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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:05pm BBT: Cody and Jessica in the HOH rm talking to Paul about eating steak and pastries before coming into the house. Alex in the pool floating on a swan with Jillian, raven and Christmas on the BY couches just talking general talk. 12:09pm BBT: Christmas and raven talking about how Jessica lies alot. Christmas says she is not worried about her though and raven says me either but now i know. raven says the night before the veto meeting she went to the HOH rm and asked what was going on and he said nothing. Christmas said yeah i was the plan. raven agrees. 12:14pm BBT: Raven tells Christmas she knew she was in trouble in the house when she went to the HOH rm and they was not talking to me. She says i know how military people works. Christmas says yeah me too. He will listen and listen so he better enjoy his time here cause if i stay i am fighting like hell for HOh and get him out. 12:20pm BBT: Alex putting sun screen on. Matt comes out to talk with raven and Christmas and talk turns to how Matt slept lastnight. 12:23pm BBT: In the KT Kevin is naming all the people on Gilligan's island. Josh, Jason and Paul laughing at him. In the BY raven Christmas and Matt still talking about how Jessica rolls her eyes at everyone. Christmas then says that Jessica is trying to repair things with Alex but i do not think it is working. 12:36pm BBT: Christmas and Matt in the BY still talking about the votes and how she knew when Jessica first went to the HOHrm that she was with Cody. In the WA Jessica, raven and Dom are doing hair and make up. 12:40pm BBT: Ramses goes to the BY tells Christmas and Matt he is going to workout then get in the pool, he then ask Jillian if the water is warm as he walks to the pool. 12:46pm BBT: Elena and mark are finally awake and tells raven she looks cute in her patriotic clothes. raven says she is ready for the DR. In the BY Most Hg just sitting around through the yard talking general talk. 12:51pm BBT: Christmas and Josh talking alone now and Christmas tells him that he is like her big brother and has a soft heart. he says i am a good person. Christmas says i can tell you will do well in here and i want you to stay longer. josh says thank you.
  2. 11:05am BBT: Raven and Christmas in the WA doing ADL's. Most Hg in the BY working out and sitting around just general talk going on. 11:08am BBT: Cody and Jessica on the hammock snuggling and kissing. Most Hg are now in the KT getting water and coffee, Jillian and Ramses with raven in the WA just general talk. 11:11am BBT: Cody ask Jessica what she would be doing if she was home today to celebrate and Jessica says she would be going to Malibu to the beach to an all night party. Jessica ask him the same and he says being with family and shooting fireworks. he says i am about family. 11:23am BBT: Cody and Jessica still on the hammock laying talking general talk and listening to Jason and Kevin talk to each other about working out. Ramses in the KT cooking bacon, Matt washing dishes and josh eating. 11:33am BBT: Kevin and Jason walking in the BY as Jason tells stories to Kevin and Christmas. Cody, Jessica, Alex and Matt in the KT eating while Ramses is still cooking. 11:43am BBT: general talk going on in the By and In the KT about hair and sleeping in beds and not the HNBR. 11:50am BBT: Josh in the Lounge rm talking to the camera about Christmas having a heart of gold and how he is going to stick with Christmas and Paul in this game that he just needs to chill out and calm down in here now. 11:55am BBT: Matt and raven in the KT getting a drink while Cody and Jessica just sit watching people and not saying anything.
  3. 10:00am BBT: Alex is now up in the KT listening to Kevin go on about coffee and how good it is for you.Christmas thanks Jillian for making her coffee and breakfast. 10:09am BBT: Just general talk going on in the KT with Jillian, Jason, Kevin and Christmas. Alex is in the BY alone doing her make up. 10:17am BBT: Jillian has joined Alex outside. Paul is now up and in the KT with Kevin and Jason. Christmas is still sitting with her foot propped up as Paul ask her how she is feeling today. She says she is fine and that Matt helped her get into the Dr lastnight. they start laughing as Jason is yelling every word he says today. 10:20am BBT: Jillian and Alex talking about no one likes Jillian because she is friends with Alex. Jillian says the way they all know we are close is raven. In the KT Jason and Paul start singing and we get FOTH. 10:32am BBT: Cody is now up in the KT talking general talk with Christmas. Alex and Jillian still in the BY just talking as Alex is stretching. Kevin is walking the BY. 10:35am BBT: Jason and Paul talking by the weights about who are safest in this house and Jason says you me Kevin. Paul agrees and says but right now no one can put me up. Jason says yeah true. 10:38am BBT: Jason and Paul going on about Dom not talking game to anyone she just rads her bible and talks alot about that. Jason complains she is a bible thumper and he does not like bible thumpers. 10:40am BBT: Christmas gets up and goes to try to do laundry. Matt is now helping her. Cody takes her plate and washes it for her. In the BY Paul talking to Jason and Alex about Cody trying to blow Paul up. Paul says he thought he was in good with Cody but then he found out he wasn't after he tried nominating him. 10:47am BBT: Paul and Alex laying in the BY stretching their legs and talking about the other HG. Paul says that they have the numbers and how Cody and Jessica tell everyone that if they are against us you are not with us. Paul says he makes Jessica come down and see what everyone is doing or what they are saying. Paul says next week he is going to win HOH and show the newbies how this is done. Alex laughs. 10:49am BBT: Josh comes out and ask Paul about making french toast. Paul says he still has batter in there and josh says ok and walks off.Paul then says that Cody says he has the votes but then he did not have the votes to get Paul out so what was he thinking about? Alex says i do not know. Paul says that side of the house is in shambles and what it means is mess up Jessica. 10:56am BBT: Most Hg in the BY working out. Josh in the KT making breakfast.
  4. 9:30am BBT: Jason is up and in the BY riding the exercise bike with his jeans, boots and hat on. We now have WBRB as BB may be waking the HG. 9:39am BBT: Jillian in the KT making coffee, Kevin sitting at the table asking for more music, Christmas standing on her crutches watching as Bb tells her to put her mic on. Kevin offers to go get her mic for her. 9:43am BBT: Kevin tells Jason he is having coffee for breakfast. he then says that Jason has never had an espresso and Jason says no i only have water or MT dew. Kevin says but now you are drinking coffee with me huh and Jason says yeah i am we are coffee drinkers. 9:52am BBT: Jillian and Christmas in the KT making breakfast and talking about sleeping and the music played this morning. In the BY Kevin and Jason are talking about coffee and going to workout. Kevin heads inside to get his coffee and tells Jason he will be right back.
  5. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: raven and Christmas talk about Jessica being paranoid in this game then raven Goes to Matt and tells him the same thing that Jessica is paranoid and is wanting Christmas out now. She then says she will not vote Christmas out of the house.Matt tells her they have the numbers to keep Christmas in this house this week. Raven then tells Matt that if they keep Christmas then Jessica and Cody will come after us next. Matt is now upset that Jessica would have that conversation with raven. 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Mark talks to Jessica about keeping Christmas but Jessica says if they keep Christmas then their alliance is in trouble because she will come after them. Mark tells her that Christmas said she was not going after Jessica but Jessica does not believe him. Cody comes in and tells mark that he has the votes to evict Christmas. Jessica tells them If Elena and raven vote to keep Christmas then she will fell betrayed. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paul is worried that mark has been in the HOH rm with Cody and Jessica to long. Christmas thinks they are playing on his emotion feelings up there. Paul tells her that he is going to tell mark if he continues with them up there that he is drawing a line and going to be on the wrong side of people in this house. Christmas then tells Paul that Cody needs to go before Jessica as he is the stronger player. In the Lounge rm Mark, Dom, Raven and Matt are in there and Paul comes in saying we have six votes to keep Christmas we just need one more. 2:00am-4:00am BBT: Most Hg in bed trying to sleep, Mark and Elena up talking about relationship with each other and Matt and raven come to join in and talk a little about putting Jessica on the block soon. Mark then talks more about his mom passing when he was young. Just general talk going on as most Hg are sleeping. 4:00am-4:30am BBT: All Hg in bed going to sleep.
  6. 3:02pm BBT: Jason and Josh in HNBR talking about Paul and asking why Paul wants to keep Christmas. josh says he does not know. They hear a noise and josh grabs something saying he needs a shower. Bb says Josh are you wearing someone elses mic? He laughs and says i dropped my mic in the toilet and told you i took someone elses. Hg are laughing. 3:10pm BBT: Jessica and Paul talking in the BY about how Cody is being shady and Jessica tells him that she heard Christmas was coming after her and Cody and Paul tells her he has not heard her say that and she talks to him alot. 3:18pm BBT: Josh is talking about tomorrow they get food back to mark and Elena. he wants food now. Mark is laying on the bed just looking at Elena and Elena is just sitting in silence. Elena gets up and walks out and mark shrugs his shoulders then josh walks out leaving mark alone. 3:24pm BBT: Christmas gets up and goes in the house. Kevin tells her that Jason will do anything she ask from now on. She just laughs at them.Raven has Christmas sit in a chair in the KT and helps her prop her foot up so she can watch raven cook burgers.
  7. 2:27pm BBT: Dom and Elena talking to Christmas as she gets her bikini on about Jessica and Cody staying together and Jessica wont talk to anyone else hardly. Christmas says yeah like we would be in the KT and she wouldn't talk to me. 2:29pm BBT: Kevin comes in and gives Christmas a kiss on the cheek and ask how she is and She tells him she is ok they gave her a pain shit that she wants to go out and get some food and coffee. Kevin says lets go get you some then. they leave the BR going outside. 2:33pm BBT: Christmas goes to the KT as everyone is coming in and they all hug her she then tells Jason to check his guilt no guilt. he looks at her and says ok no guilt. 2:35pm BBT: Paul ask Christmas if she is still here to play and Christmas tells them that they told her they will figure this out as they go but they will not taker me out of the game then we get BRB. 2:47pm BBT: In the HOH rm Jillian is talking to Cody and Jessica and mark about her staying this week after the HOh group was just talking about if they have the votes to take Christmas out this week as she has told people she is gunning after mark and Cody. 2:49pm BBT: Hg are making burgers to eat since Christmas wants to eat. Paul and Elena in the STR talking about how the house is split and how she does not want to pick sides but she will have to. Paul leaves the STR as Kevin comes in and Elena says we are just trying to get things for the burgers. 2:56pm BBT: Most HG making burgers . Paul and Elena stay in the STR talking about the sides of the house. mark leaves HOHRM as Josh comes in to talk to Jason.
  8. 2:08pm BBT: Most Hg are laying in the BY in the sun. Jessica and Cody in the HOH RM snuggling and talking about stripping and general talk. 2:15pm BBT: Mark in the HOHRM talking to Cody and Jessica about people over reacting yesterday and he says that is what happened to Christmas.Cody says he talked to Alex and Jason and if Jillian gets picked off they will be mad and Cody says well if she does can you protect my people and they agreed. mark says that is good. Mark says there is no way Christmas will be voted out. Jessica says nope no way after what happened she will not be voted out cause no one will vote her out after her getting hurt she will make jury. 2:20pm BBT: Christmas just entered into the House on crutches and Jessica says welcome back. Dom gave her a hug. She says she tore ligaments and has to go back Wednesday to get an MRI done to see if there is any cracks. Christmas asking if Jason is ok. Jessica says he was upset. 2:23pm BBT: Christmas goes to the red BR to put her bikini on so she can lay in the sun with her leg propped up and then wants french toast.
  9. 12:04pm BBT: Jason telling Alex and Jillian that Paul and Cody both are trying to take over their little side of the house. Jason says i dont know what to do. Alex tells Jillian to make sure that he is voting for you before you make a deal with him. Alex then says they say they are keeping Christmas in the game. 12:10pm BBT: Jessica and raven on the hammock talking and Jessica keeps watching Alex, Jillian and Jason talking. Jillian says she does not like her staring, Jason says don't worry about it as he walks off and heads back over to Kevin to do sit ups. 12:20pm BBT: Cody gets called to the DR. Raven says she hopes it is not about Christmas as Cody heads in the house. 12:23pm BBT: Most Hg in the BY laying in the sun or working out. Jillian talking to Josh about wanting to stay in the game. 12:30pm BBT: Alex and Jason working out and Alex ask wonder what is going on in the world as Jason tells her not to worry about it. Paul comes out and ask if anyone else wants french toast they all say no thank you. 12:36pm BBT: Alex, Jason and josh speculating about what is happening in the DR with Cody and if Christmas is coming back. Alex says if she doesn't come back there is still time for another comp or someone else to come back. 12:43pm BBT: Paul talking to Jason about him campaigning and Jason says i was campaigning for the new HOh and Paul tells him no. Jason says But and Paul says NO she is not on your side. Jason says ok that all i need to know. Paul says just keep your mouth shut do not talk to her. Jason ask is Christmas out and paul says no we do not know yet as he walks off. 12:51pm BBT: Jessica, Raven and Matt in the lounge rm talking about Cody not talking to her. raven tells her come hang out with us in the KT and he will come around when he wants to as they leave the lounge. 12:53pm BBT: Jason telling Jillian and josh about what happened to Christmas. he said she did not even cry and her foot was not swelling. Jillian tells him Christmas will be ok. josh ask what happened and Alex says he was giving her a horse back ride and she fell off.
  10. 11:03am BBT: Jessica and Elena in the STr talking about how Christmas and how she said that Christmas told her that everyone is coming after Cody and herself. Jessica says Christmas told her to stop doing things with Cody. Elena says that she does not know if Cody will even talk to her anymore. Paul walks in and ask if everything is chill and Jessica says yeah it is all chill. Paul leaves and goes to KT to make french toast. Jessica then says she told Cody yesterday if he ever blind sides her again like that then she will put him up and boot him out of the house. 11:09am BBT: Jessica tells Elena that that her allegiance is to her and Cody and she thought Paul but not Paul anymore because he is after me because of Cody's moves now. Elena says i was on Paul and Christmas side and i made a promise to them we are not in an alliance but we made a promise. She then says so now i am torn between 2 sides and we promised not to put each other up. 11:15am BBT: Mark and Cody in the BY talking about shaving. Kevin and Jason still walking. Mark now doing laundry. Jessica and Elena still in the STR repeating themselves. 11:19am BBT: Jason walking in the KT worried about Christmas as Paul is making french toast. Paul tells him to stop worrying and blaming himself. raven comes in asking about Christmas and Paul says she came back with her ankle wrapped and is in the DR and he says i hope and pray she doesn't have to leave the game. raven tells Paul that Jason said she never even cried , Paul says no she is tough. 11:29am BBT: Elena and Mark in the STR talking about Cody and Jessica and what they are doing as the HOH. Mark says i am trying to figure this stuff out and Elena said yeah me too but Jessica is my best friend in this house and mark says hold on right there. Elena says i know but what they have done has effected me. Mark puts his head down and sighs.Mark says you do understand that if Paul thinks you are with Jessica and Cody then we wont have him. Elena says i know but until things settle down and lines are drawn i have to make a decision. Elena ask can you trust Cody after he has put up five people already and mark says i do not know what to do. 11:35am BBT: Mark tells Elena that she needs to talk to Cody and she tells him she plans to but she has not decided when that will be yet. She says after what Paul said lastnight i am not sure what to do. She says i have decided that i am not voting Christmas out and i said i made a decision on my vote yesterday not my game play so if that gets me out then so be it and mark says ok. 11:40am BBT: Paul still cooking in the KT, Alex, Jason, raven, Ramses, Kevin and Matt in the Kt eating and drinking coffee with general talk about dancing. 11:58am BBT: Alex and Jason talking in the BY about Jason and Jessica and how Alex feels like they are playing people. Jason and Jessica on the hammock and Jason says he has to go put sunscreen on. Most Hg are heading to the BY to lay in the sun.
  11. 10:00am-11:00am BBT: Jason describes what happened to Christmas and what her foot looked like. Paul and Jason wonder what will happen if Christmas doesn't come back. Paul says he is mad at Megan for leaving and it messed up the game. Paul then wonders if Cody gets to make another nomination. Jessica tells Matt she did not like the way Paul used the pendant yesterday at all and made Cody pick someone else to nominate. Jason and Kevin are now walking in the BY and Mark is working out. In the HOH WA Cody is brushing his teeth.
  12. 9:43am BBT: Cody, Matt and Jessica are up and in the KT making breakfast and drinking coffee. 9:46am BBT: Jason is now up in the STR changing his batteries. Cody and Jessica also changing batteries, Jessica leaves the STr and goes to the KT to talk to Matt. Jason and Cody talking about Someone laying in the BY and all Cody seen was nurses around her. Jason says Christmas its over as he walks away from the sliding glass door. Cody says worse thing that can happen is she won't come back she might have to have surgery. 9:50am BBT: Jessica and Cody talking about it will be crazy if he has to pick another nominee since Christmas has hurt her leg in the BY. Paul is now up and heading to KT he ask what happened. Jason says Christmas was on his back and he was running in the BY with her and he slipped and fell and her ankle went into the ground. He says Christmas thinks it is broke and they took her to the ER. 9:55am BBT: Jason in the BY showing Paul what happened to Christmas and how she hurt her ankle. BB tells them to stop talking about production.
  13. 7:08pm BBT: most HG in the KT making food and general talk going on about man crushes and cooking. 7:11pm BBT: Mark and Jason are playing chess. Dinner is ready. All Hg fixing a plate and have nots making slop.
  14. 4:30-5:00pm BBT: paul says in the HOH RM that if the other side wins HOH next week then they have to get them to put Josh on the block for sure. Elana said she gets sick everytime she sees Josh. She then ask if her breast are on the internet now and paul says all over. 5:00:6:00pm BBT:Dom in the lounge rm and Josh comes in saying he wanted tro talk. he tells her he did not want to be emotional. Dom tells him when he blew up it caused trust issues and put a target on his back. Josh says he now realizes that he should have kept his mouth shut and stuck with her and paul. he then says he walks with God everyday so Dom tells him to to let them all see that side of him.
  15. 4:05pm BBT: Matt in the KT getting something to eat. Josh says slop time and Christmas is getting water. In the BY Paul is talking to Cody, Jason, Mark and Kevin about the government. He is complaining about the government. 4:15pm BBT: Jillian and Alex talking in the HNBR about next week one of them getting HOH and maybe putting Josh out but then that might not be a good idea maybe we need to get Cody out. Alex says either way they are coming for us. Jillian says yeah i know and if Jessica wins POV she wont use it on Cody cause she does not want to go out.Alex agrees. 4:23pm BBT: Jillian telling Alex that they have to plant seeds and she says she planted some today to Christmas. She said she planted one with Paul also and Paul told her that they would all be stupid to vote her out so she went to Jessica and was just talking to her about her dogs. Kevin walks in and talking stops. 4:26pm BBT: Paul, Cody, Matt , raven and Jessica in HOH rm talking about who might have gotten the temptation they think someone on the other side got it this time. They are trying to figure out how the temptation will effect the rest of the house and if it will be a curse.
  16. 3:07pm BBT: general talk in the KT with Paul, Jason and Mark. most Hg in the BY. 3:19pm BBT: Raven in the HOH WA looking in the mirror. In the KT is Jason and Paul talking about leg kicks they did yesterday and how Jason's legs hurt today.Jason says he is going to go put his shorts back ion then walks toward the bedroom talking about how long Alex has been in the DR. Paul says she won the POV and is talking about strategies. 3:29pm BBT: Jillian talking to Christmas in the HOH WA about wanting to stay in this house this week and do all the challenges.In the KT Elena and Paul are talking about asking for refill on the milks. 3:39pm BBT: Jason and Cody in the pool watching Alex get her laundry. Jessica is fixing the umbrella so it does not cover her while tanning. Paul comes out and sits down to eat. 3:47pm BBT:Most HG in the BY laying out and eating with just general talk going on. Jillian and Christmas still in HOH WA just general talk as they move to the HOH RM checking the lockers on the wall.they start turning keys to see if there is something in the lockers. 3:51pm BBT: Christmas and Jillian have found two different keys are are trying to open the locked boxes they get one open and there is nothing in it. BB tells them to stop that and they laugh. Jillian then hides the key on top of the lockers over number 14. They leave the HOH rm as Alex ask them what they was doing and Christmas says we were just acting silly and BB got us. 3:54pm BBT: Jillian in the BR telling Alex about the keys they found and how they opened a locker and then they hid the key after BB got onto them. Alex says really?. Jillian laughs and says yes.
  17. 2:02pm BBT: Alex jumps up out of her chair in the KT and says she is going to make deviled eggs with bacon. Raven is fixing Matt's mic for him. just general talk going on with the HG about eating and videos. 2:13pm BBT: Christmas talking to Paul and Josh about her modeling pictures. In the BY Kevin, Elena, Jason and mark are by the pool talking about Kevin's daughter getting ready for work about now. Jessica is laying in the hammock alone listening. 2:31pm BBT: Jillian in the KT telling Alex how jury works then they talk about survivor and how they watch them . Ramses tells them he thinks they follow them with a camera everywhere they go even getting water. Jessica and Paul in the hammock talking how Jillian is saying she is on the block for to long and Paul says no way she said that Then Jessica says she did say that. 2:34pm BBT: Jessica tells Paul that Alex wants to break up the couples now and paul says of course she wants to do that. 2:36pm BBT: Paul says next week he needs to win HOH. He tells Jessica that she does not understand he is in here alone since he has played before. He says he is an easy target so he has to watch his own butt too while he watches everyone else. 2:42pm BBT: Paul and Jessica talking about numbers in the game and listening to things. Paul talks about the voting and how most people get the votes from their friends and families for Americas votes.Paul gets up and leaves the hammock. most Hg are still laying in the sun no talking going on. Ramses in the KT making slop.
  18. 1:40pm BBT:Hg are all in the house now for a LCD. Just general talk going on with everyone. 1:54pm BBT: Dom in the HOH WA talking to Cody about her hair weaves as Cody brushes his teeth. in the WA downstairs Mark and Elena are sitting together as BB tells Mark to move his mic up. 1:57pm BBT: Mark called to the DR. most Hg are heading back out to the BY as they are grabbing drinks. 1:58pm BBT: Josh, Elena, Christmas and Paul in the lounge rm talking about Christmas and her videos.
  19. 1:05pm BBT:Just general talk about lifeguards in the BY as HG lay in the sun. talk then turns to tattoos and comparing them with Christmas and Paul. 1:09pm BBT: BB tells Josh to put on his mic. Kevin head in the house and goes to the BR. Jason is in the KT making a drink. Cody and Mark are just talking general talk in the KT. 1:11pm BBT: Jessica goes to the KT and hugs Cody then starts making lunch. Matt and Elena are in the pool floating on the swans whispering. 1:24pm BBT: Jessica and Cody in the KT drinking coffee. All other HG in the BY swimming and laying in the sun. Just general talk about sports.
  20. 12:35pm BBT: Alex and Jillian still talking and Rameses walks in then Jillian says that Alex told her that the house is going to vote her out. Alex tells her he does not know.we They talk about the temptations then Rameses says he does not know who won it. Alex says i hope it was good as Cody walks in the room. 12:41pm BBT: Rameses and Cody talking and he says next week if you were to win HOH would you come to me and keep my people safe? Cody says if i come to you and tell you who i want kept safe will you do that for me and Rameses agrees. They leave the room and Rameses goes to the KT. 12:43pm BBT: Most HG in the BY talking general talk and working out. Josh is running in the BY. 12:49pm BBT: Alex and Dominique in the KT talking about hair extensions, Alex gets called to the DR. Cody and Mark come to the KT just looking around and trying to hear what Matt and Raven are talking about in the WA. 12:56pm BBT:Matt, Cody, Mark and Rameses in the KT making drinks and eating. Most HG in the BY just general talk going on and sun bathing.
  21. 10:01am BBT: James and Paul sitting out in the BY just general talk going on. Nicole in the KT washing a coffee cup. 10:08am BBT: All HG sitting outside now talking about when they leave the house in 2 days they are getting drunk. Nicole says she can not wait to drive. Paul starts talking about driving fast and cutting people off. 10:16am BBT: Paul and James talking about evicted Hg and how Bronte was bad for pauls game. James talks about how the whole house wanted frank up o the block and gone. 10:30am BBT: Nicole and Paul now talking in the BY as James is in the DR. Just general talk going on. 10:37am BBT: James comes out of the DR and Paul goes in. James goes to the BY and ask whats up Nicole and she says same ole same ole.Nicole ask James who's votes he thinks he has in jury and he says Natalie and Bridgette and Nicole ask is that all not DA? James says no she did not like me. 10:42am BBT: Paul comes back out to the BY and they talk about production and we get FOTH. 10:47am BBT: Paul and Nicole talking about evicted HG and Pandora box and Nicole says i would be mad if someone followed me around the house. 10:49am BBT: Nicole gets up and goes inside to the WC. Paul and James talk about spinning around in circles and how Paul would puke. Paul asking James about his comp in his season when he had to go around in circles and getting hot by the wall and he ask if it hurt and James says no.
  22. 9:00am BBT: Paul, James and Nicole all still asleep in a dark house. 9:40am BBT: Hg are up. James in the BY eating cereal while Paul is playing with bubbles. Nicole in the WA doing make up. 9:44am BBT: Paul still blowing bubbles standing by the pool table. James still eating his cereal as he smacks. Nicole still in the WA doing make up. 9:52am BBT: BB tells the Hg to please put the awnings down and Paul cusses at BB.James and Paul start putting the awnings down talking about girls on twitter and how people like them. 9:55am BBT: James and Paul go inside and talk about doing dishes tomorrow and not today so they will have something to do tomorrow. Nicole now doing her hair in the WA.
  23. 10:00am BBT: Hg are sleeping. 10:05am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB could be waking the HG. 10:19am BBT: Paul and Nicole in the KT making breakfast and coffee. Paul telling Nicole how James told him that he deserves to be in final 2 and how he wants to win it. Paul says James is either acting that way if front of me cause he is fine with you or something and Nicole says i do not know. Paul tells her dude you are going to win today so we will win. 10:21am BBT:, Paul tells Nicole you are going to kill it today then later in the week we will not have anything to worry about for the next 5 or 6 days. Nicole says yeah i know. 10:23am BBT: Paul and Nicole now whispering as Nicole cooks eggs. Paul says that James said he hoped it is a puzzle and he tells Nicole that James also said if it is a hard puzzle then he can go hard at it and beat Nicole. Paul says you have to go hard at this comp. 10:25am BBT: Paul goes to the WA and says he needs to get in the shower cause he sweat all night as the air conditioner was going off and on all night. Nicole laughs at him. 10:29am BBT: Paul in the shower, james in LBR sleeping, Nicole in the safari rm studying her days and comps as she eats her breakfast.
  24. 3:19pm BBT: Hg still sleeping. Cameraman keeps zooming in on Nicole sleeping. 3:23pm BBT: James is up and goes to the KT to get a drink. he then grabs the champagne bottle and moves it to the counter. Goes to the WA and brushes his hair, puts his cap back on and is just pacing the WA. 3:25pm BBT: Paul is now up and walks to the KT as Nicole stretches. Paul in the KT then goes to the WA where James is brushing his teeth and says whats up man. Paul goes into the WC. 3:27pm BBT: Paul comes out of the WC and tells James he has a hang over and James laughs at him. Paul then goes to the TBR and tells Nicole he is going back to bed and she says yeah she is sleeping too and he tells her to sleep alot. Paul then tells her that it is so frustrating that James is like he does not care or anything. Paul says it is like he keeps saying he is not good at mental comps and then Paul says James will let you win Nicole and then come to us saying he will not win. Paul then tells Nicole to sleep study and win and we will figure this all out later. Nicole agrees. 3:30pm BBT: Paul heads to the LBR telling Nicole to get some sleep and he goes back to bed. 3:35pm BBT: James goes to the LBR and talks to Paul about Pablo and asking which fan might have Pablo and Paul tells him no production took him back and is keeping him but i am keeping baby Pablo.
  25. 2:38pm BBT: James is up and goes to STR then to KT and gets the dishes from this mornings brunch and takes it to the STR. Paul and Nicole are still sleeping. 2:40pm BBT: James now goes back to the LBR and gets back in bed covers up and goes back to sleep. 2:55pm BBT: All 3 HG in bed sleeping.



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