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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Austin walks Liz to the DR and holds her hand. He ask for a kiss and she tells him he is annoying and goes into the DR. Clay and Shelli snuggle on the rouns lounger in the BY.They then get up and do laundry.Meg and becky talking about John and how he is here for the money and will do what they want him to do to stay here.Becky says he is not going to go against the house.Steve and vanessa talkinmg at the hammock About how james was trying to bully them into voting out Shelli.She tells Steve that she told him she was not voting shelli out. She then says that Austin told him does not want to vote for Shelli and he got attacked. Julia comes out and sits on the ground beside the hammock and vanessa says I know you and Liz are with me but i do not think Austin is so i think we should talk to Clay and tyell him what is going on. Steve then gets up and says i think i am going to go inside so we do not look suspicious but we need austin to be with us.Steve leaves the Hammock and vanessa says Julia you need to make sure that Austin is going to do what we do.1:00am-2:00am BBT: Steve back to the Hammock as austin comes out to the hammock telling vanessa, Julia, and steve that he had a talk with Clay Vanessa tells Austin ok but we need to keep Shelli in this house cause she is a bigger target than we are. Liz comes out to the hamock as Steve leaves again. Austin says that Clay want to talk to liz and julia. Liz says she does not want to talk to him but she will . vanessa says maybe we need to go to them and tell them that whick ever one stays they will have to go on the block next week but that they will not be the target. jacki comes out to the hammock and talk stops.Steve and Shelli are talking about how they got cast for the show. Steve says he plyed up being a nerd with glasses and shelli says she had a hard time getting casr cause she was older but still young.Steve says dan got casr because he said if Hillary was elected he was going to move out of the country. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: james and Steve are talking in the BY as Styeve tells james that he does not think Shelli and clay will talk bad about each other. james says no Clay will tell eveeryone to vote him out and keep shelli in the game. Steve says that shelli wants to be in the house more than Clay does cause clay was approached to be on the show. James ask do you trhink Clay will be mad if he stays and Shelli is voted out? Steve says I do not know thats why i am out here co Clay can not talk to me tonight. Steve says he is going to bed and heads inside. james gets up and they both go to the KT and Steve talks about it being a long two months in here and he tyhinks he will not go back to school inn the fall as he did not expect to make it to jury.Liz and Austin in the HNBR talking about what might happen on thurdays live show. Julia walks through the KT and says goodnight to Steve and james and goes to the HNBR. Liz gets up and goes to the WC as Austin makes his bed. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Steve and james still in the KT talking about Clay and shelli and wondering if they are Americas Sweethearts. Steve says they could be but you never know who they favorites will be. James is worried about that as he put them on the block. James ask Steve who do you think will win Americas favorite? Steve says i can see you, JOhn, Clay or Shelli winning . James says Meg coyuld win and meg comes in and says America hates me i am wierd. Steve says Donnie was wierd and he won Americas favorite. Meg then heads outside to the BY. Becky comes in the KT and james talks to her about Americas favorite and she says she will not get it cause she is a very cut and dry person. 4:00am -5:00am BBT: James tells becvky that the winner of this game is already pre determined. Becky says it was fate for me to be here it just fell at the right time.Becky tells him she likes working with calm people in here.Becky is called to the DR and james goes out to the BY to play pool alone. Becky out of the DR and james meets her back in the KT they talk about being in the BB hiouse and we get alot of FOTH. 5:00am-6:00am BBT: James tells becky thatn he thinks Shelli, Clay, Austin, Liz , Julia and vanessa are in a group.He says she was mad cause they all turned their back on her. becky says why has Austin never been nominated and james says well look who he has been working with Vanessa and shelli. They stop talking and James head to the HOh rm . james and Becky now in bed. All HG sleeping.
  2. 10:00am BBT: Liz heads back to bed as she says she is cold. She turns the Light on and ask Austin if he changed his batteries and he tells her yes he was up all night talking to James about the Veto comp. Liz says the noms need to stay the same. Austin says I know and BB tells him to put his Mic on so he tells Liz goodnight and lays back down. 10:02am BBT: Vanessa out of Dr as John is called in and she goes to the Wa then heads back to bed. 10:06am BBT: James is up in the HOh rm getting dressed for the veto ceremony that will take place today. BB tells Shelli, James and clay that there are fresh batteries in the STR. 10:08am BBT: James goes to STr changes his batteries then goes out to the BY. Shelli and clay change their batteries in the STr, Clay goes back to bed and shelli goes to the WA and does her ADL"s .
  3. 9:00am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 9:26am BBT: Austin is up and goes to the WC. comes out of Wc does not wash his hands! Goes to the STR to change his battery then goes back to bed. 9:38am BBT: We are on FOTH as this could be a wake up call. 9:50am BBT: John is sitting in the BY alone just looking at the sky. Steve is leaving the WA and going back to bed. WE get FOTH again. 9:52am BBT: HG getting up and going to change their batteries then heading back to their beds. 9:55am BBT: Liz in the WA doing ADL's Vanessa was called to the DR.
  4. 5:30pm BBT: Jacie, Meg and Clay in the OBR still going over why James put him and Shelli on the block and meg keeps staying it is cause what happened last week. Meg says it is actions in this house cause i had to go back on my work once too and i get it. 5:34pm BBT: Shelli says to Vanessa that Clay and I acted bad at the table after nominations cause we thought you said something to James about us. Shelli says we thought there was something fishy going on upstairs and i was so hurt by this. Vanessa says ok i am telling you i did not say anything and we can not tell the future all we can do is play the game. Shelli says we should have voted Becky out and kept Jason i knew it i knew it. I was on that wall and i should have fought harder. Vanessa says ok you got to get your shit together cause this is all stressing you out and you have no control so adjust cause this game is not supposed to be easy it is a hard game and this is what we signed up for and this is going to keep happening but that's all we can do so it is ok we can not control everything so a new hand is dealt so make a decision and play it. 5:40pm BBT: Vanessa tells Shelli to play for POV and play your heart out cause Clay is going to play his heart out and next week James is going home. Shelli smiles and says i am just worried about him. 5:45pm BBT: James and Steve are playing chess. Clay and Jackie still repeating everything to Shelli about working with Jackie and meg again. Shelli says that James's logic makes no sense but why separate us right before Jury cause we are going to always be a target so why this week are we on the block cause one of us are going to go home and if i make it to Jury i will never for for him so it is the worst time to split up a couple, this is just not the week to do that. 5:50pmm BBT: Shelli repeating her being on the block to Jackie and Vanessa and how they need to keep a bigger target in the house but she says I understand and i knew this would happen as she is crying. 5:53pm BBT: Shelli laying with Clay talking to Meg, Jackie and Vanessa and Crying cause she new it was a mistake to let James win HOH. 5:57pm BBT: Clay and shelli laying in the bed snuggling as she cries. Vanessa sitting in silence and clay says Vanessa i am sorry for what i said earlier. Vanessa starts crying saying i am sorry i did not know this was going to happen.
  5. 5:03pm BBT: James, Clay, and Shelli still talking and James says no reason to cry over spilled milk is is already done. Shelli says is there any chance of backdooring anyone and James says if the house is willing to do it then i am but if they don't then i can't help it cause my job is already done but if they want to then i will. James ask if they are staying in there and they say yeah as he leaves the room. 5:05pm BBT: Clay says he did not come up with that you know all them points. Shelli says he makes a valid point and we can not argue with that. Shelli says i can not believe i gave him that HOh and i will never get over it. clay says it will be ok and shelli ask what if one of us goes home? Shelli says we have to trust Vanessa she can fight for us. 5:10pm BBT: Shelli in the WA talking to Vanessa about them staying together and Vanessa says i can't do that after you threw me under the bus and Shelli says what? Vanessa says did you not hear what you said out there? Shelli says do not do this i need you now (In a harsh whisper) Shelli says i am not going to turn against this alliance that is the dumbest thing i can do. Vanessa starts crying. and says i know we took risk. But we was playing the game. 5:13pm BBT: Vanessa says i am with you Shelli but what you said out there was brutal. Austin walks in the WA and Shelli ask if Clay or I win veto do we have your vote? Austin says yeah and shelli says you won't even look me in the eye. Austin says i want to work with you. Shelli says keeping you safe is what put us in this position.Austin says that James is a straight shooter and he is scared for himself. 5:16pm BBT: Austin tells her that there is still the veto and Shelli says i do not know when the veto is and Austin tells her tomorrow. She says then when is the veto ceremony? Austin says Monday morning. 5:17pm BBT: Vanessa tells Shelli that they have to play Veto then maybe they can be safe then Shelli starts crying hysterically and says i am gonna need you this week Vanessa as they hug and Shelli then tells her i knew i should not have let him have this HOH i should have stayed up there i knew that this was a bad week i knew it. 5:21pm BBTL Clay in the OBR talking to Meg and Jackie saying this is a game and i understand that so it is what it is. In the WA Shelli is still crying to Vanessa as Vanessa says i am here for you Shelli i am here. 5:24pm BBT: Vanessa tells Shelli that James did this and it was 50 percent personal and 50 percent game. Shelli said who said that and Vanessa says meg did in front of Jackie. 5:27pm BBT: Vanessa and shelli repeating themselves about why she was nominated as Austin walks back and forth listening. Shelli then starts crying saying i am sad i will have to be in the Jury House with out him. Vanessa says you will have me and she laughs.
  6. 4:35pm-4:41pm BBT: (feeds 1 aND 2 ) James says if you two had told Vanessa to put Austin up then she would have but you did not tell her not tom put Jason up so i feel like it was because of you two that Jason went up. Shelli says that Austin told then that everyone was mad cause I got picked to play Veto then Clay told me that Y'all was pissed that he won Veto.
  7. 4:12pm-4:30pm BBT: (feeds 1and 2) James comes in the house to talk to Shelli and clay. In the CBR Clay says i am sorry for blowing up. James says it is all good man. Shelli says we want to hear what you have to say and we know last week caused some issues and you made a deal with us then went back on it and i would have never went back on a deal. James says the deal was good till i heard what Jason had said and lasting i asked you about things and you lied to me about it. Shelli ask is Vanessa saying all this and James says no. James says i told you Jason said this and Jason said that then you lied to me about knowing anything lastnight . Then it never got back to me that you said you would Keep Jackie over me. Clay says no Jason said he trusted you and Shelli says that Jason never said he would do anything to you he liked you. James says well Jeff said that you two had a final deal with him and shelli says what? James says i know you two have a final 4 deal with others and it is coming from a source i trust and i will not tell who it is and shelli says we have no final 4 deal with anyone.Clay says he talked to Jeff when he was here and he told me that we would have to cut Jackie and Shelli bit there was no deal . James says well i was told that there was a deal and i do not know if it is true or not but if i come to you and ask you and you say i do not know if it is true or not then you have to think of this. James says Jason was part of our group and you two could have voted for Jason even though he wouldn't have the votes to stay you could have been loyal to him. Shelli says well we talked to Jason and he told us that john was in power and he wasn't and he never came to us for a vote. Clay says that Jason said that if clay had stayed on the block then he would only have the votes from Jason, meg and Jackie he did not include you James. James says why didn't you tell me this then? Shelli says you did not ask us James. James says that is something i really needed to know to protect my back. Shelli says as far as i know no one has ever said anything bad about you. James says as far as Jason goes he was telling people he was not 100 percent with me so i had to vote him out cause i need people with me. Clay says we have your back right here and you are trusting the others like Austin Liz and Julia. And right here we have your back what we say we stick to our word. James says game wise you Shelli are a beast and i do not want to do that again and Clay you are a beast i have seen you in POV comps and the twins i am not worried about them.James says this is a game and this might be my last HOh so hate me for it cause it was not personal it is all game. clay says we do not hate you at all. James says i cut jace cause he was a beast and you guys are a beast too. So that's my game. Shelli says they are not going to have your back you need people who are strong to carry you and you day you are alone with Meg and we can help you. James says well if i did something wrong then i am willing to accept that and if they are not going to fight for me i will deal with that.
  8. 3:55pm BBT: Shelli and clay in the OBR hugging and Shelli crying. Meg in CBR talking to Liz and Austin saying she trust them but Shelli and clay lied to her. Liz says Me and Austin had no idea. Austin says i didn't even do it. meg says I know. Liz says thank you for talking to us about this. meg says yeah. 3:57pm BBT: Meg goes to the WA talking to Vanessa and James saying she just wanted to make sure that Austin and liz knew it was not me and i did not want words twisted. In the OBR Shelli tells Clay that James made a decision on what people have told him cause he was not up there. CLAY and SHELLI have been Nominated.
  9. 1:07pm BBt: Hg come down stairs and have lolly slops for the week. James has to choose the have nots and he says i do not even have to name them but Julia, Liz and Austin. They get lolly pops and slop for the week. 1:09pm BBT: Hg sucking on lolly pops and talking about the different flavors. Clay and shelli go back to bed . James and Austin go to the HOHBR Austin says whats up and James says nothing bad i just want to fill you in.James says i am going to have a hitter i will not go for someone small so with that being said i can not say who it is going up but it will be a strong couple. Austin says is it Liz and Julia and James says no but be ready it is going to be a rough week. 1:12pm BBt: James says worse case scenario if one comes off then one of you three might have to go up but we have Becky, john and Jackie on board. Austin says I understand. James says i just want you to know and not be blind sided.James says if you want to tell Liz and Julia and fill them in then that is up to you. 1:15pm BBT: James says just if one of you three wins HOh next week just keep me and meg off the block please. Austin says i can do that. James says she will not put Julia up cause i know the house would vote her out over the person i want to go. 1:18pm BBT: James says i told John that i was not going to waste an HOh and john is on board. James says so no matter what happens just know i have a plan. Austin says i know John is on Board cause when i was on before he told me he has my back even though we never talk game. Vanessa comes in and says the information i told you i could not tell you who was giving the information and it is not shelli or Clay or Austin i swear on my life it was said. 1:22pm BBT: James says what ever decision i make today has nothing to do with what was said. it is a game move. this is BB and if you are going to take a swing them you got to take a swing. if not i will be steamed rolled over and i can not have that. James says that this person lied to me and i talked to them and they still lied to me. Vanessa says you are going to do what you are going to do but i just do not want my name in it i do not want to be blamed for anything i have my integrity. Vanessa is talking very fast to James and Austin about there is no one left to put but i just want to make sure that nothing gets miss con screwed. 1:26pm BBT: Jackie comes in and then leaves cause Vanessa is still talking and says she wants James to know that she is not a dumb girl and she says you are going to do what you are going to do and i will say this in front of Austin that you can do whatever you want to do and i will support you and in your shows right now i was there last week i do not know if this is personal or game and James says Both. Vanessa says ok do what you got to do. James says you are good and Vanessa says ok do not tell me who it is just do what you have to do and Vanessa leaves. 1:30pm BBt: Shelli walks in to the HOh room and James says to Austin that you and Liz and Julia are a group and i have to look out for myself you know. Shelli walks out and goes to the DR. James says meg is good with you all she said she had a good time with y'all lastnight. 1:35pm BBT: james telling Austin that if shelli gets House guest choice if she is playing in the veto she will chose Vanessa and Austin says ooh James says you are close to Vanessa so you might talk to Vanessa. Austin says yeah i do not think she will want to win veto this week.n Austin leaves the HOh rm. 1:37pm BBT: James goes to the OBR looking for meg and Vanessa tells him she is in the HNBR talking to Clay. James sits down and is silent. Austin is in the CBR telling Liz that James just told him that they are safe and that he will not put Liz up at all. Liz gives him a big hug. Austin tells her that if one of the nominees come down then one of us might have to go up but he has the votes to keep us. 1:43pm BBT: Liz, Julia, and Austin in CBR talking about clay and shelli going on the block and how they talk about everyone. Austin said well meg told James she had a great time with us lastnight so we are working with her and just keep having fun with her this week. Julia says we just got to make it to jury now and Austin says next week. 1:45pm BBT: Meg gets called to the DR and goes to the STr and tells the others they are stocked and Jackie says yes as she heads to the STr. meg goes to DR. Clay and Shelli are in the HNBR talking Vanessa and Shelli says why did she have to make us take the blame for Jason when she was HOH last week not us but she was throwing us under the bus. Clay says i do not know. 1:48pm BBT: Shelli says we are upset and paranoid cause Vanessa is throwing our name out there but the only reason we are in this spot is we were trying to save Austin and that's the reason we tell everyone. Shelli says and Jason said we made a final 4 deal with him also and we didn't. In the KT James is talking to Vanessa and says one of these people will not make it to jury and the other will but they have been caught lying before and Vanessa says i do not want to know who it is please i do not want to know. James says ok i will not let you know till it happens. 1:54pm BBT: Meg telling Shelli and Clay that the Eight person alliance was what happened cause Jason had y'all s back. Shelli is shaking her head. meg says i know James feels like he is alone in this gamer and he saw how i reacted to Jason. I talked to him lastnight and things had come out about things i have said about James and i was honest with him lastnight so i think that was like good for him. I do not know where he stands right now i have not talked to him since lastnight. 1:57pm BBT: In the CBR Austin, Liz, Julia and James are talking about the suckers they got and Liz says how many licks does it take for twins to get to the middle of a blow pop. and they all laugh.
  10. 11:04am BBT: Vanessa in the WA doing her make up. Julia has gone to the DR. All other Hg still sleeping. 11:18am BBT: Vanessa goes back to bed in the OBR. All Hg sleeping. 11:45am BBT: All Hg are still in bed sleeping with Lights on. 11:58am BBT. julia is up making coffee.. Bb calls vanessa to the DR. All other Hg are sleeping.
  11. 9:00am BBT: All HG sleeping 9:04am BBT: Bb starts playing the Circle of Life in the house to wake the HG. Becky goes to the STr to change her batteries as the Music continues to play. John then gets up as Becky goes back to bed. Then we get FOTH. 9:18am BBT:Lights are on in the BB house . Shelli in the STR changing batteries. john walking around the Comic BR. Steve gets up and makes his bed then gets back in the bed. Julia up and goes to STR for fresh batteries then goes to the WC. John is now in the WA doing his ADL's. 9:24am BBT: Vanessa walks through the KT asking John if the music played and he says yeah it did. Vanessa goes to the WC. 9:31am BBT: John makes a bowl of cereal after eating an apple then goes to the CBR to eat it alone. All other HG still sleeping. 9:45am BBT: john sitting alone in the CBR and we get FOTH. 9:46am BBT: John still alone as all other Hg are still in bed sleeping with their heads covered. 9:55am BBT: John laying in the CBR alone just looking around as all other Hg are still snuggled in their beds asleep.
  12. 2:00pm BBT: clay and Steve shaving in the WA. Bb tells clay to put his Mic on and he yells i am shaving. Liz comes in and tells Steve he better clean all that hair up and Steve says i told shelli i would think about it. 2:05pm BBT: Meg ask what the fruit loop saying was last year and Jason tells her it was fruit loop dingus. Jason then says sorry Jen city. James asked about jen and Jason says she looked dumb on TV last year. he then says maybe i will look dumb when i get out of here too who knows. 2:08pm BBT: Clay is taking a cold shower. shelli asked what Steve would do without us women and clay and Steve says i do not know. Vanessa says that necklace ism going to get lost you might hook it to your BB bag so it does not get lost. she then says if i find it laying around then it is mine. Steve leaves the Wa and goes to the KT. 2:10pm BBT: Vanessa ask Shelli which bed is free for tonight and Becky tells her she can have her bed tonight when she is in the HOH rm. In the KT Austin and Liz are talking about tonight comp and Liz tells him that he can not hang on as long as a girl can and Austin says we will see. 2:15pm BBT: Jason says he is wearing his nice clothes and not his athletic wear since he will probably be the one going tonight and he says i do not want to go out and talk to Julie in athletic wear and if I stay i can change real quick. 2:26pm BBt: Hg in the WA doing make up and hair getting ready for the Live show tonight. Some HG in the OBR just talking general talk. 2:35pm BBT: Jackie is sleeping in the OBR as James, Steve and Meg talk about the comp tonight. meg says she wont win it and Steve says do not count yourself out yet. She says if it is running back and forth i am done. Steve says it could be anything but you could still be in it.. In the WA Shelli.Becky and Jason are talking about taking cold showers. shelli says she has taken a couple of showers this week but i have only washed the top of my hair in the sink so i wouldn't have to wet my whole head with cold water. 2:40pm BBT: Austin and Liz in the Comic room laying on the bed and Austin whispers in her ear and she says ok i get it. Vanessa and john laying in the other beds laughing at them. Austin tells them that the comp could be that they have to sit on a small seat and hang onto a rope. Vanessa says oh ok. 2:49pm BBT: Clay is trimming Steve hair and sideburns as Jason just got out of the shower and putting on his pink underwear. Shelli and clay are sitting in the Wa and Shelli says she feels sick. 2:55pm BBt: John and Vanessa whispering really low to each other and john is smiling. In KT Becky and Liz and Austin are getting something to drink. Liz is washing the dishes. 2:58pm BBT: Becky and meg in the STR talking about Jason trying to do a hale Mary and Becky says it is not going to work. Meg says I know.Becky tells her i am not trying to be arrogant but i just hope he is not hurting my game in the future but i know he has to try.
  13. 8:00am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 8:30am BBT: All HG still snuggled in their beds sleeping. 9:00am BBT: Hg still sleeping. 9:40am BBT: All HG still sleeping .
  14. 1:00-2:00AM BBT: Austin and Jackie are talking in the Cabana room Jackie says she is sorry for everything and how everything happened this week. Austin tells her he got a second chance this week and he is just happy to be here. Jackie says she did not know what was happening that she was shocked with Jason being put on the block. Austin tells Jackie that he promised Becky his vote and Jackie says she did the same. Austin then tells Jackie that he will not put her up if he wins HoH that the money was never a factor in this game he just wanted to be here. The experience is more important. Austin then tells her that he does not even know if he wants HoH this week. They talk about the half way party and jury house and then how the twins will be in the house together after tonight. Jackie says she didn't really think their were twins in the house at first. They hug and then Austin goes to the HoH room to tell vanessa everything that he and Jackie talked about. Vanessa thinks it is funny how the other side of the house is confused as to who is in an alliance and who isn't. Jason talks with Shelli trying to get her vote for him to stay this week by telling her that Becky has said she is coming after Clay. Shelli says no she is not and Jason swears she is. Jason says that everyone in the house was blaming her and Clay for him being nominated. "I really trusted you and Clay." Clay comes in and talk continues as Jason promised he will not nominate either one of them. Jason says that he and Meg will make a great final four with Clay and Shelli. Jason then tells them that Becky said that Shelli was the brains and Clay the strength and would put them up together. 2:00-3:00AM BBT: Shelli asks Jason why he never came to talk to her and Clay before tonight and Jason says he did not talk game to anyone for two days. He says that Jackie is upset that her alliance did not work out then talks about Becky coming after Clay and Shelli. Jason says he talks game with Jackie but he never had any deals with her and he could not stand Jeff and could not trust him either. Jason says, "I want to go after the twins and Austin 'cause I have no deals with them either." He then says he does not trust Becky. Jason says the Becky told him she is alone in this game, but she has James. Jason continues to campaign and saying he will drop from a competition and let Clay or Shelli win if they keep him and how good Becky would be in physical competitions. Jason tells them that James will only win competitions if it comes down to saving his own butt. Jason begs to stay in the house so he can make it to jury and his birthday and starts crying. In the HoH room Vanessa tells Austin that Steve and Liz need to win HoH tomorrow night. They then talk about who will be put on Have-Nots next week if they win HoH. Austin wants Meg up again so she will not be able to do anything. 3:00-4:00AM BBT: In the HoH room Steve is telling Vanessa and Austin that he has not been throwing competitions as he keeps pausing and Vanessa asks. "Why are you pausing if you're not throwing them?" They then start talking about doing their hair and who needs color on their hair. In the cabana room, the talk with Jason, Clay and Shelly continues. Jason says that Becky is a wall they will have to break through. Jason says, "I have never done anything to you either one of you and I want the final four to be you to myself and Meg." Jason leaves the Cabana room so they can talk about this. He wishes Clay and Shelli luck and hopes to see them both in final two. 4:00-5:31AM BBT: Shelli and Clay go to the bathroom area as Steve comes from the HoH bedroom and takes a shower in the cold side of the shower. Shelli and Clay talk about how twisted the BB game is and are laughing. Clay tells Shelli that they are going to win BB. Steve goes to the Have-Not room where Clay and Shelli are and tells them his conversation with Vanessa. Shelli tells Steve she loves sharing a Have-Not room with him. They then talk about HoH competitions and what they might be. Steve goes to bed then gets up for another pillow. All the HGs in bed and there's no talking going on. Steve gets back up and goes around the house. he then goes back to the Have-Not room and rearranges his blankets and pillows and then goes to bed. All are sleeping .
  15. 2:00pm BBT: Vanessa playing chess with Clay as shelli, Liz, Austin and John watch. All other Hg still sleeping. 2:08pm BBt: vanessa explaining to Shelli how to play chess and why she made a certain move as her and clay play chess. All others are quiet.2:15pm BBT: Vanessa wins the chess game and they are setting it back up as Vanessa explains to Shelli some of the moves she made. They are all now leaving the chess table as shelli is called to the DR. 2:20pm BBt: Vanessa and Austin put the hula hoop on the table in the foyer around a sea shell and take a beach ball and play basketball. Becky says that works till we get a stop that. 2:22pm BBt: Clay says these pepto bismol tablets are like treats. Shelli ask if he has had the fiber tablets and he says yeah. Becky is eating breakfast as Clay and John sit at the KT bar and clay says one more night till the have nots can eat. Shelli, comes in from the WA and gives him a hug. 2:28pm BBT: Austin waling in the LVR telling John what workout they are going to do. In the STR Shelli and clay are looking at the food to see what they want to cook tomorrow night when they get to eat. 2:30pm BBt: Shelli and Clay hiding food in the back of the fridge so they can have it tomorrow night. Shelli takes potatoes and an avocado and a tomato to the other room to hide for tomorrow night also. Jackie is up sitting in the floor in the OBR then meg gets up out of bed and looks in the mirror.2:37pm BBt: Meg sitting in the KT eating, Clay gets coffee and says they make me want to work out. Shelli laying on the LVR couch watching John and Austin work out. 2:40pm BBt:Vanessa sitting in LVR watching John work out Clay is now working out in the LVR floor Austin is still working out. Shelli was called to the DR. meg goes to the OBR to get clothes and Jason asked who went to Dr and meg tells him Shelli did. 2:46pm BBT: James ask Meg as she crawls back inn bed with Jason if Becky is in the shower? Meg says yeah why? James says cause i want to take a shower. Meg says i want to take a shower. James ask how long you been up? Meg says not very long. Austin, John and clay still working out in the LVR. 2:55pm BBT: Austin telling john how to do his squats and tells him good job that's how you do it you got it. BB tells Meg to change her mic for one in the STR and John yells meg has been sweating. James says Sleeping is hard work. meg goes to the STr and comes out and says i got my old one back. James says man i been sleeping so much that it hurts to sleep now. He then says is that even possible? Everyone is quiet and all you hear is hard breathing from Austin, John and clay as they continue their workout.
  16. 12:00pm BBT: Vanessa, Shelli and clay in the HOh room repeating themselves over and over about getting Becky or Jason out and whop is loyal to who on the other side of the house. In the KT Austin, Liz and John are talking about shows and animals.12:08pm BBT: Vanessa telling Clay and Shelli the same thing about who needs to win HOh tomorrow night and who needs to go on the block and who would throw it. Vanessa says Austin we do not know what he will do. Clay says i need to talk to him more. Vanessa ask do you think we need to worry about a Hg coming back and shelli and clay say no. Shelli says if Audrey comes back in the house i will not be happy. 12:15pm BBT: Shelli and clay talking about going and making slop. In the KY Liz, John and Austin talking about sexual likes and dislikes. Austin ask what is important to you? john says some places i would never talk about and then says let me see how to say this appropriately and Austin says ok would you like your partner to do it everyday. Liz says if it is good i want it. 12:20pm BBT: Clay and shelli join Austin, Liz and John in the KT and they talk about playing games.12:25pm BBt: Liz talking about her and Julia having twin outfits to wear for when Julia comes in the house tomorrow night and she can not even talk to her about it and Austin says that's what they are planning and Liz says yeah.12:35pm BBt: Shelli. Liz. Clay and Austin in the KT eating and just talking general talk. Most Hg still in bed sleeping.12:40pm BBT: Liz and Austin go to the HOh rm to talk to Vanessa. Liz says she went to the Dr and they told her that her and Julia was not switching today and she says ok why and we get FOTH.12:43pm BBT: Vanessa, Austin and Liz talking about Jackie and Meg are besties and and James is up Jason Butt all the time and Becky sleeps alone all the time. Becky is someone we can work with and Jackie is dead in the water says Liz. Austin says Jason has not even asked me for a vote and Liz says he has not even asked me for a vote either. 12:47pm BBt: Austin says Meg is a game player. Liz says yeah she is a game player laughing in the purple room all day. Clay and Shelli in the KT doing dishes and talking about the fiber content in the tablets they get.12:50pm BBT: Clay and John playing chess. Austin, Liz and Vanessa in the HOh rm talking about Meg and Jackie being very close and how meg has to latch herself onto someone cause she can not be alone. Liz says after Jason leaves she will connect herself to Jackie for sure.She will not latch herself to James cause she does not like James like James likes her.12:58pm BBT: Austin, Liz and Vanessa still talking about others strategies in the house and Liz excited Julia gets to come in tomorrow. Austin is saying he is determined to win tomorrow night
  17. 10:08am BBT: Steve is up in the HNBR walking around then goes back to bed. Clay gets back in his chair also to go back to sleep. In the OBR James is talking about country music. In the WA is Vanessa and Shelli doing ADL's. 10:12am BBT: Meg gets called to the DR and she says Oh BB i have to put make up on first. Vanessa in the WA cutting her toenails while Shelli is doing her make up. Bb tells shelli to put on her mic. 10:21am BBT: Jackie and Vanessa in the HOH WA doing ADL's BB tells Jackie to put her mic on. Shelli still in the WA doing her makeup. 10:40am BBt: Meg is out of DR and heads to the OBR then to the STR to get a banana. She then goes to the LVR and eats her banana. Jason comes in and they go to the KT. Jason then goes to the Wa to wash his face. 10:48am BBT: Jason and meg go back to bed after a brief FOTH. Jason starts singing " Hey Mickey your so fine" and we get Foth for a second. 10:43am BBt: Shelli goes to the HOh rm with Vanessa. Vanessa is doing her make up in the WA. Shelli sits on the couch and covers up drinking her water. Vanessa talking about Liz and how when Liz thought when Austin was going home she slept up here then as soon as he was staying she has been down there with him. lastnight she had her legs draped all over him and i thought she did not like him cause she was making fun of him. shelli says i do not think she likes him that much. Vanessa says i do not know. 10:56am BBt: Vanessa says i do not think we have to worry about Jackie to much cause i talked to Becky and she said that she does not think Jackie will come after us cause Becky talked to her. Shelli says yeah ok but it is obvious that Jackie is working with them but she can say that she is not working with them when she really is. Shelli then says that meg came to Clay and I lastnight to see why we are saving Becky instead of Jason. She was asking why Jason is a bigger threat that Becky is cause Becky plays a big social game and is in the middle of everyone and Jason is loyal.
  18. 9:18am BBT: Austin is up goes to the WC. He then washes his hands then heads back to bed after looking at the memory wall. 9:50am BBT: All Hg still sleeping all snug in their beds. 9:55am BBT: WE now have FOTH as BB may be waking the HG.
  19. 11:30-12:00AM BBT: The HGs are drinking and talking general talk about drugs and Megs facial expressions. Austin and Liz toast to Jason leaving Thursday night Austin says "One of the Devils Rejects." Jason talks about dating to Becky and what they want in a man. 12:00-1:00AM BBT: Jason does a dance as he goes to smoke a cigarette, Becky take a puff off his cigarette and says that everyone in Germany smokes. She said she didn't smoke until her last nine months there. Shelli and Clay talk about Becky and John being floaters and they are staying under the radar. Liz throws an orange and says they can play a game. HGs are sitting around the hot-tub talking general talk. They start passing the orange around and who ever has the orange must tell a story about embarrassing dates they have had. 1:00-2:00AM BBT: James and Steve are playing pool while in the kitchen Austin is cooking something to eat. Meg, Jackie and Jason on the backyard couches talking about Clay and Shelli and how he will tell them that this will be an endurance competition this week since we are being locked down at 6AM so they will keep me and I can win HoH then I will put their asses up. Jason says I wish I smarter. Jason and Jackie then say they think Clay likes Meg cause he is always looking at her. Jackie tells Jason that Clay is a party boy and should be with Meg. They then come up with a plan to scare Shelli and Clay into keeping Jason and to tell them that he can win endurance and keep them safe. James comes over and says maybe we can find something to tell them about Becky. Jackie then says she fells bad for trying to get Becky evicted and Jason tells her not to. Jason tells Meg to talk to Shelli and Clay and make them believe that he is her puppet and she can control Jason. 2:00-3:00AM BBT: Talk continues about flipping the vote as Meg and Jason eat Pizza. Shelli and Clay are out in the backyard on the hammock talking about food they like and do not like 3:00-4:00AM BBT: The HGs just sitting around talking and eating no game talk going on 4:00-5:00AM BBT: Meg and Clay talk about why Vanessa put Jason on the block and not Austin. Clay says I am not sure but I am sure Vanessa had her reason but I do not know what the reason is. Meg says everyone thinks you and Shelli had a part of it and Clay tells her no we thought Jackie was going up but Vanessa said no. Clay tells her that he does not know what deals Austin and Vanessa made or what deals Vanessa and Jackie made. Meg says so you are voting out Jason who is more loyal to you then Becky is? Clay says I and keeping Becky cause she played the veto and if I had not won that Veto I would be in Becky's shoes right now. Clay tells Meg they need to have this conversation with Shelli. Meg says I want to but have not had the chance yet. Meg tells Clay that he and Shelli will take the hit for this. Clay then ask if they would vote Jackie out of the house and Meg says yes we would. Clay goes to the Have-Not room to tell Shelli about his conversation with Meg and Meg comes in and ask to talk to Shelli. Meg still going over why they should save Jason and Shelli asking questions as to why they think they are close to Vanessa now cause they never talk to her. Clay and Vanessa trying to think when their target on their backs got bigger than Vanessa's. Meg tells them because they was up in the HoH room with Vanessa the whole time and people think you two were in ob this to put Jason up and not Austin. 5:00-6:00AM BBT: Talk continues between Meg and Shelli and Clay about keeping Jason this week and weather or not Jason will be loyal and not backdoor them. Clay agrees to talk to Vanessa in the morning. Meg leaves saying she is OK with either way but it is better for their game if Jason stays. Shelli and Clay talk about what Meg said and Clay says that it makes sense but will Jason and I leave James and Jackie and Shelli does not think they will. Clay says Meg made some good points about Becky and we know that Jackie is going after Vanessa cause she is not OK with what Vanessa did this week. In the backyard Jason and Meg are repeating themselves on what to say and do to get Shelli and Clay to keep Jason this week. Jason says goodbye to the backyard as they all head in to go to bed just in case he gets voted out and never sees the backyard again. All HGs in bed sleeping after doing their ADLs .
  20. 11:31am BBT: john is washing dishes and Becky is laying in the By near the pool. 11:42am BBT: Becky gets up and gets in the pool.John is still washing dishes in the KT.no other Hg in sight. 12:00pm BBT: Becky gets out of the pool and lays back in the sun on her towel. john finishes dishes and goes to the STR looks in the cabinets then goes walking around the house. 12:10pm BBT: Vanessa comes down stairs where Austin is now up in the KT and ask if everyone is still sleeping? Austin says yeah. Vanessa ask then how am i supposed to take pictures. Vanessa goes to the bedrooms and ask people to get up as she only has the camera for an hour. 12:15pm BBT: Vanessa taking pictures of Hg sleeping and just waking up. She then goes and takes a picture of john brushing his teeth. Shelli is following Vanessa around saying she is hungry. 12:20pm BBT: Shelli is doing make up in the WA as Austin is doing his ADL's Jason and meg still laying in bed and we get FOTH. 12:22pm BBT: Shelli and Austin talking about backs hurting after sleeping in different positions. Jason, James and Jackie laying in bed talking about taking pictures. Vanessa in the BY talking to John about her decision to put Jason up and she says she knows Austin lied but i think this is better for our game. john agrees with her. 12:26pm BBT: Meg comes out to the BY and says she is ready and Vanessa says thank you i really appreciate you getting up for pictures and meg says sure. Vanessa then takes pictures of meg and John.
  21. 9:03am BBT: Clay sitting alone in the BY drinking his coffee and stretching his neck. Shelli is still in the DR as all other Hg are still snuggled in their beds sleeping. 9:04am BBT: Shelli comes out of the DR and goes outside where clay is. She sits down to drink her coffee and talk about the cameras moving then they laugh. 9:20am BBT: Shelli and Clay still the only ones up talking about using their DVR to record BB and how she had to put a 30 minute extension on her DVR so it would catch the whole show and i told my mom how to set it so she could record all this season for me. 9:30am BBT: Clay and Shelli still sitting in the BY talking about going to movies and laughing as all other HG are still sleeping. 9:40am BBT: Shelli and clay talk about going to fast food places and shelli says her favorites are Arbys, Chick fil a and taco bell. Then clay talks about his mom making sweets and how good they are. 9:45am BBT: John is now up in the STR changing his batteries.John leaves the STR and goes to the BY and joins clay and Shelli. John says awnings down already. shelli says yeah Clay did all of those all by himself. 9:50am BBT: Shelli, Clay and John talking about bed sizes being a twin, full, queen, king. John says oh ok then they talk about traveling.
  22. 8:00am-8:30am BBT: Clay laying on the hammock resting. Shelly gets up and is making fresh coffee goes to the WA and clay comes in gives her a hug. Clay heads back outside as Shelli makes her a cup of coffee. 8:45am BBT: After a brief FOTh feeds come back and Clay says sorry i didn't do it as he is putting the awnings down by himself. Shelli is in the house in the WA doing ADL's. 8:53am BBT: Clay sitting alone in the BY. Shelli has gone to the DR. All other HG sleeping.
  23. 5:10am-6:00am BBT: Jason and James sit out in the mBY talking about Alliances and how there is none in this house compared to other seasons where there was a group against the floaters. Jason says he reads Blogs and watches the Alliance charts and this seasons is going to be all over the place and look like a hot mess. James says he wonders who Jackie will put on the block of she wins HOH this week. He then says he will let Jackie know he is with her if she wins. James then tells Jason that maybe Audrey told the truth about things and Jason said Audrey cried wolf alot and lied all the time. James says he can not remember where he works then says yeah home depot and his co workers were happy he was going to BB. 6:00am-6:30am BBT: Jason and James talk about applying for BB and Jason says he applies for BB15 but never heard anything from them then for BB16 he was busy. James says and this year the cast is very young. James then says we were chosen for a reason then James heads inside to go to bed. Jason then thanks the feeders for the hula hoop but Thursday before i leave i am going to destroy it. James comes back out and he and Jason talk about BB Australia and how they get a pet but we do not. Jason and James head inside and both go to bed.7:00am-8:00am BBT: Austin goes to the WC then back to bed. Clay gets up goes to the WC then to the STR for popcorn then to kitchen for coffee. He then heads outside where starts laundry then sits eating popcorn and drinking his coffee.
  24. 1:00pm BBT: Jason gets up and goes inside to the OBR and says i am the star of the show today them cameras will be following me. He then goes to the STr where meg is crying with Clay and meg says they keep taking all my people. 1:02pm BBT: Jason tells meg and Clay that Becky has Austin , Steve and john,s votes. Meg walks out crying and clay follows her. Jason goes to bed. IN the WA Shelli is talking to Meg as Meg is still crying saying if i had a heads up then it wouldn't hurt so bad but i didn't get that. In the HOh rm Liz goes in and talks to Vanessa about the nominations. Vanessa tells her the talk with James and says if he wants to target me then that's ok target me. 1:08pm BBT: Vanessa tells Liz that the funny thing is that Jason was targeting you and Austin and what was i going to do put up someone who has been with me since day one? No he would have gone after us. 1:10pm BBTL Vanessa tells Liz that James and Jason had formed an alliance on day one. Liz says no and Vanessa says yeah day one. She says but James is trustworthy and you can work with him but Jason is on the other side. James in the WA talking to Jason, meg and Shelli, Clay and Jackie that he talked to Vanessa and Jason says she wants me to go and she will tell you whatever she wants to tell you to get you to vote me out. Jason says she has been up there all week with Jackie and she did not know. James ask you didn't know and Jackie said no. Jason says Vanessa is delusional. 1:15pm BBT: Jackie says it is done it is done so what is the point it is done. Jason says i can go up there and talk to her but there is not another pov. Jason leaves the WA and says maybe you can come up to James and meg too since James has nothing to hide. He goes to meg and says maybe you me and James should go talk to her and meg says why? meg ask why is James believing all this and Jason says i do not know. 1:17pm BBT: Jason goes to the HNBR and tells Steve that Vanessa is teling lies and he would appreciate his vote to stay. Jason ask did i give you hug and Steve says no but i want one. They hug and Jason leaves looking for Meg. BB calls Meg to the DR and meg says thank you and yes.
  25. 12:24pm BBT: Jackie telling James and meg that she had no idea what was going top happen. In the BY Jason telling Clay and shelli that Vanessa kept telling him that everything was perfect but i guess it wasn't. Becky in the house in bed telling meg that this is just like Jeff and James but now you guys have to decide between us. James goes to the HOH rm and Vanessa tells him i will talk to you if you want and she says this was another piece of the puzzle that was put together and things must happen for a reason and cracks in the foundation became clear. 12:28pm BBT: Vanessa says she could not do this by herself. Vanessa says i feel like i was falling back in a cement pool.She says i wanted to talk to Jason this morning but they called me in and i didn't get to i was able to talk to Jackie and i woke you up. I had to make a move and i had to make some game moves. She tells him that this was not an original plan from the beginning, this happened in the last 24 hours. I told Becky that she would be safe that a bigger target was going up against her and she thought it would be Austin then it wasn't but i still believe she will be safe. 12:32pm BBT: Vanessa says she was facing a lot of pressure from a lot of people and i am only one person and when you are pressured from a lot of people you have to question where you are at. In the BY Jason, Jackie, Clay, Shelly and Becky are talking about the nominations. Jason says she has not talked to Vanessa in awhile.12:35pm BBt: Vanessa tells James that she had to pick a side i had to make a decision and i made it i am sorry but i made it.Vanessa says one of the biggest cracks in this foundation is that everyone wants Jason gone now. James says ok.12:38pm BBT: Vanessa tells James that this is not bad for your game and James says i know it ain't . Vanessa tells him she tried talking to people today and then BB called me in. She says i did this and i do not know if i made the right decision but i did it anyways. In the BY Jason and Becky talking to Jackie, Clay and Shelli. Becky says why would she do this to me? Jason says i do not know.Jason says You have votes and johnny Mack will not vote for you so maybe she thinks she has the votes from James and Steve she only needs 5 votes.12:42pm BBT:Meg goes to the BY and sits down. Jason ask her if she is ok and she is silent and crying. Jason says remember you told me you wouldn't cry so don't cry. meg nods her head. All Hg silent in the BY.12:43pm BBT: Jackie tells Jason, Meg, Shelly and Becky she is sorry she says it feels like it is all her fault. Shelly says Vanessa is an honest player and she was on board with the Austin thing but. Jackie says i believe that i do. Meg says if she was an honest player then why was we shocked. Meg says there is a lot of stuff going on in this house that we do not know about and Becky agrees.12:47pm BBT: Jason says he is happy he has one m,ore week as he lays on the BY couch and lights a cigarette. Meg gets up and leaves as she wipes her eyes. Vanessa and James still in the HOh rm talking about the nominations and why she nominated Jason and she says it is not your fault James that i nominated him just a lot of facts were thrown at me and unfortunately i had to blindside Jason.12:50pm BBT: Meg goes to the CBR and talks to John. She tells him that it is just a bad situation. She says i have to get my act together i am a mess. John says a hot mess. Meg then heads to bed in the OBR.12:56pm BBT: Clay and Meg in the STR talking about James being weird today. Shelli in the BY talking to Jason about Clay and Becky was supposed to win and Jackie was supposed to be HOh. Shelli starts crying and Jason ask whats wrong and shelli says i am thinking how sad it will be if you go and how boring the house is going to be.



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