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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 6:03pm BBT: Austin, Liz, and Julia in the cbr talking about Vanessa saying that she is afraid that we will vote John out over meg and Austin says what is she going to do put one of us up? Julia says no and Austin says there is some strategies here but we can do what she wants but if we keep john and James together right now then that is bad but if they put Vanessa up next week we have the power to keep her. Austin says I will talk to her. 6:06pm BBT: James is out of the DR and Bb calls Steve in. James helps meg make slop and tells her how to do it and meg yells James it is to much water and James says that is how it was last time and it came out good. 6:11pm BBT: Julia and Liz folding their clothes and talking about eating and what to wear. Vanessa is vacuuming, Meg and James making slop. Austin cooking dinner for him and Liz, Steve is sweeping the WA. 6:18pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin in the HOH rm and Vanessa says you was sweating and i should have known it was you moving everything and i looked i did and i couldn't find it. Austin says i just kept going back to my room and covering mine up and making sure it was still there. Vanessa said i knew it came down to you and James though i knew cause the girls had give up you could tell and i found that one and i thought it was his so i did not know. Austin says it is ok. Vanessa said each time i barley got to the buzzer and i was sweating and i couldn't do it. I could not find anything. 6:22pm BBT: Vanessa tells Austin she is F'ed cause she needs meg out and if john or Steve leave i an f'ed So i need meg gone this week. Austin says they will go and it is bad all the way around here. Unless we can get James to use the Veto on meg . We tell him that meg is the target and tell him that we will vote meg out and maybe he will use the veto on her but we can try that you know. Vanessa says yeah maybe. Austin says i do not think meg will go for it though she will not let James use it on her. Vanessa says what if i put Steve up instead of John cause Steve will not come after me next week and John would cause i put him up and Austin says will Steve understand? Vanessa says i thin k he will. 6:27pm BBT: Austin says if we get meg, John or Steve out it isn't going to matter cause they are all three good a mental comps. Austin says that James is a threat to me and John both. Vanessa says that I absolutely want meg gone this week for sure. Austin says then she will be. 6:30pm BBT: Austin says we need to think about who will do what we need them to do next week so there is something to think about you know? Vanessa says James will go after me. Austin says he will put you up for sure but that's ok if he puts Steve . 6:32pm BBT: Cooking and House cleaning is going on in the KT and Vanessa and Austin still in the HOH rm repeating themselves. 6:36pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa talking about who they might put up when James comes off the block. Vanessa says here is the thing if John or Steve win HOh they will not put each other up and if i send meg out of the house then James comes after me. Austin says why do you put yourself there then. Vanessa says this is awful why did it happen like this. Austin says my strategy was rip everything apart in the house so people would look more. Vanessa said i knew the answer and i put myself in James head i knew he put that under the carpet and i did not go there. 6:40pm BBT: Austin leaves the HOh rm and Vanessa says she is drinking as she sits and opens her bottle of wine. In the KT Everyone but James is making food and eating just general talk going on. 6:46pm BBT: Julia and Liz talking about how hot it was outside while they was doing the POV comp. Julia and meg eating their slop while Austin and Liz are making Steak and salad, Vanessa is in the HOh rm eating her snacks and drinking wine watching the other Hg on the spy screen. 6:50pm BBT: Liz, Meg, Julia and Austin talking about how messy the house got and how fast they cleaned it up and Julia says the house is cleaner now than it was before we did all that. Austin says it is .Steve is in the HOH rm talking to Vanessa and says she thought that she had James card and it was Austins and now she has bruises on her legs and arms . Steve says you have 48 hours now and right now you are in a state that you are flustered and can not decide what you are doing. He says when i get flustered i have to take a break. Vanessa says even Johnny Mack has not come to talk to me since James won and we get FOTH. 6:57pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking and Steve says i think you need to take the night off and just relax and think about everything. Vanessa says ok but what if they keep meg and Steve says i will beat them next week. Vanessa says ok but they are pushing so hard for you or John to go up this week but i promise you that you will not be going up but we are both going to be a target after this do you understand this? Steve says yes.
  2. 5:01pm BBT: Hg are walking around the House and it is a mess as they ask who hid things where. James has the POV on his neck. 5:03pm BBT: James hold up the POV and says for you Bailey. Vanessa in the HOh rm saying she had all the information she needed and just messed up. Hg walking around trying to straighten up the house now saying that it is terrible. James says thongs and underwear are everywhere. 5:05pm BBT: Austin is picking up the mattresses and putting them back on the beds while James is moving things. Liz says this is the worst comp i have ever played in. Steve is watching in a tux shirt as he hosted the comp. Vanessa in the HOh rm pouting alone. 5:10pm BBT: meg says she his hers behind the dresser thing. James says every time he came in someone had thrown alot of crap on top of the table so i kept throwing it off looking for anything. Austin says he came in the OBr and throwed things around so people wouldn't find where he hid his. he says I was playing defense. James says that's good. 5:15pm BBT: Julia and Liz in the CBR complaining about the mess and how hot it was outside. James says they tore up the HNBR pretty good. Austin comes in and says Jesus. they start talking about where they was hiding their things and Liz says Austin yours was good. Austin says yeah mine was good but not as secure as james's 5:19pm BBT: Austin helps Steve put his bed back together and Steve says looks like we will get the By tonight so we can start working out. 5:23pm BBT: James tells meg she did not deserve to go on the block and I am sorry. He tells her go talk to Julia and Liz and see what she can do cause they know Vanessa is a sitting duck next week. 5:25pm BBT: Steve comes to the CBR with Liz and Julia and says he is going to put his clothes in the drawers and do all the laundry tonight and rewash everything. James and meg in HNBR and James says i feel shitty cause i took you out of the one comp you could have won and meg tells him not to worry about it. we get FOTH. 5:30pm BBT: James and Meg talking about who Vanessa might put up against her and if she would have the votes to stay and meg says what if she puts Austin up and James says she won't. Meg says should I go talk to her now and James says sternly no let her sweat for now. 5:32pm BBT: James pacing in the HNBR alone. he says put the veto around my neck and let it soak in for a bit. He says right there baby let it soak in . Austin in the cabana rm fixing it up. Julia goes to the HOh rm and Vanessa says i do not know how i missed James's i knew it was under a carpet and i looked there i did. She says i Just want to cry now. Julia says i was so sad he won. Vanessa says i do not know who to put up to make sure meg goes home and Julia says put john up and Vanessa says you have yo make sure the three of you vote her out then. 5:36pm BBT: Julia says if James saves her then he will go home so it will be stupid if he uses it on her. Julia says James was so sneaky that he put the yellow sectional over his carpet he hid his thing under and it was smart but he put it over it and it was so heavy. Julia says so you have to put up John or would you put up Steve? Vanessa says the reason for putting up John was to get rid of a tough competitor then he won but i do not know now. 5:39pm BBT: Liz ask who dumped all the cereal and Austin says i didn't do that. Liz says i am not cleaning up no food cause i did not do that with the food. James says i dumped the gum drops but that's it. In the HOh Julia ask who do we vote out meg or John cause i really do not care which one leaves. Vanessa says i don't know. 5:42pm BBT: Vanessa says what guarantee do i have that you guys will vote John out over meg cause john is coming for you guys and meg sucks. So what is it that i can do to get meg out this week so i just do not know what to do i am screwed. 5:45pm BBT: Vanessa says she will be down stairs in a few minutes as Julia leaves the HOh rm. James is talking to Austin in the OBR about what Vanessa has done and deals that she made and how she put me up 2 weeks now and it was not my fault cause it was something that was done 5 weeks ago. So I need to talk to her in a little bit. 5:50pm BBT: John is sweeping cereal up in the KT floor. Liz walks in and says she did not do that and will not clean it up. Steve walks through saying wow. 5:54pm BBT: Most Hg in the OBR making beds. Vanessa in the Cabana rm saying we need to vacuum in here too as john is sweeping the KT. Vanessa goes to the Kt to start cleaning the counter. BB calls James to the DR. 5:58pm BBT: Julia walking around saying who did that as she refuses to clean the Kt and spilled food. Meg is making slop for her and James. Austin walking around looking at things.
  3. 6:00pm BBT: Austin ask if they are taking being nominated ok and Vanessa says James is taking it pretty good but meg is crying alot and i can tell she is lying to me. Vanessa says they have to respect that i got lucky and won the HOH. Vanessa says that James says to her that meg took the fall because she was not a tale tell. 6:07pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa still talking and Vanessa says i did not mean to play steves game today but he can thank me later but i felt James and Meg was more of a threat to me. Vanessa says how can you not come tell me what all was said and i almost got put on the block cause they did not tell me that i was fixen to be back doored. Austin says they are probably thinking of a strategy with John and Steve saying the can work together so you have to backdoor one of us. Vanessa says unless they come to me with a tape showing the bull shit then i will not be down for it. 6:12pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin talks about how John hides his emotions unless he is upset and worried. When he is good and not on the block he is good and Vanessa says yeah it is like he is bi polar. Steve comes in and Austin says that is why i made that deal with James last week cause he may have out me and Liz up and i could not let him do that. 6:20pm BBT: James is now in the By with meg talking about playing pot ball tonight meg says maybe. Julia ion the hammock resting. In the HoH rm Steve,Vanessa and Austin talk about giving hugs, 6:25pm BBT: James and meg in the BY and James says i do not want you to go this week and meg says well me neither but i have a feeling that is what is going on. meg says if i do leave you better not give her what she wants. James says what if she wants Austin thrown up and meg says i do not know and then James says she has got to go. 6:29pm BBT: Meg says why is the BY still open that is so weird. James says maybe there isn't going to be a veto this week and i am out. john laughs. 8:32pm BBT: In the HOh rm Steve, Austin and Vanessa talking about Rachel and her game and how she played strategically and Vanessa said that Rachel had a knack for it and you know whop else has a knack for it that is Liz. Austin says Liz sure does she wins comps and Vanessa says exactly.
  4. 5:03am BBT: Julia and Liz talking about it was good that John came back lastnight and not a girl. Julia says can you imagine if it was shelli that came back?> they say they have to smooth things over with John now and see what happens 5:10pm BBT: John laying by the pool talking to Steve , meg and James as Austin works out. Just general talk going on. Liz and Julia in the HOh rm talking about being on slop and washing her hair. Julia says i wonder if i can wash my hair in the sing and Liz said i tried that once and got yelled at but then Shelli did it all the time and got away with it. Vanessa is still in the DR. 5:18pm BBT: Vanessa comes to the HOH rm and talk to Julia and Liz about Meg and her crying earlier and she said she told her enough of the water works this is a game. Vanessa repeats all she told meg earlier in the HNBR. 5:28pm BBT: Liz, Julia and Vanessa in the HOh rm talking about James and meg and Vanessa tells them if anyone says anything to them to tell them listen this is Vanessa HOh talk to her. Vanessa says i did what is best for my game which is also good for your game but at the end of the day it was me doing it for my game. 5:33pm BBT: Steve, John and Austin in the BY talking general talk. Vanessa, Liz and Julia in the HOH rm talking about clothes to wear for the Veto comp. Meg is now walking around the BY and James in the DR. 5:39pm BBT: Liz, Julia and Vanessa talking about the HOH comp lastnight and how they were getting dizzy and how the hand would slap them and it hurt. Vanessa then talks about how bad she feels putting the have nots on slop and in that room. Julia says you never see meg wash dishes or take out the trash she is a little princess around here. 5:42pm BBT: Vanessa talks about having wine to drink and Liz says you should drink it tonight and Vanessa says maybe tomorrow night. Liz says when i was HOH after otev Julia and i had cheese and wine we drank it all and had alot of cheese. Julia and Liz head to the BY before it is locked down again and Vanessa goes to bed . 5:44pm BBT: Steve is in the KT making himself some food. Liz is getting herself a drink. Meg, Austin and john in the BY telling stories about movies. 5:51pm BBT: Liz and Julia in the hammock talking about clothes they should and should not wear. Steve still in the KT cooking. 5:54pm BBT: Austin is swinging Liz and Julia in the hammock and then leaves and they yell at him to come back as he goes in the house. Liz and Vanessa talk about how fat their thighs are. Steve is making himself a BLT for dinner. 5:57BBT: Austin goes to the HOh rm and tells Vanessa that meg is outside talking to them about Movies. Vanessa tells him to tell her that it is Vanessa HOh and we had nothing to do with it and to win the veto but then we have to hope they do not win it cause then you guys could go up. Austin agrees and says we are on a team.
  5. 4:02pm BBT: Meg crying in the HNBR while Vanessa says i have to break up a power couple and you guys was it it is a hard thing to nominate but there was a power couple and i had to do something for that one. We all take risk in this game and you can not come out with clean hands and i know my hands are not clean but i like everyone in this house so neither of you is a target i just made the best decision possible and it might come back and bite me and that's ok. 4:05pm BBT: vanessa still talking to James and meg about When they planned on backdooring Austin and that Austin found out. Vanessa said you knew that Austin knew about it and that you did not tell me that Austin knew so i could talk to him and set things right. James says no Becky told me and you asked me and i said no i did not tell Austin. Vanessa says well it was bad for me i had to talk to him and fix things but if you guys could play this game in my shoes then you would know where i am coming from and i know it sucks and i wish i could say something to make it better. 4:12pm BBT: Meg is crying and tells Vanessa that if she goes out of the house this week i will go proud of myself cause i am proud but to tell me you heard i was making fun of you? I never made fun of you. Vanessa says as i always say if you did not say it then the cameras here never lie so if you never said anything then you have the last laugh on me. Vanessa says but i made a strategic move and if you survive this week and it comes back and bites me in the ass then so be it. 4:15pm BBT: Vanessa says can not go to Johnny Mack and Steve or even Julia and Liz cause they told me what was going on and that Austin knew but you two did not tell me that he knew so that was your mistake. James says we kept to ourselves and did not tell anyone anything and Vanessa says yeah that was your mistake you should have told me. Thats why you are up this week. She says last week i sat in that hammock crying and feeling so alone all last week cause i felt alone in this house and it did not feel good. Vanessa says i wish you both the best of luck. Meg says i am confused about all this and Vanessa says you should have come to me last week and told me what was going on and meg says last week was John and Steve going home not you and Vanessa says but you knew if one came down i was going up. 4:23pm BBT: BB has opened the BY up again and John and Austin are working out. Vanessa repeating herself in the HNBR with meg and James. 4:26pm BBT: Meg starts crying again and Vanessa says i am sorry ok and meg says it is fine. Vanessa says is there anything i can do for you? Meg says no and Vanessa says i have a bottle of wine and i will gladly share with you so come get drunk with me and i am sorry. Vanessa leaves the HNBR and James gives meg a hug and says it will be ok. 4:28pm BBT: James ask meg who she thinks came up with all of this? He ask did Vanessa come up with this on her own and meg says no Austin did that's why i am crying and this upset. James says hey people play this game in weird ways and what got us is we didn't go around snitching, We was to quiet and we should have run around telling people everything and being a rat but we made it to final 8 so its good. meg says i hate crying in this house it is so embarrassing. Vanessa in the HOh rm alone saying this game is so hard i did not want to do that but it is so hard in this house. 4:32pm BBT: Meg and James get in the dentist chairs, Meg put her shades on and all is quiet. In the HOh rm Vanessa is listening to music. 4:38pm BBT: Meg tells James she thought she would go out next week and James says not necessarily you wont go out next week. James says this has not been an easy battle. Meg ask how many times he has been on slop and he says this i think is my 4th and meg says me too as she eats the gum drops. 4:42pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa in the KT whispering about her making a good move and why she made it and Steve says we will talk about this later ok and Vanessa says you do want to play POV right and he says yeah so after veto is a good time to talk and Vanessa goes to the DR. 4:45pm BBT: James is up getting meg some tissues and a drink. Liz and Julia are in the HOH rm talking about if James had won the HOh they would be in trouble . Liz says we have let them ride our coat tales for the last two week. Julia says we seen Megs true colors come out today and James is the one that needs to go. Liz says we need James gone this week then meg we can deal with after. 4:49pm BBT: Julia tells Liz that she came to her and told her before that she did not trust James cause he was to quiet. Julia says and who cares what they all think anymore who we have deals and final 5's with who cares anymore it does not matter. Meg and James in the Wa for Meg to straighten up her makeup. 4:53pm BBT: meg and James going back to the HNBR then turn to go outside and James runs out saying whats up you bunch of A-holes. meg laughs as they go by the pool to watch the bees. Austin and John still working out. Liz and Julia still in the HOh rm talking bad about meg and James. 4:58pm BBT: Julia in the HOH rm complaining that she wants a shower but has to take a cold shower so she will just wait till after the POv tomorrow to take a shower. Steve in the POOL talking to James and meg who are laying in loungers by the pool. Meg ask what Steve thinks the POV will be and Steve says an easy set up counting maybe.
  6. 3:41pm BBT: Vanessa telling James he could have let her in on the plans he had but he didn't so best of luck to both of you. James says well thank you. Meg is going through her clothes in the OBR. rest of the HG in the KT and Vanessa tells James that meg probably wants to calm down before she talks to me so just let her know i am happy to talk to her. 3:43pm BBT: Austin says i wonder why we are back on lock down and James says they are probably going to get ready for the veto comp now. Vanessa is now laying down in the LVR with James and John. Austin and Liz are cooking. Steve walks through the KT and goes to the STR looks in then tries to go to the DR. 3:46pm BBT: James goes to the HNBR and tells meg that he wanted to give her a few minutes alone. Meg says i knew that was coming from the way Austin and them was acting. To make us have nots really? James says put some salt in the wound now you know what i mean? meg says yeah. 3:48pm BBT: James says does she not realize that Austin and the twins were trying to back door her before and we never did? meg says i know and i have never told her anything. Meg says one of us can try to win the POV. James says well what ever we did had to be worse than what Johnny Mack did before. Meg says are you serious? 3:50pm BBT: Vanessa in the KT talking to Steve about her reason for nominating meg saying she did things to hurt her before so tit for tat you know what i mean. So now i am the most hated person in the jury i have no friends there. 3:54pm BBT: James goes and gets Vanessa to talk to Meg. In the HNBR Vanessa says look i am happy you are willing to talk to me right now and i am sorry you are upset but i want to tell the root that all the crap that happened to me the last two weeks came from Becky And Jackie can verify this ok . So when Becky was hoh she promised not to tell about trying to backdoor Austin and it got out and James knew that They knew and that i did not know that it got out. 3:58pm BBT: Meg laughs and Vanessa says ok you are just laughing at me now and meg says no i am not i just want to understand. Vanessa says the week that Liz was HOh and Becky went to Liz with a box of fruit loopps and trowed me under the bus. meg says ok and Vanessa says i just want you to know that this is strictly a game move and that is it nothing personal.
  7. 10:00am BBT: Vanessa says i have to make a big move this week and get the least blood on my hands she says there is us then there is those three so doesn't that make sense ? isn't that logical? Austin says yeas it does make sense. Austin says yeah just have a good speech and we just have to stick together that's all. 10:07am BBt: Austin says we just have to keep Steve feeling close right now. Vanessa says yeah i agree. 10:10am BBT: Vanessa says that James said he was coming after Liz. Austin and Julia if he won HOH. She tells Austin that James has no problem getting blood on his hands like before. Vanessa says ok if James does not win the veto comp then he will be the one going home this week. 10:12am BBTL Vanessa tells Austin about her conversation lastnight with meg and James and how Meg cried and she wonders if they are married. Austin laughs and says that would be a good twist. Vanessa says she feels evil for putting James and meg on the block. 10:23am BBT: Austin in the WA telling Liz about Vanessa plans. they go back to the KT with Vanessa and Julia who are talking about lastnights comp. 10:33am BBT: Vanessa talking to Julia in the Kt about getting a letter from Mel. 10:40am BBT: Julia, Vanessa and Austin in the KT talking general talk. Liz in the DR and other Hg sleeping. 10:45am BBT: Vanessa talks about no one in this house will be hated this year and Austin says that Steve had a good speech lastnight. Austin then starts talking about past comps they have played in. 10:56pm BBT: Austin. Vanessa and Julia still in the KT talking about how they played the games all season and how the Beefcakes helped them dress a couple of times like in the dice game. Liz still in the DR and all other Hg still sleeping.
  8. 9:00am BBT: HG in bed sleeping. 9:19am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB may be waking the HG . 9:21am BBT: Feeds back with HG still sleeping . 9:29am BBT: Liz and Julia up in the Wa doing ADL's. 9:43am BBT: After FOTH feeds come back and Steve is in the Wa with Julia and Liz. Liz ask Steve if he is always the first one up and he says he always gets up when the music plays yeah. Vanessa is in the CBR getting her things to take to the HOh rm. BB tells Julia to please put on her mic. 9:46am BBT: Liz, Julia and Vanessa talking about Liz dancing to the music and Liz tells Vanessa that they can not expect to play music like that and me not go crazy. Julia says Steve and I was dancing to the backstreet Boys. Vanessa goes to the HOh rm. Liz goes to the DR and Steve and Julia in the WA doing ADL's. 9:49am BBT: Liz now in the KT making coffee. John and Austin in the CBR, Austin getting up to go change his batteries and John lays back in his bed. 9:52am BBT: Austin , Liz and Julia in the WA doing ADL's Liz says she went to the DR and they told her they was not ready for her now. Meg, James and Steve in the OBR laying in bed talking about eating. 9:55am BBT: Liz in the KT eating cereal, Julia getting herself cereal, Austin and Vanessa in the KT now and Vanessa tells that every time the lights came on lastnight it would wake me up cause every time someone got up lastnight BB would turn the lights on. Austin says it was Steve scampering around the house.
  9. 1:57pm BBT: Vanessa asking Steve in the HNBR if he made a deal with them when he went up as a pawn and he says no there was no deal. She says ok i think it is going to be an endurance comp tonight. Steve says you think so? Vanessa says yeah Julia and Liz better get ready. 1:59pm BBT: Vanessa has gone to bed for a nap, John in the room getting dressed after his shower. James, Steve and meg in the KT eating. 2:04pm BBT: Hg walking around talking general talk and John and Steve still packing and getting ready for tonight. 2:07pm BBT: Austin, Meg, Liz and James and Steve in the KT talking about the HOh comp. James says meg if you win tonight i am taking you camping and meg starts laughing. 2:12pm BBT: Vanessa laying in bed studying for the HOh comp as johnny Mack is finishing up his packing. In the KT James, meg and Julia are talking general talk and screaming when they laugh. 2:20pm BBT: Julia and meg in the KT talking to Steve about taking trash out. Vanessa and John in the CBR talking about camps they have played and what comps that John has thrown. John says i was supposed to throw a couple of the games but i did not throw them. 2:28pm BBT:John telling Vanessa that Austin is on to her and says that he is waiting for the gremlins to win to take you out. Vanessa says really? John says Jeff was talking to Austin about being put up and said he was going to blow up and he told Jeff that he had his vote so he wouldn't blow up and Vanessa laughs and said shelli had already told us. 2:31pm BBT: Vanessa and John continue to talk about past Hg. In the KT Liz, Julia, Austin, Meg are talking about food and laughing about James . 2:41pm BBT: John and Vanessa laying in the CBR while the other Hg are in the KT talking screaming and cleaning the house. 2:43pm BBT: Vanessa up in the Kt and talks to Steve, tells him that John told her everything about the fiver person alliance and the final two deal and Steve says ok i am impressed though. they laugh and walk away from each other. Vanessa goes to Austin and Liz and tells them the same thing laughing. she tells Austin that John has a final 2 with both Becky and Steve. She then laughs and says i find this really funny. 2:48pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa questioning each other on the days in the house and what happened when. Steve is cooking something to eat. Julia is vacuuming.John in the CBR sleeping. 2:52pm BBT: Liz goes to lay on the LVR couch. Austin is studying with Meg. Julia is still cleaning and john asleep in the CBR. 2:55pm BBt: Austin comes in and lays under a blanket with Liz on the LVR couch. James is walking around the LVR, Vanessa just sitting watching Julia clean.
  10. 1:11pm BBT: Hg are heading down the stairs and Austin has his Judas hat on and packing his things to move down stairs. Meg gets in her bed and James in his. john is packing his bags . 1:14pm BBT: Meg and James whispering really low in the OBR. They then head to the Wa where Vanessa , Liz, Julia and Austin are getting ready for the live show tonight. 1:18pm BBt: Austin, James and meg go to the OBR and meg says james and I always get screwed over and Johnny Mack says there is a five person alliance with you the twins and Steve and Vanessa so i am worried that Steve is going to do your dirty work. Austin says no this is what Vanessa wanted was us to throw the HOh and she could come after you all and i would not throw it cause the twins and I chose you guys and we are letting Steve and Vanessa think what they want but Steve will go after a returner and that's it cause that's what i am going after too. 1:21pm BBT: Meg says i tell you the truth i am scared of Steve. Austin says well i think that if push comes to shove i think Steve will go after Vanessa before he goes after you and meg says ok as long as you have our backs and Liz says one million percent. 1:26pm BBT: Steve and meg in the HNBR Steve says alot of people have shit themselves in the foot in here and if i am ever on the block again i am going to say what do you want and do that i will not do this again. Meg says ok that is why i was coming to you. James and i just wanted to see where you stand on all this. 1:30pm BBT: James comes in and tells Steve that John pretty much told us that the twins are voting to evict him and then there is our votes and he said that pretty much if you stay that you will do what ever they want you to do and Steve says no there is no way. Meg says we are just saying and if we get screwed then we get screwed so we are putting it out there. Steve says I understand. James says just keep in mind in the future that we have always be cordial with you. They all leave the HNBR. 1:35pm BBT: Julia, Liz and Austin in the Wa doing hair and makeup, Steve telling Meg and James what will show tonight and Sunday night on the show. Steve leaves to go iron his clothes. 1:40pm BBT: In the Wa most HG in there talking about past seasons of BB and about Donny then we get FOTH. 1:44pm BBT: Hg now in the KT talking about what the HOh comp might be. Steve in the HNBR packing his things. 1:46pm BBT: Meg talking to John in the CBr, Meg hugs John and tells her she does not know what Vanessa is going to do and john says ok i still got to talk to her and they leave the room. In the Cabana rm Austin is telling Vanessa what all John is saying to James and meg and Vanessa says Johnny Mack is just trying to make his play and it is to late. 1:50pm BBT: Meg goes in to talk to Vanessa and Austin and tells them that she told John it is to risky to keep him and that they have to vote with the house. Vanessa says does he think i did this all by myself? Austin says she has been after your throat since day 1 you know it. meg says just tell him you have to vote with the house and laughs then leaves. Austin says he is being freaky he has the headband on and has gone Rambo. Vanessa says he does not understand i am the worst person to campaign to and he has no idea that i have been working with Steve this whole game, Austin says he knows they told him. Vanessa ask who did and Austin says James did 1:54pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin leave the room, Liz is called to the Dr and we get FOTH.
  11. 10:00am BBT: James comes into the HNBR with John and meg and John tells him the same thing he just told meg. Meg leaves and John tells James that if Steve stays he will come after you. John says if I win HOH i have three people that i am going after and if i do not win i will go on the block and tell people to vote me out next week. James says damn that's alot of information, John says i know. 10:05am BBT: James leaves HNBR and goes to the OBR to talk to Meg he is whispering really low. meg says just talk to her it is no secret. They are talking about going to Vanessa and talking to her about Steve leaving this week. Julia and Liz are in the KT having breakfast. 10:08am BBT: Liz goes to the HOH rm and tells Austin that John is talking to Meg and James. Steve says should i go down stairs and Austin says yeah no telling what John is telling them. Steve heads down stairs and goers to the OBR and stands with James and meg. 10:10am BBT: Austin, Liz and Julia in the WA talking about beds for tonight and Julia says we already fought about this Austin . Austin says we will see. James and meg in OBR talking and meg says she dopes not want to talk to Vanessa then says to be honest James i am about to throw things in the air. James ask what with all the lies and the final five deal and all? meg says yeah. Austin walks in and talk stops. 10:15am BBT: Meg tells Austin she does not feel good about things today. Austin says i know John is going around talking and he wants me to save him but i do not have a vote. Steve, Liz and Julia and john in the KT getting coffee ready before the HOH lockdown. 10:17pm BBT: Austin is walking around with a bar of Irish Spring and holds it up and says this guy keeps everything normal. James laughs and says that he carries that in his pocket. Vanessa comes in and Austin leaves James says that we need to talk to you Vanessa but i think John wanted to talk to you first. Vanessa says give me five minutes and we can talk. 10:22am BBT: James and meg talking abiout what they will say to vanessa and james says we can not keep clean in the game to much longer but we need to ask her to keep John over Steve. James says but if we keep Steve then we have Steve, austin, Julia, Liz and vanessa and if Shelli comes back even more. 10:24am BBT: Vanessa comes to the OBR and Meg and James says the thing we are worried about that there is a lot of final 5 talk going around and Vanessa says oh yeah? James says do we vote the person that say to vote out or the other so who is the real final five? Vanessa tells them what ever they want to do she will do what meg and James wants. James says it dopes not matter to me. meg says they have a final 5 with Steve so that put us to thinking. James says John wants to talk to you too. 10:35am BBT: after brief FOTh we come back to John and James in the STR and John says to James that the twins said in the Cabana rm that if they win HOh next week that He would go up as a pawn against whoever comes back in this week. John says this week i volunteered to go up as a pawn. 10:37am BBTL John and James leave the STR. John walks around the LVR and Julia and Liz are in the HIOh rm talking about John campaigning this morning. Julia says lastnight they was fine so why didn't they say things lastnight. Austin comes in and says i think you two need to be proactive with them down there. . Julia says Vanessa told us that they are campaigning down there. Austin says maybe you guys need to tell them that John said he is not coming after us and that he will go after meg and James. 10:42am BBT: Steve goes to the HOh rm and Liz and Julia says i do not know why they are scared of you? Steve says they are scared of me and Julia says yeah cause you have not campaigned. Steve paces in the HOh rm now while Liz tells him he needs to talk. Steve says i think they know what is going on and they are getting nervous. Meg, Vanessa, John and Austin in the KT making food. 10:47am BBT: Hg getting ready to go to the HOh for their lock down. Steve is in his corner laying in the HOh rm. Liz is laying in the bed. 10:49am BBT: James goes to the CBR and says to John man you threw a bomb on us man. John says i was not trying to. In the HIOh rm Vanessa goes ion and says John is saying crap now man and i need to say something. Steve starts to get up,and Vanessa tells him lay back down. Steve lays back down and Austin tells Vanessa to talk up here in the lock down. 10:52am BBT: James and John whispering about Steve and if he stays and James or meg does not win HOh then they are going up. James says yeah ok. John says if i stay this week i will go after them even though i had to promise them all this stuff. 10:55am BBT: Liz, Julia and Austin in the HOh bed arguing about where Julia can put her feet. meg and Steve are laughing at them. james heads to the Wa and gets his clothes to go to the HOh rm and then we get Jeff's Reels.
  12. 9:10am BBT: HG still in bed sleeping. 9:36am BBT: We are now on FOTh as BB started playing I need hero. 9:49am BBTL John siting alone ion the HNBR, Steve says he is going back to bed in the HOH rm as he grabs his blanket and pillow. James and Austin go to the KT as Liz and Steve go upstairs. 9:51am BBT: meg goes to talk to John and John tells her that he is telling her everything cause he has nothing to lose now. he says Steve and i have been working together and Jackie was working with us. Next week i want to send Vanessa home and then Austin and the twins need to go up cause there are three of them.He says i have had a final 4 deal with Austin, Liz and Julia and a final 5 deal with them and Vanessa. Meg says really? he says yeah so if you win HOh take Vanessa out. 9:55am BBT: John tells meg that Steve is Austin and the twins lap dog. meg laughs, John says i am telling you that you have to take one of them out cause they will take you guys out. he says we are in a situation now that they put their lap dog up and i think i can talk to Vanessa and get her to switch her vote. Meg says i think you can.
  13. 1:00pm BBT: Meg and Austin have gone to the Kt to make lunch and meg talks about playing sling band and Austin says he like pot ball better he hates ling band. meg says i do not know what i want and then all goes silent. 1:06pm BBT: James is up inn the Kt the John gets up and comes in. they are making food and talking about workouts. Steve in the Wa brushing his teeth while meg does her makeup. 1:10pm BBT: Hg in the Kt talking about grandma (meg) being a feed bag and John is laughing while Austin is cooking chicken again. James is at the table sitting . Meg gets her cereal and goes to the table to sit down then starts sneezing. Steve starts laughing and spits cereal out and meg says ewww. Steve says sorry i just thought that was funny. 1:14pm BBT: Julia is now up out of bed and goes to the Kt where meg is saying she hates a certain yogurt. Everyone says good morning to Julia and she says no more eggs right? Meg says no and Julia says dammit i like yogurt and chexs so that's ok. 1:17pm BBT: Austin goes to the HOh rm and tells Liz it is almost 2:00 that everyone is up now and Liz says stop lying and he says look at the tv everyone is down there. In the KT Julia, James, Meg, john and Steve are talking about making chicken breast. Vanessa is in the bed sleeping in the CBR. 1:25pm BBT: Austin in the hOh rm telling Liz about doing the rock paper scissors thing tonight and not telling Steve or John. 1:29pm BBT: In the KT talk is about snoring and relationships. Meg says James snores. In the HOh rm Liz and Austin are in bed kissing and snuggling. 1:34pm BBT: Austin and james in the KT thawing out chicken for dinner tonight. Liz, Julia, Meg and John in kt and they are all talking general talk 1:40pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve in the OBR . Vanessa ask him in the veto with otev was i the backdoor? Steve says i don't know and she ask before that? he says when Vanessa won the veto i do not think so. Vanessa gets up and leaves the room and Steve says Vanessa? as she leaves. 1:46pm BBT: Vanessa in the KT drinking coffee and being quiet as the other Hg are trying to decide what to have with chicken later. john in the WA shaving. 1:52pm BBT: Vanessa walking around the house not talking to anyone as she heads out of the KT. Austin and Steve in the LVR talking about the differences in rice.
  14. 12:01pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa talking about playing poker, Vanessa says she like the 11pm to 6am sessions when people are drunk and they play bad. 12:10pm BBT: Meg is now up in the Wa where Vanessa and Austin has gone to talk about who to send out of the house this week Johnny Mack or Steve and Vanessa is pushing for johnny Mack. 12:17pm BBT: Meg says we have nothing on either Steve or Johnny Mack so it is up to you to decide Austin who leaves cause what if one comes back into the game? Austin talks about doing the rock paper scissors to see who leaves which one will throw the rock or the paper or scissors. meg is laughing. 12:21pm BBT: Austin telling meg and Vanessa that maybe we can do a game with rock paper scissors and go around the table and each person do it to see who they vote out of the house and who ever gets the least in the game goes home. 12:25pm BBT: Austin says i think some people are going to like doing this game and some will not but we have to decide who will leave tomorrow . Vanessa says i think this will b e fun. meg says she has to think about it. 12:27pm BBT: Vanessa tells maybe we can do this , it is like rock paper scissors is that we can all go vote the way we want and do not tell anyone who we are voting out the twins can not even tell each other and we will be surprised who leaves tomorrow night. meg says i like that idea and Austin says i like that idea also. Vanessa says isn't that is what is supposed to happen on this show anyways and she laughs. 12:33pm BBT: Vanessa tells meg and Austin that who ever comes back this week they are going right back out unless they win the veto so that is the only way they stay this week. 12:40pm BBT: Austin. Meg and Vanessa in the WA still talking and repeating themselves then talking about how Steve and John do dirty things. 12:46pm BBt: Meg says well i do not know y'all and Then ask if the twins have a strong feeling about Steve or John leaving this week and Austin says no i do not think so they have not really talked about it. 12:52pm BBT: Vanessa and meg talking about past comps they have played in and how cold they was when coming back into the house after the comp. Austin sits there agreeing with them. 12:56pm BBT: Austin telling Meg about jace when he left and they then talk about it was so long ago. Austin says it was 60 days ago and meg says yeah we only have 28 days left now. Meg says who would have thought it would have been us in the final 8? it is so random she says.
  15. 9:13am BBT: BB comes on and says : Good morning Hg it is time to get up for the day, The bedroom lights must remain on during the day, There are fresh batteries in the STR. then music starts playing as Hg head to the STr to change batteries. John goes to the BT and sits with feet in the hot tub. the music is still playing then we get FOTh. 9:25am BBT: John in the By sitting on the couches alone. Steve in the KT getting a trash bag and putting it in the trash can, he then sits at the counter eating his cereal. Julia is up and going to the WC. 9:28am BBT: Vanessa is now in the By laying on the lounger. john yells we did it and it looks good . he then laughs and says that Bb said to raise the outside awnings. Bb then says to lower the outside awnings and John laughs then gets up to lower them with Vanessa's help. 9:34am BBT: Austin and Liz go to the STR and change batteries then go back to the HOH rm and get back in bed and snuggle. Steve is walking around gathering his things up. 9:45am BBT: Meg is called to the DR, Vanessa in WA doing ADL's. Most Hg still in bed sleeping.
  16. 8:53am BBT: All HG still in bed sleeping soundly. 8:58am BBT: John up and goes to the WC then washes his hands as BB calls him to the DR.
  17. 2:04pm BBT: Meg, Liz and James in the By playing pool. Austin laying on the lounger talking about hating the purple room and Steve going in and out of the room. Liz says he reads his letter all day and Austin says doesn't he know the letter never changes and Liz yells Austin. 2:13pm BBT: Steve in the Kt making himself some food. Austin watching Meg, Liz and James play pool and general talk going on. 2:23pm BBT: John in the CBR sleeping. Austin and meg sitting by the hot tub and Vanessa lounging in BY while Liz and James plays pool. Just general talk going on. 2:25pm BBT: meg and Vanessa go to the Wa and meg says that tomorrow Zing bot will air then says she wants to hear from her Family so bad. Vanessa just stands there blowing on her nails.
  18. 11:04am BBT: Austin goes to the HOh rm to do his blog and Liz tells him good luck as she makes her an omelette. 11:20am BBT: Liz still cooking, John walking around the house. 11:30am BBt: Liz still in the Kt cooking and cleaning, meg, James and Steve in the OBR sleeping. 11:40am BBT: Liz in the Kt eating alone, john in the By playing pool by himself, meg, James and Steve in the OBR sleeping, Vanessa in the CBR sleeping and Austin is still in the HOh rm doing his blog. 11:53am BBT: Nothing going on this morning except Liz washing dishes while she waits for Austin to finish writing his blog and gets the camera for an hour
  19. 10:02am BBT: Meg is in the STR changing her batteries, Steve is putting clean dishes away. 10:07am BBT: Steve is now washing the dirty dishes. vanessa is in the Wc. All other Hg still in bed sleeping. 10:14am BBT: Steve goes to the OBR with a box of cereal and waves at meg as he gets back in bed. 10:16am BBt: We now have FOTH as BB wakes the other HG. 10:29am BBT: John in the BY sitting alone Austin and Liz stil in the bed with lights out sleeping. 10:32am BBt: Steve and Austin are now up and heading down stairs to change their batteries, Steve walking around the house. 10:39am BBT: Austin in the HOh WA doing ADL's, Steve has gone back to bed. 10:51am BBT: Liz in the Kt talking to the feeders saying that Austin is doing his blog today so go to cbs.com and see what he has to say. John in the By eating a bowl of cereal. Austin comes in the Kt talking about being nervous and says he wrote a novel once but never published it but maybe when he is dead they will find it and publish it. 10:58am BBT: Liz looking in the fridge for something to make for breakfast as Austin stands just looking around, john still in the By alone and all other Hg still in bed.
  20. 9:00am BBT: All HG in bed sleeping. 9:35am BBT: Steve is up in the KT after a brief FOTh. 9:42am BBT: All feeds on sleeping Hg. 9:51am BBT: Steve in the Kt making himself a bowl of cereal. All other Hg still in darkened rooms sleeping.
  21. 9:00am BBT: All HG still in bed sleeping. 9:22am BBT: We now have FOTh as this could be their wake up call for the day. 9:36am BBT: Steve in the KT and meg going to the WA puts her clothes down and starts her ADL's. Vanessa comes out of the WC and Steve goes back to the KT. 9:38am BBT: BB yells Liz, Austin the bedroom lights must remain on during the day. Liz says i am so tired and Austin sits up in the bed. In the bathroom downstairs Meg is getting in the shower. Steve is pacing around from KT to WA. 9:41am BBT: Austin in the HOh wa doing ADL's . Meg still in downstairs WA taking a shower.Steve is still pacing around and meg said she wants to sleep. Steve ask is Meg sleeping and she says yeah. James is called to the DR. Austin has now gone back to bed with Liz and starts snuggling and kissing her neck. 9:50am BBT: Vanessa in the KT eating chips, Steve still just walking around debating weather to go back to bed and sleep awhile or not. Austin and Liz in HOh bed snuggling going back to sleep.
  22. 6:02pm BBT: Steve talking to James and he says i knew if i played in the face morph comp i knew i would lose it. James says yeah. James ask so what you plan on doing and Steve says um and then James says campaign campaign campaign and Steve says yeah probably. James says the person to talk to is Austin and Steve ask instead of Vanessa and he says yeah Austin is the HOH. Steve says i am hungry i am going to go eat and leaves. 6:07pm BBT: Austin tumbling in the By as he works out and Liz says that looks like it hurts then tells him he is going to hurt himself. Vanessa and Steve in the KT getting a drink. 6:13pm BBT: Julia and Liz playing pool while Austin works out and James is by the pool. Steve is walking in and out of the house. Vanessa is blow drying her hair. 6:18pm BBT: Hg in the By either sitting by the pool or in the pool, Austin working out and twins are playing Pool as they do laundry. and Vanessa in the house doing her hair and getting dressed. 6:26pm BBT: Vanessa is in her bed with shades and a hat on going to sleep. All other Hg in the By working out and playing around just general talk going on and Julia and Vanessa yelling Jamesaaaaaa and whining. 6:36pm BBT: BB tells the Hg to please raise the outside awnings and Liz tries doing it alone. Austin tells her to not hurt herself then Julia says make her stop. Julia and Steve get out of the pool and do one side of the yard while John and James are doing the other side . 6:38pm BBT: Liz pulls Julia into the Cabana rm and ask Julia what to do tonight i know Austin is not going to propose to me but what do I do? Julia says first tell him that he can not ask you out yet till he breaks up with his girl friend after the show cause Zing bot said he had one so he needs to take care of business first. they then go back outside. 6:41pm BBT: Julia and Liz on the hammock talking about what Liz will wear to the date tonight and then Julia ask what Austin is wearing he says i do not know. Julia says i am her stylist tonight and then ask Austin what his favorite color is and he says turquoise she says i have that color and they laugh. 6:48pm BBT: Liz and Julia still talking about what Liz should wear tonight on the date and are giggling. James and John playing pool while Austin is still working out. 6:52pm BBT: James and John in the Kt making food. James is cooking for Liz and Austins date then he will serve them in the HOH rm. 6:54pm BBT: James is makings deviled eggs for dinner and says that Austin will probably be pissed tomorrow and john ask why and James says that it will cut into his eggs for breakfast in the mornings.
  23. 5:15pm BBT: Austin, meg and James in the BY sitting by the pool talking about Austins girl friend and talking about making dinner while up in the HOh rm Liz is saying get Austin out of the Dr cause she misses him. 5:22pm BBT: Liz is going to go get Austin after Julia comes back saying he is in the BY and Steve says no i do not want to interrupt something if he is getting good stuff. Liz says he isn't i am getting him. 5:25pm BBt: Vanessa leaves the HOh rm and as what Austin is doing and he says i am just hanging out for a but then Steve ask if he an borrow him for a minute and Austin says yeah just a minute and i will come up. 5:26pm BBt: Austin and Steve in HOh and Steve says i had a thing and he says so johnny Mack ok a couple of weeks ago we made a deal to not go after each other and a final 2 never comes up and then 2 weeks ago we was playing chess and he mentioned final 2 so i think when john told shelli and clay that we was final 2 he wanted a final four deal with them. Austin says that makes sense. 5:30pm BBT: Steve says i never had a final 2 with John. Julia and Liz sitting in the hot tub talking about Jace and Jason and how they smoked. James says didn't they have to pass a drug test and Julia says no they was looking for certain things. 5:33pm BBT: Steve ask so you think meg is a bigger threat than James and Austin says yes i do and so does Julia and Liz. Steve says ok but James is going to go here with them and go after you. Austin says no i have a deal with James and Steve says oh i did not know that. then they talk about who might come back in the game. 5:37pm BBT: Austin says i can not tell them that Vanessa will not use the veto i wont lie to them but they all think that you Jon and Vanessa are working together so there are alot of things that come into play with someone coming back in the game. 5:39pm BBt: Austin says lets say john leaves the house and Jackie comes back and they win HOh cause meg James and Jackie are together. Then they will backdoor me. Steve says so it is a nasty situation if a gremlin wins HOh so we need to make sure a gremlin does not win hoh so how do we do it? Austin says i do not know yet. 5:44pm BBt: James is on the hammock and Julia in the OBR getting clothes. Austin and Steve in the hOh still talking and Austin tells Steve he has to protect the girl (Liz and Julia) . 5:50pmm BBT: Austin and Steve finish their talk and Steve is leaving the HOh rm as Austin says i still trust you and we are all back and Vanessa is still in the group but it is rough. 5:55pm BBT: Austin now in the Kt with Liz and Julia while they are eating again. Liz says she is thinking of cancelling the date since you have ignored me all day and he says i had to separate some so it will be exciting tonight for our date and Julia says he got ya there to Liz. 5:58pm BBT: Liz and Austin go out to the By where Steve and Johnny Mack are and Austin starts to workout again. Julia in the house making her bed.
  24. 4:00pm -5:00pm BBT: julia and vanessa taling about it might be best to get rid of meg this week. In the HOh rm Julia, Liz, vanessa and Steve talk about final 2 deal he made with John. steve ask if he can ask a question and the girls say ok and he ask what the plan is for this week and liz says she does not know untill she talks to austin. they staet talking about meg and her crying and why she was crying they do not understand why. Vanessa calls Meg a hyprocrit and says she is a manipulator.
  25. 3:01pm BBT: Vanessa still talking to Steve in the CBR says says know what? since i told you i did not have a final two with Johnny i really didn't but since then he came to me and he probably did tell them that. Steve ask can i tell him about having this conversation with you about Johnny and Vanessa ask who? Steve says Austin and Vanessa says no do not tell Austin. Vanessa says just tell him hmmm just be honest who cares. 3:06pm BBt: Steve and Vanessa head out of the CBr. Steve looks out in the BY then goes out. Vanessa goes to the Wc. 3:11pm BBt: Austin goes into the Wa and Vanessa starts telling him what Steve said.(After she told Steve not to tell Austin). Austin explains to Vanessa how Johnny Mack and Steve has been together since shelli cause shelli did that to them. Now they only thing that would save us from the Shelli and clay things was James and Vanessa laughs. Austin says well if you take one of them off the block and i have to put James or meg up and they think they are a pawn then we vote them out then i can not help it. 3:16pm BBT: Austin says well if we out up James then we have a weak meg or put up meg and have a stronger James which way do we go? Vanessa says i don't know. 3:23pm BBt: Austin and Vanessa still going over who would be best to backdoor this week and next week or if johnny Mack wins HOh who would he try to go after and backdoor and Vanessa says could it be one of us? Austin says that is what i do not know. then Austin says it is scary if Jackie comes back this week it will make James and meg stronger so i don't know. 3:39pm BBT: Hg in the By quiet as they look to be sleeping laying by the pool. Vanessa and Austin still in the Wa talking about who is after who in the house and who will be on jury and who will come back in the house this week after eviction. 3:31pm BBT: Steve walks in the Wa and breaks up the talk looking for a laundry basket. he grabs a basket and Vanessa tells him that is not a laundry basket and Steve says well it will work. 3:32pm BBT: Austin says yeah based on what Johnny has told me you could force my hand and i would have to put one of them up either meg or James and then i tell them that i did not know you was going to use it and put one of them up. Vanessa looks at him and says would that work though? Austin says yeah. 3:35pm BBt: James comes in and Austin says that week i was confused so i don't know and James gets in the shower. Austin says control and believe and Vanessa laughs and says Control. Austin heads out of the Wa. 3:38pm BBT: Austin now back in the By working out again. James in the shower and most Hg laying by the pool inn silence. 3:44pm BBt: Vanessa sitting alone at the KT table. Liz and Julia making food in the Kt. Most Hg by the pool just general talk going on. 3:48pm BBt: In the Kt James ask Julia, Vanessa and Liz if they are getting a hair cut after they leave the house and Liz says i am getting a mani, a pedi and a facial when i get out of here i am treating myself.



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