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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:10am BBT: Steve is pacing the house while Vanessa and Liz are sleeping. 11:15am BBT: Vanessa is up getting clothes and heading to the Wa, Steve is in the KT eating. Vanessa ask Steve if after he eats will he empty the trash from the WA into the Kt trash and take it out please? Steve says yeah i will do it now. Vanessa says thank you Steve you are very very helpful and i appreciate it. 11:32am BBT: Steve goes to the WA and says Vanessa was Becky eviction unanimous? She says um i think so. he says Jackie was and so Becky was 6-0. Vanessa says yeah and Steve leaves for Vanessa to finish her shower. 11:40am BBT: Liz is now up in the KT with Steve and Steve says if i was home i would probably be in class right now no i would probably be in bed. Vanessa in the Wa getting dressed and doing ADL's. 11:44am BBT: Liz gets back in bed and says i hate this feeling lets get this over with. Vanessa in the Kt and says her vegetables are all bruised and it is all black. She then gets cottage cheese and chips to eat and sits down with Steve at the table. 11:56am BBT: Steve in the Kt snacking on chips as Liz and Vanessa are in bed sleeping.
  2. 10:02am BBT: Steve in the KT making himself a bowl of cereal and Liz in the Wa brushing her teeth, Vanessa in bed with sunshades on going back to sleep. 10:13am BBTL Steve and Kiz in the KT talking general talk then Steve goes to the WA Liz says our ice bags are ready then says they are so cold. 10:17am BBt: Vanessa comes out of the DR and gets in bed and starts laughing and says Steve. he says you found my surprise She laughs holding up a frozen clove hand and says this is so funny. 10:20am BBT: Steve telling Vanessa how the molecules in water helps it to expand when frozen. Liz in the KT eating breakfast. 10:31am BBT: Steve tells Vanessa that it is so fun harassing you, He leaves so Vanessa can go to sleep now. Liz in the KT washing dishes. 10:39am BBT: Liz is now back in bed, Vanessa laying in bed and Steve standing there and they are saying what Bb always says to them. Liz gets an ice pack and Steve says can i pop it can i pop it and Liz says yes you can pop it. 10:42am BBT: Steve tells Vanessa and Liz how his vegetables were able to move during the comp but he has like a rope burn there, Liz ask how did you manage to keep it moved? he says i wear briefs that's why. 10:44am BBT: Steve says he wants to play bowling on the lastnight in the house he thinks it will be very appropriate for their last night in the house. 10:53am BBT: Liz and Vanessa in bed going to sleep and Steve in the CBR studying with his M&M's.
  3. 9:ooam BBT: ALL three HG are still sleeping this morning. 9:24am BBT: Steve gets up goes to the WC washes his hands then goes back to bed. 9:45am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB could be waking the HG. 9:56am BBT: Hg are awake, Vanessa goes back to bed telling Steve that she seriously thinks she needs a muscle relaxer or a neck brace or something. Steve is sipping on a juice box. Liz is in the bed covered up. Liz then gets up and heads to the STR to change her batteries. Steve says Good morning people that w are not allowed to talk about. 9:58am BBT: Steve goes to the OBR and tells Vanessa welcome to day 93. Vanessa says she hurts so bad and Steve says let me know if you need any more cold packs. Liz goes to the WC then washes her hands.
  4. 6:03pm BBT BB tells Steve to please go to the STR. Steve goes to the STr and gets a zip lock bag with clippers in it then goers to the WA to clip his nails over the sink. 6:15pm BBT: Steve is in the KT eating then gets up and walks around then goes back to the table gets his food and walks to the Wa eating it then back to the KT. Vanessa and Liz are still sleeping in the OBR. 6:33pm BBT: Steve at the KT table building with Lincoln logs and stacking play dough. Liz and Vanessa still sleeping. 6:44pm BBT: Steve is pacing around the house and whispering into mirrors naming all the HG in different orders as he studies. 6:56pm BBT: Steve is still pacing the house and studying to himself on the HOH's and the veto winners and the evictions.
  5. 1:06pm BBT: All HG in bed in the OBR sleeping. 1:40pm BBT: All HG still sleeping in the OBR on cams 1&2 Bb is showing different objects around the house.
  6. 12:20pm BBT: Liz is in the DR and Steve and Vanessa are sleeping in the OBR. 12:23pm BBT:, Liz is out of the DR and goes to the WC. BB calls Vanessa to the DR. 12:25pm BBT: Liz goes to the OBR takes Advil and takes her earrings off then gets back in bed and covers up, Steve is sleeping and Vanessa is now in the DR. 12:41pm BBT: Vanessa is now out of the DR and goes to the OBR takes Advil and then goes back to bed as BB calls Steve to the DR. 12:48pm BBT: Steve out of the DR goes to the WA then goes back to the OBR then back to bed
  7. 11:43am BBT: Hg are heading down stairs and they say we love you Jerry and Liz says she is so pretty. Liz gets to the Kt and says 3 chairs wow. Liz then says thank you BB we love campaign keep it coming as she holds the bottle up. She then says we are going to be boring now as we sleep sorry live feeders. Steve says i liked talking about memories today though and Liz says it was fun.Liz then says she is changing into her PJ's right now and Steve asked right now and Liz says yeah now. 11:45am BBT: Vanessa says she is dead to the world now and Liz says yeah bye bye everyone then Vanessa says it was so fun though as she gets into bed. Liz in the WA walking around. 11:48am BBT: Liz says goodnight to Steve as Steve heads to the OBR takes his mic off and goes to bed. 11:50am BBT: Liz out of the WC and has her PJ's on, folds her clothes neatly then washes her hands then heads to the KT to finish her champagne then gets a drink from the fridge and heads to the OBR. 11:54am BBT: Liz puts her clothes away then takes her mic off and gets in bed. All 3 HG in bed covered up and quiet for a nap.
  8. 9:00am BBT: We now have Jeff's Reels as Vanessa and Liz head up to the HOh rm for a lockdown.
  9. 12:44pm BBT: Hg are all downstairs, John washing hands, Steve moving his things to the OBR, Vanessa goes to the WC and Liz walking back downstairs as Steve asked her you did not close the door did you? She says no i didn't. 12:47pm BBT: John in the CBR packing his bags. Steve walking around the house, Liz brushing her teeth and Vanessa in the KT. 12:53pm BBT: john still packing in the CBR In the WA Liz says my face is a mess and Steve tells her her face is beautiful and is not a mess. Vanessa goes to the CBR and gets in bed. Bb yells Steve shut it down and he stops in the HOh rm and says i am moving my stuff down what am i doing wrong then he shuts the HOh rm door that was propped open.
  10. 10:00am BBT: Vanessa telling about going to a school in Vegas and how she learned about herself there and How Mel took the class too and now they are one and they can communicate. Vanessa tells Steve he needs to go to these. Steve ask do i have to be there and Vanessa says yeah you have to be there for the classes but you are going to Vegas anyways so why not. 10:09am BBT: Steve and Vanessa sitting on HOh bed talking about who the winners were in every season of BB. 10:17am BBT: Steve and Vanessa talk about how they miss Julia and Vanessa tells Liz that her and Julia were never Debbie downers as they was always positive in the house. 10:18am BBT: Steve says his mom and dad will be there Monday so they can go to a Dr Phil show on Tuesday then Bb on Wednesday, Vanessa says I am so excited for this week. 10:26am BBT: Vanessa and Steve repeating themselves in the HOh rm as Liz tries to go to sleep. Steve then says he is talking to his adviser on finale night and Liz yells Finale night? Steve says ok maybe the day after but i am talking to him soon. 10:28am BBT: All feeds on Johnny Mack sleeping in the CBR. 10:36am BBT: john is now up heading to the HOh rm. Liz offers him a blanket and he says he does not need one, Steve is laying back in his corner covered up and Vanessa going to sleep on the bed. 10:43am BBT: All HG appear to be sleeping in the HOh rm. 10:52am BBT: We are now on Jeff's reels as the Hg are on HOH lockdown.
  11. 9:04am BBT: Vanessa finishes her make up and her hair then goes to the WC, Liz and Steve are still in bed sleeping and John is still in the DR. 9:11am BBT: Steve is now up after a short FOTH moving things around in the HOh rm and mumbling to himself he then gets his blanket and bear and goes to the corner of the rm and lays down on the floor and covers up. 11:13am BBT: John comes out of the Dr and Vanessa gets up off the couch and heads to the Dr telling john they have a lock down in 15 minutes, John says yeah as he goes to the Wa to do ADL's. 9:17am BBT: John is changing trash bags out in the Kt then takes the trash to the STR and puts it in the trash can in there. he leaves the STR and goes back to the KT. BB calls Steve to the DR. 9:23am BBT: Liz goes to the KT and John ask whats up? Liz gets cereal down and pours herself a bowl, John is standing at the counter eating a bowl of cereal. Steve comes out of the DR and goes to the KT then back to the HOh rm. Vanessa is back in bed. 9:27am BBT: Liz tells Vanessa what Steve was doing lastnight and how he came to her telling her that he had been crying for an hour. Vanessa says ok when he does that you have yo tell him work through it and send him back to bed or it makes it worse that why i told him to go to bed cause you have to treat him like that. Vanessa then says seven more days till i see Mel. Liz says i think Steve just wants a cuddle buddy. 9:31am BBt: Liz says she thought about Austin lastnight and wonders if he thought about her and Vanessa says are you kidding me he worships the ground you walk on. Vanessa says Johnny Mack tell her and johnny Mack says yeah. Liz then says i hear them out there working on things and every time i went to the bathroom lastnight i could hear them. 9:33am BBT: Vanessa says i think i am going to take a shower and get ready up there this morning instead of sleeping, Liz says yeah but there is so much time up there. Vanessa then goes to the HOh rm and sits on the bed eating cereal. 9:37am BBT: Vanessa says hey Steve we play the first part of the final HOh today isn't that exciting and Steve says i am not excited but can i tell you why? Vanessa ask why? Steve says cause i am not good at endurance comp but i need to push myself as hard as i can but i need to push myself harder in this one and i do not care if i win or not but i need to push myself. Vanessa says do not hurt yourself though. Steve says i won't. 9:41am BBT: Vanessa is singing tonight is the night of the final HOh over and over. She then says i feel like a kid at Christmas i am excited. Liz comes into the HOh rm gets a pillow and gets in the HOh bed with Vanessa saying Steve stop being so sad and Steve says i am not sad. 9:44am BBT: Steve says this the hardest thing he has ever done and the reason that it is so hard cause in his life he has been fortunate and so literally this is the hardest thing he has ever done and we get FOTH. 9:50am BBT: Steve, Vanessa and Liz talking about seeing their families in one week and Vanessa says i do not know if i can contain myself when i see Mel, Steve then says his mom told him to not stress so this week i am not going to stress cause that is what my mom told me, Liz says do not stress for Mommy and Steve says i will not stress for mommy. 9:57am BBT: Vanessa, Steve and Liz going over how many HOH's and PoV's they have all won.
  12. 8:10am BBT: BB has the Hg awake early, Steve is in the Kt eating cereal, Liz in the WC, Vanessa and Johnny Mack still laying in bed. 8:14am BBT: Steve finishes his cereal rinses his bowl and heads back to the HOh rm then turns around and goes to the DR but BB is not letting him in. He then goes back upstairs. to the HOH rm. 8:21am BBT: Steve brushed his teeth and is now back in bed. 8:36am BBT: Steve in the HOH bed with his head covered up and moving around alot, Vanessa and John asleep in the CBR. 8:49am BBT: BB calls john to the DR, he gets up and goes to the KT sink and washes his eyes then we get FOTH. 8:52am BBT: Vanessa is now in the Wa doing her make up, Steve is still in the HOh bed sleeping.
  13. 6:00pm BBT: Austin and Johnny Mack in the BY working out and lifting weights now, Liz still doing nails in the WA. 6:07pm BBT: Steve and Liz in the cabana rm and Steve says i feel,like it would be rude of me not to ask for your vote this week but then it is rude of me to ask you to vote against Austin but i have to ask you and i know it is hard for you. Liz laughs and says yeah i did not think you was going to talk to me. Steve says i know i just had to be good and not be rude and that's all i have to say. 6:21pm BBT: Austin, Johnny Mack and Steve in the BY working out and talking general talk and talking about the cupcakes the feeders gave them and how they had to do bunny ears for the photo booth. 6:26pm BBT: Vanessa in the HOh rm in bed, all other Hg in the BY talking general talk as Steve is in the pool and Liz and Austin on the hammock and Johnny Mack sitting near the pool. 6:40pm BBT: Vanessa comes to the BY and Hg talk about Tuesday may be an eviction and then Wednesday another eviction, Austin ask they have a special Tuesday episode and Steve says no that makes no sense. Austin says i think it will be Wednesday an eviction and Thursday a live eviction then part one of the HOh comp. 6:45pm BBT: Austin is now stretching near the hammock as Liz blows on her nails, Johnny Mack just watching. 6:53pm BBT: All HG in the BY watching Austin workout and flip all over the yard. johnny Mack says there is a huge bug in the BY and Liz jumps to look at it and Austin says be careful Liz. She ask what are we naming this one and johnny Mack says Roxanne. 6:56pm BBT: johnny Mack gets a cue stick and gets the bug down and Liz says it is so cute then it flies off and Liz screams as johnny Mack ducks saying i did not know they could fly. It started flying towards Austin and he runs saying it is coming after him, He then tells Liz she is going in the pool for that and Vanessa and Liz are laughing as Liz says it landed on your back Austin and he says i do not want to be bit. Liz says you ran and screamed like a little girl and Austin says i was joking, Liz says you was not joking and laughs.
  14. 5:07pm BBt: Vanessa runs into the HOh rm and yells what are you doing and then laughs. Austin ask what he is doing and Vanessa says reading that damn letter again. Steve comes out laughing and Vanessa ask how he likes the music then Steve says it is strange. 5:08pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin continue the chess game. Steve goes back inn the HOH rm and listens to music, Liz still in the BY on the hammock alone. 5:17pm BBT: Liz is up off the hammock qnd goes to check the laundry then goes inside the house, gets a drink and heads to the OBR, takes off her headband and her earrings and shoes then goes to the WA and combs her hair. 5:19pm BBT: Steve walking around the HOh rm listening to music, Vanessa and Austin still playing chess. 5:26pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin have finished the chess game as Vanessa says she has such a headache as she goes into the HOh rm and gets in bed. Steve still listening to music and then he gives her the headphones to listen to a song.John, Austin and Liz in the KT eating cupcakes that the live feeders gave them today. 5:30pm BBT: Liz yells to Steve and Vanessa about having cupcakes from the live feeders. Vanessa says really? Liz says they love us they really really love us. 5:33pm BBT: Liz in the Wa doing her toe nails as Austin watches. In the Kt Steve, Vanessa and john eating cupcakes and Vanessa says that is so nice of the live feeders they must like us. 5:37pm BBT: Vanessa tells john in the By that they are in a good place to be in the final three and she says realistically i am happy with 50K. She then says i do not think i am in that bad a situation alot of people left this house but not by me i was guiding but they did not know i was guiding do you know what i mean? john says yeah .John says if we take Austin and Liz then we vote him out next then Liz and Vanessa says yeah but if she wins HOh then things might stay but if she wins Hoh and Steve wins veto then we are screwed but i have always gone for chances. 5:42pm BBT: Vanessa says here is the advantages and disadvantages are so the advantages of us keeping Steve is to keep him to get to final 3 and the against for Steve is he could beat us . 5:44pm BBT: John says the one thing i regret is i am going to wreck a super fans dream and Vanessa says one thing about a super fan is that they are not a bitter juror so that's the advantage with Austin and Steve but i do not mind if you want to vote Steve i can break the tie and keep Steve. 5:49pm BBT: Vanessa and john talk about the same this if they should keep Steve or not and Vanessa says i will say they all have to go but i want to be the last one to go. Vanessa then says how do we do this? john says are you just going to keep them in suspense? Vanessa says yeah i think this is a week that no one is being happy. John says that Steve thinks he is not staying this week. He is a little scared though. 5:53pm BBT: Austin heads to the BY and John and Vanessa start saying that the next HOH comp might be a puzzle or the shovel game. 5:54pm BBT: BB tells the Hg to please lower the outside awnings, Austin john and Vanessa go to lower them. Liz still in the WA doing her nails.
  15. 4:03pm BBT: Steve still walking the BY alone as Vanessa and Austin are playing Chess in the house. 4:07pm BBT: Steve in the Kt now washing his bowl and Liz walking in the Kt getting a drink. Steve goes to the CBR and gets his letter and gets in bed telling Johnny Mack he is so tired. 4:17pm BBT: Vanessa gets called to the DR and comes out with a card calling everyone to the LVR. the card says Final 5 so we have decided to reward you with food and Vanessa says just Kidding, Liz yells Vanessa and Vanessa is laughing. She then reads the card and it says this weeks Photo booth (then throws herself in the floor laughing) this photo booth week is a classic sit next to your HG and turn them into silly wabbits. all the Hg start booing and Vanessa is laughing hysterically. 4:20pm BBT: HG doing photo booth shots now, johnny Mack and Steve go back to bed and then Liz comes out of the cabana rm and says the photo booth is fixed again. 4:31pm BBT: Hg still doing the photo booth and laughing alot. Steve kisses Vanessa on the cheek and Vanessa says Mel is going to kill you now, Steve says i am sneaky and Vanessa says he is sneaky. 4:37pm BBT: Austin, Vanessa and Steve in the KT talking about scampering, Liz laying on the hammock in the By alone. 4:39pm BBT: Liz still on the hammock alone in the By and Austin and Vanessa back tom playing the chess game. 4:55pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin still playing chess in silence. Liz still in BY on the hammock in silence.
  16. 6:07pm BBT: Vanessa is now in bed in the HOH RM all Hg are now taking a nap. 6:27pm BBT: All HG still in bed napping. 6:35pm BBT: Vanessa gets up gets a snack and a drink then heads downstairs, she goes to the LVR and sets her things down the goes to the DR. 6:38pm BBt: Johnny Mack now gets up and goes to the KT to take Advil. Steve then gets up and goes to the KT and ask Johnny Mack if he is ok. johnny Mack says yeah I am going back to bed i just have a headache. Steve gets a glass washes it then pours himself a drink. 6:44pm BBT: Steve goes to the STR then comes out and tries to get into the DR then goes to sit at the Kt table and looks at the memory wall then has a snack. 6:51pm BBT: Vanessa comes out of the DR and Steve ask if she wants company and she says no and he ask are you still out of it as Vanessa continues upstairs and Steve says ok have a good night Vanessa. 6:55pm BBT: Steve goes back to bed as BB calls him to the DR. Vanessa in the HOh rm having a snack and just walking around then throws her trash away then sits on the couch in silence.
  17. 5:35pm BBT: Liz is doing dishes as Austin stands in the KT watching her and Johnny Mack walking around eating chips. 5:38pm BBT: Austin walks around the Kt and says oh wow what a morning and lets out a sigh then yawns and says oh man, johnny Mack is now eating M&M's. 5:39pm BBT: Austin says hopefully there is no more puzzle comps causer that was BS. Liz says yeah and no more bowling game cause that was horrible as they head to the BR to take a nap. Liz says oh your in the daybed? Steve says yeah i am in the daybed. Austin and Liz get in bed and snuggle and start kissing. 5:51pm Vanessa gets up and goes to the WC, Austin and Liz snuggling and kissing in the bed in the OBR as Steve is going to sleep in the day bed in the OBR. heard a door close so am amusing Johnny Mack has gone to bed in the CBR. 5:58pm BBT: Austin, Liz and Steve sleeping now in the OBR, Vanessa still doing her M&M's and Skittle strategies in the HOh rm all is silent in the house.
  18. 5:00pm BBT: Steve says i wonder when we get to watch the TV show? Austin says tomorrow. Steve ask do you want me to shut up for now? Austin says i am just trying to decompress right now and Steve says ok so a good time for me to shut up and i will shut up. Steve goes back to eating as Liz and Austin make lunch. 5:04pm BBT: Vanessa in the HOh rm with M&M's counting and thinking her next move. Austin and Liz still making food, Steve sitting eating and not talking. John is still in the DR. 5:06pm BBT: Steve says i do not want the rest of this as he throws his sandwich away and says he is going to have another glass of orange juice and then take a nap. 5:08pm BBT: Steve says well i am going to go to bed good night and Liz says good night and he leaves for the BR. Austin is eating at the KT table and Liz is cooking her ham for her sandwich, Vanessa still in the HOh rm thinking. 5:15pm BBT: Vanessa moving things off the table in the HOh rm so she has more room for the M&M's and skittles to do different strategies. 5:22pm BBT: Steve comes scampering to the KT and Liz ask what are you doing? Steve says i am scampering as he gets aluminum foil. 5:27pm BBT: John is now out of the DR in the KT with Steve , Liz and Austin talking about watching premiers. Vanessa is till going over her M&M's and skittles strategies. Steve is making something from the aluminum foil at the Kt table. 5:31pm BBT: Steve says Austin look and Austin walks off not saying a word to him, Austin walks to the Wa then back to the T as Steve heads to the BR.
  19. 4:41pm BBT:Liz and Austin laying in bed in the OBR, Liz tells Austin that he needs to be careful. 4:45pm BBT: Austin and Liz say that they did not know john was that close to winning. Austin says that John is a beast with the veto and next week the veto is everything. Austin says we have to tell her . Austin says if Steve goes then you me or Vanessa is winning the game cause Johnny Mack is not wining the game. They tell each other they I Love you and snuggle in silence. BB calls John to the DR, Steve is cooking in the KT. 4:49pm BBT: Liz says between you and me i would love to work with Johnny Mack but i still can not trust him. 4:52pm BBT: Liz ask why is winning Veto better than winning HOh next week? Austin says cause if i win HOh then i can not protect you next week and it will not matter who i nominate the veto holder is the one vote and they decide the final 3. Liz says he has to go. everyone thinks i am like this beast and i am not. Austin says you are not going anywhere Liz. 4:55pm BBT: Austin says i do not know why they always do the puzzles and liz says i know i hate the puzzles. She then says i just want to cuddle with you all day and they start Kissing. In the KT Steve is eating and Vanessa comes in to get M&M's then goes back upstairs. 4:57pm BBT: Liz says lets go make something to eat and Austin says ok lets go see what we got. Liz ask what are we going to make for dinner? Austin says i do not know lets go look in the STR. Austin goes to the STR alone and finds turkey and Liz says yay turkey for turkey burgers. 4:59pm BBT: Steve tells Austin these awkward moments after a comp is even more awkward when there are less people. Austin says I know.
  20. 9:00am BBT: HG have been up for awhile and doing ADL's and eating. Steve says he is now going to go to sleep again and BB calls Vanessa to the DR, Steve says i will wait then i guess , Liz said it is probably for her meds and Steve says i will just wait then till she comes out. 9:04am BBT: Austin and Liz are making breakfast as John and steve watch. Vanessa in the HOH WA doing ADL's. 9:10am BBT: Austin pours himself a cup of coffee and talks to John about youtube and how east youtube is to use, John says yeah it is easy on youtube. 9:14am BBT: Austin, Steve and John are talking about plugging in electric drums to an amp and how it is not the same as real drums. Austin says there are certain sounds the electric drums can not capture that real drums can. 9:20am BBT: Vanessa still doing her hair in the HOH WA. In the Kt is general talk with Austin, Steve and John while Austin washes dishes. 9:28am BBT: Steve and Austin talking about two weeks left till they can go home and Austin says less than two weeks now. 9:41am BBT: Vanessa walking around the HOh rm looking at everything, Austin, John and Steve in the Kt just general talk going on as Austin continues to clean the KT. 9:45am BBT: Vanessa comes out of the HOh rm asking what time it is and Austin says 9:45 then Vanessa goes back in the HOh rm and get on the bed and sits there, Steve is pacing the House while John and Austin are in the Kt all is silent in the house. 9:48am BBT: Vanessa talking to herself very quietly in the HOh rm. Austin is now alone in the Kt stretching and Steve walks in just pacing. 9:52am BBT: We have now gone to Jeff's reels.
  21. 2:01pm BBT: Julia and steve walkig around the house, Austin in the KT eating. 2:08pm BBT: Steve goes to the DR and says oh i get cocoa nice. Julia ask what did you get and he says i get to keep cocoa. 2:12pm BBt: All Hg except John in the Kt eating and walking around. Just general talk going on, John walks through and they yell look at that back. ( His back is shaved) 2:19pm BBT: Liz and Julia going over their speeches for tonight in the cabana rm. John and Steve in the CBR getting ready. 2:24pm BBT: Vanessa is cleaning the KT Julia and Liz in Wa getting make up done, Austin comes out of the WC and puts his mic back on. 2:32pm BBT: John is vacuuming the LVR Austin is washing dishes and Vanessa is cleaning the counters, Julia and Liz still doing makeup in the WA. 2:36pm BBT: Liz and Austin laying on the bed in the OBR snuggling,Julia doing makeup in the WA while Vanessa watches her. 2:45pm BBT: Julia, Liz and Austin sitting on the bed in the OBR talking about getting focused for tonight, Steve is walking back and forth from the BR to the KT, John in the KT eating. 2:51pm BBT: John and Steve talking about Movies at the KT table while John is eating his cereal. Liz is sitting at the KT counter, Austin is laying in the bed alone. Vanessa walking through the house and Julia still doing make up in the WA. 2:58pm BBT: Liz has gone to bed with Austin to take a nap. Julia still int he WA doing her hair now, Vanessa is doing her make up.
  22. 10:02am BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the DR. All other Hg still sleeping. 10:10am BBT: Steve is up walking around the house , Austin and Liz are snuggling in the bed, John and Julia still in bed sleeping. 10:13am BBT: Austin getting up and putting his glasses on while Steve is putting his stuff away in the OBR. Austin the puts a shirt on then puts on a headband.Liz is moaning and yawning as she stretches in the bed,Austin then goes to the STR to change his batteries. 10:18am BBT: Steve and Austin go to the KT then Liz comes into the Kt with them and gets spray for the ants. Austin ask her if she wants to make coffee. 10:22am BBT: Julia is now up and in the WA with Austin and Steve, She says Austin your scary story was so scary lastnight i had a bad dream about a pumpkin head. 10:29am BBT: Julia is making breakfast, Liz washing dishes, John in the Wa doing ADL's. 10:34am BBT: Steve laying on the LVR couch alone, Julia, Liz and Austin in the KT making breakfast and coffee. Just general talk going on. 10:45am BBT: Liz, Julia and Austin still making breakfast, John eating cereal at the KT table, Steve sitting in the LVR alone. 10:50am BBT: All Hg except Vanessa in the KT eating and talking general talk. 10:54am BBT: Vanessa now in the KT standing around as the Hg wait for the HOh lockdown to begin. 10:57am BBT: Hg are heading to the HOh rm now and taking their things up to do their hair and makeup.
  23. 9:00am BBT: Hg are in bed sleeping. 9:36am BBT: Hg still in darkened rooms sleeping. 9:48am BBT: we are now on FOTH as BB wakes he HG.
  24. 4:00pm BBT: Steve changes shirts and Bb tells him to put his mic on, Liz and Vanessa in the Kt eating left over Chinese food from last nights dinner. 4:04pm BBT: Steve is now in the KT eating left overs, Julia is making her a plate also.Austin is still in the DR. Just general talk going on. 4:13pm BBT: Steve and John talking to Liz and Julia about spaceships while Liz is cleaning the KT. 4:20pm BBT: HG talking about when they got the camera and how Jeff would snap pictures of them asleep and they hated that. Steve says i did not feel bad about evicting him at all and Liz says no i did not either. 4:21pm BBT: Julia says that Jeff was a nice guy but he took the twin thing a little to far and Steve agrees. Steve ask how many alliances was he in and John says alot. 4:26pm BBT: Steve telling Julia about marcellas and him not using the Veto on himself when he won it and how they talked him out of using it then when he did not use it he got evicted. Julia says that was messed up . Steve says when Marcellas walked out to see Julie she smacked him with her card. 4:28pm BBT: Steve then tells about Lawaun and how he asked to be evicted so he could come back with a special power and he did not get to come back and there was no special power. 4:43pm BBT: Liz and Julia laying in bed talking about what others have said to them and who needs to go next. Then they talk about Vanessa playing all sides of the house. In the Ky Steve, John and Austin talking general talk. 4:47pm BBT: Julia tells Liz to stick with Austin and do not let Vanessa take advantage of you and Liz says no way never. Liz says go with Johnny Mack cause he is not going to win things he is only good at puzzles. John is called to the DR and Liz says we are next. 4:52pm BBT: Austin goes to the OBr and tells the girls that he did his goodbye messages. Liz ask did you cry and he says no but i can not describe how i feel about you. Liz ask if Austin asked about his boil and he says no then yells Austin has a boil in his arm pit. 4:55pm BBT: Julia and Liz talking to Austin and Steve then Vanessa comes in to see what the screaming is about and Steve was tickling Liz.



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