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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 8:03am BBT: We have FOTh as BB could be waking the HG. 8:14am BBT: James and Paul in bed talking about eating playing comps and eating waffles and they joke about eating a hundred waffles to win a comp. They laugh. James says did you hear them play that country music this morning. Paul says yeah. Nicole still in her bed sleeping. Paul and James talking now about how their groins hurt from the comp lastnight. 8:16am BBT: Paul is getting dressed and James ask if he is dressing up for their brunch today and Paul says no i did not bring nice clothes i am wearing my jeans and taking my hat upstairs and thats about it. James says i dont know why they tell us to dress up and wear a button up cause it is like a pizza party you know. Paul says i dont think they are locking us up in HOH for an hour just for brunch. 8:20am BBT: James is now up and getting dressed Nicole has gone to the WA and Paul heads to the WA. James goes to the STR to iron his shirt. 8:25am BBT: Paul and Nicole talk in the WA Paul tells Nicole that James thinks if he goes to the final 2 then he has all the votes to win against you . Nicole says really? Nicole says James told her that he knows he has days vote and Bridgette and Natalie votes. Paul continues to tell her that James thinks he can beat her and that he said he has to beat Nicole. 8:30am BBT: We now have FOTh then we got to Jeff's reels.
  2. 4:05pm BBT: Nicole drops the dip that Paul likes and says it is the only one of it and he says that half of it is on the ground. Nicole says sorry Paul. then they laugh. In the LBT James and Natalie keep repeating themselves about the nominations and how they went wrong and how Nicole does not like anyone. 4:15pm BBT: Victor, Paul and Nicole in the KT talking general talk as they chop onions and avacodas and making tacos and burgers. In the LBR James and Natalie are talking about James being a threat and Natalie says i am not a threat and James says no not right now. James says they need you right now to get to the end they do not need me. 4:24pm BBT: Corey sitting at the KT table pouting as he can not eat regular food for another 7 hours. Nicole washing dishes as they are cooking. James is in the KT just talking general talk. 4:26pm BBT: Victor ask Corey if he is ok and Corey says yeah . Victor says hang in there man the count down is on.
  3. 3:05pm BBT: Natalie and James are back to sleep in the LBR. In the HOHR Nicole, Cory, Victor and Paul are playing dominoes. 3:09pm BBT: Natalie now awake sitting in the bed. She says alright BB i am ready to see my face on the wall. James says we know it is going to happen and Natalie says i know as she yawns. 3:11pm BBT: Natalie says to James if you win that veto i am going home and James says bon voyage. She then says i will be rooting for you to win that veto and James says thanks babe. Natalie giggles. Natalie then says Paul had a chance to put me up as a pawn and he didn't but now Nicole is telling them to put me up. She ask James why did i listen to you and James says it is ok. Natalie says i know it just sucks and James says the jury bye back is what screwed us up. 3:14pm BBT: Natalie says i just want to hang out with you this week and have fun and sun tan and do my nails and before i leave this house i will have my body back to normal or almost to normal. Natalie says you really wont let me use the veto on you James and he says no i am going out with honor. Natalie says you are winning that veto. You will. 3:22pm BBT: Natalie and James get up and talk about taking a shower and getting something to eat. 3:24pm BBT: Natalie and James go to the STR and say they have been restocked. Natalie says i can eat tomatoes today and nominations today. They then head to the WA for showers. 3:28pm BBT: James in the shower as Natalie gets her things ready for her shower. 3:40pm BBT: The dominoes game is still going on in the HOHR and alot of yelling going on about points. James is out of the shower and Natalie is now in the shower. 3:47pm BBT: James says he is going to pile the sink full of dirty dishes this week to make victor mad and he will make them all mad and will go out right this week. 3:53pm BBT: Nicole leaves the HOHR and James yells it is almost nomination time. Natalie brushing her teeth and James leaves the WA. 3:55pm BBT: Corey asking when nominations are and James says 4pm and he then says they need to hurry this crap up. Natalie laughs. James says i know i am going up and walks to the KT. 3:56pm BBT: Natalie goes to the LBR and tells James that Nicole has made this game so personal. James says i know and then Paul walks in and they stop talking. 3:58pm BBT: Corey in the KT making slop with BBQ sauce. Nicole and victor getting ready to make burgers and tacos.
  4. 2:27pm BBT: Victor, Paul talking about their animals and Corey and Nicole just sitting and listening. they then talk about making Burgers and taco meat. 2:47pm BBT: Paul tells victor, Corey and Nicole that they will all come to his place for Halloween weekend and they will go to all kinds of places and go party. Victor says go to the beach and Paul; says yeah.Paul says on Halloween night they will dress up and go out and it will be awesome as everyone dresses up. 2:52pm BBT: Paul and victor telling Corey and Nicole about how Michelle would take the peanut butter and dip the knife in and eat it off the knife then stuck the knife back in the peanut butter and stir it around. Paul then says sorry Michelle that you didn't get my text about the party. Nicole say she wont come anyways. Paul says yeah she will. She will be the one to look at every blog watch the feeds and watch every show in one day. 2:58pm BBT: Nicole asking if anyone will play dominoes with her and they say no. Victor says Paul can play or go on the block with James and they all laugh. Natalie awake in the LBR saying she needs to go get a shower and James ask her if she wants a shower before or after nominations.
  5. 12:05pm BBT: Victor is now out of the DR and Natalie has gotten up and joined Paul and Nicole in the KT area. Just general talk going on about school subjects. 12:14pm BBT: Paul, Victor, Nicole and Natalie in the KT talking about home and family. 12:20pm BBT: Paul talking telling about his dad and their daily routines Natalie and Victor laughing at him as Nicole sits there staring.. 12:23pm BBT: James is now up and in the KT making himself some food.and we get FOTH. 12:32pm BBT: Feeds come back and Corey is now in the KT getting food as Paul continues telling stories. We get FOTH again. 12:43pm BBT: All HG in the KT talking. James and Corey eating and victor telling a story about fireworks and how to light them without getting hurt. 12:45pm BBT: Victor and Nicole go to the HOHR to play Dominoes. They start playing Dominoes and victor is teaching her how to play. 12:53pm BBT: In the KT Natalie, Paul, James and Corey sitting and talking about tickets the police have given them.
  6. 11:00am BBT: Victor and Nicole eating. Paul comes out of the DR and Nicole offers her breakfast to Paul he says no thank you he wants real bacon not turkey bacon. BB calls Nicole to the DR. 11:10am BBT: Victor and Paul talk about cleaning dishes then about Michelle and how she felt leaving lastnight. Paul throws his egg yolks in the trash and Victor tells him they are not bad to eat. Paul refuses to eat egg yolks. 11:26am BBT: Paul and victor talking about when finale will be and then Victor says he smells good. Paul making a cup of coffee. 11:30am BBT: Nicole out of the DR and now eating her eggs and turkey bacon. Victor gets called to the DR. Paul sitting talking to Nicole about past comps and how cold the water was in the water comp. 11:39am BBT: Natalie and James moving around and Natalie says i need a shower today then James says you and me both. They then turn over and James yawns as they try to go back to sleep. Nicole and Paul still in the KT talking general talk. 11:48am BBT: Paul tells Nicole he really wants to take her to the Rose Bowl and he says she will love it. She tells him she would love to go. 11:55am BBT: Nicole and Paul talking about shipping and suitcases and Paul says he loves the vintage suitcases. Nicole says i want a vintage vanity set and Paul says i can get you one. DONE. He then says they will cost but they have alot of them. 11:57am BBT: Natalie rolls over and tells James that her tummy is nauseous cause she is hungry and James tells her to go eat. She says there is nothing i want. She then rolls back over and covers back up and tells James she has had the best summer with him and he says me too babe.
  7. 10:05am BBT: Victor in the shower in the HOHR. All other Hg still sleeping. 10:18am BBT: Victor out of the shower getting dressed then uses his deodorant as he listens to his music. 10:30am BBT: Victor goes down stairs and goes and gives Nicole a hug and says he is the only one awake.he then goes to the LBR to get his dirty clothes. 10:40am BBT: Victor now in the KT making eggs. 10:45am BBT: After a brief FOTH Nicole is up doing make up in the WA and Paul is called to the DR. Victor is washing his pan. 10:55am BBT: Nicole in the KT making coffee while Victor makes him a drink. Paul in the DR and all other Hg still sleeping.
  8. 9:00am BBT: Hg are all sleeping in a dark house. 9:32am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB may be waking the HG. 9:41am BBT: Feeds are back with lights on in the house and HG still in bed sleeping.
  9. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Victor got Dominoes and gets them out explaining to the other Hg how to play the game. A game of dominos is going on as Victor explains how to play. Paul gets up and goes to listen to the music. everyone but James paul and Victor have left the HOHR. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: James ask to speak to Victor alone and Paul leaves the rm. James says i know i am going on the block this week and i deserve it but i have to tell you I was in a final 4 with Nicole and Corey and Natalie and that is why I did not vote to keep you in the house. James then says i deserve to go on the block but i want you to keep Natalie off the block she did not want to vote you out she tried to keep you.Victor tells James that it will not be a shot at Natalie if she goes on the block and James shakes his head as he tells him he does not want him to go against Natalie because of him. Victor tells him that her being so close to you is why she will go on the block. Nicole and Corey come in and interrupt the conversation. Paul now enters the HOHR and they all sit around talking about the AXE spray Victor got. Victor says he is going to get a shower then gets up and hugs James then James leaves the HOHR. Nicole ask why James said and they ask her and Corey when they was going to tell them that they had a final 4 deal with James and Natalie? Nicole says there was never a final 4 deal and Paul says it does not matter now we are the final 4 now. Talk then goes to the Veto comp and victor says i need to win this one so i can send James out of this house and have that satisfaction. In the LBR James tells Natalie he is going home this week and Natalie starts crying she tells James he is her best friend and if she wins veto this week she will use it on him and go to jury and have fun with Michelle and Bridgette. Victor comes to the LBR asking to talk to Natalie and James leaves. Victor tells Natalie she is going on the block but she is not his target this week but James is and that he needs James to leave. Natalie thanks him for telling her and they hug and victor leaves the room then James comes back in and Natalie tells him that he is the target this week notr her. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: James tells Natalie that this is the first time he has heard he is the target all season. Corey goes to his bumper car and lays down as Nicole goes to the HOHR to tell Victor goodnight and tells him she is proud to work with him and he says yeah who would have thought i would be working with Nicole from season 16. He then tells her she is working with a legend and then laughs.Nicole leaves the HOHR and goes to the HNBR to talk to Corey she tells him she is worried she is going to get back stabbed and go on the block and she wants to keep her record of not going on the block this season.Nicole and Corey then move to the TBR and snuggle as Nicole gives him crap about going for the have Egg first. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Paul and Victor in the HOHR just talking general talk and drinking a beer then Paul gets up to make up the bed and starts talking to the feeders about Michelle stealing Pablo and throwing him to the audience. Victor is in the WC laughing as Paul rants on about Pablo. 4:00am-5:30am BBT: Nicole and Corey now in the KT and Nicole is making Corey slop to eat. She then gets upset after he takes a couple of bites and throws it in the trash and washes his bowl.They then head to the TBR and snuggle and play under the covers. Natalie sleeping in the LBR and James comes in and lays with her and they hold hands talking about they will both be evicted in the next 2 weeks. Natalie then says she wants to stay in the house and win HOH. She says she wants everyone out but Victor and will go to final 2 with Victor. She say she will put Nicole and Corey on the block first. Games talk stops and James ask iof she wants him o go to the other bed to sleep and she says no she is scared and he stays in bed with her. James turns the lights off and lays back down. Lights off in the house as All HG are sleeping.
  10. 11:14am BBT: All HG are laying in bed no talking going on and we get FOTH. 11:21am BBT: HG are now getting up to got to the HOHR for a lockdown. 11:23am BBT: Hg heading to the HOHR, Paul stops in the KT for a drink and cereal. James in the HOHR now followed by Michelle.James runs out of the HOHR and heads down stairs.he is now back up in HOH and we get Jeff's Reels.
  11. 10:00am BBT: HG still in bed sleeping with lights on. 10:06am BBT: Nicole now up and looking at her pictures in the HOHR. 10:11am BBT: Nicole is now packing her stuff in HOH to move back downstairs today. 10:28am BBT: After a brief FOTH Corey is now in the HOHR brushing his teeth while Nicole finishes getting her things together. 10:30am BBT: Nicole and Corey snuggled in the HOH bed talking general talk about cleaning. 10:42am BBT: Nicole and Corey snuggling in the HOH bed, Sleeping HG in the LBR. 10:45am BBT: Natalie now up reading her letter from her mom she got last week. 10:53am BBT: Victor is up and enters the HOHR and gets in bed with Corey and Nicole. Nicole tells him there is another comforter if he wants a different one 10:55am BBT: Natalie now packing her things and wakes James up being noisy and she says sorry. he ask what she is doing and she says packing in case there is a double evict tonight.
  12. 8:57am BBT: We have FOTH as BB may be waking the HG to start the eviction day routine. 9:00am BBT: HG still sleeping in dark rooms. 9:07am BBT: Paul is up goes to WC then combs his beard then to the DR. 9:45am BBT:we are on FOTH as BB wakes the HG.
  13. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: As Natalie paints Michelle toe nails in the KT area they talk about scary movies and other movies that each HG like. Paul says there is only 21 days left in the house. then talk turns to bugs. Corey is talking to the feeders about why he gave Victor the 5K He says he thinks he and Nicole can beat paul and Victor in the finals so he gave it to Victor to earn their trust. He then says he thinks James, Natalie and Michelle have stopped playing the game cause they have not talked to him or Nicole at all this week about game. Victor and James talk about how the final 3 comps work and Michelle will not tell them how it works. Michelle sits there just listening. James and Natalie talk about tomorrow is going to be a double eviction. Natalie says that she doesn't care she gave up studying 3 days ago cause she sucks at math. She then tells then Bronte was a mathematician. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Michelle, Natalie and James go to the LBR and Michelle tells Natalie and James to promise to send Nicole home if she wins HOH in double eviction tomorrow night. Natalie and James promises they will. In the HOHR Victor, Paul, Corey and Nicole Talk about Michelle not telling them how they final 3 works on finale night. Nicole Wonders what Natalie and James has done in this house that was a big move and Corey says James did take Frank out of ther house and Nicole looks at him. Nicole wonders why Michelle has not talked to her at all this week since she is HOH. She wonders if Michelle is ready to leave the house. The HOH crew start studying for tomorrows HOH comp. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paul saying g he can not wait to blow up James game tomorrow at the double eviction. Paul says maybe it will be a triple eviction and another person will come back into the house. Nicole gets in bed and wants to go to sleep but Victor and Corey continue talking. Victor finally leaves and Corey gets under the covers with Nicole and the covers are moving alot. IN the LBR Michelle, Natalie and James talk about tomorrows eviction and Natalie says she is not worried cause paul needs to leave this week. Natalie ask james as he is falling asleep if he is taling to Nicole tomorrow about who the target is? James says yeah as he drifts off to sleep. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: General talk about clothes and James tickling the girls in the LBT as Victor and Corey are trying to sleep in the HNBR. Michelle ask paul if Corey and Nicole said who the target was this week and he says no they have not said anything to me. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Natalie, James, Michelle and Paul talking about fashion styles and clothes that HG wore. Victor, Corey and Nicole all asleep in their beds and bumpercars. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Corey is up eating slop and then sits and stares for a bit then he gets up and cleans the house by doing dishes and cleaning counters then he gets the brrom and mop and sweeps and mops the house even the stairs going to the HOHR. He finishes the cleaning and heads to bed. ALL HG in beds or a bumper car sound asleep and Lights are now out for the night.
  14. 4:02pm BBT: Natalie goes and lays in the bumper car with James and they talk about who might leave tomorrow and how many days they have been in the house. Natalie tells him that he has kept her safe for a long time now. Natalie says if i leave tomorrow i will be ok with it. James says you will get to see Bridgette and Natalie says i have no friends in the jury house. 4:15pm BBT: James and Natalie in the bumper car talking about how to play this game and to work your social game. In the KT Paul, Victor, Corey and Nicole in KT talking general talk. 4:20pm BBT: In the KT Paul, Victor, Corey and Nicole talk about dogs and the different breeds that they like. 4:27pm BBT: James and Natalie talk about tomorrows vote and James says that the ball is in Corey's court tomorrow it depends how he votes but I do not know how he is voting. Natalie says i hope tomorrow's comp is not endurance cause she is sore from running yesterday as she gets up and leaves the HNBR. James covers his eyes to go to sleep now. 4:35pm BBT: James talking about helping Natalie pay her bills when she gets home and she tells him he can not do it without a security code and he ask you mean if i call and want to put money on your account they will tell me no cause i do not have a security code and Natalie says yeah. James says that is bull crap. 4:45pm BBT:all feeds on Corey and Nicole in the HOHR. Talking about what to wear tomorrow for the live eviction show. Corey tells her to dress nice. 4:50pm BBT: Nicole deciding what color nail polish to use. Natalie and James in the HNR talking about how Natalie will never hang out with paulie after this show.
  15. 3:00pm BBT: James and Paul in the KT and James says tomorrow is a scary day but then not really scary just a day of release. Paul agrees. Victor and Corey in the HOH rm studying for the HOH comp. 3:06pm BBT: James tells Paul if he wins HOh he is going to lock himself in the room and not talk to anyone and tell everyone you will know what happens when you see your face come up on the memory wall and Paul laughs. BB calls Paul to the DR. Nicole walks into the KT as Paul leaves. Nicole tells James she has to go pee and she goes to the HOHR. 3:14pm BBT: Nicole eating in bed in the HOHR as she sits between Corey and victor. just general talk going on about food. in the KT James and Paul talking about coffee and only 21 days left in the house then they are out of here.. Paul says he can not wait to hang out with everyone. 3:22pm BBT: Corey gets up to go to the KT to eat something and Nicole and victor remain in the bed studying items around the house and how many there are of each. In the KT James, Paul and Natalie talk general talk. 3:27pm BBT: Paul, Natalie, James and Corey talk about Halloween and what costumes they want to wear and party's they might go to. James says his daughter was dressed as Elsa last year. 3:33pm BBT: All cams are on Victor and Nicole in the HOHR studying and counting phones in the house. 3:40pm BBT: Nicole gets up and leaves the HOHR leaving Victor in bed alone. She goes to the KT with Corey, Paul, James and Natalie while they talk about going to parties in New Jersey and New York. 3:43pm BBT: James goes to the LBR and gets a pillow then goes to the HNBR puts a pillow on the bumper car then goes back to the LBR. he looks around then goes back to the HNBR with a blanket and makes up a bumper car for himself. 3:48pm BBT: James now back in LBR getting his clothes together. he then gets his belt and puts it in his BB bag. Michelle is sleeping. 3:51pm BBT: James leaves the LBR and heads to the KT. We now have all cams on a sleeping Michelle. 3:55pm BBT: James grabs his big blanket and takes it to the HNBR and puts it on his bumper car then takes his shoes off and lays down. Nicole in the KT making Corey eat slop and keeps telling her he is going to throw up and that he is so over slop.
  16. 12:30pm BBT: All HG still in bed and in the bumper cars sleeping soundly 12:36pm BBT: Victor up goes to the WC then washes his hands and wets his hair.He then combs his beard, he now puts his hair in a ponytail then back to combing the beard. 12:41pm BBT: Victor now in the KT cleaning up a little then goes to the HNBR to get his jacket. Corey ask him what is up and what time it is and victor says 12:30ish. Victor heads out of the rm and puts his jacket on then goes back to the KT. 12:44pm BBT: victor making coffee says he can not wait to see what the power will do but me i need to win HOH this week to ensure my safety. 12:50pm BBT: Victor in the KT putting dishes away and looks and says who washed this? I will rewash it he says as he puts it back in the sink. He then gets a cup out to fix him a cup of coffee. he then says no one ever cleans around here oh i take that back Corey cleans and some people help a little but some people do not clean at all and it is annoying. 12:56pm BBT: Victor now taking care of Bridgette's plant and making sure it has water. All other HG still sleeping.
  17. 10:27am BBT: Nicole up and heads down stairs to eat her cereal. 10:46am BBT: Nicole now in the HOH WA walking around looking then goes to the shower.
  18. 9:05am BBT: Nicole is out of the DR and goes to the HOHR and talks to Corey as she takes off her glasses and gets in bed. 9:30am BBT: Nicole and Corey snuggle in the HOH bed. All other HG still sleeping. 9:53am BBT: ALL HG SLEEPING
  19. 8:20am BBT: HG still sleeping with some snoring going on from the HNR. 8:38am BBT: BB says Good morning HG it is time to get up for the day. The Lights must remain on through the day. There are fresh batteries in the STR. Then we get FOTH. 8:42am BBT: Corey in HOH WA brushing his teeth and Nicole in down stairs WA brushing her teeth. Paul still in bed sleeping. 8:45am BBT: Nicole gets her make up basket and heads to the HOHR. Corey is back in bed and Nicole puts her basket in the WA then gets back in bed with Corey complaining that there was only one song this morning. 8:53am BBT: Paul gets up and changes his batteries then goes back to bed. Nicole in the HOH WA doing her make up. All other HG still in bed. 8:55am BBT: Nicole heads to the DR as Corey wants her to come lay with him and she says no I have to go to the DR and he says are you for real and she says yeah i have to go to the DR.
  20. 7:46am BBT: Victor is up and goes to the WC. 7:48am BBT: Victor out of the WC washes his hands then dries them then goes to the STR to change his batteries then back to his bumper car to go back to sleep. 7:58am BBT: All HG still sound asleep in a dark house.
  21. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Michelle talking to James and natalie about nicole and how she does not like her and does not want to go up to her HOH rm as she never came to hers when she was HOh unless BB made them go up there. Michelle laughing saying she ate in the HNBR and left her peels in there for the have nots. Victor, Paul, and Nicole are out in the BY with Corey playing pool. Just general talk. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Michelle goes on about Nicole and how she does not like her and how she did not like her in season 16 either. Michelle tells natalie and james that Nicole screwed her over and probably did the same thing to Christine in season 16. Natalie says she does not like that Victor is helping Corey study for the HOH comp. james says then we need to go out there and stay with them so they can not study and someone needs to always be with them. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Paul and victor now in the KT with Corey and james they talk about how the next few evictions will go. They think this week could be a fast forward week and if it is they are prepared for it. Paul eating his burger and Corey cooking slop continue talking about a fast forward. Paul finishes eating and he and Victor get up and says goodnight and heads to bed. Corey says he is goping to bed also and heads to his bumper car. 1:00am-3:00am BBT: Natalie, Michelle and james in bed in the LBR and paul comes in to go to bed. Michelle and natalie start asking paul about him being a magician and ask if he works with doves and paul says no cause they kill the doves and some bunnys die too when they crush them down for the trick so ihe says he just does street magic. Talk then turns to who has been on the block and how many times and who has never been on the block. Paul tells them he has been on the block 5 times now and Michelle 3 times. james says i have not been on the block yet but i will be soon. Paul ask him how he knows that and james says i am not a vet for no reason so it is coming soon. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Paul says he can not sleep with the lights on and so Michelle turns the lights out. Paul begins telling scary stories and Bb tells the HG that the lights must remain on and they ignore BB as paul continues his story. BB then says HG i recognize that english can be a difficult launguage to comprahend but the bedroom lights must remain on. The HG start laughing and michelle says that is what night vision is for. HG get quiet. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: Natalie and michelle talking general talk in a dark rm as paul is sleeping now and natalie says she can not sleep with james in the bed.. Natalie then gets up and goes out of the rm and michelle and james talk. Michelle ask him about his showmance with Meg and james says it was not a showmance it was a friendmance as he just looked out for her as he does natalie. 5:00am-6:00am BBT: Michelle and james talk about Nicole and how jelous she gets if any girls get attention from a guy in the house and about a story Nicole told about being in High school. James says he will talk to Nicole tomorrow about the votes and make sure that michelle is staying and paul is going this week.Michelle says ok and they both go to bed to go to sleep. All lIghts in the hiouse are off as Hg are now sleeping.
  22. 5:00pm BBT: Victor in the KT putting lotion on his body as he talks to James while he eats. Corey is making a glass of ice water. talk is about dry knuckles and skin. 5:15pm BBT: Victor and Corey trying the slop bread that Victor made and Victor says it is sweet but not over bearing. Corey gets him a piece of it and is now trying it and keeps eating it. 5:23pm BBT: James in the LBR getting his tennis shoes on. Paul, Natalie and Michelle sleeping. Nicole asleep in the HOHR. Victor and Corey in the KT eating the slop bread that victor made and they say it is their sweet slop. James now in the BY walking around. 5:30pm BBT: James talking about there might be a double eviction again and talking about the 5k bribe. James says if you dont win HOh and you go up on the block then you have a chance at the veto. James and Corey laughing. 5:40pm BBT: James, Victor and Corey in the KT talking general talk and all other HG are still sleeping. 5:49pm BBT: Michelle is now up in the KT making herself something to eat. James, Corey and victor talking about milk and how much almond milk is better. 5:53pm BBT: Victor and James tells Michelle that you can take and pour coke on the battery to clean it and we drink this stuff and they laugh. Corey goes to the HOHR and wakes Nicole and they snuggle and whisper quietly. 5:55pm BBT: Corey and Nicole talking about offering James the 5K to throw the HOH comp Thursday and Nicole says offer it to him now. Corey says i am scared to offer it to him and then him know we are after them. he then says i am going to tell him that i am gonna tell you that you will go on the block cause i am going to try to win it but are you ok with that. Nicole says yeah tell him that.She then tells him to wait till Wednesday night to do it and Corey says i don't know.
  23. 2:00pm BBT: Victor and Paul talk about James talking about the DE and victor tells Paul do not stress over it that they are good with strong people now as Nicole and Corey are good players. Paul says he is not stressing as James walks in and Paul and Victor leave. Paul goes to HOh to shower and victor goes out to the BY . 2:15pm BBT: Paul in HOh talking to Nicole. Paul tells her that James is being weird today and she ask how and he says that James keeps talking about the double eviction and how whoever wins this week is going to have to play the game now. Nicole says he is just trying to get you to come after me and Corey. Paul and Nicole think James is playing mind games. Corey joins them now in HOH and Paul tells Corey how James is acting then says that if he stays this week he will tell James he better win HOH or Natalie is going next. 2:25pm BBT: Corey lays down with Nicole and paul gets in the shower. Corey says maybe he needs to offer the 5k to james to throw the HOH comp thursday. Nicole says that is crazy and Corey says i know it is. Nicole says that James will never throw the comp and will not be ok with natalie leaving the house so she tells him it is not a good idea at all. 2:40pm BBT: Most Hg napping and Nicole and Corey are up eating just general talk going on. 2:48pm BBT: Corey, Nicole, Paul and victor in HOh rm studying for the HOH comp. 2:57pm BBT: Studying still going on in the HOH rm about who won HOH when and who won the BOTB and Corey says i am finally learning this game.
  24. 1:00pm BBT: Nicole and Corey on BY lounger talking about using the bribe on Victor and nicole agrees that is the best thing to do since Victor and paul are honest and james will flip flop on us. Corey says since Victor has been evicted two times already means he is not a good game player. 1:15pm BBT: Paul, James and victor talking in the KT about this could be a doble eviction week. 1:30pm BBT: Pauls muffins came out good and he takes them out to the BY showing natalie. 1:45pm BBT: paul doing dishes and Victor is walking around gathering up the dirty laundry to be washed and james watches natalie laying in the sun and says she can lay out there all day. 1:50pm BBT: paul and james in the KT talking about a double eviction and how it works when they go to Jury and looking at the memory wall.
  25. 12:05pm BBT: HG in the BY, Paul and Victor playing around in the pool and Nicole and Corey talking about washing underwear. 12:17pm BBT: Nicole and James talking about music and Nicole says i love the summer country songs they are so fun then James starts saying lyrics then Nicole starts singing and we get FOTH. 12:22pm BBT: James and victor talking about auto insurance they have on their trucks. All other Hg just laying by the pool. 12:30pm BBT: general talk going on about Nicole family to Corey and Paul. she then talks about her cell phone and how Zack tries calling her and she always declines him. Victor and James in the pool talking about credit cards. 12:34pm BBT: Paul goes inside to bake muffins as he is bored and Natalie goes inside to get something to eat. All other HG are still by the pool. 12:43pm BBT: Natalie and Paul in the KT cooking and all other Hg laying by the pool with just general talk going on. 12:51am BBT: Natalie walking around the KT looking for hot sauce while Paul makes muffins. Corey and Nicole have moved to a shade now in the BY because they are getting really red and say it is very hot out. Nicole goes and gets them a cold drink from the outside fridge.



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