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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:02am BBT: Alex gets called to the STR she gets out of bed and goes then goes back to the HOHR and gets back in bed. Jason laying on the couch telling her he is going over his Speech for Matt so he can be taken off the block. In the KT Paul and Christmas are watching Matt fold towels. Just general talk going on. 11:08am BBT: Kevin says he is going out to walk in the BY. BB comes on and says why do you not understand Wake up. Paul starts laughing says Elena. They are trying to get her up. Paul then says that was rude of BB. 11:16am BBT: Josh in the BY riding the bike and talking to the swan in the pool. In the KT Paul, Christmas, Raven and Matt laughing. they then talk about evictions and going on slop. Elena goes to the BY to lay in the sun laughing at Josh for talking to the swan. 11:20am BBT: Feeds just went to FOTH could be POV meeting.
  2. 4:55pm BBT:In the HOHR Josh is talking about Elena going home Thursday as he says she is shady and lies about things he then says he is done. He leaves the HOHR with Christmas Alex and Jason still there talking about Cody still needs to go. Christmas says she does not feel safe with Cody there. In the WA Kevin is talking to Cody saying he knows nothing in this house. Paul goes to the Wa as Cody goes to the WC. 4:58pm BBT: Jason , Christmas, Alex in HOHR talking as Kevin comes in Alex says do not say anything with him there.Paul then Joins the HOHR then Josh comes in and they are talking and laughing. 5:02pm BBT: Josh saying that Elena's word is crap. Alex says she does not need the money her mamma and daddy will buy her anything she wants. Josh then says y'all do whatever you want and put who you want up cause i want nothing to do with her. 5:05pm BBT: Paul goes to leave the HOHR then Jason gets up to leave and Alex trips him and he falls to the floor.In the KT Josh is eating as Elena walks around making herself a drink. Mark now joins the HOHR and says Christmas you are such a good sport. She says i am here i am playing. mark then ask where the headphones are. 5:10am BBT: In the BR Kevin tells Elena 5000 dollars and Elena smiles and says i needed it then says i am sure Alex is not happy with me. She leaves as Jason comes in. 5:16pm BBT: Cody and Elena in the HNR talking about Elena taking the 500 dollars. she ask am i a bigger target for taking that and Cody says yeah. he then laughs they they was mad. 5:18pm BBT: Paul walking around the house. raven in the WA talking to Matt who is in the shower.Paul is now going back to the KT where Cody and josh are cleaning. 5:25pm BBT: Elena and Josh and Kevin in the lounge rm talking and josh says he does not get alcohol Josh then leaves. Paul talks about being connected to Christmas. Jason has to wear a unitard. Mark is now called to the DR and Paul says yes we are drinking the beers. mark runs to the DR. 5:31pm BBt: Mark, Alex, Christmas, josh and Paul in the HOHR talking about getting drunk tonight and talking about all their exes.Raven comes in and says she hurt herself again and Alex tells her she needs a bubble to live in. 5:34pm BBT: In the HOHR Alex is upset that Elena took the money and she has to cook hot dogs. Kevin now heads up to the HOHR as Cody sits in the KT alone. Alex tells him they was talking about dinner and they are excited.
  3. 9:03pm BBT: Kevin, Elena and Paul in the STR getting a snack, Mark comes in and gets something from the fridge. Paul asking mark what happened with Him and Christmas and he says that he and Cody was just talking and Christmas took it wrong then Elena goes to talking and is whispering very low. 9:08pm BBT: Alex comes down the stairs with her mask on in black clothes and looks like a mime and is jumping out at people as they laugh. she then runs back upstairs. 9:18pm BBT: Kevin and Christmas in the STr eating M&M's he ask her what is up with her and mark she says nothing everything is fine. he then tells her that Cody, mark and Matt all need to leave the game soon. 9:26pm BBt: Alex and Elena in HOHR talking general talk about their hair and coloring it. Paul, Jason and mark talking about today's comp and where they was in the house when the sounds were played in the house. 9:29pm BBT: Josh goes to the HOHR where they are all talking about the comp today and how they tried to keep Cody from getting points so he would not win. In the Kt Cody is still deep cleaning. 9:34pm BBT: raven and Alex go to the STR, raven gets a pizza to cook. and Alex is asking where Christmas is and if she wants food. They tell Alex Christmas is in the DR. 9:35pm BBT: Jason goes to talk to Kevin and says come on pal whats going on and Kevin says nothing. Jason starts telling him what is going on and Alex comes in and Jason tells her to leave him alone for five minutes and he will be in the KT soon. She leaves and Jason whispers to Kevin. 9:40pm BBT: Kevin in the Wa drying the floor around the shower, Elena is helping Jason clean his face. Cody still cleaning the KT and thinking if he wants to sweep or not. Paul and Josh in the HOHR talking general talk with mark. 9:45pm BBT: Jason and Alex in the KT going to make bacon and eggs while Cody finishes the cleaning. Kevin is just walking around watching and helping Cody put things up.
  4. 8:00pm BBT: Alex and Paul still talking about Kevin talking to much. Paul says ok it is you me Jason Josh and who Raven and Alex says yeah maybe but Christmas is about to explode and Paul agrees that Christmas is going to lose it. Alex says if Christmas can get herself together they can keep her but mark no. Paul says ok let me talk to Christmas but we have to do something about Kevin he is getting on my nerves. Alex agrees. 8:08pm BBT: Paul says ok i am going to go talk to her (Christmas) and you go talk to him cause Jason is finally starting to get it.Alex says yeah he is. 8:13pm BBT: Paul in the KT with raven and Matt eating a snack. In the BR Elena tells Josh and Kevin that it would be nice not to pack again this week but if i have to i will . 8:18pm BBT: Paul goes to the BR and Kevin ask Paul if he took a shower and he says no Alex is in the shower. he ask if he was listening to music and how it was and Paul says great. 8:22pm BBT: Christmas and mark have been talking about the argument they had earlier and then talk about working together. They Hug and say thank you to each other for their talk. 8:29pm BBT: Raven ask Christmas and mark if they want bacon as they leave the lounge rm and they say no thank you. Paul goes to the lounge rm and sits down as Christmas goes to the WA waiting to go to the WC. Cody comes in and waits also. 8:32pm BBT: Elena, Kevin and Jason talking general talk in the BR as Josh appears to be sleeping. In the Lounge rm Paul is talking to Christmas now He yells her to keep everything going and she says she talks to zero people. he says they are talking and Paul says that Kevin got mad cause you didn't tell him about the ring and she says i know. 8:35pm BBT: Kevin walks in on Paul and Christmas saying he is getting in the shower. He leaves to go shower and Christmas starts whispering to Paul about her talk to Mark. Paul then tells her he wants to take Josh as far as he can cause he has not messed with him at all. 8:39pm BBT: raven and Jason go to the WA to do nose strips and face strips to pull the blackheads out. He says he feels like it is clean and raven tells him we are about to find out. Kevin is in the shower. 8:43pm BBT: Jason goes to the HOHR and says Jesus you been in that shower for an hour. She tells him listen to music or something. He gets the headphones and then says i do not want to listen to that crap. 8:46pm BBT: Paul and Elena are talking in the BR but there is so much banging on pans that you can not hear them but Paul says you are fine do not worry. 8:47pm BBT: Alex is now out of the shower and she ask Jason who the first person to jury is and he says i do not know yet and she says it is going to be Cody right? Do you agree? Paul comes in and tells Jason that Kevin is driving everyone crazy and Jason says i feel like he is worried about what is going on in the outside world and Paul ask why and Jason says i do not know. they laugh. 8:50pm BBT Paul and Jason talk about Kevin saying that he gets weird when you ask about Kevin wife and that his daughters get mad if he comes home drunk and he is not allowed drinks at home. Jason says i think maybe he was an alcoholic once and Paul agrees. Matt comes in and Paul says lets call him out but not bad but Cody has to be back doored this week. Paul says lets get Cody out this week and if it is a double eviction Kevin leaves behind him or Elena. Everyone agrees as raven comes into the room. 8:54pm BBT: Christmas is now going up to the HOHR. Matt talks about how people are flipping and needs to go. Alex opens the door for Christmas as she puts a facial mask on. 8:57pm BBT: Mark, Cody and Elena in the KT, Elena getting a protein shake as mark and Cody clean the KT. Kevin is now out of the shower. Christmas in the HOHR telling Alex about conversations she has had tonight with mark and Paul.
  5. 2:55pm BBT: Most hG in the STr getting food to cook and saying g we are going to have have nots for sure so they want steaks before have nots are picked. Paul, Kevin, Matt Josh and Christmas in the STr still cheering and laughing. 2:58pm BBT: Most HG in the KT cooking wearing different color shirts. Jason and Kevin in STr talking Kevin ask who she is going to nominate now Mark and who? Paul comes in and talking stops. 3:00pm BBT: Kevin ask Alex what she is going to do as she comes into the STr and she says ummm i will think about it.Everyone but Alex and Matt now leave the STR. Alex gets toilet paper then leaves to go to HOHR. 3:03pm BBT: Kevin gets yogurt and goes to his bed to eat it. Kevin the ask Paul if he will play Veto? Paul says i do not know. Kevin then says if he wins veto then Matt goes home. Kevin then tells Paul that Alex will not talk to him she only talks to Jason. Paul says they are close man you know. Kevin says we are close to man i talk to him all the time. Paul leaves the BR. Cody sitting alone in the HNR. 3:12pm BBT: Elena in the STR and mark comes in she tells him congrats as he has won the safety . 3:15pm BBT: Kevin giving a lesson on how to keep your shoes looking new by stuffing the socks in the toes of them. Kevin tells Jason he tried hard and Jason says we will talk to Alex tonight when things settle down. Kevin says you can just talk to her Jason and come back to me and Jason walks out saying ok that is what will happen. most Hg in the KT making steak and potatoes. 3:18pm BBT: Jason and Alex in the STR talking about making sure that Paul gets to play POV. They then speculate what the Comp might be. Alex thinks it might be rolling a ball. 3:22pm BBT: In the STR Alex and Jason still talking and She says she might put Paul and Elena up and if Cody gets picked to play POV and wins then Matt might have to go home as he lost the Temptation comp and is the 3rd nom. 3:30pm BBT: Most Hg in the KT making food and prepping for dinner tonight just general talk going on. 3:35pm BBT: Paul, Elena, Jason and Alex talking about Elena being a pawn this week but she is afraid there is a chance she can get voted out. Paul tells her to pick him for the POV. Kevin is just sitting listening. Alex is whispering very low. Josh yells he is going to use her bathroom and she runs and tells him to put the toilet seat down to use the air freshener. 3:38pm BBT: Christmas comes in and joins Paul and the group as they talk about whos name gets pulled for POV. Paul tells her and Elena to please choose him to play POv if they get house guest choice.about there is a one in 12 chance that Cody. 3:45pm BBT: Kevin talks to Elena in the WA and tells her that she is fine this week and she says i know i am and i am fine with this. Kevin leaves and goes back to the BR. In the KT Mark, Josh, Alex, Christmas, Paul all Listening to Jason stories. 3:48pm BBT: Paul and Kevin now talking and Paul tells him you have to try hard. Jason comes in and sits down saying Christmas is making potatoes. Paul tells Jason to please pick him for the veto and Jason says yeah yeah. 3:52pm BBT: Elena and mark talking in the lounge rm and Elena says what if i pick Cody to play the veto and she laughs. she ask mark you think he will and mark says yeah. Elena says i think he will i have always been nice to him.
  6. 12:00pm BBT: Alex quizzing Paul, Jason and Kevin on the sounds they have been hearing in the house all week. In the lounge rm Josh, Mark and Elena are talking about evicted HG and how Josh never talked to Dom. 12:06pm BBT: Paul talking about Matt or Josh throwing the Comp today to go on the block he says if it is physical then let josh throw it and Matt says that is a good idea. raven then ask Alex for a coke. 12:10pm BBT: Paul asking Alex if she thinks she should put up mark and josh and she says i think Mark and Elena and back door Cody. Matt says mark and Elena are the same player so if you put them up together they are going to know. Paul and Alex agree. Alex says she will ask for volunteers and Matt says i am always available too. Paul says that is not a bad idea at all. 12:22pm BBT: Alex, Paul, Jason, Matt and raven still talking in the HOHR about who they might put on the block.Paul says he is going down stairs for a bit so it does not look weird he being up there alot and he leaves the room. 12:27pm BBT: We are now back on FOTH showing cats playing.
  7. 11:35am BBT: mark, Josh in lounge rm talking about Josh flirting with Elena and mark says it does not make me uncomfortable. In the WA raven is laying in Matt's lap and crying. She tells Matt she has a right to pout. 11:45am BBT: Most Hg in lounge rm talking about Josh liking Elena and marks thanks him for not acting on it and letting him have a chance with Elena. Paul goes to check on raven who is still sick with her head laying in Matt's lap in the WA. Alex and Jason in the HOHR eating. 11:53am BBT: Alex ask Jason and Kevin in the HOHR if they are ready to play this comp. Kevin says we might get ready to play and then we can play. Just general talk going on in the rest of the house. 11:57am BBT: Hg are talking general talk about gold plated jewelry and we keep getting FOTH.
  8. 8:30am-9:00am BBT: Cody is up goes to the WC washes hands and then goes to KT to make coffee. Mark gets up goes to WC then back to bed. 9:00am-10:00am BBT: Josh is dancing then starts talking to the camera saying he knows that jessica is mad at him but he wishes her all the best. general talk going on in the KT then paul ask Kevin if he thinks Alex will put mark and Elena on the block. Paul then says he thinks she will. 10:00am-11:00am BBT: Christmas, paul, Alex, kevin and jason in the lounge rm talking. Christmas says she will go up as the third nominee so she will throw the comp. Paul says no cause if Cody gets picked for POV we need your vote and matt said he would go up and throw the comp. Paul tells her if it is a physical comp she can not play so they need matt to go up. We then hear kitten noises and Cody runs to the LVR for the temptation comp. We then get FOTH.
  9. 2:00pm BBT: Elena ask Jason if they were ever going to split the votes and Jason says no we are not but he then said that mark wanted to split the votes and mark says no that ws your idea it was never mine. Jason then tells her that it was marks idea but everyone is voting out Jessica now and not splitting the votes.Elena then tells Jason she is sorry but she is on the block and the talking and stares have made her nervous. 2:05pm BBT: Paul assures Elena and mark that he will not risk jessica not going home so all votes are set already for her to leave. Elena thanks him for making her feel better. 2:11pm BBT: Jason is ironing Josh's shirt then Paul comes in looking for his shirt and wants it steamed. 2:15pm BBT: Jason still ironing, Mark gets up and gives Elena a kiss. Jason goes to the STr and Alex jumps out of the trash can and scares the crap out of Jason. he yells at Alex and then laughs. She tries to talk to him and he say let me regain consciousness and then tells her that she is Satan's pet and they laugh. 2:18pm BBT Cody and Jessica in the WA getting ready for the live show. Christmas is putting make up on, Elena walks into the WA looking at Jessica's hair. BB now plays firework sounds through the house. 2:24pm BBT: Raven has finished cooking the chicken tacos, mark is making him a plate as Kevin talks about sports. 2:30pm BBt: Mark goes to the RBR and tells Jessica he is going to miss her and gives her a hug and tells her he can not wait to see her after the show and she says same to him. 2:40pm BBT: Jason and Josh still ironing. Most Hg in WA or BR getting ready for tonight. 2:47pm BBT: Hg sitting around talking general talk in the KT as some Hg are getting ready in the WA. 2:58pm BBt: Jason and Josh sitting fixing a bracelet while Alex puts make up on and Kevin watches. Most Hg in the Wa still doing hair and make up.
  10. 1:32pm BBT: Feeds are back with Elena, Jessica. Cody, Matt and Jason in the KT getting food and drinks. Paul in the red br picking at his face. 1:34pm BBT: Raven comes in the Kt and tells them she is making chicken tacos. Kevin is vacuuming the floors in the LVR 1:40pm BBT: Mark goes to the STR and Elena ask mark can i show you where all my stuff is just in case and mark says i wouldn't worry about it and Elena tells him i know but just in case. mark tells her he walked up and Jason and Kevin were talking about evicting Jessica. 1:53pm BBT: Paul assures Elena she is not getting voting out this week he says Jessica is getting evicted and if there is any one that votes another way it is to stir the house. he says to my knowledge Jessica is leaving tonight. Elena says ok and smiles. 1:57pm BBT: Matt and raven in the KT rapping and Bb tells them to stop and they yell at him they are rapping and continue again and Bb tells them to shut it down in a very low voice. Paul in the other room yells ok Satan what is that about and laughs. Paul goes to the Kt where Matt and raven tell him that Bb was talking to them for rapping.
  11. 11:05am BBT: Most HG in the KT talking about Matt shaving his face. Paul tells him if he keeps the beard his barber will trim it when he gets out.Paul then compares how long his beard is when he came in the house compared to now. he says that is the shortest my beard has ever been is when i came in this season. In the red BR Cody and Jessica are hugging and kissing. 11:16am BBT: Hg were talking general talk and then we get FOTh for HOH lock down.
  12. 10:30am BBT: Hg getting food and getting ready for the HOH lock down. Jason working on the vacuum cleaner trying to get it to work. 10:35am BBT: Jessica eating in the WA as Cody takes a shower. Raven, Josh, Paul and Christmas in the KT drinking coffee and making breakfast. 10:40am BBT: Jessica and Cody now in the BR talking about him winning HOh tonight and getting Josh out next week. Cody says i will be the only one. 10:49am BBT: Cody and Jessica on the bed in the red rm talking and kissing. Josh, Paul, Alex and Christmas in the KT talking about the first 3 days in the house and how Josh would watch people and call them shady. 10:55am BBT: Paul saying he was glad to see other Hg with tattoos when he came in the house. josh says i did not see Matt's he then ask Matt if he was wearing a long sleeve shirt and mat says i do not think so. Cody and Jessica still in the red BR talking alone.
  13. 12:04pm BBT: Paul and Jason head upstairs and Paul tells him they have to win HOH. In the KT Christmas and Alex are talking. Elena comes in with her BB bag and sets it on the table then walks back to the BR. 12:16pm BBT: Alex, Christmas and Jason in the KT talking general talk about their phone and internet. Cody and Jessica in lounge rm talking general talking about cuddling. 12:18am BBT: The camera is zooming in on an owl then goes to a mirror then back to Jessica and Cody. 12:29pm BBT: just general talk through the house. 12:39pm BBTJessica and Cody still in the lounge rm, Jessica sitting in codys lap as they hug and kiss. In the KT is Paul, Josh, Elena, Alex and Matt just sitting around talking general talk and trying to talk over each other. 12:50pm BBT: Christmas sitting in the red BR alone crying. studying the sounds that come through the house. She takes her sunshades off and feeds switch to the KT where most HG are just talking general talk. 12:54pm BBT: Mark is finally up after numerous wake up calls from BB and everyone tells him morning sunshine. raven is cleaning Kevin's finger nails as Alex hits Jason with a pillow telling him they are going to watch a scary movie together.
  14. 10:49am BBt: A new sound comes over the house as people yelling chucg chug chug and cheering. 11:03am BBT: Cody and Jessica in the WA, Jessica doing make up while Cody just sits in silence. 11:08am BBT: In the BR Paul, Jason,Josh and Alex talking about what comps they still have to play. 11:10 AM BBT: Paul says the baseball diamond BB comp last season was the hardest comp he's ever been in. Paul talks about the hard comp he's referring to will be later in the season. 11:21am BBT: Paul is talking to Josh and Alex and tells them that they need to throw the safety comp so that Cody cant win it so that he can not play in the POV and we can get him out.Josh ask who needs to throw it and Paul tells him anyone can but we might have to put mark and Matt up as pawns next week to get Cody out. 11:29am BBT: Christmas and Kevin are now talking to Paul about them reading the internet after the game. Kevin says he just does not want to be hated. Paul says no you wont be. 11:30am BBT: Cody and Jessica in the STR getting milk and looking around then we get FOTH. 11:40am BBT: Raven in the HOHR talking to Josh fixen to get a shower. raven telling Josh what her speech will be Thursday night, She says guys i am not ready to go home if you will please keep me then she laughs. Josh then says that he got mad at Mark for taking his last towel and raven laughs as she gets in the shower. 11:47am BBT: Paul tells Christmas and Kevin that he is not a fighter he hates fighting he says i will never start a fight. Christmas says you are a defender and Paul agrees . he then says he hates fighting. 11:50am BBT: Paul, Christmas, Kevin and josh telling stories in the BR about guys that Christmas has dated. In the Lounge rm Cody and Jessica are just staring at each other. 11:53am BBT: BB plays a horn that sounded awful into the house and the HG where cringing.Paul says it was a trumpet. 11:56am BBT: Jason with Paul and Alex, Kevin Christmas and josh talking that it could be any instrument and Paul tells them just a horn cause it was some kind of horn.
  15. 12:06pm BBT: Jason and Kevin walking in the BY talking general talk. and then stops to lift weights. In the KT Elena comes in and goes to the sink saying she has no energy at all because of the slop, she says she thought it would have more stuff in the slop to give you energy but it doesn't. 12:22pm BBt: Just general talk going on through the house and in the BY. 12:34pm BBT: Christmas telling a story about her going to nationals with her workouts to Paul, raven, Elena and Alex. Jason and Kevin still walking and talking general talk. 12:41pm BBT: Mark joins the BY and tells them it is hot outside today and Paul says well your laying in the sun. talk then turns to BB making them get up for the day. 12:48pm BBT: Most Hg in the BY working out or laying around just general talk going on. 12:54pm BBT: Josh nd Alex come out to the BY and josh is holding a pan and a spoon saying your boy is HOh for the week so we have to do it one more time then starts beating on the pan and singing his circus song. he then ask mark if he got it and marl says yeah. josh says good cause i am not doing it again as he went into the house.
  16. 11:45am BBT: just general talk going on in the BY with Christmas, Paul and Alex as Cody and Jessica are in the pool. 11:58am BBT: raven and Matt in the KT cooking and cleaning talking about the cameras following them. In the BY Jessica and Cody are at the pool laughing and kissing and playing around.
  17. 11:02am BBT: Cody and Jessica talking about Paul not having any power since he did not win the POV. She then says that she wants to take joshes security blanket away from josh and walk out the door with it like Big Meeshe did last year with Pablo. Cody then gets a bug off Jessica's face and she tells him do not kill a bug on my face and they start laughing. 11:08am BBT: Jason telling Paul and Christmas about being a clown as they sit in the BY.In the KT Jessica is now making a bowl of cereal while Josh is cooking eggs. 11:20am BBT:Cody in the KT cooking, Kevin walks in then Matt walks in, no talking at all. In the BY Christmas, Jason and Paul still talking general talk.
  18. 11:03am BBT: Christmas and raven still doing make up in the WA, Jessica eating while Cody sits and drinks coffee. 11:07am BBT: Cody and Jessica go out to the BY, Kevin tells them he put the umbrella up for them over the lounger so they will not get a sunburn. he tells them if they need a mimosa let them know. Jessica yells i need a mimosa. 11:18am BBT: Raven in the WA putting her weave in while Christmas and Matt watch. Cody is brushing his teeth. In the BY Kevin is walking and talking to Jessica then we get FOTH.
  19. 8:17am BBT: Christmas and Josh in lounge rm talking, Josh says what ever we talk about is between me and you only. Christmas says i know i trust Paul but i want to know what you want to do and i was like yesterday i was like what do you want to do Josh? Christmas says just tell me what you want to do i am like a sounding board and Josh says i know. 8:20am BBT: Josh says i am going to tell you this but not Paul cause he wont understand this but i want Elena out she is locked in with Cody and Jessica and others but i need her out she is a liar because i asked her why she voted me out and she lied to me so i need to backdoor Elena. He then tells her if Jessica or Cody saves themselves then Elena is going up and i want her to go. 8:26am BBT: Christmas and Josh still talking he says he is not going to tell Paul that he wants Elena out unless Cody or Jessica take themselves off the block then he will tell Paul that he wants Elena gone.Christmas tells him not to let Paul kick him out of his HOH rm and Josh says i know. Christmas tells him that Elena needs to be back doored. 8:35am BBT: We get FOTH as BB tries waking the HG again. 8:41am BBT: Christmas and Josh still talking about how many voted they would need to get Elena out. Christmas says we will need 5 votes actually unless it is Jessica and Cody then it would be four to four and you would break the tie. Josh says yeah that would work. 8:45am BBT: Christmas says she wants Elena out since she tried getting her on the block with Cody so that people would vote her out. then feeds go to FOTH.
  20. 11:01am BBT: HG are doing ADL's and making breakfast before the HOH lock down. 11:12am BBT: Jason is getting trash together to take to the STR. Alex and Christmas making shakes to take to the HOHR. 11:18am BBT: We now have FOTH as Hg are on HOH lock down.
  21. 10:03am BBt: Jessica gets up goers to the KT and her and Cody hug and Kiss. She then heads to the WC. 10:13am BBT: Cody and Jessica in the lounge rm talking about using the hex tonight and winning HOH. Jessica then starts telling him she had a dream about being out of the house but when she woke up she forgot. Matt and raven in the KT playing around while making breakfast. 10:29am BBT: Cody and Jessica kissing and hugging in the lounge rm , Raven and Paul in the KT talking about this is the second pot of coffee today. 10:46am BBT: Jessica says she has her speech ready for tonight and hopes she does not forget it all. they then talk about IPhones. 10:55am BBT: Raven goes to the HNR to tell them it is almost time for HOH lock down if they want to get slop before going up. they start to get up and leave the room.
  22. 9:20am BBT: BB wakes the HG and tells them time to get up for the day and there are fresh batteries in the STR. 9:31am BBT: Cody is up goes to the WC washes hands then goes to the KT gets a cutting board out. BB says "wakey wakey HG there are fresh batteries in the STR. 9:42am BBT: Elena is up walks through the KT, ASk Cody what time it is while he is cooking steak and eggs for his breakfast. 9:48am BBT: Alex goes to the WC then washes hands then heads back to bed. Cody has finished making breakfast and is washing his dishes and making coffee. Paul is now up and heading down stairs. 9:52am BBT: Cody is getting upset that the coffee pot is running everywhere except in the pot. He has used alot of napkins to clean the mess up off the counter. he then goes back to eating. 9:58am BBT: Cody eating breakfast, all other HG sleeping.
  23. 12:04pm BBT: Kevin and Jason still talking and walking, Christmas looks to be sleeping as she lays in the sun. Cody and Jessica watching Kevin and Jason. 12:18am BBT: Cody and Josh are in the KT cooking but not saying a word to each other. Jason and Kevin still walking in the BY with Jason saying he never walks he runs everywhere and how he hates walking. 12:28pm BBT: Most Hg up in the KT making food or in the BY working out. 12:29pm BBT: Paul goes outside with the snap chat glasses. Christmas in the KT talking to raven, Matt and Josh. Paul comes back in showing Christmas's cast. They then talk about which coffee is which, Paul says the regular is decaf and the decaf is regular. Josh starts laughing. 12:38pm BBT: Cody and Jessica now on the hammock talking general talk while all other HG are in the house doing the snap chat with Paul. 12:52pm BBt: Jason and Alex studying dates in the BY, Cody and Jessica still laying on the hammock. Paul in the Kt making breakfast. 12:59pm BBT: Bb says HG this is a lock down please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
  24. 11:02am BBT: Paul putting a jacket on after feeding the fish then heads downstairs. Paul then goes outside where Kevin and Jason are walking the BY. 11:08am BBT: Jason, Kevin and Paul in the BY talking about past HG and Kevin says he watched a show about a old guy that wore military shirts all the time and had an old lady that drank alot from New Orleans. Paul says that sounds like our season. 11:12am BBT: Paul says they just thought they could bully their way through here.Kevin says yeah he never says anything he just walks away then he says it has been raining. Paul ask how you know that it could be dew and he says no even the apples are wet.Kevin then says it is August the first and Paul says yeah we are almost done and there are still twelve people ion the house. 11:20am BBT: Kevin and Jason back to walking after doing laundry. Christmas just came out of the DR and we get FOTH. 11:25am BBT: Christmas goes to the BY and they ask if that is a new cast she says yeah a new one, They ask how it went and she says it went great i got the stitches out and they are very happy with it. BB says in a stern voice" It is time to get up for the day" 11:28am BBT: Cody and Jessica in the STR getting a banana then heads to the KT. Matt in the KT getting coffee. 11:44am BBT: Cody sitting alone in the LVR drinking coffee. Kevin and Jason still walking the BY while Christmas lays in the sun. 11:50am BBT: Jessica and Cody now in the BY listening to Jason, Kevin and Christmas talking about Birthdays and Jessica says her dads and brothers birthdays are this month. Then Kevin talks about playing numbers for birthdays.



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