in WA doing her hair. 12:41pm BBT: DA is in the KT making slop. Austin and Liz still in the Lounge RM talking and repeating themselves about looks they get from people and the alliances in the house. 12:44pm BBT: Austin ask Liz if she has talked to James and she says hell no all he does is talk about sex stuff. Austin says what??? Liz says yeah. Austin ask what is his relationship status? Liz says i do not know he says single but he spit out a kid. 12:47pm BBT: Austin and Liz talk about who they would put on slop if they could put them up and they say they will put Steve, Audrey. Shelli, and James. 12:52pm BBT: DA still in the KT making slop. She is getting pans out and to finish baking them in the oven. Liz and Austin are still in the lounge talking about their alliance and who they need to get out and how other alliances have power but not numbers but our group has numbers. Austin says Audrey is going to blow up her own game and Liz agrees.
  7. 11:00am BBT: BB tells the Hg this is a lock down please go inside and close the sliding glass door. 11:02am BBT: Hg head inside taking their things and some Hg are going back to bed to sleep. Liz in the WA with Jace says she is sad today and he ask why cause of what i said yesterday? She says no i am just sad. 11:05am BBT: Austin, Jeff and Clay in the KT taking vitamins and talking general talk. In the WA Jace is talking to Steve He is whispering low with out a mic on. He then puts his mic on and tells Steve that when he comes up and taps on him to go to the HOH rm and wait there is going to be a meeting. Steve says ok and Jace starts to leave then turns and says i will know if you say anything you hear me? Jace then goes to the have not rm and looks in then leaves. Austin says jace won't stop following me around. 11:14am BBT: Liz is cooking as Jace walks through the house and into the KT listening to Austin read what all is in the vitamins they are taking. Jace then goes to the lounge to talk to Clay He whispers really low then leaves the rm. 11:19am BBT: Jace is now laying in the WA talking to Steve about hard drives.Liz is still cooking in the KT. Most HG are in bed going back to sleep. 11:22am BBT: Austin in the WA whispering to Jace about Jeff and telling him if Jeff does not do it then Jace should blow him up before he goes. Jace whispers back to Austin about his plan to get to stay in the house. 11:30am BBT: Austin,Liz,john and Steve in kt talking about maybe getting a practice run for the hoh tomorrow night. 11:34am BBT: James and Jeff in the HOh rm talking about how Shelli is a floater. Jeff says grab a life vest floaters and James says grab a life vest Shelli. 11:42am BBT: Liz is washing her dishes as she talks to John and then says she is going to clean the toilet cause it is kinda gross. Austin is heading to bed for a nap and other Hg are already in bed sleeping or just laying there. 11:46am BBT:Liz, John and Austin talking about tonight at midnight the have nots can eat. Liz gets excited and says we get steak cause they saved us some steak. 11:51am BBT: Just general talk going on through the house as Most Hg are laying down and the have nots talking about waiting till midnight so they can eat and sleep in a real bed.Austin goes to the lounge rm with Liz and tells her that Jace is calling a meeting at 5am tomorrow morning. Austin says he plans to get everyone to vote for him and he told me that if I do not vote for him then he is the next Audrey. Austin then says he is the next Audrey and Jeff and i figured him out yesterday. 11:57am BBT: Austin and Liz are talking about how they can get other people to turn on each other without blowing up their own games. But once Jace is out of the house they will be fine but if Jace is still in the house they are screwed. Austin says we need to make sure our people get HOh this week. Austin says James has been in HOh for 2 weeks now and he is thinking he has all the power.
  8. 12:29pm BBT: Shelli and Vanessa in the have not rm talking, Shelli tells Vanessa that Audrey and DA have an alliance and then Vanessa starts saying that Shelli did not want to talk to her the other night and she says she was so hurt by that and Shelli says i just had no make up on and wanted to change shirts that is all i swear you can trust me i swear. 12:31pm BBT: Shelli says her and Clay went in the hammock and talked about things and i told him that we had to let Vanessa and Austin know what is going on and i wanted to get to you first and apparently Jeff got to you first. Vanessa says i really wanted to trust Audrey and Shelli says i know i trusted her to start with too so i know what you mean Vanessa. 12:33pm BBT: Most hg in the BY taking pictures as Da walks in the have not rm and Vanessa says can i ask you something? DA says yeah and Vanessa ask did you hear a RUMOR THAT THERE WAS AN ALL GIRLS ALLIANCE AND IT INVOLVED ME? DA SAYS YEAH I DID HEAR THAT. Vanessa ASK DID YOU HEAR IT FROM Audrey AND DA SAYS YEAH AND Vanessa SAYS YEAH ME TOO. 12:38pm BBT: Clay,Meg and Jackie getting ready in the WA to go out and do pictures then Jason comes in and sits down to watch. DA leaves the have not rm saying that her name is in to many peoples mouths and she is tired of it then leaves. 12:40pm BBT: Audrey sitting with her feet in the pool talking to Liz about James making his own decision about who to nominate.Liz sitting in the pool says yeah Jace is going home anyways. Audrey says it does not seem like anyone can keep their lips sealed.Becky comes out and talk stops. 12:44pm BBT: Audrey and Liz at the pool just looking around and talking about upcoming hoh comps and what they could be. In the have not rm Vanessa is getting dressed to go out to take pictures. 12:48pm BBT: Audrey tells Liz she hope the hoh comp is endurance cause she told her parents they will have to peel her off it before she comes down. 12:51pm BBT: Audrey talking to Jason about when he got in an argument with Steve she sit there in the bedroom and listened to him but when she has the argument with Jace lastnight then no one stayed in the bedroom talking to me. 12:55pm BBT:Most hg still getting ready to have pictures taken. Jason telling Audrey that he wanted to tell Jace they he wasn't staying but he couldn't but there is no reason to keep Jace cause why would we break up our side of the house for one person.
  9. 9:00am BBT: Hg are still sleeping. 9:30am BBT: HG still sleeping. 9:38am BBT: Vanessa and Audrey in the STR changing batteries. Audrey is whispering about what happened lastnight. They leave the STr and go to the KT. Audrey says Jace was yelling that he was going to take the blame and he was yelling at me then i might have said some things after he started yelling at me and i told him that the whole house was in on getting him out. So I don't know what he is going to do and i am just going to stay out of uit but i think everyone is on the same page. 9:41am BBT: Vanessa said i don't know if anyone made this coffee or if it is like? Audrey continues to repeat herself about Jace and talking to Becky About the conversation with Jace and see what she says. Vanessa says it is my understanding that Jace has to go then James, Austin and Clay. 9:46am BBT: Audrey goes back to bed as vanessa goes to the WC. 9:49am BBT: Vanessa goes to the BY eating a Popsicle and lays on the lounger. All other HG in bed sleeping.
  10. 8:37am BBT: All HG still sleeping 9:05am BBT: HG are still sleeping. 9:10am BBT: We now have FOTH . Maybe a wake up call. 9:25am BBT: Steve and Jason in the BY putting the awnings down, Vanessa in the WA doing make up and we get FOTH. 9:29am BBT: Jason and John in the BY sitting on couches talking as Jason smokes. Most HG in the WA doing ADL'S. 9:35am BBT: Liz and Becky talking about when they will get to eat food again and Liz says she thinks it is Wednesday after midnight and Becky ask why Wednesday and we get a brief FOTH. 9:37am BBT: Vanessa is in the KT getting coffee as Austin comes in to get water. In the BY Jason is laying in the sun talking to John about his mom. 9:47am BBT: Shelli and Jason in the BY talking about how hot it is there this summer. In the HOh rm James and Becky are talking about him taking things downstairs today so there won't be so much up there later. 9:51am BBT: Austin is now in the hoh rm talking to Becky as she prepares to take a shower. Jason, John and Shelli are in the BY just general talk.
  11. 2:10pm BBT: Jeff is talking to James upstairs and telling him that one of the girls is saying that Austin threw her under the bus and Jeff says i can not trust her now and James said no of course not. James says the way to manipulate her is to listen to her and make her think you are with her. In the purple rm Jase leave and goes to the DR. Vanessa, Shelli Jackie and Becky are talking saying that they think Jace is handling this well. 2:15pm BBT: Audrey ask Vanessa to talk to her alone that there is something personal she wants to talk to her about so they go to the lounge rm. Audrey says so i am a direct person and am transparent more than people think and i want to say i am disappointed in you and you told someone what i have said and it came back to me and i have also told people that i could not trust you. Vanessa says no i haven't. Audrey says several people told me that you did not trust me. Vanessa says that is a lie. Audrey says someone came to me saying they did not trust me anymore cause you went to them and told them things. Vanessa said no i did not do that . 2:20pm BBT: Vanessa says i went to Shelli and told her that i was not sure about something and she said to talk to you and i did and that is all that was said. Audrey said this morning Austin followed me to the HOh rm and told me that there is a group that is starting to formulate and i need to know if this is true. Vanessa said he asked that. Audrey says that Austin said there was a plan to backdoor Jason and Vanessa said i never said that i was sleeping i guess. 2:24pm BBT: Austin and James went to the WA and Austin says i had a feeling this was going to happen and James says yeah i know you did and listen i will tell you like i told Jace i was scared of him and did not want to be against him on the block. 2:30pm BBT: Shelli and Jackie laying in bed talking to Jeff about puppies. Audrey and Vanessa still in the lounge rm talking to Austin now about what happened today, Vanessa says she wants to trust Audrey and she says i am putting my eggs in your basket so it is up to you. 2:37pm BBT: Audrey, Vanessa and Austin repeat them selves alot and Audrey says i am going to confront this person and i am going tom say that i think we all need to sit down and clear our names. Austin and Vanessa says lets do it. 2:39pm BBT: Audrey says my biggest concern was that you hurt me Vanessa and Vanessa says all i can say is i understand but i can say i never said anything. 2:49pm BBT: Audrey, Vanessa and Austin talking about the show that will show tonight and they think the B.O.B will be shown tonight and Wednesday the POV. 2:51pm BBT: Jason and James in the BY talking about how mad Jace is and James says he knew it was going to happen and i told him i did not want to be against him in the B.O.B or HOH. Jason says yeah he is strong and he got his name out there now just by coming here and he got that now.
  12. 1:33pm BBT: Feeds are back. Jace and Jeff whispering in the WA Jace walks off and heads to the DR. Audrey and Becky in the HOH rm talking alone , Becky says i never knew it would be this hard to be HOH but it is good to be safe for a week but it comes with a price. Audrey says i want to be HOh next week. In the BY Jason is talking to Austin and DA sating that this is week one but it is really week 2. 1:37pm BBT: In the KT Jeff , Liz and Steve are making drinks then head out to the BY. James heads upstairs then comes back down to get a snack. Jason comes in the KT to get milk and tells James that he is mad and wants to talk later so he is probably going to throw you under the bus and try to do damage control. James goes upstairs and Audrey ask has he said anything to you and James says he is pissed.Clay is telling James he has to realize that it is just a game. 1:41pm BBT: Jeff and Liz talking in the BY as they play pool Jeff says i do not know what his game plan is but io do not even want to talk to him right now.In the comic BR Jace is walking around cursing and flipping off the cameras. He then starts whistling loudly as he changes clothes. Jace then goes outside and starts running. 1:45pm BBT: Austin tells Jace that now the only thing you can do is try to rally votes. 1:49pm BBT: Jace comes to HOh rm and ask to talk to James alone and James says there was some things said that he tried to flip something on me and i wont tell who said it. James said why would i try to flip things on you. We have been in an alliance since day one and what did i do. James says it is a strategic move and it is nothing personal. Jace says you do realize that there are alot of people buzzing around here talking crap and you f'ed up and it will come around and bit you in the ass. James said then it might and i am sorry man and Jace says no you are not i put my faith in you for nothing. 1:53pm BBT: Jace says i would have never done this to you man never. James says there are alot of people that think you are a threat in this house but i went with the house. Jace says why would i go against you and James says i don't know. Jace says that's exactly why. you are sending me home in the first week and making me look like a fool. James says why would you sign up for BB then this is a game people are going top come in and lie. James says i respect you as a competitor i do not want to go against you in the BOB i can't beat you cause you almost beat me in the HOh comp so what do you think i was going to do it isn't personal Jace and Jace says it isn't personal. 1:57pm BBT: James says this is not personal that if it was anyone else then it would be the same. jace says it is personal or else you would not have put me on the block to send me home man. Jace says these people that come up here lying to you they are going to mess you up and send you home. James says good i am ready to go home. 2:00pm BBT: Jace says i came up here to see where your head is at and now i know you have alot of people in your ear telling you sh*t . James says i can not go against the house man if i did then i would go out next and if i leave next then i leave i will go home but you have to understand i signed up for this like i signed up for the military i signed up for this and i made a strategic decision cause i did not want to be up against you in BOB cause you are a beast. Jace says no one wants to go home first. James says i know. Jace Says alright man thanks for talking to me and leaves the room.
  13. 12:09pm BBT: Liz , Clay and Austin in the have not rm Clay leaves and Austin says everything he says is a lie he is working this with DA and Audrey and i have an inside source and i just want to go outside and hide cause everyone is freaking out in here. Clay goes to Audrey and whispers that they are not protected and i know for sure we aren't. Audrey says why do you say that and he says that DA is not playing this game she is in there sleeping. 12:14pm BBT: Jeff tells Austin that it was brought to his attention that Austin that he was not trustworthy and Austin said it was brought to my attention the same thing about you. Jeff says we need to talk about this soon. Liz leaves the room and Jeff starts whispering about them talking soon. 12:19pm BBT: Hg are around the house in groups whispering and talking about the pov and repeating themselves alot. Austin and Jeff tells Jace he needs to go make James Promise that he is not putting him on the block . Austin says to Jace if you go on the block dude you re going home cause no one will vote Jackie out she will not leave. 12:23pm BBT: Jeff in the lounge rm talking to DA he tells her that Audrey is the biggest problem in the house and she feeds everyone bull sh*t. DA says yeah she tried to make it look like it was all me and put me in the middle of everything. 12:26pm BBT: Jeff says the reason you and Jace was fighting was because of Audrey and DA looks at him and says she is the one ruining my game. Da says she is making everyone fight so she can sit back and relax. Jeff says yeah she made Austin mad at me and i had to go fix things. 12:28pm BBT: Jeff says lets get out of here before people thinks we are talking to much and they hug. BB calls Steve to the DR. 12:30pm BBT: Most hg in the KT getting drinks as they start to head outside to wait for the POV ceremony to begin. 12:31pm BBT: BB tells the HG to please go outside and close the sliding class doors. HG complain it is hot out there and we get FOTH.
  14. 11:28am BBT: John is in the KT then heads to the WA where most Hg are doing ADL's Justr general talk going on. In the HOH rm Audry is talking to Austin and ask if he has any idea what Jamwes is going to do then we get a brief FOTH. 11:30am BBT: Austin is telling Audrey he just does not want to be left out of the loop because he talks to Jace, He says i feel like people do not talk to me cause i hang with Jace. I want to work with people you know you can not be a hot head in this game you know. 11:32am BBT: Jeff comes in to the HOH rm to take a shower and Audrey ask him if he knows what is going to go on in the ceremony and Jeff says no i literally just woke up. 11:34am BBT: Jeff ask if they have to go outside for the veto ceremony and Austin says yeah we will be locked outside for a minute or I actually don't know for how long. Jeff says i guess i will prepare for the worst. 11:36am BBT: DA and Jason in the have not rm whispering about Vanessa and Austin walks in and talking stops. 11:39am BBT: HG are getting ready for the POV ceremony. Audrey is telling James, Jason and Shelli that DA is outside talking to herself and freaking out. James then laughs. James then tells Steve he needs him to use the veto on him and they start laughing. 11:46am BBT: Audrey whispering to clay about they do not know if they can trust Jeff. Clay walks off and goes to the KT. 11:52am BBT: Steve is sitting at the KT table listening to Jace and Becky talk about having iced coffee. Austin is eating breakfast as the other Hg are getting ready to go outside. 11:55am BBT: Jason in the bedroom talking to meg about wanting to go back to bed and asking why they could not do the ceremony later. Audrey is doing her make up and Jace is putting socks on. Jason ask why can't they make mens clothes with the flair of womens clothes cause if they did i wouldn't have to shop in the womens clothes. 11:58am BBT: BB calls James to the DR, Meg, Jason and Audrey still in the bedroom getting ready and just general talk going on.
  15. 11:00am BBT:Vanessa says i do not why Da'Vonne played so hard this week. Austin says Da'Vonne tells Audrey everything. 11:02am BBT: Austin is called to the DR he says oh come on and we get FOTH as BB is probably waking the other HG. 11:16am BBT: HG are awake and lights are on. Vanessa is still laying in the BY and Jason joins her and they are talking about hairy nostrils. In the purple rm Audrey walks in and sits on the bed with Becky and Jeff on the other bed talking about songs. Clay still laying under the covers saying he had a dream them makes eye movement and the girls start laughing. 11:20am BBT: Audrey says she eats bars of soap for breakfast cause that taste like soap. Meg walks in getting her pills to take and Jeff yells popping pills. Audrey starts laughing. then we get FOTH. 11:23am BBT: Jason is in the BY smoking. Becky is working out in the BY and talking to Vanessa about calories. Meg is in the purple rm talking to Shelli and Audrey as Clay is laying in bed looks like he is going back to sleep. In the KT Austin is talking to Liz about James being lit lastnight. He ask for a bloody mary for James this morning. Jace comes in and says he stayed up later than anyone lastnight and the cameras were following him and he says i did weird crap all night. 11:30am BBT: James is up now in the hoh bathroom putting his hat on after he washed his hands. In the purple rm Jeff is talking to Audrey and Shelli about going to other cities and eating. Vanessa walks in and they talk about wearing glasses. Vanessa ask Audrey if she brought any other hats so they are not wearing the same beanies all the time. Audrey says yeah i will look. Vanessa says if anyone wants to join me i am going to go work out and leaves. 11:33am BBT: Liz is in the KT having breakfast James comes to the KT and sits down looking around. Most Hg are talking ABOUT MAKING BREAKFAST AND GETTING SHOWERS. 11:38am BBT: Jason and Shelli talking with Audrey about Audrey having so many clothes. Austin is walking around getting dressed talking about music. 11:45am BBT: John and Jace are sitting in the BY and Jace says it is hot and gets up and heads inside. Audrey is laying in the bed in the purple rm talking to Vanessa about clothes. Most Hg are in the Kt making breakfast and just general talk going on. 11:49am BBT: Meg is getting ready to go lay out in the BY. Most Hg in the Kt eating and making breakfast and just talking about showers and washing hair. In the By John, Clay, Jason and Becky are talking about who does tally boards for BB on the internet. 11:53am BBT: In the By Becky is complaining about how hot it is outside and she is not used to this much head and she is sweating. Meg comes out and says it is cloudy and Becky says it is hot out here. 11:56am BBT: Audrey is on the hammock with Jace talking about parents and Jace says everyone deserves parents. Audrey then says she is so relieved there is so many deep thinkers on this cast this year.
  16. 9:40am BBT: All HG still sleeping 10:07am BBT: Hg are still sleeping 10:43am BBT: Austin is up in the WA brushing his teeth. 10:46am BBT: Austin goes outside and Vanessa is laying out in the BY saying she is cold and it has been a rough night. He lays down with her on the round lounger and starts talking about people being paranoid and people not trusting Audrey. 10:48am BBT:Austin says he went and talked to James and everything is going to be ok. Vanessa says so is it between Audrey and Jace to go up and Austin says no Audrey will trust me and listen. Vanessa says do you think he will put up Jeff and Austin says yeah i think it will be Jeff. Vanessa says yeah that would be best since who is already up there. 10:51am BBT: Austin says i think there is another alliance forming on the other side of the house with James, Jason ,Meg, Audrey, and umm umm , Vanessa says Steve and Austin says yes thank you. 10:56am BBT: Austin tells Vanessa that one of his strategies coming in this house was to tell people about his injuries and i do have them but that are just not as bad as they could be but my back and my head does hurt sometimes.
  17. 12:00am -12:30am BBT: Hg got Beer and wine they just set around with general talk going on as some HG are in the KT and some are in the BY. Hg go to the hot tub just general talk going on. 12:30am - 1:00am BBT: Jackie, Vanessa and Jason go the the WA as Vanessa is doing her face mask for the night. Most hg stay in the BY giving shout outs to Texas A&m and other places.Becky goes to the wash area to apply more mascara and Jace gets in the shower. Audrey and Vanessa go to the have not rm and talk. Vanessa says she is in a tough spot and does not know who to trust.Vanessa says she told clay that she only trust him and Audrey and then says if you have my back i have yours and i told you this in the beginning that i want you to do well in this game. 1:00am - 2:00am BBT:Hg in the BY working out and Meg and Jeff laying in the hammock with general talk . Audry continues to go to other Hg talking and repeating herself about the other HG and what they have said. UPDATE:2:00am - 3:00am BBT: Becky and Clay on the hammock talking about how sweet Shelli is . Vanessa is blow drying her hair as Jackie tells her it is cold outside.James, Jacking and Meg set at the hot tub talking general talk as Audrey talks to Shelli about their alliance together. Austin and Becky join the hot tub. Audrey then goes to the HOH rm with James asking about his hometown as other HG are in the BY talking about events that will happen in the house. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: HG start to split up into groups and talking about alliances that they have been talking about all day or making. then they start getting ready for bed in the have not rm.
  18. 3:09pm BBT: Meg in HOh rm talking to James,Jason and Da'Vonne talking about security and about Jace moping lastnight. Jeff and Audrey in the lounge rm talking and Audrey ask what did i do and Jeff says you did nothing everyone is talking. Back ion the HOh rm James says that Jace. said right before the veto comp that someone was a rat and Meg saYS yeah look what he has done. James says he made me look bad. 3:15pm BBT:James says it does not matter what has been said or done to this point cause i am putting Jace up he is going home. James says i am not worried about all that rumor talk it is like being in Charlie brown whomp whomp whomp. Meg says i can not wait to watch this. James says it does not matter what it is my allegiance is to you guys right here. 3:18pm BBT: Jason says i tried spelling a word and Steve was a beast he had that thing. 3:20BBT:In the Lounge rm Clay , Audrey and Jeff are whispering and Audrey gets up to go out of the room saying we will say it is multiple people. Jeff and clay says yeah. Clay says we can not talk in the KT anymore cause Audrey questions everything we say she runs to me and ask what i am saying all the time. 3:24pm BBT: Audrey goes to the HOH rm telling James and meg,Da'Vonne and Jason that someone comes to her and tells her things and they need to be careful going to talk to other people. Da'Vonne ask so clay is coming to you telling you things? Audrey says i am not saying names she then says it will all come out when we confront them. 3:27pm BBT: Audrey leaves the HOh rm and Da'Vonne follows her. They watch on the spy screen and says oh look she is getting them now lets see if Clay goes or not. Audrey takes Da'Vonne,Austin,and Vanessa into the lounge rm and Da'Vonne starts asking Austin who came to them telling them lies about me and Austin says no one did. Audrey ask Austin did i ask you for a final deal and Austin says no not at all. 3:36pm BBT: Austin and Audrey in lounge rm alone now and he says ok straight you and people are concerned and Jace thinks that you wanted him gone and she says why would he think that? Austin says i do not know but he goes to everyone and talks and i am trying to control him cause i do not want him to go. 3:38pm BBT: Jace goes to HOh and tells Da'Vonne and Jason that he can not believe that Steve won that and Jason says yeah i knew he would do good but the word trombone? Da'Vonne leaves to go eat a slop patty and feeds switch to the bathroom with Jeff and Jackie he tells her to not worry she wont go just stick to the plan. Jackie says what if they get me out and Jeff says they wont trust me. 3:48pm BBT: Audrey is telling Jace and Austin that there is alot of Drama that started and i do not want that. Jace ask who said that. Austin says if multiple people are saying things then we have to watch that cause i am trying to keep our alliance from blowing up here. 3:51pm BBT: Austin is telling Audrey and Jace that yesterday he was training Jason and Jason told him that he can not wait to play in the veto cause people are talking and i just can not wait to play this veto. 3:57pm BBT: Jace says this is not one person that there are so many rumors going around and i do not blame you Audrey but there is so much crap going around so who said what?
  19. 11:02am BBT: Shelli, Austin at the KT table talking about taking tums. She ask if the have nots can have lemon water and he says i do not know but don't think so. She tells him probably not since it is not a condiment . 11:08am BBT: Jason in the bedroom talking to Audrey,and Becky about working out. In the Kt James is making food as Austin talks to him about playing word games. Clay is making coffee. They are talking about last seasons players and how cute Nicole was on her exit. 11:11am BBT:Clay, James, Audrey and Jeff in Kt talking about the have not rm and Clay heads to the bedroom.Then we get FOTH. 11:14am BBT: In the Bedroom Jason is talking to Becky about making coffee sweet and other foods. Clay is back to the KT making ice coffee. Audrey rubs water on his face and he yells and she says you know when you get hot pee on your hands? Clay says what? she says you know when you never wash your hands.Clay gets a paper towel to wipe his face with. She then ask if she missed anything and he says no nothing has changed. James walks in and talk stops. 11:23am BBT:In the have not rm Austin and Jason are talking that need to come up with a name and a good name. James says he does not think the veto comp will be a spelling one but then again it could be. James says it is better to come up with technotronics than to come up with nothing at all. Liz walks in and they talk about doing yoga. 11:28am BBT: Clay and James in the STr rm talking about making an alliance with other people then when they need to they can drop them later in the game. 11:30am BBT: Vanessa telling Clay she had a rough day yesterday and was so emotional. She says yeah it was hard and one of them days knowing my family was out there somewhere. 11:34am BBT: Liz and Austin in the have not rm talking about laying low and Austin says we are good. Liz says i am not talking to Audrey at all. Austin says yeah do not talk to her but i do not think they will put us up. 11:40am BBT: Austin, Liz and da Vonne in the have not rm walking around.Audrey in the Wash area talking to Jeff and John saying if James sleeps in the have not rm again she is sleeping in the HOh rm. Jeff says why is he doing that he put people on slop then he sleeps in there with them. 11:48am BBT: Vanessa says right now she would love to have a letter from home and Jason says i love my family but they know me. In the wash area Jeff and John are talking about making an alliance and he Jeff said he told Clay they need to solidify their group and make it the core group. 11:53am BBT: Da'Vonne and Austin and Liz in the have not rm talking about people being strong in this game and how you are that strong how do you mess up in a comp? Da'Vonne says it is day 9 now of being in this house. 11:56am BBT: Audrey in the STR telling James that Jeff was questioning why he was sleeping in the have not rm. James ask why would he do that? Audrey says i don't know he was wondering. James says if Jeff wants to sleep up there i t is ok with me and Audrey says no if you sleep down here tonight i am taking over your rm.
  20. (UPDATE) 8:00am-10:00am BBT: Feeds were on FOTH then we see Brittnee washing dishes then feeds go back to FOTH. 11:12am BBT: Brittnee in the LVR then goes to the STR and looks in the first aid kit then heads upstairs to try to make a band-aid. 11:14am BBT: Sarah is laying in the HOH bed half asleep. Brittnee goes to the HOH rm and ask Sarah how she is feeling. She shows Sarah her cut then puts a bandage on it. 11:18am BBT: Brittnee says i lost as much as you lost and Godfrey lost. and it is frustrating. Sarah says it seems like he tried cause it looked like he would have done it. Brittnee says that Godfrety is not to be under estimated.He almost won the counting 100 minute game. I will tell him that if i stay and it comes down to the final 3 i will take you over sarah. 11:22am BBT: Brittnee going over her speech and we get a brief FOTH then comes back to Godfrey in the bathroom area wrapped in a towel. He puts his shorts on and heads to the living rm couch to lay down. 11:30am BBT: Arisa comes on the screen and tells the HG to come to the living rm .She then tells them I have some news to give in less then an hour one more of you will be leaving the house tonight is a special eviction then we get FOTH.
  21. 10:21pm BBT: HG are all in the HOH rm and Sarah says something is going on for sure. Ashleigh says what is going on. 10:22pm BBT: Ashleigh is laying under the chair in the HOH rm reading the label.BB tells them to stop talking about production then Ashleigh gets up and says i am going to go poo. 10:27pm BBT: Sarah is eating her dinner . Brittnee looking in the mirror, Godfrey just looking around as they sit in silence. 10:28pm BBT: Brittnee says i wonder what they are doing down there and sarah says i don't know then Bb tells them to please stop talking about production.
  22. 9:51pm BBT:Hg are in the KT cooking dinner and talking about sauces.. Just general talk about food. 9:59pm BBT: Sarah talking about there being a chance that the veto and eviction might not be till Sunday and Godfrey thinks the finale might be Monday. 10:01pm BBT: Sounds like Ashleigh has won the POV and it involved eating Pizza and brittnee got a scratch on her knee that was dripping blood. 10:05pm BBT: Sarah is still cooking while the others are eating and talking about scratching chalk boards with finger nails or a knife scraping on a plate and how they hate that. 10:08pm BBT: HG are talking about Brittnee's panty house and what skin color they are. She tells Godfrey they are his skin color. 10:11pm BBT: Sarah saying that there are more African/ American people in the States than in Canada. They talk about how wierd it is calling them African/American She ask Brittnee if it is weird? Brittnee says yeah i am Canadian. 10:16pm BBT: Brittnee says the counter is dangerous as she just scratched herself on it again and then they say Kevin did it too cut his hand open on it. Brittnee ask Sarah if she can borrow a yellow shirt for the POV meeting and Sarah says of course you can you do not need to ask.
  23. 1:02pm BBT: Brittnee is still in the DR. Godfrey. Sarah and Ashleigh are quiet in the HOh rm. 1:14pm BBT: Brittnee is back in the HOh rm and Sarah is called to the DR. 1:20pm BBT: Brittnee is laying in the HOh bed and Ashleigh sitting in a chair as Godfrey is laying on the little couch talking about movies and who played in them. 2:00pm BBT: we have been on FOTH for about 40 minutes now.
  24. 12:09pm BBT: All HG are in the hoh rm. Ashleigh is called to the DR, Godfrey gets off the bed and stretches and sits in the chair and says we need board games in here 12:21pm BBT: Brittnee and Godfrey in HOH rm just talking general talk , Sarah is in the bathroom and comes out and gives Godfrey the I pod. Ashleigh is still in the DR. 12:33pm BBT: Brittnee talking about a wedding she is going to attend this year in England. Sarah looks to be sleeping.Ashleigh still in the DR and we get FOTH. 12:42pm BBT: Ashleigh is back in the hoh rm and Godfrey is now in the DR. Just general talk going on about movies. 12:45pm BBT: Ashleigh asking brittnee and Sarah if she should pop the blister on her heel that she got yesterday from wearing the heels so much. They tell her yes just put a small hole in it so the juice will drain out. 12:47pm BBT: BB tells the Hg that the pantry is now open. 12:55pm BBT: Ashleigh, Sarah and brittnee sitting in the HOh rm snacking on Sarah's snacks from her HOh basket.BB calls Brittnee to the DR and Godfrey is back in the Rm and joins in the conversation about movies.
  25. 8:38am-10:53am BBT UPDATE:Sarah is up changing everyone's batteries. Hg get up and make breakfast with general talk going on then they lay in the LVR 11:08am BBT: HG sitting in the KT drinking coffee as BB calls Brittnee to the DR. 11:09am BBT: Godfrey says I think the eviction will be on Sunday and then the finale on Wednesday i think. Sarah says it is so nerve racking. 11:15am BBT: Sarah and Ashleigh in the KT talking about actors as Sarah loads the dish washer. Ashleigh goes to lay down in the LVR couch where Godfrey is already laying down. 11:19am BBT: Ashleigh thanks Sarah for cleaning up. Brittnee comers out of the DR and thanks her for cleaning up also. Sarah says no big deal since there is only 4 of us it's easy now. 11:20am BBT: Sarah says she is staying in her pajamas for awhile resting and she says sorry Gary. Brittnee says we must be the worst dressed HG sitting around in flannel "sorry gare bear. Ashleigh says that Gary and Ika must be the most glamorous dressed people in BB history. 11:27am BBT:All the HG are laying on couches in the LVR talking about Ika's hair and how great it looked. Ashleigh says teach me to do my hair like that. 11:39am BBT: HG just laying around. Brittnee says I like it when BB calls me B. Ashleigh says yeah it is weird calling you Brittnee. 11:45am BBT: Hg are talking about how JP and Sindy have been in jury for about a month now and Brittnee says that is crazy. 11:51am BBT: HG laying in silence and BB tells Godfrey to please wake up that nap time is over. 11:53am BBT: Sarah gets up and says she is going to go get dressed and heads to her room. Everyone else still laying on couches in silence. 11:55am BBt: Brittnee and Godfrey talking about Pilar and Kevin and how they would go play in the rain and have such a good time doing it.



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