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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:08pm BBT: James is now out with his camera talking pictures in the BY. Frank, Victor,Paulie and Bridgette in the KT talking general talk. 12:15pm BBT: Most HG in the BY taking pictures. Bridgette and Frank in the LVR sitting on the couch talking general talk. Bridgette throws a pillow at Frank then laughs. 12:31pm BBT: All feeds on Frank and Bridgette in the LVR talking about movies. 12:37pm BBT: Hg in the pool now taking pictures and laughing while Frank and Bridgette still sit talking about movies in the LVR. 12:50pm BBT: Picture taking in the pool under water continues then Bb calls for James to go to the DR to return the camera.
  2. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Paul tells Paulie if Frank comes back in this house that he may have to hit Bridgette in the face andf make her last week a living hell in this house. Paul and Paulie then say goodnight and try going to sleep. Victor says his good nights and goes to bed. Nicole, Zak and Michelle talk about how bad will will look on national TV for some of the things they have done in the house. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Michelle and Zak are goibng to prank Paul and Paulie as they get shaving cream. The boys are in bed and they go in and throw shaving cream on their faces. the girls run to the other room hiding, Paul and Paulie are laughing Zak ask Paulie to please not get them back. Nicole now laying down with Corey crying as he hold her , she says she is upset that Frank told people not to trust her. Michelle tells her that she is taking things good as she woyuld be mad at Frank. Nicole tells her and Corey that she has to be strong and please do not tell anyone she is upset. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Natalie in the BY working out as james watches. Nicole comes out and they give her dating advice. Natalie then talks about hopw Victor should not be getting in bed with Nicole and corey. Michelle comes out and they talk about maybe Victor is the sabator. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Just general talk going on with Michelle and Nicole in the BY about the cards they got today. Nicole says she would rather have a trip somewhere than to get back in the house. Nicole says if Frank comes back in and is safe for 4 weeks i will leave the house on my own. James and natalie talking about Paulie and Zak. James tells her that Paulie said he would vote Zak out if he needed to. Natalie is shocked and ask really. Natalie said thast Zak was upset that Paulie did not wake her when we first got the clues today then he wouldn't give Zak the code so Zak was upset. Bridgette gets a shower and then blow dries her hair. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: James and natalie talking about his daughter then they start talking about Ftrank and bridgette and what will happen when One of them leave this week. James tells Natalie she does not need to win HOH for a couple more weeks cause she is not on any radars right now. Natalie says you never know. Natalie then tells him a conversation wioth Nicole she has. Nicole tells she wants Frank out first. James says the house was glad when i put them on the block.. Natalie says yeah Frank and Bridgette both will do anything to win this game and say anything. Nicole out of the DR and goes to bed with Corey. She tells him if he is going to talk to her then the DR said you have to put your mic on. Nicole says she is not tired so they get up and gop out to the hammock Natalie and james go to the HOH rm and then go to the secret paris rm. natalie says i do not know if we can or not but they go in and get pillows and lay down in the floor. james wants to hide in the rm tomorrow. he says we can take food and put our cards on the table then the other Hg will think something happened to them. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Natalie and james head out of the secret rm and go to the BY to find Nicole and Corey. they get happy that someone else is still awake. james tells them that the coupels have to stay together. James is called to the DR. natalie goes to HOHR and does a workout. Corey and Nicole head back to bed. James out of DR and goes to the HOHR. just general talk going on about Natalie being cheerleader. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: James and natalie still talking general talk as they get ready for bed. all Hg in bed sleeping.
  3. 3:14pm BBT: Michelle gets up and goes inside the house, Victor goes in and heads to the shower. paulie in the KT walking around. James and Natalie in the pool whispering.(can't hear them) 3:26pm BBT: Paulie and Victor in the KT. Paulie is washing dishes while Victor talks to him about working out with dumbbells. 3:31pm BBT: Victor now in the HOH rm listening to music alone. 3:38pm BBT: Victor, Paul and paulie all in the HOH bathroom waiting to take turns to get showers. Paulie just got out and heads down stairs. Paul decides to go downstairs for a shower since the HOh shower is clogged up. Natalie and James still in the pool whispering. 3:52pm BBT: James in the HOHBR talking to Victor and says if everyone is on board with eviction then it is whatever. BB tells Victor to put his mic on. James lays in the floor and closes his eyes as Corey is asleep on the bed. Paulie and Natalie in the pool talking general talk.
  4. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: James and Nicole talking about how thwey was excited when they seen each other in the house that first night. James sais he told his roommate when he left home that the only thing that would get him in trouble this summer is if they have Nicole in the house with him and nicole laughs. Victor and paul playing chess. Frank walking around and searching in the Nairobi BR looking in things as paul is doctoring his piercings and complaining. paul leaves and Frank looks around where Paul was sitting. Paul and Frank now in Safari rm talking about eveyone sleeping already. James and Nicole talking about her showmance on her season. james ask what happened and nicle refuses to talk about it on national Tv , James says ok when we go to lockdown then you can tell me and she says yeah i will tell you then. Frank wants to call a house meeting and no one wants to go so they are playing like they aee asleep to avoid Frank and his meeting. Bridgette is baking cookies and Frank is eating them just general talk going on. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Corey and Nicole in bed snuggling talking about how they like paul and how funny he is . Nicole say at first i wasnt crazy about him but then i got to know him and he is funny. Paul and Victor talk about all the guys being close but Frank. Paul says he can not stand Frank he needs him gone. Frank wants to get a house meeting going but some Hg are sleeping. he wants to wake them. Natalie is running through the house cheering as BB announces the BY is now open. Bridgette starts running and cheering with Natalie as Hg go to the BY and Bridgette starts her giggling. Frank and Bridgette try getting everyone together for the meeting but DA and Zak are not going so Frank is trying to do it without them but no one wants to talk game now that they are free in the BY.Frank keeps trying to get everyone but they are not moving. James tells DA to keep following groups and not let them talk alone. She says i am following Frank everywhere tonight. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Frank sitting at the hot tub talking to Paulie and paul about DA being paranoid and how she will not let him alone to talk in private to anyone. Paul and Paulie try to figure out how to get out of this meeting with Frank as they do not want to do it. James tells everyone that Natlaie is his BB girlfriend and Natalie laughs . Bridgwette was called tom the DR but remains sitting in the BY with Frank. natalie and james start talkingh about they think Corey and Michelle are related and looking at the memory wall trying to figure out any secrets that the Hg might have., HG in the BY talking general talk. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: James tells DA to to follow Frank to the BR so he can not talk to anyone or have a meeting . Natalie says she is going to make sure Michelle does not use that Veto so Frank can go home this week. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: James, Natalie and Michelle in the HOHBR talking about eviction tghis week. Michelle says they should keep Frank and send bridgette home. Nicole and Victor come in and talkign stops about game. Michelle and Nicole talk about food. They talk about hopw much food Victor eats. Paul says in 2 days we are out of Pizza and cookie dough.Just General talk going on about food and the meeting that has been canceled. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Most Hg in the HOHBR just talking about food, Frank then speaks up and says he wants to POV used and DA on the block. Frank and DA then start arguing about him wanting her on the block and he tells her you keep blocking my campaigning. Da ask if she needs to leave the room and paulie tells frank that the numbers are not good for him now. Frank yells and tells them that no one in this house has a backbone. The Meeting breaks up and Frank goes to Zak and throws Nicole under the bus and tells her that Nicole can not be trusted. He then goes to DA and tells her tnhat Nicole is playing both sides of the house. he then ask then to protect Bridgette from the mean girls when he leaves. 4:00am-5:30am BBT: Justr general talk as the HG staert heading to bed.
  5. 11:00am BBT: Frank , Natalie and Bridgette talking in WA, Natalie says i want you to know i had nothing to do with the noms yesterday i hope you know that. Frank says yeah i know, Frank says i just want you to know that i never said i wanted you to leave. James said yesterday that he heard that and i did not know if you heard it but i never wanted you or James gone people are trying g to make me look bad. 11:06am BBT: Natalie ask Bridgette if James has talked to her yet? Bridgette says no he just said he would talk at me today. All goes quiet as Natalie does her hair and Bridgette does her makeup. Frank just sitting there staring at the wall.
  6. 10:07am BBT: All HG sleeping.BB keeps showing the airplane on the balcony table and the Nairobi picture. Then they show the other pictures in the house. 10:30am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 10:40am BBT: After a brief WBRB Hg are starting to get up out of bed and getting clothes to change. 10:42am BBT: Bridgette is waiting for the WC . Natalie comes out and they start talking but can not hear them as they do not have their mics on. Bridgette now gets into the shower. 10:47am BBT: Natalie says she does not think she is going to shower this morning cause she had a shower lastnight so she is just going to get ready for the POV now. She gets her make up out and her hair extensions. 10:51am BBT: Frank in the WA brushing his teeth while Natalie does her hair. Bridgette is getting dressed after her shower. all other Hg still in bed sleeping. 10:57am BBT: Frank talking to Bridgette and Natalie about the POV comp. he tells Bridgette that one of them has to come down for them to have a fighting chance. Frank tells her that if they are there he will go and she can stay and Bridgette says i never wanted to go to Jury Frank and you know that so i will leave.
  7. 9:02am BBT: Hg still sleeping . 9:22am BBT: BB is now waking the HG as we have Fish and WBRB. 9:38am BBT: Zak in the WA washing her face. Paul in STR changing batteries and then heads back to bed. Frank up going to WC. 9:41am BBT: BB calls Natalie to the DR. Most Hg still in bed with covers over their heads sleeping. 9:46am BBT: Frank and Paulie in the WA talking. Frank says this is a must win today for the POV. Paulie says he will feel more comfortable with a win this week so we can try to get the person we want up there on the block this week. He says i just do not want people to say yeah lets get Bridgette out and instead they take you out. Frank says yeah. Frank says i am going to pick you to play and i will tell Bridgette to pick Michelle, Paulie says or Corey. 9:48am BBT: Paulie says i just know i am going to try to get Bridgette voted out this week and not you. Frank says ok. Paulie tells him i have already started that now. Frank says if we can actually get James to put DA up on the block then we can get people to go into that one you know what i mean? Paulie says yeah i do. 9:51am BBT: Frank says i will pick you for the POV but i feel like if you have a chance to throw it then throw it cause if you win it and take me down then you and I have a bigger target for next week. 9:56am BBT: Frank and Paulie says lets do this and win this POV as they leave the WA and head back to bed. All other HG in bed
  8. 12:00AM-1:00AM BBT: The HGs in the kitchen are watching Paul make French fries. Victor tells Nicole if she can answer three questions about his bracelet and he will be her servant all day tomorrow. She takes the bracelet to the livingroom to study it as he gave her five minutes to study it. He then asks her five questions. She gets them all right. Victor will be her servant tomorrow but Nicole says she probably won't have him do anything. Zakiyah says, "I will help you and they laugh." Victor then starts talking about his interview with Jeff and the clips he saw where Paul hits his head and the shaving cream fight. The HGs are now wondering what the next Have-Not foods will be. They think maybe a party type theme. Nicole goes and gets in bed with Corey and ask him if he is mad at her for winning a deal with Victor. Corey is just upset over Victor calling him out on a girl he lied to before. He asks Nicole if she has any questions for him? 1:00-2:00AM BBT: Natalie is in the HoH room sleeping with James, she says she is homesick and misses her family. Michelle and Victor are in the Safari room talking about playing in competitions and Victor said he played a lot of competitions and he knows his mom is proud of him for winning all those competitions and not getting nominated. Michelle tells him they did not know any competitions were even going on all this time. Frank walks to the room as Michelle tells that Bridgette said they were bullies. Michelle is worried that Frank heard her. Paulie joins them in the Safari room and says if he wins PoV, he is taking Frank down, they start laughing. They then talk about Bridgette needs to go before Frank as she can win competitions and Frank can't. 2:00-3:00AM BBT: James and Natalie are in the HoH bed James tells her he was nervous she wouldn't make the jury. She tells him he shouldn't have and he tells her that's what boyfriends do, look out for their girl. Just general chatting going on with James and Natalie now as they lay in bed watching the fish. 3:00-4:00AM BBT: Nicole is in bed with Corey as they snuggle and kiss. Corey gets up and goes to the kitchen to talk to Paulie about Victor talking about the girl he liked before BB and how he is mad that Victor said something in front of Nicole. Victor comes in and talk stops. In the HoH room, James teases Natalie about nominating her as the replacement nominee She laughs and says please do not nominate me. 4:00-5:00AM BBT: Nicole says she is hungry and heads to the kitchen for a cookie. Nicole finishes her cookie and goes back to bed. Just general talk going on through the house. 5:00-6:00AM BBT: Michelle and Zakiyah are in the bedroom talking and Paulie comes in wanting to talk to Zakiyah. Michelle leaves and she said and Zakiyah says she does not want to talk. Michelle returns and Paulie stops talking. All the HGs are in bed sleeping.
  9. 11:03am BBT: Michelle and Natalie fixen to wax their armpits. All other Hg sleeping. 11:15am BBT: DA is now up in the WA brushing her teeth. Natalie is waxing her armpits. Michelle is doing her hair no talking going on. 11:19am BBT: Hg are all heading to the HOHR for a lock down. 11:21am BBT: WE are now on Jeff's Reels
  10. 9:05am BBT: WE now have WBRB as BB wakes the HG for the day. 9:16am BBT: Paul goes to the HOHR as BB turns all the lights on in the house. BB then calls Frank to the DR. Corey changing his batteries in the STR. 9:21am BBT: Frank in the KT talking to Paulie about him worried about going on the block next week if DA stays this week. BB calls Tiffany to the DR and Frank starts whispering very low. 9:25am BBT: Tiffany sitting in the LVR alone, Frank walks through and goes to the BR. Paulie in the KT making breakfast. Most HG still in bed.
  11. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: DA talks to the live feedersn and tells them she has played the game this time and ask for prayers and encouragment to get through this eviction. She says she will see who is trustworthy with this vote this week. James and Nicole talking on the balcony with natalie sitting there. they talk about if it might be better to vote DA out since she is after the couple. Natalie says she is nervous and they assure her that she is safe this week. nicole tells james that she will do what he does to please let her know. James and Corey talk in the KT Corey says that DA has not even talked to him about anything. He does not even think that DA knows that Tiffany told him it was DA's idiea to put him on the block. James tells him maybe Da wasn't told that you know. Corey tells him that DA knows cause i told hern and all she said was Tiffany was a liar. others walk into the KT and the conversation stopped. James goes to Nicole and tells her that if they vote out Tiffany then it hurts Frank and nicole says ok i will go tell Corey we are voting out Tiffany. James goes to talk to Natalie about Tiffany and how shwe will use natalie as a Pawn next week if she wins HOH. Natalie says no i am the only one who talks to her when she cries. james says i promise she will use you. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: paulie tells tiffany that he taslked to frank and told him if he could get the votes split and he had to break a tie then he would vote DA out over Tiffany. Paulier then goes to talk to James and says they will stick to the plan to evict Tiffany tomorrow night. Paulie says Frank wants DA out so she will not make it to jury, He says that Frank does not want her there to sway votes for a girl to win this year. Natalie and Michelle talk about how Tiffany will go home this week and how if she stays she is a vote for Frank and Bridgette. Michelle says Tiffany is dangerous. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Nicole and Corey go to Frank in the KT and tell him that they do not have the numbers to get DA out. Frank gets upset and ask are you kidding me? Nicole says no i am serious. Nicole tells him that james is not comfotable getting DA out this week. Frank ask what if she wins this weeks HOH and i go up bnext week? Corey tells Frank that DA is not going to win. Frank keeps saying he will go up next week if DA wins and Nicole and Corey keep telling him that DA will not win cause she can't win anything. 3:00am-5:00am BBT: HG all in bed sleeping and Michelle gets up and goes to Safari room and gives shout outs to the feeders and talks about how she hates the rugs in this house as she heads back to bed. ALL HG SLEEPING
  12. 1:40pm BBT: Feeds are back. James, Natalie and Paul in the KT making slop and eating bread. DA in the London BR talking to Michelle about she got confirmation that she is safe this week. Michelle says yeah you are. 1:43pm BBT: Tiffany is sitting in a bed in the Tokyo BR eating and just watching everyone. Nicole and DA in the Safari rm, Nicole says i do not know how you feel about me and Corey and i feel like you do not like me. DA says it is not like that but all you have in this game is trust. Nicole says i will come to you i just do not want anything to feel weird between us and DA says yeah i am still here if you need me. Nicole says i just want to fix this. DA says yeah ok. 1:47pm BBT:ZAK and Paulie in the WA doing hair and brushing teeth. Paulie leaves and goes to the KT. 1:50pm BBT: Nicole now in the WA with ZAK doing her hair and make up. Frank in bed taking a nap. Paulie in the HOHBR and DA comes in he tells her he is cleaning the mess someone made and leaves top take trash down stairs.
  13. 11:25am BBT: HG still sleeping as bb keeps calling Tiffany to the DR. 11:35am BBT: Tiffany is now in the WC. all other Hg still sleeping. 11:46am BBT: Natalie up and goes to the safari rm. Tiffany is walking around then tells Natalie that she was going top use that rm to talk to the feeders. Natalie says that fine i look like crap anyways so i will go back to bed and Natalie leaves. Tiff ask are you sure and Natalie says yeah. Tiffany then goes in and starts talking to the camera about how her sister told her to not make final 2 deals and Bb says HG please report to the HOHBR and we get WBRB.
  14. 9:00am-10:30am BBT:BB wakes the HG. feeds return with Hg stiring around brushing teeth and making breakfast. Da starts packing her things since they have suitcases. Natalie gets her suitcase from the STYR Da goes to the KT and ask if she is safe they all assure her that she is.
  15. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT:Nicole is upsaet that Frank said that Cory and her made a cute couple. Corey starts talking about his ex and how she ran up his credit card. Zak talks to nicole about her and Corey, Nicole tells her that Corey said his ex has passwords to all her friendsand she makes moves. Nicole tells Zak that hearing Corey talk about his ex is weird. Nicole tells her that gosh ex girlfriends are crazy. Nicole says i know his ex is probably watching right now and i do not want to hurt her feelings. BB calls nicole top the DR. She comes out of ther DR and tells zak that it is going to be wierd going back in there. Zak tells her to act normal. Nicole goes back to bed with Corey and ask him to go to the HOHBR, he tells her no and she ask whats wrong with you? Corey says he is just embarressed. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Frank and bridgette talking and frank sayus he hates girls. bridgette says yeah at but they do not make fun of you like they do me. Hg are sitting around talking general talk and about who is talking to who were in the house. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Not alot happening mostly talk about eating human meat. Michelle in the HOHR with Zak and DA talking about how Tiffany needs to leave this week. 1:00am-2:00am BBT most Hg playing hide and go seek and scaring each other. 2:00am-3:00am BBT:Most Hg in the LR teling stories while Corey and Nicole snuggle in bed with the lights out.they then get up and Join the LVR stories. Bridgette and Tiffany are doing facials and just talking about what it does for you. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Nicole and Zak talking about DA and how she is taking being on the block and how she likes seeing them upset and worried. Zak is trying to decide weather or not to sleep upstairs with paulie tonight or not. She says she was upset at where paulie and natalie were hiding earlier tonight. Nicole tells her to go ahead and sleep up there with him and act like she is not jelous of anything. James talking to Paulie in the STR about DAQ being his girl but her telling everyone that she is going after the showmances. Paulie says we just need to stick to the plan this week and take Tiffany out then next week Frank then DA. Paulie then talks to paul in the STR and tells him that frank is after him and so is day so after tiffany is gone Da and frank have to leave but we need to keep Nicole and Zak a few more weeks then cut them loose. He tells Paul this is a game and i am sorry but they will have to go. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Corey Paul and paulie get into a discussion about Zak wanting paulie to kiss her. paulie said he is going to talk to Zak about them not kissing and cuddling in the house but he would love to see her outside the house but in this house it has to be all game.Paulie tells paul that they both know this game is all about the boys. 5:00am-6:00am BBT: James and natalie are cuddling in the bumper cars. Michelle sitting in the WA after her shower alone. all Hg are finally in bed sleeping with some stiring around going on.
  16. 12:05pm BBT: James Nicole and DA in LVR talking about celebrities.. In the WA ZAK, Bridgette and Natalie are doing hair and make up. Just general talk going on. 12:24pm BBT: BB says HG please report to the HOH bedroom. Hg start heading up stairs. 12:27pm BBT: All HG in the HOHR except Paul he is in his bed sleeping and BB yells Paul please report to the HOHR. He gets up as the other Hg start asking where he is then laugh that he is still sleeping and we get WBRB
  17. 11:02am BBT: Zak in the Kt cooking french toast for paulie and Paul as Tiffany sits there looking at them not saying anything. 11:13am BBt: Zak in the KT, Paul and paulie go to the Tokyo BR and has shave cream trying to spray it on Nicole. Corey turns Nicole over some so they can get her then they run. Nicole sits up and says you was in on this Corey and wipes it all over his face. Nicole then gets up and goes to the WA to clean her face. 11:29am BBT: James and Natalie in the Wa talking about banging behind the walls lastnight that kept waking James up. Nicole has gone to the KT to make eggs. 11:38am BBT: Zak, Nicole, and DA in the KT eating and talking general talk. James and Natalie in the WA just sitting. 11:46am BBT: DA and James talking about Disney world and Disneyland . James ask where each is and Da tells him Disney world is in Florida. DA says she is taking her baby somewhere when she gets out of this house. 11:48am BBT: DA tells James to cut the showmance. he looks at her as she says i will tell you more later. 11:52am BBT: James tells DA there should be a double eviction coming up soon and Da says they need to get Frank and Bridgette out through double eviction cause they are powerful together. James says yeah but you have to be careful and watch your back ok. DA shakes her head. 11:54am BBT: James tells DA he is afraid that if people cut showmances that he and Natalie or part of that. James then says that he told his friends that he would never do a showmance .
  18. 1:10pm BBT: Most Hg in the BY talking about what they will name their kids when the have one. 1:17pm BBT: Tiffany in bed just staring at the walls. frank in the WC. the rest of the HG are laying in the sun by the pool or working out and talking general talk. 1:23pm BBT: Paul in the KT whistling. Bridgette walks outside and the HG say hi to her. Nicole goes into the house to fix a hat on paulies giraffe that she has made out of foil. 1:36pm BBT: paul cooking bacon to go with a peanut butter jelly sandwich. paulie is watching him as he tells how to put the sandwich together. Most Hg still i the BY around the pool just talking general talk all at one time. 1:49pm BBT: James in the pool cooling off. James ask Bridgette is she mad them muffins yet and she says yeah there is muffins in the KT and they are done . Made with slop, protein powder and baked means all slop approved she said to James. 1:52pm BBT: James is taking a shower in the BY so he does not have to have a cold shower inside the WA.
  19. 12:00pm BBT: frank, Michelle,and Da talking by the pool about it raining in Florida. Zak, Paul, and Bridgette in the Kt eating talking about Pocahontas. Paul tells Natalie when she comes in to go get a bag of slop so he can teach her how to make it. 12:04pm BBT: Most hg in the BY talking general talk about boats and swimming. In the KT Paul is cooking slop for Natalie while Bridgette eats. 12:23pm BBT: Da talking about Paul is going to teach her to kickbox today.Most Hg are laying in the BY in the sun just general talk going on. 12:29pm BBT: Da and James talking by the pool about Tiffany flipping out cause she feels guilty about what she did. Da then says tp Paulie that he is making her nervous cause she is afraid he will fall while he is working out. 12:38pm BBT: Tiffany is walking around the house looking in mirrors. Frank is going to bed for a nap. Tiffany tells him that DA is working on James. frank says do not worry about that cause i am not worried about him. Tiff ask where Corey stands and frank says do not worry about Corey either. 12:52pm BBT: Corey, Tiffany, and frank talking in the Tokyo BR about the Bold and the Beautiful. all other Hg in the BY talking general talk and laying in the sun.
  20. 12:01pm BBT: Natalie and Bridgette in the KT cleaning and talking general talk about making friends and the memory wall shows Tiffany and natalie being nominated this week for eviction. 12:11pm BBT: Pauline tells James and Nicole and Z about how Tiffany listens at walls to others conversations. James says i have caught her doing that too and thats why she wears those shades all the time and pretends that she is asleep.
  21. 11:00am BBT: We are still on Jeff's Reels. 11:18am BBT: Feeds come back with Tiffany and Frank in the lounge rm talking about DA and James wanting to vote Corey out. Frank says really? Tiffany says yeah thats what they told me. 11:23am BBT: Tiffany tells frank that crying is mostly part of her strategy.Frank leaves the rm and goes to the STR to talk to Bridgette. he tells her everything that Tiffany said to him. He tells Bridgette that if they win Road Kill comp that they need to put Corey up 11:27am BBT: Frank tells Bridgette that James and Natalie can be with them in the house and that Nicole is the worst and needs to go. 11:32am BBT: Nicole in the LVR talking to DA about them getting to eat tonight and they get to sleep in a good bed. 11:43am BBT: Paulie, Corey, Natalie, Bridgette and Michelle in the KT making food and James cleaning. Just general talk going on about the have nots getting to eat tonight. DA in the London BR doing her hair while Paul sleeps. 11:50am BBT: paulie goes to his HOHR and zakiyah is in the bed resting as James comes in asking about if Nicole said anything about him telling people that there is an all girls alliance? Paulie says he does not think that Nicole would do that. 11:55am BBT:Zakiyah goes to get Nicole from the HNBR to go up and talk to James. Zakiyah tells her some things before they go up stairs. 11:59am BBT: James ask Nicole why she told people that he said there was an all girls alliance? Nicole says she never said that and blames Frank for it. James tells her that frank told him that she said it and Nicole says i am over Frank and please do not believe anything frank says cause he was throwing you under the bus yesterday.
  22. 2:08pm BBT: Hg getting ready in the WA and James Nicole and Da'Vonne in the LVR sitting and whispering. and we get WBRB. 2:18pm BBT: Hg doing hair and make up and we get Jeff's Reels.
  23. 12:56am BBT: HG are coming out of the HOHR and Bridgette moving her stuff out. 1:00pm BBT: Frank in bed as Paul packs his things for tonights eviction. Michelle in the Kt washing dishes. 1:06pm BBT: Bronte in the WA curling her hair and Natalie talking her to. In the BR is Nicole, Da'Vonne, Michelle and James talking about what they are going to do tonight. Nicole says i am open to anything but Bronte runs to them and she will go after Paulie. James says where did you hear this stuff at and Nicole says straight from the horses mouth as she walks out the door. James looks at Michelle and says can you guarantee that Frank will leave next week if we do this? Michelle says i hope so. 1:11pm BBT: James says Frank is going g to know that half the house flipped on him if we do this and he is going to be going for HOh this week. They plan who will vote Bronte out instead of Tiffany, But Frank can not know who switched votes and so the 5 need to vote one way and the other two vote Tiffany out. James says frank is going to wonder what is going on as he laughs. 1:14pm BBT: Paulie comes in and James ask do you know about the plan? paulie says to vote Bronte out instead of Tiffany? James says yeah. Paulie says yeah ok how will that work and Da'vonne says 5-4 vote or something like that. James says ok so we all just vote Bronte out and Nicole says no only two on that side can vote Tiffany cause she already has 2 votes against her so we have to split the vote. Paulie says if you have doubt who to vote for just vote Bronte so we insure she goes. 1:17pm BBT: James says if we do not win HOh one of us will be sitting on the block if Frank wins HOH. They are deciding how to split the votes and get Bronte out this week. 1:25pm BBT: Corey in the WA talking to Bronte and Natalie as they get ready for tonights show. Paul in the BR talking to Da'Vonne and paulie about making it to jury and wanting Tiffany gone. James has gone to the WC and Tiffany in the shower. 1:35pm BBTT: Paul, Paulie and Da'Vonne talk about Tiffany's speech tonight and Paul does not want her saying she is going after frank in her speech. They then talk about each others shirt colors for tonight. 1:42pm BBT: Nicole, Zakiyah and Bronte in the KT eating. Natalie, James , Paulie and Bridgette in the WA getting ready and talking general talk. 1:52pm BBT: Corey talking to Da'Vonne about the plan tonight and he ask her if she knows that Michelle walked into the room with him and frank and asked if he knew the plan for tonight? da'Vonne shakes her head.
  24. 11:06am BBT: Paul, Tiffany and Paulie in the BR talking general talk. Most Hg going to the HOHR and laying down for a nap. 11:22am BBT: Tiffany laying in bed staring at the wall. Other Hg walking around the house. Paulie and Zakeah sitting in the LVR not talking and we get Jeff's Reels.



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