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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 8:55am BBt: Shelli,Becky, Liz, Audrey are up. Steve in the KT getting breakfast. Shelli goes back to bed and Jason and Meg are talking laying in their bed about getting the camera today. Liz and Becky in the WA talking about the music this morning and Liz says Cher is awesome. 8:58am BBT: meg is now up and saying she really wants a shower but i feel like we are going to do something. Jason says why you feel like we are going to do something and Meg says cause they woke us up so early. 9:01am BBT: Liz, Meg and Becky in WA doing ADL's . liz goes to the KT where Steve is and is looking around. 9:06am BBT: Meg is sitting in silence in the WA as Audrey gets her shower. Liz is getting ready to do her hair. Most Hg back in bed going back to sleep. 9:20am BBt: Audrey, Liz and shelli are in the Wa doing makeup with no talking going on all other Hg are in bed going back to sleep in silence. 9:36am BBT: meg and Audrey doing make up and Shelli is now in the shower. No talking between any of them and other Hg are in bed sleeping. 9:49am BBT: Liz in the Kt making herself some breakfast. Shelli out of the shower finishing up her ADL's. 9:53am BBt: Liz talking in the Kt about why the BY is locked down and she says maybe they are making us a party out there. Audrey is listening at the sliding glass door and Liz says they are building something out there right? Do you hear them? BB yells stop that and the girls jump and laugh.
  2. 6:02pm BBt: Jeff and Audrey still talking about going o the block and not being picked for POV and Audrey says she still wants to know who turned things on her she she can get revenge. Vanessa and Shelli in HOh rm talking about being throwed under the bus and how Jeff threw them all under the bus. Shelli ask does Steve know about the twin thing and Vanessa says no and shelli says ok i think he screwed up. He says that he just calls them Misses Nolan so he does not disrespect them. Vanessa says maybe she told him then i do not know. 6:13pm BBT: Vanessa,Steve, Audrey, and Liz in the KT eating and just talking general talk. Clay in the HOh rm waiting for shelli to come out of the bathroom. 6:15pm BBT: Clay eating and waiting for shelli to get out of the shower in the HOh rm. Shelli comes out and tells him she just got out of the shower and she has to do her thang. In the Wa Vanessa is talking to Liz and Austin about what shelli said that Steve told her and Liz says i do not remember saying that. Vanessa says you just have to be careful of what you say now. 620pm BBT: Steve and Austin NOW IN THE kT MAKING FOOD.Audrey is sitting there watching them. 6:25pm BBT: Austin tells Steve to try to balance everything just not over the top when they come to you. Steve says i am trying to. Steve goes to the microwave and says another 3 minutes and Austin says yep. 6:29pm BBt: Vanessa and Clay in the HOh rm. Clay says that Audrey wears my clothes all the time but what does she not understand we are helping her but and Vanessa says we are not working together. Clay says right. Vanessa says so it is looking good against Jeff right? Clay says yeah yeah for sure. 6:42pm BBT: Austin in the KT eating alone then Audrey walks in and just looks at him as she slowly walk around the KT. Vanessa and clay still in the HOh rm talking and repeating themselves about them being in an alliance and protecting each other in the game so they can not hang out as much together so people will not think they are together. 6:45pm BBt: Audrey goes to the HOh rm and Vanessa says we have to literally stop hanging out so much no more than 2 of us together at a time cause people are saying that i am working with you and Austin and i am but do you understand that? Audrey says yeah. Vanessa says people are talking and it is going to take us not hanging out together so they will not think we are working together cause if they knew i threw that comp to you it would be bad. James is not dumb he is catching on to this stuff and that is not a good thing 6:52pm BBt: Audrey says Jason and meg will not hang out with me and Johnny Mack will not be seen with me or talk to me either. Vanessa says go talk to them and say i know people are throwing me under the bus but i am willing to let by gones be by gones or i do not know how you will do it but you have to try to talk to them. 6:55pm BBt: Clay and shelli in the KT talking general talk as Shelli is eating. Austin is in the Wa looking in the mirror. Clay goes out to the BY where Jason and Steve are sitting on the couches then Austin joins them.
  3. 5:07pm BBT: Jason and Jeff in the BY on the couches talking, Jeff says do you know what you are doing? Jason says i have no idea this is one of them times in the game i feel stumped. Jeff says i need to talk to James. BB calls Clay to the Dr and Jason says like we do not have enough male nipples this season call Clay to the DR. 5:09pm BBt: Jason says i do not what to say to her to put up Audrey except to tell her she did not vote DA out other than that i have no idea what to say to get her to put up Audrey. 5:11pm BBt: Jeff goes to talk to Austin and Austin thanks him for saying something cause Vanessa is making it look like i am with her and you made me see that now. Clay walks up and Jeff says look Audrey is doing damage control now. Clay says what is going on then says what the hell has gotten into Vanessa's mind? Jeff says she told me i do not trust you. Dude she is smart and she might be smarter than Audrey. 5:21pm BBT: Jeff still going over his conversation with Clay and Austin about why Vanessa will not put Audrey up on the block. Jeff says i do not want to go against James but i have to much information not to. 5:28pm BBt: Jeff leave the BY and Clay tells Austin so he is a salesman. Clay says i was told yesterday that he was trying to get either me or Shelli backdoor. Austin said he had that thought and he wanted to get shelli and get Jason next week. 5:35pm BBT: Austin and Clay are working out in the BY. Liz and Shelli whispering in the WA . Clay ask to talk to Meg and Jason He ask then can you Jeff and meg says i can but that is not my priority ( plane flies over and can not hear the conversation.) After the plane is gone meg is saying i just know that Jeff talks to much and i am so much more comfortable in this house with Audrey. Meg says there is no way the house will go against James. The house is now making 2 sides. 5:41pm BBT: Meg said some things were said and some one who is a target was trusted more than me and it hurt my feelings and i am so upset over it. She tells Austin and Clay that this is a game and you have to know that no one in this house is telling the truth but you have to know with like James the picture is getting bigger. 5:50pm BBT: All is quiet in thew BB House as some are working out and some are making food and some Hg are sleeping. Austin walks outside and says you got to tell her to stop blowing us up and everything. Audrey goes to bed and whispers to Jeff. She says i understand that people want to use me as a escape goat in here. Jeff tells her about his conversation to Vanessa and tells her that he told Vanessa that when no one wanted to protect Audrey then a few of us in the house wanted to. 5:57pm BBt: Jeff says i am starting to not trust people, Audrey says i tell you it was not Clay or shelli and Jeff says no it was not them. Jeff says Audrey you staying in this game does not effect me cause when no one else in this house wouldn't communicate with you then i did.
  4. 4:03pm BBT: Hg sitting around the Pool and in the Pool the Gronk music plays and they start clapping. 4:05pm BBT: BB says Clay , Jeff as they are laying by the pool and the other Hg start laughing telling them to join the party.They both sit up and put their feet in the pool. 4:09pm BBT: Hg are talking about they hope someone actually comes in the house like Cathy did. All went quiet then everyone is talking at one time. 4:11pm BBt: Jason says all i can say is if Gronk ever wants to do a party then none of us are ever invited. Hg laugh and we get FOTH. 4:16pm BBT: Feeds come back with Hg still sitting at the pool saying the doors are opening. Becky and James get up to go in and Gronk says that was an awesome party. they run inside and yell Oh MY GOD there is no awesome party. 4:17pm BBT: Austin and Jeff go to working out in the BY. some Hg are laying out in the sun and James is making food in the KT. 4:22pm BBT: Jeff and Austin talking about what happened lastnight and what his talk with Vanessa was today. Austin sitting there with his hands on his face just saying mmmm hmmmmm . Austin says I told Her lastnight that we could go up and talk to him and he will listen and i was on your side. Jeff says I was on your side also. 4:29pm BBT: James, Clay and Jackie in the KT getting something to eat. Jeff and Austin still talking in the CBR about trusting each other. and what Jeff said to Vanessa earlier. Jeff tells Austin dude you know what my line up is and it will never change. 4:33pm BBt: Meg and Jason laying on the hammock and Shelli says i can not wait for the twins to come in and Jason says me either i can not wait to shove that in peoples faces. 4:35pm BBt: Austin ask Jeff can you beat James with my vote and Jeff says yeah with your vote i can. Austin says i told James lastnight i would vote for him so that is something i will have to think about. 4:40pm BBT: Audrey, Shelli and Liz in the BY talking general talk as they sit in the BY in the sun. Jeff and Austin still in CBR repeating themselves. 4:47pm BBt: Austin and Jeff still in the CBR talking about Austin being in the HOh rm and Austin says she moves in and I moved out. Austin says every person i talk to i take to heart and i am generally trying to play as an honest game as i can. Jeff ask what is the deal with Audrey? Austin says she literally built a list yesterday why Audrey does not need to go. Jeff ask if all that lastnight was orchestrated and Austin says not that in know of unless i got played. 4:55pm BBt: Jeff is still going on talking to Austin about how Vanessa is making a mistake sending him home. Austin says this is my deal here i have to protect my game and i do not want to be in the middle of this but i keep getting pulled in but i do not want in it. 4:57pm BBt: Jeff and Austin leave the CBR, Jeff goes to the WA and Austin goes in the KT to get an apple. Shelli is washing dishes. Meg and Jason still on the hammock talking to Clay who is walking around about all the chances Audrey keeps getting.
  5. 5:28pm BBT: James is waiting to get in a shower and Jeff is in the shower now. Audrey is leaving the WA and heading to the KT.Clay comes in and goes to the WC. Jeff is saying he is hungry as hell as he washes his body. 5:30pm BBT: Jeff tells James to come closer to the shower then whispers to him (can not hear him) . In the HOH rm Austin is talking to Vanessa He tells her sorry i F'ed up i am sorry i will go next week. We see the fish and hear i think it is Vanessa saying g that people are saying that if she does not backdoor Audrey then they are coming after her. 5:33pm BBTL Vanessa says she needs a reason that out ways the pressure from the whole house. Austin says i know. 5:38pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa talking about the veto comp as Austin says he could not process the numbers in his head , he says he needs to think about it and process first. Vanessa said it was good that i could pick Audrey cause she was busting it. Austin said yeah cause everyone was calling the numbers. 5:41pm BBT: Vanessa said she had johnny Mack beat and she Blew it. Vanessa says i can not put him up cause he is with us or do i need to put Audrey up? Austin sighs then laughs and Vanessa says it is done. 5:44pm BBT: Austin says he wants to hear what Shelli has to say. Vanessa says but everyone says what they want to help themselves and their own game.Austin apologizes to Vanessa and she tells him not to worry about it i can forgive you but it just sucks cause you could have won. 5:48pm BBT: Vanessa says what if i do this i being Jeff in and says i want James to go home and want to use him as a pawn and if he throws a fit then i wont do it. But the thing is that he is James best friend in the house. Austin says where do i come into that what do i do stand here and protect you? Vanessa starts laughing. 5:50pm BBT: Austin ask Vanessa who do we want out this week and Vanessa says i don't know and Austin says who do you want out? Vanessa says James has competitive skills. 5:50pm BBT: In the WA Jeff and James are talking as James says he is still stuck on the chopping block. Audrey goes to the WC and Jeff says i feel like i am gaining weight in here. 5:54pm BBt: Jason and meg in the Grey BR saying all Vanessa has to do is say her name that all if she don't then someone we are close to will go up. Back in the HOh rm Austin and Vanessa are still talking about what to do. Austin is getting in the shower and Vanessa is o the bed eating. 5:58pm BBT: Vanessa goes down to the Kt to make food for herself, James,Becky, Shelli, Clay and Jackie are sitting in the KT eating with general talk going on. Steve comes in walking around the KT area. Jason and Meg in the Grey br and Jason says i want everyone to sit there and let the twins come in and they are going to fire off their mouths. 8:04pm BBT: Austin and Becky in the STR whispering about One of the girls not wanting to talk to Austin and not knowing where his game is at, Becky says she told meg and i heard it so i wanted to pass it along for reference. Austin says thank you.
  6. 10:03am BBT: Hg are lounging around or doing ADL's getting ready for the nomination ceremony. Austin talking to Jackie in the WA saying that Shelli got on to him for telling everyone that they are a pawn. Austin says obviously the target is still Audrey but i do not what to put you up in case things go wrong. Jackie says really? he says yeah like week one when you was up but i have your back. 10:07am BBt: Austin telling Jackie that he does not want people mad at him but i have to put 2 people up and they all want Steve out. Steve goes to the Comic BR and James ask him are you worried about noms? Steve says everybody is. john says i am not and James as your not? John says no. 10:10am BBT: WE just went to Jeff's Reels as the HG are doing Nominations.
  7. 9:00am BBT: Austin in HOH rm getting his dirty laundry together. Vanessa is in the WA with Shelli and Clay as they are doing their ADL's. James,Jeff and Austin in the STR talking as Austin changes his batteries and says i do not know what she is doing. James said well she did not want to talk lastnight and leaves the STr. 9:04am BBt: Vanessa goes to the HNR talking to Jackie and Jackie says i will come up and talk. Clay goes to to the HOh rm to talk to Austin and Austin says ok so we are trying to either backdoor James or Jeff and clay says oh yeah? Austin says yeah. Austin says i am going to try to get my people to win and either way i am staying up here with Vanessa so she can not be alone with Audrey. But here is the thing who do i put up>? James or John as he has already offered to throw it. Vanessa comes in and he says i was telling Clay who we want to backdoor. 9:10am Vanessa is alone in the HOH WA doing her ADL's getting ready for nominations. Meg in the Purple BR taking pills . Austin brings in John to the HOh rm and Vanessa says i hate to even ask this but i want to put you up and i want you to throw it so Austin remains HOh and you are safe with me and Austin both but i need you to throw this. John says ok we gotta do what we gotta do right?? 9:13am BBt: Jeff heads to the HOh rm and Austin walks out and talks to him on the balcony. Austin says he is ready to get this over with today. 9:15am BBT: Jeff goes in to talk to Vanessa and says i just want to make sure we are on the same page. 11:19am BBT: Jeff tells Austin and Vanessa that he is sure they know he has talked to several people in the house and we all have the same agenda and that is to make it to jury. Austin says right. John goes to the comic BR to talk to Clay.He tells clay that he is going up and is expected to throw the BOTB comp today. clay says really ok we will figure it out. 9:20am BBT: Jeff tells Austin and Vanessa that shelli and clay are an item and i was hoping that we could all come together with shelli for an alliance but then i watched a couple days ago and when she was HOh their game was on a personal lever and not a strategic leave. Jeff then says if Audrey gets HOh then i think shelli will be going home. Austin agrees. Jeff says i do not like shelli and clay together i like them separate but not together. Vanessa says it is a package deal.Vanessa says that is why i need two people that are willing to work with me and will not come after me next week. 9:28am BBT: Liz comes in to hoh rm and Vanessa says they are all gonna hate me and Austin says they are all pawn man and Vanessa agrees. Steve in the hOh rm now and Vanessa says everyone has come up here and said we need to get Steve out and that is not going to happen. Steve says everyone thinks Austin is mad at me and Vanessa says good as Austin says that is what we want. 9:41am BBT: James goes upstairs to talk to Austin and Vanessa after Jason leaves and Vanessa telling him that he is good. Vanessa telling James that He is good and that she is putting up the two people who is the least emotional cause i want Audrey gone. Vanessa says i promised people that i would not put them up this week so i have to honor that so i do not know if you will go up or not but if you do i want you to win BOTB. James says alright. 9:44am BBT: Audrey comes to the HOh rm after James leaves. Vanessa says everyone thinks we are going to backdoor you and believe me that is not going to happen so do not worry you will not have to campaign or anything. So it is going to be a John situation and James and Jeff and meg and they will be thinking that we are backdooring you but that will not happen.Vanessa says Austin will not backdoor you either. Vanessa says you ok with that? Audrey says what garentee do i have that after the POV that i will not go up? Vanessa says you will not go up you can trust me and they will hate me and thats ok. 9:52am BBT: Vanessa still talking to Audrey as they repeat themselves alot. Vanessa tells her that she is safe so just be yourself. In the LVR James, John, Jeff and Clay talking to John about hje will be safe not to worry then Bb calls clay to the DR. Shelli comes to the Hoh rm and Audrey leaves and Shelli talks about Austin telling people that are a pawn and she tells him to stop it that it ios only week 3 in here. 9:56am BBt: Clay joins the HOh rm and Vanessa talks really quick and they talk about how Austin will be the one being dethroned now if all goes right.
  8. 1:19pm BBt: Shelli is taking her things out of the HOh rm. DA is in the WA doing her makeup and Jeff is laying with a cold rag ON HIS HEAD SAYING HE NEEDS TO THROW UP AND WE GO BACK TO JEFFS REELS. 1:22pm BBT: Clay is sitting in the WA scratching and picking his nose. DA is using a flat iron on her hair. Jeff is still laying in the WA with a cold rag on his head. Austin in the KT walking around, John is getting a snack as Becky is looking for the Advil. 1:25pm BBT: BB calls DA to the DR and she says of course. She heads to the DR. Austin is in the comic br stretching. 1:52pm BBT: Feeds come on and Jeff is getting out of bed saying It hurts then we go back to Jeff's Reels. 1:54pm BBT: Feeds come back to Jason and Shelli talking in the bedroom just general talk. Meg is getting clothes to wear. In the Wa Da is still doing ADL's John and Vanessa are laying in bed sleeping in the comic rm. In the purple rm Jason and Austin talking about voting Meg to stay and meg laughs. 1:56pm BBT: Meg says honestly if i do leave i will feel fine about it cause that means that every person in this house has lied to me. Jason says that is the BB game.
  9. 10:02am BBT: James and Jeff in the KT making breakfast. In the HOh rm Austin, Shelli and Clay talking about they need to win HOh and then one of them to win the POV this week to get Audrey out. Clay ask Austin if he is close with Becky and he says yeah she is finally talking to me. Clay says good we can use her help too i mean not in the alliance but you know what i mean. Austin says yeah i am trying to get in good with Jackie too and we get FOTH. 10:11am BBT:Austin leaves the hoh rm . Clay says we have to get in a rm with like Jeff or somebody. Shelli says yeah and Jackie said it would be good if us 4 were the have nots. Clay says yeah. Shelli tells clay that Jason says he will back door Audrey and if he wins HOh he will get her out but we can not let Jason win HOH cause he will go after Liz. 10:13am BBT: Austin in the KT watching Jeff and James cook. Audrey goes to HOh rm to talk to Clay and shelli and says Da told me lastnight that everyone thinks she has the power and after her blow up yesterday she thinks everyone wants her out but she says she has the votes and wanted mine but she would not tell me who has the power. 10:22am BBT: Clay and Shelli laying quietly in the HOh bed. Jeff, washing his dishes and Austin making breakfast while James is eating. 10:29am BBT: Da is telling Vanessa that someone can cancel votes out tonight so Meg is not going to stay and Vanessa says ok tell whoever has the power to tell me.Vanessa is holding her head and tells DA give me a reason to do it just give me a reason and Da says she is good with everyone in this house. Vanessa says put yourself in my position. Da says i am nervous like i told you . Vanessa says who ever has the power i do not want to vote as she puts her hand in the air and laughs. 10:41am BBT: Most hg up doing ADL's and making breakfast and we get FOTH 10:42am BBT: DA is in the shower. Most Hg in the KT making breakfast and eating just general talk going on. 10:54am BBT: After a brief FOTH we now have Jeff's reels.
  10. 9:03am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB might be waking the HG to start preparing for tonight's Live Eviction. 9:05am BBT: Shelli gets Julia and goes to the HOh rm and tells her HI i am Shelli it is nice to meet you and we get FOTH. 9:08am BBT:m Julia tells Shelli that she knew Monday that DA was suspicious cause she wanted to see my eyes. Shelli says let me tell you what i seen one day when you was sitting here the other day on the edge. Julia says yeah that was Liz i have been here since Monday. Shelli says well i noticed the other day when she was sitting on the edge that she was different. Is her face a little rounder? Julia says yes. Clay says i noticed the face also . 9:12am BBT: Julia says i have not trusted DA since day one and i told Liz in the DR that and then i Came in and DA asked what my name was in the Podcast and she was like i do not remember cause Liz and I did not talk about that. 9:14am BBT: Julia said i had to tell someone cause when i would come out of the DR everyone was sitting in the LVR just staring at me so i knew. Vanessa comes in and says that Austin went to the bathroom then went back to bed so i will get him up after i go to the bathroom. Vanessa tells Shelli to get Julia up to speed on what people know. Shelli says they look at your boobs and stuff and Julia says i know i can not wear a bathing suit anymore and i will wear baggy clothes now. clay says yeah you need to gain more and Liz needs to lose more. 9:17am BBT: Shelli ask Julia who works for their mom her or Liz and Julia says we both do. Clay says how long till you both can come in and Julia says 5 evictions. Clay says we just got to be careful with Liz when she comes back in and fill her in. and we get FOTH. 9:21am BBT: Julia tells Shelli that her and Liz will be switching sometimes today. Julia ask did you guys notice that we switched last week live at the first live eviction. Shelli says noooo. 9:24am BBT: Clay and Shelli telling Julia that maybe she can polish a design on her nails and I can send the nail polish to the DR with you but how long do you have in there and we get a brief FOTH. We come back to Clay asking if she has a cut on her foot and she says yeah I do Shelli says damn that is bad. Julia says i will wear socks then. Shelli says wear a higher shirt too cause they are looking at everything. 9:28am BBT: Shelli tells Julia that anything specific the other HG are talking about we will come and tell you about. Julia says i know that DA is leaving tonight . Clay says always try to be with me Shelli or Vanessa so we can try to stop some of this. Shelli says try not to make it to noticeable since you have been hanging out with Austin alot just start hanging out with me cause i love you guys. Julia hugs Shelli then leaves the HOh rm as BB tells the Hg that it is time to get up for the day. 9:31am BBT: Julia gets in bed with Austin and whispers to him, He then gets up and goes to the bathroom to talk to Vanessa and says what is going on? Vanessa says i have tried talking to you for 3 days now. I kept saying we need to talk. Vanessa says have you talked to Liz cause she is a twin. Austin says really she told you? Vanessa says yes and she needs alot of protection cause the others are on to her. 9: 36am BBT: Shelli goes downstairs to change batteries. Austin is walking in the WA. Vanessa comes out of the WC and tells Austin that Jeff is gunning for you and Austin says he is Gunning for me? Vanessa says yeah. Vanessa says if we want to protect Liz then we have to keep this quiet. Austin says they have switched already? Vanessa says Julia has been with us for 3 days and Austin laughs.Vanessa says they are all watching her when she goes to the Dr so i will tell you everything but when i say we need to talk make it happen. 9:38am BBT: Vanessa tells Austin that Liz is scared cause she spend 30 minutes in the DR yesterday crying cause she knows everyone knows. Vanessa says i had Julia to go straight to Shelli this morning. Austin says Shelli knows? Vanessa says yeah we are going to try to help her. Vanessa says Jason is the one that is watching her alot and they all told me not to tell you cause they did not want you to know, But we have to help her. 9:47am BBT: Vanessa still talking to Austin in the WA repeating herself alot and telling Austin that Julia and Liz will switch places today and Austin says really? Vanessa says yeah and he laughs. 9:53am BBt: Austin in the HOh rm talking to Shelli and Clay about Liz and Julia and how they will protect her. Clay says just be subtle about it and do not make it obvious. Austin says there is a difference since i think about it now. I was like why does she look so different the last couple of day and i just thought she was loosing weight. Austin ask who figured it out? Clay says DA and Jason. 9:56am BBt: Shelli tells Austin that when Liz/Julia go talking to other people then we need to go up and join the conversation. Austin says are we going for Audrey this week and Clay says yeah but we have to make sure we keep her close and in the loop and make her feel like she is tight with us. 9:57am BBt: Shelli says that they think James and Audrey are together and that the fight between DA and Audrey yesterday was fake. Austin says if Liz had gone up this week she would have gone home. Shelli says yeah it was lucky Steve won that POV so i put up Meg and made that side of the house choose a side now.
  11. 11:02am BBT: Vanessa says i swear to you and Shelli says i understand we have to be careful about Audrey cause we have information that Liz is playing with an identical twin cause the girl that was here yesterday was not Liz she would not be interviewed by Jeff and she wouldn't socialize so she is a different girl. Shelli says The one that was here lastnight is not as bubbly as the other one cause Liz is probably the one that came in at the beginning and got to know us all and then the one lastnight isnt as bubbly she keeps a hat over eyes. 11:05pam BBt: Shelli says did you notice when we do nails she keeps her colors the same cause her twin would not have time to change her nail color. Shelli says Liz told us that she works for her mom but her sister works more for her mom than she does then lastnight that she works for her mom all the time so that alerted me to something. 11:08am BBT: Clay says if you look at the memory wall they have merged the pictures and one eyebrow is different and the jaws. 11:12am BBT: Shelli says we got word lastnight. you know how we talked to Audrey yesterday and she was trying to get us to realize that the other side if the house is you Liz and austin and others but she is always trying to get becky out there and how she wants us to side with a certain side of the house and i thought no big deal. Now we received word that she talked to someone else that she believes there is an alliance of me, clay, Jeff ,James and Meg are an alliance. BB calls Liz to the Dr and Shelli says she might be switching and Vanessa says lets go watch. 11:20am BBT: Shelli and Clay still talking about the different alliances in the house and how John told them that he was told by Audrey that they was in an alliance with Meg and Shelli says i did not tell John why i thought that was interesting but i told Clay why. 11:23pm BBT: Austin in the Kt making eggs as James is drinking his protein shake. In the HOh rm Clay and Shelli tell Vanessa that Jeff told them that Liz needs to go before Audrey and we were like why would Liz go before midway since she is no threat to anyone. 11:28am BBT: Jason takes his clothes to the BY to wash them. James and Austin and John talking about music as Austin cooks pancakes to go with his eggs. Bb tells Austin to go to the STr and change his mic. he says i have a broken pancake cooking. James says they like messing with you don't they? Austin says they do. Austin heads to the STr and James says what is up John and he says there is some crazy shit happening around here and James agrees with him. 11:43am BBT: Jason and James sitting in the BY talking about LIz and James says when she comes out later we will study her close and see if this is the facts. Jason says yeah we will watch her closely. James says doesn't she wear the hat when she works out and Jason says yeah she wears the spandex, and the other one covers her face with a hat all the time so we can't see her. 11:48am BBT: Jason says as soon as i see liz come out of that DR i will know if i am right or not. He then sits down with James.Meg, Vanessa and Shelli still in HOh talking about Audrey and how Audrey corners Meg asking if she gets HOh is she going to backdoor her and if so then she is voting her out. Meg says i am not Hoh yet so i do not know what is going on yet. BB calls shelli to the DR. 11:51am BBT: Jason goes to the WA where Liz and Da are doing ADL's James comes in as they are watching Liz to see if she switched with a twin. 11: 56am BBT: Liz leaves the WA and Jason and james and DA talk about Liz and Jason says i did not see her face so i am not sure yet.
  12. 9:00am BBT: All HG are still sleeping. 9:33am BBT: Hg still in Dream land. 10:10am BBT:Vanessa and Audrey in the LVR . James and Shelli in the KT talking about what the have nots will eat tonight after they get off being a have not 10:13am BBT: Meg goes to the BY where Clay and Shelli are and John is sitting on BY couch. 10:16am BBT: Meg is talking about Audrey starting things lastnight and how she came to her talking about the nominations and starting crap with people and talking to Jeff about her. Meg says she freaks me out. 10:21am BBT: Meg tells Shelli and Clay that earlier she spoke her mind about how she felt about the women in the house but i will have to talk to her again later. 10:23am BBT: John and James are on the BY couches talking general talk and Meg is still talking to Shelli and Clay about DA and Clay says we might have to tell her that she has the votes so she will stop today. 10:34am BBT: Jason talking about the comp they had that they had to get naked in the bubbles and he says that was gross. Shelli, Clay and Meg just repeating themselves about Audrey and DA and tomorrows eviction. 10:43am BBT: Clay goes to the HOh rm to talk to Shelli and says as soon as i come out of the bathroom Vanessa was right there and ask what is going on with DA? He says he told her i do not know and she said she is voting for DA to stay. HE says Audrey is saying things. Shelli says Audrey is feeding people information. 10:46am BBT: Austin and Meg in the BY on the round lounger talking about Audrey causing problems again and talking about everything. Meg says i know and i really want to freaking stay. Austin says i know you got my vote. 10:52am BBT: Vanessa talking to Clay and Shelli about She seen Liz and Austin talking in the open rm and she says i feel like Austin and Liz was talking but i couldn't hear anything and it was like they was spooning and i seen motion. I feel like i am betraying him by telling you this cause he asked me not to. Clay says Austin and Audrey was snuggling and Vanessa says no Austin and Liz i think they might be hooking up. 10:57am BBT: Shelli asking Vanessa who all did Da say she had the votes to stay from. Vanessa says Jason, Jackie, Steve, Shelli ask did she say Liz and Vanessa says no no. Vanessa says i just got up and my brain is not working right now let me get my head together right now. Shelli says ok i really need to know cause she is throwing around alot of five names right now. we get FOTH
  13. 9:47am BBT: WE now have FOTH . Maybe a wake up call. 10:04am BBT: Shelli and Clay up in the HOh rm. Shelli washing her face and says i am so tired. Clay is yawning. In the BY John is sitting alone on the couch. 10:12am BBT: Clay is asked to change his mic for one in the STR. He goes to STr. Shelli and Vanessa in the KT getting ready to go to the BY. Bb tells Shelli to put on her mic. Clay says he is going to make coffee then go outside. 10:15am BBT BB ask Vanessa and John to lower the awnings. Vanessa says way to put us on blast. They start lowering the awnings and Clay comes out and tells Vanessa he will help John and she can go. Vanessa and Shelli now going to workout. 10:34am BBT: Clay and John in the BY talking about power rangers. Austin,Vanessa and DA in the Wa. Vanessa says maybe they want us to get ready to get things done this week. Austin says yeah probably for Wednesdays show. 10:45am BBT: HG sitting around the BY just general talk going on. Some HG still in the WA doing ADL's.
  14. 1:10pm BBT: Audrey says she did say she was going to workout tonight so she says I will do it. She then tells Vanessa that she has never seen anyone eat a banana omelet before. Vanessa says it is really good. Meg comes in the KT and Audrey ask how she is feeling and she says ok. 1:21pm BBT: Vanessa and DA hug in the KT and Vanessa says she knows it is hard. DA thanks her and they head outside.James and Meg still in HNR talking general talk. Vanessa and Shelli are in the HOH rm and Vanessa says she just wanted to say it was hard doing that and she respects her. then we get FOTH. 1:27pm BBT: Austin,Shelli, Liz, Steve in the KT getting a lesson from Vanessa how to make a banana omelet. In the HNR Jason,Meg, James and Da are talking about Meg being on the block and Meg says Come on Kathy Griffin do something for me. 1:31pm BBT: Jason talking about the coup-da-ta and how Jordan cried all week when Jeff had it. Meg leaves the room. Da says she thought James was going to cry when Meg was put up then laughs. In the KT talk is about food and Steve says he has never seen people eat fruits with cottage cheese. 1:37pm BBT: Jason says when he went for his background check he did not think they would let him on this show but they did. James says hear that America we are not perfect so if you see anything out there and we get FOTH. 1:45pm BBT: Audrey is in the hoh rm talking to Jeff. Jeff says he does not know where Steve is he just never knows where he is at. Audrey says he just likes to listen to people and he is one of them people if he gets to far. Jeff says yeah he is going to start dominating the house. Jeff then says alot of people are dominating but Steve is on my radar.
  15. 12:32pm-12:40pm BBT: Feeds are back with DA saying I need you. in the STR then she goes to the KT making a drink. Jeff is taking trash out. In the BY Jason, Clay, Audrey are talking general talk. In the WA is Jeff and Steve talking as Steve goes to the WC. DA goes to the BY and says she was dumb. everyone is silent.Liz is in the comic rm in bed with Vanessa and Becky and Jackie talking about what the HOh comp might be Thursday night. James goes to the HNR and Meg is laying in her chair. James says we have 2 more days. 12:45pm BBT: Da sitting at the pool talking to Steve and we get Jeffs reels again. 12:53pm BBT: Meg and James in the HNR talking about campaigning. In the BY Jason is smoking on the couches while talking to Austin about how hot it is outside. DA is sitting in silence. Back in the HNR Meg says her backs hurts so bad then says she is hungry. James tells her to go eat. 1:00pm BBT: BB calls DA to the DR. James says in the HNR that Audrey is probably the saboteur or they are asking her about the nominees. If she wins HOH she is coming after me with a vengeance. 1:03pm BBT: Jason and Jeff are playing pool in the BY as Clay watches and they are talking about going to the panhandle. Audrey, Liz and Vanessa in the KT. Liz ask Vanessa what she is making and she says an omelet.
  16. 10:04am BBT: Austin has gone back to bed and Vanessa has gone back to bed with Liz in the comic rm. Meg and Jason are still in the BY. 10:13am BBT: Jason and DA talking on the BY couches. DA says I seen Clay out here talking to ya'll and thought coward. Meg is laying on a lounger and says she called Clay out for trying to butter me up. Jason says he was trying to cover you in honey. 10:20am BBT: Jason and DA still talking in the BY about the nominations and DA says she wanted to trust john so bad till he threw that comp. She says i was literally carrying him. 10:23am BBT: DA says that was an easy competition and once i figured out they was gunning for me i froze up. 10:28am BBT: Jason says he is going to go make a protein shake and ask Meg if she wants one she says no thank you and continues talking to John. 10:35am BBT: Liz in the KT getting coffee, Clay is eating and meg is fixing to make some slop. Jason and DA in the BY talking general talk. 10:45am BBt: Liz and Meg in the WA talking about drinking and going to the jury house. Meg says she needs to shower and become a human being again. Clay is in the KT getting coffee.DA and Jason are still in the BY repeating themselves. 10:51am BBT: Shelli and Clay in the KT reading the label on the yogurt container she got in her hoh basket. Audrey is up and getting clothes to wear today.
  17. 9:01am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 9:29am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 9:33am BBT: WE have FOTH maybe a wake up call. 9:43am BBT: Vanessa, John, Steve and Jason in the BY talking about what time everyone went to bed lastnight. 9:48am BBT: Steve says yesterday he only ate slop once and he had like 4 protein shakes. Jason says that the slop does not agree with him and Meg at all. 9:51am BBT: Meg comes outside to warm up saying that room is so cold in there. Jason says it is so cold in there. Meg puts her feet in the hot tub and says this feels so good. John is called to the DR. Austin is up changing his batteries. 9:54am BBT: Austin doing ADL's . HG getting up to change batteries and use the WC. Jason watching Meg sit in the hot tub. 9:57am BBT: Clay goes out to the BY and sits by the hot tub talking to Meg. Meg tells him she is warming up in here so she can get a cold shower soon.
  18. 3:05pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa in the Wa whispering then Liz and James walks in and they stop. Austin and Vanessa talk about doing a workout later when it is not so hot. James says he might do a mini workout. 3:14pm BBt: James and Jeff are now playing poll in the BY. Vanessa in the KT complaining that Audrey got out Pizza and was being so mean. so she had to eat it and didn't want to cause she has eat to much already. DA says just eat it you was on slop all last week. 3:23pm BBT: Jackie and Audrey in the KT eating pizza as Vanessa watches and talks about her having no self control when it comes to eating. In the BY Jeff and Clay are playing pool and James is going to go sit in the shade. 3:29pm BBt: Jason laying on the round lounger in the BY with Meg and Vanessa talking about where everyone sleeps. Becky and Jackie in the KT making coffee. 3:40pm BBT: Most Hg sitting around eating pizza and sitting in the sun. James, Jeff and DA in the KT just general talk. 3:51pm BBT: Meg and Jason talking about their protein shakes. Meg ask how she drank more than he did and he says i am nursing mine.Most hg in the BY sitting in the sun with general talk. 3:55pm BBT: Austin in the KT looking through the dishes for a can opener. Liz making food, Audrey washing her dishes and Da is making tea.
  19. 2:02pm BBT: Hg are lounging around the pool area and the WA just general talk going on. 2:21pm BBTL Liz and Shelli in HOh rm talking about who to out up so tha DA goes home. Hg are still lounging around d the pool. 2:23pm BBT: LIz is washing dishes while Austin is cooking chicken. DA an Jason are laying on a lounger in the BY talking how they are whinny and they are the worst on BB. WE get FOTH. 2:35pm BBT: Jason ans DA laying out in the sun watching a plane fly over. In the KT Becky, Austin and Liz are talking about hot Waters to go visit. 2:42pm BBT: Jeff and Liz in the hammock talking about who Shelli will put up and BB tells Jeff to put on his microphone, Liz laughs and talking stops. Then Jeff says we need to ask her if Audrey is Americas player. Jeff then says maybe Austin is. Liz says no way Austin is some one who is likable 2:50pm BBT: Audrey is sitting with her feet in the pool where James,Shelli and Meg are laying out. He gets up and says i have to go it is to hot out here am sweating. 2:59pm BBT: Most Hg in the BY laying in the sun with general talk going on.
  20. 8:51pm BBT: Vanessa and Audrey in the purple rm talking and Jeff and Clay in the hoh rm talking about Shelli and Jeff tells him that the other Hg think he is running Shelly's HOh. 8:53pm BBT: James comes in to talk to Audrey and Vanessa. Vanessa offers to get him an ice pack and she laughs asking if he wants her to hold it too? He laughs and gets up and leaves.
  21. 7:14pm BBT: Jeff, Meg, Clay,Audrey and Meg in the purple rm talking about dates they have had. In the KT James, Shelli,Vanessa, Becky and Steve talking about the ants in the KT. 7:20pm BBT: Austin in the KT looking for something to eat besides slop and gets the hot sauce out. Steve is eating slop very slowly. Becky and John are going upstairs to play connect 4 with chocolates and she tells him he can not eat them. She ask him to carry her coffee up so she won't spill it. 7:29pm BBT: Meg and James talking about dating older men and James says let me ask you this if your daughter turned 18 and meg says that is to young so James says ok she is 21 in collage, Meg says no that is to young too. Jason says they just finished high school and James says he finished high school when he was 23. 7:31pm BBT: James says to finish the conversation now. and Meg says well in the old days there was arranged marriages. James says true. James gets up and heads to the Other rm and Jeff hugs Meg and they laugh. 7:38pm BBT: John and Steve are playing connect 4 on the chess board with candy bars. Shelli is watching. In the purple rm with James, Meg, Jason,Jeff, talking about having kids and dating as Clay,Audrey and DA sleeps. 7:48pm BBT: HG are sitting around and talking general talk. 7:51pm BBT: Vanessa is doing her make up and Jackie is getting her hair done while James walks around in the WA talking about his gas problem and then talks about deer hunting. 7:52pm BBT: Feeds just went to Jeff's highlight reels.
  22. 6:01pm BBT: Shelli says she needs to talk to some people but she is not ready to make an alliance with anyone for it to be broke up. 6:03pm BBT: Shelli repeats herself about who and why they should go up and about not making alliances and she says no one has come to talk to her this week and they do not give a damn. I feel i have a bond with Liz and Austin they are the only ones who have talked to me this week so i feel there is that bond there. 6:07pm BBT: Clay ask Shelli if she is going to take a nap and she says no i am about to get ready for our big indoor party. She tells him he can take a nap as she leaves the HOh rm to get a blow dryer. IN the purple rm Meg, and Jeff and Steve are talking general talk. 6:13pm BBT: Shelli and Clay in the hoh rm still repeating themselves about nominations and Shelli is laying on top of clay. In the purple rm Steve and Jeff are talking about logos and sunshades. 6:20pm BBT: Clay tells Shelli the worst case scenario is for Jason and meg to win HOh if you put her up but then i do not see meg winning anything. He says we need to talk to others before you put up Meg. Shelli says yeah. 6:26pm BBT: Steve is talking about going and making slop. Vanessa goes to the HOH rm and ask if Shelli is there and Clay points to the bathroom area. Shelli ask is that Vanessa and she says yeah try to take me seriously right now and stands up with blue cream on her face and ask if she looks like a biker dude right now with the bandanna and sunshades on. Shelli laughs and says yeah. 6:28pm BBT: Steve, Beck comes to the HOh and Shelli says come on in lets get the party started. In the purple rm Audrey, Jason, Meg and Jeff are talking about having a party. 6:35pm BBT: Hg are just lounging around talking and snacking just general talk going on. 6:40pm BBT: Steve goes to the HOH rm as Shelli is called to the DR and says that America is voting on something as they are not voting on food for the have nots like before giving us extra food. 6:47pm BBT: Hg still just talking about drinking and eating no game talk going on at all. 6:51pm BBT: Austin went in the have not rm and comes out with a shirt on and meg and Jeff and Jason say wow you are so muscular and look like a man now with that shirt on. Meg says he looks hot. 6:53pm BBT: Clay comes in the purple rm and lays down with Jeff. meg tells him he is not napping in this room cause we are talking. He tells her to shut her mouth and Jason laughs and says shut your mouth. They then talk about how Austin is wearing a shirt for the first time in 3 weeks. 6:57pm BBT: Hg are still just talking general talk and lounging around waiting for the big party tonight.
  23. 5:02pm BBt: Shelli ask Clay what he is wearing top the 4th of July party tonight and he says i don't know i only have the red and blue shirt and she says that will work. He says he only has white shorts and she says that works but they are khaki but men always call them white. 5:07pm BBT: Audrey, Shelli and Clay talking about the HOh comp they played and how they have high GPA"s and they still could not do them puzzles. Shelli says i didn't even hear my name being called. Audrey says i was taking the little pieces first and should have done the large ones. Caly says i did the corners first. 5:15pm BBT: In the WA Becky is talking to Shelli, Austin, Clay and Liz. She says she loves beer and red wine and wants so coke with lime in it. Liz leaves and goes to the have not rm . Jeff is in the purple rm talking to DA. He says this is what i do not get , If they wanted to get you out of the house why wouldn't they just backdoor you it just does not make any sense. DA says unless they put Liz up cause she is in tight with them. Jeff says i just didn't expect to see you up there. 5:22pm BBT: Shelli and Audrey in the WA and Audrey ask does DA think i am going up with her on the block and Shelli says i do not know i have not talked with her. Audrey says the only people i feel that will take you to the finals is me, Clay and Vanessa. Liz walks in and sits down and talk stops. 5:25pm BBT: Jeff and Clay in the LVR then head to the Lounge rm where Austin is laying down. Jeff is telling them about the talk he had with DA and he told her that he was out of the loop and he does not know any more than she does. he told her that he has not been in the HOH rm and Da told him yeah i know i have not seen you up there. Jeff says i told her i did not know what their agenda is. 5:32pm BBT: Jeff, Clay and Austin talking about lifting weights and working out. In the WA Liz, Audrey and Shelli talking while Shelli trims her hair. Jackie comes in and they ask her how her little snooze was. 5:38pm BBT: HG are thinking they may not be able to go back outside tonight. Austin says how can they deny us our Independence day. 5:42pm BBT: Liz is making her bed after washing her sheets earlier. Steve and John are watching her. Jeff in the Purple rm talking about how many beers you can drink in an hour to be at the legal limit of being drunk. 5:45pm BBT: Audrey goes to bed and says they should at least let us turn off the lights. Jeff agrees. Jeff then says i do not know about you guys but the excitement of living in this house has faded now. In the HOH rm Clay and Shelli are talking and Shelli says if she puts up Liz then she will go home and if i put up Meg then DA goes home but do you think they are making that up and clay says i do not know and we get FOTH. 5:47pm Clay says in the WA Audrey tried to turn it where we might back door Becky. Shelli says Becky does not like Audrey that is why she says that. Shelli says that it is to dangerous for me to put up Liz and i will not do it cause i want DA gone. 5:51pm BBT: Audrey says i have to put up Meg cause they will absolutely not vote her out. Clay says yeah i see that but meg is on both sides of the house but you are right. Shelli says that is why i tell you do not give out information. Clay says you are right. 5:55pm BBT: Clay and Shelli repeating themselves in the HOh rm about their alliances and how Meg and Jeff will never turn on them but then Shelli says they might if i put up Meg. 5:58pm BBT: Shelli says we need to get some people up here and talk it out. Clay says but who we want to talk to and Shelli says that's why we need to talk about it but i want to have a conversation with Meg Jeff and James before the veto ceremony but i do not know when that is but want to tell them they will be safe.
  24. 4:01pm BBT: James ask Meg if she thinks if he walks in her town would he get mugged and meg says yeah. 4:05pm BBT: James says lets take a nap. Jason gets up to follow him to go nap. In the HOh rm they are still doing nails and general talk 4:09pm BBT: Steve and James in HNR talking about there being 15 people in the house but when you have to put 4 people on the block then it does not seem like alot. 4:13pm BBT: DA is cleaning the stove in the KT talking to jason about the nail party upstairs. In the Comic rm Vanessa and John are laying in bed talking about going to sleep in the DR. 4:23pm BBT: Audrey and Clay in the WA. Audrey ask Clay why he is so sketchy and he says he is always sketchy and walks out. In the Comic rm John is telling Vanessa they you just have to talk patients through what he is doing to them but the injections are the worst.In the HOH rm Shelli, Liz and Austin are doing their nails just general talk going on. 4:28pm BBT: Audrey is telling Clay that she feels like Becky loyalty is to James. clay says that DA will do anything to stay and Audrey says i call her Mamma Demon and she will not have my vote to stay. She ask Clay who is going up on the block if i don't go up and clay says i don't know. 4:35pm BBT: Clay is telling Audrey that he does not trust her to tell secrets to cause she tells other people to help their game. Audrey says i did not do that and he says yeah unintentionally but you did but i want to work with you. Audrey says i am just waiting to hear what you and Shelli want me to do. 4:45pm BBT: Audrey is now in the HOh rm showing Shelli and Liz and Austin her hair and clothes they love it then Audrey leaves to go down stairs. Meg,Clay,Jason, Jeff, Becky Steve and DA in the KT eating with general talk. 4:52pm BBT: Vanessa tells John that she feels like they are not going to get the BY back tonight cause i asked if we aren't i need my sheets and we get a brief FOTH. Austin says we will get it back but it will be awhile cause i live close to here and they do fireworks and they sell tickets but we will get it back just might be awhile. 4:58pm BBT: Audrey and Shelli in the WA talking and Shelli tells Audrey she will not be going on the block cause she feels she deserves a chance in this house. Audrey says i appreciate it but we will see.
  25. 12:55pm BBT: Vanessa says sitting around here waiting for them competition to start is the worst. James has gone back to bed. Meg and Austin in the KT talking about sleeping in the have not rm. Jason and Becky talking in the LVR about the POV being today. 12:57pm BBT: Clay follows Shelli upstairs. Jason and Becky still talking about the veto comp and if someone will use the veto on John or not.



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