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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 2:00pm BBT: Steve comes to the OBR and ask where everyone is, Liz says we all been up and we all just laid down so you are the odd man out. She yells sleepy Steve. Austin says we are going to do a workout later though and Steve says i might do your workout then. 2:06pm BBT: Austin, Liz and steve talking about past HG, everyone else in bed sleeping. 2:16pm BBT: Steve talking about James and Chelsea and their season and how James came back in the house and how he beat Chelsea in the game but he says i am not real sure how it happened. Steve gets up and says let me go ask and Austin tells him yeah give it a shot. Liz in the Wa singing I don't want to pack. Julia comes out of the WC and washes her hands. 2:19pm BBT: Austin wraps a blanket around himself walks into the CBR and says Julia and turns the light off and gets on the floor and crawls to Julia's bed , Grabs her foot and she screams then yells Austin. Austin leaves and goes to the KT and tells Liz what he did and how Julia screamed. 2:25pm BBT: Julia, Vanessa and John asleep in the CBR. Austin and Liz snuggling in the OBR going over winners of the pov comps and the hoh comps. 2:38pm BBT: Steve in the KT talking to Liz about ants being in the cereal. Liz asked did you eat the cereal and Steve says i did not. Liz laughs and goes back to bed. 2:47pm BBT: Austin and Liz snuggled in bed talking general talk and snuggling and saying they are tired but not tired enough to sleep. 2:52pm BBT: Vanessa is now awake in the KT getting something to eat and sits at the table alone crunching chips. 2:59pm BBT: Steve talking to himself says next week if John wins the HOh it does not matter cause the replacement wont matter there will be three votes,If john or Vanessa wins which is my best scenario that Austin goes. if Austin or Liz wins then they will oput a combination of me John or Vanessa up then they will be forced if we win veto to put their showmance up cause there would be no people left. he then yawns and goes silent. 3:04pm BBT: Steve says here is the thing i do trust Vanessa, I do not think she is anything like Christine cause Christine stared at Cody . 3:07pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa in the Wa talking while Vanessa does her makeup, Steve in the HOh rm just staring at the walls. 3:10pm BBT: Steve playing with the remote as he lays on his HOh bed, He says ok lets see Becky said she will vote for Vanessa then he goes silent, Then he says why am i worrying cause they left awhile ago. Steve now going over different scenarios about who will win HOh and who will go on the block and who will go home. 3:13pm BBT: Austin and Liz get things from the STr for dinner tonight, Steve comes down stairs and goes to the WA to talk to Vanessa BB calls him to the DR and Austin says here we go. 3:19pm BBT: Julia asking if anyone took the nail clippers out of storage and John says they was still there cause i used them a couple of hours ago. Vanessa is doing her nails at the KT table while John is eating lunch and Austin is making food saying he is so tired he can not sleep. 3:31pm BBT: Liz, Austin, John and Vanessa in the Kt talking about doing color by numbers and John says i was never good at that. 3:39pm BBT: Liz, Vanessa, John and Austin talking about video games they have played on Nintendo and playstation. 3:50pm BBT: Hg now talking about alligators in Florida and Austin says i would love alligators and Liz says there is a lane and another lane then a canal and there are alligators in that , Austin says i would love that and Liz says not if you are running out of gas you wouldn't. 3:53pm BBT: BB calls Austin to the DR. Steve is now in the KT walking around and then heads to the HOh rm. Liz doing her nails. 3:55pm BBT: John, Liz and Vanessa talking about playing mini golf. Steve in the HOh rm talking to himself again saying i don't know and gets a snack and paces the room.Steve says in final four the nominees are completely worthless. it does not mean anything in final four as he paces the HOH rm.
  2. 1:02pm BBT: Austin is making breakfast while Julia and Liz are walking around just talking general talk and laughing. John in the WA brushing his teeth. 1:13pm BBT: Austin is still cooking, Julia talking general talk and Liz walking around the KT. John in WA shaving.Steve in HOh rm sleeping. 1:20pm BBT: Liz, Julia and Austin talking about Dani Danoto and her seasons and what place she was in on her seasons. Vanessa getting dressed in the WA and John in the shower. 1:27pm BBT: Liz, Julia and Austin talking about tattoos and Liz says that the color on the hand tattoos do not last as long as the ones on the body. 1:31pm BBT: Austin is now in the Wa flat ironing his hair. Julia and Liz at the Kt table talking about doing their nails today. John is finishing his shower. 1:33pm BBT: Julia and Liz are talking about they have to split up the make up and the hair stuff. they talk about hoping they do not have to wear athletic wear tomorrow. Julia says that would suck. In the Wa Austin and john talk about working out in the LVR. 1:39pm BBT: John telling Vanessa that Austin is going to shave his back later today. Vanessa laughs and says you got to look good for them shirtless days next week cause you are the second beefiest guy in this house and john laughs. 1:43pm BBT: John clips his nails in the STr over the trash can then goes to the CBR and goes back to bed. Liz is washing dishes in the KT and Austin is making a drink. 1:49pm BBT: Vanessa and John going back to sleep now, Steve in the HOh rm sleeping, Austin laying on the bed in the OBR watching Liz and Julia packing things and separating clothes. 1:51pm BBT: Liz tells Julia what she wants to keep then says that was easy and crawls in bed with Austin. Julia says i am going to get your robot back too. 1:55pm BBT: Liz and Austin are studying for the upcoming comps on their days and evictions and games they have played.
  3. 12:04pm BBT: Vanessa washes her glass while Julia cleans the KT counters. John is now up in the CBR getting dressed. 12:06pm BBT: BB tells Julia to please stop singing, John walks into the KT saying dammit Julia, She says i love it when they call me out personally as she gets the trash and takes it to the STR. Steve comes down stairs and looks outside. 12:08pm BBT: John makes a bowl of cereal and goes to the BY to eat it, Steve has his head laying on the KT table, Vanessa is putting on shoes in the WA then goes out to the By and gets on the elliptical. Liz and Austin are still in bed sleeping. 12:10pm BBT: John comes back inside to eat and Julia says her time is done here she says I am going to leave you guys here to battle it out. John says white flag? She says yeah white flag is up and walks around eating then goes out to the BY saying it is hot out there. 12:25pm BBT: Vanessa still on the elliptical. Steve still laying his head ion the table in the KT and john walking around the KT. 12:29pm BBT:, John now in the By playing pool alone. Vanessa on the elliptical and Julia lounging on the couch. 12:32pm BBT: Austin and Liz are now awake, Austin sitting up on the end of the bed fixing his hair, Liz rolls over and grabs his arm and hugs it. 12:34pm BBT: Julia tells Vanessa and John she is going to be pissed if they have to wear athletic clothes tomorrow and she has to go out in athletic clothes. John says Julia aren't you an athlete and she says no i want to look pretty. 12:36pm BBT: Liz goes to the BY and ask Julia what she is doing and she says just chilling cause we only have a couple more minutes left out here till they lock us in. Vanessa says Julia has been on a roll this morning she cleaned and cooked. Julia tells Liz it was sad seeing both their suitcases in the STR this morning. 12:42pm BBT: Liz is making herself a cup of coffee and talking to Austin about what might happen tomorrow night and she says maybe they will do the same as they did final 5 last year. 12:49pmm BBT: Julia and Liz talking in the BY and Liz ask what is wrong Julia and she says nothing i am thinking about my speech. 12:50pm BBT: Liz says when Julie calls me i am going to say that i am directing this to my sister. We have made it to final 6 in this house and we never thought we would make it that far but our goal coming in-to the house was to make it in the house together and we did that and we have gotten so much closer now we know we are so much alike now as we both get scared but I am the better cook. Julia says stop i am going to cry. Julia says she does not know what her speech will be. Liz says get Austin to help you. 12:54pm BBT: Vanessa comes out and tells them that the thing she loves about them is they are so honest and they are so close. Vanessa says just name things you like about your sister and how blessed you are for going this far together in this game. Julia says yes thank you i am definitely going to use that. 12:57pm BBT: Vanessa tells Julia and Liz that it is ok to cry just carry a compact. Julia says yeah my makeup will be ruined. The girls head in the house and Bb says HG this is a lock down please go inside and close the sliding glass door. Julia says bye BY i will never see you again.
  4. 11:01am BBT: Julia in the KT eating a banana and looking at the memory wall, All other Hg in bed sleeping. 11:03am BBT: Julia goes out to the BY to get water out of the fridge then goes and gets on the elliptical. 11:24am BBT: Julia is off the elliptical and gets more water then heads back into the house.She goes to the Wa and lays down breathing hard. 11:30am BBT: Julia in the KT Making herself something to eat. All other HG still sleeping. 11:45am BBT: Julia has made herself scrambled eggs, Turkey , Spinach leaves and garlic for breakfast and made a cup of coffee. Vanessa comes in and ask what she is eating and talks about going outside, Julia says it is hot out there. 11:47am BBT: Vanessa makes herself a drink and joins Julia at the KT table. 11:49am BBT: Julia said she thought she would get up and enjoy her last day in the house and then maybe go over a speech for tomorrow. Julia says it is sad to think Liz and i wont be together now we have to split the make up now and stuff. 11:57am BBT: Julia is washing her dishes after eating her breakfast.
  5. 10:01am BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the DR she goes to the WA and brushes her teeth. 10:11am BBT: Julia now up in the WA with Vanessa doing ADL's. 10:31am BBT: Julia still in the WA doing her makeup, Vanessa has gone to the DR. All other HG in bed sleeping. 10:48am BBT: Julia and Vanessa in the KT ,Vanessa heads to the CBR and goes back to bed.
  6. 9:00am BBT: All HG still in bed sleeping.9:33am BBT: We now have FOTh as BB could be waking the HG, 9:33am BBT: We now have FOTh as BB could be waking the HG, 9:46am BBT: Steve and John in the BY, Steve starting laundry and then he and John says they are going back in and John heads back to bed. 9:49am BBT: Steve in the HOH rm working the spy screen , all other Hg in bed sleeping.
  7. 12:01pm BBT: Steve comes out of the DR and takes pictures of sleeping HG and Austin says Boy now? Steve says i need pictures and i do not know what to do cause everyone is in bed. 12:03pm BBT: Steve goes outside and Vanessa ask is everyone getting up and Steve says no they said they was not getting up for pictures. Vanessa ask really? Steve tells her they told him lastnight not to wake them for pictures.Vanessa says that's ok we will do pictures of the three of us as John walks out and she tells them the final 3 pictures. Steve says i am glad you are so confident. 12:06pm BBT: Vanessa ask they really said not to wake them? I do not get that when they did pictures they woke everyone up. Steve says i am going back inside cause it is to hot. Julia is up in the WA doing ADL's.
  8. 11:01am BBT: Vanessa sitting on the lounger in the BY alone, Steve in the DR. all other hg sleeping. 11:21am BBT:All HG are sleeping. 11:54am BBT: Vanessa sitting up in bed the gets up and head out of the BR. All other Hg are sleeping. 11:58am BBT: Bb calls Steve to the DR. Vanessa is in the KT making a drink.
  9. 6:07pm BBT: Julia is now up in the WA, Vanessa is now up and comes to the WA. She ask Liz did you clean your room? Liz says yeah. Vanessa tells her it looks so clean now. Liz says we was looking for Steve's letter he lost. Julia gets in the shower. John and Austin are in the By still working out. 6:15pm BBT: Liz and Steve now playing pool in the BY, Austin and John still doing their workout,Julia still ion the shower. Vanessa goes to the BY to get cold water from the Fridge. 6:29pm BBT: All HG except Julia in the By playing pool and working out.no game talk going on just talk about working out. 6:38pm BBT: Liz in the KT saying to BB can you at least tell us if we are getting take out or not i am about to cook and i do not want to cook if we are getting take out. Liz says and can you tell us if it is labor day so we stop looking like idiots? Julia and Liz go to the STR and they have alcohol and they start screaming. They all tell BB thank you. 6:42pm BBT: Hg are splitting the wine and beer as Steve is in the HOh rm in bed. 6:50pm BBT: Hg in the KT drinking the wine and beer talking general talk. Steve laying in his bed with eyes closed then looks at the camera then closes his eyes again. 6:53pm BBT: Steve rolls over in his bed and wipes his eyes as he has been crying while laying there. The rest of the HG are in the KT still drinking the beer and wine. 6:56pm BBT: Steve sneezes and then grabs his teddy bear and flips his pillow over then lays back down sniffling. 6:58pm BBT: HG in the Kt talking about past HG as Steve is in his HOh bed now going to sleep.
  10. 5:02pm BBT: Liz and Austin in bed with heavy breathing going on They kiss then Austin says it is hot and throws the covers off himself and Liz rolls over to go to sleep.. John making hot dogs in the KT. 5:14pm BBT: Austin and Liz laughing in the bed and Austin says it is cozy time not tickle time. Austin ask for a hug and Liz says you promise you want hugs and not tickles and he says yes. John in the BY drinking his drink alone. 5:33pm BBT: john in the by on the hammock. Liz and Austin still kissing and snuggling in the bed. 5:42pm BBT: Steve is up and walking around the HOh rm. Liz and Austin are talking about making chicken tacos for tonight dinner. She ask where he put the chicken at and he says in the refrigerator. 5:46pm BBT: Steve comes in the OBR talking to Liz and Austin, they talk about how old they are and how long it took to grow a beard. Liz ask did anyone else request take out other than me today? Austin and Steve are silent and Liz says No. Austin says they have to give us something for labor day. 5:57pm BBT: Austin and John in the BY going to work out. Liz is cleaning up in the OBR. Steve is walking around the house.
  11. 4:10pm BBT: Liz is sleeping in the OBR, Vanessa and Austin still playing Chess. All is very quiet in the BB house. 4:22pm BBT: The chess game is now over and Austin says good game. He tells Vanessa he got crushed by the girls lastnight. Vanessa says then you was not playing very good was you. Austin says no i was not. Austin heads to the OBR to go to bed with Liz. Julia is in bed sleeping, Steve in the HOh rm , John at the hot tub with his feet in the pool, Vanessa comes out and talks about john's muscles looking bigger. 4:28pm BBT: Austin and Liz making out in the bed and Bb calls him to the DR. Vanessa and John talking in the BY about the props , She says she is going to go get gym clothes on and work out, John says sounds good. 4:42pm BBT: John is now in the KT eating a banana, Austin is now out of the DR and back on bed with Liz. 4:59pm BBT: John in the KT making food, Liz and Austin cuddling.
  12. 3:02pm BBT: Austin, Liz, Julia and Steve in the KT making food and eating just general talk going on. Vanessa and John in bed sleeping. 3:10pm BBT: Liz says that Steve left his bowl of fruity pebbles on the table and Vanessa says that boy is annoying me. She goes to the HOh rm and gets Steve he says i am so sorry i have not been thinking right for the last couple of days as you may have noticed. Vanessa says well there are a few dishes here in the sink so you can wash them all and maybe next time you will think. Steve says ok all of them as he starts washing the dishes. Vanessa says yeah all of them and maybe you will learn cause you are so making me mad as she laughs. 3:18pm BBT: John comes to the KT and they ask where he has been and he says it is rolly polly day and laughs. Liz says you missed the workout since Austin already worked out. John days it must of been from being tired from yesterday. 3:28pm BBT: Liz , Steve and Vanessa sitting at the table eating talking about cuts they have and falling in the comps. Julia says look at John eating ice cream n the middle of the afternoon. Vanessa ask if Steve wants to play chess and he says no i am to busy washing your dishes to play chess. BB comes on and says Did you wash your hands and Hg go crazy and Liz says Austin you did not wash your hands as they yell. 3:35pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin playing chess. other Hg in the KT talking and Liz cleaning. 3:43pm BBT: HG sitting around talking about past BB seasons and who they liked. Vanessa and Austin still playing chess. 3:51pm BBT: John is at the KT table alone eating, Vanessa and Austin playing chess upstairs. all is quiet in the house. 3:59pm BBT: John washed his dishes and is now changing his clothes in the CBR.. Vanessa and Austin still playing their Chess game.
  13. 1:03pm BBT: Steve is in the DR, John and Vanessa asleep in the CBR, Liz, Julia and Austin in the KT talking about Liz blowing kisses at Austin in the Veto Comp today and he missed ti then Julia made him go to the LVR and pick up the kiss, Liz just keeps smiling, Austin says i found it walks back to the KT and hugs Liz. 1:10pm BBT:Steve out of the DR and Vanessa called to the DR now. Steve in his rm walking around. Liz ask Austin if he is going to go workout and he says yeah. Austin ask are going to go to the pool and Liz says I do not know i don't feel like it. Julia says come on Liz it is labor Day. Liz starts to sing and we get FOTH. 1:18pm BBT: Steve has put his headphones on listening to music, gets in bed and reads his letter. Vanessa in the KT with Julia.Liz getting dressed in her bikini to go out to the BY and Austin has gone to the BY to workout. BB calls John to the DR. 1:25pm BBT: Steve in the HOh rm watching the spy screen saying Vanessa i do not trust you. he then goes to the door listening and says i do not trust you Vanessa not at all Johnny Mack might but i do not. 1:27pm BBT: Steve goes to the KT to see what Vanessa is talking about with Julia and Liz. Steve stands and listens then Julia says Steve broke the elliptical. Vanessa says Steve and ask how it broke. Vanessa goes to see how broke it is. Vanessa is trying to fix it. 1:30pm BBT: Julia and Liz go sit with their feet in the pool, Julia talking about her crying when she got put on the block and she says i do not even know why i cried i suspected it anyways. 1:32pm BBT: Liz and Julia sitting at the pool and both are crying they hug each other and says they love each other. Austin is lifting weights. Steve and Vanessa in the KT talking and Vanessa says you are a good kid Steve and he says no i am not, she says yes you are. 1:40pm BBT: Julia says i was not going to cry today. She says that her and Liz are not independent on each other. they never learned to be separate. Vanessa sitting there listening to them. Austin is still working out and says this is a hotter day than yesterday. Steve is heading out to the pool now, John is back in bed sleeping. 1:45pm BBT: Liz gets off the pool , Steve ask did you get out because you do not trust me? She says no i am hot. Steve ask will you get back in the pool if i get off the ball? she says when i get hot here then i will. Julia ask why they can not have music it is Labor day and then she ask you think we will get music with out take out later? Austin says yes we will. 1:50pm BBT: Liz, Julia, Vanessa and Steve talking about getting out of the house soon and how they can not wait to get their phones and cars back and to have real food and alcohol. Steve says i am scared of my email and Liz says yeah me too. 1:55pm BBT: HG in the BY talking general talk as they lay by the pool and in the pool. Austin is back to lifting weights.
  14. 12:02pm BBT: Feeds are back Julia in the Wa crying and washing her face. Vanessa, Steve, John in the KT just talking general talk. Liz in the OBR getting clothes. Austin walks in and we get FOTH. 12:07pm BBT: Vanessa says in the KT that she has such a big heart she just wants to cry. Liz in bed in the OBR with Austin talking about eating, She tells him she had cereal and closes her eyes. Austin kisses her and she just lays there not kissing back she then starts kissing his face. 12:11pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking about drinking and Steve says i would say i would drink wine tonight if we got any but i know i would chicken out. Vanessa says i do not understand how you can drink fireballs and not wine and he says cause they go down quick and wine doesn't. 12:15pm BBT:Vanessa goes to the OBR and opens the door to the CBR and ask where Julia is and Liz, Austin says she is in the DR. Vanessa says are ya'll ok and Liz says yeah. Liz says that she has cried more than Julia in here and now it is Julia crying. Liz then says that steves speech was great and he says thank you. 12:20pm BBT:All HG in the OBR talking about if there were two or three of all of them and Austin says he would love to see three Johnny macks. 12:22pm BBT: Vanessa tells everyone she recommends that they all move their stuff out of the have not rm and Liz says yeah Austin. Vanessa said do you want them to box it up and move it? Vanessa says never mind you do not care. Austin says i am hungry then goes to the KT to make food. 12:27pm BBT: Liz and Steve in thew OBR talking and Liz says Steve your speech made me cry, Steve says Austin had a good speech too and liz tells him i know but yours made me cry and his didn't. Liz then says both your speeches made me cry so stop that. Steve says Ha Ha and says give me one more hug and then he goes to the KT. 12:29pm BBT: Vanessa goes out to the BY and lays on the hammock alone. Austin in the KT making food while Julia is in the OBR changing clothes and crying with sunshades on. 12:34pm BBT: Steve goes to the BY with swim trunks on and gets on the elliptical , Vanessa still laying in the hammock, Austin making an omelette in the KT, Julia in the WC changing to a swimsuit, John in bed in the CBR and Liz in the DR. 12:36pm BBT: Julia in the BY now getting her things set up by the pool to lay out. Steve says i will probably join you in the pool as soon as i finish my run. Vanessa has gone back in the house to the CBR and goes to bed. 12:42pm BBT: Steve running on the elliptical and you hear a loud noise, Julia ask what happened and Steve says he broke it, Steve looks at it and moves things and says i fixed it gets back on and it breaks again. Julia yells it's broken. John and Vanessa in the CBR sleeping. 12:48pm BBT: Steve in the KT eating cereal, Austin sitting at the KT table eating his omelette all is silent in the house. 12:53pm BBT: Liz is out of the DR and Steve is called to the DR. Steve tells Liz that the elliptical is broke and she says no. She then ask where Julia is and Austin says outside.Liz starts cleaning the KT while Austin keeps eating. 12:57pm BBT: Julia making herself something to eat and getting a juice. Liz eating an apple and getting a juice. Liz tells Austin that his speech almost made her cry and she did not want to cry. Julia said i did not want to cry either but i did. Liz says do you realize the Dr is going to show us as being little bitty babies?
  15. 11:05am BBT: BB calls Steve to the DR. vanessa in the WA doing ADL's. 11:12am BBT: Steve comes out of the DR and tells everyone they have 10 minutes till the POV ceremony. BB calls Vanessa to the DR. 11:18am BBT: Steve Pacing around in the HOh rm he says final 6 that's a huge accomplishment as he grabs his jacket and heads out of the HOH rm. Liz, Julia and Austin in the KT talking about past HG and eating. John in the BY sitting alone and Vanessa is in the DR then we get FOTH. 11:20am BBT: WE are now on Jeff's Reels as the HG do the POV ceremony.
  16. 12:00pm BBT: ALL HG in bed sleeping. 12:41pm BBT: We now have FOTH as BB may be waking the Hg for the day. 12:42pm BBT: Steve comes down stairs, Austin and john go through the LVR to the KT. John ask is it Noon? Austin says no it is past noon. Liz is up and heading to the KT now as well.Julia is out of the bed and Vanessa is sitting up in bed. 12:44pm BBT: Vanessa gets up and runs through the house yelling i need the bathroom I need the bathroom. Liz and Austin are making breakfast as john just watches them. Julia in the WA doing ADL's. 12:51pm BBT: Julia says she could not fall asleep lastnight after her napping all day so she tossed and turned. Julia ask how long will it be at least an hour right? John yells i chose Meg, I do not care if you are not here i chose you. Vanessa ask how many times did you pick her name and john says four. 12:53pm BBT: We are now on Jeff's reels as they may be starting the POV comp.
  17. 11:00am BBT: John still in KT eating again, All other Hg still in bed sleeping. 11:06am BBT: John now finished eating and in the WA doing ADL's. 11:15am BBT: John is now back in bed with his eyes covered. All other Hg sleeping. 11:25am BBT: Austin is up and in the WC he comes out washes his hands, puts his mic on and goes to the KT and starts making coffee.
  18. 10:00am BBT: Liz in the KT washing dishes. Steve pacing the house. 10:03am BBT: Steve and Liz in the Cabana rm talking Liz says i just wanted to let you know why i was crying like a baby yesterday but you pulled at my hear strings yesterday.Steve hugs her and says i am sorry. Liz says you just brought up the scamper squad and i had my feelings hurt and then i just had to have my little Audrey hospice moment. Steve says that's ok i will have mine next week. Liz says this is the hardest thing ever but i had my little baby moment and now i am good. Steve says ok lets hug and i am truly sorry. They leave the room and Liz goes back to bed as Steve paces the house. 10:11am BBT: Steve in the HOh WA walking around. Liz and Austin in bed kissing and snuggling. 10:14am BBT: Steve talking to himself in the HOH rm about the remote and he hits the button to turn it on and says but it is not receiving it even though the light comes on. He then says i told the twins everything you promised me and what i am going to do as he blows his nose. Steve then washes his hands and says that she is going to hate me now. 10:18am BBT: Steve still pacing in the HOh rm repeating himself about telling the twins everything. Vanessa is in the DR. All other Hg are sleeping. 10:20am BBT: Steve still pacing in the HOH rm brushing his teeth and talking to himself. 10:23am BBT: Steve leaves the HOh rm and goes back down stairs. he then goes to the STR looks in and leaves, then back to the HOH rm. 10:26am BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the DR again and Steve is still pacing in the HOH rm. All other HG sleeping in their beds. 10:29am BBT: Steve now fixes the pillows on his bed and takes mic off grabs his teddy bear and gets in bed. 10:35am BBT: John is up and getting dressed. Vanessa still in the DR and all other Hg in bed sleeping.
  19. 9:00am BBT: Hg are still in their beds sleeping. 9:39am BBT: We now have FOTH as this could be the HG wake up call. 9:53pm BBT: Julia gets up and goes tot he STR and changes her batteries.Liz on top of Austin and kisses him the goes to change her batteries Julia has gone back to bed.
  20. 5:00pm BBT: Julia and Liz are crying in the CBR, Steve is crying and Vanessa hugging him in the OBR. John in the KT getting food. Austin is hugging Liz in the bed as Julia sits beside her. Austin says in 3 months from now you will not care anymore. Liz says i know just coming from Steve it is hard if it had been from John it would have been expected.Liz is crying and hyperventilating. 5:02pm BBT:In the KT Vanessa, Steve and John are talking Julia comes in and Vanessa ask is it better that we give them space right? Julia says hmmm hmmm gets water and a yogurt. Austin still listening to Liz cry and not saying anything. 5:05pm BBT: All is silent in the KT with John, Vanessa, Steve and Julia. BB calls Vanessa to the DR. Steve says Julia may i ask for a favor and she says yeah. he says if anyone wants to come talk to me please tell them they are welcome. She says ok and he says If they want to. 5:07pm BBT: Austin hugging Liz as she is still crying and says we knew it was bound to happen. Liz says that before she was told if they got Shelli out they should have gotten Steve out and we should have gotten Steve out. Liz ask will you go get my salad and he says lets go eat our salad who cares and Liz says I care and Austin says we should not care. Liz says i can not even hide my emotions. 5:11pm BBT: Liz crying says i felt like i was on top of the world yesterday by winning HOH and today i feel like a cockroach on the floor. She says i would have never done that to him never now it is war and i will put on a face and everything is peachy king so lets go eat our salad. They go to the KT to eat. 5:13pm BBT: Austin and Steve in the cabana rm talking Austin says i understand i really do and i know it is a game and nothing personal. Seeing her cry like that gets me a little emotions and Steve says me too i hate hurting people. Austin says do you need anything from me the rest of the week? My hands are tied this week too and i have to play for her too. Steve says i would never ever ask you to throw the veto being on the block ya know, Austin says ok we will talk again after the veto. Austin says thanks you for giving me the heads up and asking me to trust you. Steve says this is your first nomination too Austin says yeah my first one but i trust you. 5:16pm BBT: Liz and Austin have been nominated for eviction. 5:18pm BBT: In the KT Liz, Julia and Vanessa are eating and talking. liz ask if they get alcohol tonight and Vanessa says no tomorrow is a comp so probably not. 7:21pm BBT: Steve is now in the HOh rm alone pacing. Liz in the KT saying to John she is a baby crying like a baby. 5:23pm BBT: Julia ask Liz here you want me to put this onion over there so you can pretend you was crying because of the onion? Liz laughs a little. Austin telling Liz what he said to Steve and what Steve said. Liz says i can not talk to him right now so i need to like chill pill. She says i wish i could handle it like you do but i cant but at least we got each other and no one can take that away from us. 5:27pm BBT: Austin in the CBR talking to John about being on the block with Liz and talking about there is still the veto to play and john says yeah there is still time so get out there and play hard for the veto like i did when i won mine. 5:31pm BBT: Vanessa is in the shower, Liz fixing her hair and Austin walking aroun the WA. In the HOh rm Steve is pacing listening to his music. 5:36pm BBT: Austin and John getting ready to work out in the LVR. Steve still in HOH rm pacing while listening to his music and watching the spy screen. 5:41pm BBT: Steve takes his headphones off and says Austin is scared why is he offering me all this, Austin i do not believe anything that comes out of your mouth Austin, He then talks about getting a picture of Harrison.He sits and looks at Harrison. he then paces and says i am going down in BB history cause a big move has been made. He is now going through his basket and getting a snack. 5:47pm BBT: Julia and Liz in the KT eating talking about the ants in the M&M's. Liz ask if the bananas are ready yet and Julia says yeah, Liz goes and gets a banana out of the freezers. 5:49pm BBT: Steve comes down stairs and walks through the KT and goes to the CBR to talk to Vanessa. Vanessa says your speech being so heartfelt helped you and Steve ask how is that? she says because no one hates you.Steve says i am worried about veto. Vanessa says only way is to get Julia to throw it.Steve says Julia will not make an agreement that will hurt Liz and Vanessa says no it will help her. Steve ask what if Austin wins? Vanessa says then Julia goes up and Liz stays which is better for them. 5:53pm BBT: Vanessa says if Austin wins the Veto then Julia goes. She says i do not trust them.Steve says i do not think this will work and i do not like it. Vanessa says i was just trying to avoid the obvious. Steve says lets just wait till tomorrow. Vanessa says wait till the veto then talk to Julia and if she wins then Austin leaves if she does not use it. Steve says but why would she do that she can save her sister and they both stay if she wins. Vanessa says let me think a minute. She then says let me think about this one. 5:58pm BBT: Julia cleaning the KT back up and Steve and Vanessa repeating themselves in the CBR.
  21. 4:04pm BBT: Austin and Liz hugging in the KT. Liz is looking for silverware now and then we get Jeff's Reels as they do the Nomination ceremony.
  22. 3:01pm BBT: Vanessa up and BB calls John to the DR. In the WA Vanessa talks to Austin asking if Liz is ok and he says she is mad at Steve. Vanessa says i know . Vanessa says well this is not my fault you know. Austin says yeah. 3:05pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin talking about winning POV and maybe getting Julia out this week. Vanessa ask are the girls mad at him and Austin says yes they are mad especially after he made them promise on their families yesterday not to put him up. Vanessa looks surprised and ask he did? Austin says yeah he did. 3:15pm BBT: Austin in the KT eating nuts. Steve is walking around. Vanessa is in the WA changing clothes. 3:16pm BBT: Steve is called to the DR. Austin says this might be it. Steve leaves and goes to the DR and Austin says show time. 3:22pm BBT: Vanessa up in the KT walking around. Liz and Austin in the bed kissing and snuggling. Julia asleep in the bed next to them on the OBR. 3:30pm BBT: Vanessa puts the chocolate bananas in the freezer then eats one. Liz and Austin still kissing and snuggling, Julia and john in bed sleeping. Steve is still in the DR. Vanessa now goes back to bed. 3:40pm BBT: Steve out of the DR and Liz was called to the DR. 3:45pm BBT: Austin is in the Kt cutting up veggies while Liz is in the DR. other Hg are in their beds sleeping. 3:55pm BBT: Austin still in the KT cutting veggies and lemons. Liz out of the DR and tells Austin she is such a bay cause she cried. Austin ask are you alright and she shakes her head yes.
  23. 2:00pm BBT: Vanessa opens the freezer in the KT and says look at this it is so gross and Julia looks and says no i do not think i can clean THIS I AM DISGUSTED. 2:02pm BBT: Steve is now in the KT with Julia, Jon and Vanessa. Steve says we have milk again and Vanessa says yeah we do. Steve heads back up to the HOh rm. 2:17pm BBT: Julia still making chocolate bananas in the KT while John and Vanessa watches and talk about using Mr Good bars. 2:20pm BBT: Liz is going to sleep in the OBR John still washing ice trays. Julia opening more chocolates for the bananas. 2:24pm BBT: Steve in the HOh rm brushing his teeth and he says here is the ting i do not care Julia is going up. he then says I might have to put up Vanessa. he then says decisions i have to make is shitty. He then goes out on the balcony and watches John and Julia in the KT.He then heads down the stairs and is pacing in the LVR. 2:26pm BBT: Steve goes to the KT and stands then walks to the LVR then back to the KT. John takes some things to the STR. Vanessa is in bed sleeping in the CBR. Steve tells Julia it is so strange there is less people and Julia says i know when i first got here it was like a boarding school. Steve says there are 10 people missing. and Julia says no 11 are. She then says I will Be right back i need to go show these to Vanessa. 2:30pm BBT: Julia and Liz in the bed in the OBR talking and Julia says i know for a fact that Steve told Austin that he is not his target and Austin is walking around here acting all cool now. Julia says i just want you to know Liz that Austin knows something cause you are his target not Austin. Liz says ok. Liz says that she is going to go back to sleep and then ask BB for a sleeping pill. Liz then says he better give me that bottle of wine if he is putting me on the block. 2:33pm BBT: Julia says i will call him out i heard him say he would not put us up and we promised on our families to not put him up. John sitting in the KT alone. 2:38pm BBT: John goes to the CBR to go to bed and Vanessa ask whats up and he says the water got cold so i had to stop. In the OBR Julia and Liz says they need to get this shit done i do not know what is taking so long. Julia ask Liz what is Steve's reason for putting you and Austin up and Liz says it is just a game move. Julia says that's it? Liz says yeah that's what he said. 2:41pm BBT: Julia says there is no more Austins angels or scamper squad it is me and you that's it and Liz agrees. Liz is trying to go to sleep now and then turns and says this is so awkward and painful. Julia sitting there looking like she is mad and says you know we saved him cause if i had won i would have done the same thing exactly. 2:52pm BBT: Most Hg sleeping, Austin is in the DR. 2:58pm BBT:All HG except Austin are now sleeping in their beds. Austin still in the DR.
  24. 1:03pm BBT: Liz and Julia walk into the KT and Vanessa ask Liz why she is laughing. Julia says Liz is in the hospice bed she is Audrey this week. Vanessa says stop just stop as she laughs. 1:06pm BBT: Liz and Julia in the Kt complaining about the ants all over the place. Liz says the ants are all in the trash can. Johnny Mack is putting dishes away. Steve in the HOH rm sleeping. Liz goes to the STR to put the trash in there and they have a restocked STR now. 1:13pm BBT: Liz and Austin in the STr putting food away, Julia in the Kt with Vanessa and John cleaning . 1:19pm BBT: Austin and Liz lounging in the Wa talking about if Julia wins the POV there is a possibility of us saving each other. Liz is pouting. and Austin looks worried. Austin talks about when shelli was taken out and says if we went back it probably would have been the same ya know. Liz says you won't go home though and Austin says yeah if Julia goes up with me. 1:22pm BBT: Julia in the KT making turkey burgers and John is washing dishes. Austin and Liz lounging in the WA not talking. Vanessa goes to KT and says she needs to eat. john says you have to eat something. 1:30pm BBT: Vanessa and Julia cleaning the counter in the KT John still washing dishes, Steve still in HOh bed sleeping and Austin and Liz in the WA lounging not talking at all. 1:44pm BBT: Austin and Liz have gone to bed in the OBR and are talking really low about Steve putting them on the block later. John and Vanessa still in the KT cleaning. 1:49pm BBT: Liz goes to the HOh to talk to Steve she says I know you are asleep but this is part of the game, She says ok so i am not going to sit there and lay back i have to try to defend myself and io feel like that i am getting the raw end of the deal cause you pulled us in the room yesterday and made us promise on our families that we would not put you up. Steve says ok ok . Liz says i feel raw and i know how you are feeling i have been there and this is the worst HOh to win and i get it but i do not think i am the biggest threat to you so i do not know i just have to say what i got to say. Steve says I apologize if i said that i should not have and it is a shitty thing so i apologize i was totally wrong to bring that into anything. Steve says i was talking to Vanessa and i have a bottle of wine and would you like to play pot ball tonight and Liz says yes i would love drinking pot ball tonight and says thank you and leaves the HOh rm. 1:55pm BBT: Liz goes back to bed with Austin and tells him she gets wine tonight. Julia is making chocolate bananas for later. John is still cleaning.
  25. 10:10:am BBT: Steve sitting alone in the WA playing with his chain. All other Hg seem to be back in bed. 10:26am BBT: Julia is in the DR Steve is pacing around the Cabana RM mumbling to himself. All other Hg in bed sleeping. 10:27am BBT: Steve goes to the OBR and sees Austin and Liz asleep he goes back to pacing in the LVR then back to the OBr like he wants to talk to someone then goes back to the LVR. Johnny Mack comes in and he and Steve hug. 10:37am BBT: Steve still pacing around and goes to OBR looks at Austin and Liz then turns around and walks off and back to pacing in the LVR and KT. Johnny Mack has gone back to bed. 10:43am BBT: Steve has taken his jacket off and continues to pace from room to room pausing to look at Austin and Liz. 10:51am BBT: Steve has gone to the OBR and gone to bed in his bed. 10:54am BBT: Steve wakes Austin and they go to talk in the cabana rm. Liz follows them and Steve says can i talk to you in a sec and she says ok. Steve says i want to let you know ahead of time i do not think i can put the twins up together cause i feel like it is a slap in the face. Austin says who you putting up? Steve says i have the votes i talked to Johnny Mack and it is good. Austin says i know i can control her and i know i can keep her from coming after you. Steve ask who Liz? Austin says yeah Liz. Steve says i just feel like putting the two girls up is wrong but do you understand why i have to do this? Austin says yeah I do.



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