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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:00am BBT: All Hg sound asleep in darkened rooms. 9:34am BBT: we now have FOTH as BB may be waking the HG. 9:47am BBT: most Hg in the Wa doing ADL's Vanessa goes back to the CBR and gets back in bed. john is in bed sleeping. Julia comes in being loud looking for clothes. 9:48am BBT: Liz asking Steve how his HOh room and basket was and he says it was great just the light does not turn off in the bathroom and she says i know. Austin and Steve go to the KT. 9:54am BBT: Liz and Austin are back in bed snuggling. Steve is walking around the KT area looking nervous. 9:58am BBT: Julia in the Kt making breakfast and Steve says here in a little while he will talk to everyone, he says i want to make sure that everyone wanting to talk to me has ample opportunities to do so. Julia says yeah ok. 11:59am BBT: Steve goes to the cabana rm and paces.
  2. 1:00pm BBT: James and meg in the HNBR and James is throwing pillows on Meg she ask why are you doing this to me? He says i only have a few more hours to mess with you. He ask her if she feels secure now and she says yes. 1:02pm BBT: James says he forgot to take his meds this morning. He says at least i do not have to take birth control pills cause he would be bad on them. he ask meg did you take yours today are you regular and she tells him to mind his own business. He says what i am just looking out for you. Meg laughs. 1:06pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve in the CBR talking about the HOh game coming up and how to get acceleration on the ball and how to get friction on it to get it to go where they want it to go. Vanessa says this game was not made for a strong arm so that's why we had to throw the ball to help slow it down.
  3. 12:21pm BBT: Hg going down stairs as Vanessa gathers her things to move back down. Austin moving the chess game back out to the balcony table. James and meg in the KT, James eating slop. 12:23pm BBT: Julia in the OBR talking to Liz then says she is on the feeds now and says Bye and Liz says bye. Julia leaves the OBR. In the KT is John pacing around as meg cooks Slop and James is eating no talking going on. Austin comes in and looks around then leaves. 12:27pm BBT: Austin now in bed snuggling with Liz. James, meg and johnny Mack in KT eating and saying they have about 4 more hours. 12:29pm BBT: Vanessa and Julia bring food down from the HOh rm and put it in the KT.John goes to see what Vanessa put over on the counter. 12:34pm BBT: Julia is finishing up her packing as Liz and Austin lay in the bed watching her. James, meg and John in the KT eating their slop. and we get FOTH. 12:37pm BBT: Liz ask Julia if she put her luggage in the STr. She says yeah. In the KT James is quoting a song and Bb says stop singing. James says they know that song. Meg laughs. 12:43pm BBT: Meg has finished her slop and is washing her bowl, Johnny Mack is still cooking his slop. Austin and Liz still laying in the bed snuggling. 12:46pm BBT: Meg now in the OBR packing her last minute things while Liz and Austin talk about marinating meat for tonight.Austin gets up and heads to the KT. 12:48pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin in the WA talking and Austin says no matter what happens you have the tie vote. Austin asking if he needs to make a deal before HOH otr after and Vanessa says I would do it now. Vanessa says if he does not put me up against one of you guys then we are good. Austin says right. 12:57pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin talking about playing chess on their next lock down. 12:58pm BBT: Hg just walking around getting ready for the Live show tonight and eating not much talking going on.
  4. 10:00am BBT: Liz and Austin in the KT making breakfast. Steve drinking water and Julia just walking around telling Steve his face is all red. Meg and James are talking general talk ion the HNBR. James then says it is going to be weird seeing everyone back on finale night and we get foth. 10:04am BBT: Meg and James get up and grab blankets to go to HOH rm. Austin and Liz eating. Vanessa tells Steve to go to sleep. Meg ask if Steve is sick? he says yeah and Meg says i am the biggest germaphobe ever. James in the HOh rm with Johnny Mack. Julia comes in and gets on the bed. James tells johnny Mack that Steve is sick. 10:09am BBT: Meg now in the HOh rm and sits on the bed next to Julia then lays down complaining about the dentist chairs and how they make her hurt so bad. She says thank God she is done now. Vanessa now heads to the HOh rm. Steve going up right behind her. 10:11am BBT: we now have FOTH as HG make their way to the HOH rm. 10:17am BBT: WE are now on Jeffs Reels.
  5. 9:00am BBT: Hg still sleeping. 9:09am BBT: WE now have FOTH as BB may be waking them for the day. 9:21am BBT: Steve is sitting alone in the LVR, Meg and James awake in the HNBR. James says i do not do good under pressure. Meg says it will kick in after I leave. James then ask i wounder what room i will sleep in. meg says you can have my bed. 9:26am BBT: Julia comes to the LVR and ask Steve what is wrong with you and Steve says i am just tired. Julia says i didn't get to sleep to easy lastnight either. Julia says it is corner day and Steve says it is corner day. Steve goes to the KT and moves M&M's then goes back to the LVR. 9:28am BBT: Johnny Mack is up gets his headband and heads to the HOH rm. Meg and James are still in the HNBR just talking general talk. Steve still in the LVR thinking alone. 9:33am BBT: Johnny Mack in the HOH rm listening to music while Vanessa is doing ADL's. James and meg in the HNBR talking about James shirt that Meg took and he says do not worry about it it's just a shirt. Feeds go to Steve and Julia in the WA. Julia goes into the WC and Steve just stands then starts pacing. 9:39am BBT: Julia is now in the KT and steve goes to the OBR and tells Liz and austin he is tired he could not sleep. austin ask why anxiety? Steve says i do not know. 9:42am BBT: Steve gets his blankets and pillows and heads to the HOh rm and gets in his corner. Vanessa ask did i miss anything from Wednesday? he says no why? She says just asking that's all. Vanessa says you are not going to do anything crazy right? He says no she says cause i am reasonable and you know that he says i know you are. he tells her he just got through throwing up, She ask why and he says i do not know. She tells him no hug for him today and to go lay down. 9:48am BBT: Julia eating breakfast talking to Steve about him staying up all night and being sick. James and meg talking in the HNBR about Steve and Johnny Mack and if they would flip. 9:54am BBT: James says i think they have a deal. Austin Vanessa and Steve and maybe Johnny Mack is in there somewhere. Steve goes to the HOH rm and as Johnny Mack can one of us please win today? Johnny Mack says yeah . Steve ask do you think we made the right decision? Johnny Mack says yeah I do. 9:56am BBT: James and meg talking about them saying that Becky said this and Becky said that and wanted them gone so Becky went home. Vanessa in the KT with Steve and Julia now talking about balancing sound.
  6. 2:00pm BBT: James yelling that Bb has to do better for have nots next year he says I love them dentist chairs i can sleep in them for 16 hours. The girls yell James at the same time and tell him to shut up. James says BB18 better be ready is all i got to say. 2:01pm BBT: James says what sucks is you have to get this on one ball just one ball and Austin says right. Julia is now up practicing again while everyone else watches. 2:09pm BBT: Steve is now up practicing and Hg are cheering him on. Vanessa standing waiting for her turn. 2:15pm BBT: Hg now taking turns rolling one ball each to see how they do with rolling one as they suspect they will only get one roll in the HOH comp tomorrow night. 2:20pm BBT: All Hg are now in the house on a lockdown and practice time is over. Most Hg in the KT eating , James and meg in the HNBR whispering , Meg says that Austin told her that he knows that there is going to come a time when he has to vote one of the girls out but feels like this is not the week and he says he does not know what will happen to him and Liz after the show. James says oh shit. 2:22pm BBT: Meg saying Austin has a girlfriend when he has a girlfriend at home and i guess that is why he is so super romantic. James says well just get it in your head. meg says i already have it in my head i am leaving tomorrow night. 2:26pm BBT: John in the HOh rm listening to music while Vanessa is in the shower. meg and James in the HNBR talking about Austin and Vanessa and they need to leave.
  7. 1:02pm BBT: John is telling about some dental procedures he has done before. Austin and Liz still snuggling and kissing in the OBR. 1:04pm BBT: Austin ask Liz if she is ready for breakfast and she says yeah he ask what we going to have Liz says i do not know. Steve comes in the Kt on his way to the WC. Julia says this slop is good with ketchup and laughs. 1:08pm BBT: Liz and Austin now in the KT going to make breakfast and Julia says good morning y'all Johnny Mack and I have been up for hours. Steve comes in the KT from the WC and sits down at the table. 1:11pm BBT: Julia says we should do an Austin workout session today. Austin says yeah John needs one and Julia says so does Julia and Liz as she laughs. Austin says he is so upset cause they locked the back yard down already. 1:14pm BBT: The BY is open again and Liz says holy shit it is a chance game and they HG go out to see their practice game. Liz reads one ball at a time and try to land the ball. then we get FOTH. 1:19pm BBT: Hg out in the BY practicing for the HOh comp tomorrow as they have to roll a ball on a curved wood platform. BB calls Vanessa to the DR. 1:23pm BBT: James says there is probably going to be numbers at the side of this and going to be a knock out game. Julia agrees. James is up to practice now after Julia. Julia says these balls are heavy. 1:27pm BBT: Liz is now rolling the balls and practicing while Austin watches closely James is retrieving the balls. 1:38pm BBT: Vanessa now taking her turn at rolling the balls and says this is hard as shit. Steve is standing in the shade watching her. Austin is now going to take another turn. James says Austin you should just reach your arms are long enough as Liz tells him that he is doing it to high. Julia ask do you think throwing it is better and Austin says you have to give it some lift ya know. 1:44pm BBT: James is now up practicing again as the other Hg are sitting around the BY watching and Austin walking around. 1:48pm BBT: James says he wishes they was allowed to have Gatorade and Julia says i would love it. James says we are going to pass out. John takes his turn at practicing now. 1:54pm BBT: Steve is now rolling the ball and everyone yelling that was good. Vanessa standing in the shade not saying anything to anyone. meg and Julia yell pot ball tonight and Austin says this is as close as you are going to get and they laugh. 1:57pm BBT: James talking about other season where they was up till 4am practicing for a comp and Austin says that is why they do not let us have that much time so we can not be out here all day and night.
  8. 12:00pm BBT: John in the KT eating his slop, Austin goes to the Wc. Julia making coffee in the KT. 12:10pm BBT: John tells Julia to squeeze pickles in her water for something different. Julia says yeah pickle water. They then talk about how to make slop. Meg is now getting up again and putting her mic on. Austin and Liz snuggling in bed again. 12:22pm BBT: John and Julia in the KT talking about movies. Austin laying on top of Liz in the OBR. 12:23pm BBT: John, Meg, Julia talking about playing a comp where they can go to a movie. Julia says there should be a comp like that soon. john says A new twist every single week. Julia ask did you have to say that? john says no Julie said that. 12:35pm BBT: Julia and meg in the Kt talking about the slop they are cooking. 12:40pm BBT: John, Julia talking about the differences in weather in their states. Liz and Austin in the OBR in bed snuggled together and kissing. 12:46pm BBT: John and Julia talking about weekend visits to Disney and magic kingdom. Liz is now sitting on top of Austin in the Bed in the OBR. 12:50pm BBT: Julia still cooking slop as she talks to John about Disney and building houses and scary makeup. She says i do not like scary stuff though but Austin would love it. 12:51pm BBT: Liz and Austin moving around on the bed, Liz throws covers off and says i have shorts on people as she looks at the camera and Austin says we are just getting cozy that's all. 12:57pm BBT: John and Julia talking about going to Jamaica and having fun but if it rains it would suck. Julia is still cooking the slop. She then ask John if he is at that age to be invited to alot of weddings now? he says yeah. Julia says i want my friends to start getting married so i can go to their weddings cause i love weddings.
  9. 11:14am BBT: Steve walking around the house and Austin up going to KT while Liz changes her batteries. The HN are still all Sleeping. 11:19am BBt: Vanessa in the By on the elliptical Steve is doing his laundry. 11:21am BBT: Steve talking to Vanessa asking how long they have DR's today and Vanessa says like they tell me that stuff and Steve says yeah i thought you had magic powers then we get FOTH. 11:23am BBT: Liz and Austin in bed snuggling. Vanessa still in the BY on the elliptical. 11:29am BBT: Meg is up goes to the WC. James is moving around in his chair in the HNBR. Vanessa still in the BY on the elliptical. Everyone else seems to still be sleeping. 11:31am BBT: Meg washing her hands and brushing her teeth now. Vanessa is now getting a drink of water from the BY fridge then back on the elliptical. 11:34am BBT: Meg goes back to the HNBR and gets back in her chair with her shades on. John stretches and says he is going to go see the outside quickly. He gets up and heads out of the HNBR. 11:35am BBT: John goes out to the BY and Vanessa ask him how he is doing and he says i am good just wanted to see the outside before the lock down. John ask how she is and she says good this is day 4 on the cardio cant go home to my girlfriend all flabby you know and john laughs. 11:37am BBT: Vanessa tells john that the girls (Liz and Julia) were nervous lastnight that you was hanging in the HNBR with them (James, Meg) lastnight. John says yeah they was campaigning, Vanessa says it is better for meg to go for my game and for everyone's game. Vanessa says i hope you are working on James so he will be on our side. Julia comes out in a bikini and John says Damn. She says i have to tan. john says yeah we only have 30 minutes left in the BY. 11:41am BBT: Julia says it seems funny seeing my luggage in the STR Vanessa says you know you are good girl just go with the motions. Julia says i Know i have to do my speech too. 11:49am BBT: Julia laying in the sun going to sleep, meg and james sleeping in the HNBR. 11:51am BBT: Austin and Vanessa in BY doing laundry and Austin stretching on the pool table. John in the WA washing his hands. 11:57am BBT: Most Hg up doing ADL's and spending time in the BY before the lock down.
  10. 10:02am BBT: Hg still sound asleep in dark rooms. 10:06am BBT: Steve gets up and goes to the WC, Meg is up heading to the WC now. Steve has gone back to bed. Meg out of the WC washed hands and then goes to the STR to change batteries then back to the HNBR to go back to bed. 10:35am BBT: All Hg still sleeping. 10:56pm BBT: BB calls John to the DR, everyone else still sleeping.
  11. 9:ooam BBT: Hg still sound asleep. 9:30am BBT: Hg still sleeping in darkened rooms. 9:40am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB could be waking the HG. 9:44am BBT: Vanessa is up and going down stairs to the DR. All other Hg still sleeping. 9:49am BBT: Austin is up goes to the WC then to the STR to change his batteries then heads back to bed.
  12. 2:01pm BBTL Austin and Liz leave the HOH rm and Vanessa goes out the door telling Steve to come hang out with her when he gets a second. he says ok as he washes dishes. 2:09pm BBT: Steve still doing dishes Julia goes out to the BY and Liz says pool day and Julia says yeah. Meg and James are still sleeping in the HNBR. 2:14pm BBT: Steve goes to talk to Vanessa and Steve tells her that Meg never asked for his vote at all. Vanessa says really? He says yeah we was just talking and she was not talking game. All Meg told me was she was after one person only. Vanessa ask who and Steve says she really did not tell me that was all the game talk we heard. Steve says Meg told him she is going to do some hard core campaigning soon but it is not happening yet. Vanessa stays i have one question for you and it odes not leave this room. Steve says ok , Vanessa ask do you think it is in the plans for Austin to vote Julia out and Steve says no i do not see that happening. Vanessa says well it is something to think about that you ,John and Austin could vote Julia out or you James and John could and Steve says and blame it on me? Vanessa nods her head. 2:22pm BBT: Vanessa asking Steve if he gets HOh would he put up Liz and James or John and he says yeah and she ask him what if the vote was for Liz or john which way do you go and he says i would have to keep Liz. 2:28pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve in the HOH BR repeating themselves as Julia and Liz laying by the pool talking about why Vanessa nominated Julia and then they talk about IF THEY VOTE Julia OUT Liz WILL BE PISSED. 2:32PM bbt: sTEVE TELLS VANESSA THAT JAMES IS NOT GOING AFTER VANESSA THAT HE IS GOING AFTER Austin, lIZ AND VANESSA AND VANESSA SAYS GOOD THEN WE CAN NOT VOTE OUT Julia THIS WEEK AND sTEVE SAYS HE IS ABSOLUTELY NOT GOING TO. bB CALLS st Eve TO THE dr. Julia AND Liz IN THE by LAYING BY THE POOL AND jULIA IS TRYING TO GET A SPEECH TOGETHER FOR THURSDAY NIGHT. 2:40pm BBT: A helicopter flies over the BB house and Julia yells HELP!!!! Julia goes inside to the WC as James is getting into the cold shower. Austin and John are working out on weights. 2:47pm BBT: Austin and John still working out and Julia and Liz laying on the hammock. Julia tells Liz that it is family first then boy friends and her dream is to take her boy friend to a Daytona 500 race.
  13. 1:01pm BBT: Liz and Julia go to the cabana rm and Julia says i did not want to do this and if i leave because of this kid i will be pissed cause Vanessa does not act like she cares and neither does Austin even though they said i was safe. Julia says can we talk to Steve now and Liz says no i do not want to corner him. Julia says can we pull Austin in now then and Liz says no not till after he eats. Julia says i feel so alone and Steve is acting funny i am scared i will go home. 1:04pm BBT: Steve goes to the room and Steve hugs Julia and Julia says she is scared and Steve says you 100% have my vote do not worry about it. Julia says i just need to be reassured cause this is the worst feeling ever. Steve says i have your back i told you that before. Julia says i sen you guys up talking all night and i am just scared and Steve says meg has not even talked about votes but she probably will but just do not freak out i am keeping you here.Julia says ok. 1:07pm BBT: Steve assures Julia she does not need to worry at all and she ask for A hug and they leave the Cabana rm and go to the KT. 1:09pm BBT: Steve is checking the Microwave as it has not been working. he moves the coffee pot over and determines it is the outlet not the appliances that do not work. Steve is now going to the DR to let them know. 1:21pm BBT: Meg and James sleeping in the HNBR, Austin and Julia are eating and Liz making her food. Vanessa comes down and talks about her doing her blog and we get FOTH. 1:28pm BBT: smack ,smack, crunch ,crunch, and slurp, slurp, is what you hear as Vanessa, Liz and Julia eat and drink coffee at the Kt table about milk and slop. 1:34pm BBT: Austin goes to the HOPh rm to talk to Vanessa He says I know the votes are locked in but Julia is worried and Vanessa says we can not let them be alone with John and Steve till after eviction. Austin says this is the time to ground it out and stay up all night with them cause that is how the exterminators got Amanda and McCray out. Austin says James came to him and ask him how he was doing and i thin k he is thinking that if he says anything that it will come back to you. Austin says James told me that for the first time I am going to be alone and i want to see who comes to me. 1:41pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin going over what John and Steve are doing and how John and Steve do not talk much anymore. Austin says i am trying to figure out what they are going to do next week. Vanessa says if i am ever on the block with Julia would you vote to keep me or Julia and Austin says that is hard but i would want to keep you. 1:36pm BBT: Vanessa says if Austin wins HOh he needs to put James up and if he wins the POV then Steve goes up and Steve goes home and it is time to get Steve out. Vanessa then says this stays here between us now though. Austin says oh yeah i know. 1: 50pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa still talking about why James needs to go next week and about who needs to win HOH Thursday. Austin says he single handedly put Clay and shelli out so he has to be careful and he has to protect Liz, Julia and Vanessa in this game so I have alot in my hands right now so i really have to think about all this now. Vanessa laughs and says yes you do. 1:55pm BBT: Liz comes in the HOh rm and is worried about Julia being on the block and Austin says that they are talking about HOH next week and then how meg come to talk to him and Steve would not let them be alone like he was trying to make sure that meg did not tell him anything they talked about. Austin says i have seen where the house would flip votes after late night sessions and talking so we have to make sure that John and Steve do not have alone time with meg and James. Vanessa and Liz agree. Vanessa says let me talk to Steve he will tell me everything. Austin says just tonight and tomorrow night just stick close to Steve and Liz says i will not go to sleep for sure.
  14. 12:35pm BBT: Austin, Vanessa, John and Steve sitting in the BY between the large gum drops and Liz is telling them how to pose and whining to Austin to do it right. Meg comes to the BY and says ok I am ready for my picture. 12:37pm BBT: James is still in the HNBR sleeping while all the other Hg are in the BY taking pictures and thinking what other props they can use. 12:47pm BBT: Vanessa still has the Camera as they are all taking pictures Vanessa is trying to learn how to set the timer in the LVR for a group picture. 12:49pm BBT: Hg now at the memory wall taking a group picture except James who is still ion the HNB sleeping. 12:54pm BBT: Meg goes back to the HNBR with James and they are talking about the Dots that meg is eating. Vanessa goes to take the camera back and tells everyone thank you. 12:56pm BBT: Liz and Austin now preparing to make omelettes,Julia making slop for herself, John goes to the BY and Steve making cereal. Meg and James in the HNBR talking about what time it is. 12:58pm BBT: meg talks to the camera and says happy birthday daddy i love you and miss you. James says happy birthday the the mayor and says he heard that he turned 100 years old today and meg laughs.
  15. 10:09am BBT:, We now have FOTH as BB may be playing music to wake the HG for the day. 10:31am BBT: Feeds back and Steve is in the KT looking outside. Meg and James are laying in the dentist chairs. 10:35am BBT: Steve goes to the OBR and turns the lights on then goes to the CBR and goes back to bed. 10:42am BBT: Vanessa is out of the shower and goes back to bed. 10:49am BBT: Vanessa is up again getting ready for the day.
  16. 9:00am BBT: Lights still out and all Hg still sleeping. 9:12am BBT: Liz is up and goes to the WC, She comes out brushes her hair washes her hands then brushes her teeth then grabs her mic and heads back to bed. 9:23am BBT: Austin is now up goes to the WC then washes hands then goes to the STR to changes batteries and returns to bed and snuggles with Liz. 9:37am BBT: Liz in the WA doing ADL's and john is in the BY sitting alone. 9:40am BBT: Meg is gets up and helps James untangle his Mic he says thanks Boo she says welcome. he says i was strangling that thing was wrapped around my neck like six times. 9:47am BBT: BB Calls James to the DR, he goes to the WC then washes hands then to the DR. Liz goes in the WC to get dressed for the day. John has gone back to bed. All other Hg sleeping. 9:58am BBT: BB calls Julia to the DR. James is out and goes to the WA gets his shades and jacket then heads back to the HNBR to go back to bed.
  17. 4:16pm BBT: Austin and Liz in the OBr in bed making out under the covers. Vanessa and Steve playing Chess as Julia watches. 4:27pm BBT: Liz rolls over and says you got me all wet now and then looks at the camera and says he got me all wet from the shorts they was wet from the pool earlier. 4:33pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve still playing Chess and Julia still watching them play and asking question. Austin and Liz still making out in the OBR. 4:46pm BBT: Chess game still going on with Steve and Vanessa . Austin and Liz are looking into each others eyes and smiling as Liz wants to take a nap now. 4:55pm BBT: Steve saying that Vanessa wants him to make a bad move and he can not do it he points all over the board and says that is what i am missing and he ask am i missing something? Vanessa just looks at him . Liz and Austin have finally gone to sleep in the OBR.
  18. 3:00pm BBT: Vanessa says Austin and the twins wanted you up there this week but i know they could have flipped then my game would be screwed but i wanted to show you that i keep my word and at the end of the day i did not betray you. 3:10pm BBT: Vanessa and Johnny Mack are studying for comps and Liz is in the KT getting food while Steve eats a banana. 3:16pm BBT: All HG except for Vanessa and Johnny Mack are in the BY talking general talk. Vanessa and johnny Mack are talking in the HOH rm about dating sites. 3:22pm BBt: In the BY Steve is telling everyone that Ian had 20/20 vision, meg says what and Steve says yeah the glasses was his character so he had to wear them unlike Vanessa and her glasses. 3:42pm BBT: HG just sitting around the pool and hot tub talking general talk and john in the WA flossing his teeth. 3:45pm BBT: Steve and meg talking about being worried about what has been said in the DR about them. Steve says tell me Jason did not rail me in the DR and meg says i do not know. 3:52pm BBT: Meg in the KT cooking slop. Steve reading calories and grams on the fun dip packs. He says there is more sugar in soda than in fun dip and meg says she is never drinking soda again. John is standing there listening and laughing. IN the BY Austin and Liz are at the hot tub looking into each others eyes. Julia is getting a rinse off in the shower in the BY. 3:58pm BBT: talk in the KT with Steve, John and meg are about farts and how people can not help their bodily gases.
  19. 2:40pm BBT: Vanessa and johnny Mack in the HOh rm and she tells him that James wants to very badly win HOh. johnny Mack says if he does put you up Steve and I have 2 of the votes next week and it will be a tie break. Vanessa says that he will break it though and he wants me gone. 2:42pm BBTL: Vanessa says James concerns me personally and when you guys win HOh you have to do what you have to do personally but it will also be good for my game and I think they the next comps will be questions and he is not good at that so i think we will be ok. johnny Mack says yeah the last veto his ball was to close to the edge and Vanessa says i did not see that. 2:46pm BBT: Johnny Mack and Vanessa still going over who will be stronger in comps and how they can beat Julia, Liz and Austin and we get FOTH. 2:54pm BBT: johnny Mack tells Vanessa that if they had backdoored her last week we would still be in the same position we are in now. He tells her that Julia asked him who he would target if he got to go back in and he told her meg and he says Julie looked at him funny. Vanessa said i did not want James to win the POV cause it was not that i was targeting him i was targeting meg and that's what James is so mad about but at the end of the day i did him a favor, him being with meg is bad for his game.She says after this week you have to start taking out people who are winning comps so James's game is better for this. 2:57pm BBT: Vanessa ask Johnny Mack if he would be willing to put James up next week as a pawn? johnny Mack says would it be good to do that or what? Vanessa says well if you put Liz up then I don't know maybe Julia no Liz is the better one to take out. putting Liz up against James makes is where she will not win a veto. She ask is there one who sits out of veto next week? johnny Mack says no it is irrelevant . Vanessa says we have to assume that everyone will play and it will depend on who wins veto next week.
  20. 11:01am BBT: Meg still crying in the HNBR James in the chair beside her silent. BB says Please lower the outside awnings and Austin and johnny Mack yell then get up to lower them. 11:06am BBT: Meg tells James as she is crying I can not even fight to stay here. BB calls James to the DR. He ask Meg you going to be ok? Meg shakes her head yeah. James says ok be tough out there be tough. James takes a deep breath and heads to the DR. 11:08am BBT: Most hg in the Kt making food, Meg heads to the wc and BB says this is a lock down and we get FOTH then Jeff Reels as Hg do the POV ceremony.
  21. 10:01am BBT: Vanessa says i do believe you James I do but this is what i think it is like first of all you are in the exact same spot in the house that I am and if she goes she goes and there are groups left in this house that are identifiable and you know who they are and you and I are alone in this house. People are going to get in a mind set that if there are duo's then people will try to break those up and if meg goes you wont be a duo anymore and i think it is better for your game. Vanessa says i think meg is a very cool person and i would love to hang out with her and I love her. 10:05pm BBT: Vanessa says i put you up together and i always thought you would stay . Vanessa says I do believe you but this is a one week thing so what happens the next week? She goes on about how it would benefit her if Meg stays and She says everyone respects you in this house and you have come out of really tough situations like sending home Shelli and clay and you came out good in that. 10:08am BBT: Vanessa says i think i need to do what i need to do here and it still is not safe for me next week at all and i need to make myself safe. James just keeps saying yeah. Vanessa says i will say also that i think things in the house will change next week cause things are going to happen that i did not see either and i am not sure what it is but i know that people are going to play safe and i know i will be saying the same to the HOh next week and it will be scary like people think it is super scary in the house now. She says I am sorry if i hurt your feeling and i tried to do this with as much class as I know how but i am not perfect. 10:11am BBT: Vanessa says i want you to see i am alone in this house and i had to break up a duo and i want you to see that and I think you will be stronger if meg leaves. You are strong but meg has won no comps you see? I really hope you see that cause it is really not [personal and if i go to jury and you are there i will be your friend cause i like hanging out with you. 10:14am BBT: Vanessa tells James that she could not put Austin or the twins up cause she is so close to them and she knows they will stick together and I know it is better for his game to get John out but it is not good for my game and when i leave this house i will be good friends with him and hang out with him you know what I mean? Vanessa says ok if you win HOh and you have a good chance and i know you will and i hope you keep this in mind that you use your own mind cause i trust in this game as long as you do not cross me. 10:17am BBT: Vanessa is going on about Austin and the twins being close and she says i might be Austins number 4 but probably not it could be Steve as he is close to Austin too. James says yeah. Vanessa says i appreciate you talking to me and i thought about it for two hours lastnight and i have to do what i have to do and we get foth. 10:21am BBT: James says i just want to spend as much time with Meg as i can before she goes and Vanessa ask if there is anything she can say in her speech to make it easier on meg so she does not feel so bad? James says just maybe tell her that she has some hope to stay so she doesn't feel so sad all week and I do not want to go down there and tell her that she is going. 10:25pm BBT: Vanessa talking about she does not want everyone mad in the jury house and i have had to make alot of moves in this house and it is a tough game in here and if i make it to finals i hope people looks at it like a strategic move and i wish i had friends in here but i don't i been alone but i am gay and it made it rough in here. 10:27am BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the dr so James leaves and goes down stairs. Julia and meg in the Wa doing ADL's. 10:34am BBT: Vanessa comes into the HOH rm and Vanessa says so here is the thing i stayed up for 2 hours lastnight thinking about what you said and it was almost to good to be true and i actually believe James will do this so if i do this i will be left with a duo and a trio and i can not piss anyone else off cause i already pissed you two off and johnny Mack off so games wise it is not a good play and i have more respect for you than anyone else in this house and i really like you but i do not know what to do and this is not personal and I do not want to blind side you but i can say it will be a replacement nom you will not like but i have to finish the job. 10:37am BBT: Vanessa says just please do not stop fighting but after noms it is out of my hands so just fight for it. Meg says ok and starts crying and starts to leave the HOh rm. Vanessa says meg i thought about this seriously and i thought about BB and what i know about game play and so i thought it was safe to finish the job and i started. 10:40am BBT: Meg says i do not think you understand i and i feel like you are making the wrong move i know i am not supposed to leave like this. Vanessa says i understand but i can not get any more blood on my hands. meg says i understand but you could have it better if you got rid of two people then you would have two people on your side and before i would have thought this was a good game move but you are making a bad game move. Vanessa says i have one more reason for you and i think if i leave you in the house over john or Steve then i have loo at who i will go home over and i think i have a better chance with them than i do you. 10:43am BBT: Vanessa says i Just want to give you A big hug and say i am sorry i am sorry i am sorry and that's it. meg says that's ok and leaves the HOh rm crying. 10:47am BBT: Meg is in the OBR going through her things then goes to the HNBR where James is standing just watching her go lay down and cry. Austin and Liz in the KT making breakfast. 10:52am BBT: James talking to Meg in the HNBR. James says Vanessa is saying that we are the easiest couple to go after she is scared of going after austin and so we was the easiest. She said that if she took Johnny Mack out then she would have two people pissed at her and she didn't want that but I feel like Johnny Mack and Steve are together and she will not go after them. Meg says it is ok i am over it. James says as long as you and I are together we will always go up together. 10:56am BBT: meg is sitting in her dentist chair crying, James going through his things . James changes clothes. Johnny Mack sitting in the BY alone.
  22. 9:00am BBT: Lights are still out in the BB house as Hg are still sleeping. 9:33am BBT: HG still sound asleep. 9:37am BBT: We now have FOTH this could be their wake up call as BB called Vanessa to the DR. 9:50am BBT: James is going to the OBR where meg is and talking about doing the pov. James heads to the Kt then looks outside, He heads up the stairs and ask if Vanessa is up there. Steve says i do not think so, I did not see her come out. Bb then says Vanessa please relocate your transmitter. Vanessa is laying in the HOH bed. James heads up to HOH rm. 9:54pm BBT: James goes in and Vanessa says meg came up lastnight with a good offer and it is a good offer if i can believe it. James says yeah that was my thought. Vanessa says it is a good offer and I want to believe it so is it a good thing and do i believe her or not so i told her i would talk to you about it. James says i am just coming up here and we get FOTH. 9:56pm BBT: James telling Vanessa that if he wins he will keep her off the block and i do not want to see meg go home i want her here with me and she is no threat. Vanessa says if you and meg stay together then you two will always be put up together cause you are strong. She ask are you willing to make these deals if i can not promise she will stay? James says i know i will be going up again and i am basically doing this for meg and i told her i would try to keep her here one more week. 9:59pm BBT: James says i just want you to know that if she stays you know we will work with you and i will not break deals or do anything crazy. I promised meg i would talk to you and she does does not want to go home this week so i promised her i would talk to you cause she feels like it is my fault she is going home and it kinda is. Vanessa says why because you won? James says yeah
  23. 9:00am BBT: Hg still sleeping. 9:35am BBT: Hg still sound asleep. 10:00am BBT: HG still snuggled in their beds sleeping except John who is up going to the WC. 10:08am BBT: John comes out of the Wc and washes his hands then goes to the STR to change his batteries, then to the BY for some alone time. 10:20am BBT: John swinging in the hammock rubbing his eyes. Meg goes to the Wc then washes her hands and uses mouth wash gets her Mic and heads back to bed. 10:42am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB could be waking the HG for the day. 10:55am BBt: John still on the hammock in the BY. James, Julia and meg still in bed in the HNBR. 10:57am BBT: Vanessa sitting alone in the Kt eating.Austin and Liz in the STR changing batteries.
  24. 8:03pm BBT:James now carrying his clothes to the washer to wash after Steve does. Austin in the HOH rm saying that Meg is the best to keep this week for the future. Julia and Vanessa say they can not believe that Vanessa did not find James's Veto. Vanessa says she will talk to meg and she will talk to johnny Mack also. Austin says if you put Johnny Mack up then we have an option but if you put Julia up we have no options. 8:10pm BBT: Meg tells James that they are either going to put Johnny Mack up or one of them she will not put Steve up and they are up there right now talking about it. James says we need to go talk to Vanessa and see where we are at. Next week if I win HOh that ass is mine. Johnny Mack says when two more people leave then there is no more back door anymore. 8:17pm BBT: HG repeating themselves in the HOh rm and in the BY about who to put up and who to vote out and who will be leaving if James wins HOH next week. 8:21pm BBT: In the By Johnny Mack and Meg at the Hot tub while James paces the By and they talk about they will see what happens. johnny Mack is going to go talk to Vanessa now and meg says it is you and i James to play pool. 8:22pm BBt: In the HOh rm Steve, Liz, Julia, Austin and Vanessa talking and Johnny Mack comes in and lays on the bed as they talk about the glass table getting knocked over in the veto comp. talk turns to talking about food and calories. 8:29pm BBT: In the HOh rm just general talk about past HOh comps. meg and James playing Pool in the BY. 8:33pm BBT: Austin telling how he just ransacked room his first time in the house looking for the veto cards. Steve says they played this game before as a veto i think Danielle won it. Liz ask where Danielle hid hers at and Steve said the slop bucket in the fridge. Austin says he is going to go work out and leaves. 8:36pm BBT: Austin talking to James and meg in the BY and he says he needs to get Johnny Mack out since he took him out already and he will come after me. James says well me i have a beef with Vanessa and i want her to know i never made a personal attack on her and she has thrown me on the block twice now and she probably said she wanted me to go home. Austin says he wants to be careful of Vanessa seeing him talking to them until, johnny Mack is on the block then i can convince her to keep meg. 8:43pm BBT:In the HOH rm Vanessa and Steve talking to John and Vanessa says she is faced with a dilemma and she feels terrible. She says tell me what you would do if you was me so think about it and get back to me tomorrow. Vanessa says i should not talk game when i am this drunk so both of you should come talk to me tomorrow when i am sober ok are you ok with that? john says yeah. 8:46pm BBT: In the By Austin is talking about John and how he walks around with his Rambo bandanna but he says i do not know what she will do. Meg says it is so hard not knowing her game. 8:50pm BBT: Austin is talking to James and meg still and Liz is standing there Listening. Austin says we do not know why she is thinking this way. Liz ask did you guys ever have a problem with me? meg says no we never have. 8:53pm BBT: James says to Austin and Liz that he and meg have no beef with them at all. meg says no we do not. and we get FOTH,. 8:56pm BBT: In the HOh rm John, Steve and Vanessa talking and Vanessa says so basically this is alot more risk i wanted to take on and john says i will take on risk with you. Vanessa says how will you do that? john says if you trust them i will go up there and Vanessa says that is the thing they are pressuring keeping Meg and saying it is a waste of an hoh if meg leaves. they are scared i think cause they have seen you hang out with James and that is their fear.
  25. 7:03pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa in the HOh rm still talking about what to do and then about drinking the wine. Vanessa says isn't my girlfriend cute and shows a picture. Steve says it is day 73 in this house and i am going crazy and i will leave it at that. Vanessa says are you saying what i think you are saying and Steve says it is day 73 Vanessa and i have been good. Vanessa ask can you make it another 3 weeks? he says i am going to try. Vanessa ask if he can get James so she can talk to him? 7:08pm BBT: Vanessa ask Steve if he wants to get drunk with her and he says no he does not care for wine and he hugs her and leaves the room. In the HNBR James and Meg are talking about Vanessa going to the HOh rm and hiding. meg ask who is she going to put up and he says i do not know. James says Vanessa knows she messed up. Meg says she seen Steve go to the HOh rm and James says he better stay up there cause she knows she messed up. Meg says what if we both get to stay? James says we might cause she knows she messed up. 7:12pm BBT: James says i am going to tell Vanessa that if she takes you out it is a waste of an HOH and i am going to tell everyone that so do not take it personal. Meg laughs and says ok i won't. 7:15pm BBT: James says he is pissed and he will make sure Meg gets off the block he says you just wait and see. James says stay tuned Big brother. John comes in and they start talking about american eagle pants. Meg ask John if he is eating the sour dots and he says yeah. James is eating slop and pacing the room. 7:20pm BBT: Austin and Liz in HOh talking to Vanessa and Austin says just be glad we will all be here on Thursday. Liz says i am scared of James and Austin says well he is here now. Austin is saying that James and johnny Mack i see them winning to final with me cause they are strong together. Vanessa says johnny Mack has not been up here one time since i been hoh so why wont he talk to me. Vanessa shares her wine with them and Austin says you are going hard at that bottle and Vanessa says i know. 7:25pm BBT: Austin, Vanessa and Liz talking about where everyone hid their vetos at and where they was looking and the mess they made. In the HNBR Meg, James and johnny Mack are talking about James winning the Veto and James says Johnny Mack and i know what to do when we have our backs against the wall. 7:27pm BBT: Vanessa says i know i can not put Steve up on the block and i can not put you are Liz up cause you both are a target so the only other person i can put up as a pawn and i am just going to throw this out there is Julia cause Steve will vote Meg out and you two would not vote Julia out so i might have tot put her up. But if i put Johnny Mack u[p he might be the one to leave if the votes get flipped. 7:34pm BBT: Julia joins the conversation in the HOH rm and Austin says Ok meg goes and Johnny Mack stay and he is talking to James alot and if Johnny Mack wins HOh he will not put Steve up and then Meg will not win anything so if it is physical and meg can not win it. OK so if Johnny Mack wins HOh in the double eviction does he put James and Steve up or what so who leaves cause there is no guarantee that he will put them up. So now we have to think what is best for the 4 of us. In the HNBR James is saying that she put Vanessa in a pickle huh. Meg says yeah. 7:42pm BBT: In the HOh rm Liz, Julia, Austin and Vanessa talking about How James needed to go this week. Liz says i can beat Meg and i can not beat johnny Mack. Vanessa says yeah but if meg stays then James still is strong with her and if meg is gone We can convince him to put johnny Mack and Steve up and Austin says how can we do that he wont do it i do not think. 7:50pm BBT: Austin still telling Vanessa that if john went out this week then bye Rambo. Vanessa says can you guys guarantee that you all can beat meg in a comp? Austin says yeah and Liz says without a doubt. Austin says even Steve can beat meg. Vanessa says Steve will be mad if i get rid of johnny Mack though. Vanessa says then when do we get meg out i do not want her here. Austin says i know she will go. 7:54pm BBT: Austin says Johnny Mack and meg on the block together does not mean one has lost cause it could go either way you see what i mean? Liz says i want James out so bad i can not stand him. Austin says i know but we cant now. Vanessa says My HOh was a waste and Liz says no Austins was a waste and Austin says no look at it this way we were kept safe. 7:58pm BBT: John and meg in the BY sitting with their feet in the hot tub as the Hg have the By back open now. Steve comes out and starts laundry.



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