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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 1:03pm BBt: Corey talking about speaking Spanish to Bronte and she is laughing at him. they then talk about how good their grades were in high school. 1:18pm BBt: Most Hg still sleeping, Bronte in the WA alone doing make up. Bridgette in the HOHR eating and watching the spy screen. 1:45pm BBT: Hg just talking general talk and doing make up. 1:59pm BBT: Natalie in the KT spraying for ants and cleaning.
  2. 12:05am BBt: Michelle and Natalie in the WA talking about Jozea and how he talked bad about everyone. 12:09pm BBT: Michelle and Natalie saying they hope James makes it far in this game. Natalie says i know i used to spend alot of time with James and we would lay together alot but when he moved it would wake me up. 12:28pm BBT: All is quiet in the BB house. Most Hg sleeping and Natalie doing her nails. 12:33pm BBT: Bronte comes in the WA and complains she is cramping then says i swear every morning i wake up in this house i feel like a 40 year old cause my body hurts. 12:48pm BBT: All 4 feeds on Bridgette in the HOHR as she walks around then lays back in bed.
  3. 1:18pm BBT: Nicole laying out in the By says she smells food that smells like fair food. Frank says i do too. 1:22pm BBT: Frank giving shout outs to his buddies back home and paulie gives a shout out as Nicole laughs at them. 1:35pm BBT: All HG laying out or walking around the BY no talking going on. 1:50pm BBT: some HG laying out , some HG in the pool and some Hg working out. Just general talk going on.
  4. 12:05pm BBT: Bronte now laying on LVR couch with her eyes closed. 12:08pm BBT: Paulie and frank in the KT Talking about how it is messed up that BB took the BY away without warning. Paulie says he wanted to do his laundry. Frank says yeah me too. Frank tells Paulie that Bridgette is doing her Blog right now and then should be down with her camera. 12:13pm BBT: Bridgette is down stairs with her camera now waking the other Hg to take pictures with her. 12:30pm BBT: BB has let them in the BY for pictures. Hg are now up and around eating and walking around as Bridgette takes pictures and laughs at every picture she takes. 12:30pm - 1:15pm BBT: Frank and Paulie talk about cooking eggs and how the weeks are going better as their group is keeping quiet. Most HG are in the By laying in the sun talking about their families and general talk.
  5. 11:00am-12:00pm BBT: frank and bronte sitting in the KT talking general talk about the ants in the house and where they are at in the house. They then talk about how some people should never be in this house like Tiffany and Russle Hantz. Frank then tells her how the Double evictions are played and that there is no time between comps. All other HG in bed sleeping.
  6. 8:42am-9:25am BBT: Hg getting ready for the day and Frank and James talking about guns that they own. we then get Jeff's Reels.
  7. 2:04pm BBT: Bronte and Paul making food, Paulie, Bridgette and Natalie just talking general talk about what to wear tonight and how to do hair. James still in the STR ironing. 2:07pm BBT: Victor in his rm packing while Corey is getting dressed. 2:15pm BBT: Natalie laying in bed talking to James about being nervous about the live eviction and we get WBRB. 2:21pm BBT: Natalie tells James she just wants to win this game so she can buy a house and help her mom and sister out financially. James says ok we can buy a house in Texas and Natalie laughs as we get WBRB. 2:23pm BBt: Natalie asking if James is excited about the HOh comp tonight and he says not really but he is. Natalie says i hope it is endurance since we have not had one yet. 2:33pm BBT: most of the HG are in the WA getting ready for tonight's live eviction. James and Natalie laying in bed talking about Natalie being paranoid about things. 2:35pm BBT: Bronte tells Natalie and James she does not know what to wear tonight. Natalie says i am dressing up and if they tell me to change then i will change. Bronte says we need to communicate tonight and not get mad at each other. Natalie says yeah after tonight we will not have Victor. Bronte says i know we will not have Victor tonight so we need to communicate and win. 2:45pm BBT: Bronte and Natalie talking in the BR and Natalie tells Bronte that they will get her to jury. In the WA Tiffany is curling her hair.
  8. 1:52pm BBT: Hg are coming out of the HOHR and going to lay down in their beds. Nicole and Corey in the WA laughing as Corey tries to pop Nicole with a towel. 1:58pm BBT: James is in the STR ironing his shirt. Bronte, Natalie and Bridgette in the KT talking about if they need to wear athlete clothes or not tonight. Paul is making food as Paulie walks around the KT.
  9. 11:03am BBT: Nicole says she just feels sorry for Vic but she promises Corey and Paulie she will not say anything to him. 11:14am BBT: Girls are in the WA doing hair and make up talking about extensions while the guys are in the KT talking general talk and cleaning. 11:19am BBT: Hg are all heading to the HOHR for a lock down and we get WBRB. 11:29am BBT: We now have Jeff's reels.
  10. 12:01pm BBT: Most Hg laying in the By around the pool. James in the KT with frank eating left overs from last nights celebration. 12:06pm BBT: Nicole goes into the KT to make food and frank ask her if she is still voting Victor out and she says yeah. 12:26pm BBT: Paul in the KT talking about having to eat slop and complaining about how long it takes to cook. James and frank in there talking to him about movies. 12:34pm BBT: Most of the girls are in the BR talking about the girls getting dressed up tonight and having diner together. Da'Vonne in the Kt with Nicole and Corey making herself some slop. 12:47pm BBT: just general talk going on around the house about food.
  11. 3:03pm BBT: Hg are sitting around eating and talking about if they lay down then BB will say it is BBQ time. 3:09pm BBT: Bronte is washing dishes while Natalie is making food. Nicole and Corey are in the WA talking about joking with each other. 3:10pm BBT: Paul and Victor in the BR talking about who's votes Victor has. Victor says that Natalie promised that she would vote out Tiffany. Victor then says that he talked to Paulie and asked hi if there was a tie would he consider voting out Tiffany and he tells Paul that Paulie said yeah. 3:20pm BBT: Most Hg laying down. Paul, Paulie and Bridgette at the chess table . Victor in bed telling Nicole that Frank is cool with him now and trying to get voters to stay this week. Nicole says ok you better not target me though next week. 3:30pm BBT: Paul and Bridgette in the KT with Frank as he makes nachos and Bridgette making a salad. Nicole, Corey and Victor in the BR talking general talk as they lay in bed. 3:45pm BBT: Frank tell Tiffany in the KT that he just put nachos in the oven. he then says i hope we get BBQ soon. Most Hg are laying in bed waiting for the lock down to be over so they can go back outside. Just general talk going on about losing weight. 3:53pm BBT: General talk in the WA with Da'Vonne, Zakiyah, Tiffany and Frank about t shirts. In the BR Bronte is changing clothes while James and Natalie talk about the stuffed giraffe Natalie is holding. 3:57pm BBT: Natalie tells Bronte that she needs to get ready for the party tonight. Bronte is dressed and ready.
  12. 11:21am BBT: Feeds are back Hg are saying happy 4th of July. Paul and Victor in the BR and Paul says i called it. Victor says i will see you next week. Paul says we got work to do. Victor says what do i do now just not talk to them. Paul says it wont make a difference at this point. 11:24am BBT: Paul and Paulie in the BY talking now and Paulie says it is what it is if he wants to talk to me then he can or not. 11:28am BBT: Nicole, Paul, Corey, Tiffany and Da'Vonne by the hammock talking about how James is running everything. In the BR Bronte says to Natalie bye bye Victor and Paul you are next. Natalie laughs as they head to the BY. Victor is in the shower. 11:34am BBT: Most Hg in the By talking about eating and going swimming today. Paulie is working out. 11:44am BBT: Most Hg in the BY just general talk about ti being the 4th of July going on and what they should wear today as they wait for their BBQ. 11:50am BBT: Da'Vonne, Zakiyah and Nicole in the WA. Da'Vonne doing her hair as Nicole does her nails no talking going on. In the BY is victor,Paul,Bridgette and Tiffany sitting on the By couches talking about dancing. Bridgette gets called to the DR.
  13. 10:06am BBT: Zakiyah in the HNBR doing her make up. Frank and Tiffany talking about their family. Tiffany ask what time do you think our party will be and frank says i don't know but it should be sometimes today. 10:09am BBT: Paulie and Corey now in the BY working out as Victor has now gone inside to change clothes. Nicole in the BY laying down watching Cory and Paulie. Frank and Tiffany still talking about past seasons of BB and other tv shows. 10:19am BBT: Nicole, Paulie and Victor sitting in the BY talking general talk. In the BR is Tiffany, Frank and Natalie talking about WWE and Franks dad being Sid Vicious and Natalie says really are you lying? Tiffany says no his dad really is Sid Vicious and Natalie says that is so cool and funny. 10:25am BBT: BB says HG this is a lockdown please go outside and close the sliding glass doors. Hg head for the KT for drinks and then head out to the BY. 10:26am BBT: We are now on Jeff"s Reels as Hg are doing the POV ceremony.
  14. 9:02am BBT: Victor in the BY eating a banana and getting pool balls out saying he is going to get the banana down and then going to work out. he then says Happy 4th of July America and thank you to our troops. he then gives shout outs to his family. 9:11am BBT: Da'Vonne sitting in the WA alone. James and Corey still laying in bed talking about living in Texas and drinking at bars. 9:19am BBT: Victor working out in the BY. Most HG still in bed sleeping. 9:24am BBT: BB tells the Hg it is time to get up for the day. James says what you better give us some music or something today. Bb calls Paulie to the DR and James says you know what that means could be POV ceremony. 9:27am BBT: Bronte and Tiffany in the WA doing makeup and we get WBRB. 9:37am BBT: Paul has now joined Victor in the BY. Victor ask if everyone is waking up now and Paul says yeah as BB calls him to the DR. 9:52am BBT: Girls are all in the WA doing hair and makeup, James is in the WC. Victor is still outside working out. No conversations going on. 9:56am BBT: Frank is now up after BB told him to rise and shine. Tiffany comes into the HOHR and sits down. In the WA Bridgette Natalie and Bronte are getting ready for the day.
  15. 8:51am BBT: BB tells the HG Good morning it is time to get up for the day and that there are fresh batteries in the STR. 8:52am BBT: Nicole and Zakiyah are in the WA washing their faces. Victor in the KT making a drink. Da'Vonne was called to the DR. 8:54am BBT: Nicole goes back to bed and yawns. Victor is killing ants in the KT. Zakiyah is heading back to bed as BB calls Tiffany to the DR. 8:58am BBT: Victor now in the BY putting the awnings down. James and Corey laying in bed talking general talk as Nicole lays there listening.
  16. 12:05pm BBT: Nicole and Natalie whispering in the LVR are about they need to win the next HOH and the roadkill comp. James has gone to the HOHR talking to paulie about the fish that got eaten by the other fish. 12:10pm BBT: Nicole tells Natalie to stand up for herself with Victor and Natalie says i do not like him like that and it is weird. James creeps up yells what are you doing to Nicole and Natalie. 12:17pm BBT: frank and Bridgette in the KT cooking. Victor in the HOHR talking to paulie and watching the fish as they talk about different fish and how the little fish must be scared for their life in that tank. 12:21pm BBT: Paulie and Victor in HOHR talking about people on Facebook. in the LVR Corey and Nicole talking with Tiffany and James about girls and the way they act. Bridgette and Natalie are putting on James shirts they walk out to the LVR and James just looks at them as they walk through smiling. 12:30pm BBT: HG just sitting around the house eating and general talk going on. 12:34pm BBT: Paulie and Victor playing chess talking about carrying each other to the final 2. Victor says i thought we would get each other to jury then let it all happen. 12:36pm BBT: Victor says we have to get rid of all the floaters. Paulie says that Tiffany is smart and victor says Michelle is smart and Paulie says she is super smart. Paulie says yeah but we do not have to worry about them in physical comps. Victor agrees. 12:45pm BBT: Paulie and Victor still whispering at the chess table but Frank and James are being very loud in the LVR and can not hear what is being said. They break up the talk and says they better go down stairs before someone gets suspicious. 12:47pm BBT: Frank, James, Nicole, Corey and Victor in the LVR relaxing and talking about flying and general talk. In the HOHR Natalie and Bridgette are playing chess. 12:51pm BBT: WE now have WBRB then we go to Jeffs reels as the HG may be playing the roadkill competition.
  17. 11:30am BBT: feeds are back Bronte and Paul have been nominated. 11:38am BBT: Michelle and Nicole talking about how Paul is walking around smiling. Nicole says they need to win the roadkill comp and make sure victor goes up with Paul and Bronte. 11:40am BBT: Paulie in the HOHR talking to frank and Corey about Paul and victor wanted to talk to them now and how all of a sudden they want to talk and last week they had nothing to say to each other. 11:43am BBT: James and Natalie in the WA whispering as Bronte comes out of the WC and says we are on Big brother. James tells her just win the veto and you come down and he will put someone else up. Bronte tells James yeah i talked to Paulie already and he said i had a good chance of winning veto and come down. James says i will win if you pick me. 11:50am BBT: Hg are gathering in the KT making food. frank says he needs protein and James says i had cream cheese and bacon so i am good. James gets up and tells Natalie that he is going to go lay down. 11:55am BBT: Pailie and Tiffany in HOHR talking. paulie says Victor wouldn't not leave his room lastnight and leave him alone.
  18. 2:05pm BBT: Hg in the WA doing hair and makeup. Corey is cutting paul's hair. just general talk going on. 2:19pm BBT: Hg still getting ready for the live show as other Hg are sitting around talking general talk. 2:26pm BBT: Frank keeps telling everyone that BB said they would get about an hours heads up before they have to be completely ready for tonight's live show and we keep getting WBRB. 2:37pm BBT: Hg sitting around and relaxing all over the house and some still preparing for tonight. Just general talk going on about what to wear. frank says he is ready to get this show on the road. 2:54pm BBT: Victor telling Jozae in the ST that they should be ok tonight and if not then he and Paul will have to make rounds. Jozea says his speech tonight will come natural. 2:59pm BBT: Just general talk going on through the house as Hg prepare and wait for tonight's live eviction.
  19. 1:03pm BBT: James walks into the BR and tells Bridgette that he knows for sure she is not going tonight. Bridgette says thanks i needed to hear that. James walks out and goes back to the KT^. 1:06pm BBT: Victor and Paul in the STR setting up the ironing board. Jozea in the shower while the girls are doing makeup and talking general talk on where to put Nicole's things at. 1:12pm BBT: Bronte in the STR talking to Victor. Victor tells her we have to win or else i think i am on the chopping block. Bronte says yeah we have to win. Bronte leaves to go eat a can of soup and Frank walks in. Victor ask should i wear shorts or pants? frank tells him he is wearing pants. Paul walks in and says we have to win HOH tonight and frank says yeah we do. 1:22pm BBT: Hg ironing clothes for tonight as others are cleaning the house. Just general talk about wearing matching clothes going on. 1:39pm BBT: Jozea in the STR ironing in his underwear talking to Bridgette about people talking behind her back, she ask whom it is and he says he will not say and makes her mad that people are dropping her name. In the WA most HG are getting ready for tonight's show. 1:48pm BBT: Corey talking to Nicole in the BR about Frank being suspicious and that if paulie leaves tonight instead of Jozea he will be mad. Nicole tells him to be careful confronting Frank cause he is a competition beast. 1:52pm BBT: frank in the Lounge rm talking tom James and Michelle about how paulie is going to be strong and win comps and Jozea wont. He tells Michelle that he knows paulie is your friend but he needs to go he can win.
  20. 12:15pm BBT: we are still on WBRB 12:53pm BBT: Feeds are back with Hg leaving the HOHR and heading down stairs asking for nail clippers. 12:57pm BBT: all the girls are still in the HOHR doing nails and talking general talk. the guys are all downstairs eating and finding clothes for tonight's live eviction and we get WBRB. 12:59pm BBT: Feeds back as everyone offers to help Nicole remove her things from the HOHR.
  21. 3:10pm BBT: Frank is up walking around in the KT making himself something to eat. Victor in the LVR talking to DA about his family. 3:27pm BBT: Most Hg taking naps, Frank eating in the KT talking to Paulie. Da, Victor, Jozea in the LVR talking about cutting hair. 3:44pm BBT: Hg gathering in the LVR, Tiffany laying on the back of the couch and we get WBRB.
  22. 2:00pm-2:30pm BBT: Natalie in the KT cooking and talking to Victor just general talk while Paul is in the LVR talking to DA and frank about tattoos. 2:45pm BBT: Natalie and Victor in the KT talking about if their ia meat on her hands she opens the fridge with her feet. In the LVR Zakiyhah, Paul and Frank talking about how far they live apart from each other. 2:54pm BBT: Victor in the KT doing dishes. Frank telling other HG that tomorrow will be a busy day for them and for production. 2:59pm BBT: Just general talking going on and we get WBRB
  23. 12:00pm-1:00pm BBT: Chess game is still going on and James is talking about victor and how he wished he had heard what victor said about knocking him out. Nicole tells Corey do not get into all that or he will leave the house then she will be mad. Natalie and Bronte go to lay down and leaves Bridgette to bake the cookies alone. most Hg napping and Bridgette baking cookies while Nicole , Corey, James and Paul sit at the chess board.
  24. 11:00am-12:00pm BBT: Paul , Victor and James talking in the KT about the ants and about James playing pranks. Victor is not happy about the pranks being played and James tells him to lighten up they are funny. Bronte and Natalie in the WA talking about the votes for Thursday night and they think paulie is leaving. Bronte tells Natalie she loves Bridgette but she does not trust her. Natalie says she does not trust Bridgette either, says she flips between groups all the time. Bronte says she thinks the eviction is tonight since the Olympics open tomorrow . Victor goes to take a nap while Paul teaches Nicole to pay chess. Bridgette walks into the Wa and tells Natalie and Bronte that she thinks James is trying to flip votes. they all three get up and head to the KT to make cookies.
  25. 1:05pm BBT: Nicole and Corey by the pool talking. Corey ask who the other Hg think won the roadkill comp and Nicole says Michelle. Corey ask if they really think that? Nicole says yeah they do but i do not like to spread crap. 1:12pm BBT: Bronte in the KT making herself something to eat while Victor is washing dishes and cleaning the KT. Paul is in the BR talking to Zakiyah about where the votes will be this week and who needs to leave he ask her if she trust him and she says yeah i trust you. He starts whispering to her about keeping Jozea. 1:27pm BBT: Most hg around the pool lounging and sunbathing. general talk going on about laying in the sun getting tan. 1:35pm BBT: frank and Nicole in the pool. Frank dunks Nicole and then picks her up on his shoulder then slams her into the pool as other HG are watching and laughing. 1:47pm BBT: Jozea and Bridgette are playing chess. Frank, Paulie, Paul, Bronte are all at the pool just general talk going on. 1:59pm BBT: frank, Paulie and Bronte floating in the pool. Jozea and Bridgette still playing chess. not much talking going on.



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