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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:30pm - 12:40pm BBT: Hg just sitting around general talk while frank is in the pool trying to make a large float with all the floats. 12:44pm BBt: Jozea and Vic lounging in the BY talking general talk. Nicole walks out and goes to the pool. 12:52pm BBT: Paul and Bronte in the BR talking about if they throw comps then they will not be safe but they need to stay together to be safe. Bronte tells Paul that if there is a 6-5 vote and Jozae stays then he will go looking for them not us and Paul agrees. 12:58pm BBT: Victor and Jozae now in the KT cleaning and talking about cutting up chicken with a butter knife.
  2. Hi everyone. wanted to pop in and say hi before feeds start up and i get busy.
  3. 11:20am BBT: Dallas, Loveita and Maddy at the table. Loveita is feeding Dallas and giving him a drink of water. Just general talk going on . At the hot tub Tim is talking to Mitch about respecting peoples strategies. 11:24am BBT: Loveita is now in the HOh rm talking to Cassandra. Loveita says we all need our enemies in this game so that there are targets in the house. She says she is going to go peace out and leaves the rm. 11:30am BBT: Raul, Jared and Kelsey in the hot tub area talking about Tim and how he is playing with no one in the house. Jared tells Raul to not do stupid things in the game. Jared says we know Mitch is with us.Kelsey tells them that the two of them has to stick together in this house after she leaves and be careful. 11:42pm BBT: Hg sitting around just general talk going on.
  4. 12:09pm BBT: Mitch and Philippe talking on the green couch about the vote tonight and how they think Cassandra will stay and to never question things just do what you want. 12:16pm BBT: In the bedroom Dallas is talking to Maddy, Tim and Christine about how he thinks Cassandra has a deal with everyone in the house so her word means nothing. Tim ask how long they have? Christine says 3 hours. Tim tells her that he is not getting ready yet he has plenty of time. 12:19pm BBT: Maddy ask so if i get Joel to flip then you will and Tim says if Joel does then i will talk to him and then yes he he says flip i will. 12:26pm BBT: Philippe, Tim, Maddy and Dallas talking about wearing green today for ST. Patrick's day. Maddy says i wish i had green to wear. Dallas says he can not wait to see eviction tonight and see who wins HOH tonight, he says it is going to be great and a barn burner. 12:30pm BBT: Dallas tells Philippe and Maddy that if they win HOH then they do not have to sweat and if they win he does not have to sweat they are all safe and Philippe agrees with him. Tim comes in and they talk about jeans. 12:32pm BBT: Tim ask what is the plan if Cassandra stays and Dallas says i do not know man i need loyalty. Tim says i know but if we can not get Joel on board then Cassandra will stay. Dallas says dude if Christine stays she will go for the other side but if Cassandra stays we do not know what she will do. 12:40pm BBT: Cassandra talking to Jared and Kelsey and Jared tells him to let him know what Tim says. Cassandra leaves and Jared tells Kelsey this game is so stressful. 12:46pm BBT: Joel and Mitch in the have not rm talking and Mitch tells Joel that he does not believe that the votes will come down to his vote this week. Joel says yeah i am just worried. Mitch tells him that he really does not think Christine is working with anyone but Cassandra is.
  5. 11:16pm BBT:, Jared, Kelsey and Raul in the HOh rm laying on the bed talking and laughing about other Hg. Cassandra, Philippe, Joel in the BY watching Tim work out. Sharry comes out saying she made frosted slop and ask them to try it and they like it and Sharry laughs. 11:22pm BBT: Ramsey telling Mitch that Raul wants to keep Sharry in the house that he is closer to her and he even cried over her before. Loveita comes in they stop talking about Sharry and go to talking about slop and how they will get sick if they have to eat slop. 11:28pm BBT: Nikki in the BY talking to Tim, Cassandra and Joel. Just general talk going on and Nikki being dramatic. In the BR Loveita, Mitch and Ramsey are talking about counting things in the house. 11:41pm BBT: Just general talk going on through the house. 11:44pm BBt: Tim says he might go for a run for a little bit. Joel is walking around talking to Christine and says he will sleep fine tonight.
  6. 6:00pm BBT: Hg are sitting around talking about what order they might go in for eviction tomorrow night to evict someone. BB tells them to please stop talking about production. 6:02pm BBT: Loveita in the bedroom singing and Bb tells her to stop singing. Cassandra laying on the bed while Mitch is in the other bed watching Sharry dance around humming. 6:12pm BBT: Raul in the HOh rm talking to Kelsey and Jared. Just general talk going on. In the living area Christine, Sharry, Loveita, Joel, Nikki and Tim sitting talking about driving cars for a company. 6:21pm BBT: In the bedroom Cassandra, nick and Philippe are talking about boxers and how Philippe wears his for 2 days straight cause he does not pee in them they just cover my junk he says. Cassandra says that she is done with this conversation. Mitch on the bed laughing at them while Maddy is gathering her dirty laundry. 6:35pm BBT: Tim says if he was to die tomorrow he has done alot in his life and he would be ok. He then talks about life being an adventure and being outside growing food you eat and swimming in the ocean and dolphins come up to you then that is living. 6:45pm BBT: Christine goes to the HOh rm and says it is so cold in there but the BR is getting hot. Raul is plucking Jared eyebrows. Kelsey comes in and ask what they are doing? Raul tells her he is straightening up his eyebrows cause they are all over the place. 6:48pm BBT: Jared yells this is brutal and Raul says we have to do the other side now and Jared yells there is another side as Raul is laughing saying yes there are two sides. Jared ask if girls keep their eyes open unlike him to do this and Raul laughs.Tim comes in asking to listen to music and Jared tells him yeah use the big headphones they are better. 6:51pm BBT: Kelsey and Cassandra in their bikinis getting in the HOH bathtub and Christine watching and talking to them.Christine gives Cassandra her cup of coffee in the tub and Cassandra and Kelsey yell for the guys to come rub their feet for them.Raul is going to fix Jared hair and Jared says you can not comb my hair i never comb my hair. Raul says yes i can. Jared says this is going to hurt and i will look like an idiot. 6:54pm BBT: Kelsey telling Raul how to comb Jared's hair and Raul tells her to shut up and leave him alone as he laughs. she says separate his hair and comb it in sections and Raul says shut up and do your hot tub and leave me alone. they all start laughing. 6:58pm BBT: Christine grabs a comb and starts helping Raul comb Jared's hair and says oh god this is like a mangy dog and feeds get cut.
  7. 4:00pm BBT: Dallas comes into the room and tells Tim he got some tape and hung it in the KT and put some maple syrup and honey on the tape to catch flies for the spider. Cassandra says that's good Dallas you can be the hunter. 4:09pm BBT: Nikki says she is going to go make some tuna pasta and ask if anyone wants any? Tim gets excited and says yeas i do Nikki you are amazing. Nikki says we should do something destructive . 4:15pm BBT: In the HOh rm Jared, Kelsey and Raul are on the bed talking general talk, Kelsey says feel my boobs to Raul and he does as she ask and she says they are so tiny today but later in the week they will be bigger maybe. Raul leaves the room and Kelsey and Jared says they will be right down. In the Kt Nikki is making her tuna pasta and Dallas is walking around. 4:25pm BBT: Kelsey is now in the KT making tuna salad asking if there is any cherry tomatoes. Raul is making food and Jared is sitting on the counter just watching. Kelsey says that Nikki should not put the noodles in the water before it starts boiling then says oh well that's ok. Jared says why does it matter and Kelsey says i am a chef that's why then laughs. 4:35pm BBT: Most Hg in the KT cooking again, some Hg on the balcony while Maddy plucks the guys eye browns. 4:45pm BBT: Just general talk going on in the house about food and facial hairs.
  8. 3:08pm BBT: Tim telling Nick, Philippe and Joel that he told BB it was not fair that he and Nikki did not get to play in the comps just because they was safe this week. Nikki says yeah!.Nikki leaves and they guys are laughing talking about beating the system this week with votes.Tim says that's the thing i just want Bb to love me and Philippe and Nick laugh. 3:16pm BBT: Tim, Sharry,Nikki,Christine and Philippe in the KT Sharry ask if Tim can make Slop look and taste like a pizza? Tim laughs and walks off with Nikki. 3:20pm BBT: Tim telling Nikki that they need to tell the house that they are splitting their votes then at the last minute we make the same vote. Nikki says they will hate us and Tim tells her who cares how can they since the house has not come to us asking for our vote? He ask has the house come to you and asked for your vote? Nikki says no. Tin tells her then they can not be mad at us for not splitting the vote.They get up and head back into the house. 3:22pm BBT: Tim and Nikki are going to the Dr to explain their plan to BB together. 3:30pm BBT: Hg are all going outside for some fresh air as BB has announced that the BY will be locked down in 15 minutes. just general talk going on about it starting to rain. 3:40pm BBT: Tim has caught a bug for his spider he has in a jar on the nightstand in his room, He ask Nikki to open the jar and tells her to be careful as it is a jumping spider. Nikki looks at him and says no i will not open that. he ask her to loosen to lid and he will open it, She loosens the lid and Tim take the lid off puts the bug in and closes the lid quick he finds the bug and says it may be stunned as bugs do that. 3:43pm BBT: Tim can not find the spider in the jar now and he ask Dallas if Cassandra would have let the spider go and Dallas said she was in here earlier alone. Tim says if she did that is grounds for eviction. Cassandra walks in and Tim ask her if she let it go and she says no i would not do that. Tim says then where is he and Cassandra says i do not know i did not let him go. Cassandra says i swear he was there when i was napping. Tim ask can he be sleeping? Cassandra says maybe.Tim says ok we are going to have to search through here as he dumps the jar on the bed looking for his spider he finds him and has to grab him quick to put him back in the jar. 3:50pm BBT: Tim, Nikki and Cassandra are watching the spider to see if it will eat the fly that Tim caught for it. Christine comes in and has a look. 3:52pm BBT: Nikki runs to the other side of the BR yelling the spider is jumping. Tim laughs and says ok the lid is on now he is contained. Tim talks about how tiny the spider is and his name is Marinara. 3:57pm BBT: Nikki and Tim with Cassandra still =watching the spider and talking about him making a web in the jar. Nikki and Tim talk about getting a pet bunny for Easter from BB. Tim says wouldn't that be cool. Nikki gets excited and says she wants a bunny.
  9. 2:05pm BBT: Jared and Mitch playing pool, Joel and Loveita walking around talking but can not hear them. 2:07pm BBT: Loveita and Jared walking and talking and she says that she wants you guys to know that my target if i stay are the brothers and i just want you to know that if i do stay i will not make you my target. Jared says thank you for that i needed to hear that. Loveita says i really should have thought more before i put Kelsey up last week but you know you come in this house with your head other places. Jared says yeah i understand. 2:15pm BBT: Loveita now in the BY watching Joel and Nick play pool. In the HOH rm Ramsey, Jared and Kelsey talk about going to go make cheese fries. Kelsey and Ramsey leave to go cook and Jared says oh this game and then heads out. 2:23pm BBT: Kelsey and Loveita are talking by the pool and Kelsey tells her that Jared and I will always be a target in this house.Kelsey says it is hard to trust anybody. Loveita says you can trust me. Kelsey says i don't know cause like next week i have to worry about who will be the target. Loveita says you can trust me we can like hang out and stuff you know? Kelsey says yeah. 2:28pm BBT: Loveita and Kelsey continue to talk about their trust issues with each other and how they need to talk to each other more. Christine comes out with Cassandra to sit and they talk about spicy foods. 2:33pm BBT: Dallas and Philippe in the bedroom talking about someone has to go home every week. Dallas says i am gunning for HOh this week cause if others get it i am out so i need to win it. Dallas says i told Loveita i will vote for her this week cause she kept me safe last week but after this that girl is on her own. 2:35pm BBT: Philippe says i am going to go out to get some air. Dallas says i am just going to lay here and relax cause i ate to much. 2:39pm BBT: Loveita, Sharry, Tim and Nikki in the WA talking about how people will stay together and from week to week the reset button is set cause it is like who is in power this week. Nikki says i just want to see everyone's faces when they say Nikki you are the new HOH, Loveita and Sharry laugh. 2:44pm BBT: HG all laying and lounging around the house in different places talking about how many votes it will take to vote someone out this week and who can be trusted and who can't. 2:47pm BBT: Kelsey says i am going to HOh to listen to music for a little bit cause i need to calm my jitters. She leaves then everything by the hot tub gets quiet. 2:56pm BBT: Loveita and Sharry talking in the WA about if one stays in the house what they can do in the house. Loveita says to Sharry that she will be happy if you stay in the house and she leaves and Sharry says i will be the same. Tim walks in and they start looking form dry shampoo for Tim.
  10. 1:05pm BBT: Most HG still in the KT talking general talk while cooking and eating. 1:14pm BBT: Philippe sitting alone in the Wa stretching. Most Hg still in the KT cooking steaks and talking general talk. 1:18pm BBT: Cassandra and Philippe in the HOh rm talking and Cassandra says i do not care who goes but i think it is stupid to vote Loveita out this week we can get her next week , No we have to get Dallas out next week.Philippe says yeah Dallas has to go next week. 1:32pm BBT: Loveita talking to Ramsey about her staying this week and making sure that Dallas is the target next week.She says alot of people want me to stay.Ramsey says he hears that alot of people want you to stay cause you will be a target next week and i do not want you to be a target. Loveita says i will not be a target. 1:40pm BBT: Kelsey and Jared have gone out to have a cigarette. Jared says we need to keep our cigarettes to ourselves and Kelsey agrees she says she has like eight packs left.Kelsey ask what are you thinking and Jared says i do not know i am just going to let you guys deal with it. Kelsey says no i like when you talk to me and agree with me. 1:42pm BBT: Kelsey tells Jared she needs him to talk to the other people and make them all think that they are voting out Loveita so when they vote her friends vote her out and she comes to our side cause we kept her. Jared says ok. 1:51pm BBT: Maddy, Philippe,Nick,Ramsey,Mitch and Christine all setting around talking general talk while they are eating their steaks and french fries. 1:55pm BBT: Christine is now in the KT washing dishes and cleaning up as Dallas is still cooking steaks and Kelsey is cooking some slop balls for the have nots. Joel says oh those are going to be nice as he watches her cook them.
  11. 12:05pm BBT: Tim, Cassandra and Nick in the bedroom talking general talk. Out by the hot tub Jared and Kelsey are talking to Maddy and Dallas about voting Loveita out this week cause it would be good for his game. Maddy and Dallas agree with him. 12:15pm BBT: Dallas and Jared are now playing a game of pool. In the bedroom,Kelsey is telling Tim, Cassandra and Nick that Maddy and Dallas was telling Jared that they want Loveita out but i think they are lying. so we all tell them that we are all leaning towards Loveita but we will all actually vote out Sharry. Tim says Dallas is very sneaky. Kelsey says he is very sneaky. Maddy comes in and talk turns to food. 12:22pm BBT: Kelsey talking to Christine about Jared wanting to get the brothers out of the house and Keep Dallas in the house but Kelsey says that the brothers kept her and Dallas didn't so i have to talk to Jared more. 12:29pm BBT: Dallas and Philippe playing pool While in the HOh rm Kelsey is talking to Jared about keeping Loveita cause Sharry is good with Dallas and Ramsey and she will use them against us. Jared says you make sense but i want to work with Dallas and Kelsey says i understand outside of this house you will hang out with Dallas but in this house he is shady as hell. Jared says we have differently views on these people in the house so i am going to let people vote how they want and Kelsey says no if Sharry stays in this house we go on the block but if Loveita stays she will work with us and not go after us. Jared says whatever if this comes around and bites me in the ass then you are alone in this game. 12:34pm BBT: Jared says ok do what you want i just do what you want i just know that it is going to come back and bite me in the ass. Kelsey says this ism a good idea to keep Loveita so what we need to do is let everyone know that we are voting out Loveita and then we all vote out Sharry. Kelsey says i feel like a genuine right now i feel good about this. Jared says ok thats fine do what you want. 12:37pm BBT: Jared says ok i will deal with the repercussions cause i have no say anyways. Kelsey says i know but you put Loveita up to protect me this week and she will not come after you if we keep her but Sharry will come after you. Kelsey says do not trust Dallas in this game be his friend but do not trust him. 12:50 pm BBT: Kelsey in the KT making herself some coffee. Raul in the HOh talking to Jared and ask Jared if he still trust Dallas and Jared says yeah i do i have a couple of weeks safety with him. Raul says i feel safer with Sharry and i am going to vote Loveita out cause Sharry says if i keep her she and Dallas will keep me safe next week. Jared says ok but Dallas thinks no one trust him but i am going to show him a little trust right now. Jared says i just know she is close with the brothers and they want to take me out. 12:57pm BBT: Tim is making food in the KT as other Hg are just walking around the house,
  12. 11:05am BBT: Tim is in the pool talking to Cassandra about the hot tub and when he won BBAU. Cassandra is whispering really low about Loveita and Sharry thinking they are strategic and they are not she says.Nick comes in and talking stops.Then we get Black out. 11:13am BBT: Sharry is in the WA doing her make up while Kelsey, Casandra and Christine go to the HOH rm and are talking about the boys saying that they want to get Sharry out and then they want to get Dallas out of the house.Jared comes in and ask Christine why she always has to clean the room and she says i do not know the girls wanted to talk so i asked if i could clean at the same time. 11:20am BBT: Joel and Loveita in the KT talking about the have not rm and how Joel.s sheets came up missing after they washed the covers.Raul comes into the KT making himself something to eat. 11:27am BBT: Mitch,Nick,Raul,Philippe, Loveita and Joel in the KT making breakfast just talking general talk. In the WA is Tim in the shower, Sharry still doing makeup Christine is talking to Tim about diets and Kelsey is getting dressed. 11:32am BBT: Cassandra and Christine talking about keeping Loveita over Sharry. Cassandra ask why would you keep Sharry over Loveita and i want Loveita here i like her. Christine says i think we need to wait till the last 5 minutes then get people to change and vote Sharry out.Cassandra says i think that is a good idea. Christine says we are the smartest people in here you know. Cassandra agrees. Cassandra says we have to be careful about this. Dallas comes in and they stop talking. 11:45am BBT: Most Hg in the KT making and eating breakfast taling about how to make the slop taste better. 11:50am BBT: Ramsey talking to Jared in the HOh rm about who Ramsey thinks the biggest threat is in the game. Jared says most are thinking that Sharry is, Ramsey says he would have to put Raul up if he won HOH cause he does not trust him. Jared says yeah Raul Sharry and Maddy. Jared says the first people that will come after me and Kelsey are Loveita and i feel i can trust Sharry alot more than Loveita. Jared tells Ramsey that his closest friends will not come after him and Ramsey ask really? Jared says really they will not come after you. 11:57am BBT: Jared telling Ramsey that the brothers want Loveita to stay cause that is numbers for them cause when we get to jury they get to play as two people instead of one person so they want numbers to stay so they can make it that far. Ramsey says oh i did not know that one. 11:59am BBT: Kelsey walks into the HOh rm and Jared tells her that Ramsey wants Loveita gone too and Kelsey says really? Ramsey says yeah. Kelsey says i am going out for a cigarette. Jared says i am coming with you and they leave the room.
  13. 2:07pm BBT: Ramsey and Maddy talking saying they are going to power through the whole house with Dallas, Tim, Nikki, Philippe, Nick and Mitch. so we have most of the house 2:19pm BBT: Loveita is talking to Jared crying in the HOh rm saying she does not want to leave this game feeling the way she feels. He hugs her and tells her that everyone likes her in this game. She says i just want to stay but i will feel happy if Sharry stays too but i just want to stay here as she cries even more.She says i do not want to fight anymore and i have talked to the people i need to talk to and Sharry knows i have but after i got to know people i was able to relax and talk to them but i am so guarded with you. Jared says i want to talk to you but i felt like i couldn't do you know what i mean?Jared says we all get to start over next week so we will see what happens. 2:35pm BBT: Kelsey talking to Jared about Loveita talking to everyone and how all of a sudden she wants to be chatty with everyone. Jared says i am just going to let everyone vote the way they want to and Kelsey says i think Loveita needs to go and Jared says i do not care who leaves anymore. Kelsey ask what all did Loveita say to you and Jared says she just kept talking and I told her i did not understand her and she cried. Kelsey says she cried? Jared says yeah she cried like twice and i had to hug her both times. Joel comes out and talking stopped. 2:42pm BBT: Kelsey is telling Joel and Mitch why Loveita needs to go this week and how she will use them then turn on them and how she will change. Kelsey says i think if Sharry stays she will be more of a target than Loveita will i mean like Loveita will just slide on through this game . Kelsey says i do not know i am just sticking to Loveita leaving this week. 2:45pm BBT: Loveita sitting in the KT watching Ramsey put a pizza in the oven as Tim says i do not know how you people eat them things. Loveita says what Pizza it is good and Tim laughs. Sharry is eating her slop just listening. 2:53pm BBT: Sharry is making tea for everyone and tells Loveita she has no choice she is having tea. Tim is washing dishes while Cassandra eats her slop.
  14. 1:20pm BBT: Raul is sitting in the HOh rm mirror playing with the rubber duck from the pool.Jared is laying in bed covered up listening to music. Raul leaves the HOh rm and goes to the WA to put on eyeliner. 1:22pm BBT: Raul is putting the eyeliner an mascara on the duck telling it that it is sexy. 1:26pm BBT: Raul puts lipstick and a headband on the duck then goes to show Maddy, Philippe, Nick and Joel the tuck they all say how good she looks. 1:33pm BBT: Tim talking to Maddy,Philippe and Joel about people that can not help themselves and how when you say evacuate then your body just does what it needs to do. Ramsey in the BR talking to Raul and Christine about doing a puppet show with the duck. Christine ask if there is any other animals in the house to do the show with. 1:53pm BBT: Sharry, Mitch and Nick in the KT making food, Joel comes in with a bucket of slop. 1:57pm BBT: Sharry and Joel are making slop cakes with salsa, olive oil and vinegar for them to eat. Nick and Philippe are cleaning the KT. Just general talk about making slop going on.
  15. 12:06pm BBT: Joel and Dallas in the chapel talking and Joel ask Dallas if he trust him and Dallas says i told you if you can look me in the eye and not be a coward and shake my hand then i trust you i just hope this does not come back and bite me in the ass. Joel says it won't it won't.Dallas says there was already some people that i thought i could trust but now i know that i can't but i want to trust you man and i hope that i can. Joel says yeah you can trust me. 12:09pm BBT: Dallas tells Joel that Christine is going to vote for Loveita and Mitch is going to vote Loveita he then ask where Raul stands as Loveita walks in the room and she says i have Raul's vote. Dallas says i am going to talk to them and we get blacked out again. 12:20pm BBT: Loveita is talking to Maddy in the BY about how Kelsey is using her for votes and Maddy says if Sharry leaves and they win HOH again then you are the target again and Loveita says i know. Maddy says that's what i am saying you will be the target again. Maddy ask how many votes do you have and Loveita says i have four right now without the two wild cards. Maddy says ok. 12:23pm BBT: Maddy says people do not like Sharry she is to in your face and she was bulling Cassandra the other day. Maddy says Sharry thinks she is the best thing in this house. Tim comes out to excersize so talk stops and now they are talking about working out and the wobbling toilet. 12:26pm BBT: Philippe and Joel at the hot tub area, Philippe ask Joel where his vote lies this week, Joel says i am leaning toward Loveita then Philippe ask for her to leave and Joel says no for Loveita to stay. Joel tells him that if Loveita stays then she is going after the side and we will be safe next week. Philippe says yeah i agree. 12:33pm BBT: Philippe and Joel continue the talk about keeping Loveita and Philippe says i am going to talk to Loveita and i am leaning more towards keeping Loveita but i want to talk to Kelsey cause i kind of wasn't to stay close to the HOH and Joel says yeah i know. Philippe says i will get Loveita to talk to Kelsey.Philippe ask who all is voting to keep Loveita and Joel says Tim, Dallas, Raul and a few others a think. Philippe says ok we will talk again later tonight or tomorrow and they shake hands and leave.
  16. 11:02am BBT: Joel tells Loveita that Sharry never comes to him much weather it be game talk or not she never talks to him much. Loveita says yeah. Loveita says that Cassandra is trying to get the votes for her to stay like Dallas. 11:10am BBT: Mitch tells Loveita that others is a bigger target than she is so she needs to let people know this . Loveita ask Joel and Mitch if they are willing to show their face to the others that they are not in an alliance with anyone and they you are both willing to do this? Mitch says yeah i would like to talk to them first though. 11:22am BBT: Joel and Loveita are in the BY talking to Dallas about keeping Loveita in the house this week. Loveita says everyone is so paranoid in this place and all i am saying is you need to keep me in this house. Joel is trying to tell Dallas that Loveita will help him and Loveita says Dallas i have your back in this game but if i go then Sharry is making you her target and i am not against me. 11:28am BBT: Christine laying in bed talking to Tim and Ramsey about Nikki laying in bed with a facecloth over her face. 11:31am BBT: Tim says he is not a hugging person and he just walks away and when he was on BBAU he said when he was in a competition and got mad cause someone won he would kick something and walk away they would get upset with him cause it was disrespectful. He ask if they do that here? Christine says i do not know. 11:39am BBT: In the BY Loveita is still talking to Dallas and Joel about how many votes Loveita will have this week as she needs six votes to stay. Loveita says that Kelsey does not even like Maddy that she is just being nice to her to get votes each week.Dallas says really? Loveita says yeah. 11:41am BBT: Loveita says i want you to keep me and i have your back. Dallas says i will keep you love you got me. Dallas says if we can trust each other then i want to hear what i need to hear as he walks off and goes back in the house. 11:44am BBT: Kelsey says we need to clean this house today as she makes breakfast. Jared ask what she repeats herself and says like clean the bathroom and stuff and he agrees.Raul, Ramsey and Philippe are also making and eating breakfast. 11:51am BBT: Most hg eating breakfast and talking about food then we go to the locked out screen.
  17. 11:02pm BBT: Most Hg in the pool area having a pool party and talking general talk.Raul and Kelsey are out by the hottub smoking and having their drinks talking about being a target. they now get up and head back to the pool party. 11:07pm BBT: Ramsey and Nick and Philippe are doing a rap song for the HG by the pool. they say it is for their new friends. 11:13pm BBT: Hg cheer on the rappers. they then get themselves a beer as the other Hg sit around laughing and talking all at one time. Tim yells out i want another go write another rap now. 11:18pm BBT: Hg are all leaving the pool area and heading into the house. Tim in the KT talking about the rap song and how good it was and he could not believe that it was like four verses long. he says i was impressed and i do not say that lightly. nick says thank you. 11:24pm BBT: Dallas, Maddy and Ramsey at the hot tub smoking and drinking and laughing about Raul's rants. Maddy gets in the hot tub then says she has to go pee. Dallas says go then i am trying to finish this beer so i can get in too. 11:27pm BBT: In the bathroom Nikki and Joel are laughing and Nikki goes to the BR and talks to Tim then they go to the HOh rm as Nikki is laughing and looking in Jared's nightstand. She says where did they put it. as she looks for the rest of the vodka. She says i am sure it came upstairs I do not miss a trick. Nikki tells Tim she is going to find it.They leave the HOh rm laughing. 11:31pm BBT: Nikki and Tim in the bathroom area and Nikki says i hate these people no i do not hate them i just hate being in this house with these people. 11:36pm BBT: In the hot tub is Kelsey, Jared,Ramsey, Raul,Maddy,Nick,and Philippe talking about Nikki and how she is acting.Jared is drinking the vodka that Nikki is looking for.They are all playing with a duck in the hot tub and say they need to leave the duck around the house. Kelsey ask what they will call the duck and everyone laughs. 11:43pm BBT: Tim and Joel are in the pool. Loveita, Christine and Cassandra are walking around getting more food. Tim and Joel get out of the pool and head into the BY area. Nikki is waiting to get into the DR. Tim goes to get her and he says she slipped in there before they could lock her out. 11:47pm BBT: Most Hg are in the hot tub talking loudly. just general talk going on. 11:51pm BBT: Tim and Sharry are trying to get Loveita to go to the hot tub with them. Tim says that Christine is just getting her feet wet so you can do the same you do not have to get your hair wet. Loveita says good i do not want my hair wet. Tim heads to the hot tub and says BB send Nikki out i will fix her i am a life coach in training then he laughs.
  18. 10:34pm BBT: Kelsey and Jared in the WA talking about getting their swim suits on. They call Mitch in and tells him to take a drink of Jareds drink and that he will be cool if he does so he takes a drink and Kelsey laughs. Ramsey is putting on makeup and laughing. All the HG are heading out to a pool party. 10:26pm BBT: Hg all go to the pool area and there are toys in the pool as the Hg cheer and start getting food and beer and wine.Kelsey yells give me some vodka and starts whooping. 10:28pm BBT: Nikki talking about the have nots being happy to eat real food.Talk is about how much vodka people have taken and Nikki says i only took 2 shots that's all. 10:33pm BBT: In the HOh rm Jared and Kelsey were talking about Nikki saying not to victimize her for taking a shot of vodka. Ramsey is laughing then leaves the rm and goes to his BR to look for a shirt. Nikki comes in and ask if she can just put her bikini on and Ramsey says i guess. 10:35pm BBT:At the pool area Philippe says guy this party sucks. Tim laughs at him. Maddy is on the float in the pool relaxing and Dallas fixes her a drink and hands it to her in the pool. 10:42pm BBT: Nick, Joey and Maddy are talking about Nikki being upset, joey says yeah she didn't get enough vodka. 10:47pm BBT: Maddy and Dallas in the pool on the float together kicking their feet and laughing as they drink their beer. Loveita, Philippe and Mitch are talking general talk around the pool. Tim now joins the pool party with Sharry and Raul and Joel. They get food to eat and and sit to eat it.Everyone is talking at one time about food music and beer. 10:51pm BBT: Raul and Sharry open the bottle of champagne and pour themselves a glass. Alot of loud talking going on as Nikki tells Joel and Cassandra thank you for doing the laundry and it was so worth it.
  19. 7:08pm BBT: Joel and Cassandra are in the laundry rm talking about there being 13 rivets in the sign downstairs and Cassandra says i thought maybe there was something in the arrows on our pictures but there was nothing in there they won't even open. Joel says there has to be maybe 13 rooms in the house or something and Cassandra says i do not know but there are 16 steps on the stairs.
  20. 12:30-1:00am BBT: Cassandra in the chapel tells Sharry that she promised to keep Loveita this week and Sharry tells her that its OK. Loveita tells her it is OK if she doesn't. Loveita tells Cassandra that her and Tim would make a good couple, Cassandra laughs. Cassandra leaves the room and goes to the KT. Kelsey, Raul and Jared are making food in the KT as Cassandra tells them the slop is making her gain weight. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Kelsey and Cassandra joke about if the house were boys verse girls and Jared laughs asking Raul which side her would be on and Raul says the boys side. They then start talking about making Ramsey feel better tomorrow after they kept leaving every time he came into a room today. Kelsey tells everyone the dishes can wait till morning as they all head upstairs. Kelsey and Jared go to the HoH room and brush their teeth as Raul watches them. Tim goes to the have not chapel and ask if he can sleep in there tonight as he feels so bad for putting them all on slop by throwing the winning balloon. they all tell him sure he can sleep in there. Tim tells Cassandra, Joel and Sharry that it is not fair he and Nikki have to vote this week as they did not play in the HOH comp. and that they would have the deciding votes to evict this week and he says that is not fair. He then says he and Nikki will split their votes and make it a tie. The Have-Nots are in the KT now making slop-cakes, They ask Tim if he wants any he says no thanks. Tim says he won the tongue on his winning throw and wants to hide it in the house as a joke So he wants to hide it where no one will know till it starts smelling bad. 2:00-2:30am BBT: Nikki comes to the KT and Tim ask to talk to her and tells her that he feels so alone in here but has to play his own game now. Tim tells Nikki while laughing that he hid the tongue and Nikki laughs saying he needs to cut it up so it will smell bad. Nikki heads back to her room and tells Loveita and Sharry that she can not sleep because the lights are still on and she has heartburn and needs to get in the DR for medication.
  21. 9:00am BBT: hg are still sleeping, BB should be waking them soon for the HG to say goodbye to the live feeds at 9:45am. 9:01am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB wakes the HG. 9:14pm BBT: Hg are in the WA , Vanessa eating and Liz doing ADl's Steve sitting there. 9:16am BBt: Liz screams and says we will never have to change our batteries again. Vanessa says unless we come back. Steve says not me i will never come back as a HG.
  22. 1:02pm BBT: Steve is now in the WA telling Vanessa that he is not sure how many people will be in the BY tomorrow but he thinks alot. Liz is in the OBR getting dressed. 1:03pm BBT: Vanessa tells Steve that she told Liz that she is a twin and she will go far in life and she is ok with everything and Steve says you told her that? Vanessa says yeah . Steve ask Liz for a hug as she walks into the WA and Liz says i have to go to the DR and we get FOTH. 1:07pm BBT: Vanessa sits close to Steve and talking about telling Liz how they made a final 2 alliance earlier in the game like 2 months ago and this last comp is going to be questions but we are taking each other. Steve says she acts like she already knows and Steve ask did you say anything to her and Vanessa says no i have not but i have not denied it to her either. Vanessa says i have told her that third place is good. 1:14pm BBT: Steve talking about there will be another person ion the audience for Vanessa tomorrow night besides Mel and Vanessa says maybe my friend mark and we get FOTH. 1:15pm BBT: Steve says i just find it really strange that she has not initiated any conversation with me at all and Vanessa says cause she comes to me cause i am like a big sister to her as i am to you . Steve says yeah i know that. 1:16pm BBT: Steve says i get my Mommy tomorrow and this is not me in real life i do not talk like this out of the house. Vanessa says lets go play some poker while we wait before i go in and Steve says can i make food? Vanessa says yeah just hurry. 1:18pm BBT: Liz is out of the DR and says why do you always have to make eggs when i am making mine and Steve laughs. 1:22pm BBT: Liz and Steve are making eggs and naming words that start with an F . BB tells them to stop that and Liz laughs and says i do not think they knew what we was talking about at first then they caught on and they laugh. 1:24pm BBT: Vanessa out of the Dr and says we are locked down and Liz says what are they doing? Steve says press day is the biggest day of the summer. Vanessa says i just want to get packed and play poker the rest of the time and Liz agrees. Vanessa says i am so excited it is almost over. Liz says we are all excited i thought we would all die in this house. Vanessa says i thought i would be trapped in here forever and ever. 1:26pm BBT: Vanessa says we have 27 and a half hours left in this house and then our characters in this house will come to an end. Steve says my character is gone after this i have to shave. Vanessa says he has to shave his face and wear nerd clothes so back to normal. 1:30pm BBT: Vanessa telling stories about her dogs,Liz saying that's cute as she finishes cooking her eggs. 1:34pm BBT: Liz and Steve eating just general talk going on. 1:34pm BBT: Vanessa says why are we getting locked in the HOH? Steve says cause there are going to be alot of people through here tomorrow. Liz says i am sure they only have to clean the bathroom and the KT what else they gonna clean the CBR? 1:38pm BBT: Vanessa tells Steve and Liz that in 3 hours it will be exactly one day left in the house. She says i am so excited. Liz says when do you think we will get our phones? Vanessa says should be right away and Steve says not till after the press conference. 1:43pm BBT: Vanessa and Steve are at he KT table ready to play cards. Liz is washing her dishes. 1:51pm BBT: Liz cleaning the KT while Steve and Vanessa are sitting at the KT table playing cards. 1:56pm BBT: Liz is waiting for the game to finish so she can join the card game and we get Jeff's Reels.
  23. 12:16pm BBT: Vanessa is up and goes to the WC again. She comes out washes her hands and goes right back to bed. 12:21pm BBT: Liz is now up and going to the WA and is doing ADL's. 12:27pm BBT:Lis makes coffee and Vanessa gets up and they talk about how Austin made the coffee strong. 12:30pm BBT: Vanessa says we have so much to do in here and so little time now. Liz says yeah i am so excited do you know what you are going to, wear yet? Vanessa says i think so but i do not have very many options you know. Liz says i already worse my finale night outfit ya know. Liz then says i need to put away the dishes. 12:36pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa talking about who might fly out for finale and then Liz says i am so excited. 12:39pm BBT: Liz says i hope my mom comes cause she is the kind that likes to plan stuff and she will want to do stuff with us. Liz says Mom owns a catering business and my aunt that I call Nana she really isn't family but like a close family friend. 12:43pm BBT: Liz says you can tell there are only 3 of us left in the house cause there is so much food left in the STR we are not eating nothing. BB calls Vanessa to the DR and Liz says ask them if i need to go to cause i need to put make up on. 12:48pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa in the WA doing make up and their hair for DR session and Steve is in the DR now. 12:57pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa still doing ADL's and talking about their time in the house and time on slop. 12:58pm BBT: Vanessa and Liz whispering low talking about trusting each other and Vanessa has no mic on so hard to hear.
  24. 11:01am BBT: Vanessa is at the table playing cards alone as Steve and Liz are in bed sleeping. 11:11am BBT: Vanessa gets up and goes to the OBR and goes back to bed. 11:35am BBT: Vanessa is now sitting up in her bed puts on her shades and gets chips and starts eating them. Liz and Steve are still sleeping. 11:38am BBT: Vanessa is up taking Advil then heads to the KT and looks around then goes tot he WA to clip her toe nails. 11:54am BBT: Vanessa is now back in bed after clipping her nails.
  25. 10:03am BBT: Vanessa is up goes to the WC then washes hands then blows her nose then tries to get into the STR. BB does not let her in the STR so she goes to get her hat and then back to trying the STR again. 10:06am BBT: BB is still not letting Vanessa in the STR so she paces the LVR for a minute then goes back to bed. Then we get FOTH. 10:20am BBT: Steve says Mylanta as the feeds return, He is standing in the KT and says oh mylanta again and then says what the hell is going on oh mylanta as Vanessa looks at him.. Steve then goes to the WA to rinse his hands. Liz is still in bed covered up. 10:22am BBT: Steve back in the KT with Vanessa , Vanessa is smiling and Steve says that one day is today oh mylanta. Vanessa then goes to the WA to do ADL's. 10:23am BBT: Steve says BB wont let him in and then tells Vanessa he has not even thought about packing yet. Steve standing in the BR looking as Vanessa walks back to the KT with her shades on and just looking around. 10:31am BBT: Vanessa sitting alone in the KT,Liz in bed and we get FOTH. 10:33am BBT: Steve and Vanessa in the KT talking and Vanessa says she is so excited. Steve says yes this is the last night in the house. he then asked if Liz is up? Vanessa says no and Steve says oh my the Finale is tomorrow and he is excited. 10:35am BBT: Steve is telling Vanessa that the press and everyone who comes for press day will want to see the house. He then tells Vanessa lets play cards and Vanessa says ok as they go to the table to play. 10:38am BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking about the game being over tomorrow and Steve says i hate when things are over i just miss things when they are over. 10:45am BBT: Steve and Vanessa playing cards and Steve says i never thought i would have made it this far and puts his head on the table smiling as Vanessa smiles at him. 10:47am BBT: Steve is now in the OBR looking at his letters from home, Liz is sleeping and Vanessa at the KT table dealing cards out waiting for Steve to come back to play. 10:53am BBT: Steve has now gone back to bed and Vanessa goes to the WC.



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