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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:05am BBT: HG all still in bed sleeping in the RBR with lights on. 11:34am BBT: Christmas is up goes to the KT looks at the time then heads to the WC. 11:38am BBT: Christmas out of the WC now doing her hair and make up. Paul and Josh still sleeping.
  2. (update) 12:00am-1:00am BBT: Paul and josh talk about americas favorite houseguest and they think that Christmas will get it and that everyone is voting for her. Paul tells Josh that the live feeders are the ones who do all the voting on that. Christmas sitting in the hammock alone in the BY says she is going to tell Paul and josh to take each other to the final two. She then says it is cold out tonight.she then tells how it is so boring with just three people left in the house she liked when there was a lot of people in the house. She then says she does not know what Paul and Josh are thinking for final two as one of them will secure their spot in the final two on Wednesday. she then says she came into this game heartbroken and will leave heart broken as her foot is broke and so is she. she then says she does not know if she might talk to Paul and josh together to to each alone about them taking each other to final two.She then tells us that no one else would have stayed in the house and played the game with a broken foot but she did. Josh comes out to the By and she stops talking. 1:00am-3:00am BBT: Paul and josh go to the RBR to go to bed and turn lights out then starts horsing around. Christmas gets a blanket and wraps up on the hammock. Christmas then gets up and heads inside and gets in bed next to Paul. All Hg in bed sleeping.
  3. 12:24pm BBT: Paul sits up in bed gets a drink of his water then lays back in bed and goes back to sleep. 12:30pm BBT: Josh is up goes to the KT checks time then to the WC. 12:36pm BBT: Josh out of wc washes hands, stops at memory wall and looks then goes back to bed. 1:17pm BBT: We now have FOTH maybe a wake up call. 1:32pm BBT: Hg still in bed with lights out. 1:36pm BBT: Christmas telling Paul and Josh about a dream she had about writing on paper and josh says how do we even write. Christmas says i do not know. They still lay in bed in a dark room . 1:37pm BBt: Josh is up wrapped in a blanket and goes to the DR. Paul tells Christmas this guy is such an interesting human and we get FOTH. 1:40pm BBT: Josh out of Dr and goes back to bed saying it is so cold in the house. Christmas says they adjusted the temp in the house lastnight after the show. Christmas ask is it really 2 o'clock and josh says yeah. BB says Rise and shine HG. 1:41pm BBT: Josh says guys you know what i was up there for 40 minutes lastnight and Paul says no way you was up there 40 minutes he then tells Josh he was up there like 15 minutes that the DR is gassing you up. Paul says i was up there 50 minutes. Bb gets on to Josh for talking about his DR session. 1:45pm BBT: Josh and Christmas are making plans to spend a week together after the show next week. Paul ask is it cold in the house and Josh says yeah freezing. 1:49pm BBT: Josh says his back hurts as he gets out of bed, Paul in the STR changing batteries and then Christmas comes in to changer her batteries. They now look for food. 1:52pm BBT: Josh changing his batteries now talking about a simple breakfast as Christmas leaves the STR. 1:54pm BBT: Christmas making coffee and Josh and Paul talk about making eggs. 1:56pm BBT: Christmas and Josh cleaning the KT before breakfast. Paul comes in and josh says lets do eggs. they hear a bang and Josh and Paul look to see what happened and Christmas dropped a gallon of milk in the LVR and BB says thank you. Paul is asking why Bb said thank you.
  4. 11:00am BBT: HG are all still sleeping. 12:00pm BBT: Hg Still in beds sleeping.
  5. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paul tells Josh they can not mess up now if they win the next comp then Christmas will try to split them up and they can not have that.Josh goes to the KT to make food while Christmas goes to the STR. Christmas goes to the shower while Josh and Paul eat waiting for a shower as they are covered in Unicorn poop as paul calls it. Paul tells Josh if they have good DR sessions they might get beer tonight. Paul tells BB they need towels. Josh talks to the camera asking his sister to come finale night . Paul then talks to the camera saying he has nine comp wins and never been on the block, Paul says now Josh has to win part 2 so we can seal our spots in the finale. 2:00am-3:00am BBT:Paul talks to the cameras again about his wins and never being on the block this season he then thanks his fans present and future fans. Paul then talks about his parents and how proud they are of him. HG are eating in the KT talking about sleeping.
  6. 2:01pm BBT: Paul and Kevin in the LVR talking about past HG that have been in the house. Josh still doing dishes and Christmas still doing make up. 2:14pm BBT: Kevin in KT making cereal while Josh still washes dishes and Christmas in the WA doing make up. Paul looking for tweezers. 2:23pm BBT: Josh and Paul in the BR talking Paul says you and me got to study cause she will win if we dont. Talking stops as Christmas and Kevin walk in. Kevin says ok one last sit in the corner. 2:26pm BBT: Christmas goes to the STR and BB says it is unavailable. Paul ask why? Kevin is ironing his shirt. Josh is packing his bags. 2:36pm BBT: Paul talking to Kevin about different luggage he had and how the airport messed up his bag. Josh and Kevin packing their suitcases. 2:41pm BBT: Christmas in the RBR packing her things and letting air out of her float and Paul asking what that noise is. Josh says it is Christmas. Josh and Kevin still packing. 2:50pm BBT: Just general talk going on about clothes as the Hg pack their luggage except Paul who is sitting and watching. 2:56pm BBT: Christmas has finished packing and joins the men in the Br while Josh and Kevin continue packing, Just general talk going on about shopping when they get home.
  7. 1:20pm BBT: Josh in KT washing dishes, Kevin packing in BR and Paul asking form a hanger from him. Josh yells we need the clippers. 1:29pm BBT: Josh still washing dishes as Kevin dries them and Paul walks around. Josh says i need the clippers and Paul yells nope you did not say please so there for you will get no hair cut today. Christmas in the WA doing her make up. 1:40pm BBT: Paul cooking while Josh does dishes and they keep cursing at each other, Christmas yells from the other room stop. 1:50pm BBT: Christmas still doing make up in the WA, Josh and Kevin in the KT still doing dishes, Josh ask Kevin if he is done packing and he says almost, josh says i got to go pack soon. Bb comes on and says the STR is temporarily unavailable. 1:53pm BBT: Paul and Kevin go to the STR and Kevin says i am telling you they are going to backdoor me if you keep Christmas your in trouble but if you keep Josh the Jury will not vote for Josh at all i promise you. Kevin then says you will only get 50 thousand if i leave tonight. 1:55pm BBT: Paul and Kevin now out of the STR, Kevin forgot trash bags and heads back for them, he talks to himself saying she knows she is leaving she better pack her things.
  8. 11:05am BBT: Josh says he went out to every comp to compete he did not throw any comps to try to keep a target off his back i always did my best at the comps i was not throwing them. Christmas says yeah me too. 11:07am BBT: Paul goes to the HOHR and tells Kevin to come up there that he is sure the HOH lock down will be soon. Kevin says ok as he makes an egg sandwich. BB calls Kevin to the DR.
  9. 10:04am BBT: Christmas tells Kevin breakfast is ready and the time. He says thank you as she leaves the BR. Josh pouring himself some orange juice as Christmas sits down to eat. 10:08am BBT: Paul is up and heads down stairs then goes back into the HOHR. Paul tells him to put his mic on. Josh and Christmas talking about evicted HG and how they were.Paul now in the KT. 10:18am BBT: Paul, Josh and Christmas in the KT just general talk going on and Kevin still in bed sleeping. 10:26am BBT: Paul , Christmas and Josh studying by counting things in the house. 10:44am BBT: Paul and Christmas talking about past comps and laughing. Paul telling about his mom then about the round trip ticket he chose last year. 10:52am BBT: Christmas and Josh in the HOHR talking and Josh says he thinks he has earned his spot in this game and where he is in the game.He says when he hit top 7 he earned his spot. Christmas says yeah but like Raven who didn't. Josh says he is going to speak about the things he has done then says i do not know. Christmas says you need to speak of the things you have done. 10:55am BBT: Josh says we earned our spot, we worked our butts off. Kevin is up and walking through the house while Paul is in the DR. 10:57am BBT: Kevin in the BR packing his suitcase. Christmas in the HOHR talking to Josh saying she does not know what her activities are and she does not know what to do. She then says i do not know what happened to my mind in this game. Josh says i jumped in comps and i tried winning i was a beast i do not like to lose. he then tells Christmas she is so smart and learns things quick.
  10. 9:13am BBT: All HG still in bed sleeping. 9:37am BBT: We now have FOTH . Time to wake the HG. 9:54am BBT: Christmas and Josh in the KT making breakfast and drinking coffee. Paul still in the HOHR in bed. 9:56am BBT: Josh and Christmas laughing and Christmas telling Josh she was laughing at him and Paul spit water at each other, She then says i was about to pee myself laughing at you two.
  11. (update)11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Christmas and josh talking while Paul is in the DR and Kevin is in bed, They talk about Hg and their wrong doings. They continue talking general talk. Paul is now out of the DR he hides and jumps out to scare Christmas. Paul tells them he had fun in the DR then starts talking about Kevin and why he does not drink but he asked Paul for a beer when he won HOH and he only drank one. (update)12:00am-1:00am BBT: General talk going on between Josh Paul and Christmas then Paul tells Josh how part 2 of the final HOH went last year. Josh says he thinks they will make it something Christmas can play in this year. Paul then talks about social media and how many fans they will have when they get out of the house. (update)1:00am-2:00am BBT: Paul and Josh are horsing around alot with alot of screaming going on from Josh as Paul covers his face with a pillow. Kevin now up in the KT eating an muffin then heads back to bed. Christmas and Josh now head to bed. All HG in bed sleeping.
  12. 9:00pm-10:00pm BBT Kevin talks to the camera to his family in the lounge rm he says no one left in this house has won any physical comps and all the threats have been voted out so tomorrow I will tell them that and make it my point. Kevin then goes to bed to read his Bible.Josh and Paul play chess and talk about the sick fish. Josh is emotional as one fish has died and another is very sick. 10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Josh goes to the DR to ask for medication for the fish that is sick, Paul goes to tell Alex goodnight and he hopes she feels better tomorrow. Josh and Paul now in LVR working out as Kevin lays in bed still reading. Kevin comes in and Paul tells Kevin not to study for dates anymore that there will be no more days. He tells him that Alex is trying to get in your head and mess with you. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Paul now in the HOHR tells Christmas how Alex was helping Kevin in the KT. Josh comes up and they send him down to the KT to watch Kevin so Alex can not talk top him alone. Christmas then follows Josh down to supervise Kevin. All HG are heading to bed.
  13. 2:11pm BBT: Kevin brushes his teeth then heads to the other rooms looking for the other HG. He then heads back outside. Paul and Christmas still in the HOHR whispering while Josh is in the WC. 2:15pm BBT: Josh goes downstairs and goes to the lounge rm puts shades on and sits alone. 2:19pm BBt: Paul and Christmas head down to the KT, Paul goes to the lounge rm and josh says he just needs a minute, Paul ask why are you tripping? Josh says i just need a minute as he shakes his head. 2:26pm BBT: Josh in the lounge rm talking to the camera talking about hurting a friend and no one knows what he has done in this game cause he can not tell anyone. In the BY Paul and Christmas are talking about Josh being to emotional. 2:28pm BBt: Paul goes to the lounge rm and ask josh what is bothering him and he says i just made the hardest move i have ever made.He tells Josh she was mad at him but at the end is it worth it just getting there is hard and she deserves to be here over Kevin. Josh says i am just numb to everything already. Paul says only a few days left you can make it. 2:33pm BBT: Josh says this was so much easier in the beginning. Paul tells him he is tripping. Christmas and Kevin in the BY just lounging not talking. Alex still in the DR. 2:38pm BBt: Alex is now out of the DR goes to the STR and gets fruit.Paul and Josh still in the lounge rm repeating themselves. 2:41pm BBT: BB calls Paul to the DR, Kevin and Alex talking in the KT about football. Paul tells Josh before he leaves tell them you just need a moment and do not break down ok. Paul then leaves to go to the DR. 2:44pm BBT: Josh comes out to the KT and ask Alex if she wants to talk and she says no she will cry. He says he wants to talk to her and she says no i do not want to cry anymore as she walks away crying. Josh leans over the counter and starts crying. 2:49pmm BBT: Alex walking around the house collecting dirty dishes. Josh now in the HOHR in bed with his face covered crying. 2:53pm BBT: Alex tells Christmas it is so hot out today. Christmas agrees. They talk about lastnight being so nice and so fun. Alex then gets a drink and sets down. Josh still in HOHR crying under the covers. 2:57pm BBT: Alex asking Christmas about her foot and Christmas talks about the dead skin on her foot and the scab and how she is a scab picker. Alex says i wanted to pick the scab first time i seen it. She then shows Alex her foot.
  14. 7:00pm BBT:Alex telling Christmas she did not like the fighting and personal attacks against Josh, She says if it was about clothes or things it would be different. Paul in the HOHR talking to Josh and he tells Josh that if Christmas joy is ok with going on the block then thats great he said he would not mind going on the block but he better not. Paul says Alex told him that she thinks Christmas and Kevin have a deal. 7:11pm BBT: Paul and Josh still talking in the HOHr about working and their dads. In the lounge rm Christmas and Alex are talking about Kevin and how he played the game. Alex says she has never met a man like Kevin before. 7:15pm BBT: Christmas says she was supposed to be on a beach drinking all summer but she didn't do that and Alex says yeah we can not even go outside anymore cause we will have a lot of lock downs before the live eviction next Thursday. Alex then says this has been a rough summer already starting with Paul and them friendship bracelets. 7:18pm BBT: Alex and Christmas talking about past comps they played in and then about past Hg then about raven and Kevin getting this far without winning anything. 7:25pm BBT: Paul and Josh talking general talk about Paul's money in the HOHR. In the Lounge RM Alex and Christmas talking about tattoos. 7:29pm BBT: Alex tells Christmas she will not be friends after this with Josh. She says i gave him several chances and if he makes it to final two then i will give him a fair assessment but i will not be his friend when we leave here. 7:32pm BBT: Christmas and Alex go to the KT to check the potatoes and Christmas says they are done. Alex says they smell really good. Christmas yells for Paul to come cook the steaks now. 7:33pm BBT: Josh talking to the camera saying i do not know if i should flip this house and get Paul out cause i know i can beat Alex but then Christmas says she does not know if she is going to take me but i know i have made alot mad in the jury but do i stick to my work and flip this house and send Paul to jury and tell Alex everything or what. he then says it is going to be a rough week then tells his family he loves them. 7:41pm BBT: Paul making steak as Christmas watches and josh sets the table for dinner. Kevin just sitting watching not talking. 7:50pm BBT: Everyone but Alex is watching Paul cook the steaks then Christmas says it is smokey in the house. Paul looks up and says holy crap. 7:53pm BBT: Hg are now fixing their plates and sitting down to east except Alex. just general talk about food going on. 7:55pm BBT: Paul tells Alex to come eat and she says she is. She comes to the KT and says wow it is really smokey and Christmas says yeah we tried to sear the steaks. Alex is now coughing as she makes a plate. 7:58pm BBT: Paul pours himself a diet coke and says cheers to the final 5.
  15. 5:42pm BBT: Feeds are back Alex in the lounge rm crying telling josh she does not want to talk game to anyone and that this is just a game. she says i do not want to talk about it that it is just a game. Josh hugs her and says you are my friend and that will never change. She then says she is ok as josh leaves the room. 5:45pm BBT: Kevin is called to the DR Alex leaves the lounge rm and josh goes in there as Christmas follows him then Paul comes in and Josh says he is an awful person cause he got rid of Jason . Paul says Josh this is a game it is ok. Paul says do you know how strong Alex is in this game she wants to win this game. 5:49pm BBT: Paul telling Josh he is ok and how he called a girl a name and they voted against him. He says Davone voted against him. Paul says it is a game just get to the end. Josh says he is not thinking about anything just how they all feel about him. Paul says why you may not make it to final two if you are thinking this way. 5:52pm BBt: Christmas and Paul comforting Josh after he nominated Alex and Kevin. Josh says he will talk to Alex later and josh says no there is no more talking to her. Christmas says why she is not doing what she says she is going to do.Paul says you are done talking cause it is not good for you cause you are hurting and she is hurting too. 5:55pm BBT: Christmas tells Josh if Alex does not go home this week she is coming after you. Josh says she is going home. Christmas says she has to go she is making you feel bad and playing you. 5:57pm BBT: Kevin in the BR alone looking at the wall. Josh, Paul and Christmas in the KT cooking steak. Alex comes through and Paul tells her he is making steak and she says she is not hungry then goes to the lounge rm counting in silence on her fingers.
  16. 3:05pm BBT: Alex and Jason in bed sleeping while all other HG are sitting in silence as Josh and Paul play chess. 3:17pm BBT: the chess game is over and Josh wins. He gets up and leaves to go downstairs as Paul sits and looks at the board sitting with Christmas and Kevin. Alex and Josh now in the STR looking for food and talking about steaks and hot dogs and Alex rolls a coke under the counter to hide it then puts another one in the fridge. 3:24pm BBT: Jason, Paul, Alex and Kevin in the KT as Paul and Alex decide on dinner, Steak, creamed spinach and potatoes.Paul then goes up to the landing with Christmas and sits down whispering very very low. 3:32pm BBT: josh talking in the mirror to BB and Paul tells him he is going to get a stop that. he walks to Paul and Paul ask why you gassed up and they start horsing around and BB tells them to stop horsing around. Jason in the KT laughing at them. 3:38pm BBT: Christmas and Paul in the HOHR talking and Christmas says i will put them up anyways and and just say what i was going to say and i will be the tie breaker anyways no matter who wins the veto. Kevin comes in and talk stops. 3:44pm BBT: Christmas listening to music in the HOHR and Paul walks in with drinks for them. All other Hg in the KT making pizza. 3:46pm BBT: Paul and Christmas whispering sop low you can only hear part of the conversation he tells her she might have to do damage control. 3:50pm BBT: Paul telling Christmas that they need to do damage control with Alex and if they keep her safe she will be ok. Christmas says she does not think that Alex and Jason will freak out at all that they will think it is part of the plan to get Kevin out. 3:52pm BBT: Paul says he wants to keep all of this between you me and Josh and Christmas agrees. They then talk about food. Paul then says my point is here If we get Jason out then Alex has no one else. Paul ask who would you put up as a replacement now raven and Christmas shakes her head yes.
  17. 12:06pm BBT: Jason still telling stories while Kevin washes dishes. 12:11pm BBT: Alex and raven in the KT talking about what the POV comp might be. Alex says it could be the black box or the coconut one where there is bouncy balls for coconuts. Christmas in the HOHR alone just looking at pictures. 12:13pm BBt: Jason and Kevin in the BR talking about houses and shares. Alex comes in and gets in bed. Raven heads up to the HOHR with Christmas. 12:19pm BBT: Christmas and raven talking in the HOHR, Christmas says if we take one big competitor out this week then she (Alex) might try to team up with someone else. raven says i hope Josh wins HOH next week. Christmas says me too. They then talk about Jason being shook up lastnight but he seems better this morning. Christmas says yeah he was shook up over that comp. 12:21pm BBT: Christmas now listening to music and raven heads back down stairs.Josh and Alex now sleeping and Kevin sitting in bed being silent. 12:33pm BBT: Kevin and Jason laying in bed talking general talk about being on the streets and in prison. Raven in the HOHR doing her make up while Christmas listens to music. 12:39pm BBT: Paul comes to the HOHR to talk to Christmas and raven he ask what are you thinking and Christmas Alex. Paul says Alex knows since she is attached to Jason that her game is messed up cause of the things he has been doing. Paul says if you put them both up and then Jason wins then sorry. 12:48pm BBT: Paul and Christmas going over what her speech will be at the NOM ceremony and she says she needs to tell Jason that he is a strong competitor. Paul says yes i can handle that one. Just says that you need to get a strong male competitor this week and if all fails then Alex goes.
  18. 11:04am BBT: Hg in the KT after BB called for an indoor lock down making breakfast and drinking coffee. Just general talk going on. 11:11am BBT: Christmas, Alex and raven in the KT just having girl talk about working out. 11:21am BBT: Kevin just got out of the shower, Alex in the WC, Paul, Christmas and raven in the KT talking general talk. 11:30am BBT: Paul, Alex and Raven in the KT talking about if BB will push the show back a week for the holidays. Paul tells Alex he does not think they do that. Alex says i hope you are right. 11:33am BBT: Josh joins the KT and Paul says he is going to go with my gut instinct that this will end on the 25th maybe the 21st. Jason comes to the KT and we get FOTH. 11:48am BBT: Jason telling stories about being drunk and going to clubs and getting DWI's with Paul, raven, Christmas and Alex. 11:55am BBT: Hg still just sitting in the KT talking general talk as they wait on the nomination ceremony.
  19. 9:00am-10:00am BBT: BB wakes the HG. Christmas goes to the STR and notices the Apple tree is lit again and goes on to the STR after looking at the memory wall and gets food. Christmas goes back to the HOHR then back down the stairs and the BY is now open she then goes and wakes up Josh to talk about noms. She ask him what to say her reason is for nominating Jason and Alex.Josh tells her to boost Jasons ego and not let Alex and Jason know that this is the house plan and they need to stop anyone from picking an apple from the tree so there will not be a second veto.Christmas talks about telling Alex she is doing this cause she can not get Jason out by herself so she is doing for her because Jason is good at comps. 10:00am-11:00am BBT: BB wakes the rest of the HG Alex and Christmas talk about letting Kevin pick an apple to see if Christmas might get an reward.HG talk about what to have for breakfast.
  20. 11:07am BBT: Matt getting dressed in his orange shirt after taking his shower. raven just walking around the WA. Jason and Kevin in the KT talking general talk and laughing. 11:13am BBT: Christmas now up in the KT with Jason and Kevin making breakfast. BB tells Matt to put his mic on. Raven ask Jason if there is still toilet paper upstairs and he says he does not know, Matt says he will grab some there is alot in STR. Paul now up going top the KT saying his eye is messed up. Alex still in bed sleeping. 11:18am BBT: Most Hg in the KT making food and coffee before the HOH lock down, Josh is now up getting dressed. 11:20am BBT: BB ask all HG to please report to the HOHR and we get FOTH as the HG prepare for tonight's live eviction.
  21. 10:55am BBT: Matt in the shower, Raven eating as she watches Matt. Jason up and goes down stairs, raven tells him good morning. All other Hg still in bed sleeping. 10:57am BBt: Kevin up in the KT and Jason comes in says he has to get his stuff out of the HOHR that they have 30 minutes till HOH lock down. 10:59am BBT: Jason drinking coffee, Kevin making a protein shake in the KT talking general talk.
  22. 12:00pm BBT: Jason and Alex in the KT talking about Kevin and agreeing Kevin is a liar. Jason says i was just listening to whatever Kevin said. She then ask him what everyone was giggling about lastnight and Jason asked when then says i went to the DR so i do not know.BB calls Paul to the DR. 12:12pm BBT: Jason and Alex in the KT cutting up with each other as Kevin sits and eats his slop. Kevin gets up and helps Jason get the trash together. Raven and Matt in the red br packing their things. 12:14pm BBT: Paul comes to the KT and Kevin ask how his night was as he looked at his eye and Paul says his eye is messed up. Jason ask is it black yet and Paul relies no but it is messed up.
  23. 11:00am BBT: Kevin says he is not going to stop trying or shut down this is a game and there is nobody left so i do not talk to nobody except you. He then says they are going to keep pushing me around till i finally snap and i did get mad and started yelling. He then says when he leaves he will not talk to her cause this is a game its a game i made it seventy six days. Jason says yeah and that is good. 11:02am BBT: Kevin says i have nothing to hide nothing. Kevin then says i rather them l;eave me alone i only tell you things i do not lie and i never lied to you but she is running around eating in my face and yelling. Kevin says i am not talking to nobody i mean that. Jason just agrees with him. 11:09am BBT: Kevin and Jason still in HOHR repeating themselves, Kevin says i have not even thrown comps i just have not won one. Jason laughs. BB tell the other HG sleeping is not permitted during the day. Jason tells Kevin Alex does not like Kevin calling him J Kevin says i call all my friends by their first letter. 11:15am BBT: Matt walking around the house from room to room. Jason and Kevin still in HOHR talking about next week, Kevin thinks he will leave and Jason tells him he does not know what will go down and we get FOTH. 11:18am BBT: Kevin in the HNR laying down and Matt in the KT taking vitamins. 11:30am BBT: Kevin laying in bed in the HNR and Matt in the WA mirror looking at himself.everyone else still in bed sleeping. 11:55am BBT: Matt still in the WA alone doing ADL's and Kevin still in the HNR laying down just looking around. 11:56am BBT: Jason now up in the BR whispering very low to Alex. BB calls Josh to the DR.
  24. 12:30pm BBT: everyone but Kevin in the Kt sitting and standing in silence. 12:32pm BBT: Kevin comes inside sits at the KT table and everyone is silent just looking at each other. 12:35pm BBT: Raven kisses Matt and tell him she will not campaign against him. All HG are sitting in the KT And Paul says in Jason mind right now is why would anyone want HOH. Jason and Paul laugh. 12:37pm BBT: Matt says ok Kevin and Jason lets be honest did you two vote me out last week. Kevin says no i swear on my kids i voted mark out so why don't you ask EVERYONE ELSE THAT. Matt ask Jason if he did and Jason says well and Matt jumps up calling him a punk. Jason says he is going to sit and say nothing but when you calm down i might answer. 12:42pm BBT: raven crying again and tells Matt she will not campaign against him and she tells everyone else they can all come to her but she will not go to them she says she rather go to jury then be a liar. She looks at Matt and ask what he wants for dinner. 12:45pm BBT: All HG except Christmas are in the KT area in silence just the clanking of the spoon hitting Paul's cup is all you hear and raven sighing. 12:51pm BBT: Matt in the BY taking his shirt off and applying sun tan spray so he can lay out. All other Hg still in KT sitting in silence. 12:53pm BBT: Paul asking everyone if they have ever smoked a hookah and they say no. he tells them it is tobacco. BB calls raven to the DR. Matt has jumped into the pool alone. 12:55pm BBT: Paul. Jason, Josh and Alex talking and laughing about raven attacking Jason as Christmas listens and eats her lunch.



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