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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:00am BBT: HG are sound asleep. 9:06am BBT: Steve is up goes to the KT then to the WA and brushes his teeth. He then wets his face then goes back to bed. 9:51am BBT: BB has now turned the house lights on but BR lights are still off as the Hg sleep.
  2. 6:55pm BBT: The poker game continues with very little conversation. 6:58pm BBT: Liz goes to the STr and yells no wine yet but we do have out luggage how sad is that, Steve ask can i go see for a second and Vanessa tells him no as they start another hand of poker. 7:00pm BBT: Steve says he is up Sh*t creek with this hand it is so bad. Liz laughs at him as he says i have three hands that are good and one that is bad .
  3. 4:03pm BBT: Steve goes and lays down with Vanessa and says i am a bad person and Steve says no you are a good guy you made mistakes in here as we all did so you just move on but you are not a bad person. 4:06pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa are now talking about what the names of the comps they played in were and who they beat in the comps. Liz is in the Wa filing her nails. 4:07pm BBT: Liz gets her drink and goes to the OBR where Steve and Vanessa are talking about what comps they played in, Liz gets in bed and Vanessa asked if she took off her nail polish and she says yes, Vanessa ask are we doing our nails later? Liz says sure. 4:14pm BBT: HG are talking about reading things on the internet and about how this game is an emotional roller coaster, Vanessa says you can not say that again and Steve says ok. Vanessa starts laughing. Liz then tells about Steve and Austin playing pool. 4:19pm BBT: Liz is telling about her mom being pregnant with her and Julia and how big she was. Vanessa ask how much did you weight and Liz tells her that Julia was 5lbs and she was 6lbs. Vanessa says her sister was 11lbs when she was born. They ask Steve how much he weighed and he says i do not know. 4:23pm BBT: Hg are quiet and Liz looks to be going to sleep. Steve gets up and goes to his own bed to lay down. 4:30pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa sleeping in the OBR and Steve in bed in the CBR. 4:49pm BBT: Steve is now in the WC and Liz and Vanessa are sleeping.
  4. 3:32pm BBT: HG still playing cards at the KT table and Steve says he is very sneaky as he wins 2nd place with 38 points. 3:35pm BBT: Liz gets a cake pop with Audrey on it and Steve ask which one is the red velvet cake and Liz tells him it is the Mylanta ones so Steve goes to get one. 3:53pm BBT: The card game has broken up and HG are walking around the house and Steve tells Liz he cut lemon wedges this morning so she looks in the fridge and yells oh yay. Steve is playing with a beach ball in the KT while Liz is cleaning. 3:56pm BBT: Liz goes to the WC as Steve plays with the beach ball in the Kt then drops it and walks around the house. 3:59pm BBT: Steve and Liz talking about where they can watch the season at and where they can read everything about them at on the internet.
  5. 1:00pm BBT: Liz tells Steve in the WA that she had a dream that when she seen Austin that he shaved the pony beard off. Steve says i do not see that happening so do not get to excited for it. 1:06pm BBT: Vanessa telling Liz and Steve who all hates her in the jury as she says everyone but Julia and she says Julia does not hate her. Liz says James hates me though. Vanessa says i had the least connection to anyone in this house so i had to wake people up and get them out. 1:12pm BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the STR she goes in and gets the finger nail clippers and goes back to the WA with them. Liz is picking up her clothes and asking when they will get their luggage as she says she is so excited. Steve is sitting there . 1:14pm BBT: Vanessa ask Liz if she is making coffee? Liz says no and Vanessa says i feel like we are bums and we need to stop sleeping and do something. Steve says this is what final 3 do Vanessa. 1:24pm BBT: Steve is making oatmeal and says he has to have that since there is no slop anymore. He then says he wants slop to be at the finale and Liz yells Ewww. Steve says i want my mom to try Slop i really do. Vanessa ask if Liz wants to finish their Gin game and Liz says yeah i want to make eggs first. Vanessa says One more day guys without our family then we get to see our families. 1:31pm BBT: Liz and Steve talking about what the other Hg might have to say and who they are excited to see on finale night. 1:38pm BBT: Vanessa, Steve and Liz talking about Austin giving Jackie a massage one day and Vanessa says what he touched her and Liz says yeah he gave her a massage. Vanessa says no way. Liz is finishing cooking eggs while Vanessa watches and Steve walks around the KT. 1:42pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve are at the KT table as Steve teaches Vanessa to play solitaire. 1:53pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking politics while Liz eats her eggs.
  6. 11:58am BBT: Liz and Vanessa playing Gin at the table in the KT and Steve still sleeping. 12:01pm BBT: after a brief FOTH Steve is now up and walking around then goes back to the OBR takes his hoodie, glasses and Mic off and gets back in bed. Liz and Vanessa still playing Gin. 12:26pm BBT: Nothing has changed in the BB house Liz and Vanessa still playing cards as Steve is sleeping. 12:33pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa go to the OBR and Liz says he is creepy when he sleeps does he always sleep with his hands like he is scampering like that? Vanessa says he is scampering in his sleep. Liz and Vanessa are getting clothes and Liz says shower time. 12:38pm BBT: Steve gets up and moves to the CBR and gets in bed to go back to sleep where it is quiet. Liz is in the shower yawning. 12:48pm BBT: Vanessa in the WA brushing her hair while Liz is in the shower. 12:50pm BBT: Liz is now out of the shower and Vanessa is getting in the shower as they talk about Steve being a night person since he is still sleeping. 12:53pm BBT: Steve is now up in the KT just walking around and snacking, Vanessa is in the shower and Liz is doing her hair.
  7. 11:08am BBT: Vanessa is up and comes to the BY to eat breakfast, Liz tells her she is dying but she is getting so thick that she just wants to workout. 11:10am BBT: Liz and Vanessa talking about how skinny Julia is and Liz says cause she does not eat as much as me. Liz says she can not believe they are going to shut down the By so early. Vanessa ask if Steve has talked any game to her at all and Liz says no. Vanessa says give me your word that you have not told Steve anything and Liz says i haven't. Vanessa says i trust you and i want you to know i am going to keep my bargain with you cause Steve has betrayed me many time so i will keep my deal with you. 11:13am BBT: Liz is saying she tried so hard in the crossword puzzle and she now feels like you are dead in the water. Vanessa says you are not dead in the water. Vanessa says ok if Steve wins this and takes me i need to know i have your vote and Liz says yes of course. Vanessa says i have won and have helped so many people in this game. Liz says i told you before you are gonna win this game. 11:14am BBT: Vanessa says your word is good with me Liz you never done anything to me if it wasn't for you i would be out of this house you kept me safe when Steve was betraying me for Johnny Mack. 11:19am BBT: Vanessa says dude i want to win this so so bad, Liz says i told you that you will win and Vanessa says no no i mean the final HOh part 3 i want to beat Steve so i can do the speech and keep you. 11:21am BBT: Vanessa and Liz talking about past comps they played in and Vanessa is pacing as she seems nervous. Vanessa tells Liz that Steve argument to her is if I take Liz then i will have voters against me and if he wins he has to take me cause he will have 3 votes against him with me, Julia and Austin. Vanessa says you have to have 5 votes top win.Feeds switch to Steve sleeping in the OBR. 11:27am BBT: Vanessa goes in the house to the HNBR and looks at Liz's blue dress then goes back to the BY and tells Liz her dress is very pretty, Vanessa ask did you wear that dress in the house and Liz says yeah once, Vanessa tells her she has the white shirt with orange buttons on it that's all she has cause she did not plan for finale , She says i thought i would be out of here first and now i am still here. Liz tells her we will make the shirt look good. Vanessa says i want to say i am proud of you for making it this far and i promise i will win this so do not worry i got 11:34am BBT: Liz and Vanessa talking in the BY about Johnny Mack and how he voted Austin out, Liz says he hates me so i know i will not get his vote.Liz says i left him a mean message in his goodbye message so i know he hates me. Liz says i do not know why he voted Austin the way he did and Vanessa says i know why because he hadn't made any moves in this game and that was a big move for him. 11:39am BBT: Vanessa says when i evict Steve i have to remember who had my back when Austin wanted to backdoor me and who wanted me up and who had my back in this game and Steve had Johnny Mack's. 11:41am BBT: Liz says i have nothing to do but sit and look pretty now, what do i do while you guys are doing this>? Vanessa says you get to stay here and watch . Liz ask like in here? Vanessa says in the LVR when we do the final eviction. 11:43pm BBT: Vanessa says if Steve ask if we talked just says no.Vanessa ask if Liz wants to play Gin and she says yeah so they head in the house to wash their bowls then tom play cards. 11:46am BBT: Liz and Vanessa are now at the table playing Gin. Steve is sleeping in the OBR.
  8. 9:02am BBT: HG are sound asleep in their beds. 9:42am BBT: Hg still sleeping. 10:00am BBT:We now have FOTH as Bb could be waking the HG. 10:13am BBT: HG are up, Vanessa the OBR taking meds, Steve in the KT then goes to the BY, Liz checking laundry and then goes back in the house to fold clothes. 10:27am BBT: Liz is walking around the house, Vanessa standing in the Kt then puts her sunshades on, Liz now goes outside to lay by the pool. 10:33pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa are back in bed sleeping, Liz on the lounger by the Pool . 10:45am BBT: Liz now in the KT making a bowl of cereal. 10:54pm BBT: Liz finished eating her cereal and is now running water in the bowl then heads back out to the BY to get a drink from the fridge, She now goes back in the house to get lemon for her water. 11:00am BBT: Liz is walking around the house then goes to the BY and gets on the elliptical. Vanessa and Steve are still in bed sleeping.
  9. 6:00pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa in the OBR talking very low. They are talking about telling Liz that they had an alliance on Tuesday and they she had Austin and they were the odd men out and they got together. Steve says and she has 2 votes in Jury already and Vanessa says yeah. Steve says ok we will tell her on Tuesday then it is very accurate. 6:04pm BBT: Vanessa ask Steve if Liz has said anything to him about final 2 and Steve says literally nothing. She says good. Steve ask what is her game style nothing? and we get FOTH. 6:10pm BBT: Vanessa ask what they are going to do Wednesday as she is worried her neck will not be better so she will probably do nothing that day. Steve says i am a little nervous about the scales though and Vanessa ask why, he says cause i am not good with balance. 6:14pm BBT: Vanessa has now gone to the LVR to fold clothes as Steve is pacing the house again and humming. Steve comes in and puts a candy bar in Vanessa hood and she makes him take it out cause her neck hurts. 6:17pm BBT: Steve says this is Sunday and finale is Wednesday, he says i am so nervous to see the outside world. 6:20pm BBT: Liz comes in and says it is Mask time and Steve says i promised Liz i would do a face mask tonight and they sit down and decide which mask to use. 6:24pm BBT: Steve gets a strip on his nose to get the blackheads out and Vanessa is putting a white face mask on and Liz a green mask on. Steve walks to the KT and says I am wearing a mask with the girls then he laughs. 6:30pm BBT: Liz comes to the KT and says this burns, Steve ask then why do you put it on and she says for beauty. Vanessa says they need to spray tan also tonight. 6:36pm BBT: Liz goes to pull the strip off Steve's nose and Steve says you are making me nervous Liz and Liz laughs, Steve ask can i do it myself? Liz says yeah just pull it slowly, He gets it off and Liz yells ewww there is alot of it there and now your nose looks good. 6:46pm BBT: Liz is making dinner of Steak and baked potatoes while Steve and Vanessa play Gin . 6:55pm BBT: The Gin games continues with Vanessa and Steve as Liz makes dinner.
  10. 5:05pm BBT: all Hg in the BY, Liz on the elliptical and Steve and Vanessa on the loungers sitting , BB tells then to please raise the awnings, Steve says Liz?then ask if she was going to finish first, Liz says yeah he says ok i will wait then. 5:13pm BBT: Liz finishes on the elliptical and gets a drink then says ok Steve lets do it and they start raising up the Awnings. Steve tells her that he and Vanessa are playing the Bb alphabet game and every letter has to be something about BB. 5:25pm BBT: Vanessa has now gone back to bed for a nap, Liz is working out in the BY. 5:35pm BBT: Liz started another load of laundry then goes to the KT and washes dishes then ask if Bb will play snoop Dog tomorrow just nothing country. 5:36pm BBT: Steve goes to Liz and she tells him to stop after he touched her back then we see a sticker on her back that says Austin. 5:50pm BBT: Liz and Steve in the KT talking about all the different alliances in the house and how everyone that got evicted did it to themselves.and how Da,Vonne should have kept her mouth shut. 5:55pm BBT: Liz is now in the shower and Steve is pacing the house as Vanessa is asleep in the OBR. 5:59pm BBT: Vanessa is now up and tells Steve to come talk to her while she folds clothes he says i am just eating fruit and she tells him he is so weird, he says no i am not everyone eats apples and things and i eat bananas and pineapple it is good together.
  11. 4:04pm BBT: Vanessa still explaining about poker to Liz and Steve as she wears her sun shades. Vanessa ask if they was having fun and Liz says it is fun if i am not playing with my own money. 4:09pm BBT: Liz goes all in on her poker hand and wins the hand and says yeah I am back in business baby. Vanessa says all you need is a chip and and a chair. Liz says that's so cute. Liz then ask what does Mel think about playing and Vanessa says as bout as much as you do. 4:16pm BBT: Steve says i want to play GIn rummy and Vanessa ask why? Steve says i hate betting. Liz says we could play 21 and Steve says 52 pick up and Liz says no, Steve ask do you know what it is? Liz says yeah Vanessa told me. Liz and Steve play another game of poker and Vanessa goes to the OBR and gets in bed. 4:25pm BBT: Steve and Liz still playing poker , Steve wants to play Gin and Liz wants to play Poker so Liz makes him play more poker. Vanessa is in bed sleeping. 4:32pm BBT: Liz is up getting a drink and goes to the BY to check her laundry. Steve is up and walking around the house. Liz in the By takes her white pants out of the washer and says no as they are stained, she sighs and lays her pants on the grass then gets bleach and pours on her pants. BB calls Vanessa to the DR. 4:40pm BBT: Steve argues with Liz and Vanessa about if he can buy a product for cheaper then he will do it and Liz says if she can get something she does not care about the price but My dad does that he shops for the cheapest product. They leave the Wa and Steve hold Liz's hand and Liz says Austin is going to find out and Steve says what is Austin going to do i do not live with him anymore. Liz tells him ladies like their fingers laced Steve and Steve says my fingers are laced. 4:41pm BBt: Steve tells Vanessa he has decided he does not want to be a professional gambler. She ask you do not like it? Steve says no. Liz is in the BY on the elliptical. 4:48pm BBT: Steve is walking around the house, Liz on the elliptical in the BY.Vanessa is on the lounger near the pool. 4:55pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve on loungers in the BY playing an alphabet game where one says a word then they add another word with each letter and have to repeat then in order.
  12. 3:22pm BBT: The poker game continues and Steve says this losing right now is bothering me cause i am not a gambler i do not like this and Vanessa says cause you do not like to lose and Steve says yeah. 3:45pm BBT: Poker game is still going on and Steve says he still does not like this gambling. Liz says i think Steve and I like our Gin game more and Steve agrees. 3:52pm BBT: Liz and Steve get up to get food then return to the table to play more poker. 3:57pm BBT: Vanessa says i can tell both of you will be real good poker players.
  13. (update) 10:00am-3:15pm BBT: Steve and Liz lower the awnings in the BY and Steve wears oven mitts to lower then as Liz has on gloves also they said the poles are really hot in the mornings. Vanessa tells Steve that she feels better today but if her neck isn't hurting then her hips are. She then takes Advil to help with the pain. Liz and Steve go back to bed and Vanessa gets dressed and does her ADL's Vanessa goes out to do laundry and then goes inside to eat. Steve and Liz then get up and Vanessa wants to play Gin with Steve. Steve and Vanessa play cards while Liz eats and talk is about Movies. Vanessa then starts teaching them to play poker.
  14. 4:02pm BBT: Steve now has swim trunks on and heads to the BY and gets Gatorade from the BY fridge then walks around drinking it. 4:10pm BBT: Steve is eating a lemon in the KT while Liz is making a snack.Vanessa is in bed sleeping. 4:11pm BBT: Bb comes on and says remember Hg if you win the 500,000.00 prize you will never have to eat peanut butter again. Steve says i love you PW and BB says you are not allowed to talk about production and Liz says you mean slop. Steve and Liz talk about eating peanut butter and Bb says you have got to be kidding me. Liz and Steve laugh. 4:19pm BBT: Steve and Liz in the WA talking about how hard the comp was lastnight . 4:22pm Liz and Steve now in the OBR with Vanessa talking about Steve having a little booty, he ask Vanessa if she wants to touch it and she says no i do not want to touch your booty. Liz says she just wants to sleep till Wednesday cause she is so bored and it is to hot to be outside. 4:32pm BBT: Hg in the OBr just sitting and laying around. Bb has opened the By up but no one is going out of the BR. 4:36pm BBT: Steve in the BY now trying to get the elliptical to work. he says it is not plugged in and plugs it in then gets on and starts his workout. 4:47pm BBT: Steve gets off the elliptical and gets a drink then restarts the washer, he goes in the house and gets a paper towel to wipe the sweat off his face. Liz and Vanessa are in bed ion the OBR asleep. 4:54pm BBT: Steve is walking around the BY doing laundry and talking to himself about the red coming out of his clothes and the goop coming out. 4:56pm BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the DR. Steve in the BY talking and says even the pool table is red, Everything is red i do not get why you had to do the red cause the food coloring did not change the competition it was just a pain in the butt.
  15. 3:08pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa eating and Steve washing dishes just general talk going on about clothes and dishes. 3:10pm BBT: Steve says help me please i am stuck in a house with all women please help now if they was both straight and single i would be ok but they are not. 3:20pm BBT: General talk going on at the KT table with Steve, Vanessa and Liz. 3:37pm BBT: Liz says they weighted them yesterday before the comp and she says i am so disgusted with myself i need to work out and lose weight. Vanessa ask how much you weight? Liz says i do not even want to say. Liz says she weights 140 and Vanessa says she is 133 and Steve laughs and says he is 170. 3:33pm BBT: Liz is washing her dishes and Steve is walking around the KT they are talking general talk. Vanessa goes to the OBR and goes back to bed. 3:48pm BT: Liz is sitting in the BY with her feet in the hot tun. Vanessa in bed sleeping and Steve pacing in the CBR. 3:57pm BBT: Steve is headed to the WA to change clothes and put his shoes on. Liz is back at the hot tub with her feet in the water sitting alone.
  16. 2:05pm BBT: Steve is walking around the BY picking up weights and talking to himself he then takes weights inside the house takes his jacket off and goes to the table to play with the Lincoln logs. 2:08pm BBT: Liz walks outside and says yeah it is hot out there then goes inside to get a swim suit then goes to the Wc to change. 2:11pm BBT: Vanessa is now up and in the WA doing ADL's. Steve is using the weights on the Lincoln logs at the KT table and then says he might can use a dumbbell and see how that works. He goes out to get one and Liz goes to the Wa with Vanessa. 2:18pm BBT: Steve goes out to get more weights to build with then tells Liz he is waiting for the weight to cool down cause it is very hot. Liz is cleaning the KT as Vanessa is in the Wa doing ADL's. 2:20pm BBT: Steve adds more weights to the logs and says he is probably putting more stress on there than he needs so he will stand to the side just in case. 2:23pm BBT: Steve says this is not wavering at all this is more what i needed and Liz says it is better to be safe than sorry. 2:24pm BBT: Steve says suspended house mission complete. Liz says she does not like the top, part at all and Steve is redoing it now. 2:28pm BBT: Steve ask Liz how it looks now and she says that is better and he tells her 55 pounds of weights is all it took suspended house complete. 2:31pm BBT: Steve is now taking his suspended house apart and says he can move on to something new now. He then goes to the BY to put the weights back up. 2:35pm BBT: Liz making herself something to eat in the KT and Steve comes in and starts making himself something to eat. Liz says could you imagine if Vanessa had fallen in the first round can you imagine Vanessa playing in that comp yesterday and Steve says no. 2:36pm BBT: Liz says it was so cruel that crazy crossword puzzle. Steve says it was fun and Liz agrees it was fun. 2:40pm BBT: Steve and Liz talking about past comps they played in and Vanessa comes out of the Dr and says she is so out of it and Liz says she is making her an omelette. Steve says you are not making me one , Liz says you do not like what i out in the omelettes. 2:43pm BBt: Vanessa is now in the BY laying on the round lounger in the sun. Steve and Liz still cooking in the KT. 2:46pm BBT: Steve is switching laundry then goes inside and says his sweat pants have less red in them now after washing them. Liz is pouring herself a cup of coffee and finishing up cooking the omelettes. 2:56pm BBt: Steve says can i say something weird? He says i am trying to picture our families being in this house isn't that weird? Vanessa says they will not be in this house and Steve says yeah they will finale night. Vanessa and Liz are now eating breakfast at the KT table. Steve is going to wash dishes.
  17. 1:15pm BBT: HG still sleeping and Steve is snuggling with his teddy bear. 1:27pm BBT: Steve is now up and goes to the LVR scratching his butt then to the KT for a bowl of cereal. 1:41pm BBT: Liz is now up in the KT then heads to the WC. Vanessa still sleeping. 1:44pm BBT: Liz out of the WC and now brushing her teeth. 1:48pm BBT: Liz and Steve in the WA and they run to the KT saying yay it is open then Liz goes back to doing ADL's in the Wa. 1:54pm BBT: Liz is brushing her hair to go to the DR and Steve is heading out to the BY to do laundry. Vanessa is still asleep. 1:58pm BBT: Liz is now i9n the DR and steve is in the BY starting laundry.
  18. 12:02pm BBT: Hg are still sound asleep in their beds. 12:30pm BBT: HG still sleeping. 12:49pm BBT: We now have FOTH. 12:50pm BBT: Hg still sleeping.
  19. 11:02am BBT: Vanessa is up and goes to the WC. Liz and Steve still in bed sleeping. 11:09am BBT: Vanessa is now out of the WC and washes her hands then heads back to bed. 11:40am BBT: All is quiet in the Bb house as the Hg are still in bed sleeping.
  20. 10:07am BBT: Steve is up walking around the house and goes to the WA to do ADL's . Liz and vanessa are in bed sleeping. BB calls vanessa to the DR she gets up and head to the DR. 10:09am BBT: Steve goes back to bed and Vanessa gets a box of cereal and gets her shoes and goes to the KT. 10:14am BBT: Vanessa in the KT eating a bowl od Cinnamon Toast crunch for breakfast . She then goes to the LVR to sit and eat. 10:20am BBT: Vanessa has finished eating her cereal and is washing dishes now, she then heads back to the OBR and takes Advil then goes back to bed. 10:45am BBT: All HG snug in their beds sleeping.
  21. 9:00am BBT: ALL 3 HG are still in bed sleeping. 9:55am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB could be waking the HG for the day.
  22. 3:00pm BBT: Liz is up and moving around, Steve goes to the STR then to the KT. Vanessa sitting up in bed just staring at the wall. 3:09pm BBT: HG talking about food and grilling and Liz says corn on the cob sounds so good. 3:12pm BBT: Steve raises his arms and ask do you like my belly button and then says it is sexy and then laughs. Liz is talking about tv shows. Steve goes to the KT then to the WA and rinses his hands the paces around. 3:22pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa are going to sleep again and Steve is walking around the house. 3:33pm BBT: Steve is in the KT going over studying with the M&M's again while Liz and Vanessa sleeps. 3:47pm BBT: Steve sitting in the LVR alone just staring at the floor. Liz and Vanessa sleeping in the OBR. 3:57pm BBT: Steve is still pacing around the house as the girls sleep.
  23. 2:00pm BBT: Steve out of the DR and ask Vanessa if she wants her ice glove back and she says no then laughs and says Steve and his five finger ice as he takes it to the KT and gets her an ice pack from the DR. 2:19pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa laying in bed talking general talk to Steve about families. 2:35pm BBT: Liz and Steve talking about Austin and Steve says he likes you and Liz says i know. 2:56pm BBT: Steve and Liz talking about the Hg that have been evicted already and Vanessa is in the DR.
  24. 1:00pm BBT: Liz is making herself some soup in the KT as the cameras follow her everywhere. 1:07pm BBT: Liz is making tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. 1:18pm BBT: Vanessa is now in the Kt asking if tomato soup is healthy Liz says it is so Vanessa gets what remains of Liz's soup off the stove and says maybe soup might make me feel better and sits down beside Liz. 1:20pm BBT: Liz washing dishes and tells Vanessa i bet Mel is so worried about you and Vanessa says at least i am in the 3rd round and do not have to do anything else physical. they then talk about what to wear to finale night. 1:28pm BBT: Liz finishes the dishes goes to the STR puts the file back up and notices the iron is leaking water out, She then goes to the OBR gets her drink and heads to the LVR for a workout to stretch her legs. 1:32pm BBT: Vanessa is back in bed sleeping. Steve is in bed sleeping in the CBR. Liz is stretching in the LVR. 1:50pm BBT: BB calls Steve to the DR, Liz in the KT getting a drink then heads to the WC. Vanessa still in bed sleeping. 1:54pm BBT: Liz is now going back to bed.
  25. 12:08am BBT: Steve is just pacing the house and counting on his fingers as he studies for part 2 of the HOh comp. 12:31pm BBT: All HG in bed sleeping. 12:46pm BBT: Liz is up goes to the WC then goes to the STR and gets veggies and throws them away as they are turning brown. She then gets the clippers and clips her nails over the trash can,then gets in the fridge and gets food then heads to the KT. 12:54pm BBT: Liz sitting in the KT filing her nails, Steve and Vanessa are in bed sleeping.



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