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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 2:02pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve are playing Chess , Liz , Julia and Austin in the KT getting ready to go to the pool. 2:16pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve go to the CBR She says umm and he says i would love to talk to you. Steve says when Austin won HOh he had a lot of anger going on that came to my attention what he was mad about like with you. Vanessa says like what? Steve says i do not know because you gave people your word and he was upset about that. he also told me that you pushed for a six person alliance before the HOh so he had alot of anger. 2:19pm BBT: Steve says they made me promise that i would not tell you anything and i am sorry i lied to you lastnight. Vanessa says why would you lie to me i won the veto so why would you do that? Steve says you are right it was my mistake and i am sorry about that. Julia comes in and interrupts them about clothes and washing. she leaves and Vanessa says to Steve on a personal level i am not upset now but i would have loved for you to have told me all that. Steve says i understand. 2:22pm BBT: Vanessa says i do understand why you did what you did cause your back was up against the wall. Ok so my two questions are why did you tell Austin that you was willing to go up as a pawn up against anyone ? Steve says except for johnny and Vanessa says why would you say that and Steve says cause the veto would get used. Vanessa says how. Steve says wait my sense is backwards. She ask him again and he says i am confused. Vanessa says why would you say put me against Vanessa and he looks at her. she says it is frustrating like i do not know how you could say that about anyone. 2:26pm BBT: Steve says i think i have alot of things going on in my head and that is my answer to you. he says i can tell you who did this and it is Becky. Vanessa said i knew that cause they was laughing and stuff but just remember when it gets down to us just keep your word. He says ok you do not have to explain this to me and she says ok i am being honest with you. Steve says ok . She goes on telling them about James throwing the HOh comp and when she was HOh Austin was the backdoor target and Steve says why was he the target and Vanessa says Austin lied to my face. 2:32pm BBT: Vanessa still talking to Steve in the CBR about who was backdooring who and who gave words to who repeating herself. austin, Liz, Julia and meg are at the pool . 2:39pm BBT: john now in the CBR getting dressed and whispering quietly to Vanessa and Steve. Austin and James in the pool while meg, Julia and Liz lay near the pool. James talks about being in a strip club and we get a brief FOTH. 2:45pm BBT: john leaves the rm and Steve says to clear things up with you we have has 2 separate conversations then we get a brief FOTh and come back Steve is whispering really low so we can not hear him. 2:50pm BBT: Steve says can i tell you something and Vanessa says yeah and Steve tells her I have told you everything now and i mean everything. Vanessa says i believe you i just wish you had trusted me. 2:53pm BBT: In the BY all other Hg are in or by the pool talking about Audrey and her Blanket episode. Austin says she played online Bb games and said something about getting to final five. Austin says she had all these strategies coming in and then tried to implement them in with the HG. Julia says weird. 2:57pm BBT: In the BY the Hg are talking about Zingbot lastnight and about past hg.
  2. 1:00pm -1:30pm BBT: vanessa goes to austina nd Liz and tells them her conversation with johnny mack and hw Meg is the mastermind to try to get her backdoored last week. Liz drops her mouth open like she was in shock. austin says if the can tie Johnny mack to james and meg then this week would be easier. Vanessa leaves the WA and heads to Kt, Austin fgoes to the BY to workout. Austin and johnny mack in the BY talking and Austin asked if he talked to vanessa and johnny mack says yeah Austin says that james and Meg have been coming to him everyday making sure that they are not being put up. Austin then tells him that he and the twins are looking for people they can trust to work with in this house. In the KT Liz and vanessa are talking about the Zings from last nights comp and vanessa says i should not have gotten the crying zing when Meg cries way more than i do. Liz says she is obsessed over steves zing. Liz said she was called the better twin in the zing she got. In the BY Steve comes out and ask if vanessa knows that she was then target this week and austin says yeah she knows, Steve heads back inside. Liz and Julia go to the HOh rm and talk and Liz tells her she is not scared of James she is more scared of Steve and Johnny mack . James sits in the Kt eating while Austin and johnny mack are still working out in the BY. 1:30pm-2:00pm BBT: vanessa goes to the HOh rm to talk to Jlia and vanessa about her talk with johnny mack and how Meg tried getting her backdoored last weel and make me a target this week. Meg comes in and talk stops they Liz, Julia, Vanessa and meg talk about james scaring everyone and how they want to pay him back.Julia says it is going down today i need to get him.
  3. 6:00pm BBT: Austin and Liz in the Cabana rm talking about Johnny Mack knew that Becky was the backdoor so this week johnny Mack or Vanessa has to leave do you want to be in the final 2 with Johnny Mack and Vanessa cause we will loose so i think this week i need to do something about it but i will make a decision tomorrow . 6:03pm BBT: Austin says unless we make the right decision this week then you pr I will be gone next week. Liz says probably me. Austin says yeah put the twins up and vote you out. Liz says yeah. 6:06pm BBT: Austin says here is the thing if they ban together and go after us it is going to be bam bam bam one two three we are all out all they have to do is win one and we are out. 6:08pm BBT: Julia walks in the Cabana rm and ask what they are doing and Liz says just going over some things. Austin says just win today just win. Julia says ok. Austin tells her here is the thing if Vanessa leaves this week then they four of them will team up and then they become four and we are only three. 6:13pm BBT: Austin says we have to watch what we say and ask people now protect us. Julia says we have to take them out and i do not think that Vanessa will put us up cause she wants to win and that would be three votes against her and Austin agrees. Austin says i can only put up James or Vanessa this week though so what do i do? James rings the doorbell again and Steve says James you are bad. 6:16pm BBT: Meg is now in bed taking a nap, Vanessa is up in the Kt with the rest of the HG talking about CD's and cleaning the KT. 6:20pm BBT: Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Julia in the KT talking about music and cleaning. Meg, James and John are laying in the OBR taking a nap. Austin starts singing and we get FOTH. 6:22pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve talking about giving each other a wedgie and Steve says if you gave me one it would be ok but if i gave you one it would not be appropriate so we will not do that and Vanessa agrees. Austin and Liz at the KT table eating. 6:26pm BBT: Steve says nominations at the little table was so weird and Liz agrees. Steve says we have finale in a month. Austin says i think the POV is going to be in the middle of the night. Steve tells about the night comp in all stars. 6:30pm BBT: Julia is rubbing Steves back at the Kt table. Julia tells him everytime you save me from a scare i will give you a back rub then we get jeff's reels maybe time for POV comp.
  4. 5:32pm BBT: Julia says if zing Bot does not come today i will be sad and meg says me too. Julia says i am not napping again maybe we should play pot ball and Steve yells yeah pot ball. Julia yells can we have alcohol again tonight please. 5:36pm BBT: Hg walking around making food and going to the WC while they wait for the POV comp to begin. All of them wanting Zing Bot in today. 5:38pm BBT: Hg are talking about Zing Bot will ring the door bell and James sneaks up the stairs and rings the HOh doorbell and the girls jump and then realize it is James and yells at him. Austin and James are laughing. 5:45pm BBT: James goes and rings the HOH rm doorbell again and Meg says James we hate you. Steve and James going to play chess. Liz still baking cookies, Julia is eating and meg just sitting at the KT counter. Austin is walking around the KT and Vanessa and john must be napping as they are no where in site. 5:51pm BBT: Julia keeps yelling Zing Bot with a full mouth then says they are so bored then she yells Zing Bot we hate you. Austin says lets all just go to bed and see what happens. Liz and Julia ignore him. 5:55pm BBT: Austin tells Liz her cookies are not done. meg says they are good but they do not taste like chocolate chip cookies. Julia keeps yelling about Zing Bot and then doing her zing zing zing zing zing.
  5. 4:02pm BBT: Vanessa teaches the Hg how to do arm wrestling and and they all take turns doing it and laughing. John and Vanessa were going at it and john says Vanessa is strong. 4:08pm BBT: Hg playing around and Steve sweeping as they wait around. Austin has been no where in site as he must be in the DR. 4:12pm BBT: James and meg are throwing chocolates at each other and yelling ouch. Julia says James you better pick all of those up. Meg says yeah before Zing Bot gets here and trips.
  6. 3:32pm BBT: feeds are back. JOhn says he picked megs chip.Vanessa sitting alone in the OBR alone looking worried, John ask julia what she is going to wear for her first veto. 3:35pm BBT: Steve is walking around the house , all other Hg except Austin in the KT talking about what veto comp they have been picked for before. Julia says my first veto oh yeah. Liz is making cookies in the KT. 3:40pm BBT: Vanessa is smiling talking about they need to start changing clothes huh. Vanessa, meg and Julia were picked for the veto comp. 3:42pm BBT: Steve in the CBR talking to John and he says he is just worried about this 6 person alliance them 4 and James and meg. john says yeah,. Steve says i am h=just worried that is where i stand. Steve leaves and goes back to the Kt and says if we do not have Zing bot today then Liz will probably host it. 3:47pm BBT: Steve says he wants to take a bag of slop home with him. Liz says would you eat that? Steve says yeah and meg says you could sell that on eBay. Julia says Steve thank you for picking me today and he says you are welcome. Julia says Steve if you was a booger i would pick you. Steve says thank you i guess that is a compliment or at least i am taking it that way. 3:52pm BBT: Steve, James and meg at the KT table talking general talk. Vanessa at the KT counter eating a peach and Julia and Liz mixing cookie dough as they wait for the veto comp to start. 3:56pm BBT: Julia and Vanessa join meg, James and Steve at the table. John at the counter sitting and Liz making cookies. They yell Zing Bot and Liz says it is going to be a couple more hours i bet guys. Steve says you think and Liz says yeah. Julia says if it is the balancing thingy i am going to be mad it being my first POV.
  7. 3:02pm BBT:, Hg still waiting for Austin to come out of the DR. general talk going on as they snack and chant Zing Bot Zing Bot. 3:12pm BBT: Liz is getting impatient waiting for Austin to come out of the DR. John, Steve, james and meg telling Stories in the LVR and we get FOTH. We now have Jeff Reels.
  8. 2:02pm BBT: Liz and Austin talking about Christmas and snow. Liz says she loves a snowy Christmas.Steve says snow is cold. 2:08pm BBT: Julia cleaning the Kt after eating lunch. Steve eating his sandwich and Liz and Austin hugging.Julia says i just hope i get picked to plat the POV. 2:18pm BBT: Austin and Liz in the HOh bed while john lays on the HOH couch listening to music and Liz keeps saying no to Austin. Steve walking around from the WA to the KT blowing his nose. 2:21pm BBT: Steve goes to the CBR and gets a pillow and goes to the OBR and gets in bed to take a nap. Austin now putting his hair in a ponytail while Liz talks about her being in acting school and cheerleading 2:28pm BBT: Liz and Austin in the HOH bed telling stories about their life, All other Hg in bed napping. 2:40pm BBT: Liz and Austin talking about going to college and kissing. All other Hg sleeping. 2:45pm BBT: BB calls Austin to the Dr and Liz yells yeahh. John says finally we can pick players for the veto comp now. John ask do i pick Meg and he says yeah if it is HG choice. 2:47pm BBT: Hg getting up and getting ready for the Picking of the POV players. 2:50pm BBT: Hg talking about they may have woke up for nothing. Steve says i think it will be Zing bot. Hg are snacking in the KT while they wait and James says Johnny Mack is pulling my name today not Megs. 2:53pm BBT: James goes to the LVR with a bowl of chocolates and Steve says i request that i do not get pelted with chocolates. James laughs and says ok. Liz is sitting in the LVR waiting looking at her nails. Vanessa is still in bed sleeping. 2:57pm BBT: Liz sitting in the LVR saying Austin hurry up. James says he is probably reading that card like ten times. Liz says no he needs to hurry up.
  9. 1:00pm BBT: Liz, Austin, john and Vanessa talking about the weirdest place you would want to go camping at and Liz says do not say church or a church parking lot. Austin says wow lets see then Vanessa says a drive in movie. Austin says in a forest standing up.James says in a dressing room and Vanessa says there are cameras in there and James says really? Vanessa says they are allowed to do that. Meg comes in and is asked where her craziest place to go camping at and she ask do we really have to say and Austin says yeah. 1:10pm BBT: Most HG in the obr still general talk about camping then Austin starts telling a story. Julia in the Wa alone doing her nails. 1:25pm BBT: General talk still going on about camping as the HG wait to pick player for the veto comp. 1:29pm BBT: Steve goes to the Wa and tells Julia tat they are literally talking about self pleasuring so i am coming in here. Julia says i know i was literally talking about camping and i had to leave too. 1:35pm BBT: Steve is talking about Zing Bot and repeating what all Zing bot said last year to Christine, Liz and Julia in the Kt eating. 1:38pm BBT: Liz ask Austin what he is going to have for lunch and Austin says i do not know. Liz says we can have steak for our date night tonight. Julia says i think i am going to make myself some turkey pasta tonight. 1:43pm BBt: austin is going to marinate the steaks for tonight while Liz goes to the WC. Steve is looking in the fridge then goes to the STR. Liz comes back from the WC and helps Austin prepare the steaks for tonight's date. 1:48pm BBT: Meg, James asleep in the OBR. Liz, Austin, Julia and Steve in the KT eating and prepping food for tonight . Austin goes to put pepper in the marinate bag on the steaks and the lid came off and dumped alot of pepper in it.He says he can scrape most out of it. Austin then says spicy steak tonight and Liz says very spicy. 1:56pm BBT: Julia, Liz and Steve talking about what their dream was in the BB house and Liz was to play in OTEV and see the small table, Julia's was to play in OTEV and Zing Bot. 1:58pm BBT: Austin complaining that BB bought so much stuff last week and did not buy much this week at all.
  10. 12:00pm BBT: James in bed talking to meg about dating. Austin, Julia and Liz in the KT. Julia complaining about Steve being in her bed asleep and now she has no where to lay at. 12:04pm BBT: Liz is cleaning the KT talking to Julia about winning the POV and if Johnny Mack wins and takes himself down what they will do. She then starts looking for walnuts to refill the bowl on the counter. 12:07pm BBT: Austin says everyone got up today what the hell? Meg said everyone wanted to be ready for this. Austin says there was nothing to get ready for i guess. Meg ask if he is ready for the pov and Austin says yeah i guess. James saying maybe they have to balance teddy bears on a spindle. Meg says what is that and James says like one of them things over a babies bed that balances things. 12:11pm BBT: Austin , Meg, and James in the OBR talking about past season comps. Liz still cleaning the KT and filling snack bowls. Vanessa in the KT washing her hands. 12:13pm BBT: Liz, Julia and Vanessa in the WA and Liz tells Vanessa that they need to win the POV and keep the noms the same. Vanessa says yeah i know and then they talk about Steve and how he was cursing yesterday. The are shocked he was cursing. They are now getting their makeup and hair done and BB tells Julia to please put on her mic. 12:19pm BBT: Liz is now cleaning the bathroom area and mirrors as Julia and Vanessa are talking about winning the POV and the HOh next week and they are afraid if Steve wins thew POV that he will remove Johnny Mack instead of himself. Julia says that the screaming in the DR by Johnny Mack was scary and the way he stares at me makes me very uncomfortable. 12:26pm BBT: In the OBR with Austin, Meg and James they are talking about going camping and meg says she has never been camping. In the WA Liz, Julia and Vanessa talking about cleaning and how the twins do everything together. 12:35pm BBT: Vanessa talking about past HG to Liz and Julia and how she likes them being real like Rachel was real. 12:41pm BBT: Vanessa, Julia and Liz in the Wa, Vanessa says she wants to win this POV unless you do Julia do you want to win this and Julia says yeah of course i do. Julia says when she goes up she does not want to leave with unanimous vote i have been loyal to people and i do not believe in this crap vote with the house. 12:47pm BBT: John is now up in the WA brushing his teeth. In the OBR James, Austin and Meg still talking camping as meg says when is Zing bot going to get here? James laughs saying she wants to go camping with Zing bot.James says damn camp stories and meg says ZING. 12:50pm BBT: Meg says when are we going to get this day started. John comes in and James ask is 70 days to long to go without camping in this house and john says no not for me anyways. John then says he has not been camping in a year and a half. James tells meg she needs to go camping with John and John says no i am good without camping. 12:55pm BBT: Liz leaves the WA and Julia says we are good talking . Liz gets a drink then goes to the OBR where Austin is and James tells her we are trying to get meg to go camping. Liz says Austin and I started camping and meg and James laugh. Liz says no no i mean we started camping and meg says this is good as James says we know now and they are laughing.
  11. 10:05am BBT: Austin out of the DR and Steve is now up in the KT then walks to the WA and goes to the WC. 10:07am BBT: Austin gets back in bed and snuggles with Liz saying he is cold. 10:10am BBT: John went to the WC as Steve is brushing his teeth and we get a brief FOTH. 10:25am BBT: We are on FOTH so maybe this time BB is waking the HG. 10:39am BBT: Hg are up doing ADL's and getting ready to pick players for the POV. 10:41am BBT: John in the HOh rm talking to Austin about who to pick if he gets HG choice and Austin says think meg would be a good one to pick yeah meg do ti that way. John says alright sir and leaves the room. Austin says he has to get his hair done real quick. 10:46am BBT: James in the shower and John sitting talking to him in the WA. Meg in the OBR getting ready and telling Steve she has a towel on her head and Steve laughs and says you have a towel on your head a mystery i will never understand.Steve says your hair is all up in that towel i do not get it. I will never get towel wraps.Meg leaves the room laughing and Steve covers back up in bed laughing saying he will never get that. 10:49am BBT: Austin and Liz in the KT getting things together to make steak and eggs for breakfast. Liz is starting the coffee. 10:53am BBT: Vanessa in the Kt and Austin says they did not tell me anything i have been in the Dr twice now and they didn't say anything so i hope they give me a warning. Julia and Liz walk into the KT and Austin ask Liz if there is any mushrooms. Julia and Vanessa talking about James scaring them lastnight and how they screamed. Liz says she did not hear them. 10:56am BBT: Hg doing ADL's and cooking and waiting for coffee to be ready.
  12. 9:00am BBT: All Hg still sleeping. 9:33am BBT: Hg still sleeping soundly. 9:40am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB wakes the HG . 9:44am BBT: Austin up in the Wa doing his hair 9:48am BBT: Austin has gone to the DR and all other Hg are sleeping.
  13. 7:34pm BBT: Austin and Steve talking about hugs in the house and Austin says that Johnny Mack hugged him after the nomination meeting. Steve says looks like you trust Vanessa cause she got to you right before nominations and Austin says we laid everything on the table is all and i need her here one more week. Steve says so Someone comes off you putting James up and Austin says him or Vanessa I am just not sure ye 7:38pm BBT: Austin and Steve still talking about who needs to go before who and how one person is coming back this week after the eviction. Austin says that James comes to him and tells him that Vanessa wanted a meeting with him and Liz says yeah i heard that.He tells how Vanessa made everyone promise that she would be safe and no one would be backdoored and that's when Becky got mad. Steve says really? Austin says yeah that was through double eviction and Vanessa wanted us to keep Shelli. 7:45pm BBT: Austin telling Steve everything that has happened the last few weeks and how paranoid Vanessa was through all the weeks. He says Vanessa told him not to roll with Steve and Steve says she asked you not to go with me? Austin says yeah she says do not trust you he knows more than he says he does. Liz says YEAH SHE SAID THAT. Steve ask can i go to her with this and Austin says i wouldn't cause i probably shouldn't be telling you this. 7:51pm BBT: Austin says best case scenario is Vanessa leaves then you and Johnny Mack can win a question comp. and then you have to think that if Johnny Mack leaves this week then he could come back. Steve says lets not stress till after veto. Austin agrees. Austin says i think it might be a counting comp. But when does Zing Bot come in and Steve says that will be a puzzle one and Austin says yeah and you can win that right? Steve says yeah. 7:55pm BBT: Austin and Steve decide not to stress till after the veto comp and then they will talk after that. Austin says we will see what happens but i can still backdoor Vanessa we will see. Steve says you made the easy decision today and Austin says i did make an easy one today i made my decision not Judas. But Monday that Judas hat comes out then you will know what is happening. 7:57pm BBT: Austin and Steve now talking about past Hg and comps and how Will and boogie and Janelle beat each other all other HG in bed sleeping.
  14. 7:03pm BBT: Austin and Liz make out in the HOh bed. Liz giggles and Austin kisses her. 7:05pm BBT Steve is now up and heads to the wc. 7:11pm BBT: Steve walking around the WA brushing his teeth. Austin talking in the HOh rm to Liz about gabby being home yelling at the screen to do something else. Austin says do they want me to BD Vanessa or do they not we really have no way of knowing. I want to roll with meg and James right now but in here the weeks go by slowly and meg and James are fun and it is important to have fun in here but Steve does not think so he wants to bring Johnny Mack in to the alliance so now we are with Johnny Mack and Steve and one with meg and James. 7:15pm BBT: Steve in the KT making himself something to eat. Austin and Liz still going on about why they made the nominations they did and says Vanessa could still be back doored this week we just do not know yet but the decision came down to putting Johnny Mack and Steve on the block cause we do not trust Johnny Mack. 7:18pm BBT: Austin says we fixed it if Johnny Mack accidentally goes Thursday and he comes back and he might not come after us if he comes back in the house. 7:22pm BBT: Austin and Liz in the HOH rm talking to the feeders while Steve is in the cabana rm talking to the feeders about Austin putting him on the block and not Vanessa. 7:25pm BBT: Liz now going to sleep and Austin still talking about Johnny Mack thinking he is a pawn but he is not unless he wins veto but then again he has Vanessa on board now so he needs to keep her there now. Steve now heads up stairs to the hoh rm. he ask Austin if he can come hang out since everyone else is sleeping. Austin says that's fine and ask how he is feeling and Steve says ok. 7:28pm BBT: Austin says i want to try to figure this red clown nose thing out i know i seen it in someone else HOH basket before and then says maybe it was Howie's. Steve says what is your obsession with Howie and Austin says i love Howie. 7:30pm BBT: Austin and Steve talking about past BB seasons and how old they was when they watched the seasons.
  15. 6:04pm BBT: Julia doing her nails at the KT table, James sitting with her eating. Liz and meg cleaning up. Austin walking around the LVR and KT. Just general talk going on about playing pot ball. Meg says that is still 3 hours. 6:09pm BBT: Julia asking what the date is today as she looks at the dates on the breads and meg says it is the 21st Julia asked if she si sure and meg says i am 98% sure i been counting. Julia ask have you been counting since July 4th? meg says yeah. 6:11pm BBT: Meg and James are heading to bed ion the OBR and James says nap time i am tired and meg says i am not sure if i want to go to sleep. Vanessa walks in and talks about the song that BB played for them.Liz is in the KT cooking and Austin is doing head stands against the LVR wall. 6:15pm BBT: Austin telling Vanessa that after the comp tomorrow he is going to no carbs and work out work out and work out but if Zing Bot comes in it will throw things off and i am going to put a Zing on his a**. 6:20pm BBT: Liz says hello live feeders if you are interested in a chocolate war tune in around 11:30pm it will be fun. Austin says yeah maybe the feeders will give us more chocolates or maybe king size candy bars. Liz says i would not play then. Austin says can you see grandma (Meg) getting hit with a baby Ruth bar. Liz laughs and James and Meg start laughing. 6:29pm BBT: Liz is marinating meat for dinner tonight as Austin walks around the KT drinking a protein shake, meg and James in bed talking about Halloween. 6:35pm BBT: Austin goes upstairs to the HOH rm and stops and ask Liz to please get his water she says it is nasty and she will wash it for him since it has milk on it. he says ok and goes into the HOH rm. 6:40pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa in the Wa talking about Austins nominations and Vanessa said people play this game different than i do and i respected his game cause i could have ruined his game before and i didn't. I didn't. Liz says i know Austin was worried. Vanessa says i know but i always keep my word. Vanessa says i hope i can play Veto so Austin doesn't have to get blood on his hands and then i wont have to either. Liz just agreeing with her as she says i am a team player so i hope i can play. 6:48pm BBT: Liz and Austin going to the HOh rm to lay down. Vanessa says have a good nap. In the HOh rm Liz says i am not going to lie i was bitter about you wining HOH at first but now i am happy for you. He ask why was you bitter and she says because i was scared for you so shut up. Austin says best case is James or meg wins the veto and not use it then John leaves or if John wins it then its ok we go with the plan.They now lay in the bed snuggling. 6:51pm BBT: Liz says you killed the speech today and Austin says oh yeah i just wanted to make you proud. They then talk about how Austin talks when he is Judas. Vanessa was in the WA after a shower and all other hg in bed sleeping. 6:56pm BBT: All is quiet in the BB house and in the HOH rm Liz and Austin are snuggling and kissing.
  16. 2:58pm BBT: Feeds are back and Steve talking to Liz in the Wa and he says i should have gone home Thursday but someone made a mistake. Liz laughs. John laying on the bed in the CBR. Steve goes to the STR and Austin and Liz are in the HOH rm. He says he had a long talk and called Vanessa out. Austin says weather we trust her or not we have to trust her and Steve will have to understand he is not going home.
  17. 2:00pm BBT: We have gone to Jeff's reels so could be Nomination time
  18. 1:02pm BBT: Austin, Steve, John and Liz talking about Vanessa whining and how hard it is to listen to her. Liz says you have to understand where we are coming from Steve . Steve says fine put me up against her then i do not care i just ask that i have the three votes to stay against her. Liz says yeah you will have our support. 1:05pm BBT: Liz asking John if they can count on him for the vote to get Vanessa out cause she is always saying i have had you back and blah blah blah. John says I have no one so yeah you can count on me. Austin says this is a bad week to have HOh i am in a bad spot. Liz says you are in a bad spot. 1:08pm BBT: Steve says all i ask is if you do not put 2 from the alliance up together cause if you want to be safe next week then you can only put one of us up. Austin says ok and Liz says and he will be safe next week? Steve says yeah.Austin says ok it is going to get ugly. Liz tells Steve i want you to know that we have your back Steve just know that. Steve says i know. 1:11pm BBT: Austin tells Steve that he is going to do this and he needs Vanessa to play ball now and so now i am deciding between Vanessa word and your word now and Steve says are you? Steve says i am not telling you not to put me up against her Austin and Austin says i know and whoever i put up against her they are safe. In the WA Vanessa tells Julia if Austin puts her up then that is crazy cause i have been loyal to him 1:20pm BBT: Austin and Liz cuddling in the HOH rm alone saying this ism annoying and Austin says that he just wants to spend time with her and not worry about all this. he tells her you told me to win so it is all your fault cause i can not tell you no. 1:26pm BBT: Liz sits on top of Austin and says the best thing i think is to put u[p johnny Mack and Steve but if we do then Steve is done.Austin says i know. Julia is going to there HOH rm now and says i feel so bad for you Austin i just had to come tell you. Austin ask where is Vanessa at now and Julia says she is in bed. Austin says i can not put Steve and Johnny Mack up together cause they do not know where Vanessa vote is. 1:29pm BBT: Julia says Vanessa made a good point saying she has been loyal to us all this time and lastnight i got called to the DR and Steve and Johnny Mack was in the WA talking. Austin says but if we put Vanessa and Johnny Mack up and Vanessa comes down then we put Steve up. Julia says then Steve will not trust us so why not put meg up and Austin says i do not know and looks at Liz and says this is all your fault you told me to win this and if you had said not to i could have taken my foot off and let James win this. Liz says stop. 1:34pm BBT: Julia says it just sucks you have to put them up and not James or meg cause they have not played with us at all and the others have. Austin says i understand but you could have kept your hand on that button lastnight. Liz says stop Austin and he says i am kidding. Julia says i need to win next week and i have no blood on my hands so i need to make a big move next week. 1:40pm BBT:austin tells Liz to go get vanessa and Liz says you gonna tell her and austin says yeah what are we going to do blind side her? 1:43pm BBT: Vanessa in HOh rm, Austin says Steve will not play ball and he said if i put him up against johnny Mack i lose his trust and he thinks i am with James and meg sop he made me promise to not put them up. Vanessa says so put them up and send Steve home johnny Mack is more loyal that Steve then. She says i have been loyal and he is not if you put me up what if i go out i have been loyal so why put me up? 1:45pm BBT: Vanessa says if he is not willing to go up against john and would rather go up against me then i will go home and Steve is not loyal to me i will go him i will not have the votes and this is not the time for this it is to dangerous. Austin says so what do i do bring him up here and tell him he is going up and Vanessa says i am not telling you what to do Austin but i am telling you i will go home and i can see this a mile away and i am a number for you and no body else. you know i am a number for you. 1:48pm BBT: Vanessa says that Steve is smart and if you think he will not go against you then think again he is smart and if i go up then i will leave. I do not know what all he is telling you but he knows things. Austin says i do not know what to do so what do i do? someone tell me what to do. Do i call him up here and tell him he is going up and he can come after me next week. Vanessa says he does he put up against you? Austin says you. Vanessa goes quiet. Vanessa says at the end of the day you have to do what is best for your game. Austin says i do not know what is good anymore. Vanessa says look at my actions i will not mess with your game so look at that . 1:51pmBBT: Vanessa and Austin in the HOh rm alone and Vanessa says i will tell you the plan and i want to ask you when you seen me cry when i was in power and i was so hurt? he says yeah and she says i was in on it to backdoor him and i did not do it but if it was something important i would have told you but aT THE END OF THE DAY I WAS WITH YOU. 1:55pm BBT: Vanessa says she has all the important information and I have your back. Austin says let me ask you this did you go down and tell Shelli about the 8 person alliance? Vanessa says i did not tell her and she was mad at me for not telling her and i will swear on my mother that i did not tell her that. The only person i told and i told you i was going to tell about ti was Steve. 1:58pm BBT: Austin says so what do i do pull Steve back up here and tell him that he is going up and i told him that if things went wrong then Johnny Mack would go this week or what do i do? Vanessa says either one could go but Johnny Mack can go first.
  19. 10:00am BBT: Vanessa says shoot straight with me why are you afraid to put Steve up as a pawn? Austin says i am not afraid it is just if we need him next week to help us. Vanessa says ok he will not win as much in HOh or POV and he will not help you. I am shooting straight with you I got blood on my hands sending people out the door and so have you but my thing is if things could flip with him and i says you have my word and he says you have lied to me.Vanessa says why would you keep him when he will keep Johnny Mack? Austin says i get it and i understand why he does not want to be a pawn but no one does but someone has to be. 10:05am BBT: Vanessa says let me ask you this if i go up as a pawn what if Steve wins the POV and takes johnny Mack down and Austin says he wont do it cause last week he wouldn't take him down either he did not want to play cause he does not want to do any of this stuff. Austin says this is frustrating i just wish you would be more willing. Vanessa says well here is the thing if you are going to ask someone to be a pawn why not ask meg to be a pawn? Austin says that is Steve thing.Austin says Steve does not understand that i want Johnny Mack out and i do not understand why he went to the Dr and screamed to vote me out i just do not get that. Vanessa says yeah what was with that? Austin says i don't get it. 10:10am BBT: Vanessa says alright if you need to make this gamble then make it but i think it is a dumb move but you do what you need to do. Vanessa says i do not want Johnny Mack here so why would i ever vote Steve out over Johnny Mack. She says what are the odds that steve will go after you after this cause he will not go after you just like i wont go after you and i am a team player and i hope you see this after this is done cause i do trust you , Liz and Julia. 10:13am BBT: Vanessa says why cant you go to meg and say they guys just went on the block and Vanessa just went up recently so why can you not go on the block as a pawn and Austin says i guess i could do that but i really do not want to. Vanessa says that makes more sense. Vanessa says Johnny mack has to go he is not a team player. 10:19am BBT: Vanessa and Austin repeating themselves alot about putting Steve and Johnny Mack up and let it play out. Austin says that is what i wanted to do from the beginning till Steve got upset and now i do not know what to do cause i do not want to put James or meg up. Vanessa says i Understand i wish i could help but i want you to understand i am loyal to you and i am willing to play and get blood on my hands and make big moves on your behalf. Vanessa says just look at the big picture and look at the risk. 10:24am BBT:james in the OBR talking to meg about he feels like he is going to work today as when he is home he wakes up eats and talks to his room mate. Austin and Vanessa in the HOH still going over who should be a pawn this week cause she does not want to be a pawn now. She is scared Johnny Mack will win the veto and then she will go home cause Steve will not vote to keep her. She leaves the HOh rm to go get Coffee. 10:30am BBT: Vanessa in the WA doing her hair, Austin walking around the house talking about Irish Spring and Meg and James laughing at him. 10:35am BBT: Austin standing in the KT drinking coffee and Vanessa comes in and he says he is thinking of a story that has nothing to do with nominations. Austin the heads to the HOh rm. 10:42am BBT: Meg and James back in bed. Austin in the WA in the HOH rm washing his hands. Austin puts his top hat on and heads down stairs. 10:46am BBT: Austin in the KT talking to Vanessa with a top hat and a clown nose and holding a bar of Irish spring and Vanessa is laughing. 10:54am BBT: Austin and Vanessa in the KT talking about Austins pictures in his HOh rm and where his family got the picture at.He says maybe his family got it off Facebook . 10:56am BBT: Vanessa says if you do not think i have your back just look at all the stuff i did and when clay outed you look at what i did to protect you. Austin says right. Vanessa says i do not need the money i am telling you i don't so we are good and the people willing to be pawns you can trust so you know who you can trust now. Vanessa then laughs and says you look ridiculous in your red nose i can not even look at you and walks away.
  20. 9:00am BBT: All Hg still in bed sleeping. 9:07am BBT: We have been on FOTH for about 5 minutes now as BB may be waking the HG for the day. 9:19am BBT: Steve in the KT eating cereal, Austin and Liz in the HOh bed snuggling. Austin ask Liz if she wants coffee and she says no , She then says i get the crappiest time to go to the DR and johnny Mack gets the best time why is that cause it is so annoying. 9:22am BBT: Liz and Austin get up and go to change their batteries. Meg is in the shower and Steve is in the KT. 9:26am BBT: Liz complaining to Meg about having to go to a DR session. Steve is looking through the fridge and Austin has returned to his HOh rm after telling Steve that they would talk later depending how on the time frame that BB gives him. Steve told him to wake him at anytime and Austin says thanks. 9:34am BBT: Austin telling Meg that Vanessa offered to go up as a pawn and said that she trusted them to keep her safe. meg says no way. Austin says yeah so why is she so paranoid? Austin says he caught Vanessa in a lie too and meg says no way he says yeah.He says she is walking around upset and I do not know why. Meg tells Austin that Vanessa was the plan behind alot of things in here even backdooring you. Austin says i know that's why i went to the DR with the top hat on. 9:39am BBT: Austin telling Meg about who would take who out in the veto comp and he says Steve will take Vanessa out. meg says i think it is so funny that she is crazy. Austin says that Vanessa told Steve if he had a problem with her then lets go at it now and meg laughs saying what? 9:46am BBT: Meg says that Vanessa can not go crazy for being on the block cause we have all been there it is her time. Austin says johnny Mack will throw it if we ask him to and stay up against her and we vote her out it is that simple all we have to do is ask him. Liz comes out of the Dr and says Austin laundry and he says he really does not have any. 9:48am BBT: Liz goes to the CBR and tells Vanessa she is so annoyed cause they call her to the dr after she went to bed at 4:30am and then I get in there and they tell me they are not ready for me yet. Vanessa is doing ADL's in the CBR. In the WA meg is doing her ADL's. 9:52am BBT: Liz in the KT making a cup of coffee. Vanessa comes in and says there are ants everywhere. Meg comes in and gets cereal . 9:54am BBT: Vanessa tells Liz that her word is good and Liz shakes her head. Vanessa says this is all so silly just silly. Vanessa heads to talk to Austin in the HOh rm. 9:55am BBT: Vanessa says at the end of the day you have to make the call and at the end of the day you do not owe me a thing in this game but you have to know you can trust me and Austin says i do trust you and Vanessa says i know but this is why i am worried and she says she talked to him lastnight and he said he had no problem with me and then he went to bed and would not talk to me so that's why i am worried. Austin says you do not have to worry. 9:57am BBT: Austin says that Liz is going to talk to Johnny Mack and see if she can get close to him and tell him that he is putting Austin in a weird position. Vanessa says here is my problem they are putting me together with you and i ado not want to be in that position.Vanessa says that he is not a team player and it makes me nervous to go on the block with him cause he has the tendency to flip and it makes me nervous. Austin says no i do not want that and that is probably why i should not have won this HOH.
  21. 1:12pm BBT: Hg are all leaving the HOh rm . 1:14pm BBt: Vanessa in the WA blow drying her hair, Steve carrying pillows back to the CBR, John just walking around the KT, Liz goes back to the HOH rm to pack her things with Julia and Austin help 1:21pm BBT: meg in the Kt eating, James walking around asking who's Monsters those are int he STr and Austin says who knows drink them no one wants them. James ask Vanessa if they are hers and she says yes they are.Steve in the Wa shaving. Julia and Liz now doing their hair while Vanessa does her make up. 1:31pm BBT: James is in the shower while the other Hg are walking around getting ready for the eviction tonight and wondering what to wear. 1:40pm BBt: Steve, Liz and Austin talking about playing in the HOh comp and how they need to win, In the KT Vanessa is eating, meg doing her nails and Julia walking around commenting Vanessa'a hair. 1:50pm BBT: Hg getting ready in the Wa doing hair cuts and makeup and shaving. Austin, Liz and Julia in the Kt eating . 1:53pm BBT: Becky comes out of the Dr and says the Dr gave her a cane to use so she can walk easier. She ask Julia to make her a PB&J sandwich on wheat bread. Liz ask if she wants to lay on the couch and she says she is going to the WC first.
  22. 9:00am BBT: Hg in bed sleeping . 9:16am BBT: We are now on FOTH as BB wakes the HG . 9:26am BBT: Steve walking around the KT saying whats going on today we are getting cornered today, cornered in the HOh rm. John says it wont be long though and Steve says that usually doesn't work out. Steve heads to the STRb as John sits in the Kt alone. 9:37am BBT: Becky talking to Austin, Liz and Julia about if she stays she will not put them on the block at all she would be after Vanessa again. She says i feel like my game switched and i truly want one person put and i would approach you guys and ask what scenarios are going on. 9:40am BBT: Becky says that was my plea to stay so i would like to know what to wear cause i have my regular dress and my eviction dress and Liz says oh no. and we get FOTH. 9:44am BBT: Austin and Liz in the HOH WA doing ADL's. Steve helping Becky get ice for her toe in the KT. Austin telling Liz maybe they should keep Becky and Liz says no cause who would she put up against Vanessa? Me she says and Austin walks around saying yeah. Bb tells Liz to put her mic on and she says it is on and Austin says you can't talk to her like that and we get FOTH. 9:50am BBT: John is making Slop while Julia is making coffee. Austin is walking around the house, James is getting out of bed. Meg says her and James got up at three and thought they was bad kids. 9:55am BBT: Most Hg in the KT making food, Meg and James in the OBR James says if Vanessa wins HOH no I will not let that happen cause she will say lets get James out.Meg laughs and says right. 9:57am BBT: John goes to the OBR to eat his slop and says glad to see you two up at this hour and meg laughs. Vanessa is now in the KT making a protein shake and ask Julia how much coffee she is making and Julia says to the eight and Vanessa says cool. 9:58am BBT: Vanessa and Julia talking Spanish to each other and Julia says you are good. Liz and Austin talking about breakfast and waiting for coffee.
  23. 3:05pm BBT: John is washing his dishes and Becky went back to the LVR couch to elevate her toe. 3:08pm BBT: Liz, Austin and Julia in the HOh rm and Liz says i am so willing to make a deal and Austin says yeah so it will not be like when Shelli left. 3:15pm BBT: Austin in the KT getting ready to cook chicken. Liz in the HOh rm rinsing her mouth out. Austin is called to the DR. 3:21pm BBT: Julia in the HOh shower as Liz straightens her hair and Liz says she feels so bad for putting Becky up on the block this week. 3:29pm BBT: Becky up limping to the DR as Austin just came out of there. Steve says he is cooking a pork chop , John goes to the KT and sits to talk to Austin and Steve as they cook. 3:35pm BBT: Austin goes to the HOh rm where Liz and Julia are doing ADL's . Liz ask what they talked about in the Dr and Austin says i can not talk about that. Steve still cooking his pork chop and Becky tells him no pink in the middle to cook it longer. 3:40pm BBT: Steve finished cooking his pork chop and sits at the KT table says his prayer and then eats. Julia and Liz in the HOh room arguing about the other doing something the other does not like. Liz goes to the Fridge and gets a drink. Austin is laying on the HOh bed.Austin talking about keeping Becky this week cause he says she can not win an endurance this week. Liz says i don't know. Austin ask Liz what shall we do? She shrugs her shoulders and they talk about having no onions in the house. 3:52pm BBT: Austin and Liz go to the Kt and Steve is there and Liz ask Son did you hear what your father did to me this morning? Steve says you probably deserved it and Liz whines saying no he did not put the coffee thingy in there to hold the filter and i got burned with coffee. Steve says oh. 3:57pm BBT: Liz is making more coffee. Steve, John and Becky in the LVR telling stories about glucose and sugar levels.
  24. 2:00pm BBT: Vanessa and Meg in the WA doing ADL's while James , Julia and Austin are in the KT . James is eating Julia is cooking and Austin talking about using Irish spring. 2:02pm BBT: Austin now in the HOh rm drinking coffee while Liz is in the shower. 2:08pm BBT: Austin sitting on the HOH bed waiting for Liz to come out of the shower. In the KT Julia says i do not trust Austins coffee so do not tell him. James says why did you pour that out and waste it and Liz says cause i am making my own coffee. Austin can make Liz's coffee but i will make mine and if you tell him i will tell him what happened lastnight. James ask what happened and Julia says i lied under oath. 2:10pm BBT: Steve now up and in the LVR talking to Becky and she says she needs to go back to the bed and tries to get up and yells cause her toe hurts. James says Becky stay down and she says i guess i will stay here. Steve says i can pick you up and carry you back to the bed and Becky says no i will just stay here. 2:15pm BBT: Julia ask Steve if he is glad this is the lat night of having slop and Steve says yeah i am ready to eat but the pork chops were great this week they helped alot. 2:22pm BBT: Julia, James and Steve in the LVR talking with Becky about comps that were hard to balance on. In the HOh rm Liz and Austin talk about how Becky is trying to get people to flip the vote cause she in injured and john is not. Liz says no way. 2:32pm BBT: Steve goes back to the HNBR and goes back to bed. Vanessa and John are sleeping . Julia, Becky and James in the LVR talking about diamond earrings. 2:38pm BBT: Austin in the KT thawing chicken in cold water. Julia, James and Becky still in the LVR talking general talk. 2:43pm BBT: Meg ask Becky if she would like a turkey sandwich and Becky says she would love one. John comes in the LVR and Becky tells him she is waiting to get her medication. john asked did they drain it and Becky says yeah and it hurt like hell. The light above the Tv screen is flickering and Austin says we have to count how many times it flickers for the HOH comp. 2:49pm BBT: Austin is doing Media training with meg and James. John is making slop as meg is still making sandwiches. BB calls Steve to the DR and James says bye Felisha. 2:50pm BBT: Austin goes to the DR and gets in bed with Liz she ask who was called to DR and Austin tells her Steve was. They are watching the spy screen. 2:55pm BBT: Meg and James pick on each other. then conversation turns about body parts and Steve.James is now laying on the LVR couch while Becky gets up and limps to the KT to eat with Meg.
  25. 10:15am BBT: feeds are back with James going through his stuff talking to meg in the OBR . Vanessa in the KT. 10:18am BBT: Vanessa has gone back to bed in the HNBR. Steve sitting in the OBR with meg, James and Becky talking about Becky toe and Steve jokes he wants to hit Becky in the toe. 10:23am BBT: meg telling James and Becky she can not wait to call her mamma. James says he ripped his bag and meg says John ripped his too. 10:26am BBT: Steve, Meg and James talking about finale night and if their parents will be there and Steve says yeah mine will be we talked about it before i came here. meg says i did not even think about finale stuff and we get a brief FOTH. 10:30am BBT: Steve tells Becky her eyes look swollen and meg says duh she has been crying and Steve looks at Becky again and Becky says it is excruciating pain. Steve says i am sorry. Meg and James talk about a comp should be a spelling bee and Steve says i never been in a spelling bee. James explains how a spelling bee works. 10:35am BBT: Becky, James,and meg laying in bed while Steve sits in a chair in the OBR and Steve telling a story about his mom wrapping a present at Christmas time and she went to lay a package down and it landed on her toe so we are taking her to the ER and my brother and his new wife show and we tell them we are going to the ER so it was weird talking to my brother and meeting his wife for the first time and we get FOTH. 10:40am BBT: Becky goes to the KT to get food, She comes back and gets back in the bed to eat. James and meg and Steve are talking about DR Will and Mike Boogie and how they played the game. In the HOH rm Austin and Liz are snuggling. 10:48am BBT: Austin caressing Liz in the HOH bed as she tries to sleep. In the OBR Meg, James, Steve and Becky talking about pasts HG being at the finale and they may get to meet them. 10:55am BBT: Hg still laying in bed some are sleeping and meg and James are picking at each other again. Steve is in the KT putting his bowl away.



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