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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:40pm BBT: HG out of the HOHR and Paul has the Camera walking around taking pictures. 12:53pm BBT: Victor getting coffee as Bridgette eats trail mix, Natalie, Corey and Paul just standing around.
  2. 12:05pm BBT: Paul comes out of HOh rm and Nicole ask how his blog went and Paul says it was nice to type again. 12:13pm BBT: Paul complaining he an not play in this weeks HOH comp. Talking about how big the comp is going to be since they are on lock down already. BB tells the Hg to Please report to the HOHR for a lock down. Everyone heads up and Paul yells catch some tunes and we get WBRB.
  3. 11:08am BTT: Corey and Nicole cleaning the mirrors in the WA. Nicole tells BB ok they are clean. Paul in the KT making coffee. 11:17am BBT: All is quiet in the BB house as Nicole fixes her hair in the WA and Corey is sitting in the KT staring at the memory wall. Paul is in his HOHR doing his tweets. All other Hg still sleeping. 11:26am BBT: Nicole in the KT getting food and coffee and does a shout out to her family and telling them how bored she is right now and that there is a DE coming up. 11:39am BBT: Nicole eating in the KT talking to Corey about home and being in the snow. She says it is fun building snowmen. Natalie in the WA doing ADL's 11:43am BBt: Natalie now waxing her arm pits in the WA. Nicole and Corey talking about picking Christmas trees. 11:56am BBT: Nicole telling a story about a friend picking up a baby bird and it dying and she buried it. Natalie still in the WA braiding her hair now.
  4. 10:45am BBT: Nicole doing her makeup after her shower as Corey watches. all other Hg still in bed as we get WBRB. 10:52am BBT: Nicole telling Corey after a double eviction someone else has to pack all your stuff and it sucks. Corey says crap all my stuff is going to be dirty. 10:54am BBT: Paul is now up and Nicole tells him he gets to tweet today and get the camera. Paul then goes to the BR to get clothes.
  5. 9:00am-10:00am BBT: Corey talking to the live feeders about DA needing to go this week cause she is just like Frank. zak needs to go cause she is moody and has some attitude. I do not feel like i am in trouble this week i am safe for the DE. I want to win some comps but i will start winning when in need to. He then tells the live feeders that they are building in the BY so maybe it will be a DE this week.Then says he misses his friends and family and hopes they are watching. he says he then hopes that no one in the DE will have the round trip ticket as that would suck for him. Talk to the live feeders continues as he talks to his family about the game and how he is doing. 10:00am-10:30am BBT: Corey finishes his talk to the live feeders and his family then heads to bed . He then gets up and goes to the WC. We get WBRB as BB wakes the HG. Feeds return with Nicole in the shower and Corey talking to her in the WA. All other HG still in bed.
  6. 9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Victor and DA in the hotr tun listening to Bridgette talking about parks. In the KT james and natalie are talking about her kicking him out of the bed and she tells him she is sorry but she came here to play a game and nothing else. they finish washing dishes and cleaning the KT and go to seperate rooms. DA heads inside and bridgette and ictor talk about natalies eviction speech to him and how mad he was at her and still is.Bridgette then tells Victor about Michelle being jelous of her and franks being so close and called her names for it. Bridgette tells him they have talked now and have an understanding. Victor gets called to the DR. Nicole, Corey and Michelle are in the BR talking general tak then Corey gets upset about their relationship. nicole ask Michelle if Corey rolled his eyes at her and Michelle says i do not know. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Victor out of ther DR and goes to the STR for cookies. Nicole, Corey and Michelle come to the KT andf ask him if he is doing a cookie challenge? Michelle tells him America loves his challenges. Victor wants to challenge Michelle to eat a whole bag of something. She says she can do chips, cereal or chocolates. ictor finished his chellenge and james comes in as Nicole ask him if he wants to do it. Alot of general talk going on about food and calorie intake. Victor and Michelle start taling about fiber and pooping. Corey is taling about pimples and he had them bad when he was a boy. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Michelle, Corey and Nicole laying in their beds taling general talk. Michelle then saying that paul has not hung out with her since he won HOH. Victor in the KT cooking as Michelle is called to the DR. She goes to put her make up on and DA is reading the bible in there. 12:00am-2:00am BBT: Michelle, Zak and DA talk about if DA stays this week she needs to win HOh and make everyone in this house scared. DA says yeah and Nicole is sitting good in here right now. Natalie joins them in the WA now and talk turns sexual and about pap smear and mammograms. They then start talking about yeast infections and periods. 2:00am-4:00am BBT: Talk in the WA with natalie, Zak, DA, and Michelle is still on sex talk and HPV and how most women have it. Paulie talling about how much he loves Frankie and how cool he is and a very hard worker. 4:00am-6:00am BBT: All HG sleeping except for Zak, paulie and paul who are talking about the eviction coming up and Zak says she wants Bridgette gone for personal reasons. James joins them in the KT and talk is about how bad the turkey smelt that VGictor cooked the other day. james says it smelled like fish bait. They then start talking about condoms and sex. James and paulie now talk about getting their cars towed and how hard it was to get them back. Zak ask the guys what makes them want to have sex? Paulie does not say much as to why and Zak gets annoyed. James is trying to figure a way to prank natalie again. 6:00am-8:00am BBT: Sex talk continues with Zak and paulie as they lay in bed. Zak then tells about a relationship she was in for 4 years and how exciting it was. ALL HG IN BED SLEEPING.
  7. 5:00pm BBT: Nicole, Zak , Bridgette, Paulie, Paul, Corey, Victor all in the KT talking about what time to eat dinner then start talking about banana peels. 5:10pm BBT: most HG in the KT playing a game and Natalie keeps laughing sp Paul tells her she sucks at this. She keeps laughing. 5:15pm BBT: DA is in the BY alone reading and eating on the lounger. all other HG except James and Michelle who are sleeping are in the KT playing a game and laughing. 5:25pm BBT: Hg still playing a game where they whisper to one another then say what was said in their ears.
  8. 4:39pm BBT: half the HG in the KT making food and eating just general talk about wine with dinner. 4:51pm BBT: DA and Paul upstairs talking on the balcony about Bridgette talking to her a few minutes ago as she was trying to read her bible. 4:55pm BBT: just general talk going on in the KT. DA reading her bible .
  9. 3:00pm-4:00pm BBT: Paulie telling paul that zak thinks she owns him like a little puppy dog. he says Zak is not sleeping in his bed ever again he is done. Paulie tells Paul and Corey that he will m ake sure to shake zak and michelle up before the hoh comp this week by telling them if they do not win they are next to go up. Corey is upset with Michelle about her being upset that DA went on the block. Corey and paulie say they will make stuff up to Zak and Michelle so they will want to vote DA out thursday. Nicole talks to Paul and says she does not understand why Zak and michelle are sticking up for DA and why they want to keep her but she will continue to hang out with the girls so it does not look funny. Bridgette in HOHR now plucking pauls eyebrows and Nicole leaves. 4:00pm-4:30pm BBT: general talk going on around the house with DA and bridgette taling about relationships and paulie and Corey talking about how unclean the girla are in the bathroom area. Victor, Paulie, Corey go to the KT to make food and Zak joins them.
  10. 2:04pm BBT: Natalie telling James in the BY that she needs her sneakers to run in cause she is fat. he ask why you look at me like i got them and she says i know you got them. James laughs and says i do not have them i did not hide them. She says then why are the cameras following me around the house. James says they follow everyone. 2:08pm BBT: Da reading the Bible on the lounger as Paul lays there looking around. They talk about someone in the house as DA heard the commotion by the door and we get a brief WBRB. 2:12pm BT: James and Natalie still arguing about if james stole her shoes and hid them or not. 2:24pm BBT: HG still on outside lock down and just general talk going on as some are laying by the pool some Hg are in the pool and others just laying through the yard. 2:29pm BBT: Lockdown is over and there is a care package on the table and James says it is for Natalie. James says open it as it is her make up wrapped in the saran wrap and foil. He is laughing and high fives victor. Natalie runs to the freezer in the STr and comes back and says who ratted me out as James laughs and she carries her wet shoes to the sink. James says America that is how it is done as they laugh. 2:32pm BBT: Natalie starts unwrapping the saran wrap and then gets a knife. James says tell America thank you and she says someone is going to be sleeping alone tonight as she keeps unwrapping. DA says thats alot of wrap. Natalie says i bet it is my make up. 2:36pm BBT: Natalie still trying to unwrap her package. DA says Jesus there is alot of wrap and she ask James how long it took to wrap that and he says like 10 minutes. Corey and paulie in the BY talking about studying everything for the comps. 2:43pm BBT: Natalie and James in the STR laughing and hugging and talking about playing good pranks on each other. James looks at the camera and says America she really did get me. Victor comes in and they stop talking and hugging.
  11. 1:16pm BBT: James found out his crocks are in the freezer by the hands of Natalie and he has now declared war on Natalie and the house as he has victor thawing out the crocks. James then gets Natalie Nike shoes and saran wraps each shoe and putting it in a zip lock bag then another zip lock bag filling ti with water then putting it in the freezer. he then says the makeup is gone too as he saran wraps that and we get WBRB. 1:26pm BBT: Natalie, Nicole and Corey in the KT making food. paulie in the BY working out. 1:29pm BBT: Natalie making eggs and toast with a heart shape in it while Victor is peeling garlic. paulie comes in and says that sun is no joke. Da is in the BY reading her Bible. 1:33pm BBT: James is in the Safari RM wrapping Natalie make up bag real thick and tight with saran wrap and giggling while he is doing it. 1:38pm BBT: Paulie and Corey at the pool no talking going on. Nicole and Natalie in the KT talking about cooking while Victor is washing a pan. 1:39pm BBT: James comes to the KT and Natalie says i made you a present he says thank you and they hug. James sits down to eat and says this is good. 1:44pm BBT: James finished his food and ran to the HOHR to wrap Natalie's make up some more. feed switches to Natalie and Bridgette whispering and then Natalie leaves the BR and heads to the WA. Natalie looks around with a puzzled look then heads back to the BR looking around for her sneakers. 1:47pm BBT: Natalie looks for James and ask victor where he is. she says i think James hid my sneakers. She runs through the house yelling James and says she really wants to work out. Natalie tells Bridgette she thinks James hid her sneakers and she needs them cause she is fat and needs to workout. 1:49pm BBT: James still in the HOHR and he says just so you know she started this. She should already know if you mess with me i will have to one up and in this case 2 up as he wraps the make up bag with alot of saran wrap and foil then saran wrap it again. 1:52pm BBT: Natalie is walking around looking for her shoes and James tells her he promises he does not have her shoes. She is looking everywhere saying someone hid them cause the cameras are following me all around. James ask her if she will make pasta and ground beef for dinner tonight and she says yeah if i find my shoes. 1:57pm BBT: BB says HG this a a lock down please go outside and close the sliding glass door then we get WBRB.
  12. 12:02pm BBT: Nicole in the BY talking to paulie telling him that DA is mad cause she kicked Corey and James out of there to talk to Paul. Paulie says she went to every inch of the house to see what was being said. Nicole says she is so sketchy. paulie says yeah. Corey comes out and gets sunblock to put on. Da and Paul in the HOh still talking loudly repeating themselves as Da is mad. Paul tells her if she has any questions or concerns to come talk to him and he says i am sorry i had to put you on the block .Da tells him he does not have to apologize for anything but when i picked you to be on my team i never thought this would happen. DA gets up and is leaving the HOHR. 12:08pm BBT: Nicole in the BY putting sunblock on Corey and DA comes out to start laundry. James is going into the HNR to take a nap. zak tells him pick a bumper car no one will say anything. he picks one and lays down. BB calls DA to the DR. 12:11pm BBT: James ask Zak if DA is ok and he says she will be ok. James says we will all get out of here and we will all be best friends. zak says i hope so. In the BY Paulie, Corey and Nicole talk about DA kicking Corey and James out of HOHR to talk to Paul. paulie laughs and said that funny. 12:13pm BBT: Victor in the pool and Michelle laying in the sun by the pool just general talk going on. 12:15pm BBT: Nicole, Corey and Paulie talk about they are fine with getting DA out as they wanted her out the week Tiffany went home. Nicole say if they think i was working with Frank because i wanted DA out then thats fine. Victor and Michele talk about who has the round trip ticket and victor says it is mine number 4 and Michelle laughs. Nicole goes in to maker Corey some slop and Corey and paulie talk. Paulie says i will keep you safe but you need to step up and win some. 12:21pm BBT: James and Natalie talk about her kicking him out of bed lastnight and him sleeping in HOHR with Paul. she said she just did not want him to think she was putting pressure on him moving forward and he says you wasn't and she leaves the room to go out to lay by the pool with Michelle. 12:27pm BBT: Michelle goes in and gets in her bumper care bed in the HNR to take a nap. Nicole comes in and Zak, Michelle and Nicole talk about what is being said in the HOHR. Nicole says i do not know. James goes outside to talk to paulie and Corey about his conversation with Natalie. 12:38pm BBT: James, victor, Corey and paulie in the BY talking on the couches about once DA is gone then they will hit other targets but they just have to keep winning. Nicole leaves the HNR and goes to the KT then Zak and Michelle talk about how it bothers them that they can not read Nicole. 12:46pm BBT: Pal comes outside and tells the boys that he had a talk with DA and then looks at Paulie and tells him that he needs to keep his girl Zak in check and not tell her anything anymore cause he does not trust her. James tells them that Michelle came in the HNR and said that Nicole, Corey and paulie are always whispering. Paul says that Michelle needs to be dealt with soon too. 12:48pm BBT: Paul is upset about Michelle and tells them he is going to take some heat off them all and put Michelle on blast and call her out. 12:52pm BBT: Victor comes to the BY with a tissue saying Earnest has been killed. he said he tried to save poor earnest but DA hit him with a towel and killed him. They boys sit there for a funeral for earnest and Victor says a few words and Paul says he can not do this and gets up and goes into the house. Victor then says goodbye to earnest and throws him in the trash as we get WBRB.
  13. 11:38am BBT: Feeds are back with DA in the BR alone then goes to the STR. Paul, in the HOHR with Nicole saying he is very irritated and everyone will do what they want so we will deal with it next week. Natalie telling James they can not sit next to each other no more cause they laugh to much. DA goes to the BY to sit on the hammock. Zak joins her and she ask DA why did he put you up. Da said it is ok i knew he was going to put me up[ but you was never an option cause you are hooked to Paulie. 11:42am BBT: James comes to the HOHR while Nicole is feeding the fish. James says he needs to use the bathroom. Nicole says there is no air freshener. DA in the BY talking to Zak and says she is mad cause she did not do nothing. She then says its alright. DA tells her if you need to talk to me i am here but other than that i am going to sleep. 11:45am BBT: Zak gets up and goes to the KT where victor and Bridgette are talking about being safe and Zak walks in and they hush then we get a brief WBRB. Paulie now in the KT whispering to Bridgette about swaying people to vote DA out. 11:48am BBT: Paulie making slop and Bridgette making tea as they whisper very low then stop talking. Paul, Nicole, Corey and James in the HOHJR. Paul says he will tell Bridgette that next week she better not screw him or he will kill her family and then he says joking and laughs. he then says he has kept her safe for 2 weeks now so she better not go after him. 11:54am BBT: James, paul and Corey in HOh talking about if Bridgette or Zak wins HOh this week then they will probably put up Paul and Michelle. DA comes up and ask to talk to Paul alone. James and Corey leave. Paul ask if she is ok and she says kinda. DA says ok she started already so whats up. Da says i walked into the house and Bridgette is having a conversation with paulie and i know it is a game but what is up? Paul says i feel bad cause i am trying to do good for the house but then i feel victimized. Da says i understand i just thought we was tighter than we are. 11:58am BBT: Paul says i put paulie up and i gunned for that veto to keep it the same but i lost. he won so i had to go with the house since he won cause i lost that crap. Paul tells her i went to everyone and asked them what am i doing and i did what everyone wanted. he says you will see but i had to make a move and play this game cause i am thinking senerios and i feel confident. He then says i feel like you have distanced yourself from me and i do not know whats going on there but Bridgette is supposed to go home that is what i want.
  14. 8:15am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 8:45am BBT: HG still sleeping soundly.
  15. 12:00-1:00AM BBT: Bridgette is in the kitchen. Michelle gets up for a snack and talks to Bridgette in the kitchen about her jealousy over Frank. They clear all that up and Michelle says she is tired and head back to bed. Victor goes to the kitchen while Paul and Paulie go to the Have-Not room talking to the girls. Just general talk going on. 1:00-2:00AM BBT: Paul and Natalie are in the kitchen. They play a game to see who laughs first and Natalie keeps losing as she can not stop laughing. Nicole and Zakiyah talk about having a crush on the boys. Zakiyah says she might want to have Paulie's babies-- the girls giggle. 2:00-4:00AM BBT: Paul and Paulie are in the HoH room talking about Nicole is a threat in the house. Paulie says, "I know, and she will go right after Da'Vonne and Bridgette, we have to get her out, but after the others." James joins them asking if Victor has said anything about him and they say that Victor told them that James has to go soon. A lot of repeating themselves. 4:00-5:00AM BBT: Paul, James, Paulie, and Zakiyah are in the HoH room talking about a meet and greet. Zakiyah says her sister could never play this game because she would be cursing all the time. Just general talk going through the house . Some HGs sleeping. 5:00-6:00AM BBT: James tells Zakiyah that people get your email addresses after you get out. Paul says he had his phone turned off before he left home; Zakiyah and James say they did too. They then talk about the jury house and James tells them it is fun and you make it fun . Talk turns to drinking as Paul tries to go to sleep. James tells him, "You asked us up here, so stay awake." Just a lot of general talk about cousins. Everyone leaves the HoH room as Paul and James start going to sleep and James says he can not believe he got kicked out of his own bed. Paul says Natalie will say she is sorry tomorrow and James says yeah she will. they turn the lights off and go to sleep. 6:00-7:00AM BBT: All the HGs appear to be sleeping then Zakiyah gets up and goes to Paulie's bed and they whisper real low and cuddle. They then settle down and go to sleep. All the HGs are now sleeping!
  16. 2:02pm BBT: Nicole blow drying her hair. Paul making a cup of coffee for himself and Nicole and takes it to the WA and tells Nicole it is strong. 2:10pm BBT: Paul and Nicole talking in the WA about how hard the process was to get here. Nicole says yeah every week things change. paul then talks about Cody getting Frankie out of the house when he did or he might not have made it farther in the game. 2:15pm BBT: Nicole and Paul still talking about how it is being back in the house for Nicole and she says i feel like i am in a dream. He ask what questions do you get asked when you get out of the house and she says like, why did you do this? Would you ever play again? things like that 2:25pm BBT: Nicole finishes her hair and her and Paul move to the Safari rm talking about relationships. 2:30pm BBT: All cameras on sleeping HG. 2:39pm BBT: Paul and Nicole talking about buying people that are hungry food. Paul says i even cook for my dog so why wouldn't i feed someone who is hungry. 2:49pm BBT: Paul and Nicole talking about Paul's past relationships and his past jobs and his travels.
  17. 1:21pm BBT: Feeds are back with Natalie,Nicole, Paul and James in the kitchen eating. DA in bed sleeping. 1:31pm BBT: Nicole getting in the shower, Michelle getting dressed in the WC. Paul and Natalie cleaning the KT and we get WBRB 1:39pm BBT: Natalie brushing her teeth then goes back to the KT saying she should not have eaten all that food. Paul making coffee . 1:48pm BBT: Nicole finished her shower and BB tells her to put her mic on. Paul washing dishes. all other Hg in bed taking naps.
  18. 11:03am BBT: All Hg still in bed sleeping. 11:08am BBT: Hg are getting up after a brief WBRB and heading to the HOHBR with their blankets. Hg are laying down and going back to sleep with no talking at all. 11:10am BBT: Victor stops in the KT to get water and cereal before heading to the HOHBR. 11:19am BBT: All Hg now in the HOHBR for a lock down and we now have Jeff's Reels.
  19. 9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Natalie and James talk about the votes for tomorrow night. Natalie says with frank gone Bridgette will be nothing. James says i want you to know that with a hurt ankle on Bridgette she hung in that HOH comp for 5 and a half hours. Natalie tells him that Frank told Bridgette that she was mad at her but I think Nicole told Frank. I do not trust Nicole. Zak andf DA talk about the HOH comp and Zak says she wants to win this one as she is doing her hair. In the HOh rm natalie ask James who Paulie is targeting. He says DA, Bridgette and Victor and maybe Nicole. Natalie then says she does not trust Nicole at all cause she tells her things and then it gets back to that person. Natalie tells him that she always acts like she is happy when she isnt. James tells her she does not have to act that way with him. Nicole comes in and tells them. Nicole tells then it is game on if Frank has thatr round trip ticket and comes right back into the house. Nicole leaves the room and james tells natalie i am going to try to carry to all the way to the end with me. DA is talking to Paulie and they talk about Nicole throwing people under the bus. DA says Nicole is going around trying to find out information. DFAS tells Paulie she is willing to flip the votes if she can find out why Nicole and Corey are running everywhere trying to get information. Paulie says it is like she is nervouse about something. Paulie tells DA that if they want Corey on their side then Nicole has to go soon. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Nicole and paul are playing chess. while Bridgette is trying to cook and tells frank she is out of it tonight. Frank ask why she is out of it and she says i was in the DR saying your goodbye message.Frank says oh. some HG are not upstairs watching the chess game with just general talk going on. ZAk and DA talking in the Safari rm. Zak tells DA that she was upset when she went to the HOHBR and founf paulie with is leg draped over Nicole and Nicole scratching his head. She says i ann territorial and where i come from that is disrespectfull. Michelle comes in and she tells Michelle too. Michelle ask her if she was upset that she gave Paulie a massage? Zak says no but if i had rubbed Coreys head Nicole would be upset too. Zak says she is going to sleep with Victor tonight to see how paulie likes that cause paulie got upset the other day when Victor scratched my back for me.Michelle says do it. Zak says i am. Michelle tells her that Victor sleeps in his underwear. Zak says i know and paulie knows i sleep in my underwear too. Nicole comes in and ask did paulie do something?? Zak says not really i am just teaching him a lesson. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Victor ask paulie if things are ok with him and Zak cause Zak just asked if she could sleep with me tonight?Paulie says Zak is just looking for ways to make me mad its ok. Victor says ok i just wanted to ask you cause i did not want you pissed at me. Corey is in the room and says that Da keeps throwing Nicole and I under the bus. paulie says to tell Nicole not to tell Zak anything cause it always goes back to DA. Paulie then goes to the HOHBR and tells james and natalie what Zak is doing. he said it is all fine cause she is just playing a jelousy game here and i do not play like that.Michelle comes in and says that everyone is acting weird tonight. Zak is telling Nicole and bridgette now that Paulie is not one bit jelouse that she asked to sleep with Victor and nicole hugs her and she says thats ok i will just be good friends with him and thats it. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Zak still going on about her being mad at Paulie to Nicole, Michelle and DA. DA goes to Paulie and tells him to fix this jelousy crap before Zak blows them all up. Paul and paulie talk about gwetting the girls out soon before it is to late. Paul want Corey gone to but paulie insist that the girls go first starting with DA and Nicole. Michelle goes and talks to bridgette and Frank and ask Frank for a hug. Frank ask her if he is leaving this week and she says yes. Michelle tells Bridgette that frank did not say anything bad about her at all today while he was campaigning. DA comes to Michelle and ask her if Corey and Nicole have sais anything against DA and Michelle says no not at all. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Nicole tells paulie she ius Sorry for upsetting ZAk, he tells her do not appoligize. I am no ones possession. Paulie leaves and goes to get in bed with Zak and they snuggle as if they never fought. Corey and nicole get in bed snuggling and seems like a make out session then whispering. Michelle gets powder and puts it all over paul's bed and pillow. She then says it is hard to breath now with powder flying around. Zak and paulie go under the covers to avoid the powder. Frank and bridgette are drinking her bottle of wine she was saving. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Paul comes to bed where Michelle is laying and lays in the powder he instantly smells it and jumps up screaming i hate you all as DA, Zak, paulie and michelle are laughing then he hits Michelle with the pillows. Frank and brigette in the safari rm drinking the wine and nicole walks past and he tells her nice hair as she keeps walking, Frank looks at Bridgetter and says see i know how to lie. and they laugh. Frank then talks to the camera saying his good byes to the feeders. bridgette tells the feeders if there is anything they can do to help keep Frank this weekm please do it. Bridgette then staerts plucking Franks nose hairs as she is laughing and he is screaming.(gross) she then ask him if he has ear hair and checks.Frank tells bridgette to work with Michelle when he leaves and she tells him Michelle hates her and he says at least you know that though. he tells her do not work with DA go with the hiouse and get her out. 3:00am-4:30am BBT: Frank and Bridgette continue talking about getting DA out. Nicole comes in and says that Corey is mad at her cause she told him he has a jiggly butt. She ask Frank if that was a bad thing? they Move to the KT where Corey is makiung a sandwich. they all head to bed and the lights go out in the house and everyone is going top sleep. 5:00am-6:00am BBT: Paul gets up to make something to eat then Michelle gets up for a snack. no talking going on. james comes through going to the DR and just shakes his head. all Hg are back in bed lights out and all sleeping.
  20. 2:00pm BBT: Natalie gets clothes and goes to the HOHBR to take a shower. Natalie says James you awake? He says whats up and she tells him she did not want to wake him . He ask what time it is and she says almost 2pm and he says wow it was so quiet. He ask what she has been doing and she tells him everything she has done all morning. She then ask if she can shower and he says yeah. 2:04pm BBT: Natlie tells James if we are ever on the block together i would want you to campaign cause you have a little girl to take care of but i would not want you to be mean with it. James said i would let you do what you want to do but i would want you to take care of you. I just want it to be a free for all cause i want you to do what you want to do. It is not a house vote it is a personal vote but if it is you and me against each other just go out with class. 2:10pm BBT: Natalie tells James that Michelle told her that he never talks to her anymore so Natalie wants him to hang out with Michelle more and talk to others that he does not have to just hang out with her. She then tells James that Michelle is always there for her no matter what. 2:20pm BBT: Natalie and James still talking in the HOHBR about Corey telling stories and how she knows all his stories already. She says i like everyone but it is hard to trust them.James says yeah. 2:23pm BBT: James says next week should be an easy week as long as Bridgette does not win HOH. Natalie says i will try to win but i will not drop unless Bridgette drops first. She says i will stay up as long as she is up. James says well DA and Paul are going to try to win for sure. 2:30pm BBT: James and Natalie talking about James going to the DR and we keep getting WBRB. 2:32pm BBT: Natalie says that comp was a hard comp physically and mentally. She says she kept moving her arm cause it was going numb. James says yeah i could not feel my hand and i still can't. Natalie says if it is not better by tomorrow then have it looked at. 2:33pm BBT: Natalie talking about her being a hypochondriac and always going to the dr. she says her dr does things for her he shouldn't do then all 4 feeds go to sleeping HG. 2:41pm BBT: Natalie tells James that Zak and Bridgette talked and made up but then Zak said she did not like Bridgette. James says that why i do not think we will be a target next week. Bb calls James to the DR. 2:47pm BBT: Natalie ask James if he is going to shower before he goes to the DR and he says he should but he isn't. Natalie is getting ready for her shower and ask James should i not have told you all this stuff? James says yeah you should have as he brushes his teeth. Natalie now in the shower. 2:50pm BBT: James starts to leave the HOHBR and ask Natalie if she gets out of the shower before he gets back will she feed the fish. Natalie says yeah as James leaves the room and goes to the DR. All other Hg still sleeping. 2:56pm BBT: All feeds on sleeping HG.
  21. 1:13pm BBT: Natalie finished her workout and is now in the WA doing her nails. 1:52pm BBT: Natalie in the WA doing her toe nails as all the other HG are still sleeping. 1:55pm BBT: Natalie has finished her toe nails and put everything away then goes to the DR trying to get in and feeds switch to James sleeping.
  22. 12:07am BBT: Natalie has now finished cleaning the WA and WC and is now upstairs on the balcony stretching. 12:28pm BBT: Natalie still working out alone as the other HG are still sleeping. 12:50pm BBT: Natalie still working out as the other Hg are still sleeping
  23. 11:10am BBT: Bridgette and Natalie in the WA brushing their teeth and getting ready for the day. 11:14pm BBT: Michelle tells Natalie that she is scared Frank will come back into the house with is ticket. Natalie says yeah i know. Michelle tells her we will see today as Paulie comes into the WA. Michelle says she is going back to bed. Natalie tells her yeah go i am awake then she tells paulie to go back to bed as he leaves the WA. 11:18am BBT: Michelle and Paulie go back to bed as paul gets up. Michelle says that was some good music this morning. Paulie says yeah i love some good M&M. Natalie in the WA cleaning. 11:24am BBT: Natalie tells DA she hopes no one gets mad that she is like touching everything in the WA while she cleans. DA says no and thank you Natalie. Natalie says your welcome. DA goes back to bed and covers up.All other Hg in bed sleeping. 11:32am BBT: Natalie still cleaning the WA and saying how gross it is and saying that it smells bad around the sink area. All other HG still sleeping. 11:46am BBT: Natalie now cleaning the WC and says this is gross. She is spaying cleaner in the walls and doors and scrubbing them as she keeps saying this is gross. 11:57am BBT: Natalie still cleaning the WC as all other HG are snug in their beds.
  24. 9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Bridgette and Frank talking and Bridgette says she wants to go home. Frank tells her to tell the other she wants to go so he can stay. Frank tells her that he thinks the votes are going to be to send him home right now.They then start talking about about jasmes and how he is a liar. Frank says sorry America but he is a liar. DA, Paul and paulie talking about how Corey and Nicole are working with Frank and they is why Nicole did not wake anyone up when the message came on the screen yesterday. Paul is shocked and paulie just sitting there listening quietly. Nicole talks to Corey about Frank being an idiot and she will not flip her vote even if the house does. She says she wants Frank gone. Nicole worries that Frank has the round trip ticket and will come back in the house. Nicole then tells Corey that Frank threatened her and she needs to stay up all night so he can not talk to anyone else to make sure he leaves on Thursday. Frank now talking to Michelle and asking for her vote this week. He then ask her to talk to Zak and see if she can get her to flip her vote and keep him in this house. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Nicole and Coery laying in bed talking. Corey ask her what is wrong. She says nothing i just get nervouse when you talk to Frank because he is so good at this game. In the HOHBR DA is talkiking to James about Nicole and if he trust her or not. James says i do not know if i was on the block she might vote me out. DA says she does not trust Nicole cause she talks to Frank alot. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Michelle , James , Natalie, DA, and paul are in the BY talking about how bad it was for Frank to tell bridgette she is fat and how it upset bridgette. Paul says i understand how it hurt her cause my sister was anarexic. Michelle says Frank probably thinks i am fat too since he thinks that about Bridgette. James then ask Michelle if she will vote Frank out this week and then get bridgette next week when she wins HOH. She says she can put paul up against Bridgette and she will leave. James then tells Michelle and DA how double eviction works.DA then tells james that her and Michelle are doing good in this game. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Michelle and DA talking in the BY about where they live. they then talk about making it to jury. DA tells Michelle they will have fun ib jury. She then says she will vote Paulie over Zak to win this game. Michelle says she is worried that James will not vote Natalie out when the time comes. Nicole and frank come sout to the BY and they just talk about working out and music. Paul and paulie are playing chess. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paul and paulie playing chess and Da comes up talking bad about Nicole and how they can not trust her after what Frank said.Paulie says he will go to Frank and tell him if he wants the votes flipped then tell him who he can trust to see if stories are stayingf ther same or changing. Frank and Michelle talking about how Frank is dissapointed in James. Frank then tells Michelle that if she keeps him in the house that she will not go on the block when he wins HOH that she is safe but she has to keep him in the house. Talk in the house go back and forth about voting out Frank or Bridgette as most Hg want Frank gone but Frank is campaning hard. 2:00am-4:00am BBT:Paul and bridggette on the hammock on the BY. Paul telling her everything Frank has said and done in the game behind her back while Paulie has Frank in the BR talking so Paul can tell bridgette everything. Paul says that Frank is telling everyone that you want to go home so just send her hame. He then tells her that no matter what one of you are leaving and I do not want you to leave. He then tells her to keep quiet about this and start talking to others and be more sociable. Paul then goes to Paulie and tells him about the conversation with Bridgette and how she wants to stay. Bridgette then tells Paul when he comes back to the BY again that Frank told her if she stays to put Corey and Nicole up then changed it to Nicole and James. Paul ask why then Frank comes out to the BY and talking stops. Paul then goes to Frank after Bridgette goes inside and ask him if he said that Bridgette wanted to go home and Frank says no I hope you did not tell her that. The conversation gets a little louder as Frank says we joke about wanting to go home but i would never tell anyone that. Paul then goes to the London BR and tells them that he just told Frank he does not have his vote and that he told bridgette everything. 5:00am-6:00am BBT: Paulie and Frank talk and paulie ask did Paul tell you he told Bridgette that you said she wanted to go home? Frank says no and i hope he did not tell her that i do not want her upset thinking i am campagning against her. Frank leaves and heads to bed. DA, Paul, and paulie are talking in the London rm about Nicole and how it was confirmed that she is lying about being in an alliance with frank, Bridgette and Corey. Paul says Jozae was right about Nicole she is a liar. Frank gets up and goes to the BY with Bridgette and tells her that he never told anyone to vote her out. Bridgette says everyone knows Ferank and it hurts. Frank tells her look at him and she can not look at him.
  25. 1:03pm BBT: HG just sitting around the pool soaking up the sun and talking general talk. 1:12pm BBT: Nicole, DA, Corey, Paul and Victor all in the KT talking about playing poker. Zak, Paulie, Michelle and Natalie in the pool. James in the DR. 1:34pm BBT: Victor and Corey in the KT cooking. Most Hg in the BY in and by the pool just general talk going on about eating cheese burgers. 1:44pm BBT: GUys making chicken in the KT and asking DA if she wants any. Most HG in the BY still around the pool. 1:52pm BBT: Most HG now in the KT eating. Frank and Bridgette now go out to the BY to lay in the sun with Michelle laying out also. Paul and Zak are sitting in the shade talking general talk.



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