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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 1:00pm BBT: James, meg and Jackie talking in the HNBR about talking to Austin, Liz and Julia about who they want to go home cause they have Vanessa and Shelli and they are both queens so which do we want to vote out. 1:07pm BBT: Jackie takes the shark from behind the dentist chair and throws it in the floor the takes her jacket off then gets the shark to head out to the pool.James ask what time it is and meg says like one and he says i was having the craziest dream when you woke me up but i am glad you woke me up it was a crappy dream. 1:11pm BBT: Shelli, Liz sitting at the KT table eating breakfast. Jackie comes in from the BY asking what she is eating and Liz says it is banana Eggs with ham. Becky sitting in KT as Julia is cooking just general talk about getting called to the DR while they are doing their hair and make up. Steve is in the pool alone. 1:19pm BBT: Steve in the poll, John sitting on a lounger by the pool talking to Steve. Just general talking going on. 1:25pm BBT: Steve and John still by the pool talking about playing the guitar. 1:33pm BBT: Shelli goes to the pool and puts her feet in the water as Steve gets on the shark and then flips off it in the water. John still sitting on the lounger. 1:43pm BBT: Most Hg laying around the pool. Meg and James in the HNBR back in their chairs. meg is eating and giggling as she eats a bun. 1:48pm BBT: Meg and James talking about Becky coming out on top and we are doing her dirty work for her. James says look she has ten thousand dollars a have not pass and hoh she is on top. Meg says yeah that is what i thought lastnight. 1:52pm BBt: Hg in the BY talking about past HG and how they loved Donny. 1:56pm BBT: Shelli, Steve, Julia, John and Jackie sitting at the pool as Steve is playing with the shark in the pool and Austin is walking around . they are talking about cereals and everyone's dumb laughs.
  2. 2:03pm BBT: John getting his glass over by the pool so he can get water after his workout. Girls still sitting at the pool talking about loving Fall. 2:06pm BBT: Steve is out of the DR and Austin in the KT saying that Steve Lip looks swollen. He says yeah do i sound different and Austin says no. Steve is looking at meds he was given in the Dr and Austin ask when he takes it ? Steve says soon. John is in the CBR changing clothes and Vanessa ask what time it is and john says not sure but it is to the point where them chairs are shaded near the pool. John leaves the room and Vanessa continues reading. 2:10pm BBT: Steve talking to John in the KT and tells him they gave him something to help the pain and Steve ask if he is talking funny? john says i can not tell really. Steve says they gave me this stuff? john ask is it benzinecane ? Steve says yeah and john says that's what we give right before we stab you with a needle and then starts laughing. 2:14pm BBT: Becky now in the KT making herself something to eat. Steve is just sitting in the KT.John heads back out to the By with a beach towel and Liz says look Austin john knows what a beach towel is and Austin says no a towel is a towel and Liz says no it isn't. 2:20pm BBT: Steve is walking around the house and goes to the STR and looks in the fridge then looks around the room. he then leaves and goes back to the KT. The have nots are still in the HNBR sleeping and Vanessa in the CBR reading. Everyone else is at the pool talking about the wrap party after the show and Austin says it is down the parking lot from here. 2:30pm BBT: Steve in the KT making food and the Group in the By are talking about going to LA. and new York and Miami. 2:40pm BBT: Shelli and john talking in the By as all other hG went to the Kt for food. Shelli and john says that others will be a bigger target than us. Shelli says they are all keeping their distance from me cause they all expect me to be the target next week. john says yeah i am expendable to them also and Shelli says yeah you are right. 2:44pm BBT: Shelli and John talking about Vanessa putting both her and clay up on the block top keep the target off herself and then she is not a target. Shelli says if Vanessa leaves this week then there are three groups left and if Steve you are i win then i will never put either of you up and john says exactly. John says and if we lose we will not have enough time to get them to go after each other. shelli says yeah if it is double eviction we wont have no time at all. 2:45pm BBt: John says i heard the twins talking once and they said it is not really a showmance with Austin but she is going along with it and shelli says that is try. john says then will they be really upset if they lose Austin? shelli so no i do not think so.
  3. 1:oopm BBT: Julia, Shelli, John and Liz in the By laying in loungers by the pool. Becky and Meg leave the HOH RM and head downstairs. 1:04pm BBT: john telling Stories as they lay in the BY. The have nots are in the HNBR talking general talk as they are ready for a nap. 1:16pm BBT: Most Hg laying out by the pool just talking about being out side and general talk. In the HNBR they are talking general talk and repeating themselves. 1:21pm BBT: Becky and Shelli sitting with their feet in the pool pushing the shark around in the water. john walking around tossing the hula hoop. Julia and Liz sitting on loungers . In the HNBR Meg, Jackie and James are going to sleep and all are silent. 1:30pm BBT: Vanessa in the CBR reading a Bible. Liz, Julia, Shelli and Becky at the pool talking about a bat hitting Becky in the face in a car. 1:38pm BBT: John and Austin are working out with Weights. Austin instructing john how to pick up weights and keep his elbows bent so he does not hurt himself. 1:41pm BBT: Liz is now in the pool riding on the Shark. Becky and Shelli have their feet in the pool and Julia sitting in a lounger beside the pool. Austin and John working out still. Vanessa still in the CBR reading the Bible. 1:48pm BBT: Shelli has left the pool, Liz is in the pool on the shark now wearing a hat. Jackie and Julia are talking about cross fit and working out during the day. 1:57pm BBT: Vanessa gets up goes to the KT to get something to eat and a drink then goes back to bed and starts reading the bible again. In the By Becky and Julia still talking about their jobs.
  4. 9:00am BBT: All HG snuggled in their beds sleeping. 9:03am BBT: We are on FOTH as BB may be waking them early for the POV meeting today. 9:15am BBT: John in the BY with Steve . Steve is eating cereal and they are talking about the POV comp and Steve winning it. he says he did not see himself beating shelli. Becky is in the KT making coffee. BB tells the other Hg that the lights must remain on during the day. BB then says to lower the outside Awnings. Steve and John get up to start lowering them. 9:18am BBT: Meg is in the Kt with Becky talking about hurting so bad and says she can sleep anywhere but that darn chair. Vanessa walks through and goes to the WC. Bb calls Steve to the DR and he tells then he has to finish the awnings. They get the awnings done and Steve says he has to grab his socks cause it is freezing in the DR. 9:24am BBT: Shelli is up and in the shower. Vanessa in the HNBR getting clothes to wear for the day. Becky in the Wa downstairs doing her hair. 9:30am BBT: Becky in the By talking to john about having plenty of votes to get Vanessa out this week. She says i have Jackie , meg and James and all i need is Steve which i think i will have as they tried to backdoor him last week if one came down. 9:37am BBT: Austin and Becky in the HOh rm and Becky tells him that Vanessa is playing all sides of this house . She tells him that Vanessa comes to her and says ok here is what we need to do and who is on this side and we need a plan to keep us safe. Becky says she has no right. Becky goes on about Vanessa and her drama and how she goes around telling everyone what needs to be done so she will be safe with everyone in the house. 9:41am BBT: Becky says they she has been bullying James and she tells everyone that she will make hell in the jury house if she leaves and she just goes on and on. Becky says Vanessa says to her not to tell shelli that she knows anything please do not tell shelli and she is so afraid i am telling shelli cause she does not want to be thrown under the bus. then we get FOTH. 9:43am BBT: Austin says so your plan this week is Vanessa not Shelli and Becky says yeah it has been all week. Becky says I do not see shelli as the bigger threat. I have zoned in on Vanessa this week cause we know we have double eviction coming up and others have to go but i do not like Vanessa and i feel she does not need to be in this game. Austin says ok. Becky says are you mad at me and Austin says no not at all. 9:46am BBT: Becky tells Austin that Vanessa had me on the block and had you out the door last week and then we feel like we owe her something cause she saved us and why do we do that we owe her nothing. Austin says i will act surprised you did this and Becky says perfect act like you know nothing. 9:50am BBT: Austin tells Becky that he does not want anyone knowing that he knew He says he might tell Liz after the meeting but he does not want Jackie, meg or James saying that he knew. Becky says i will talk to them and they wont say anything. 9:54am BBT: Most Hg in the WA taking showers and doing ADL's. Austin and Becky still in the HOH rm talking about how manipulative Vanessa is and how she is telling everyone in the house how to play to keep herself safe. Becky is called to the DR and Austin says i guess you are letting me know so i wont be shocked. he says after this she is going to go off. 9:56am BBT: Austin ask are you going to tell Vanessa all of this after the meeting and Becky says i am going to tell her very little. 9:58am BBT: Becky says i am going to keep my mouth quiet as much as i can cause i am not out to ruin anyone elses game and just let her blow. Austin says yeah i understand. Austin says good luck as Becky leaves the hoh rm
  5. 6:00pm BBT: Vanessa is now fixing Steve hair with a flat iron. Julia tells him if he does not like the clothes for tomorrow then wear his jeans with a grey shirt. She then says but you look so good and Vanessa is going to be your hair stylist from now on. 6:02pm BBT: James comes in the house and Liz yells for James to come in and Steve says i am being victimized please help. Liz says James doesn't he look so good? meg comes in and says whoa i did not recognize him. Julia says we are going to make you look good for your Veto. Steve says i can do this for the hair tomorrow but i am not doing the pants though. 6:07pm BBT: Shelli is now in bed, Meg is getting clothes to change into. James walks into the OBR then walks back out. Jackie in the HOH BR Where Becky is sleeping, Jackie gets the headphones to listen to music. In the CBR Vanessa is getting clothes for Steve to try on. She gets johns jeans and he says i do not know if they will fit him cause i have longer legs. 6:25pm BBT: the girls have dressed Steve in grey shirt and black t shirt and a blue shirt and has his hair fixed and he goes to the BY where everyone waits for him to see his look. They all cheer and then Vanessa tells him go change before he gets dirty. Steve goes inside to change but starts walking around in the LVR. 6:33pm BBT: Most Hg in the BY some are sitting at the hot tub and some are doing laundry.Steve is in the house changing clothes. 6:36pm BBT: Becky wakes up in the HOH rm and tells Jackie that this is the first time she has felt rested in a long time.. In the BY Austin is doing hand stands and flips and everyone is cheering him on. 6:40pm BBT: Jackie telling Becky that Vanessa wonders why she is all alone in this house now and with all three groups but she did this to herself and she wonders why she is all alone so do not attack my group now. Becky says even with Shelli and Clay she yelled at them too so now she is alone. Jackie says she can be alone in the jury house now. 6:48pm BBT: Meg and James are in the HNBR talking about where meg is from.he says you are from New York and Ginamarie lives there so why is it you have never met? Meg says she lives on one side of Manhattan and i live on the other. James says ok i get that. 6:52pm BBT: Becky talking about Jon being on the block and wining POV 3 times but he can not win HOH? Something is wrong there cause we have played 7 HOH's. 6:57pm BBT: Becky and Jackie still in the HOH rm talking about yelling at Vanessa for telling John that he had to wash the other dishes just because he did not wash one cereal bowl.
  6. 5:32pm BBT: Liz and Steve on a hammock date and Steve says see Austin no touch. Steve says i guess someone is saying that Julia likes me and i do not get it. Liz says yes James is saying things and Julia and I love you as a brother and that is all we want to make sure you are not uncomfortable and Steve says i was never nervous or uncomfortable. 5:38pm BBT: Vanessa and Julia in the Wa talking about keeping Shelli in this house and voting John out this week. Julia says i want to keep Shelli in this house i have no problem with Shelli. Vanessa says me either. 5:40pm BBT: In the BY Austin says Liz and Steve broke the hammock as he heard it pop. Steve and Liz leave the hammock. Liz goes inside and tells julia and Vanessa that the deed is done and that he is like a brother and he says i know. Liz says i just do not like you being weird and she says that Steve said he never acts weird. 5:43pm BBT: Liz, Julia and Vanessa talking about getting people out of this house, Vanessa says someone will come back but they will not come back on a double eviction night so next week will be double eviction then a single then the game for someone to come back in to the house. 5:46pm BBT: Steve comes into the Wa and Liz and Julia try fixing his hoodie strings and his hood then had him pull his sleeves down. He then rubs the string on Julia and she tells him ewww that has been rubbed in nastiness. Vanessa says Steve loves attention. Julia says you should let Vanessa fix your hair for tomorrow since you are going to be in the spotlight. Vanessa said i wish he would let us dress him up and Steve says no as Julia says yeah let her dress you up too for tomorrow. 5:50pm BBT: Julia says Steve we are going to make you look hip and cool. In the BY Meg and James are laying on the round lounger talking general talk. 5:54pm BBT: Liz and Julia and Vanessa looking for clothes to dress up Steve for tomorrow but they want to check the look tonight. We get FOTH. 5:57pm BBT: Steve in the WC changing clothes, They make him put on sweats that go to his knees with a Blue t shirt on and a hoodie then they make him take the hoodie off and then put a black shirt on and tell him he looks so good. Liz says you need to go show Austin. they tell him this is the best he has ever looked and looks like a different person. Steve says this is not ok.
  7. 4:00pm-5:00pm BBT: HG in the By playing with the Shark Lia attacks the other Hg with the shark. Julia gets in trouble with BB for jumping in the pool with the shark. Shelli tells julia that Steve is uncomfortable with her for her liking him. Julia says it was a joke, Shelli, Meg, Jackie and meg talk about how messy Steve is and never picks up after himself. Liz goes inside and tells Austin and James that someone is telling Steve that JUlia likes him. Julia wants to make sure that Steve is not uncomfortable in this house. She then says a girl like me would nevr date a guy like that and he thinks i like him. Liz says we like Steve as a little brother. James is going to go talk to Steve for them and Liz says be sure and tell him he is like a brother to both of us. 5:00pm - 5:15pm BBT: Austin and James talk about Titanic. Steve wakes up from his nap and thinks he slept through the veto ceremony . Austin starts singing "wake up sleepy Steve." Vanessa talks about how much the twins eat and never gain anything. Vanessa then ask Liz and Julia if they have the same friends and they say yeah some of them are the same.
  8. 3:07pm BBT: Liz and Julia and Shelli at the pool talking about putting spices on foods. john and Steve are putting the awnings up in the BY. Austin is in the KT getting a banana as meg is cooking more slop. 3:13pm BBT: Austin goes to the LVR and looks under his Judas hat that is laying in the nomination chair and yells as there is a white bag that looks like a lotion filled condom laying there. he removes his hat and puts it on a potato in the chair. He then changes the potato for a box of condoms. Steve comes in and puts Larry the Llama on the couch. 3:29pm BBT: James is looking at a shawl vest the girls have and says that it is sexy and tries it on. Meg is laughing at him and Austin is smiling. In the BY Shelli and John are talking about doing Instagram and Facebook. 3:44pm BBT: Steve is shaping his jacket out by the pool into States as Shelli tells him what State to do. She says he is good at this. James is making a slop burger in the KT and Liz is cleaning again. 3:48pm BBT: Becky comes running out of the DR and to the BY with an inflatable shark and a card. The card Reads: Hg your friends from the live feeds have given you this shark to play with take him for a swim and enjoy. Hg are excited as they get in the pool and ride the shark. 3:52pm BBT: All the Hg are in the BY watching Jackie ride the shark in the pool they are debating naming the shark Brenda or Conner. They talk about how real the shark looks. 3:58pm BBT: All HG in the BY sitting in the Hot tub or in the Pool. just general talking going on.
  9. 2:01pm BBt: Steve sits at the KT bar saying he is not going to get dinged by production and Shelli says you are not going to get dinged as Bb says you are not allowed to talk about production. Vanessa is cleaning in the KT. Jackie and meg in the By laying on loungers by the pool just laughing and talking about family hoping they get evicted. 2:15pm BBT: Steve has joined meg, Jackie and john on the BY loungers and they talk about the music that Bb played this morning. Austin comes to sit down to take a break from weight lifting then John head to workout more.. Shelli and Vanessa in the KT talking about ex boyfriends. 2:24pm BBT: Vanessa goes to the sink and says someone left their dishes so she walks outside and says to Johnny Mack that he left his cereal bowl and he says I did? He says ok i will come do it in a minute and Vanessa tells him he has to do all of them now. He says ok i got caught. 2:34pm BBT: Liz and Julia in the pool while John and Austin are working out on the weights. Becky, Jackie, Steve and meg in the KT making food. Just general talk going on. 2:49pm BBT: Meg and Jackie in the Kt eating slop burgers with Pickles. Jackie says we are slopping it up. 2:57pm BBT: Hg are just lounging around today and eating and cleaning. Just general talk going on.
  10. 9:35pm BBT: Just general chit chat going on through the house. 9:39pm BBT: James, Becky and john are in the By sitting with their feet in the hot tub . John says i have to tell you i had to do damage control with this week, he says those two had a straight face and kept talking. Becky says that's fine i have made my own decision and i will tell Vanessa that i did this myself i am my own person and i am doing it alone. I basically told James , meg and Jackie that i am putting her up and they are really excited about it. Becky ask him does Steve want Shelli or Becky out for sure? john says he wants Vanessa out for sure. Becky says oh good i was kinda worried about him 9:45pm BBT: Jackie and Steve IN THE hoH RM AND THEY GET UP TO HEAD OUT TO THE BY: Becky sitting in the BY at the Hot Tun telling Austin who just walked out that they do not know how long the BY has been open cause John comes in the KT and says it is open so we just came out. 9:50pm BBT: Liz has made tacos and She makes herself a plate saying this looks so good. She sits down asking where Austin is. Julia,Vanessa and Shelli making them a plate now. 9:55pm BBt: john and Shelli talking as they have their feet in the hot tub about Weather hiking. James and Austin are working out with weights.. IN the KT sitting at the dining table is Liz, Julia, shelli, Vanessa and Steve eating dinner and talking general talk.
  11. 12:00pm BBt: Hg sitting around talking general talk waiting for the POV comp to start. 12:04pm BBT: James , Meg and Jackie in the HNBR whispering and making fun of the other Hg. In the KT Liz, Julia, Austin, Vanessa, and Becky are telling story's about jumping off a cliff into water. 12:08pm BBT: Feeds have gone to Jeff's Reels as the HG play the POV comp.
  12. 10:46am BBt: feeds are back and Hg are doing ADL's and eating. Steve says they did not say if we need athletic wear or not so i am just going to get dressed and see. Becky and shelli says they will tell you. 10:49am BBT: Becky, Steve, Shelli, Vanessa, Austin, and Meg are playing in the PoV competition 10:53am BBT: Hg are in the KT eating or in the Wa doing ADL's. Just general talk going on. meg then says she has to get her brain together. James says you might need that brain today so you can win a comp today. 10:56am Steve is dressed now and is walking around the house. In the KT James and meg are making buns for breakfast. James says you can drizzle maple syrup on top if you want. Just general talk with the other hG.
  13. 10:01am BBT: .All Hg seem to be in bed sleeping 10:09am BBT: Becky going in the DR. Jackie is now up and getting dressed and heads to the WC. Becky comes out of Dr and heads back to the hoh rm. She runs to her dresser and grabs pants then runs to the WA to change then heads back downstairs back to the DR. 10:18am BBT: Jackie in the WA doing her make up. All other Hg still in bed sleeping except Becky who is in the DR. 10:21am BBT: We are now on Jeff's Reels as the Hg should be picking players for the POV comp today.
  14. 6:00pm BBT: Vanessa and Julia say that anyone that leaves a dirty dish in the sink from now on has to wash the dishes and wash all of them. Vanessa says Austin do you hear that cause i see you do it all the time. Vanessa says she will be the dish police. 6:05pm BBT: Cleaning of the KT continues as Vanessa is now trying chips to see if they are stale and throwing them away if they are. 6:07pm BBT: Shelli says what is life after the BB house. Vanessa says yeah how do we use a phone after this. Shelli says she had a dream she was on her phone and she has an I phone and she could not get on it. Vanessa and Julia say at the same time "she forgot her password: Shelli says yes i forgot my password. 6:10pm BBT: Steve is up in the Wa and looks in the shower area and ask is there someone in there? cameras keep going to the shower then back to Steve. Austin comes out of the WC and Steve points at the shower. Austin says yeah and gets in the shower. 6:15pm BBT: Steve is in the cabana rm with 2 oranges just pacing and then sitting down then pacing again talking to himself. In the KT Becky is sweeping the floor while Julia continues washing the dishes, Vanessa and shelli talking about jealous partners. 6:25pm BBT: Austin is out of the shower. Steve is back in the cabana rm after going to get a drink. Vanessa, Julia, Shelli, Liz and Becky in the Kt talking about music as they finish cleaning. 6:30pm BBT: Kitchen is all clean and KT talk is about taking pills on an empty stomach and throwing them back up. Liz said she did that before cause she did not know you had to eat with pills. 6:36pm BBT: Austin in the KT and the girls are watching him he goes to wash his shaker and he says ok you all are watching me and you girls have to many rules at least i try. Julia then laughs and says that Austin washed dishes with hand soap one day. They all laugh and Austin turns to the sink and ask there is a difference? 6:42pm BBT: Shelli telling about sleeping in the By through her punishment last week and how it was so hot out there in the BY. 6:47pm BBT: Jackie and meg are now up. In the KT they are sitting around talking general talk. meg says she wants to go see her buns and Austin says there are alot in there. James is now up and heading to the other rm. 6:51pm BBt: Jackie is saying she did not want to eat this week but now i am eating bread. They talk about they could make monkey bread with cinnamon and sugar and honey. 6:55pm BBT: Jackie made herself some ice coffee. Hg sitting around the KT talking about food
  15. 5:40pm BBT: Shelli sitting on the KT table talking to Vanessa and Julia as they clean about her family and her parents still being together.In the HNBR James. meg and Jackie are going to sleep. 5:45pm BBT: Vanessa and Julia continue their cleaning of the KT and talking about how bad it gets in one day. 5:47pm BBT: Julia ask Vanessa what she thinks the veto comp will be and Vanessa says i think it should be the swinging one and Julia says oh yeah the Comic book one. Liz and Shelli come in and fill a glass with M&M's and start eating them. 5:50pm BBT: Julia , Liz, Shelli and Vanessa talking about how many veto comps they have played in and how many they were chosen to play in. In the HNBR James, meg and Jackie are now sleeping. 5:53pm BBT: Vanessa and Liz saying it would be nice to clean the house and do the dishes and laundry including sheets all in one day. Vanessa starts cleaning the counter tops and Julia as what they put in the Slop to make it brown like this? Vanessa says she does not know. Liz is saying it is hard to get out of the bowl , she has to scrub it. 5:57pm BBT: Talk in the Kt is about BB taking their suckers away and Shelli says no way they took my popcorn too and i was going to eat that. Austin is working out in the LVR.
  16. 2:02pm BBt: John goe to ther NBR and meg says pull my teeth out i have been waiting for an hour, meg and Jason start laughing, 2:05pm BBt: Vanessa and Shelli in the Wa and Vanessa says when she puts me on the block i am going to do this as she pulls her shoe off and holds it up and shelli says what does that mean and Vanessa says it is a FLIP FLOP and Shelli starts laughing and says that is good. 2:10pm BBT: Shelli is doing her hair in the WA as she talks to Vanessa about Clay leaving and says she has cried all she can cry then she yells i need some girly deodorant up in here this crap i am using stinks bad. 2:11pm BBT: Becky gets called to the DR and James says this is it and John says is this it and James says yeah they bring her in and ask who she wants to nominate and we get a brief FOTH. Meg is getting up and putting her mic back on saying she can not sleep like this again cause last time her neck hurt for days. 2:13pm BBT: We just went to Jeff's Reels as this should be the Nomination Ceremony
  17. 1:00pm BBT: Becky talking to Jackie in then HNBR while James and meg listen and Becky says she told Vanessa she was not making no deals and Jackie says we need to get her out after last week. 1:04pm BBT: Jackie is asking what happened yesterday something about Vanessa accusing clay of something cause Shelli came in the room crying. Vanessa laying in the RBR . Liz and Austin go back in bed. Vanessa has a worried look on her face as she watched Liz and Austin. 1:10am BBT: James is telling meg and Jackie that a double eviction is a scary thing cause if shelli wins it will probably be me and Austin. Crap that's scary James says. Jackie says hopefully we can go after Shelli. Jackie tells then they need to study and if she studies then she is good at. 1:12pm BBT: James says if shelli wins then my ass is going up cause i just sent her man home. meg says yeah but we have to study. James says i do not like to study and Jackie says we have to if you want to win and James says that is like telling Meg to go workout. Jackie gets up to go to the WC. 1:187pm BBt: James and meg are laughing when Jackie comes back in the room about Shelli telling things about Austin then they laugh about the comp where clay had to roll the ball and he won and how mad others were he won that cause they wanted to vote him out. Jackie says now we voted him out and they laugh. 1:24pm BBT: john and Vanessa in the KT. John is eating cereal and Vanessa is putting dishes away. Meg, Jackie and James in the HNBR repeating themselves as they whisper really low. 1:28pm BBt: James comes back from the WC and says i just gave Shelli the weirdest look and i did not mean too but i came out of the WC and she was in the shower so i just looked at her and left and she probably thinks i hate her. meg says talk to her and James says no she can come talk to me i aint talking to her. 1:30pm BBt: meg and Jackie tell James he should talk to shelli and he says i know i should but what if she tells me to get lost and meg says she wont. James says i will talk to her after she is on the block and meg laughs. 1:38pm BBT: John and Steve in the KT talking about sliding in last nights comp and how Steve feet slid under the wood on the bowl. Steve says they had us carrying water and the funnel had a hole in the bottom and my finger wouldn't stop it from coming out so i squeezed it together. Becky says yeah Julia had a clean run and did not drop any water at all she impressed me. 1:42pm BBT: Steve tells Becky that this is the first week that the HOH has the potential to break a tie this week. Becky says yeah i would be the fifth vote if it is a tie. 1:45pm BBt: Bb calls Vanessa to the DR. Meg, James and Jackie still in the HNBR talking about getting Vanessa out this week and talking to Shelli about last week. Julia is up and goes to the WC. Liz and Austin are awake in the bed talking about making food. John is washing dishes as Becky sits in the KT. 1:52pm BBT: James keeps going in and out of the HNBR then Bb calls him to the DR and he says let me take a vacation first as he leaves the HNBR. In the KT Julia is making her some food while Steve just walks around the KT. 1:58pm BBT: Steve is sitting in the STR tossing an orange and whispering to himself.
  18. 10:02am BBT: Liz in the WA doing ADL's James comes in and blows his nose as Liz tells him she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and is so grumpy. Becky says you know what i have noticed that people take the toothpaste and mouthwash and lotion that's for the house and puts it in their stuff. Liz says i know i have noticed that. 10:12am BBT: Becky in the Kt spraying ants and says oh mylanta i have so many ants all over me. James is now washing his dishes as Becky goes to get a cup of coffee. 10:20am BBT: Becky and Liz in the Wa doing their hair and make up. Just general talk going on and Becky says in the comp lastnight it hurt my back. Liz says yeah that comp could not have been good for your back. 10:35am BBT Austin is out of the Dr and making omelettes for himself and Liz. Becky is in the have not rm looking for clothes. 10:48am BBT: Becky sitting in the KT talking to Austin about food. Austin has made omelettes for he and Liz with Steak and veggies.. Jackie in the WA doing ADL's. 10:57am BBT: Becky sitting at the KT table doing her nails, Austin finishing making his and Liz's breakfast. Jackie still in the Wa braiding her hair. All other Hg still in the bed sleeping.
  19. 9:16am BBT: After FOTh we come back with Steve in the KT eating cereal. James is heading to the WA. Shelli and Vanessa in the STr changing batteries. 9:20am BBT: Steve making a cup of coffee, Vanessa in the KT getting water. Shelli in the WA doing ASDL's as James is taking a shower. 9:30am BBT: James is out of the shower and dressed and brushing his teeth. All other HG back in bed sleeping. 9:40am BBT: James in the KT making breakfast for himself as all the other HG are sleeping. 9:48am BBT: John gets called to change his mic in the STR he goes to the STR then back to bed. Austin now getting up and going to the DR. James ion the Kt eating his breakfast. Becky in the hoh rm doing ADL's 9:51am BBT: Becky heads down stairs and says good morning to James. he says good morning . She asked are you eating and he says yeah i have have not status coming up so gotta get it out. he ask how she slept in the pent house. she says good. he then tells her he took a hot shower and make breakfast waiting for the have nots to start today. 9:55am BBT: Becky now making herself some breakfast as he and James talk about music. 9:58am BBt: Liz in the Kt with Becky and James getting a drink and notices Ants everywhere. Becky tells her we will have to wash dishes before we spray then Bb tells Liz to put on her mic.
  20. 1:30am-2:00am BBT: Liz and Julia go to the HOH br to talk to Becky. She tells them that they will not be gong up that Steve will probably go up and some one else. She tells them that after noms are set for the week to vote out whoever they want to vote out this week. Liz ask how the talk went with Shelli and Becky says it was fine. Steve is next in the HOh rm talking to Becky and she tells him that he will probably go up as a pawn so just act scared but you are fine you are not the target this week. Steve says ok as he leaves the HOh rm. Becky heads down to the KT and talks to Liz about her laundry when BB does it.Liz shows her where BB puts the laundry after the clean it. Becky then heads back up to the HOh rm and opens her wine. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Liz and Austin in bed. Liz gets up looking for her bandanna, Julia helps her look for it but they can not find it. Steve and James play chess in silence.John joins them and they talk about having headaches and Steve says he has never had a headache so he does not know what they are. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Becky, Steve and James in the KT talking general talk and Vanessa comes in and joins them and they talk about shopping. James is called to the DR. Steve gets up and goes to the WA to get ready for bed then heads to bed. 4:00am-6:00am BBT:HG are getting ready to go to bed and Steve gets up wondering around the house. James comes out of the DR and ask Steve if he wants to sleep in the rainbow room and then heads to bed. We hear doors and then, lights out and all HG are snug in their beds asleep.
  21. 1:10pm BBT: feeds are back with James vacuuming the LVR, Steve, Clay and john in the Wa talking about Steve's mic and cutting hair. meg, Julia, Liz and Becky in the KT making food and talking about having the HOh comp tonight. 1:16pm BBT: Shelli and Jackie in the cabana rm talking and Jackie says after last week i am ok and Shelli hugs her and says thanks and is smiling. In the CBR Steve and Vanessa are talking general talk as Steve is getting clothes ready for tonight's live show. and we get FOTH. 1:20pm BBT: meg and Clay go to the cabana rm and meg ask what is happening and clay says i am just waiting. Meg says well you know they are all voting her to stay but i feel like i i do not know it is like i do not want to go against you. Clay says i told you to. meg says but i do not want you to walk out of here with no votes and He tells her i am ok with it and this is shelli's dream to be here so i am ok with it. 1:25pm BBT: Meg is still talking to Clay about wanting to vote to keep him and she says i just wanted to talk to you about it. In the HNBR Julia is talking to Austin and Liz about who they need to keep and she says james wants her gone. austin says i know and he leaves the room. 1:29pm BBT: Vanessa and Jackie in the HNBR with Liz and Julia talking about Bb telling them to wear shorts and a tank top or t shirt tonight for the HOH comp. They are talking about the comp and wondering if it will be the sliding one and Julia says no they made us draw numbers. Vanessa says well for lanes maybe? Julia says could be then. 1:32pm BBT: Austin and meg in the cabana rm talking and Austin says clay came to me yesterday and told me that this is not even about the game just please take me out just vote me out please. Meg says yeah it is so ridiculous. Austin says he helped me last week and i told him i owed him a favor so he said this is the favor he wants and to please vote me out. 1:34pm BBT: Meg says James is going to be so upset if Clay leaves and Austin says yeah right and i feel like i am in the middle of crap again and i do not want to be there but what do i do. he then says now the twins want to go talk to James cause they are so mad and upset. He tells meg they all want to go talk to James and tell him they know he did all of this to get shelli out cause he is scared of her but this guy (Clay) is willing to fall on the sword for her. 1:40pm BBt: Meg in the cabana rm with Shelli now telling her that she talked to Clay and she says you know i have always had this thing for clay and voting him out is so weird to me but.(Meg keeps stumbling over words) She says sorry this is so hard for me. shelli says i understand i really do.Meg says voting against you guys is so freaking hard but like it is tricky like as if i want to vote for you but it is against Clay. Shelli says vote however you want there is no against Shelli or against Clay. meg says i know i just wanted to bring this to you cause it has been awkward and weird and i just do not want it to be that way tonight. 1:47pm BBT: John and Clay whispering in the OBR as Liz and Julia are whispering in the CBR. they keep repeating themselves about whop to vote out tonight and Clay is begging everyone to vote him out. 1:51pm BBT: Vanessa and James in the Wa doing hair and makeup. Austin in the HNBR talking to the twins about what was said between him and meg and voting Clay out. Clay still talking to John about voting him out and that he is making a sacrifice for shelli. John says alright and they stop talking and leave the OBR.
  22. 9:00am BBt: ALL HG still sound asleep. 9:30am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 10:04am BBT: We now have FOTh as BB is waking the HG. 10:15am BBT: Vanessa whispering to Steve about John being on board with voting Clay out of the house and Steve says all clay has is 5 votes . Vanessa ask do they know it is coming and Steve says i have been thinking about telling them and Vanessa says maybe it should be a blind side.Steve says yeah. 10:20am BBt: John and Becky in the CBR talking about her giving her word last Saturday and she needs to stay with her word. Vanessa comes in and as what they are doing and Becky says i am debating weather to get up or sleep for another 40 minutes and she then says i am getting up cause i never get breakfast before this. She gets up and says pancakes sound good. Vanessa goes back to bed and john closes his eyes. 10:25am BBT: Becky went to the Wc then goes back to bed . All other Hg in bed except Steve who is in the DR.
  23. 2:00pm BBT: Liz tells Vanessa and Austin that she knows where Shelli stands in this house but I do not know where Clay stands. Austin says this week is a chess move. Liz ask what does a chess player say and Austin says we have to make out move. Vanessa says ok but keep me out of it cause if there is a double eviction i can not go up there. Austin says i do not think it is that but worse case scenario is a double eviction. Vanessa says if it isn't then we have time to deal with them. Vanessa then says we have to think four steps ahead then what. Austin says if Shelli goes out then we have to see about Steve and Jackie. Then that changes things. 2:05pm BBT: Austin says we can go up to talk to James and says that shelli will make deals with us and clay will not he is coming after you. Vanessa says yeah maybe. Austin says we need to go talk to him and tell him that we are taking clay out anyways and then shelli next week and this is what we are going to do so what is he going to do? Austin says he didn't put us up this week and i was going out last week and he knows it and he could have went with that this week and he didn't so he was ok with it. 2:11pm BBT: Austin says we probably have a double eviction coming and that makes it even more complicated and we have to work and think even more but my brains are on fire and i need some slop. Austin leaves the HNBR and shelli comes in saying that Becky is out there asking about the Austin thing. Vanessa says i did not hear anything. Shelli says lastnight there were Becky, James, meg and Steve in the By and were whispering and we thought that was weird. Then meg came in and said that Jackie said some weird crap is going down and that's all she said so we do not know what is going on. 2:16pm BBT: Meg is in the HOH rm talking to James and Crying about her talk with Clay and shelli and how clay snapped at her telling her that she does not owe anyone anything. James ask what are they trying to get out of this situation? meg says i do not know but i think Austin might know. 2:21pm BBt: Austin returns the the HNBR with his slop and Clay leaves and goes to the LVR and lays on the couch. shelli is still in the HNBR repeating herself to Vanessa and Julia and Liz about James being scary. James and meg in the HOH rm watching the spy screen and talking about John and James says he might have to pull John aside and tell him the reason he put Shelli and clay up and how they are not with him cause they lie and if you want to roll with them it is what it is. 2:24pm BBTL Liz is telling Shelli that James took the veto in the veto comp cause he wants shelli out then she says they all want you out. Shelli says well i am not out and i am gunning for them hard. Austin gets up and leaves the HNBR. 2:26pm BBT: James says in the HOH br that he wants to tell Clay to slap me right now cause you are staying and meg laughs and says no you can not say that. 2:27pm BBT: Meg leaves the HOh rm with James and heads down stairs to the WA where Austin and Jackie are. Meg repeats what Clay told her earlier. James says i did not tell anyone anything at all. 2:36pm BBT: BB calls Jackie to the DR. clay says wonder why they call her and Vanessa says wonder why and clay says screw her. Vanessa laughs. In the WA Austin, James, meg talk about requesting things. Julia walks out after using the WC and washing her hands and heads to the KT. meg follows her. 2:46pm BBT: Liz and Julia in the KT doing dishes Clay and shelli eating just general talk going on. 2:55pm BBT: HG just sitting around general talk going on as others are still sleeping.
  24. 1:01pm BBt: john goes to the WA where Shelli is still cleaning mirrors and clay is sitting watching. No talking going on as john flosses his teeth. 1:05pm BBT: John, Shelli and clay in the WA talking about the best toothpaste to use. john says Colgate and Shelli says i like the taste of it better too and Shelli agrees it is better than crest. 1:10pm BBT: julia ask who made the coffee? Shelli says clay did he put a touch of cinnamon to it. Julia says it is so good. shelli says it is so good isn't it?. Julia goes to the HNBR and wakes up Austin and Liz telling them she is so bored. 1:17pm BBT: Shelli and Clay move to the CBR to talk alone. Shelli whispers to clay about John and James and who would have hung up there on that wall longer and She says as soon as she started making a deal with James on that wall then John dropped so we have to think about that. She says maybe that there was a deal made before the comp and when i started making a deal then john dropped so he wouldn't have to back out on the deal. What do you think? clay says i do not know. 1:20pm BBT: Shelli says maybe that is why John is being so emotional this week cause he knew it. clay says i do not think he did that. 1:26pm BBT: Liz and Julia in the HNBR whispering really low talking about if they keep shelli this week then she will always be a target if front of them. Julia says I know.In the cabana rm Shelli and Clay are talking general talk about what they do at home. Liz tells Julia in the HNBR if they call me into the DR you are going in for me and Julia laughs and says ok. then we get FOTH. 1:38pm BBT: Vanessa now in the HNBR talking to Liz, Julia and Austin about James and how he makes a deal and goes back on it. Austin says but they all do and Vanessa says but Shelli will just go back up and Austin says yeah but i don't know. Vanessa says she is the biggest threat. Austin says for us to keep her it is dangerous. Austin says maybe there is a part of me that thinks maybe James could work with clay but why would he? Vanessa says i do not know. 1:44pm BBT: meg is now talking to Clay and Shelli in the Cabana rm . Meg says Austin told me and Jackie that you apologized for everything to Him and that's all i know .Shelli asked if this is what everyone was talking about lastnight and meg says no this was a couple of days ago. In the HNBR Vanessa and Austin are whispering repeating themselves over who could win the HOh this week and who would not put them on the block.Julia and Liz are just listening and not talking. 1:50pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa still whispering about who needs to go up and who will put who up without them going on the block. Julia and Liz still just listening. In the Cabana rm Clay and Shelli are still just pouting as one of them is leaving and they do not want to be split up.
  25. 8:55am BBT: All Hg still snuggled in their beds sleeping. 9:40am BBT: All Hg still sleeping. 10:00am BBt: ALL HG still sleeping. 10:01am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB might be waking them up for the day. 10:12am BBT:Shelli and Steve in the Wa doing ADL's. Meg comes out of the WC and Steve goes in. BB calls Vanessa to the DR. 10:13am BBT: Jackie in the STR changing her battery. Vanessa comes in the change hers as well and says Good morning to Jackie. Jackie leaves the STR. 10:17am BBT: Vanessa going to the WC stops to tell shelli that she was up all night and they can not talk right now and Shelli starts to walk away as Vanessa ask her why she is walking away and Shelli tells her you said we could not talk right now. Vanessa says it is a long story so we will talk later. Shelli leaves the WA as Vanessa goes to the WC then Austin comes in to brush his teeth. 10:20am BBT: Vanessa tells Austin she has a plan to get this out of this situation they are in and she says she needs to tell him that Shelli needs to have a big blow up with Austin and the twins and that way it will not look bad you voting her out and Austin ask what am i going to blow up about and Vanessa says i do not know but what do you think of it and Austin says as long as they buy it cause hey are picking up on that stuff. 10:24am BBT: Vanessa tells Austin that she woke up to Becky whispering to James in the KT this morning and how she is the biggest two faced liar in here. Vanessa leaves the WA and Julia tells Austin that if Shelli leaves clay will know. Austin says but where does Clay stand? Julia says i do not know but we know where Shelli stands. 10:28am BBT: Austin in the Cabana room talking to Vanessa and Steve about the plan to vote shelli out over Clay. They then go over if Clay and Becky are on the block next week and how John will vote as he will be stuck to Clay. 10:31am BBT: Vanessa and Austin talk about taking to James about keeping Shelli and how Becky is two faced. Vanessa says i have a lot of Becky. Austin says ok lets do it and they both head back to bed. 10:36am BBT: All HG appear to be back in bed. 10:46am BBT: Shelli is called to the DR. She gets up mad and heads to the WA. Clay gets up and goes to the Wa as Shelli is doing her hair. Clay ask her what is wrong and she says I do not want to deal with this Clay. Bb calls Austin to the DR. Shelli says thank you. Vanessa runs to the Wa and says ok guys i want to say thank you and James told me that James said blah blah blah and it is all complicated but i have to talk and bottom line is that 1000 percent that you are their target next week and clay says i know. She says Becky and James was up all night whispering i heard names and everything. So next week put the target on her.



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