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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 1:02pm BBT: Michelle and Natalie talk about Paul and how he needs to leave and Michelle says i can not put up Victor cause i love him and Natalie says i can put victor up and tell him Paul is our target not him. Michelle says ok. Natalie says Paul is coming after us both of us and he needs to go. 1:10pm BBT: Natalie tells Michelle that Nicole is not a big player but Paul is and if we do not take out the strongest player then we are done. Natalie tells her that James is on their side but Paul is a big threat. 1:11pm BBT: Michelle says she does not trust Nicole or Corey and Natalie says they do not have their alliance here anymore so they will latch on to us now. Paul is the biggest threat now we need him gone. 1:16pm BBT: Michelle and Natalie still whispering and repeating themselves. James and Victor in LBR talking about how many votes there will be . Paul laying in bed saying we are so close to the end of this game though. Natalie and Michelle leave the HNBR and go to the KT. Nicole and Corey jump out of bed to go talk and Victor comes out of the BR and heads to the KT where Natalie is. Natalie says i am pumped i am not going to be alone in the HOHR. 1:30pm BBT: HG are all just sitting around talking general talk and Michelle doing make up before nominations take place. Natalie tells Corey and Nicole that America gave Michelle the care package for a reason. Natalie says Paul always told Lies he told Bronte that she was going to be safe and she wasn't. 1:33pm BBT: Nicole says this is a good thing that Michelle got the care package. Natalie agrees and Natalie says i was scared that Paul was going to get it. 1:36pm BBT: Victor goers to the LBR and tells Paul that Michelle is so excited now. Paul says she should be. Victor says he is going to go eat breakfast now as he leaves the rm. 1:38pm BBT: Michelle is excited they get to do the HOH blog together. Victor is making food and Corey is eating. Nicole just sitting there excited for Michelle. James and Paul in bed sleeping. 1:42pm BBT: Michelle goes to the WA and Nicole follows her and whispers asking if her and Corey are safe. Michelle says Paul is planting seeds and Nicole says He has been planting seeds for awhile. 1:45pm BBT: Natalie goes and lays down with James and thanks him for everything he has done for her. Paul is asleep in the other bed. Most Hg in the KT eating and talking general talk and Michelle says i get to play in veto and is so excited. 1:48pm BBT: Nicole goes to the LBR then to the HNBR then leaves and goes back to the LBR. Natalie gets up and James goes with her to the STR. Nicole follows and Nicole says she told Michelle to tell her the plan and Michelle says they are after Paul. Nicole tells them she is all for that. Natalie says yeah we need him gone. James says welcome aboard. 1:58pm BBT: Corey and Nicole in bed talking about how Nicole did not win HOH and Corey laughing. Most Hg in the KT talking general talk and eating then victor says he has to study today.
  2. 12:10pm BBT: All HG still snug in their beds sound asleep. 12:18pm BBT: James is out of the DR and goes to the HOHR tells Natalie he will go get her ice packs then heads to the STR grabs the ice packs and goes back to the HOHR. 12:19pm BBT: Michelle is up and heads to the WC. James is back down stairs getting things from his bag then heads back upstairs again. 12:21pm BBT: James gets on the bed in the HOHR and drops all the ice packs and heat packs on Natalie. he then ask what she needs and she picks Advil. She then gets up and goes to the table to eat some snacks before she takes the Advil. 12:24pm BBT: James putting icy hot on natalies neck and shoulders while she eats a snack. Michelle in the Safari RM putting make up on. 12:29pm BBT: James is still rubbing natalies shoulders and she keeps whining about it hurting and James tells her to suck it up as Natalie laughs. she then says she still can not believe she won that comp with her necklaces. 12:32pm BBT: James and Natalie talking as James rubs her neck and she tells him she spent hours getting pictures together for her hoh encase she won and they sent ugly pictures she did not pick out. Michelle is done with her make up and goes to BR then to the KT. 12:36pm BBT: James tells Natalie that they can get rid of Paul or Victor this week and open themselves up for a final 2. Natalie says she wants to pull Michelle in with them. Natalie then says i feel like they want to take me out and James tells her i do not think they want to take you out they want me out. 12:45pm BBT: After a brief FOTH the CP is received and it goes to Michelle she receives, socks headbands wraps and brownies. Card says congrats Michelle america has made you CO HOH which means you get all the perks of HOH you will nominate one HG for eviction and Natalie will nominate one HG and because you are HOh you will not be a have not this week. HG are screaming as Natalie hugs Michelle and we get FOTH again. 12:51pm BBT: Michelle yells Thank You America. Hg all go back inside and talk about how everyone in the house has been HOH now. Natalie says we get to share HOH and heads to the WA with Nicole asking has this ever happened before and Nicole says no. 12:54pm BBT: Natalie says i am so happy that you are HOH Michelle cause i did not want to be alone this week. Nicole says you do not have to be a have not this week. She then says James is jealous as he will be the only have not this week now. Hg are all sitting in the KT looking around. 12:55pm BBT: Michelle and Natalie in the safari rm talking and Natalie tells her that she just told James she needed to talk to her about noms and now we are HOh together. they then start talking about what to wear for the day and for nominations. 12:58pm BBT: Natalie and Michelle now in HNBR talking and Natalie tells her that Paul has been talking about people and saying things then Michelle starters changing clothes and we can not hear from the clothes rustling. Paul comes in and tells them America loves us and says he is so pumped. Natalie says i am pumped too. Michelle stands up and Paul says next week only Victor or I can get the care package now i am excited.
  3. 11:07am BBT: Hg are sleeping with their heads covered. 11:27am BBT: James is up going to the DR, Natalie ask him to come back and hang out with her after he gets out. he says he will as he walks out of the HOHR. All other HG still sleeping. 11:36am BBT: Nicole gets up and goes to the WC, She comes out washes her hands and then fixes her hair then puts her earrings in as she yawns. 11:49am BBT: Nicole in the WA doing her make up before her DR session. 11:55am BBT: Nicole goes back to bed with Corey and snuggles to him and he stretches and says he is tired.Nicole lays down and closes her eyes as Corey goes back to sleep.
  4. 2:34pm BBT: Feeds return with paulie talking to Paul begging him for votes and says he just wants one more shot to do this. Paulie says i just want one more shot and i will persuade the jury to vote for you to win and you know you deserve to win and i just need one more chance to get Victor out and you have the best shot to win. 2:39pm BBT: Paulie tells Paul that he figured it out to the final 5 and you know i want him out so please keep me and i will take his ass out. Paul leaves to the KT and paulie says well America this is my last ditch effort and if i can pull this off then your boy is back in it. He then talks to his mom and dad and says he hopes they are proud of him. he says if he can pull this off then he will make it to the finals so this is do or die. 2:40pm BBT: Paulie leaves the LBR and goes to the TBR and Nicole ask what Paul said and paulie says i dont know. In the KT Victor is washing dishes and helping clean pauls mess from burning food while he was talking to paulie. 2:43pm BBT: Paulie says packing sucks. Nicole says i am trying to think what the comp will be tonight since we are in these costumes. Corey ask can we ask them and Nicole says no. BB calls Corey to the DR. James is cleaning in the house. Paul is cooking with his pelican on. 2:45pm BBT: Paul starts singing and we get FOTH. Paulie tells Nicole if he gets to stay he will blow this house up and get people out. They then head to the KT and ask what is burning and victor laughs saying Paul burnt food again. 2:50pm BBT: Paul runs to the other rm and Victor yells james he left this cooking food again and they laugh.Nicole is making herself a cup of coffee. 2:53pm BBT: Corey in they shower and Nicole gets called to the DR. Paul still cooking and victor walking around the KT. Natalie is doing her make up and hair getting ready for the live show. 2:57pm BBT: Paulie walks into the KT as Nicole is asking why Victor is acting differently towards her. Corey finishes his shower and Natalie putting deodorant on in the WA. Paul is eating.
  5. 1:05pm BBT: Feeds are back with most Hg in the KT making eggs. 1:06pm BBT: Nicole doing make up in the WA and Paul trimming is beard. In the KT Victor is spelling something with the sun flower seeds as Michelle watches. Paulie, Corey and James making food. 1:10pm BBT: Paulie in the LBR with James, Paul and Natalie, he is asking if they will keep him this week and Paul tells him it is better for his strategy to keep Corey ion the house. Paulie ask James if that is his strategy also and James agrees it is. Paulie says if that is how it will be then i will talk to Michelle. Natalie says my thing is is that you told Victor to put me up and paulie says but you was never a threat to go home you would have just been a pawn. Paulie says if that is where you are at on this then i will understand. 1:15pm BBT: Paulie is asking for sympathy votes now and Natalie says if Victor is ok with it then i will throw you a sympathy vote I do not care. 1:17pm BBT: Paulie says if you keep me with Sympathy votes and i continue being the target for Victor then you guys will be safer. I will tell them i campaigned for sympathy votes and i got them and i will take the blame for everything. 1:20pm BBT: Paulie still pleading for votes with Natalie , James and Paul he then ask what their concerns are Natalie says personally i feel like you was running the house personally and you said you manipulated the house and you said that out there. BB calls Paul to the DR. Paulie says i was just talking to people. Natalie says i believe what you are saying and i forgive everyone but you said you was running the house but it is scary that you was winning things and it hurt my feelings when you talked bad about me. 1:23pm BBT: Natalie tells paulie that she never talks crap about people and everyone was talking crap and it hurt my feelings so now i am to the point where i do not care what people say about me i mean it stings a little but i personally do not give a crap. She says to paulie you will see in my DR's i never said anything bad about anyone but personally my vote is part personal and part strategic. 1:25pm BBT: paulie asking James what he thinks about all of this as he knows there is a team decision on this as you guys what each others back and i watched other peoples backs. James just sits looking at him and Natalie says Bridgette and I wanted you gone cause you manipulated everyone. Paulie says i understand that. 1:30pm BBT: Victor in the KT cooking as Michelle and Nicole are doing their hair and make up in the WA. Paulie is repeating himself to James and Natalie and promising them they are safe if they keep him. 1:36pm BBT: Paulie tells James and Natalie if he stays this week he will win HOH and put Victor up and tell him if he wins HOh then great come down but i will still go after him. he then says you could talk to Paul and he would listen to you guys and keep me then we get FOTH then we go to Jeff's Reels.
  6. 11:00am BBT: WE have WE will Be Right Back as BB wakes the HG. 11:15am BBT: WE go from being on WE Will BE Right Back to Jeff's Reels.
  7. 12:20am-1:00am BBT: Victor, Paul, James and Natalie talking and Victor tells then he wants one of the four of them to win this game as they have all be thrown under the bus already. Natalie tells them she judges people on how they act when they have HOH or POV. Paul says that Michelle is scary and he does not know what she will do if she has HOH. Natalie and paul then talk about what their speeches will be in final 2 and how important the speech will be. Paul and Natalie talking about taking each other to final 2 now and Paul tells her he was never on board for a final 5 all guys alliance. Natalie says fell free to take me to final 2 please. Paulie and Michelle talking about paulie's speech tomorrow and says he will pretend to say bad things about Michelle but then he won't do that. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paulie, Nicole and Corey in the Safari RM talking about the round trip tickets, paulie says i have the round trip ticket and i am going to come back and play hard for that HOH then i am going to put up Paul and Victor and tell them Victor you put me up and got me out now we are even. he says he will tell Paul if i can not get Victor out then you have to go since you threw me under the bus so many times. Paulie tries to getr Michelle to open her ticket but she says no encase they extend the tickets another week. paulie tells Michelle to align with Corey and Nicole but Michelle thinks Nicole hates her. Paulie tells her that she needs to get Victor and Paul broke up as they are the strongest couple in the house right now. 2:00am-5:00am BBT: Michelle and Paulie continue talking about putting Victor and Paul on the block and Paul begging for a vote. they then decide to go to bed and hug as they leave the safari rm. James and Natalie snuggle in bed holding hands and talking about what the next HOH comp might be. Natalie says her neck hurts and rolls over. HG are in bed with Lights out.
  8. 12:05pm BBT: Michelle and Victor talking general talk about their weight and height. All other Hg still in bed sleeping. 12:18pm BBT: Michelle and victor still in the KT talking general talk about birth control. Paul now up in the BR getting dressed for the day. 12:22pm BBT: Paul is walking around the house and going to check points in the house saying they are clear. Victor and Michelle still talking in the KT about their outside life and medical conditions. 12:28pm BBT: Paul comes to the KT and talks about making a sandwich after he does his check points. Victor and Michelle still talking about dreams and what they dream about. 12:32pm BBT: Michelle asking victor what he is doing with the ham and turkey and he says making a sandwich with layers of ham and turkey. She says oh ok. 12:37pm BBT: Victor and Michelle still talking about food at different places they have been to and about salad bars. Paul is now back in bed with his eyes covered. All other Hg are in bed sleeping. 12:43pm BBT: Victor and Michelle now go to the safari RM and close the door. victor says ok what would the live feeders want to know about the show and Michelle says i do not know i think i talked to much crap in the beginning. Michelle says we can talk about how nasty this house is and Victor says yeah it is a mess. Michelle says there is razors on the floor and tissues everywhere dirty dishes everywhere. She says the only clean rm in the house is the HOHR. victor says yeah this house is a mess for sure. 12:50pm BBT: BB plays zingbot singing oh say can you zing. Paulie raises his head and lays back down. Bb plays it again and paulie raises his head again and lays back down then he gets up and heads to the STR. 12:56pm BBT: Paulie went to the WC washed his hands and is now listening at the Safari rm door to Michelle and victor talking to the feeders about food and messes. he then goes to the KT putting his hat on adjust his mic then takes jacket off, picks his nose then grabs the apron to put on so he can bake his Apple Pie.
  9. 11:01am BBT: Natalie and James talking. James talks to the live feeders then Natalie works out with a roller to pop her back and says it is hurting. 11:09am BBT: Natalie and James head back to their beds and talk about how bad it smells in their rm. James is now rubbing Natalie's shoulders and neck. 11:27am BBT: All feeds on Victor asleep in the HOHR. 11:34am BBT: BB calls Michelle to the DR. She gets up and heads to the WC. 11:37am BBT: BB calls Victor to the DR as Michelle puts her make up on. Victor gets up walks down the stairs and goes to the DR. 11:43am BBT: Victor is now out of the DR and Bb calls Michelle in. Victor goes back to the HNR scratches himself then puts his mic on then gets a shirt out then goes to the WA to do his ADL's. 11:56am BBT: Michelle and victor in the KT making breakfast but no talking going on.
  10. 12:05pm BBT: Victor doing pictures alone as Nicole is doing her makeup and refused pictures of herself. Michelle is still in the DR and all other Hg are sleeping. 12:22pm BBT: Victor in the HOHR alone doing ADL's. Nicole getting dressed in the WA and blow drying her hair. most HG still sleeping. 12:30pm BBT: Natalie in the WA brushing her teeth, James in the KT with Michelle and Victor as Victor takes pictures of himself and we get FOTH. 12:34pm BBT: James talking to Natalie, Natalie says she feels sick and feels like she is going to throw up again.She says i can not sleep and i can not rest and everyone that talks or makes a noise wakes me up. James says i can talk to Paul about going elsewhere. Natalie says no it is me not them i should remove myself from this game and go home and James tells her no you will not go home. Natalie says i started my period today too and it got on the sheets and i need to wash them and James tells her he will wash her sheets for her. 12:40pm BBT: BB calls Victor to the DR. James tells Natalie that hopefully she feels better in a few hours. Natalie says no it wont it happens every 2 years and i can not move my neck for a week. 12:42pm BBT: James tells Natalie that he knows she is hurting and just think of everything you have been through and work through it. 12:45pm BBT: Corey in the shower changing clothes. Nicole gets a new unitard to put on. Corey says this is to small, he comes out of the shower with a speedo on saying it is to tight. 12:53pm BBT: Corey is in the pool, Michelle laying by the pool, James still in Safari rm talking to Natalie and trying to keep her from going home. He tells her how strong she is. 12:56pm BBT: paulie is now at the pool with Michelle and Corey he says it is to hot so he goes into the water.
  11. 11:06am BBT: Michelle called to the DR. Victor in the HOHR doing his Blog. All other HG sleeping. 11:17am BBT: Paul is now up and going to the DR. Michelle doing her make up. 1:21am BBT: Victor is now out of the HOHR and in the KT. Michelle comes in and he says hi to her. She says she is waiting to go to the DR and then going to get a shower outside. Victor tells her he just finished his blog and loved doing it. 11:23am BBT: Victor goes to the WA. Nicole is in the shower. 11:30am BBT: Victor and Michelle talking in safari rm about paulie and Corey and who thinks they are leaving. Victor says that Paul set it up to make Corey think he is leaving. Michele ask him if he thinks Paulie will leave the jury house and victor says no. They then talk about the care package and thinks that Corey might get it because of Nicole's fans. Victor gets called to the DR to get his camera. 11:45am BBT: Michelle called to the DR as Victor comes out of there with the camera. Victor now taking pictures of sleeping HG.
  12. 10:30pm-11:00pm BBT: Paulie making another Pie in the KT being silent and waving his flag. Corey sitting in theKT asking paulie about Cody's movie and if it is out yet. paulie says it went in theaters in August.Nicole is getting ready to go to the DR. Corey says it must suck to haver to get ready every time. Paulie tells them his sister never wears makeup. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Nicole continues getting ready for her DR session. Corey sits alone in the KT. Nicole comes to the KT and Her and Corey talk about make up then Nicole says she stays with Corey so much that she can tell when he has to go to the bathroom. Paulie comes in and talks about he will be leaving Thursday cause everyone is scared of Victor and paul has control of everyone also. They then talk about if there will be a buy back from jury and then about the HOH comp thursday and Paulie thinks it will be the slip and slide comp. Paulie then talks about the round trip ticket and he thinks he might have it cause his is number 10 and that was Codys number so it is a lucky number. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Paulie talking bad about Victor and paul and telling Nicole and Corey that he knows he is going home because of those two. BB announces the BY is now open. Paulie, Nicole and Corey head to the hot tub where they talk about James and how he is acting different and he wants to sleep all the time now. Corey tells paulie that he thinks Victor is playing alone and just wanted to make a big move in the game so he put us up. Paulie says he blames paul for the flip of the house and not Victor. Corey says they do not trust paul at all. Nicole says if James is playing the game strategically then he will not put her and Corey on the block. She says Corey and i have not won anything really. Paulie then ask why James went for the 5K instead of the veto and Nicole says she does not know. They then talk about getting blind sided on DE night and how james blind sided them and voted Zak out. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paulie is telling Nicole and corey how to study for the upcomiung comps. he said he counted everything in the house while people were sleeping. Paulie tells them he does not want to sit in jury for weeks. They all get out of the hot tub and head inside. Nicole tells then that America did not save her for no reason this week so she needs to step up her game this week. Paulie starts coaching Nicole and Corey asking them querstions about how many of what is in the house. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Michelle is up in the HNR going through clothes then head to the BY with paulie, Nicole and corey. Paulie then starts again about not staying in jury house. James is massaging natalies neck in the LBR. She tells him the muscle rub is irritating her skin and he tells her she needs a heating pad instead.they then go out to the BY and join the restr of the HG that are outside. Just general talk going on then natalie and james head to the KT to make food, Nicole goes to do laundry. Michelle and Nicole are at the hammock and talk about Paulie and Zak and how Zak still likes him. Nicole tells about how she met paulie before the show and had seen pictures of his girl friend on instagram. Nicole starts talking about derrick and how good he was at the game. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Corey has now joined Nicole and Michelle in the BY and they talk about how bad the girls suck at comps. Michelle then talks about finding her dream guy and nicole says Ian terry. Michelle says she can dream then laughs. talk turns to laundry and being sleepy. Nicole and Michelle then talk about how far apart they live from each other and the decide it is like an hour apart.Michelle gets called to the DR and Corey ask Nicole how her talk with Michelle went and she tells him they do not talk game. Corey says we need her on our side. Nicole says if i try that then i go on the block and get voted out. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Paulie out of the WC and heads back to Nicole and Corey for more studying. Nicole says her head hurts from studying so much now. Paulie tells thwem that Victor is a douch. Nicole says if he gets the next care package i will be mad cause he does not deserve it. Paulie thinks that Nicole's and Cody's friends will hook him up withj the care package this week.
  13. 8:00pm -9:00pm BBT :Feeds return with Michelle ion the WA taking her hair extentions out and Corey takeing off his unitard to get a shower. James and natalie are eating in the KT. We gets jeffs reels .. as we come back Nicole and corey in the BR with Michelle and Nicole ask if they can have cuddle time tonight and michelle says OMG. We get jeff's reels again and then come back to james and Paulie talking. Paulie is talking about staying again. James tells him if you back a dog into a corner it might bite you. paulie ask him to explain that and james says you are backed into that corner. james then tells him if he campaihns in a good way then everyone might respect him and paulie says that he hasnt done it in a light way. James tellas him it is just a game. Paulie then ask James what it is like to be in Jury house and james tells him you get to be you again. Paulie then ask James and natalie what deals he can make with them and they avoid the question. James then tells Paulie that whatever natalie does is what he is going to do.Paulie tells them thank you for talking and leaves the room. james gets natalie put to bed cause of her neck injury from earlier and tells her she is on bed rest and he will serve her food in bed. She tells him no and he laughs.
  14. 3:06pm BBT: James and Natalie talking in the LBR about if they win HOH this week to put Nicole and Corey up and send Corey home next week. Nicole, Corey, Paul, Victor, and Michelle are in the KT talking about wanting the BY back open so they can go outside. 3:11pm BBT: Paulie in the BR talking to James and Natalie saying if there is not a jury buy back then he is out of here. he then tells them if they keep him and he wins HOH he will put up who they want up. He says i will not last in the jury house so you have a week of safety if i stay and if i win you have 2 weeks of safety. 3:15pm BBT: Paulie keeps repeating himself about staying in the house and keeping Natalie and James safe and doing what they want done in the house as far as nominations and veto go. Most HG in the KT just talking general talk and laughing. 3:24pm BBT: Paulie telling Natalie and James that his social game has been ok but if he stays he will never put them up. Natalie says can i ask you who is your ride or die? Paul walks in the room and talk stops as Paul says he needs to lay down.
  15. 1:00pm-2:00pm BBT: Paulie telling Corey and Nicole his conversation with Paul earlier and how Paul told him to campaign and how Corey should also. paulie thinks thinks they just want to watch them campaign. paulie then tells them he does not have a problem punching James, victor or Paul in the face. Victor finishes cleaning the KT and is making food now. Nicole comes in and they talk about Victor not wearing deodorant and she calls him stinky. most Hg are sleeping. 2:00pm-3:00pm BBT: Victor, Nicole and Corey talk about college and how they got on BB. Victor says he applied for BB through craigslist. Victor goes to the HOH rm to clean up and Nicole and Corey talk about Michelle and if she gets a care package they will be mad.. All other Hg still sleeping.
  16. 12:01pm BBT: James and Paul talk to Natalie about how they are going to get Corey out of the house next week.. Natalie goers to get Michelle and she will not wake up. In the KT Nicole and Corey are talking as Corey eats and Nicole complains that she wishes she has hash browns for her have not food or tail mix. 12:11pm BBT: Paulie goes to the WA and talks to James and says i tried to save myself but i do not think it worked. paulie says i am asking you man please save me. Paulie says do you ever think that America sent you that care package cause they was talking about back dooring you that week and James says i do not know why they sent it to me. Paul comes in and sits down and paulie tells Him and James that Victor turned down a good deal cause 2 weeks safety is the idea thing. Paulie says it is ok though there is a round trip ticket or i go to jury or home. 12:14pm BBT: Paulie tells Paul he wants to go home since he has no safety. paulie says all i can do is see what happens or getting all of you to open your round trip tickets to see who has it then go from there. Paul says no one is going to open their tickets. paulie says i know it is over. Paulie says bro i really do not want people to make Corey to feel like crap and then send me home anyways. Paul says no we wouldn't do that. Paulie says yeah frank said he wouldn't campaign against Bridgette and he did so it is what it is. 12:16pm BBT: James tells Paulie to campaign and tell people vote how you want if you want to keep me keep me and if you want to keep Corey keep him and that is not bad campaigning. Paulie says i tried to make a deal and i do not really want to be here. Paulie says i can either stay here but i can not go 5 weeks in jury. 12:28pm BBT: Paul tells paulie he tried to keep him safe but he couldn't. Paulie says i know you did man. Paulie says i am telling you straight up i can not mentally do it in there for 5 weeks I mean i can will myself to do it but once the game is over for me there is no purpose for me to be in Jury i mean i will go nuts. thats my mental state. 12:31pm BBT: Paulie and Paul repeating themselves in the WA. Victor and Corey in the KT cleaning. Victor is cleaning the fridge and Corey washing dishes. 12:39pm BBT: Paul tells paulie that he should not stress over everything all week that it is not even worth it.. In the KT Nicole is watching Victor clean the KT and Corey wash dishes. 12:46pm BBT: Paul now in the KT saying they all need to get drunk. He then laughs and Corey agrees. Victor still cleaning out of the fridge. James in bed taking a nap. Natalie sleeping and Michelle sleeping. 12:49pm BBT: Paul heads to the STR and says hook me up STR and then yells you guys were not on time come on and we get FOTH. Paul now says he is going to go lay down before something else happens and heads to his bed.
  17. 11:33am BBT: Feeds are back. Paulie and Corey walking out of the LVR. Paul and Paulie go to the KT as Paul talks about having a bathing suit. Michelle goes to the STR and says that the swim suits for Corey and Paul are cute then looks at Nicole's and says hers is really cute and she will love it. Paul goes to the BR and talks to James. James says i did not even give him a hug after that. Paul says yeah he was throwing you under the bus. 11:36am BBT: Paulie comes into the rm with James and Paul. Just walking around talking about the swim suit BB gave Paul. Paulie then leaves as Paul has laid down. James in bed covered up trying to nap. In the KT Victor,Natalie, Corey, Nicole and paulie are eating and talking about apple pies and how Bridgette would love this. 11:41am BBT: Victor goes to the BR with Paul and James and they talk about how to deal with Corey and Nicole now. Paul says Nicole will keep Corey around. Paul is called to the DR. James and victor talk about why they might be locked down from the BY. James says maybe they are setting us up a party. 11:49am BBT: Paul is back and James tells Victor about Paulie coming in and asking Paul if he has to watch over his boy James and then walks around the room then leaves. Victor says aww man.In the KT Corey, Nicole, Natalie and paulie are sitting around talking general talk and about apple pies. 11:54am BBT: Paulie in the KT talking to Nicole alone telling her the deal he tried to make with Victor. he says Victor should have taken my deal but he didn't. She says i would have taken that deal for safety for 2 weeks. Paulie says he would have too but victor didn't. Natalie has now joined James in bed talking to Victor and Paul about who needs to go next week.
  18. 7:15am-8:00am BBT: Bridgette talking to Paul and tells him that Corey told her to watch out and do not trust Paul. Paul tells them that they need to start winning comps. Paul then tells the group that he thinks that James should cancell his and Corey's votes. Paul then says when the votes come up 2-3 they can blame it all on Nicole for forming a girls alliance. 8:00am-9:00am BBT: Paul, Natalie and Michelle talking about paulie and then paul tells them he is mad cauase he trusted paulie . natalie says that people thinks she is dumb but she says i am not dumb i know what is going on in this house. They talk aboput them winning after flipping the vote and then putting up Nicole and corey then if one of them win the POV they put paulie up and backdoor him.Natalie tells them it hurt her game when they took DA out. Paul jumps in and tells her that he wanted Bridgette gone not DA.Natalie tells him it is fine and that they can not keep doing Paulies dirtys work and getting the blood on our hands.Talk turns to James throwing comps and paul says it is selfish of him doing that. Paul then says he will tell paulie not to win HOH this week so they can try to backdoor him and natalie says that is smart do it.Paul is mad at paulie now that he was playing him all this time. Natalie, Michelle, James and paul all tell things that paulie has said and done in the house. Paul says he is mad he trusted him. 9:00am-10:00am BBT: Paul and Natalie talk when Michelle leaves to go get batteries and Natalie ask him what if Zak or paulie have the round trip ticket and comes back into the house. Paul says he is not worried at all about Zak having it.Paul tells Natalie to tell Zak everything and blow up paulies game so if she comes back into the house she will work on their side.Paul goes to change his batteries and Natalie and Michelle talk about how strong they are and Natalie tells Michelle to stand tall that this is her game. Paul, Natalie and Michelle are now in bed going to sleep.
  19. 11:34pm BBT: Feeds are back with Zak hugging everyone and laughing. Michelle walks off to the WA and checks her hair. Victor is hugging Bridgette in the KT. 11:36am BBT: Zak, Michelle and Natalie in the WA talking about being skinny and smiling. 11:45am BBT: Michelle in the BY talking to Paul and she ask him who Victor wants out and he tells her he does not know what Victor wants. She says she will not be mean to Zak in her speech. 11:49am BBT: Michelle in the BY tanning while Natalie runs. Most HG in the KT making food and talking about doing laundry and playing chess and sleeping. 11:51am BBT: Corey now in the BY tanning with Michelle. Natalie still running. 11:54am BBT: BB keeps telling the HG to please stop singing. Victor and Paul in the KT talking and laughing as Bridgette listens and Nicole cooks. James is walking around the KT not talking. 11:57am BBT: Paul and paulie in the BR talking and paulie tells Paul that Zak told me that Michelle is going to call me out on all my competition wins. Paul says that is not going to happen.
  20. 4:00pm BBT: Paulie, Corey and Nicole in the BY talking about Zak saying that Paulie only wanted DA out so he could get information out of her. Paulie says wow.In the WA Michelle and Zak are doing make up and just general talk. In the BY Natalie is laying in the sun. 4:07pm BBT: Paul and Bridgette in the KT talking general talk about coffee and laughing. Corey, Paulie and Nicole in the BY repeating themselves then Paul comes out and talk stops. 4:10pm BBT: Paul goes to the HOH RM to talk to Victor,Paulie joins them and they talk about who is sitting where in the house. Paulie tells them that they need Michelle out this week as she did not want them to get farther than her. 4:15pm BBT: Paul says he would rather be in the house with Michelle then Zak. Paulie then says that Natalie will vote for a woman to win this game so she needs to go soon also. 4:22pm BBT: Paul says he has watched Zak play this game and we need to get her out this week. Victor ask how she will react if she goes on the block and paulie says she will ask me to play for her and take her off the block. 4:33pm BBT: HOH RM talk breaks up and paul leaves the rm. Paulie tells Victor he is 100% with him with whatever he does this week. Natalie in the BY laying in the sun talking to James and Bridgette saying she is wearing granny panties today and they all laugh. 4:40pm BBT: Paul is doing his friendship talk in the Safari RM with Michelle and Nicole. Paulie walks in and sits down. they talk about each HG then about Victor and who he might nominate since he came back in the house after his eviction. Paul says it could be me and paulie who knows. James in the BY asking Natalie what she wants for dinner tonight. 4:47pm BBT: Natalie and Bridgette in the BY alone talking telling each other to be careful of what they say or do in the house and around Nicole. Bridgette says when she needs to save her butt then she will kiss your butt you know what i mean? Natalie says yeah and James comes back out and they stop talking.
  21. 1:00pm-2:00pm BBT: Nicole and Corey talk in the Safari RM about nicoles family and what they expected of her. Nicolle then says that Bridgette and natalie do not like her and she thinks that natalie would have put her up on the block if she had won HOH lastnight.Corey tells her that she thinks to much in this house. Natalie takes a shower then blow dries her hair. At 2:21pm The Care Package arrives and it is for James. He gets underwear, socks, shoes and cookies. His power is he can eliminate 2 votes this week at the eviction ceremony. Natalie is jumping up and down screaming and cheering that James got the package. Zak is upset saying she knew James was going to get it. Victor tells paul in the HOH RM that he is suprised james got it. Nicole thinks James and natalie are Americas favotites. Victor in HOH RM alone going over his speech of what he will say to Michelle and Zak.
  22. 12:24pm BBT: all feeds still on sleeping HG. 12:39pm BBT: Nicole in safari RM she spills the nail polish remover and goes to the KT to get paper towels and comes back then spills her coffee all over and says are you serious i am the clumsiest person ever. She says I am so sorry BB. She then says live feeders you are getting a look at the day of Nicole i am always clumsy. 12:42pm BBT: Corey is now awake in the HNR just sitting in his bumper car staring at the wall. 12:54pm BBT: Corey now in Safari RM with Nicole. Just general talk going on and Nicole saying he is grumpy.
  23. 11:13am BBT: Nicole in the KT making breakfast. Bridgette in the DR. All other HG still sleeping. 11:21am BBT: Nicole in the Safari RM eating her breakfast and talking to herself about going insane. 11:30am BBT: Nicole still talking to the feeds and herself saying she feels so lucky to get to come back and play this game again. I freaking love this game and i tell you if there is anyone out there that wants to play this game do it. Do not give up. It is an amazing game. 11:40am BBT: Nicole says that paulie and corey are like her brothers and it feels like she has known them her whole life. She says James is super sweet, with Paul there is never a dull moment, victor is funny and the girls are very nice. 11:45am BBT: Nicole called to the DR and Bridgette goes back to bed then gets up and goes to the WC. 11:57am BBT: All HG sleeping except Nicole who is in the DR.
  24. 11:03am BBT: James in the STR then goes to the KT where DA is. James has the hiccups. He ask her if she wants to hang out. In the WA paulie is telling a story about eye lashes to Bridgette, Victor, and Corey. 11:06am BBT After a brief WBRB Victor goes to the HOHR and gets in bed with Paul. Corey comes in and says everyone else will be up here in a minute. 11:09am BBT: Paulie and Zak are now heading upstairs. DA is making her breakfast. Bridgette is washing her dishes. James is now in the HOHR getting a blanket and his spot for the lock down. 11:21am BBT: Most HG in the HOHR. Natalie walking around getting her things together. Michelle still in her bed sleeping. Just general talk going on ion the HOHR. 11:24am BBT: WE are now on Jeff's Reels as the HG prepare for tonight's live eviction.



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