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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:33am BBT: James and Corey in the BY laying out talking about songs they like. Michelle and Natalie just laying there listening. Nicole and Victor in the WA getting ready to go outside. Paul is in the DR. James starts singing and we get FOTH. 11:42am BBT: All HG are in the BY laying by the pool no talking going on. Michelle has been called to the DR. 11:50am BBT: All HG now in the BY and BB tells Michelle to please put her mic on. Nicole ask Corey if he is doing laundry today and he says yeah. Paul is walking around in the pool.
  2. 11:00AM BBT: The feeds are back and Nicole kept the nominations the same. On Thursday, either Michelle or Paul will be evicted. 11:07am BBT: Feeds come back with Michelle laughing and everyone joking. they all head different directions. Natalie and Michelle in the WA laughing and getting ready to go out to the pool. Nicole and James in the LBR getting ready to go out to the pool. Victor and Paul in the BY and victor says we are good man you do not have to do anything extra we are good. 11:14am BBT: Most HG in the BY laying in the sun by the pool. Corey in the KT getting water. 11:22am BBT: Nicole in the WA telling Paul and Victor that some of her swim suit bottoms are missing as she puts her hair up to go out to the BY. Corey and Paul now in the BY going to lay out. Just general talk going on about the heat. 11:26am BBT: Michelle and James tell Paul about Dan being the best player of all time in BB history and then they tell Paul about Dan and his funeral.
  3. 10:01am BBT: Nicole and Victor in the BY talking about how they act in the house and how they act different in the house. They then talk about how they have missed everything all summer and how everyone goes back to school tomorrow. 10:08am BBT: Paul goes to the BY and victor ask are you awake and Paul says yeah they forced me up to go to the DR. Paul tells them that lastnight Natalie was telling James that they need to wash sheets and James tells her why if there is a DE Thursday then there is no point then Paul says then they shut up/ Victor says well let him sleep on dirty sheets. 10:12am BBT: Victor, Nicole and Paul head inside to get coffee. Paul says he better not drink it with his chest hurting the way it does and Nicole says yeah don't drink it. Nicole says they still have 20 minutes. She then says that the coffee looks light not dark. Paul looking in the fridge and talking about making eggs. James comes out of the DR and looks outside. 10:16am BBT: James and Nicole in the BY on the lounger and James says you know how it is when you leave this house you do not know what will happen. He says i just do not know whats going to happen when i leave here. Nicole says yeah i know i told Corey that i hate texting so when i leave here i am going to miss him so much you know like he is my best friend i am going to miss him so much. 10:19am BBT: Victor walks out to the BY and goes to sit with Nicole and James and James tells him they are just talking about having 24 days left in the house. victor says yeah i know man i am counting it down i am ready to get out. they then talk about visiting each other. 10:22am BBT: BB tells the HG to lower the awnings then BB calls Nicole to the DR and James and Victor yells that is it. Nicole heads to the DR. Natalie sitting in the KT not talking and Paul is making eggs. Corey and Michelle still sleeping. 10:25am BBT: BB says Hg this is a lock down pleas go outside and close the sliding glass door and then we get Jeff's Reels as the HG do the POV ceremony.
  4. 8:00am BBT: All Hg still asleep in dark rooms. 8:30am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 8:50am BBT: WE now have FOTh maybe a wake up call.
  5. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Nicole and Corey talking about Nicole and Hayden and how they broke up cause he did not want to get married and have kids. She tells Corey she made a scrap book for him with pictures and everything and spent alot of time on it for Hayden for him to break up with her. Corey asked if they had closure and nicole says no. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: The talk continues about Hayden and Nicole. Corey gives Nicole a hug and tells her to get some sleep and he goes down to the KT and joins Victor, James Natalie and Michelle. they talk about food and the squid that smelled so bad. James and Natalie head to the BR and talk about the POV and Natalie says she does not think that Victor will go on the block at all.Michelle joins them and Natalie says Victor knows how to work it so he is not put on the block he always knows what to say. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: James, Natalie and Michelle now study for upcoming comps and tells Michelle and Natalie that they can do this but next week the power needs to shift back to us. Victor is in the KT deep frying squid and trying to make it taste good. Paul gets up and comes in and says he thinks he is going to die as he has weird chest pains going on. Michelle says she gets those pains when she is nervous. General talk going on about Paulie in the KT and how he his his veto card in the table when he was suppose to throw the veto. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Victor and Corey eating the squid and talking about how tough it is. paul is eating chips and salsa. Nicole comes in and says she is proud of the guys for eating the Squid. James comes in the KT and walks around not talking and looks in the fridge then walks out of the KT back to the BR. Nicole tells Corey she is going to go take a shower and go to bed. She goes to the HOH rm and then to the shower. Talk in the KT continues about squid and other foods then Corey passes gas and Victor and Paul tell him it is bad. Paul calls it the squid farts. Corey then tells them his stomach does not feel well and goes to get tums.Corey now heads to the HOH rm with Nicole and Paul and Victor whisper in the KT and victor tells Paul not to worry about anything. In the LBR Michelle, Natalie and James talking about evicted HG and how some of them were mad and how they are happy that DA made jury. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Michelle , Natalie and James continue talking about evicted HG and Paul and Victor are int he KT talking about James and Natalie not talking to anyone. Back in the LBR James , Natalie and Michelle talk about Nicole winning the POV and James says he will be surprised if Nicole uses it. Natalie says well you kept Corey safe last week so she shouldn't use it. Natalie says if she does use it then she will congratulate her for messing up her game cause Paul and victor will win. Victor, Paul and Corey leave the KT and go to bed, Natalie and Michelle get up and go to the WA to brush their teeth for the night James tells them all just 24 days left in the BB house. 4:15am BBT: ALL HG IN BED SLEEPING.
  6. 11:00am-12:00pm BBT: Corey, Paul and Victor talking about Natalie and her being in a pageant and winning. They are trying to figure her out and see where her head is. paul gets called to the DR and Victor and Corey talk about him getting his care package and he wonders what America wants him to do with it as he wants to get off slop. he says it will cost him 5 grand to get off slop and Natalie got a never not pass for free. They then start studying the memory wall in case the Morph comp is today for the POV.
  7. 9:00am-10:00am BBT: Veto players were picked and nicole pulled Victors chip, Paul got HG choice and Michelle pulled james chip. natralie will host the comp.. HG go to seperate rooms and Michjelle and natalie start talking. Natalie tells Michelle she is not the target that Paul is the target. Michelle asking james why paul would chose Corey to play the POV for him if Paul is the target and james says i could be the backdoor target you never know. Paul in HOH telling Nicole and Corey that natyalie asked why he chose Corey to play POV and not her and he says he told her that it is because she is good a comps and Corey isnt. he says that he told her that if she won she would take Michelle off the block and he needs Michelle to stay up there and if Corey wins it will stay the samem so i have a better shot at campagning against Michelle. Michelle, natalie and James talk about how Paul and Victor go to who ever is in the HOH power at the time as last week he was always with them. 10:00am-11:00am BBT: Nicole and Corey talking to Victor and paul saying they have to make sure that michelle does not win POV and if james wins it then it is ok cause Natalie will tell him not to use it and he will listen. Paul goes on talking general talk then thery go to the KT to make food after Corey says he needs to be rested for the comps. Paul continues his general conversation to Victor and nicole in the KT as they are making food.
  8. 7:20am BBTL We are on Jeff's reels. 8:10am BBT: Feeds are back and the have not food and have nots have been chosen. The card is read and Nicole says the first two who fell off the wall are the have nots. Have Nots are Victor and Corey. the have Not food is Seaweed and Squid. 8:16pm BBT: Nicole is upsat that she has to sleep alone now in the HOHR cause Corey is now a have not.Paul and ask Corey if he is going to eat the seaweed and Corey says hell no. Victor and Corey both try a bite of the seaweed and neither one likes it. alot of gagging and talking about the seaweed gouing on then paul and natalie clean up the mess. 8:30am BBT: James heads back to bed, Corey tells Nicole that he is going to be in a bad mood now and she tells him he needs to stay positive. Natalie and paul are cleaning the squid arrangements up , Natalie holding the bag open and paul throwing them away. Nicole grabs a squid to keep and Corey says that better now touch me. 8:40am BBT: Corey goes to the DR to see if he can use his bribe on the have not pass or something. he comes out and says Bb told him they would get back to him. BB calls Nicole to the DR. Paul and Corey now talk about the POV coming up and paul hopes it is the comics. Paul says he is goign to study with Nicole as soon as he gets out of the DR and we go to Jeffs Reels.
  9. 9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Victor and Nicvole inthe HOH rm drinking wine. nicole is having trouble drinkign the red wine and victor offers to trade her for his white wine. Victor talks about natalie and their relationship and tells Nicole and corey that he told her that the trelationship had to stop here and nicole and Corey laugh at him. BB calls Nicole to the DR. Paul comes to the HOHR saying he can smell alcohol he then tells Victor they have a POV to play tomorrow and he needs to stop drinking. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Nicole comes from the DR and goes back to the HOHR and back to her drinking. she tells Paul and Victor that there will be a big party after the show in her town and they are invited and she will buy their tickets there. paul says if your buying i will be there. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Nicole, Corey, paul and Victor head to the KT to have cereal. They talk about if Corey is gay or not and laugh about it . James in the DR and natAlie is waiting to go into the DR unaware that james is still in there. Corey and Nicole head back to the HOHR and get under the covers with lights out and all you hear is heavy breathing. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: James , Natalie and Michelle in the KT eating and Natalie talking about condaments and what they are used for and how bad they are for you., James goes to the shower and natalie moves his clothes, After he finishes the shower he puts on a pair of shorts and gets his clothes then gets dressed.Natalie laughing in the KT telling Michelle she took james towl and clothes and moved them. Michelle says she has items from each HG and will sell them online when she gets home. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Nicole and Corey have their backs to each other in the HOHR and are asleep. Natalie and james talking about the HOH comp and he says he could have styayed up there longer but he gave it to Nicole. Natalie says what happens if she is trying to backdoor you? james says she might be. Michelle joins them and they talk about past Comps this season. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Natalie and Michelle talking about Nicole and Corey and how they will feel bad at the end of the week for listening to Paul and victor. natalie said if i had known i sighned up for a bully show i would have not come here. Michelle then says she thougfht Bronte hated her and natalie says no she was a mathmatician and did not know hpw to be social. Talk then turns to Paul and him touching natalies thigh. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: James, Michelle and natalie talking about Americas favorite player and whop might win it this year. james says frank will not win it cause it always goes to a jury memeber but DA might be close for it as she was last year. Victor gets up and goes to the WC then washes hands then back to bed . all Hg now in bed in a dark house fast asleep.
  10. 11:00am BBT: Natalie telling Michelle and Nicole about her dreaming lastnight. Corey in the KT getting a drink. 11:20am BBT: Natalie doing her hair and Michelle sitting there watching and just general talk going on.
  11. 10:06am BBT: Natalie up and i the KT getting water. Lights are on ion the house but all other HG still sleeping. 10:08am BBT: Natalie now in the WA brushing her teeth. 10:10am BBT: Natalie finished in the WA and heads back to BR and puts her things away and fold her towels. 10:15am BBT: Natalie still the only one up and in the WA folding her clothes and putting her things away. 10:30am BBT: Natalie now in the shower as all other Hg are sleeping. 10:40am BBT: Natalie now out of the shower, gets her clothes and goes back in the shower to get dressed. 10:52am BBT: Natalie is dressed and doing her hair and make up. All other Hg still sleeping. 10:59am BBT: Michelle is now up and in the WA. Nicole gets up and comes in to get make up done.
  12. 3:00pm BBT: James and Paul still yelling at each other as Victor listens and others are in the BR listening to the conversation about how paranoid they think each other are Paul keeps going on about how James ran Natalie HOH and James says he never told Natalie what to do. he says it was her HOH and she made her choice without me. James says why would i do that i kept you and victor safe when i put up Bridgette. 3:09pm BBT: Paul tells James that he has the right not to trust you James and James agrees with him. Paul says i have nothing to hide from anyone he says that James went against the five person alliance and he let all this happen. 3:14pm BBT: Nicole and Corey in their bed and Nicole tells him that paul has their backs then she says she did not come here for this high school crap i came here to play BB. paul and victor in the KT talking and Paul tells victor he should have come to talk to him face to face about things. Victor says we are past that and there has been lines drawn and Paul gets up and leaves the KT. 3:17pm BBT: Victor goers and talks with James and Natalie and Michelle and says that Paul is working with Nicole and Corey he says that is clear. Victor keeps saying Paul will work with them. James says that Paul thinks that you are still going home to Victor and Natalie says Corey needs to go tonight. Natalie says James you have to vote Corey out. 3:25pm BBT: Michelle and Natalie talk about getting Corey out now and James says if he votes Corey out and Paul switches his vote they will know i voted Corey out. James is worried about being the swing vote. 3:31pm BBT: Victor and Paul in LBR talking about what all Natalie, Michelle and James said. Victor says we can relax now they are convinced that i will work with them and Paul and victor are laughing as Paul gets in bed.Victor tells Paul if they pull this off they win the game. 3:38pm BBT: Victor and Paul go to separate rooms and Bb calls all HG To the LVR. HG go to the LVR and we get FOTH. we are now on Jeff's reels
  13. 2:30pm BBT: James says everyone makes fun of everyone after Paul and Natalie say their feelings are hurt from each other. Paul says that Natalie pinched his butt one day and Natalie says if you did not like it you should have said so. Paul and Natalie start arguing more about the sabotage plan and Paul says yeah i wanted to sabotage but it never happened. James says yeah only because Natalie and victor told you not to. 2:33pm BBT: Paul says he felt uncomfortable going to the HOh rm cause Michelle was treating him bad and he felt like Natalie and Michelle was mad that he won the POV and Natalie lies to him and says she was not unhappy that he won the POV. 2:40pm BBT: Natalie leaves and goes to the WA then gets in the shower as Paul and James are talking and Paul trying to get Natalie to answer him he says that He and James could have had this conversation in private but no he had to be called out for being a liar. Nicole com,es in and makes food then tells Paul that everyone needs to stop. Paul, James and Victor talk in the KT now about why Paul ditched Victor after he won POV and Victor says yeah why did you do that? (Victor and Paul planned all this) Victor says when i would get up and ask if you wanted to hang out you would say no i am tired and Paul says i did not feel good. 2:45pm-3:00pm BBT: Paul says he does not like talking to Michelle and Natalie cause their conversations spiral out of control, Paul says it gets me that i became enemy number one. Paul repeats himself alot about not being trusted and being an enemy.
  14. 1:12pm BBT: Feeds are back with HG in the WA brushing teeth and doing make up. BB tells Nicole to put her mic on. 1:15pm BBT: Paul in KT making food, Victor is packing in the Tokyo rm, Michelle sitting in the LVR eating. Nicole walks to the KT and tells Paul she is going to make chicken after she gets ready. She then says that she thinks she got food poisoning from the coconut pie. Paul says yeah well it says do not microwave. Nicole says then thats what is wrong. 1:20pm BBT: Natalie talking to James about keeping Victor tonight and voting Corey out saying that Victor can win HOH and he will get rid of Paul she says if Paul wins Veto then Nicole leaves. 1:25pm BBT: James and Natalie going over the pros and cons of keeping victor this week but James is set on voting Victor out as he knows that he will still work with Paul. Natalie thinks he is working with Nicole and Corey instead says Paul will get me out next week. James does not think so and she says ok i better not get screwed then. 1:30pm BBT: James and Natalie laying in the bumper car going to take a nap but talking about them tweeting each other. Paul, Corey and victor in Tokyo rm, Victor and Corey packing. Nicole went to get in the shower. 1:45pm BBT: Michelle and Nicole in WA talking and Michelle says she can not deal with Paul anymore she tells Nicole that Paul was saying that Natalie and James were sucking up to Corey and Nicole told her not to worry about it. 1:50pm BBT: Paul tells corey he can wait to go off on Michelle cause he has been holding it in for to long. Corey tries to change the subject. James and Victor in the HNBR talking and victor ask him what he is going to do and he says he is still 50/50 and victor says he will not ask again it is what it is. 2:00pm BBT: James talking to Nicole, James says that Corey told Paul that I was being paranoid. James says he wants to call Paul out. Nicole gets mad and says if you don't trust me then vote Corey out. James tells her he hears alot of stuff from Victor in the HNBR and Nicole says that Paul and Victor are probably pretending to me mad at each other.Nicole then says she hears things from Paul all the time about James not trusting her but she says i trust you and James says yeah i know and leaves for the KT. 2:08pm BBT: James in the KT and he and Paul get into an argument Paul tells James he is paranoid and Michelle starts yelling at Paul and Nicole is in the WA shocked.James tells Paul that he heard he told Corey that he was paranoid and Paul yells and says i did not tell Corey that i said everyone was paranoid. Paul says this is all his observation after James says he is making assumptions. 2:10pm BBT: Michelle and Paul yelling loud at each other cause Michelle does not like it that Paul called her and Natalie a biotch. James then says that he did not have anything with him and Paul says he does not believe that. Michelle starts yelling at Paul again and he tells her to shut up that he was not talking to her. Natalie then yells that James had nothing to do with her HOH and Paul says he does not believe her.Paul ask James to have this conversation in private so Michelle can not interrupt. 2:15pm BBT: Natalie and Paul start arguing about him and victor being put on the block She says that James had nothing to do with her HOh and that he lost her trust in this game a long time ago.Michelle is in the Safari rm listening through the door. Paul then yells at Natalie and James for them crapping on him after the veto was won and they said they did not do that. Natalie says her feeling are hurt from the way Paul treated her and Paul says well my feelings are hurt from the way you and Michelle treated me. 2:18pm BBT: Paul tells Natalie that right after Noms Michelle told him that Natalie made her put him on the block. Paul says that Michelle is rude and disrespectful after he went to the Doctor and they did not believe him that he was sick. Paul says she is disrespectful and i do not want anything to do with Michelle inside or outside of this house. 2:24pm BBT: Natalie, Paul and James yelling in the KT and James says he had nothing to do with him going on the block and Paul does not believe him and Natalie yells loudly that she makes her own decisions that James did not tell her what to do.Natalie yells that Michelle wanted to put you up so i had to put up Victor. Natalie says she is telling the truth and Paul does not believe her. Paul thinks that it was a mutual decision to put him up on the block and that he thinks Michelle was forced to nominate him.
  15. 12:04pm BBT: Paul sitting in Safari rm in silence now as all other HG are sleeping. 12:11pm BBT: paul tells everyone he will be on snap chat when he gets out and he really does not tweet much. 12:13pm BBT: Paul says do not look for me on Facebook i am not there i do not use Facebook. If you want to get hold of me Instagram and snap chat is the best thats what i use. If you want to be a pen pal dont do it i wont write you back. he then says he has had a nice 5 hour journey and now you guys can watch me make some chicken so the friendship chat is over. 12:18pm BBT: Paul is talking and walking us through making chicken. 12:24pm BBT: Paul talking us through prepping the chicken he says he hates that part he wants the finished product. he says if he had to go hunting and kill his own meat he would have to be a vegetarian or vegan.
  16. 11:04am BBT:Paul still talking to the camera about elections now and how they all suck in their own ways. 11:13am BBT: Paul tells the feeders to get his PO Box number and to send ideas on BB tattoos for him to get when he gets out and he says Friendship will be on one of those tattoos. 11:20am BBT: Paul now talking about coffee and going to Starbucks and he says he does not really like Starbucks but he goes there anyways. 11:23am BBT: Paul says by the time these people wake up it will be time for my nap. He then bashes Michelle for her rants about beards and tattoos. He then says he is clocked out mentally clocked out. he says i have a 1 in 6 chance of winning now and those are good odds but going to be difficult to win since the others are after me. He then says unless he gets the care package then he might can win but it is going to be very difficult to win. he then says he wants to hang out with these people after the game outside the house. 11:37am BBT: Paul is still talking to the camera, he keeps talking about the evicted HG and about wanting to win this game and then he ask what is going on guys what is going on with all the noise. All other HG still in bed sleeping. Paul then talks about today's episode of BB and says it will be funny and that is all i will say just watch cause it is funny funny. 11:48pm BBT: Paul still rambling about his clothing store and when he gets out of the house you can go to the store and he will hook you up with a discount code. 11:54am BBT: Paul still talking about his clothing company as we keep getting brief FOTh then back to Paul and his clothing store. 11:58am BBT: Paul has gone to the WC and all is quiet for the moment.
  17. 9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Natalie lockes herself out of the HOHR and feels bad she did. She then talks about winning the have not pass and and how Paulie was upset over it. Victor tells her not to worry about it that Paulie is gone now. Victor is wonering what comp they will play this week as they got locked down early this week and they are doing alot of building out there. Corey and paul talking about being in the hiouse this long and how they get more air time for staying this long. They then talk about who has been on the block and who hasn't. they figure out that Nicole and james have never been on the block. Paul says i will be on the block as long as i stay in this house now. Michelle, Natalie and james talk about Frankie and how he does alot of you tube vedios and Michelle says she did a few too. James and Natalie playing around as paul watched and natalie tries kicking him and he grabs her foot. She says that hurt and james says that is how you block a kick so Natalie gets lotion on her hands and slaps it on James shoulder then runs to the HOHR. james says if she wants lotion she has it and heads to the HOHR. The door is locked and James uses a card and gets the door unlocked then Natalie runs screaming. Paul and Nicole can not believe he unlocked the door. The guys head down stairs and Natalie and Nicole say they are going to do a prank war. Natalie ask James if he is the sabatour this year and he says he does not know what she is talking about. She says tell me the truth and he says even if i was i can not tell you but i am not saying i am and i am not saying i am not.Natalie and Nicole talk about james being the sabatour cause they try to prank james and gets told to stop by BB and james pulls pranks and BB never tells him to stop. Corey is in the shower and Victor hides pauls shoe in the KT and paul says if it is in the freezer he is killing them all as he looks for his show. Nicole is trying to prank Corey in the shower and he gets shampoo and soap all over her glasses. james then gets in on the pranks and they throw flour and baby powder all over Corey while he is in the shower, James gets ice water and throws on Corey then more flour. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: James and Nicole continue throwing flour on Corey while he showers and corey putting shampoo on Nicole and james as they all laugh and yell. Natalie, Victor and paul sitting and watch and laugh.Nicole then comes in with Coffee grounds and throws it on Corey in the shower.Michelle is in the HOHR in bed. Natalie goes to the HOHR and michelle talks to her about next week and says the best thing that could happen would be James win HOH and either Paul, Corey or Nicole leaves next week. Natalie just agreeing with her. Michelle then talks about paul and how he does not deserve the money this season. Michelle and Natalie then talk about how Paul thinks he is running this house. Michelle says thats why i put Corey on the block so Paul would think he is controling me but he isnt. down stairs Paul hides behind the luggage and jumps out and scares james. Just general talk around the house now about evicted HG lives and how they gut the BB house after the show. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: James and natlie in HOHR talking to Michelle and they say how Paul is kind of down because he knows that Victor is going to jury this week. james says that once Victor is gone paul will team up with Nicole and Corey. In the BR Corey and paul talking and paul says tomorrow there will be news leaked out so there is still hope for this week. In the HOHR Michelle is telling james he has to win HOh this week. Michelle is worried about what Paul will tell Nicole and Corey about her and james says to her not to worry about that. Natalie then tells James if he wins the Veto she will win the veto. Talk continues aboutn the HOH comp and Michelle says if james does not win it then Nicole needs to wion it and Corey get the care package and send paul hiome. Natalie says but if Paul wins the veto then one of us goes up and we go home. They then start trying to figure out what the HOH comp might be. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: James, Natalie and Michelle continue talking in the HOHR and Michelle is called to the DR as James tells her that he has been throwing comps all season and she looks shocked. Victor now joins then and talk turns to prisons and how the prison system works and the crimes and punishements there are in prison. James then tells a story about an inmate that was the sweetest person but was in for chopping his wife up when he founf her cheating on him. 1:00am-3:30am BBT: Nicole and Corey talking in bed about ex girlfriends Corey had and how Nicole thinks that everyone will think she is boy crazy. they talk about seeing each other after the show is over. Nicole gets up and goes to the KT to eat after their snuggle session . Corey rolls over to go to sleep and all other HG in bed sleeping now.
  18. 11:02am BBT: Natalie in the BY sitting on the couch doing her make up. BB says HG this is a lock down please go inside and close the sliding glass door. Natalie picks up her make up and heads inside. 11:25am BBT: Natalie still doing make up at the KT table while other Hg are still in bed sleeping. 11:36am BBT: Michelle out of the DR and her and Natalie sitting in the KT talking about James being tired and falling asleep and then laughing. They both get up and Michelle goes to the WA to fix her hair. 11:39am BBT: Natalie goes up to the HOHR and says wow a laptop. A real laptop as she goes in to do her blog. Michelle still in the WA doing her hair and all other Hg still sleeping.
  19. 10:10am BBT: Natalie out of the DR and goes back to bed. all other Hg still sleeping. 10:17am BBT: James was called to the DR and now comes out of the DR and heads back to bed in the HNBR. we then get FOTH. 10:19am BBT: Feeds back with all HG in bed. James has covered his head with a blanket and goes back to sleep. 10:20am BBT: A brief FOTH and natalie and Michjelle are up in their robes heading downstairs. 10:23am BBT: Michelle in the KT at the table doing her make up, Natalie in the WA getting ready for a shower. All other Hg still sleeping. 10:52am BBT: Natalie out of shower and dressed doing her hair and make up now. Michelle in DR as all other HG are still sleeping.
  20. 9:00am BBT: ALL HG still sleeping 9:31am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB may be waking up the HG. 9:47am BBT: Feeds back on with Lights on in the house and all HG still in bed sleeping. 9:56am BBT: BB calls Natalie to the DR. She gets up grabs her mic and heads downstairs.
  21. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: James leaves the HOHR and goes down stairs tom go to bed. Michelle in the shower and Paul sitting alone in the KT. Corey and Nicole making out in the bed in the dark under covers. Victor is sleeping. paul goes to the Safari rm and talks to the feeders, He says hi to the feeders and then says he can not sleep cause he knows that Victor will be leaving thursday Because james and natalie are liars. He says if Victor leaves then he is boned and to please send him the care package this week as he will need it. He then says if Victor leaves his only chance is to hook up with one of the couples and make them turn on the other couple. He then says that Michelle will get an ear full soon as he is mad at her for telling people he was an athiest. He says she is a liar and he will give her an ear full soon but then if I take her to finals i can win against her. He then says i think i can win agaist Michelle, nicole or natalie and then says even maybe james and corey.he then gets up to go to the BY to finish his laundry. Laundry is not dr so he heads back to the Safari rm. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Paul repeats himself again in the safari rm about getting screwed by being put on the block then goes back out to get Laundry, he takes it to the LBR and gets clothes for a shower. he then showers and comps his bears for awhile. Corey is up and goes to the WC then out to the Hammock then to play pool alone. Paul then comes out ranting about michelle and her being a liar. They then talk about having anxiety and wanting out of the house. Paul then ask Corey if he has been campaigning for himself yet and Corey says no i have not. 5:00am-6:00am BBT: Paul and Corey continue talking in the BY about evicted HG and how Jozae was only there for fame. They then head to bed and all lights are out in the house as HG are sleeping.
  22. 9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Michelle and Victor talking in the BR about BB in other countries, Victor ask Michelle if james and Natlaie are going to vote out Corey this week and Michelle says Yeah. They then talk about High school and how their lives were. They then talk about watching The Office on tv . Victor gets up to go to the WC and Michelle leaves the room to go do laundry. Nicole and Corey in the KT making food.Paul is sitting watching as they talk about Tiffany. Natalie in the HOHR doing her make up. 10:00am-11:00am BBT: Michelle gets food after changing the laundry then goes to talk to Natalie telling her she wants to go back to bed as soon as the laundry is done. Michelle then goes back to her BR and goes through her clothes as Victor comes in and they talk about the office again. Michelle then ask what it might be like in the house if Jozae was still there. Victor then tells her that there are two couples in this house and Michelle just ignores the statement. Victor and Michelle talk about high schoo, and driving test and general talk.BB calls Michelle to the DR and Victor goes to the KT where natalie Nicole and Paul are talking about where Nicole lives. James and Corey are playing pool in the BY then james goes to the hot tub as Corey goes inside. Natalie then goes to the hot tub with James . 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: James, Natalie ansd Michelle now all in the hot tub talking about past BB seasons and how much weight they have gained Corey, Nicole, Paul and Victor in the KT talking about video games.Paul then heads outside and james gets out of the hot tub to play pool with paul. Natalie then gets out and Michelle floats in the pool alone. Natalie and Michelle talk about going on a diet in the house and Mixchelle says she rather lose weight at home. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Michelle and james by the Pool tyalking about BB17 and how much longer this season ism compared to last season. Michelle is called to the DR so james goes to the pooltable to talk to Victor and paul who are mad at Nicole for saying rude comments and saying she will vote Victor out. Nicole coes and says she is sorry to Victor about her prank she pulled on him and the comments. Paul gores to the HNBR and talks to Natalie and james about Michelle and how mad he is at her. He says she got mad cause i touched her clothes. He then says she is the most annoying person ever. James tells him to go be nice to her. Paul leaves the HOHR and natalier looks at james and says Drama again. Paul goers to the BY to talk to Victor and Victor tells him if he gets voted out this week he knows he played this game and is happy with himself. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Corey goes to the WA and dumps cold water over Nicole as she is int he shower. She then ask him if he seen hwer butt and Corey laughs and says yes. Most of the HG are in the WA talking general talk and paul in the BY alone on the hammock. James goes to the HNBR and goes to bed. Victor thern tells everyone goodnight and head to bed himself. BB gives the have nots more pies and natalie drags James out of bed to the KT to taste test the flavors. James taste a pie and spits it in the trash . 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Most HG in the KT talking about past BB seasons and about how frank acted in the house. paul is sitting not saying anything just listening.Michelle and Corey go to the BY to do laundry and talk about paul being a liar. Michelle finishes laundry and heads inside where Paul is sitting alone in the KT.Michelle goes to the HOHR and james and natalie are sitting in the bed watching the fish.Natalie wonders what is wrong with paul and James says i think he knows that Victor is leaving Thursday. Micheklle says next week if Paul does not win HOH she is calling him out and then she says America get ready. Nicole and Corey now head to bed with the lights out they are whispering.
  23. 3:31pm BBT: Paul goes to HOh rm and the door wont open Victor lets him in and they all are talking about natalies pictures, they then talk about renting properties. 3:50pm BBT: Just general chat in the KT and in the HOH rm 4:06pm BBT: Paul and Victor in the HOHR talking after Michelle and natalie are called to the DR about how the girls do not want Corey and Nicole to win anything but then they do not want us winning either. paul says we just have to wait to see what happens and win that POV. 4:10pm BBT: Michelle and natalie out of the DR and Michelle is eating her salad and says there is ants in it. Paul tells her she is lucky America hooked her up and she is HOH and dopes not have to be a have not this week. michelle is excited abotu that. 4:19pm BBT: Natalie and michelle in HOHR talking about who they want to put on the block and Michelle says i want Nicole out. natalie ask her can nicole win a comp? michelle says no. natalie tells her she is set on putting up Paul and that is 100 percent. Michelle agrees she wants paul up too.Michelle says we could put Victor up and tell him he is a pawn. natalie says that is a good idea and tell him we want him to win the veto.Natalie says I like Victor he is a good guy but putting Paul and Victor up together is the best option for us. 4:27pm BBT: Michelle tells natalie that she does not want to put up Victor and natalie assures her that Victor will be safe. Michelle ask Natalie if Victor was not on the block would he use the veto on Paul and natalie says yeah he will.Michelle says we need to talk to Victor and tell him he is going up as a pawn and natalie tells her if that is what you want to do then we will. 4:33pm BBT: Natalie asking Michelle if she has a final 3 deal with paul and Victor and she says no she doesn't. Natalie tells Michelle it is best for them both if Victor and paul go on the block together.
  24. 3:05pm BBT: HG are all just talking general talk in the HOHR. Nicole leaves to go to the KT to cook so slop. 3:20pm BBT: Natalie and Michelle laughing in the HOHR talking in sync saying this is the HOH meeting. They joke about doing a hip bump. Nicole still cooking in KT. 3:25pm BBT: Paul heads down stairs saying he is sick and not feeling well and he might throw up. he then tells Nicole as Corey comes down the stairs that he is so getting nominated he just knows it. They then talk about eating healthier this week.
  25. 2:08pm BBT: Natalie and James are talking and Natalie told James that Paul has said he did not want to win the money and James tells him that is a good reason to nominate him and get him out and Natalie says Paul and victor are the biggest couple in the house and i need to tell them that.Natalie says this is going to be a big move and James agrees and says we might get a bigger target out and says that would be victor. 2:23pm BBT: Nicole comes in and ask Natalie if she is going to let Victor and paul think that Her and Corey are going on the block and natalie says yes i am. James says he wants to tell Victor and not blindside him and Nicole says he will tell Paul if they tell Victor. 2:25pm BBT: Natalie says she feels bad not telling Victor he is getting nominated.Natalie then says that if things go wrong then maybe they can get Victor out. 2:34pm BBT: James and natalie playing with a tampon in the WA and putting water on it to watch it expand. 2:42pm BBT: Michelle comes from the DR saying who wants to see my co hoh rm and they all head upstairs.Paul taking his time getting ready then heads upstairs. Michelle opens the HOHR door and goes in.Everyone looking at the pictures. 2:46pm BBT: Michelle looking through her basket of goodies then through the fridge.Michelle looking for her letter and James hid it in his pocket he pulls it out and they laugh. 2:50pm BBT: Hg just sitting around in the HOHR listening to Michelle read her letter. Michelle and Paul talk about talking to their dogs. 2:53pm BBT: Michelle offering snacks to everyone but no one wants anything. Natalie gets yup and goes to brush her teeth. James follows her. James goes to the fridge and ask why they have to share a fridge up there in the HOHR. Natalie tells Michelle they have berries in the fridge and Michelle gets excited. 2:55pm BBT: James is looking through the goody baskets and laughing. Michelle and Natalie eating snacks.James and Paul now after snacks. Just general talk going on.



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