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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 8:20am BBT: We have FOTH could be a wake up call. 8:44am BBT: James, Brandi and Ross in the KT making breakfast and coffee. Ari in the HOHR doing ADL's. 8:54am BBT: Brandi in the HOH going to get a shower as Ari puts her makeup on. Mark,James, Ross and Marissa in the KT talking how crazy Marissa looks. She says she swore she would never look like this on TV.
  2. 6:56am BBT: After a brief FOTH Shannon is in the WA doing ADL's. 7:01am BBT: James is now up and goes to the WC. 7:03am BBT: James comes out of the WC and goes back to bed without washing his hands. Shannon doing make up in the WA. 7:07am BBT: Shannon finishes her make up and says ok lets do this i just need to change tops and do this one more time.She leaves the WA goes to the BR and gets clothes then heads to the LVR changes tops then goes to the DR. 7:31am BBT: Shannon still in the DR, all other Hg still sleeping. 7:42am BBT: Mark is up and goes to the WC after looking at himself in the mirror. 7:45am BBT: Ari is now up and heads downstairs. Mark out of the WC and is now doing ADL's and cursing. Ari in the KT making breakfast. 7:59am BBT: Mark goes back to bed, Ari made oatmeal and is taking it upstairs to eat. Shannon out of DR gathering clothes in a dark BR.
  3. 11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Shannon telling metta that it will hurt her heart and charity if her fans hate her and how she is upset she is leaving third. She then tells him that he will get everyones vote if he makes it to the end as he has played a DR Will game. metta says he does not know who DR will is so Shannopn tells him who Dr will is and mike Boogie Hg are all getting ready for bed then get in their beds. All Hg appear to be sleeping.
  4. 2:02pm BBT: James, Ari, Omarosa and Marissa saying that Shannon wont talk to anyone right now, James says all we can do is make her feel comfortable this week and have fun. Omaroas says if Metta is in the final two she is voting for him to win. She then says if he is in final four she is still voting for him. 2:05pm BBT: Ross and Omarosa go to the STR looking for meat to cook she ask can we mix turkey and meat together? Ross says i do not think it matters Ari wont eat it anyways as they leave the STR. Back in the KT general talk still going on with everyone but Shannon who is still in bed. 2:18pm BBT: Hg still cooking and eating. Mark says he is going to have his third lunch as Omarosa made sloppy joes. Just general talk going on about different foods they like. 2:45pm BBT: Most Hg still in the Kt talking general talk as they clean the KT up. 2:48pm BBT: Ross in the HOHR and says i just want to tell you that i went to the room where Shannon was and James comes in and says i want to talk to you and it is game but i want you to know i did not go against you so if Shannon comes to you and says that i did it is not true. Ross then says that James ask who they are going to put up next week and he told James he did not know. Brandi and Marissa said oh really James did? Ross says yeah. 2:53pm BBT: Brandi telling Ross, Marissa and Ari that Ross needs to tell James that they will be three strong if James wins HOH and Ross said who are the three and Brandi says you mark and James. She says he has to put up Omarosa and Metta if he wins. They think says if there is a double eviction tomorrow as they think it will be then Omarosa needs to go home in the double eviction.
  5. 1:27pm BBT: Shannon and James in the WA and Shannon tells James he needs to break up Marissa and Ross if he wants to win this game. Ross in the HOH WA telling Ari and Brandi that Shannon is going to say anything to stay now. 1:30pm BBT: Shannon goes to bed. Marissa in HOh telling Ari that everything is ok that she is just after you now. Ari says don't leave me alone with her please do not leave me alone. Marissa says we won't it will be ok. Omarosa in the KT making food with Metta, Mark and James. 1:33pm BBT: Ari and Ross following Marissa to the KT to fix food. Shannon is in her bed with sunshades on not talking to anyone. James and Ross in the BR saying they want to talk later to see what to do if James wins HOH and Ross says yeah we can talk later buddy. 1:37pm BBT: Mark has been nominated as the replacement nominee. All HG except Shannon are in the KT eating and making food just general talk going on 1:53pm BBT: Hg still in KT eating , cooking and general talk going on.
  6. 12:00pm-12:30pm BBT: Just general talk going on then Ross and Marissa go to HOHR and joins Ari and Brandi they talk about who to put up on the block after James uses the veto. either mark or Omarosa is going up but they cannot decide which one as they want Shannon to be evicted this week. we now get Puppy Cam as they do the POV Ceremony.
  7. 11:10am BBT: Hg just talking general talk. 11:16am BBT: Marissa and Ross talking about Shannon and how she needs to go and if James wins HOh this week then we have him get Omarosa out next. Ross says ok. Ross wonders if he could beat Brandi in the final 2. 11:30am BBT: Shannon in the HOHR pleading her case and trying to stay in the game. She tells them she is alone in the house and wants to stay.Shannon stops talking when James pops in the room. He leaves and Shannon tells Brandi and Ari that there are couples in this house that need to be split up.Ross and Marissa walk in and talk stops. 11:35am BBT: Shannon is telling Brandi that Metta said he would go u[p on the block and go home so Shannon can stay but Brandi tells her that she talked to everyone already and she does not think Shannon will stay and that they might need Metta to get James out of the house. Shannon tells them that it would be better to break up Ross and Marissa. 11:45am BBT: Shannon repeats herself to Brandi then starts braiding Ari's hair. 11:52am BBT: Marissa now in HOHR with Shannon, Ari and Brandi just general talk going on as Marissa lays on the couch.
  8. 10:12am BBT: Mark, James and Metta in the KT talking general talk and making oatmeal. Shannon sitting in the LVR alone, Ross walks through and goes to the KT talking about oatmeal. Shannon gets up and goes to the WA sneezes and puts on lip gloss and we get FOTH. 10:25am BBT: Most HG still in bed sleeping, Mark, Metta, Ross and Marissa in the KT counting stars in the house and general talk. 10:35am BBT: Marissa, Metta and mark in the KT talking. Marissa tells them that Friday is a two hour live show so maybe there will be a double eviction and we get FOTH. 10:42am BBT: Marissa and Ross in the STR talking and Marissa says i will do whatever the group wants to do i will do. Ross says ok. Marissa says if they want him out i will go that way. Marissa then tells Ross that she talked to James and he said he had to break from everyone. Marissa says she told him it was not him they did not trust it was Shannon. Ross keeps nodding his head. Ross leaves the STR. In the KT Mark and Metta are talking general talk.
  9. 9:03am BBT: HG are up, Metta and James in the WA talking about Shannon as they do their ADL's Ross and Shannon are in the STR changing batteries. 9:04am BBT: Ross and Marissa in the STR talking about sitting down with Shannon and telling her that he went with the plan. Marissa says it is risky but Brandi will be ok. Marissa heads to the KT and tells Mark there is no more Starbucks coffee he will have to make Folgers this morning. mark says he is ok with it. 9:06am BBT: Metta and Shannon are cleaning the bathroom. Mark, James, Ross and Marissa in the KT just general talk about coffee. Metta walks in and says it is cold, Marissa agrees and tells him to go back to bed to get warm. 9:16am BBT: just general talk going on in the Kt with Mark, Marissa, Ross and James as they wait for their coffee to finish making. Shannon in the WA doing make up. 9:25am BBT: Ross in the BR drinking his iced coffee watching Shannon put laundry away. Marissa in the KT talking general talk with Mark and James. all other Hg still in bed sleeping. 9:37am BBT: Ross waiting for Ari to get up so he can get a shower in the HOHR. Marissa tells him to just leave his stuff up there since he is using her shower. Marissa says i am not taking a shower in the goo shower either. James says the goo is probably the cleanest thing in the shower right now. Marissa and James start studying and counting things and events in the house. 9:51am BBT: Metta , Marissa and James talking about they only have 11 days left in the house. James gets in the bed to lay down. Metta is in his bed telling James that Shannon wants to stay and he feels bad for her. Metta gets up to leaver and James tells him not to say anything to Shannon and he says he is going to go talk to Ari, James tells him Ari is asleep and metta says i will wake her up. He walks in the KT tells mark he is going to go talk to Brandi. 9:55am BBT: Metta comes back down after seeing Brandi and Ari still asleep and he is upset he says he is not going to sacrifice himself for her game and mark says no way she is crazy and drives me nuts. Shannon in the LVR eating breakfast alone. 9:58am BBT: Metta in the KT telling James and Mark he is going to make oatmeal. Mark gets called to the DR.
  10. 1:00am-2:00am BBT: Metta and Shannon talk about his brother going to jail for ten years when he was seventeen. Shannon tells Metta she is an only child and how she always wanted a brother. Brandi talks about BBUK and how different it is than this game.just general talk going on with the HG in the BY.Brandi then tells Shannon she has an idea and winks at her and says we will talk later. Shannon smiles at her and nods. Brandi leaves the BY and heads to the HOHR. In the HOHR Brandi talks to Ari and Ross about how bad she feels for sending Shannon home. Brandi tells her that Shannon will not protect her iof she keeps her. Brandi tells Ari she never promised Shannon anything but feels bad for her. Ari says i feel bad for her too but we agreed to do this . Ari says I gave her a chance to win the veto and save herself but she did not win the veto.Brandi then says she is crazy if she keeps metta over Shannon and Ari tells her she will be happy if Metta wins this game. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Ross and Marissa talk about who might be going up on the block when james takes himself off the block, ross says he will vote anyone but Ormarosa. Shannon and metta talking . Shannon terlls metta it feels like they have been in this house for a year.Shannon goes on talking to Metta about if she stays in the house she will help him as she can not remeber anything in past seasons or this one. metta tells her if she stays this week and he gets HOH he will work with her. Metta gets up and heads to bed asking for Bb to turn the lights out. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Ari in the DR as Brandi eats waiting to get in the DR. Brandi finally goes to bed. Ari comes out of the DR dancing and heads to take her make up off then heads to bed. All HG in bed for the night.
  11. 9:01am BBT: Keshia,James,Chuck and Mark in the KT making coffee and breakfast. Marissa and Ross in the BR talking about other people are making deals and Marissa says she is not going to play like that she is not going to make those deals. 9:13am BBT: Ormarosa goes to the BR and ask if the princess is up yet and Brandi sets up saying she is getting sick that she always gets B12 shots and she has not had one since she got here. 9:17am BBT: Marissa and Shannon talking about people turning on them as Shannon puts lotion on her arms. Marissa gets up out of bed to get ready for the HOH lock down. Ormarosa and Ross in the WA doing ADL's
  12. 8:39am BBT: We have WBRB as BB wakes the HG. 8:54am BBT: Marissa and Ross laying in bed awake whispering about James. Keshia in the HOH WA brushing her teeth. marissa talking about how she needs to play for herself. we get FOTH
  13. 11:00pm- 12:00am BBT: Ariadna and Marissa are tsling about keeping James but are worried about Omarosa winning HOh next week and coming after them. Brandi says it would be better to keep Jmaes evem thopugh she likes Chuck better than James. Marissa says she will change her vote and flip if Ross and shannon really want her to but then she worries about what Omarosa will do as she feels like Omarosa is playing a different game to change her life. Marissa thinks it is to early to flip the votes and Ross agrees. Shannon tells Ross she is number 5 in the group and will go first and Ross ask her what she means and Shannon says i am a target but i have no final two deals with anyone. Ross thinks he will be a target sooner than later if they flip the votes this week. talk continues about flipping the vote or not 12:00am-1:30am BBT: Brandi talsk to james and tells him they are doing him a favor by saving him as he lays betweenn the beds listening to her. Shannon tells James not to tell Messa anthing cause he will go back and tell everyone . Ross goes to Ariadna and ask if she has made her mind up and and she tells him that Jasmes is staying. Ross then says he can not trust James. Ross wants to go to bed but talk conitues as they can not decide who to vote out. Ross leaves and goes to bed. Hg now going to bed and taking make up off.
  14. 10:00am BBt: Christmas ask if they can eat at the breakfast table. Josh says he is excited about leaving here and seeing family i am glad we got to spend time here and Paul says friendship and they all agree. We get FOTH
  15. 9:00am BBT: We just got FOTH as BB wakes the Hg for the last morning in the house. 9:17am BBt: hg laying in the RBR in the dark and josh says the memory wall went black and Christmas and Paul says what he says the memory wall is blacked out. Paul yells well this is it the last day. Josh says this is the last day we wake up together in the BB house. 9:20am BBT: Josh tells Paul to scoot over he is coming in the bed with him and Paul says nope nope nope. Josh getting out of bed says scoot over i am coming in. he lays back down in his own bed and covers back up. 9:23am BBT: All 3 HG laying in the dark in silence. 9:50am BBT: Josh says i know i have cried all summer and i will probably cry all day today this is the best day of my life and and i am excited i love these two people in here. Paul comes in and josh says i am going to miss you. Paul says i am not gonna die and josh says i know but i will miss you. Josh says thank you for watching this season i have had fun. Paul says guys if you had fun watching this great if you had fun with pots and pans and the crazy crap good thank you for watching this year. Paul then says thank you guys for letting me back in this season i hope you enjoyed it i know i did and maybe you will see this boy on BBOTT and Josh says no way no no. Paul says you wont do it again and josh says no i do not know. 9:54am BBT: Josh does shout outs to his family and friends and cousin he says i love you guys hope you are proud of me. Christmas in the KT cooking breakfast and going over her speech for tonight. 9:55am BBT: Christmas talking about her time in the house and says if yall think this is fake look at my scars. Christmas then yells at Josh and Paul saying come talk to me i am bored. Paul leaves the lounge rm saying i think we are finished now. Josh says it feels good knowing no one is watching now. 9:57am BBT: Paul says they have 8 hours left in the house then they are out. Christmas still cooking and josh is just laughing.
  16. (update)9:00pm-10:00pm BBT: Paul and Josh finish preparing dinner while Christmas does her make up, she then joins the men for their final dinner in the BB house.Josh tells Paul to say the blessing. Paul hesitates then says Friendship thanks for having my back. Christmas heads back into the Wa after eating to finish her make up and Paul comes in saying that BB wants them to do their hair and make up a certain way to go back to the beginning of the game. (update)10:00pm-11:00pm BBT: Christmas is called to the DR, Josh and Paul go lay in bed playing with their fidget spinners and talking about who came up with the idea for them and how someone is making money off them spinners.They then talk about opening their own restaurants when they get out of the house. They then talk about who they want to see when they get out of the house and Paul wants to see Ramses. Josh says he does not want to see Dom, They talk about how they think Raven will be a bitter member of the jury and Elena will just want to drink but they are not sure how Alex will act with them. (update)11:00pm-12:30am BBT: Paul gets up and heads for the shower as he gets in Christmas comes into the WA. Josh then comes in and they talk about how each Hg acted in the house. Josh says mark was not genuine. Josh then tells Paul and Christmas that he wants to get a dog when he gets home and name it Theodore, Christmas says name it meatball, Josh says Theodore the meatball.All three Hg are in the RBR in the bed (same bed) just talking general talk, Josh gets up and heads to the round be. all HG in bed going to sleep with lights out.
  17. 11:04am BBT: Paul up in the KT with Josh and Christmas getting coffee as Christmas cooks. they are talking about the music that played this morning. The BY is closed down so they have to stay in the house. Christmas says she needs a shower. 11:12am BBT: josh and Christmas eating while Paul is in the WA picking at his face. he then goes back to the KT to eat. Christmas ask is this the last full day and Paul says yes. 11:21am BBT: Josh opens a tub of cream cheese and Christmas says there is an open one in the fridge and an open jam. he says no there is not. Paul gets up and says let me prove you wrong Josh and goes to the fridge and pulls out the cream cheese and jam that was already open, Josh hushes then says i was excited for you guys to get up with me today i should have left you asleep. 11:32am BBT: Christmas telling Josh and Paul about her house and how she is remodeling it and says she can not wait till they come to visit. 11:43pm BBt: Paul and Christmas talking about cleaning house today to kill some time and getting a shower then packing so the day will go by quicker. 11:48am BBt: Paul goes to get his luggage out of the STR, Christmas goes with him. Josh is in the RBR in bed under covers.
  18. 10:15am BBT: We are on FOTh as Bb wakes Paul and Christmas. 10:30am BBT: Christmas is up in the WA brushing her teeth then goes to the WC. Paul still in a dark rm asleep. Josh just wondering around the KT. 10:46am BBT: Paul laying in bed whispering to himself about his speech on finale night. Christmas and josh in the KT cooking, Josh says he is over it now and Christmas says there is so much she wants to do when she gets out of the house. 10:51am BBT: Christmas tells josh he is going to love her shower at her house she says there is a shower stool and he says he is going to sit on that thing. Christmas says i can not wait till you guys come to stay with me. 10:56am BBT: Paul and Josh laying in the bed in the RBR talking about being bored and taking showers. then talking about how nasty mark and Elena was. Paul then says the finale is tomorrow dude. Josh says i hope so. Paul says it is.
  19. 9:00am BBT: Josh cleaning KT and doing dishes. 9:30am BBT: Josh is still washing dishes, Christmas and Paul still in bed sleeping. 9:44am BBT: Josh still doing dishes and ask BB for a broom. Paul and Christmas still sleeping. 9:56am BBt: Josh has finished dishes and is now cleaning the counters. Paul and Christmas still in bed sleeping.
  20. 8:13am BBT:Josh talking to the camera in the lounge rm.josh says i hope i win this so i can give back to my parents dont get me wrong we struggle just like other families they work hard and provide for us and i always told them one day i will take care of you he says i always wanted to give back to them. I will be happy to give back to them for working hard.he says i know i am not gonna be able to take care of them and they will never stop working but i can give back to them like go on a vacation.He says i can be the happiest man in the world but what i will always have is my happiness and my life. Thats my dream and i am gonna do it. he says i know there is only one winner but i want that. he says i know Christmas is going to go far in her job and i am happy for her. Paul i love him and he will be ok. He did an amazing job and played the best game but i can not say that to him though but he has played the best game.He says i can listen to Paul and Christmas all day and i just grow as a person listening to them and we are going to follow the world and travel just watch us on social media. he says i know you guys hate me talking but i want to talk. he says I do not know if you guys like me or not but i do not really care just know i gave it all i had. Josh then says this is my third time trying out and i made it to the end and this is an experience like no other.He says his anxiety is through the roof he can not wait to be out of here but he is enjoying it all being in the house. he says when i get out i am gonna run through walls and windows i do not care.he says the misfits we are all misfits and we all really were misfits this season. 8:24am BBT: Josh says Christmas is strong she has played this whole game this season with a broken foot she is strong. he says it is scary to walk out of here when we are done you guys do not understand i am terrified I will probably be clung to Christmas and Paul walking out of here. he says i was bad this year but everything i did in this game was strategic and for my game. he says if i upset anyone i apologize. if i hurt any families by what i said i am sorry i did not mean to hurt anyone it was all for my game and hopefully no one will hold that against me and be upset with me. I hope the Hg understand. he says alot of people played it safe i wish they had played the game though. he then talks about other Hg and how he likes them and misses them. He says much blessings thank you for listening to me talk but i am done talking now. He then says he feels like he won the lottery he then says no tomorrow i win the lottery. he says ok i am done as he leaves the lounge rm. 8:45am BBT: Josh now in the Kt taking trash out and cleaning.
  21. (update)11:00pm-12:00am BBT: Josh, Paul and Christmas playing cards and just general talk going on about the card game. the house starts shaking some and paul tells them to move to the BY. Paul says it is an earthquake. after iy is over paul says wait for the aftershock. Christmas says they just lived through an earthquake. Paul tells them they are all ok as they head back inside. Josh gets pots and pans and runs through the house banging them saying earthquake. Christmas talks to Josh and tells him to do what is best for his game if he wins the final HOH comp and to take who he thinks he can beat to the final. Paul in the other room practicing his final two speech. (update)12:00am-2:30am BBT: Card games and general talk going on. Christmas gets called to the DR and Paul tells Josh that Christmas told him to take who he thinks he can beat to the final two with him . Josh says she told me the same thing. Paul tells him that good now he can tell her that she told him to do what is best for his game. Christmas out of the Dr and the Hg head to bed. In the RBR HG are in bed lights out and quiet.
  22. (update)2:00pm-4:00pm BBT: Paul, Josh and Christmas eating out in the BY.Just general talk going on. BB calls an inside lockdown .All three head inside and go get in bed in the RBR. Christmas is called to the DR, Josh ask why she always gets called first and she says so she can relive the worst day of her life. She leaves the RBR and goes to DR. Christmas then comes back out of the DR and gets back in bed and All Hg are sleeping again. (update)4:00pm-5:00pm BBT:BB tells the Hg the lockdown is over and they all stay asleep. Bb calls Christmas to the DR again and she goes to the DR. (update)5:00pm-6:00pm BBT: Josh is now up in the WC Paul is out in the BY on the Hammock repeating his speech his will do as final two and says he will tell them that they all wanted him out but he made it to final two. he then tells himself that is money right there and then says if he does not win he will cry this time.Josh joins Paul and they both say Christmas will for sure get AFH. Paul tells Josh he wants to sleep by himself tonight as christmas makes him to hot. josh then says he gets cold at night.
  23. 1:16pm BBT: All Hg still asleep in the RBR. 1:25pm BBT: Josh up in the KT checking time then goes to the WC. 1:30pm BBT: Josh is heading to the BY and Christmas is sitting on pauls back under the covers popping his back. Paul is groaning saying he is broken and in pain. Christmas lays back down next to Paul. Josh goes back in the KT to get water. 1:34pm BBT: Josh goes to the RBR and jumps on Paul as Christmas laughs. Josh says lets go to the hammock or lets go to the pool. Paul gets up and gets dressed. 1:38pm BBT: Christmas is making coffee while Josh follows Paul to the STR. Josh goes to the BR going through his bag while Paul is getting food. 1:42pm BBt: Christmas making eggs for Paul and josh, Josh just babbling and Paul laughing. 1:54pm BBT: Hg making food and just general talk going on.
  24. 12:13pm BBT: Paul up in the WC comes out washed hands, Goes to Kt checks time and heads back to bed.



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