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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:02am BBT: HG are still snug in their beds sleeping. 9:15am BBT:m Becky is up limping to through the KT Getting ice then we get FOTH. Feeds back and Becky has ice in a metal bowl going to the DR with it. 9:27am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB might be waking the HG for the day. 9:37am BBT: All hg still sleeping. 9:40am BBT: Becky comes out of the DR crying and goes to the OBR talking to meg and James about her toe being infected and hurting. meg ask does the ice help and she says a little. James ask if she took some Advil and meg says yeah she did but she took to much. Becky lays down in her bed and covers up. 9:52am BBT: Vanessa in the OBR talking to Becky about her toes being infected and says that sucks. James in WA doing ADL's and we get FOTH.
  2. 7:03pm BBt: Steve is cooking a pork chop talking to Liz and Austin while they cook steak and fish. John and Becky in the BY talking and John says as soon as i lost the HOH comp i knew it made since for us both to go up. Austin comes out and they stop talking. 7:12pm BBT: Meg goes out to the BY and James throws all the pillows off the hammock and meg lays on then in the yard. Julia in the Kt talking about running out and running in the pillows. 7:18pm BBT: Meg, Julia, James, Steve and Austin in the By talking about playing games and working out. James starts throwing pillows and spills meg's coke. She tells him to go clean it and he ask why? She says because it is not grass out here that's why. James says want me to clean it and meg says yes so he turns on the water hose. The girls are yelling they are getting wet. 7:23pm BBT:Liz in the KT alone doing dishes as all other hG are in the BY working out or playing around. Steve is laying in the hammock. In the KT Liz is choking and yelling that was foul as something was bad in the sink, She goes back to washing dishes saying ewww. 7:26pm BBT: A pillow fight has started in the BY and the girls are after the guys yelling corner him. BB says stop that. James says thank you BB you are awesome.
  3. 6:30pm BBT: John and Steve playing pool,Vanessa sitting in the BY James comes out to sit in the By also. Austin and Liz in the HOH rm taking a nap. 6:38pm BBT: Liz and Austin sitting in the HOH bed talking and training, Steve and Vanessa in the BY laying on the lounger just talking general talk about the sky. 6:42pm BBT: Austin saying that he thinks there will be an endurance when someone comes back in the house. Liz gets up and pulls the covers up as Austin is stretching his leg laying in the bed. 6:46pm BBT: In the By James is in the hammock and Steve is getting every throw pillow and covering James up on the hammock and laughing. Vanessa ask Becky if there is any more detergent, Becky says i think in the STR like with the paper towels. 6:49pm BBT: Austin is looking for something to eat while Liz is brushing her teeth and doing her make up. They head down stairs and Vanessa comes in to the KT to wash her bowl. Austin reads instructions on a package and says takes 30 minutes to cook. Steve comes in and washes his cup. Liz and Austin start preparing their dinner. 6:56pm BBT: Austin cooking Steaks, Vanessa putting dishes away. Liz saying she does not want to cook cause she is so annoyed from all the cooking yesterday. Austin is also making fish. Austin says you know this is good when it falls apart. he then ask Liz how would you like me to cut this up and she says filet it.
  4. 1:40pm BBT: Hg all in the BY except for Steve who is napping in the HNBR. Just playing around and general talk going on. 1:51pm BT: meg and Austin and James telling Julia about jace making a shrine the first week he was there cause he knew he was going out the door. 1:59pm BBT: Hg still in and around the pool just general talk going on about pets.
  5. 1:03pm BBT: HG around the pool just taking general talk as Austin and John work out and Austin says Irish spring, Dont ask what Irish spring can do for you ask what you can do with Irish spring. 1:14pm BBT: Meg, Julia and James talking about how many more days they have left in the house and James says about 36 more days in the house left. Julia says no i told my job i would only be gone two months. HG start laughing. 1:26pm BBT: Julia and Liz says smell that. meg says it smells so good. Julia says it smells like a greasy burger. Austin says i think it is the trash. Liz and Julia start yelling help us we are trapped and the other Hg laugh.
  6. 12:01am BBT: vanessa doing makeup and Liz, James, austin and meg in BT taking pictures. 12:11pm BBT: HG still doing Pictures. Becky and John talking in the KT about heating and cooling your body temperature . 12:20pm BBT: Hg still doing pictures and Becky is in the pool as James lays beside the pool. 12:27pm BBT: Hg are now take a house picture with everyone in it. Liz says thank ya'll.Everyone goes back to swimming and laying out and John heads back in the house back to his bed. 12:32pm BBT: Liz and Julia looking at the pictures they have taken and Liz eating her Omelette that Austin made her earlier. Most Hg in the pool and around the pool. John in the BY now with Austin talking about working out. 12:36pm BBT: Steve gets out of the pool to go take a nap. he says he is really tired. Julia and Liz still in the KT eating and all other Hg are in the BY laying by the pool while Austin works out. Just general talk about laws going on. 12:45pm BBT: Steve and Julia in the Kt, Julia ask him if he ate this morning and he says he ate slop. She says either Liz or I one will be on slop next week cause she wants to do it with Austin. Liz likes Austin better than me now which is rude. Steve leaves the room and Julia continues to cook. 12:57pm BBT: Liz and Julia talking in the Kt about past games that have been played in the HOH house and how they are getting the same comps just not the same order. Steve says yeah we had OTEV to early. Most Hg in the BY working out and in the pool or laying out.
  7. 8:01am BBT: All HG sound asleep in their beds. 9:00am BBT:All HG still sleeping. 9:07am BBT: WE now have FOTH as BB may be waking the HG. 9:10am BBT: Feeds are back with Hg still in bed and lights still out. Austin and Liz are moving around and Austin rubbing Liz's arms and back as she groans and rubs his arm. She then gets up and goes to the WC. 9:15am BBT: Liz comes out of the WC washes her hands then puts eye drops in her eyes then starts doing her makeup. 9:25am BBT: Liz finishes her makeup and combs her hair then kisses Austin before heading to the DR. 9:28pm BBT: Austin now up in the WA as Liz is now in the DR. All other HG still sleeping. 9:35am BBT: Austin goes to the down stairs WA to blow dry his hair. 9:37am BBT: Liz now out of DR and heads back to the HOH RM as she tells Austin he can come back up as they can still cuddle. Austin says ok i will come back up. he then ask do you want coffee or Up? She says coffee. BB tells Austin to change his mic for one in the str. Liz comes back down talks to the camera and says good morning Bb i am going to be writing a blog today so go to cbs.com and see what i have to say. She then smiles and goes to make the coffee. 9:46am BBT: Liz and Austin waiting for the coffee to finish making as Liz fills a water jug.Liz takes the jug of water back out to the BY fridge and says we can have our morning coffee outside since it actually feels good out here. her and Austin start hugging. 9:51am BBT: Austin and Liz talking about the ponytail beard and we get FOTH as BB might be waking the other HG for the day.
  8. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Becky, Steve,Austin and Liz talking about past Hg and Austin says they will all be talking about us next year. Steve said he searched Bb nude pictures and see pictures of Helen when she was changing in the HNBR. Becky says she liked Brenchel. Steve tells them that Frankie and Cody did not care about being naked in the house. Liz and Austin talking and Austin tells her she is super cozy to snuggle with. Liz tells him that his pony-beard is growing on her. Liz then starts talking about moving to California to be with Austin so she can get out of Miami. Liz says to Austin did you know when you first tried snuggling with me that it was Julia and she told me about it in the DR . Austin says i would snuggle with anyone in my bed. Austin ask Liz when she started liking him more and she said after he won HOH. Liz is called to the STR for a new mic so conversation breaks up. Liz goes to wash dishes and is mad that Julia did not finish them. Julia is in the BY playing pool. Meg and Becky talk general talk then meg heads inside to go to bed. James is playing pool with Julia as Liz is finding more dirty dishes that were not washed correctly. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Steve and Austin talking about there is no Santa or tooth-fairy and how Liz is his sister. Liz and Austin continue talking to Steve like he is a child while complaining about Julia and how bad she washes dishes.Austin tells Liz they need to study the memory wall for the Morph comp so Liz sits in his lap and they look at the memory wall for awhile as Liz rubs Austins back. Steve heads to the OBR with chocolates and Liz runs to see what he is doing, Steve says i am going to throw these at James and BB says stop that. Austin goes in and checks Steve back and tells him to stop slouching and how to stand and sit with posture so his muscles will not hurt so much. Austin and Liz head to the HOh rm and brush their teeth.Steve talks to John about maybe getting Vanessa on their side now and John says he wants to win HOh and backdoor Vanessa. Steve keeps saying he wants to include Vanessa in the alliance and Johnny Mack does not so Steve is asking if it is ok to talk to Liz and Austin about this. Steve goes to the HOh rm and talks to Liz, Julia and Austin about Johnny Mack and Liz yells at Julia for not talking to him yet. Steve goes to get Johnny Mack and heads to the HOH rm. Julia tells Johnny Mack he has her vote this week and they all start talking about getting Vanessa out next week. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Julia talks about a returning HG and she does not want Jackie back in this house so that she can work with meg and James. Liz says the longer Vanessa is here the less chance she can get back in the game cause after a Hg comes back then she needs to go.Steve stands up and says lets wait till Thursday and talk about the rest of this till we see if one of us can win HOH this week. They then start studying the days in the house and what day things happened. Steve says he is going to go take his HN cold shower and leaves the HOH rm. He then goes to the By and jumps up and down excitedly. Johnny Mack goes in and talks to Steve and Steve tells him that he wants to get James out next week now so Becky will talk to him again.Austin and Liz think it might be best if Steve wins hOh this week so he can take out Vanessa. Julia heads down stairs to go to bed and Liz and Austin start making out in the hoh bed.Steve heads out to the BY and gets in the hot tub for a bit then gets out and gets in the pool. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Liz and Austin in the HOH br laying in bed talking about what they do on weekends and snuggling. They then talk about how the rest of the house is after Vanessa and they are coming out clean. They then start making out again. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Steve talks to Becky about her injuries and Becky says that it is ok and she was not offended at all by the train comics of herself. Steve tells her he is going to bed and she says ok sorry i am not to talkative tonight. Becky goes to bed and Johnny Mack goes to bed as Steve walks around getting milk then brushing teeth and gargling then he heads to bed. All Hg in bed sleeping.
  9. 7:00pm BBT: James in the BY talking about going duck hunting. John in the KT making slop and Julia goes to the By to sit at the hot tub after spelling #BBchopped on the KT counter. 7:03pm BBT: john takes his slop to the BY to eat while listening to James tell about blasting trees down.Austin is in the HOH BR waking Liz up by caressing her arm and face then her waist. 7:07pm BBt: Liz is now awake as Her and Austin are kissing and hugging in the HOH bed. 7:12pm BBT: meg says something smells so good and Vanessa says yeah they wonder where the smell is coming from. Vanessa ask is there where they do the hunger games? she says if they do then they drop them food. Vanessa then says that this is like the hunger games but we don't die. 7:20pm BBT: Austin snuggled with Liz in the HOH bed and he says i like your arms and neck and i already told you i love your lips they are nice. he then puts hands under the covers and says these are nice too.Steve and Vanessa in the WA talking about past comps. then Vanessa talks about them eating something. 7:28pm BBT: Vanessa tells Steve to go eat then they are going to play chess. Meg comes in and ask if they had seen the sign in the KT and Vanessa says it is great isn't it. 7:30pm BBT: Julia in the KT telling Meg and Becky that they are getting ready to cook soon and they have to go get all the ingredients at one time. Liz comes out to see what they are doing then goes back in and Julia tells James to grab the zucchini and come on they go to the STr and find a knife. 7:36pm BBT: Hg preparing for their chopped show soon. James and Liz can not agree on anything. 7:40pm BBTL Julia and James in the cabana rm talking about making their appetizers and Julia wants chicken in it but James does not. Julia is getting frustrated and says we can put meat in an appetizer. In the STr Liz and Austin are getting things together for the chopped cooking contest and Liz says it is not fair that Julia has 2 zucchinis and Austin takes one. 7:46pm BBT: Introductions are starting for the cooks and the judges. Meg says all contestants to the floor. James comes in with the blond wig on. Meg and Liz start setting out the pots and pans to cook with. 7:50pm BBT: meg says welcome to BB chopped. competing tonight we have team listin. and Judges are Becky and Meg. Meg says you have 30 minutes to prepare appetizers and 1 hour for entree and 30 minutes for desert. 7:55pm BBT: Meg says all ingredient are fair game and She says because this is the first round you will have 5 minutes to get your ingredient from the STR.
  10. 2:01pm BBT: Liz and Austin heading to the pool where John, Becky and Julia are there talking about Jeff and Becky says I wonder how Jeff is doing? Julia says oh stop he is probably at happy hour. 2:20pm BBT: Austin and John working out on weights as Julia, Liz and Becky are watching then as they lay out bu the pool. All other HG in the house sleeping. 2:29pm BBT: Austin was lifting weights and Julia, Liz and Becky throw pillows at him and he tells them that this is dangerous. he chases Liz around the yard and says he wants a hug. he then tells Liz that this is man time and he has to look good so Liz will not leave him. 2:40pm BBT: Liz, Julia and Becky in the pool playing with the shark. Austin and John still working out. All other Hg still asleep in the house. 2:58pm BBT: Liz, Julia in the pool and Becky laying on a towel by the pool. Austin and John still working out.
  11. 1:00pm BBT:Meg is going back to bed and James ask why she needs to get ready for the cook off and she says i thought that was tonight. James gets in bed with Meg and she laughs saying get out of here i have the curse. James starts snuggling with her saying why i thought we were getting engaged and getting married. meg says get out of here as she laughs more. 1:03pm BBT: James standing on the bed talking to BB saying this is day 61 in the house and we are all loosing our minds we have gone crazy in here. Meg says they call me grandma, James says this has been brought to you by Irish Spring. James runs to the KT and gets water and comes back saying here Grandma. he then grabs pills and says here you go grandma, Meg yells those are you meds and laughs. James says i am going to take care of you grandma. 1:11pm BBT: In the HOH rm Vanessa, Liz, Julia and Austin talking about Shelli and why she was evicted and how she played the Clay card and what will happen if Shelli comes back into the house. Vanessa says she will go after me. 1:18pm BBT: Becky and Julia in the KT talking about food. James and Meg in the OBR with John talking general talk. 1:25pm BBT: Becky sitting alone in the HOH BR. Most Hg in the OBR laughing at James and his things he makes out of foil. 1:29pm BBT: Becky talking to Liz and Austin about staying in the house this week and evicting John instead of her she says she will work with them. 1:37pm BBT: Becky says her point is she will try to play with them and will not put them up and she says i will not panic and throw you out there or put you up i will protect those i trust and those that help me. Becky says if i win hoh next week i will keep you guys safe cause i know who i would put up already and you guys are safe. 1:45pm BBT: Liz, Julia, Austin in HOh rm talking about the pros and cons of keeping Becky over john. In the BY john is out by the pool putting on sunscreen. 1:51pm BBT: Becky is now in the BY with John getting in the pool. Austin, Liz and Julia still in Hoh rm repeating themselves about weather to keep john or Becky this week. 1:56pm BBT: Becky and john in BY laying by the pool talking about if their families will fly in for the after party.
  12. 9:00am BBT: All HG in bed sleeping soundly. 9:30am BBT: Hg still sleeping. 9:45am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB may be waking the HG. 9:56aqm BBT: James and Meg laying in bed talking about the music BB played this morning. All other Hg still laying in bed.
  13. 3:02pm BBT: Liz cleaning the KT and John getting a towel and a drink to go workout with Austin. Steve puts on his swim trunks to go out to the pool.Liz says will you please tell Austin i said to put on sun screen and john says yeah, Liz says thank you johnny. Julia says look mom is looking out for pops. 3:20pm BBT: Liz, Julia and Vanessa in the HOh rm talking about how Shelli would tell people about the twins and how they all fought over sun glasses. Julia said it was a big mistake telling Steve and Liz says i know.Austin and John working out in the BY with the weights.Steve heading to the pool and all other Hg in bed sleeping. 3:29pm BBT: Vanessa talking to Liz and Julia about Becky and how Becky will come after them if she comes off the block and Liz says i need her to go out that door. Vanessa says yeah i know. Julia talking about one jury member coming back and she says she feels like Shelli would be the one coming back. Vanessa smiles a big smile and is silent. 3:32pm BBt: Vanessa says Shelli and Clay are 100% the reason she went for Jason when she was HOH cause Shelli told me to so she was controlling me i never controlled her. Becky walks in as they are talking about a final three comp and how James wants to do that one comp. 3:47pm BBt: Becky and Vanessa telling Liz how she gets 1 hour to do her blog and what she can and cannot talk about in it. Liz says oh i cant talk about OTEV and Becky says no. Liz says that was a fun one. 3:52pm BBT: In the HIH rm the girls are talking about HOh comps and past comps in past seasons. In the BY Austin and john are still working out. 3:57pm BBT: John and Austin now in the KT getting water. Austin says i wait 15 minutes before i get a protein shake to let the muscles calm down and john says oh 15 minutes ok. Austin says you have to let the muscles calm down first and the water helps.
  14. 2:00pm BBT: Vanessa goes to the KT asking Austin what time he went to sleep this morning and he says he does not know. He is making his egg and veggie omelette. Vanessa making a drink watching him. 2:14pm BBT: Becky is now up in the WA doing ADL's. Vanessa still watching Austin making omelettes and talking general talk. 2:24pm BBT: Austin fished cooking and goes to the HOh rm and wakes Liz to eat her breakfast. He tells her she has been sleeping alot so come eat and do not let this go to waste. Liz stretches and then gets up.Austin goes back down to the KT to eat his omelette. 2:30pm BBT: Austin and John sitting in the KT talking about still living with their parents and bills they have to pay. Liz in the HOh rm eating her breakfast and reading her letter again. 2:32pm BBT: Liz walks out her HOh rm door and says to Austin you aren't coming up here "RUDE" then walks back into her rm. Austin says i was fixen to come up i was just talking to the Mack. John is laughing. Austin then goes to the HOh rm and Liz hugs him and gives him a kiss and Austin says i take good care of you.He leaves the HOh rm says i will be right back and Liz continues to eat. 2:44pm BBT: Liz goes down to the CBR and wakes up Julia. Julia says stop. Liz ask her if she wants a cinnamon roll or a bear claw? Liz tells her that Austin made her breakfast and it was amazing that he always makes her an omelette with cottage cheese and salsa. 2:46pm BBT: Julia says i want to go back to sleep i never get to sleep in and Liz says i know me either. But Bb was so nice first alcohol lastnight then cinnamon rolls this morning that was so nice. 2:51pm BBT: Liz and Steve talking about who went to jury first last year and who all was evicted before someone came back and Steve tells them who it was then Nicole won herself a spot back in the house then Donny got evicted then Nicole got evicted again. Liz says that's right. Steve gets up and walks around as Austin comes through going to the By to workout. 2:57pm BBT: Julia is making coffee saying if Liz had not waken her she would still be asleep. Liz said you needed to get up. John is sitting by the pool after he put on sun screen.
  15. 10:00pm BBT: Austin and Becky talking about the OTEV comp today and how Steve made a pile of the names they needed. Austin says he was looking for the name DA and he forgot it was Da'Vonne and it was a big difference. Becky says she was looking for Clay saying I hate myself. Liz says she was looking for any names. Vanessa comes out of the HNBR to the KT to make a protein shake. 10:10pm BBT: HG are cleaning up after eating dinner. Liz , James and Meg are setting up to play pot ball and Liz and meg says they are not set up right. James says that they can be set up different but the girls yell no they like it the way it was set up yesterday. 10:15pm BBT: Becky eating fruit as they get the teams together for their game to start. 10:26pm BBT: All the HG in the KT area playing Pot ball and cheering. 10:37pm BBT: Meg and Becky are in the WA. Becky is doing her hair and talking about Liz winning the POV and if she will use it or not as meg tries to leave the Wa and says we will talk tomorrow and she heads back to the Pot ball game leaving Becky alone doing her hair. 10:44pm BBT: Austin and Liz playing with each other in the KT and Liz screaming as Austin tickles her. Julia, Liz and Austin want to make cookies for tonight.Becky still in the WA alone doing her hair. All the other Hg still playing pot Ball and screaming. 10:51pm BBT: Pot Ball game is still going on. Liz is making cookies while Austin now watches. Steve is sitting at the KT table just watching. Becky is sitting in the cabana RM alone stretching. 10:55pm BBT: Steve leaves the KT and Austin says he is upset over the nickname Oscar. Liz goes looking for him as she says that is her son and then Steve comes out of the WA to take his turn in the game.
  16. 9:32pm BBt: Hg sitting around the Kt telling stories while they are drinking their wine and beer and being very loud. 9:36pm BBT: Becky telling about getting hit by the train and says she remembers waking up on the sidewalk with someone over me and the guy says oh you are American and she asked where she was and he told her Germany. She says they take her to the hospital and is soak and wet and knows it is not from the snow so she knew it was her head that was bleeding.She then says that she was thinking what is my name what is my friends name and phone number and she thought she would not be herself anymore then the Dr asked where do you hurt and she told them no where and they asked again and i said my leg as it was broke.She says i refused to go to surgery until my friend got there cause my family would not go so my friend got there and i went to surgery. 9:42pm BBT: Becky continues that they would give her meds and she would ask for her phone and she finally got her assistant there and she called my family and friends. Austin ask was you standing when you got hit? She says i was around the corner and a van came along it is a van that like unloads a piano and my hood was up and my apartment wasn't far and i went behind the van and looked around to see if anything was coming and got hit. 9:49pm BBT: Becky talking about the health system between Germany and US and how much it cost her for all her surgeries and everything that she went through cost like twenty five thousand dollars in Germany where it would have been even more in US, Julia says i can not believe you survived that. Becky says what does not kill you makes you stronger. 9:51pm BBT: James tells He was doing circuit training in the ocean and this great white shark came up and almost swallowed me and i had the bowie knife and i cut it stomach open and got out and had to swim back to shore but the thing is nobody saw it so i can not confirm the story. He the laughs and Liz says great story tell it again. Hg start talking about eating and playing games. 9:55pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve in the HNBR quiet as all the other Hg are in the KT eating and talking about who beat who in the games.
  17. 10:10am BBT: Lights are on in all bedrooms as All Hg are in bed sleeping soundly. 10:45am BBT: All Hg still sleeping. 10:48am BBT: Liz in the HOH WA doing ADL's 10:52am BBT: John is now up walking around the house. Liz still putting make up on in the HOh WA.
  18. 9:30am we are now on FOTH as Bb wakes the HG. 9:48am BBT: Vanessa in the KT making breakfast, Becky in the Wa curling her hair. Vanessa takes her food and goes to the CBR to eat it in bed. 9:58am BBT: Becky finished her hair then went back to bed. Vanessa finished her breakfast and went back to bed also. All Hg in bed.
  19. 1:00pm BBT: Studying still going on in the HNBR. Cleaning and making coffee is going on in the KT. 1:14pm BBT: HG still stcleaning and packing.udying and
  20. 12:22pm BBt: Vanessa in the CBR packing her things, Austin in the Wa doing his hair as Becky is getting dressed and Liz and Julia are looking in the mirror. Steve has gone to bed in the OBR. 12:24pm BBt: Hg walking around the house cleaning and making food and doing ADl's. 12:28pm BBT: Becky in the HNBR telling meg and Jackie that BB will try to trick them in the HOH comp tonight like true or false was there an orange pillow in the background of the wack street boys picture. Jackie says that is good to think of that. 12:35pm BBT: Julia and Vanessa in the STR talking about what will happen tonight and their alliance. Julia leaves and Vanessa is ironing her clothes. Julia goes to the KT and talking about carrots that say keep refrigerated and ask if they are bad as they was not in the fridge. 12:38pm BBT:Liz is finding ants in her hair and they keep falling out, Julia says let me look. Shelli walks up and says they are all over and laughs.Liz freaks out and says she told Julia to check her and Julia says i am but you keep moving away from me. John just sitting at the counter eating and watching them. 12:45pm BBT: James in the HNBR eating buns talking to Jackie, meg and becky as they go over the videos from lastnight for the HOH comp. In the KT John is sitting watching Julia sweep the floor and Liz cleaning the counters saying these ants are not loyal. 12:51pm BBT: Austin in the HNBR Studying with the have nots. Vanessa reading the bible in the OBR.
  21. 8:58am BBT: Steve is up goes to the WC then washes hands and face then heads back to bed. 9:00am BBT: Steve gets back up and heads to the STR and changes his batteries then goes to the OBR then to the KT then back to bed in the OBR. 9:20am BBT: We are now on FOTH as BB wakes the HG to get ready for tonight's Live Eviction. 9:37am BBT: Steve and Julia in the WA doing ADL's.all other HG still laying inn bed. 9:41am BBT: Meg, Jackie and James in the HNBR awake but still in their chairs covered up talking general talk about the music. In the WA Vanessa has joined Julia and Steve doing ADL's. 9:44am BBT: Liz and Austin are now in the Wa also doing their ADL's BB tells the HG to clean the bathroom and mirrors today. John is in the HOH rm talking to Becky and says i think i am protected as long as i vote with you guys and Becky says yeah.John is getting on the couch to lay down to go back to sleep as the HG prepare for an HOH lockdown. 9:50am BBT: HG are doing ADL's and getting breakfast and coffee before going to the HOH br. 9:52am BBT: Becky says it was my decision to put Vanessa up and if i am not safe after the HOh comp then i will deal with it. Jackie says we have the numbers.Becky says if i make it through this one and Steve has my back then i will be ok.
  22. 2:03pm BBT: Julia in the CBR talking to Vanessa and Julia about having the votes to stay and about John talking to shelli. Shelli goes to talk to Jackie and meg but sound is really low as they whisper. 2:10pm BBT: Austin, Vanessa, Liz and Julia talking about the votes they have to keep Vanessa this week. Vanessa says she needs 2 more i have you three. Vanessa says i am going after Becky if i get HOH. Austin says that Jackie, meg and James want shelli to go and they have it in their head that she has to go. 2:15pm BBT: Hg just walking around room to room talking and laughing about nothing. 2:16pm BBT:m Austin talking to James in the Kt about keeping Vanessa and they will not go after any of his group this week and they will go after Becky and John so James is safe. James says i am with that. Austin says we figured it out that Clay, john and Becky are triplets. and John is a cop there it is and James laughs. 2:23pm BBT: James and Austin at he memory wall talking about the other Hg and why some left and who needs to go next. Shelli still in the have not rm talking about keeping her over Vanessa and how Vanessa knows to much about everyone and will use it against them. 2:29pm BBT: Vanessa telling Julia and Liz stories from the bible in the CBR. 2:37pm BBT: Steve and John in the OBR talking about Steve just coming from the DR and getting his s's right . John ask because of the tooth and Steve says no the canker sores.Julia now in the KT with Austin and James talking about working together again and people fishing for information. 2:45pm BBT: Shelli talking to James and tells him she understands why he did what he did and you came to us and told us and i respect you for that but someone like Vanessa are playing hard. 2:49pm BBT: Liz and Julia in the KT eating Lunch and asking Steve if he is ok. He says yeah. James and Shelli, Meg and Becky just repeating themselves in the HNBR about keeping Shelli this week. 2:52pm BBT: Austin talking to Steve in the WA about keeping Vanessa and then they are all safe. Steve says ok so what do i tell them and Austin says nothing.
  23. 1:05pm BBT: Austin , Liz in KT and BB has told Hg they have one hour till the By will be locked down for the day. 1:08pm BBT: Jackie, Meg and James in the HNBR going back to bed. Jackie telling meg about her talk with Jackie in the HOHBR earlier. Shelli in the WA doing make up and Steve is walking around the house. 1:10pm BBT: Liz , Julia and Austin in the KT talking and Julia says LIZ and she says what and Austin says lets go outside. Julia says what what is it as she looks in the mirror, Julia and Austin go to the BY laughing. Liz goes out and says what tell me Julia or i will kill you. Austin moves Liz's ponytail and says that and Julia laughs and says you have a hickey, Liz says no i don't and looks in the mirror by the washer and then yells AUSTIN. 1:15pm BBT: They go back in the house and Liz says i will wear my hair down, She says no my hair is dirty but i will say i burned myself with a flat iron. Julia is laughing. Liz says she can cover it up. 1:20pm BBT:Austin, Julia and Liz in the BY sitting by the pool talking about John being in the FBI and his cover is a dentist. Liz says maybe he is an FBI dentist. Julia says maybe he is in the Army and Liz says he did dentist in the Army cause they train you. Austin says yeah that's why he could hold onto that wall so long in the comp.Julia says we are going to figure this stuff out cause we are not going to be like the cop we are going to figure this out. 1:24pm BBT: Austin saying maybe Becky and john are together or maybe they are brother and sister but there is something about them. They says maybe they are married and Julia laughs. austin says there is something about them though 1:30pm BBT: Jackie joins Liz, Julia and Austin in the By and start talking about John with them and saying that his game is being blown up. They start talking about Shelli and what she is doing and Jackie says she is packing now. Austin says i do not know why she assumes the three of us are voting to keep her cause we never said that. 1:34pm BBt: Jackie, Liz, Julia and Austin talking about next week putting John up and getting him out but we can not tell Vanessa that or we will be in trouble. But i am not sure if taking Vanessa out at double eviction is good or not either. 1:39pm BBT: Meg comes out to the BY and brings Jackie slop and herself slop and they sit with Liz, Julia and Austin to eat and meg tells about almost loosing a tooth lastnight. 1:44pm BBT: Meg is telling Austin that Becky has this big fear of the block and Austin says Becky has done no wrong to me so i can not put her on the block and meg says yeah she just fears it. 1:48pm BBT: Shelli and John in the WA talking as Vanessa comes out of the Wc and they talk about packing Vanessa leaves the WA and Shelli ask what is going on and John says i think they might change things i do not know. Shelli ask is me laying low and not doing anything helping? John says i think it might be to late to do anything now. Shelli says no. John says Jackie, meg and James are scared of you and Shelli ask Jackie is scared of me and John tells her that Jackie will stick with James. 1:53pm BBT: John tells Shelli that She might talk to James and Austin and try to make amends with them but i do not know if it will work. shelli says the goblins are out there now talking to Austin, Liz and Julia. John says they told Becky that keeping Vanessa was better for their game and shelli says they told Becky and John nods his head. 1:57pm BBT: shelli says what do i do? John says talk to Austin and the twins and see if you get their vote. shelli says i need 4 and she looks at john and says i have yours right and John says yeah shelli ask about Steve and john says i can get Steve get theirs. Bb announces that this is a lock down go inside and close the sliding glass doors. john goes to the WC and Shelli goes to the KT as the others move inside to make lunch.
  24. 8:09am BBT: All HG still in their beds sound asleep. 9:00am BBT: HG still sleeping . 9:30am BBT: John is up and goes to the WC as the feeds go to FOTh for a wake up call. 9:54am BBT: Becky and John in the BY talking about how Vanessa better leave tomorrow night. John says if she does not then if it ism a double eviction then she will go then. 9:56am BBT: Vanessa was called to the DR most Hg still in bed sleeping with Lights on. Becky and John in the BY sitting on the couch still talking about eviction night.
  25. 2:02pm BBT: James and Meg talking about how they are fighting this whole house. meg says you are telling me. meg says James we have to win this game. She then says i did not say this but Becky has to go sometimes soon too and James agrees. 2:12pm BBT: Meg and James in the WA as they get ready to head outside to the BY. 2:18pm BBt: Most HG at the pool or working out just general talk going on. James and Jackie in the Kt making food. 2:26pm BBT: James tells Jackie that shelli is messed up and when you take someone s sweater out of their room when they have been wearing it means i am in trouble she is after me. Jackie laughs and says right. John comes through and ask whats up and James says just slopping it up you know the slop life. In the BY Hg are talking about different foods they want to have. 2:35pm BBT: James tells Jackie that he knew things would change in the house once Clay left and Jackie says yeah it did and James says yeah it would have changed weather Clay or Shelli left. James says i know i am going up if shelli wins HOh, She has two chances to win and i will go up. 2:40pm BBT: James says he wants to talk to Vanessa to see where game play is and see what moves she will make and where her head is. 2:45pm BBT: Most HG still around the pool talking about eating the cake at the half way party and how Austin and shelli ate the faces off the cake. John is laughing. James and Jackie in the KT cooking and eating slop. Steve is in the DR and Vanessa is still in bed sleeping. 2:50pm BBT: HG in the BY talking about doing Mud runs. John says he has done some of the runs and they are like twelve miles.. Austin in the KT having a protein shake and talking to James and Jackie about slop. 2:54pm BBT: Steve is out of the DR getting a towel. James heads into the HNBR then goes back to the KT. Steve is in the KT and James says i want to talk to Vanessa but she is asleep. Steve says she is just really upset and i think she will be up and about later but this is awful. James says i think so too.



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