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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:01pm BBT: Kevin and Paul talk about playing chess now and Paul goes to feed the fish. Cody is in the shower in the WA downstairs while Jessica does her make up. 12:10pm BBT: Hg sitting around eating or talking general talk about music or doing ADL's 12:31pm BBT: Kevin and Jason in the LVR talking about people doing make up and laughing, Most Hg in the KT area being loud but can not see them, Jessica doing make up in the WA as Cody watches her. 12:53pm BBT: Hg sitting around talking general talk. Mark brushing teeth in WA while Cody watches Jessica still doing make up. Raven comes out and says you are gonna love this as she goes to the KT to make a slop cake for Jason for his birthday today/ 12:58pm BBT: All HG in the KT except Jason and DOm as raven tried making a slop cake. Kevin telling stories about movies.
  2. 11:10am BBT: Hg are sitting around just talking general talk and Alex working out in the LVR. 11:25am BBT:Cody and Jessica in the lounge rm talking general talk and laughing, In the LVR is, Kevin telling stories about fighting and smoke filled arenas to Ramses and Matt. 11:40am BBT: Just general talk still going on through the house while Paul cooks more french toast. 11:48am BBT: Kevin doing ADL's in the WA telling Ramses how to clean his face. Jessica and Cody still in the Lounge rm talking general talk and snuggling as they listen to the other HG in the KT. 11:55am BBT:Raven, Matt, Ramses and Alex in the KT talking general talk. Paul calls Alex to the HOHR. He tells Kevin he wants to talk to him and Kevin says ok. Paul says i was having a talk with mark and Christmas and other yesterday and they think you are sad and do not know what yo do in this house. Paul says it is perfect so you are doing good. He tells Kevin that the group is thinking that you are alone and that we do not talk game or anything so that is my plan. Paul then says this is the plan the next few weeks, If they get power they want Ramses and Jessica out of this house now. Kevin says ok good. 11:59am BBT: Paul tells Kevin their plan is working now. Paul ask him have you been memorizing stuff and Kevin says yeah i have, Paul tells him good keep it up.
  3. 9:00am-10:00am BBT: BB wakes HG, Christmas is in the WA and Cody comes in to talk to her and ask if everything is ok and she says yeah its good. Cody wants to talk to her about the game, She ask him to tell her why she was put up on the block, Cody says that Dom and Mark told him that Christmas had to go then after they wanted you to stay. He says i was upset and felt betrayed after Mark switched his vote. Christmas thanks Cody for telling her everything and he says he will come back in battle back and wants to be with her and Paul and take over this house. In the bedroom Alex, Jason and Ramses are talking about how shady Kevin is playing both sides of the house and how close he is to Paul, They talk about how Paul always calls Kevin to the HOHR and talks to him a lot. 10:00am-11:00am BBT: Cody and Jessica talking and whispering really low. Christmas called to the DR and has now left the house for her surgery. Cody and Jessica continue talking. Most Hg are just sitting around just general talk going on.
  4. 11:09am BBT: Cody and Jessica in the Lounge RM talking about how they slept lastnight. Elena and raven hugging in the KT. Matt is cooking while mark stands there. Alex and Ramses eating breakfast. Just general talk going on about working out. 11:14am BBT: most HG in the LVR talking about sleeping, Paul says if he does not get enough sleep he will literally die. He says they do not let him get enough sleep. 11:24am BBT: General talk going on through the KT and LVR. Kevin says to Bb to open the BY so they can go get wet. 11:31am BBT: Kevin in the LVR working out, Ramses ask him if he could go anywhere he wanted to go where would he go and he says Tahiti. Alex tells him it is like a 1000 dollars a night for a boat there. In the KT Paul, Christmas and Josh talking about vitamins they take or need to take. 11:38am BBT: Kevin and Matt in the WA shaving, Raven doing her make up and Jason just walking around his lily pad watching them. Ramses and Alex in the LVR trying to fall asleep then Ramses gets up and goes to the KT. 11:55am BBT: Cody and Jessica snuggling in tne Lounge rm, Paul making french toast in the KT, Dom making something to eat. Most Hg in the LVR just general talk going on.
  5. 1:02pm BBT: paul in the HOHR with raven and Dom repeating himself as Dom tells him he deserves to win. Paul says you could win you just have to keep a good head on your shoulder. In the KT Jason and Ramses walking in the KT watching outside with Christmas. 1:12pm BBT: Cody and Jessica in the pool floating around whispering where you can not hear them. Mark making breakfast, Paul ask if they should make friendship fries today and they all agree he should. Elena and Kevin laying in the sun. 1:22pm BBT: Elena and Kevin talking about what they will do after the show. Just general talk around the house. 1:27pm BBT: Kevin and Elena talking about how may jury members there will be this season, Elena says there should be 9 jury members. She then says that what she knows about the jury house is that it is a bad ass house somewhere near here and they do not film you there. 1:33pm BBT: All cameras on Kevin and Elena in the BY talking about birthdays then Kevin starts singing and we get FOTH. 1:41pm BBT: Mark and Kevin playing pool in the BY while Cody and Jessica are still in the pool floating around. Most HG in the KT making food and listening to Paul tell stories. 1:50pm BBT: Paul in the WA telling Christmas, Elena , raven and Matt about where he lives and how big the town is. In the BY Mark and Kevin continue to play Pool, Josh and Ramses standing around the washer. Alex and Jason in the LVR whispering about how people use the ice and butter. Christmas is called to the DR.
  6. 12:00pm BBT: Jason says HOh is coming up and I feel like that is my best shot. Paul tells him his best shot is to keep his mouth shut that is his best shot. Paul then telling Jason why Cody is going out of this game, because Cody told 6 other people to get him out of this game. Paul says i can not win the end of this game all i can do is get me to Jury. 12:02pm BBT: Jason ask ok what about the girls then Paul ask what about the girls? Jason then says a girl is going to win this game, Paul tells him when i came in i said a girl is going to win this game. Jason then talks about making an alliance and Paul says dude there is no alliance and Jason says i know but i would like to make one. 12:05pm BBT: Paul says i do not work on alliances i play on actions. Paul tells him his advise to him is to be nice to Jessica and Cody. 12:10PM BBT: Paul says to Jason my advise to you is back off away from Jessica and Cody and win HOH this week to keep yourself safe. Jason says yeah yeah i know what you are saying. Paul then tells him that Cody was not going to keep him safe he just told you that and he used you to play both sides of the house and he was after Christmas and I and you was the back up plan. 12:15pm BBT: Paul says the people working with him are doing great in this game but the people who do not work with him are going home. Jason talks about how he thinks Ramses threw the HOH comp and took money and voted Christmas out and that is why i do not like him. 12:22pm BBT: Dom comes in to use the HOH WC and Jason gets up and leaves. Paul says now everyone wants to come ask for advise after i say i am going to do what i say i do. 12:24pm BBT: Elena and mark laying in bed and Elena says she is so nervous about things now. In the HOHBR Paul and Dom talking about Cody throwing the Veto comp to Alex and how she can not believe he did that. raven polishing Matt's nail. 12:29pm BBT: Matt and raven sitting against a wall seeing who can stay the longest and Matt drops. raven yells I win. In the STR Jason talks to Kevin He says that he knows Cody is going home and wants to make sure Kevin is ok with him and Kevin says yeah i am fine you are good i would never vote against you ever. 12:33pm BBT: Jason says he wants to go to the pool but they are out there. Mark ask who and Jason says dumb and dumber (Cody and Jessica) So he says he is not going out there he is staying inside. 12:40pm BBT: Most Hg in the KT and outside just general talk going on. 12:41pm BBT: Paul telling Christmas, Matt, Raven and Alex about what he told Jason in the HOHBR. 12:52pm BBT: Paul in the KT talking to Matt, raven, Elena, Christmas and Alex about what he said to Jason and repeating himself alot. Ramses comes inside and they break up the talking.
  7. 12:37pm BBT: Jason, Cody and Jessica in the pool talking about what happens at the jury house. Ramses, raven and Josh cleaning the KT 12:46pm BBT: Josh in the Lounge rm talking to the camera , Raven and Ramses and Matt in the KT still cleaning and we get FOTH 12:48pm BBT: Josh says his strategy right now is to lay low and be friends with everyone in the house then he is going to start comparing notes. he flips through pages on the bible then starts singing to cause a FOTH.
  8. 8:30am -9:00am BBT: Bb wakes Hg, Hg get up and make coffee and go to WA. Bb calls an outdoor lockdown, Cody, Jessica and jason have to stay on the lilly pad and Cody complains about not being able to sit elsewhere. 9:00am-10:00am BBT: Cody talking about if there is a battle back and how he will win it and come back into the house. mark and Dom talk aboit mark missing his EX. Kevin is walking around the BY alone as jason can only be on the lily pad unless he is hopping. The lockdown is now over as the Hg make their way back into the house. 10:00am-11:00am BBT: Jason and kevin in the KT talking about Slop and jason saying it is so hard to eat this stuff and it is making him sick, a few of the HG haved gona back to bed for awhile, Alex comes inside and talks to jason about people thinking he switched his vote last week to keep Christmas then she tells him that Christmas does not like him, Cody comes in and joins them and tells them that they got him so they need to target tyhe guys hearts and take out the women they are close to so when there is a battle back he can beat them all and get back into the game. Alex tyhen tells jason that Cody is right though we need to target the women. 11:00am-11:30am BBT: Cody and Alex talking about the past HG they did and did not like, Alex did not like derrick and Cody but Cody loved beastmode cowboy. Alex is upset with herself for messing up in the math part of the compitition yesterday, Jason and Cody then say that Alex will go far in this game then complain about everyone giving paul tickets through the HOh comp Thursday night.
  9. 7:05pm BBT: Cody and Jessica talking in the HNBR and Cody says he hope to get picked for the veto and make the others feel awkward as hell.They then kiss again and laugh. Dom , Kevin and Alex in the STR looking for food to make for tonight. 7:12pm BBT: Alex and Jason in the STr talking, Alex says she thinks Christmas got the temptation and tells Jason to not talk to her or tell her anything, he says he knows nothing at all anyways. They leave the STR to go to KT where most Hg are in there cooking talking general talk. 7:17pm BBT: Paul in the Lounge rm talking to Christmas. Elena and Josh and Kevin saying it does not matter anymore about this week and Jessica will be lost.. 7:26pm BBT: General talk going on in the house as Hg make dinner.
  10. 6:57pm BBT: Feeds are back Jessica and Cody in the HNBR hugging and kissing,all other HG are in the KT talking as Paul says no one is going home this week but Cody. Paul talks to Ramses and tells him to go on the block this week and you will be safe cause no one is going home but Cody and you could tell that Cody was defeated this week. He says you will not go home this week so lets get the job done this week. 7:00pm BBT: Camera zooms in on the memory wall and Alex and Josh have been nominated.
  11. 5:32pm BBT: Christmas, Paul, Matt, Ramses, Jason and Jessica in the KT talking about getting showers. Christmas goes to the stairs to the HOHBR and starts scooting up them. 5:40pm BBT: Cody and Jessica in the KT making food and cleaning. Paul comes in and has Jessica smell his marinating food in the fridge. in the HOH WA raven and Christmas doing makeup and talking about having each others back. 5:45pm BBT: Christmas tells Paul she got the temptation and that she had to choose three people to switch with that might get POV and she chose Cody, Ramses and Jessica but does not know what the curse is. we get FOTH as it is time for nominations.
  12. 3:00pm-3:30pm BBT: Feeds come back from Hg doing the temptation, Hg are taling about the temptation being dolls that looked like them. Jason and Josh taling about the curse and how it will curse 3 HG but they do not know what the curse is. Alex, Mark and Elena taling about the temptation as they say they did not get ir but that 3 people may not be able to play for HOH next week or might not get to vote at eviction.Alex assures them she did not win the temptation. Raven listens at the door to the Lounge to hear what Cody and jessica are saying and they said they will probably be cursed , Raven then goes and tells paul, Elena, Matt and Mark what she hear and paul gets excited. They then speculate that kevin won temptatiopn as he was asking if he could talk about this. Paul goes to talk to him. HG keep speculating who won the temptation and who got cursed. 3:30pm-4:00pm BBT: Paul continues going around tryign to find out who got the temptation he ask Josh and he says he did not get it. paul says that he does not think Cody or jessica got it but he does think Christmas or raven got it. Paul talks to ramses and tells him it is ok to use his curse this week by putting himself on the block as Cody is the plan to get out this wek and if not Cody then Josh will be leaving. 4:00pm -4:30pm BBT: Jason and christmas talking in the Lounge RM about the vote lastnight, jason said he could not go against his people in here so he voted the way he did. Christmas says she does not like her side of the house and does not want to be in jury with them but she does want to be in there with jason. Paul talks to Kevin in the HOH RM asking if he got the temptation and he denies he has it. paul then says he is going to listen to musuc and lays down. jason and Christmas repeating themselves in the lounge RM. 4:30pm-5:00pm BBT: Christmas and jason still talking in the lounge rm about Cody leaving this week and christmas says she can not wait till he is gone. Christmas tells jason he is safe this week that he is not a target and he is good. Alot of repeating in the lounge with jason and Christmas. 5:00pm-5:30pm BBT: Cody and Alex talking in the HNBR about Josh and how they do not trust him, Cody says his side of the house is good and that Paul's side is going to have to go quick Cody then says he wants Elena and dom pit of this house cause they are only about their make up not the game. Most HG in the BR talking about not getting to go outside to Monday. Jessica out of the shower and goes to the HNBR telling Cody her heart is beating fast and her chest huerts he tells her she needs to lay down and rest.
  13. 12:03pm BBT: raven tells the Hg about her condition and how every year she gets worse unlike her mom with the same condition and can not travel like raven can. raven says her mom vomits 3 or 4 times a day but she is always stuck at home. raven says i can feel my body getting worse every year like this year my legs are worse than they was last year. 12:12pm BBT: Hg sitting and standing around in the KT and the WA just general talk going on. 12:20pm BBt: Cody and Jessica in the HNBR kissing, eating and drinking coffee. All other Hg in the KT and Wa just talking general talk about make up and hair. Paul and mark are now in the Lounge rm with Kevin saying today is day 17 and Kevin says it seems like 2 years. 12:24pm BBT: We are now on FOTH possibly time for the Temptation.
  14. 11:36am BBT: Kevin in the Money BR telling stories, Cody and Jessica in the HNBR talking about maybe there will be a buy back and maybe Cameron will come back and you could beat him in a battle back. Jessica said it would be a great story line remember when Victor did that last year and Cody says i did not like him. Jessica says she loved Victor because he looked like her brother. She says just think of everyone faces if you came back into this house like that. 11:39am BBT:In the KT most HG are eating and making food.just general talk going on. Jessica and Cody repeating themselves in the HNBR. 11:48am BBT: Paul, Jason and Kevin in the KT talking general talk. Alex and Josh listening and laughing about Kevin calling the HOH BR the HOV BR. Ramses making food. 11:57am BBT: Hg just sitting around talking general talk in the KT and the WA. 11:59am BBT: Raven is showing Paul, Mark and Matt her pacemaker in her stomach and telling them how there is a lead wire with a prong on it.
  15. 9:00am BBT: Christmas in the Lounge RM with her leg propped up putting an ice pack on her foot. Jason and Alex go to lay back down talking general talk. Raven called to the DR. 9:10am BBT: Jason and Kevin talking about what they will show on the live shows and Jason says that they are not going to make people look like idiots on the shows but that is the game. Kevin says he does not understand such tension this early in the game. 9:19am BBT: Kevin and Jason seem to be going back to sleep now. Christmas with her foot propped up in the Lounge RM and an ice pack on it seems to be sleeping now also. 9:32am BBT: Jason is in the DR and all other HG are sleeping again. 9:43am BBT: Kevin and Jason up again. Cody in the STR getting things ti make for breakfast. 9:45am BBT: BB tells Kevin again to put his mic on, Jason laughs again. Christmas still sitting alone with ice pack on her foot. Cody in the KT waiting for the coffee to finish and making breakfast. Jason ask what candy crush is and ask if it is a phone game? Cody says yeah it is. 9:53am BBT: Cody and Jason in the KT talking about what Paul might do and who he wants out. Cody says they want me gone and keep her around (Jessica) and that is messed up. Jason agrees with him. Kevin comes out and tells them that he can not believe what is going on as he gets his yogurt and ask if the coffee is ready.
  16. 8:44am BBT: BB has waken the HG. Christmas and Paul are in the KT. heading to change batteries in the STR. Cody is up and getting his mic on. 8:47am BBT: Paul changed his batteries then goes back to the HOH rm and goes back to bed. Christmas in the STR getting clothes for today. She then changes her batteries. Jason is in the shower. 8:50am BBT: Kevin goes to the STR to change batteries as BB calls Christmas to the DR. Cody in the KT drinking water and just looking around then he starts spraying air freshener through the KT and LVR. Then he goes to the HNBR and spays alot in there then goes back to bed with Jessica. 8:53am BBT: Kevin in the WA talking to Jason about what has happened with the eviction and says it is what it is. they head to the KT and Kevin tells him they restocked lastnight. Kevin goes to make coffee and tells Jason to sit there he will make it. Christmas is out of the DR. BB tells the Hg to change batteries. 8:55am BBT: Josh and Ramses in STR changing batteries now Ramses seems to be having problems with is batteries. Kevin talking to Jason about his broke tooth and how it hurts. Ramses goes back to bed. Elena up in the WA with shades on looking in the mirror as she yawns.
  17. 3:08pm BBT: Jessica joins Cody in the HNRB and tells her how to lay on the spike bed with him to be comfy. he said it works anyways. Jessica says she can imagine her mom freaking out seeing her sleep on one of them beds. 3:11pm BBT: Christmas using her crutch as a gun right now. raven ask when she will find out if she can compete tonight or not and Christmas says when we find out what the comp is. Then we get FOTH.
  18. 2:25pm BBT: Paul is spraying hairspray on his hair as mark and Elena watch. Dom telling Christmas that the vote should be 8-3 so do not worry. Matt and raven sitting there agreeing. 2:28pm BBT: Paul telling Mark and Elena what each of his rings means to him,In the WA Matt and Christmas talking about missing their family. raven brushing her teeth. Dom sitting listening and watching Matt and raven. 2:32pm BBT: Christmas is called to the DR, Matt says Christmas is a loony toon and he loves it then raven agrees with him. In the Money BR Kevin, Jason and Alex talking about people and making money. 2:38pm BBT: Hg just sitting around talking general talk. 2:47pm BBT: Josh in the STR talking to the camera He says her wasn't to keep Christmas as Cody is a bigger target than him every week. he then says it is going to be one hell of a night in this house. he grabs the iron and leaves the STR. he then comes back and says you know what is funny is that i believe Cody but if Cody has not isolated me but not when he needed me but days before i would have stayed with him but he messed that up. he then says we will see what happens and another thing is i know the trust with Christmas is better on my end i do not know if she is playing me or not but i know she will protect me cause she is going to make moves and Jillian will protect me but is she going to make moves? No.One thing i know about this game is dont put your eggs in one basket but i trust Paul and Christmas so i am taking control of my game and safety.
  19. 2:05pm BBT: HG just talking about make up and clothes, Jessica is called to the DR. Kevin and Jason in the STR laughing Kevin says i do not know that this is going to work. Jason says Kevin you me and Alex and the votes will be 6-6 and Cody will get to vote. they start laughing then Kevin says he wants to play in the HOV(HOH). Jason says it is going to be a tie tonight and it does not matter who leaves tonight Paul is going to be mad but oh well. Kevin leaves and Cody comes in, Jason says it is going to be 6-6 tonight and Cody says that fine then i can say a little speech tonight. 2:08pm BBT: Jason says that Ramses and josh and all of them are going to be mad tonight and Cody says who cares. Jason then says he wants to win the HOH tonight. 2:17pm BBT: Hg getting ready and some HG eating in the KT Kevin is called to the DR and we get FOTH.
  20. 1:03pm BBT: Feeds back with Christmas and Dom in the WA doing hair and makeup. In the red BR Mark, Elena, Matt and Kevin talking about where they are voting tonight. Matt says i am voting to keep Christmas but you do what you want to do. Kevin says ok and Matt tells him do what you want to do. 1:05pm BBT: Jillian now in the Wa going to start getting ready. Kevin walks out of the red rm now asking if someone is making coffee. Jason says nah. Back in the red RM mark and Elena talking about Christmas and her staying this week. Christmas comes in the room then says she is going to go get her suitcase. mark goes to get her suitcase for her. 1:15pm BBT: Josh and mark in the STr talking about the votes tonight and Josh tells him that they had all better have his back after this tonight. mark says i promise we have your back. Josh tells him that he has no one in this house so you better have my back. 1:23pm BBT: Matt and raven in the red BR talking to Christmas. She says she is going to address the fact she is on crutches in her speech tonight and says she does not need help with anything she can do things on her own and she says she feels great. Matt says good you do not have to tell me i am with you. 1:25pm BBT: Jason, Kevin and mark in the STR cleaning the shelves and throwing away all the old fruit as Elena is cleaning the fridge complaining how bad it smells.Christmas is all alone in the red rm packing her clothes. 1:32pm BBT: Mark and Elena in the STR still cleaning and talking about eating all the chocolates. In the WA Ramses, Dom and Kevin getting ready. In the red rm Paul is talking to Christmas and he says his advise is to plan out what she is going to do and how she is going to do it and who she wants to have safety and call them all out. Paul says that is just my advise but you do what you want just remember confidence is the goal. 1:41pm BBT: Josh is cooking as Cody makes coffee. In the red rm Christmas is sitting talking to Elena and raven as they get dressed for the show. Just general talk about clothes. 1:46pm BBT: Hg are just getting ready for tonight's show and sitting around talking general talk and eating/ drinking coffee. 1:56pm BBT: Alex tells Jillian she is getting nervous now, Jillian shakes her head and Alex says for the comp. She then sits up to drink her coffee.Elena comes in and they talk about what they are going to wear tonight. BB announces the DR is temporarily closed now. Cody, Jessica and Jason in the KT drinking coffee and talking general talk.
  21. 11:22am BBT: Hg are heading to the HOH RM for a lock down. 11:24am BBT: Feeds are now on the FOTH as BB prepares for tonight's live eviction
  22. 8:45am-11:00am BBT: Bb woke Hg up for the day. Christmas talks to Josh, jason and Kevin about having their votes they assure her she is safe but then Josh says he is having attacks keeping up the act of telling her this. Alex and josh are laying in bed and Cody comes in talking to Josh. Josh tells him he has to win veto and Cody gets nervous and ask am i going on the block and josh says he does not know for sure as they do not talk game to me. Cody tells Josh he is lying to him and josh says i really do not know but you stirred the house up so just watch your back next week. Cody tells him ok lets focus on tonight's vote first then and he leaves the room. Most Hg just walking around doing ADL's and getting ready for the live eviction tonight.
  23. 3:01pm BBT: Alex tells Jason there is a crack in her cup and he tells here it is probably where the cue ball hit it the other day. She says oh yeah. In the KT Jessica and Dom talking to Cody as he cooks. Just general talk going on 3:09pm BBT: Cody and Jessica talking about going to steak houses and Cody said he paid 200 dollars for a plate of food at a steak house one time. Kevin in the BY telling Paul, josh and Jason it is so hot today. Paul hopes Bb will let them outside tonight when the festivities start. Jason asked what he means and Paul says if there is activities going on outside we get locked up so we do not hear what is going on. 3:20pm BBT: Jason goes outside to the BY and talks to Kevin and Josh about the food being so good. Talk turns to birds. In the Kt Jessica and Cody are finishing cleaning up and heading to the BY to hang out on the hammock. 3:28pm BBT: Cody and Jessica talking about people need to tell her what they can do for her. she says that Matt and Elena are good competitors but what can they do for me. Cody tells her she is talking to loud and she stops talking. 3:35pm BBT: Just general talk going on in the BY. Bb says no napping. Jessica talking about people having bad skin. 3:45pm BBT: Kevin in the WA with Ramses shaving the back of his neck. Josh in the pool whispering to Dom (can't hear them).
  24. 2:10pm BBT: Lunch is ready and most Hg are eating telling Raven how good it is. 2:16pm BBT: Dom helping Christmas get in the shower in a chair and helping her to cover her foot so it will not get wet. Jillian doing make up as most Hg in the KT eating ravens lunch she cooked everyone. Paul and Kevin in the BY talking about being safe next week. 2:25pm BBT: mark laying down and most Hg just sitting around talking general talk.
  25. 1:02pm BBT: Raven in the KT making baked mac and cheese. Mark says oh i have had that before it is amazing. Mark helping Christmas get a drink and Elena sitting there watching. Jessica and Dom in the WA doing make up and hair just general talk going on. Most Hg in the By playing pool and laying out. 1:10pm BBT: Paul and Kevin playing pool. Kevin complains the pool table is to hot to lay your hands on so he has to shoot the ball without laying a hand on the table. Paul and Jason laugh at him. 1:17pm BBT: Jason goes to the Lounge to talk to Christmas and he tells her that he thinks everyone is lying in this house and christmas agrees with him. She tells him he seems calmer today than before. he says he is after walking. Christmas ask can i just watch you two walk everyday cause it is to funny. 1:18pm BBT: Christmas asking if they have any ground turkey to make burgers tonight on a grill. Jason says Paul told him they gave them a grill last year. Christmas says she is excited. 1:34pm BBT: Hg sitting around the house and the BY just general talking going on. raven making baked pork chops and mac and cheese for lunch. 1:41pm BBT: Paul in the red rm talking to the camera asking himself how he is doing. he then answers himself saying he is fine. he then says he is keeping the calm so tomorrow there will be paranoia. he then thanks all the military people on feeds.he then says lets all be nice to each other and concentrate on the homeless people and feed the people in our country and work on education. 1:48pm BBT: Hg are just hanging out with each other. No game talk as they are enjoying the Holiday. 1:58pm BBT: Lunch is almost ready as Hg are waiting and watching Raven cook. Paul, Christmas and Jason in the Apple rm just talking general talk.



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