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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:00am BBT: HG are all snuggled in their bed sleeping soundly. 9:27am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB might be waking the HG for the day. 9:38am BBt: Jason and John and Steve in the By talking about the music BB played them this morning . In the WA Shelli is cleaning the mirror and Bb thanks her. she says your are welcome BB. Austin is straightening his hair. 9:42am BBT: James has joined the BY group talking about coffee. Becky comes out eating her cereal and sits down between John and Jason. Clay is sitting out in the BY talking to jason about the seasons and how they are already changing. 9:46am BBT: Shelli in the WA washing her hair in the sink. In the HOh rm Vanessa is doing her ADL's . Liz heads down stairs and says morning. Jason heads to the Wa asking Shelli how her night was and she tells him it was not a good night there was a lot of tossing and turning. 9:50am BBT: Jason now in the Kt talking to Becky about the coffee and how there was no trashcans in the house or the BY lastnight. Becky says they was there when i used one and Jason says then maybe i was delusional. Austin is just standing there listening. 9:52am BBT: Meg in the WA with Jason, James, Liz and Shelli talking about the music played this morning. Jason says maybe it was played for you this morning and meg yells that is not my kind of music. Bb tells meg to stop yelling in her mic. Bb then tells Liz to put her mic on and they all laugh.Jason then heads back out to the BY for another cigarette. 9:56am BBt: Liz and Austin in the CBR talking and Liz tells him that Bb told Vanessa to get ready for the POV ceremony. Austin says good. Liz tells him as he walks out that it is about to get real. 9:58am BBT: Liz and Austin now in the KT getting coffee. Liz says you are going to drink coffee? He says yeah. She tells him i need sugar in mine and he says he likes his black. In the BY Meg and clay are sitting at the hot tub and Jason , John and Becky are sitting on the couches just general talk and we get foth.
  2. 1:00pm BBT: In the have not rm James, Clay and Shelly are making their beds. Clay lays down. Shelli says this is going to be an experience but does not mean it will be a good one. James says i found the best way is to sleep which ever way you can get. 1:02pm BBT: Vanessa, meg and Jason in HOH rm talking about yesterday and what went on and Vanessa says i really do not remember much about yesterday. Vanessa says pissing Austin off this early is scary and i did not want to have to do it and get blood on my hands. Shelli knocks at the door and the conversation stops. Vanessa says i thought it was Steve coming in and they laugh. 1:06pm BBT: Austin and Liz in the STR talking about what to make for dinner tonight. They grab steak and mushrooms then leave the STR. In the HNBR Clay and James are talking about being a have not and being on the block and how it sucks. Then they say there could be a have not pass in the veto comp today and clay says yeah if there is one that would be great. 1:08pm BBT: In the HOh rm Meg, Jason, Shelli, Becky, Jackie and Vanessa are talking about the twins coming in the house together and how Julia will be on board with getting Austin out but Liz might not be.In the KT Austin and Clay are walking around looking at the have not food. Steve, John and Liz are making something to eat. 1:13pm BBT: john is eating a bowl of Popcorn that the have nots got for the week. Steve has now gotten himself a bag of sea salt popcorn. 1:20pm BBT: john and Clay in the CBR. John eating popcorn as Clay flosses his teeth waiting for the POV to start. In the HOh rm Jason talking about taking a shirt when you get called so you will not have a white shirt on. Jason then says he thinks the POV comp will be the one pushing the ball from ramp to ramp. Shelli says oh no. 1:25pm BBT: Austin and clay in the comic BR talking about the twins coming in the house playing together and how they just have one more week before Jury starts. Austin says that they want to break up what Audrey told them about the six sense alliance so we have to stop them cause next week when Julia comes in then it will be even. 1:30pm BBT: Clay says maybe there is a chance that John will use the POV on Becky and Austin says yeah he could but we will figure it out. Austin says maybe i am being extra cautious but this is the last week till they are in and we go to jury. 1:35pm BBT: Clay and Steve in the HNBR talking about comps they have played in. John gets called to the DR and Steve says he has played in every comp since is was always on the block. Clay leaves the room and Steve lays there. In the HOH br Vanessa says she thinks the Veto comp will be like popping balloons sine the have nots got popcorn. 1:40pm BBt: In the HOh Rm with Jason,Jackie,Shelli, Becky,Meg, Liz and Vanessa they are talking about music and what the comp might be. Steve is also there. In the LVR Austin is working out as clay is walking around the house. 1:43pm BBT: After a short FOTH we come back to Austin and Clay putting their shirts on and Becky in the KT . 1:46pm BBT: Most HG upstairs yelling at Clay walking in the house as they watch him on Netflix and Clay ask Becky what is going on up there and Becky says i have no idea i was just up there and nothing was going on and now there is massive cheering. 1:50pm BBT: Becky and John talking in the CBR about who will use the Veto on her and she says Liz, Shelli, Vanessa and Clay will all take clay off and it is frustrating. 1:55pm BBT: We now have Jeff's Reels as they could be doing the POV Comp. now.
  3. 10:02am BBT: Austin doing ADL's Meg finishing her shower and we get a brief FOTH then feeds come back to Jackie and Vanessa in the HOh rm as Jackie is getting her things and taking them downstairs to the STR. 10:09am BBT: Austin in the KT making breakfast as John, Jason and Steve are talking about the soap opera game and how all the season of BB did that. Austin says they used to have the names on the memory wall until last year. Steve says yeah i had a hard time remembering everyone's names cause they were not on there. BB calls Liz to the DR. 10:18am BBt: Jason, Shelli, Meg and Liz in the WA doing ADL's talking about music and Araianna Grande and how they like her music. In the KT Austin is still making breakfast and John is stretching. 10:28am BBT: Most HG still doing ADL's general talk about going to the doctor and birthdays. Austin still in the KT cooking. 10:34am BBT: Jason telling Shelli and Clay that he heard them giggle and kissing lastnight. Shelli and Clay laugh. Austin is wrapping Liz's omelette in foil since she was called to the DR. 10:40am BBt: Austin is flat ironing his hair as Shelli is doing her makeup . Vanessa in the HOh rm just walking around. 10:43am BBT: Liz comes out of the DR so Austin gets her omelette out and takes the foil off it for her. they then sit and eat breakfast together. 10:50am BBT: Clay is now in the KT making breakfast. Shelli and Jason in the Wa talking about cooking and shelli says she does not like cooking for others. Jason says i am the same way. 10:56am BBt: Hg are just making breakfast and doing ADL's with just general talk going on.
  4. 9:06am BBT: All HG still sleeping in darkened rooms. 9:24am BBT: Shelli gets up and goes to the WC then washed her hands she stops and looks at the sliding glass door to the BY then heads back to bed. 9:32am BBT: We now have FOTH as this could be their wake up call. 9:45am BBT: Steve and John in the KT talking about turning lights on in the bedrooms and how they do not want to be the one to turn them on first. Vanessa is called to the DR. Steve says Uh oh. 9:50am BBT: Jason and meg in the OCR talking and getting dressed. John and Steve in the KT eating and repeating BB about keeping the lights on during the day. 9:57am BBT: Liz and Austin are now up going in the WA doing ADL's . Meg is in the shower. Jason and John and Steve in the KT talking about grandmas and going to the beach.
  5. 12:30am-1:00am BBT:John, Liz and Steve in the WA. Steve taking a shower and ask Liz which he uses first Conditioner ot Shampoo as he has neverr used Conditioner before. HG in the KT area looking at the memory wall talking about what peoples names should have been. and we get FOTH. 1:00am-2:00am BBT:Becky talking to Shelli and Clay about being mad at Austin and Liz She says after the BOTB she was laying down and Liz and Austin came in cheering cause Liz won the BOTB. Becky says i lost it and they are cheering.Shelli assures Becky that if Caly comes off the block after the Veto then she is safe as they have the votes to keep her. Becky, Jason, Meg and james talking about how Steve listens in on everything and how they are getting annoyed with him. Austin Kisses Liz and she tells him I hate you and you are so annoying. She tells him that was such a sneak attack. 2:00am-3:00am BBT:Jason talking to Becky about the POV tomorrow and says if you get HG choice pick me and i will take you off the block. Steve talking to Clay and ask him what is happening? Clay tells him that he and becky both volunteered to gopm on the block cause we have a target and it is not you Steve. Steve says ok would you choose me fopr veto? Clay ask will you use the veto and steve says i will use it if Vanessa wants it used.Shelli and clay head to bed and snuggle. Steve is talking to the cameras and says This game is not for me and i will not do Allstars. He then looks at the camera and tells BB he is sorry for for talking bad about the BOTB comp today and he says I should not have done that. He then says I just want someone to hug. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Steve continues talking to the camera and himself about events that have happened the last 24 hours. he says ok vanessa did not want the HOh she was scared to get more blood onn her hands but Clay and becky agreed to go on the block and Vanessa was suposed to be dethroned but she wasn't so now i need to play POV and win to take clay off and that will get me back in good with people as i think the twins are suposed to go home this week and not anyone else. But if Clay and becky are pawns this week then i am glad vanessas plan did not work. Steve then tells himself that when he talks to people there has to be at least 3 people there to talk. Shelli comes in after going to the WC and ask steve if he is ok he says he is just upset that people thinks he evesdropes and she says well when two people are talking it does not always have to be game talk so go to bed ok .Shelli gives Steve a hug and they both head to bed. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Bewcky gets up and goes to the bathroom then to the KT to make her something to eat. She then heads back to bed as james comes out of the DR and gets a drink then heads to bed himself. jason then goes to the DR then comes out gets a snack and a drink then heads to bed and BB turns the lights out as all HG are sleeping.
  6. 1:09pm BBt: Feeds come back with James vacuuming the LVR, Vanessa in the ocean rm talking to Meg about getting a shower and doing their hair. 1:11pm BBT: Jackie lays in bed with meg asking why is there crumbs in this bed and meg laughs then Jason laughs. James and Steve are checking out the vacuum cleaner. 1:17pm BBT:Steve walks through the LVR and James ask how the room looks and Steve says good. James goes in the KT and ask Julia and James if they still have to wear their Wack streets outfits tonight and then we get Jeff's Reels 1:20pm BBT: Julia asking John if he is making a BLT tonight and he says yeah do you want one and Julia says yeah. Steve then comments on Johns bears. 1:24pm BBT: Vanessa, Meg, Jason, James, Jackie and Austin in the OBR talking about taking showers with their best friends or other people. Jason says if you have has sex then you can take a shower together but until then no showers together. Becky is cleaning the KT with Shelli, Julia and clay as Steve makes a BLT. 1:31pm BBT: Clay is in the Wa giving John a hair cut. Vanessa is sitting there watching and Shelli is washing her hands. 1:36pm BBt: HG sitting around the OBR talking general talk . Clay still cutting John's hair while Shelli is doing her hair. 1:42pm BBt: James talking to Meg, Jackie and Jason about the have nots and he is asking if they went on slop Saturday morning why do they not have to go till Friday night before they can eat? Why can they eat tonight? Jason says they go by hours and tonight they can eat. 1:47pm BBT: Most Hg are laying down talking general talk about hair cuts as clay is still cutting Johns hair in the WA. 1:55pm BBT: Most Hg in the WA doing hair and asking Steve what hair style he wants. Steve says Clay i am trusting you here. Clay says well you really don't have a choice and everyone laughs. 1:58pm BBT: Meg, Jason and Becky inn the KT looking at the memory wall and eating. Audrey is in the HVNR sleeping under covers. Most Hg still in the WA watching Steve get a hair cut.
  7. 9:06am BBt: John is up and goes to the WC he then comes out washes his hands then heads to the STr to change his battery then back to bed. 9:55am BBT: HG still sleeping. 9:57am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB is waking the HG.
  8. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Austin and Liz ( Julia) talk about Austins talk with jason about the twins . jason told Austin that he wants the twins to come in the house to play together. Liz (Julia) tells Austin about her talk with Steve and how Steve wants everyone tovote the same this week so people will stop thinking that he is Americas player. Liz (Julia) then tells austin that she thinks it ios a good idea if he votes John out this week and austin agrees it is a job for Judas. She then tells him that Becky and jackie are really close and do everything together and he agrees that next week they will be his targets. Austin then says they will need to make deals to get through the next week then it will be a new game. Jason is telling meg and Shelli about his conversation with Austin about the twins. he tells them that Austin told him the one that was in the house tonight's name is Julia. He then tells them that Austin wants Julia to go first so he can make it to jury with Liz. vanessa comes in and they tell her the twin story and what Austin has told jason. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: AShelli goes to the HOh rm to tell Clay that Austin can not be trusted cause he has told jason about Liz and Julia now and how austin wants to get Julia out and not Liz so he can be in jury with Liz.Shelli then says that Austin does not care abiout this group anymore he is only concerned about getting Liz to jury. Shelli tells clay she can not wait to talk to vanessa and tell her what all austin has said and done. Shelli says that Vanessa will be mad about this. Clay and shelli talk about forming a new alliance with Meg, jason and vanessa but then again maybe becky, jackie and John and vanessa. they then decide to wait to see who wins HOh tomorrow night. 3:00am-5:00am BBT:Steve is telling James how much farther there is to go in this game he says we are only a quarter of the way through now. Vanessa is telling meg that she thinks Audrey is Americas player. Jason then tells meg that he wants To evict Austin then Steve then get the twins out of the game.Meg agrees saying that Steve will win this game if he makes it that far. Vanessa comes in and they tell her their plan and if they wait to get ZSteve out after the twins then he will win eveerything. meg jason and Vanessa call it a night and go to bed. 5:00am-5:30am BBT: Becky walks around the house making herself some tea and sitting in the LVr then goes to the STR then finally back to bed. All HG sleeping.
  9. 10:02am BBT: Clay goes to the BY talking to John about the dancing at 5:30am. John ask if he watched it on Netflix and Clay says no. Becky goes inside with Shelli and they are getting coffee then heading to the BY to enjoy the sun before the lock down today. 10:06am BBT: Austin is working out in the BY. Becky, Shelli, Clay and John are sitting on the BY couches just general talk going on. Steve is walking around the BY looking for his necklace. 10:17am BBT: Becky telling Shelli and Clay how the slop makes your body feel and how tired it makes you feel. Austin is still working out in the BY. 10:31am BBT: Becky is walking around the By picking up the plastic water bottles as Shelli and clay lay on the couches. Austin is still doing his workout.Just general talk going on. 10:39am BBt: Becky and shelli sitting on the BY couches talking about Audrey sleeping and wondering if she is going to sleep till she leaves. Austin, Clay and John working out on the weights. 10:48am BBT: Becky in the KT now getting more coffee as Shelli goes to the HOH BR . Becky goes back outside where the guys are still working out. 10:56am BBT: Austin has gone inside and is getting clothes . Becky, and John playing with a beach ball in the BY as Clay is still working out.
  10. 8:42am BBT: BB wakes the HG with Good morning everyone get to the living room for the Wack Street Boys. Jason up getting dressed and is not happy. 8:45am BBT: Jason saying Bb does this to make us miserable, they gonna keep waking us up.the music starts and Jason, John and Liz start dancing. the music stops and John says yeah they are there as they walk to the STr to get fresh batteries. 8:48am BBt: John sitting outside as Jason comes out to smoke. John starts laughing as Jason says i am going to smoke this then i am right back to bed. 9:00am BBT: John and Jason in the BY general talk going on. All other Hg back in bed. 9:04am BBt: John in the BY alone, Jason has gone back to bed. 9:20am BBT: meg gets up and goes in the STR for a paper towel then heads back to bed. John still sitting in the BY alone. The rest of the HG are sleeping. 9:32am BBT: We now have FOTh could be a wake up call. 9:47am BBT: Feeds are back. Austin and Steve in the Wa doing ADL's. John still in the BY, Becky comes out and joins him. They are talking about sleeping in the HNR and not getting much sleep. 9:51am BBt: Shelli is up and in the STR changing her batteries. Steve goes to the BY and says he is looking for his necklace and john said someone found it yesterday and took it in. Steve goes back inside and tells shelli he is awful of keeping track of his things. Shelli ask him what he lost and he says his necklace and he says he was told that Jason picked it up and Shelli says yeah he put it on the middle table in the BY. Jason says he looked then goers back out to look some more. 9:55am BBTL Shelli is making Coffee as Austin walks in and says they have about an hour to work out before they go into lock down. Shelli says why you think we only have an hour? Austin says i am going by the last couple of weeks. Clay comes in and adds more coffee grounds to the coffee pot and Shelli says no Clay that is to strong people are complaining.
  11. 11:45pm-12:00am BBT: Shelli and Clay are in the BY talking about making a final 4 deal with Meg and jason . Shelli says they will talk about it tomorrow and they talk about them having a realationship outside the house . Liz and austin are on the hammock, Austin is rubbing Liz's leg and they talk about sex is their past and what they like and don't like about sex. Shelli is telling Clay about talking to Vanessa earlier about being scared of loosing him after the show. Clay says he has met alot of women but it is different with you. 12:03am-1:00am BBT: FOTH 1:00am-2:00am BBT:Feeds are back with Austin and Liz in the hammock talking about how Steve can not do anything. Steve asking Shelli if she thinks they should check on Audrey and shelli says no she will not talk to me. Steve goes to check on her but John was in there sleeping so he did not bother her, He said he will check on her in the morning. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Jackie and jason talking about how weird it is sleeping in the have not room with Audrey. Jason and jackie then talk about the final seven and how good it will be to be there with Becky, Meg Clay, Shelli, and james.They then talk about if they should backdoor Austin or put him up. they decide it would be best to put Steve and Liz up for nominations. Clay and shelli are in the HOH rm under the covers snuggling and kissing. 3:00am-4:00am BBT:Jason goes to bed and ask Meg if she got his pillow. She says no. Jackie is taking a shower. Clay goes downstairs to get a drink and check the time then goes back to the HOh rm. They are back in bed.Jackie out of shower getting dressed then heads to bed in the HNR. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: All Hg sleeping with the occasional trip to the Wc and washing hands and back to bed. 5:00am-5:30am BBT: BB calls for the Wack Street Boys to go to the BY and they go do their danxce then head back to bed.
  12. 11:00am BBT: We now have FOTH 11:02am BBT:Becky talking to Clay and john in the BY about Bb telling them to keep the bedroom lights on during the day and we get FOTH. 11:04am BBt: Liz, Austin and James talking about making omelettes, Austin ask Liz what she wants on her omelette and she says mushrooms and onions. 11:09am BBT: James tells Austin that Clay hasn't gotten to the eggs yet so Austin gets up to go make Eggs before Clay gets then. James says Clay eats 7 eggs a day. Liz says that is crazy. In the BY Becky, Clay and john are sitting on the couches talking general talk. 11:18am BBT: James and Steve talking about what all James did this morning from eating to showering. In the BY Jason, Clay, Becky and John just talking general talk as Jason is smoking a cigarette. 11:24am BBT: James and Steve still talking alone about Audrey and why she is acting the way she is and they wonder if she will get up for Thursday and get pretty and go to the eviction. 11:29am BBt: Jason goes inside with Becky and they are looking at Jason clothes so Becky can try some on.James and Steve still talking about the day they have been in the house and Steve says next eviction we will be on day 43 and if we survive the next eviction we will be at the half way point and James says then we will be in jury . James says i do not know about that. 11:39am BBt: James and Steve talking about their Facebook pages and their email accounts, Steve said he shut his Facebook down before he came in the house.Jason and John are in the BY just general talk as Jason smokes again. 11:42am BBt:, Liz and Austin are eating the omelettes Austin made them in the KT and talking about marinating meats and cooking other things. Clay comes in as Liz is saying garlic makes everything taste better. 11:52am BBt: Vanessa is now up in the BY walking around. Jason and john are talking about animals. In the KT Austin,Liz, meg, Clay and James are talking general talk and we get FOTH. 11:55am BBT: Becky comes out to the BY wearing Jason clothes and Clay's blond wig talking like Meg and Jason laughs and calls her Meg. She then goes inside and Meg laughs they tell her to show Austin. Austin comes out and says my god and backs up. Becky starts laughing and takes the wig off.
  13. 9:00am BBT: Meg is in the STR getting Advil and then feeds go to all sleeping HG. 9:30am BBT: HG are all sleeping. Have nots are restless and keep shuffling around. 9:39am BBT: We now have FOTH as this could be the wake up call. 9:52am BBT: Steve in the KT eating cereal, Shelli and Clay snuggling in bed. 9:54am BBT: Steve out in the BY walking around with a beach ball. John comes out and they sit on the couches and talk about staying up till 3am. Shelli is now up and in the WA of the HOh rm brushing her hair.
  14. 11:02BBT: (10:36am FT) Jason gets out of the shower wrapped in a towel and runs to the other room. Vanessa and meg sitting in the WA talking general talk. Shelli, Austin, and Liz in the KT talking about Shelli's wedding and how it was a crappy week. 11:07am BBT: (10:40am FT) Jackie is at the KT eating sponge cake. Vanessa and Jason in the WA talking general talk. In the BY Clay,Becky and John are talking about Audrey and how Becky hopes that today will not be to hard on her and that we see before she goes out the door that she is the funny awesome person that she is. 11:14am BBt: BB has called Vanessa to the DR. Clay says this is it lock down . john laughs and says yeah. 11:16am BBt: Clay changes shirts to sit outside where it is warm today. Becky is in the WA doing her makeup. Meg and James in the Purple BR talking to Jason as they get ready for the POV ceremony. 11:23am BBt: General talk going on through out the house as Hg are waiting for the POV ceremony to begin. 11:32am BBT: Clay, Shelli and Austin in the KT talking . Meg comes in and says she is so ready for a nap already. Austin says there was an empty bed lastnight and meg says i should have slept there. 11:36am BBT: we now have FOTH
  15. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Steve walks arounf the BY and the houser talking to himself about each HG and if it will benifit him to win HOh or not or if any one would want to aogn with him for throwing comps. jason comes out and ask him why he is still awake and he says just nervouse. jason sits to have a ciggarette and says he does not know what he will do when his supply runs out 5:00am-6:00am BBT:Jason talking to Steve about how they planed to evict him if plan A did not work out. He then tells Steve that Audrey has been after him ever since DA left the house. Steve says then maybe we need to get Audrey out. Jason says yes it is a good move for me.Steve then tells jason that he should be happy cause the house meeting could have helped him alot.Jason says well they could all evict me now. Jason then tells steve that he watched alot of the old seasons of BB and took notes.Steve ask him if he studies in the house and jason says maybe to much but can not remember the names of the comps they have played in. Steve says he remembers them as he is good ast that part. Steve and Jason now talk about books they have read. jason then tells Steve that people do not know where Steve stands as he just pops up everywhere and you never sleep. jason says you are kind of like Andy.Steve ask am i scaring people? jason says i do not think so but they are watching you. 6:00am-6:30am BBT: Jason and Steve head to bed as jason is telling Steve goodnight and goes to bed saying to himself if he should even be helping this kid. All HG in bed sleeping.
  16. 9:00am BBT: James is now up and in the WA he goes and opens the WC door and Steve is in there and James yells and then says sorry Steve i swear i just woke up and i am so sorry you got me red handed. Meg is laughing as she just got out of the shower and is now doing ADL's. 9:10am BBT:Clay and Shelli in her HOh rm whispering really low as Liz and Austin are talking in her HOh rm about putting Becky on the block as they wait for the nomination ceremony to start. 9:12am BBT: Austin tells Liz she would have to put Jason with Jackie. Liz agrees. Shelli talking to Clay says she is panicking and she is going to be pisses if she is not ready when nominations start. She walks in Liz's HOh rm and says Clay is calm and i am freaking out. Clay says don't get mad at me as Shelli finishes her make up. 9:15am BBT: Austin tells Shelli that Liz is worried about who to put next to Jackie. Austin then says that we can tell James he gets POV then Becky goes up. Shelli says now i need help with mine . Austin says you can put up Jason and Johnny Mack and then Becky be the replacement that might be the only way for that to happen. Vanessa comes in and they start to tell her about noms and we get foth. 9:21am BBt: Vanessa is telling Shelli, Liz and Austin and Clay how this works. She says put up Jackie and Becky and Jason and Steve and Becky can not win. Austin says yea but if we use Becky as a replacement. Vanessa yells yeah but if she is a target put her up.Vanessa says just let them play and do not control it cause listen to me and ask Austin trying to control the POV is hard very hard. 9:30am BBT: Vanessa still telling Shelli, Liz, Clay and Austin who they need to put up on the block. Clay says so who do we put against who and Austin says you could put Jackie and Jason against Becky and Steve and if one comes out put Johnny Mack up as a replacement. 9:34am BBT: Vanessa still in HOh rm talking and Shelli says what ya'll are making no since to me right now i hear you talking but i can not comprehend this. Vanessa says ok it is your choice you are in control and it will all work out no matter what you do. I am going to go and let you work all this out i can not tell you what to do. Shelli says ok but and Vanessa stops her and says i told you what to do. Shelli says i just do not want anyone coming after me. 9:37am BBT: Vanessa still in HOH telling Shelli and Liz how to do nominations . Shelli is all confused. Shelli says why dont i make this east and put up Audrey and Vanessa stops and looks stunned. Vanessa then says alright do what you want to do and i am going down now. Austin tells shelli after Vanessa leaves to do what your gut tells you to do. #Bb17 9:43am BBT: Clay goes downstairs and is talking to John. They are whispering really low and Audrey comes in and Clay ask her to give them a second then Audrey looks at them and then leaves. Austin in the HOh rm talking to Shelli about putting Audrey up and Shelli says that she has her loyalty. Austin says well Liz is now going to put up Becky and James. Shelli ask is she doing that and Austin says yeah cause she is worried about the Jackie/Becky thing. Austin then says Liz is trying to protect herself and shelli says is she protecting herself or is this you protecting yourself? Austin says no it is Liz. Clay comes back to HOh rm as Austin leave sand tells Shelli that john trust them and will go up and Shelli hugs him and says see this is why i need you. then we get FOTH. 9:50am BBT: We are now on Jeff's Reels as the HG are doing Nominations.
  17. 8:33am BBT: After a brief FOTH Austin gets up and turns on the HOH rm light then goes back to bed. Steve is called to the DR. All other HG still in bed sleeping. 8:39am BBT: Shelli and Liz are up in the HOH Wa doing ADL's. John now up in the KT eating cereal. 8:44am BBT: Austin and Meg in the WA doing ADL's Liz comes in and looks in the mirror. Shelli in the HOH WA doing make up. 8:52am BBT: Steve is eating in the kitchen and Liz is looking for clothes in the CBR. Austin goes in the KT to make himself a protein shake. John is sitting in the KT area all are silent. 8:57am BBT: Liz telling Shelli if they put Jackie James and Jason up then we have no one else you know what i mean? Shelli says yeah i hear you. Shelli says i think Jason is the one for me to put up cause i have a reason.
  18. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Shelli and vanessa talk about Nominations and that they need to be very careful of Austin since he told Jasckie that Liz may nominate her.Vanessa says that is no big deal that he told her. Shelli says that becky told her that Jeff had told her that he always filled Liz in on things after she came back in the house and that she might have been the one who voted to keep jeff in the house.Vanessa says Becky might just be trying to protect herself. Vanessa then tells Shelli that she may need to stay as the HOh this week cause it could be to hard for Liz and Julia to catch up on things through a switch. Vanessa ask Shelli who she wants to nominate with Joson and shelli ask if she can nominate Steve and vanessa says she could if that is all there is and then vanessa ask about nominating James. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Clay ask Liz if she wants to stay the HOh this week, Liz says she wants to but then she does not know if she can fill Julia in fast enough as they switch places and it might be hard for Julia to take over. Vanessa then ask Liz who she wants to put on the block and Liz says james are Jason as her main target with jackie being the next target. Vanessa and Austin then tell Liz that you can trust james more than jason. Vanessa then tells her that Shelli is going to nominate jason so she could nominate James. Steve tells Shelli that everything is always his fault and he is tired of it and that he does not think there is an Americas player, He thinks someone is just throwing votes out there. Styeve then tells Shelli that she would have no blood on her hands if she went after Audrey.Shelli is not sure what she wants to do. Steve is leaving and ask if she will be nominating him and Shelli tells him no she will not nominate him. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Austin, Liz, Clay, Shelli and vanessa talk about who they will be nominating and Liz says she is nominating Becky and Jackie. Shelli then tells them that Audrey had said earlier to put her on the block with Beckym so that they could win the BOTB and be safe this week. Then they talk about nominating Jason with Jackie and asking jackie to throw the BOTB. Vanessa is worried that maybe this will be to much and maybe they are trying to control to much in the house and it could look bad on Shelli. Vanessa says we could nominate Becky, Jason, Jacke and Steve and not ask anyone to throw the BOTB just let it go to whoever wins it. They all talk about going to bed and talking again in the morning when Bb wakes them up. 5:00am-6:00am BBT: Hg head to bed and Liz and Austin talk a little about nominations and what to do then say goodnight. Steve goes to the Dr to get them to turn lights out and Shelli and clay snuggles in the HOH bed.
  19. 9:38am BBT: looks like Jeff comes out of the DR and goes straight back to bed. 9:54am BBT: WE have FOTH maybe a wake up call 10:04am BBt: Hg are up and moving around Getting food and coffee and clothes together. 10:05am BBT: Jason and Steve eating cereal, Becky and Meg are getting milk, Clay is getting peanut butter Vanessa is sitting watching everyone walk around. Austin is getting out of the bed and heading to the KT, Jackie looks to still be sleeping. 10:16am BBT: Hg are doing ADL's or getting a shower and some are eating breakfast. Everyone is silent and just looking around in the KT. 10:22am BBT: Vanessa is packing her things in the HOh rm to move downstairs. Austin is in there talking to her and helping her clean. Austin says hopefully he will throw it tonight. Austin then says hopefully Jeff is not programming jacking to come after us with a vengeance. Vanessa says we will have to deprogram her and Austin agrees. 10:29am BBT: HG in the WA doing ADL's and sitting around with general chat going on. Vanessa still cleaning and packing in the HOh rm. 10:35am BBT: Jeff whispering really low to Liz as Jason and Steve and Clay are doing ADL's and talking about getting hair cuts today. Audrey, Shelli and Vanessa in the hOH WA doing ADL's 10:42am BBT: Audrey talking to Vanessa in the HOh rm about things will work out fine. Vanessa says i understand.Jeff is talking to Liz about her having a twin and how Johnny Mack tells him that one of them have a cown and one doesn't and Liz laughs. 10:46am BBT: Vanessa is laughing at Audrey and Shelli about their ex's as she packs her things in the HOh rm. Liz telling Jeff that James came and campaigned to her and she told him that she was alot closer to Jeff and if he could give her a reason to change her vote then tell her. 10:50am BBT: WE are now on Jeff's Reels as the HG prepare for tonight's live eviction.
  20. 9:35am BBT: James in the KT saying everyone is anti grape jelly in this house. Vanessa is eating her cereal in the KT. Jason and John are out in the BY so Jason can smoke before they lock down the BY today. 9:39am BBT: Becky is now in the BY laying on the couch telling Jason and John it is so nice in the sun. Meg is up and going to the WC. James is washing his dishes while Vanessa is still eating her cereal. Clay comes in the KT and gets milk. 9:43am BBT: Jason and Becky talking about going on lock downs and Becky says i wish they would give us like a thirty minute warning before they lock us down. Clay in the KT eating cereal. talking to James and Vanessa and Audrey who is sitting at the table. James is called to the DR. 9:51am BBT: Audrey and Vanessa talking in the KT about how Jeff tells Audrey that he has no ammunition and then Audrey says you have now idea how bad i wanted to jump across the couch and punch him the Vanessa laughs. In the BY John, Jason, Becky and clay talking about traveling and general talk. 9:55am BBT: Vanessa is washing her dishes, Becky is making breakfast, James is finishing his food after he went to the DR. Audrey is sitting at the table silent. Becky heads back outside with her food and BB says" HG this is a lock down please go inside and close the sliding glass door" Jason yells NOOOO! They all grab their things and head inside.
  21. 11:00am BBT: Audrey talking to Clay saying they will bring someone back in the house. clay whispers to Shelli but can not hear him. James is in bed sleeping with a hood over his face. All other HG appear to be sleeping. 11:03am BBT: Audrey ask how does she push James into Jeff's bed? Shelli goes to the Wa where Austin is straightening his hair. Clay tells Audrey in the KT that she is very special and she thanks him. Clay goes out to the BY and sits alone on the couch. 11:05am BBt: Bb ask the Hg to please lower the awnings. Clay and shelli start lowering them and Audrey says she is going to go lay down and she goes to the couches and Clay tells her that is not going to bed so Audrey says well go move James to Jeff's bed then i will go to bed. 11:10am BBt: Shelli says we finished that is how you do that. Clay says to Audrey we are going inside and you stay out here that means we are avoiding you. Shelli says are we really going inside and clay says yeah. Shelli says no stay out here it is vitamin D. Audrey says you want to know my darkest secret and shelli says yeah as clay says no. Audrey says i am in an alliance with two couples. You two and Austin and Vanessa, But i am loyal to you two. 11:18am BBT: John has joined Audrey, Clay and Shelli outside. Audrey and Shelli are talking about if they would move to another state or not. Shelli says i would be ok with it . 11:28am BBt: Clay drinking his coffee in the BY and Audrey looks to be going to sleep, John is just laying there and shelli just staring off in the yard. Shelli then tells them she just wants to travel even if it is in the United States I just want to get out. 11:40am BBT: Clay, Audrey, Shelli and john still sitting in the BY talking about traveling and TV shows. 11:45am BBt: General talk in the BY with Clay, John, Audrey and shelli about what Johns parents thought about him coming to the BB house. John says they did not understand why i wanted to do it. All other Hg still inn bed sleeping. 11:55am BBt: John, Shelli and Clay talking about cartoons like the Jetsons. Shelli ask what was the dogs name on there and John and clay both say Astro.
  22. 9:58am BBT: Audrey and Vanessa in HOh rm and Audrey says the music is so loud up here. Vanessa leaves and goes downstairs. Shelli is in the WA doing ADL's James goes to the WC.
  23. 11:44pm-12:09am BBT: Hgt at Kt table playing the Dare game. Clay had to lick BBQ sauce off jeff's armpit then tells Jeff that it tasted more like Old Spice.Becky licks mayonaise from Steves big toes and everyone yells gross. Becky puts a toilet paper diaper on Jeff and he has to strutt around the Kt with it on. Hg are laughing and yelling. The drinking game breaks up and Hg start moving around the house. 12:35am BBT: Austin tells Liz that some of the other HG are watching her as she goes in and out of the DR so they might need to go around talking to other Hg to make sure they are in good with the others.He then tells her that he is in good with john and Becky so he wants to make an alliance with them now cause he does not truast Shelli and Clay. 1:20pm BBT: Steve tells vanessa he is worried about Shelli and Clay. Vanessa says maybe we should target them. Steve is worried and vanessa tells him he does not have to worry about Audrey. Vanessa then says that if Steve wins HOH maybe he should target Meg. 2:13am BBT: Vanessa and Audrey agree to form a female Chilltown . 2:30am BBT: John says to Steve that he will vote to keep Jeff in the house since Jeff has had his back this whole time. In the HOh rm Audry and vanessa talk about making new alies and audrey thinks Shelli and clay are already doing that. 2:45am BBT: Liz is trying to figure out where to sleep as she says Austin got mad at her befoe and she does not feel comfortable now vanessa says you need to figure out if you like Austin or not. Liz tells her i like his personality but the hair and beard have to go. plus he has a girlfriend. 2:51am BBT: Austin, Liz and vanessa in the Hoh rm talking about who they can trust weather it be Steve or Shelli and Clay and vanessa says Shelli and clay have their own agenda. Liz says she can wortk with Steve. 2:58am BBT: james and Liz looking for a bed to sleep in. Austin just standing there looking. Liz says you can sleep upstairs and he laughs and austin says Audrey is sleeping upstairs so james says i will sleep in Audreys bed then. 3:04am BBT: Liz ends up sleeping in the bed with Austin and Steve is taling about they all need to wash sheets. 3:30am BBt: audrey and vanessa in the HOh bed with lights out talking about the first two weeks of the game and the votes. audrey says she did not vote for jace or DA. vanessa ask then why would jason say you told him you voted for DA? Audrey tells her i do not know.3:52am BBT: Jeff is talking to becky and jason in the BY saying he is worried he will not have Clays vote to stay this week then says that Clay gave him his goodbye speech like he did to Da. 4:00am BBT: Jason talking to becky in the BY and tells her he does not trust vanessa he respects ehr but not trust her and she is holding on to grudges. Becky says yeah vanessa should not mistake a white lie and turn it to a serious threat. 4:08a BBt: Steve is in the CBR counting as jeff and becky go to the hammock He tells her that if he was home he would be out with the guys and how he hung out with Haley from The Amazing Race. he says we are very good friends like brother and sister. 4:44am BBt: Jeff tells becky he would ask Audrey for a vote if it wouldnt damage his game but I think it will cause she told me before if i had six votes to let her know who it is and she would see . 4:47am BBT: Becky says audry is trying to get on my good side now and jeff tells her to stay away from Audrey. he then says he knows jackie could use him in this game and before he leaves he willtell jackie everything he knows. 5:00am-5:30am BBT:Jeff tells becky he likes the twins and Liz wants to flirt with him but then Austin gets jelouse and i do not know why cause Austin wants jackie bad. Talk continues about jeffs type to date They finally head to bed and all are sleeping.
  24. 11:00am BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the DR as Hg are getting ready for the POV ceremony. General talk going on as they wait. 11:03am BBT: Vanessa heads to the DR and Austin tells her not to worry cause she will not do the POV yet and she ask how do you know and Austin says cause John will go in there right before. 11:05am BBT: Hg just sitting around talking general talk.Clay is getting coffee as John and Clay are talking about kissing people at midnight lastnight. 11:07am BBT: Clay starts singing and Bb yells at him to Please stop singing. he says my bad and laughs.Clay walks to the Grey BR and throws a pillow on Audrey. Jason and John head outside to the BY as it is now open. 11:15am BBT: Jackie and Liz are still doing their make up in the WA while Austin is walking around in there. Jason, John and Clay in the BY just talking general talk. 11:21am BBT: John and Clay talking alone in the BY about how john can trust Becky that she will not tell anything. In the Wa Liz and Jackie are doing their hair and talking general talk. 11:27am BBt: Hg start heading outside to get their seats before the POV ceremony starts. Just general talk going on in the BY with Jason, Clay and Austin about working out. 11:31am BBT: Jeff and meg laying in bed and Jeff says lets just get this veto meeting over with. Meg says Jeff is the worst cuddlier in the world and Jeff turns over and says you want to cuddle ok. He goes under the covers to cuddle with her and she laughs and says see you are the worst. 11:35am BBt: Vanessa in the HOh rm talking to Shelli saying she is trying to figure this out so no one is mad. Shelli says just tell them that well it looks like Jeff is trying to be the quiet type. Vanessa says maybe i should use this opportunity to bring things up. Shelli says you turned on Jeff and now have him as your target and that James is no longer your target so that is what you need to tell them and i think everyone understands that Jeff is your target now. 11:47am BBT: Jason in the BY talking general talk to John, Jackie and Audrey. In the HOh rm shelli is still talking to Vanessa about Jeff and all the alliances he has made. 11:53am BBT: Shelli still going on about Jeff and how he wanted to talk to Clay when she was HOh and she had to tell him that she was HOH not clay. Jason in the BY talking about people he knows and how they signed releases but he will not say their names. 11:57am BBt: Shelli still going on about the other Hg and who she can trust in this game. Jason still talking to Audrey and John in the BY about HOh comps and when they might have an endurance.



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