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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:04am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 10:01am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB wakes the HG for the day 10:18am BBT: Sam is sitting in the KT alone just looking around, Angela and kaycee getting up out of bed and getting dressed. 10:24am BBT: BB calls Sam to the DR. Kaycee goes to the KT and drinks some water. Angela in the WA doing ADL's 10:34am BBT: Angela washing dishes while Sam and kaycee sit and watch drinking their coffee. Scottie up in the HNR talking top JC and JC says he was up earlier in the WC throwing up.Scottie leaves and goes to the STR to change his batteries. 10:49am BBT: Sam, Kaycee, Scottie and Angela in the KT talking about when their Birthdays are, Angela goes to the WA. BB tells the other HG that you must be awake between the hours of 10am and 10pm. 10:55am BBT: Kaycee runs up the stairs and says she is going to go wake Tyler up she goes in the room and turns the light on and jumps on top of him yelling wake up. Tyler says dammit you sacred me and they laugh. 10:58am BBT: kaycee telling Tyler what songs were played this morning and starts singing and BB tells her to stop singing, She tells BB she was telling her friend the songs thats all as she leaves the HOHR and turns the lights off, Tyler tells her he will be down in a minute.
  2. 9:04am BBT: All HG still sleeping. 10:01am BBT: We now have FOTH as BB wakes the HG for the day.
  3. 12:03pm BBT: Sam, Haleigh, Tyler and Kaycee in the KT still talking about the speech for the veto comp. sam tells Haleigh she did so good but Haleigh is mad at herself. sam says don't be but now you have to come up with a good speech for Thursday. 12:13pm BBT: Most HG in the KT talking genera talk. Angela laying in the BY in the sun. Scottie gets coffee and goes back to the PBR then back to the KT.Scottie now goes to the BY and gets ready to workout. Sam has come out to do laundry. 12:22pm BBT: Scottie running in the BY while Angela lays in the sun. JC has gone back to bed, Tyler, Brett, Haleigh and Kaycee in the KT eating and talking about going to bars and buying their friends shots. 12:26pm BBT :Kaycee ask Tyler if she can have a drink in the HOHR and he says yes they go to the HOHR and kaycee says you know why Haleigh was acting the way she was yesterday? She says it is because Scottie told her that you told him that he was the pawn this week. Tyler says i never told him that. Kaycee says i know but that is why she was acting that way. 12:35pm BBT: Brett now on the HOHR talking to Kaycee and Brett about Haleigh having 5 final 2 deals with Bayleigh, Rockstar,kaitlyn, Scottie and of course we all know she has a final 2 with Faysal. They continue to talk about Haleigh's alliances and how she plays the game. kaycee says she thinks she is playing a flawless game. Brett, Tyler and kaycee say they can not trust Haleigh at all. 12:44pm BBT: Brett and kaycee repeating themselves in the HOHR, kaycee says it is going to be a good week. Brett says yeah a good week and it should be a double eviction maybe. Angela and Haleigh in the BY talking about bikini tops while Scottie runs. 12:52pm BBT: Brett, Tyler and kaycee in the HOHR talking about live shows and how sometimes CBS goes to their hometowns and talks to your families. kaycee says i wonder who's town they went to. Sam in the WA down stairs looking in the mirror. Angela goes to the WC then heads to the KT.
  4. 11:50pm BBT: Feeds are back with HG hugging and talking loudly as they separate and leave the LVR. Everyone talking about the speeches and saying how great they was then laughing more. 11:52am BBT: Haleigh says she forgot to flex when she was making her speech that there was supposed to be flexing. Scottie talks in a weird voice saying roses are Red. Tyler laughs and says i hope that makes the show. 11:56am BBT: Angela goes to the BY and says back top the sunshine. Scottie is in the BY saying he wanted to do a barrel roll. Angela ask how would you do that? Scottie laughs and says i don't know. Kaycee, Haleigh, Tyler and Brett in the KT laughing about the speeches and how much they cursed and kaycee says she did not cuss and Brett says yes you did when you forgot what you was going to say. kaycee says oh i did and they all laugh.
  5. 11:02am BBT: Brett and Haleigh go out to the BY to let the awnings down. They are talking about bathing suits. 11:04am BBT: Tyler in the KT getting himself a drink, Scottie comes in and they talk about items sitting on the KT island. Sam comes in and says good morning. In the BY Brett and Haleigh are sitting drinking coffee and talking general talk. 11:10am BBT: BB calls for a Out Door Lock Down. HG start to make their way out the the BY. It is time for the Veto ceremony.
  6. 9:00am-9:30am BBT: BB is waking the HG and telling them to get up for the day and telling Tyler to turn his light on as it must remain on during the day. Sam takes Tyler breakfast to his room and then leaves and goes back to the KT to drink her coffee and all is silent. 9:40am BBT: JC goes to the WC after changing his batteries then heads back to bed. Sam makes herself a bowl of cereal. BB tells some of the HG it is time to change batteries. 9:54am BBT: BB calls all sleeping HG by name telling them it is time to rise and shine for the day, Sam walks around the KT drinking coffee and smiling. 9:56am BBT: Sam now laying in the WA mumbling to herself. 9:58am BBT: Sam is singing in the WA and BB yells please stop singing. Sam jumps and laughs and says then wake everyone else up so i have someone to talk to, BB calls everyone else by name and says what part of wake up do you not understand WAKE UP. Sam starts laughing.
  7. 3:00am-4:00am BBT: Tyler and Angela in the HOHR sitting on the bed holding hands as Sam comes up to bring Tyler some of his stuff, Angela hides in the BA while she is there. Tyler gives Sam a big hug and tells her to come hang out with him a lot this week. Angela takes a shower in the HOH shower then wraps a towel around her and lays on Tyler s bed with him for awhile as they talk about the intercom not working anymore. Angela thinks the other Hg are waiting to go to bed until she goes down stairs. Tyler said yeah they did that to me last week too. 4:00am-5:00am BBT: HG getting ready for bed and going to bed to sleep as they say they are tired. All HG in bed going to sleep as BB turns the lights out.
  8. 2:00am-3:00am BBT: Haleigh still saying her head and neck hurts and she is going on the block this week. Tyler is called to the DR. Brett goes to the HNR where Haleigh and Scottie are and he tells them he only sleeps with JC cause all the comforter are in the HNR. You can hear Tyler in the DR as Bb ask him if he knows who he will nominate this week and Tyler says probably Scottie and Haleigh. Tyler comes from the DR and ask if anyone wants to see his HOHR. Tyler gets his room and gets a letter from his mom.
  9. 1:30am-2:00am BBT:haleigh laying in her bed in the HNR complaining her neck and head hurts andf she is not feeling well. Scottie comes in and she ask him to stay with her. She tells him that she told Fasayl all week that she told him so. JC is in the shower, sam is doing ADL's in the WA.
  10. 10:05am BBT: we now have FOTH as Bb wakes the HG. 10:24am BBT: sam in the KT washing her hands. Brett and JC sleeping in the PBR. 10:26am BBT: sam goes to the STR and comes out with the vacuum cleaner and starts straightening up the LVR then goes to the KT to put dishes away. 10:37am BBT: sam is in the KT eating a bowl of cereal, Kaycee changes her batteries then heads to the WC after telling Sam good morning. 10:45am BBT: Tyler is now up and changes his batteries then goes through the KT, sam ask if he slept ok and he says yeah. Tyler goes to the WC where kaycee is doing ADL's in the WA and they say morning. BB tells the HG I said it is time to get up for the day. 10:48am BBT: Angela is up and packing her things in the HOHR to move it all back downstairs. Tyler, kaycee and sam in the KT drinking coffee and talking about the music BB played this morning. 10:55am BBT: We now have REELS.
  11. 10:03am BBT: We now have FOTh as BB wakes the HG for the day. 10:23am BBT: Brett is sitting in the WA drinking a cup of coffee. BB tells Angela the bedroom lights must remain on during the day, Angela grunts and Tyler gets out of the bed and turns on the lights then gets back in bed. 10:28am BBT: JC laying in bed saying you know i am not a morning person. sam sitting up in her bed drinking coffee. 10:38am BBT: Tyler leaves the HOHR, JC comes out of the WA and goes to the BBR. Kaycee, Brett and Tyler in the KT talking about dreams they had and laughing. 10:41am BBTL Brett is putting foil on a pan so he can make bacon in the oven again. kaycee is laughing. Tyler goes to the BBR and lays down with Sam, Sam is rubbing his back. Just general talk going on as the Hg wake up. 10:53am BBT: Brett cooking breakfast while Tyler, kaycee and Angela watch and drink coffee and water, Just general talk going on. Sam laying in her bed looking at a pillow and picking at it.
  12. 9:01am BBT: House is still dark as all the HG are still sleeping. 9:33am BBT: All HG still in bed sleeping.
  13. 2:05pm BBT: All feeds on HG laying out in the sun in the BY . No talking going on. 2:24pm BBT: Angela in the KT making herself something to eat, Tyler watching her as Brett sprays himself with tan spray and Angela tells him it smells like Malibu. Haleigh in the By laying out telling Kaycee, sam and JC about her acne. 2:43pm BBT: Tyler, Brett and Angela cleaning the KT. Sam, Haleigh,JC and kaycee in the BY laying out and talking general talk about bugs. 2:49pm BBT: Sam ask JC if he wants to learn to swim he says no because she is not a certified lifeguard. 2:52pm BBT: Brett in the KT making fish, Haleigh comes in and ask if she can help he tells her if she wants to chop veggies and the pineapple that would be helpful so she gets the cutting board out and starts cutting the pineapple.
  14. 1:00pm BBT: Haleigh in the shower talking to Sam while she curls her hair, sam says her hair isn't as curly as it used to be that it could be because she fried it with colors. In the BY Brett and Angela talking while Brett is in the pool. 1:11pm BBT:Tyler is in the KT cooking while JC watches him, kaycee goes out to the BY and checks on the laundry. Brett in the pool talking to Angela as she sits in the sun. 1:18pm BBT: Faysal in the KT washing his dishes, sam has put on her bikini and is fixing to go out to the BY. JC sitting in the KT while Tyler eats. Kaycee and Brett floating in the pool and Angela sitting on the side of the pool with her feet in the water, Just general talk going on. 1:24pm BBT: JC in the KT talking to Faysal as he gets slop about sam making the coffee to weak. Faysal laughs at him. In the BY Brett jumps in the pool and splashes Angela and kaycee. Tyler comes out to lay in the sun as sam is fixing her spot to lay in the sun. 1:35pm BBT: Angela, Brett, Tyler, Kaycee and Haleigh are all in the pool floating and splashing around, sam is laying by the pool in the sun. JC in the KT making iced coffee while Faysal watches him and making a bowl of slop. Just general talk going on with everyone. 1:55pm BBT: most Hg in the BY laying in the sun no talking going on, Brett, JC and Faysal in the KT and Faysal tells them that the BY is closing early tonight.
  15. 10:06am BBT: sam in the WA clipping her nails as kaycee sits quietly in the KT drinking her coffee. 10:12am BBT: Sam in the shower. Tyler now up in the Wa doing ADL's JC gets up and goes to the WC. BB calls Brett to the DR and tells Angela there are fresh batteries in the STR. 10:20am BBt: Angela comes down the stairs to go change her batteries and complains her legs hurt so bad. Brett is in the WA doing ADL's while sam is still in the shower. kaycee is sitting in the KT fixing her bracelet. 10:43am BBT: kaycee finishes her bracelet and goes to show sam who is now out of the shower combing her hair. kaycee wishes there was elastic for it but she has none. Sam tells her to go get elastic from her bikini she has been getting it from and kaycee says its ok it will work this way. She then tells sam her roommate made it for her. Angela is in the HOHR doing ADL's. Brett in the BBR opens the door to the PBR and yells in an evil laugh wakey wakey and throws a pillow at JC then goes to the KT. 10:49am BBT: Brett in the HOHR with Angela and they call Kaycee up there and angel laughs and says i hear your using the Veto on him and kaycee laughs and says yeah. They laugh about Faysal not getting off the block and how Brett wants to say i will take care of Haleigh. 10:52am BBT: Brett telling Angela and Kaycee if Faysal and Haleigh would just admit they was in a relationship he would hush and be fine with it but then he will feel stupid if they are in a relationship. Angela and kaycee says this is a game who cares if they are. They then talk about how Faysal will act with Haleigh outside if the house and being jealous all the time if she talks to other guys. 10:58am BBT: Brett, Angela and kaycee talk about Faysal coming to kaycee yesterday saying the numbers are getting low and to do what is best for her game now anyone else.
  16. 9:00am BBT: we have FOTH but the Fish are stil in the dark. 9:11am BBT: Sam is straining coffee grounds out of the coffee that they make iced coffee from. Bb tells the Hg to change batteries But all HG are sleeping except sam. 9:22am BBT:Haleigh in the WA doing ADL's Kaycee now up and changing batteries. Sam in the KT heating cinnamon rolls. 9:28am BBT: sam and kaycee in the KT drinking coffee and talking general talk, sam is heating the cinnamon rolls and cooking slop for the have not's. Haleigh in the WA flat ironing her hair. 9:40am BBT: kaycee doing ADL's while Sam cleans the mirror over the WA sinks. Haleigh has gone back to bed in the HNR. 9:56am BBT: Feeds are on Faysal and Haleigh sleeping in the HNR and in the WA with kaycee and sam doing ADL's. kaycee goes to the STR and gets things to restock the bathroom.
  17. 10:48am BBT: Faysal, Angela and Kaycee in the KT talking general talk. Brett still sleeping with feathers all around him. Scottie goes to the WA. 10:51am BBT:Brett up now and in the WA, sam ask what is on him and he says feathers. Brett lays on the couch and closes his eyes as sam is doing ADL's. 10:55am BBT: Most HG up just talking general talk in the KT as they make breakfast and sam in the WA talking about the music this morning with Brett and Tyler and we keep getting FOTH.
  18. 10:17am BBT: Lights are on in the BB house Tyler gets up and goes out of the rm then comes back with a drink and gets back in his saucer. Sam is up and says good morning. Scottie is up and goes to change his batteries. 10:27am BBT: kaycee sitting in the KT, Sam walks through talking about the songs that were played this morning and how she liked them and we get FOTH. 10:39am BBT: JC is taking stuffing out of a pillow and putting it on Bret to try to get him out of bed. In the KT Tyler, Kaycee and sam are talking about this mornings music and we get FOTH. 10:41am BBT: sam, Faysal, JC, Brett, Kaycee and Angela in the KT talking about farting and laughing cause someone smells bad.
  19. 10:24am BBT: sam in the WA getting dressed Bb tells everyone to replace their batteries. Angela and kaycee get up and stretch. Sam goes to KT and drinks coffee. 10:39am BBT: Sam, Kaycee and Angela in the KT talking about it being wacky Wednesday and laughing. All other HG still in bed as BB tells them it is time to get up for the day. 10:54am BBT: Brett and Haleigh in the BBR laying in bed talking general talk. In the KT sam, Kaycee and Angela talking general talk about restaurants. Scottie walks in and is making breakfast.
  20. 3:10pm BBT: Sam and JC whispering and sam is trying to flip the vote to keep Rockstar she ask him we are keeping Rockstar here right and JC says that kaycee is more trustworthy, Sam tells him that Rockstar is more fun than Kaycee. JC is trying hard to get sam to vote Rockstar out. JC tells her but next week could be a double eviction and we get FOTH. 3:13pm BBT: JC talks to sam about he doesn't want him and her to be the only votes to keep Rockstar though Sam says ok then we keep Kaycee and JC tells her yes. Sam then says she likes Rockstar better than kaycee and she can not help her feelings but thinks that Rockstar is a better player at this game than kaycee is. JC then tells her that once Rockstar leaves here then Brett will get closer to her and they can be a trio. sam then pinky swears with JC to vote Rockstar out tonight. 3:17pm BBT: Sam tells JC she will keep Kaycee but she needs him to stay close to her as she will be all alone now, JC says to control her emotions so the house does not see them.
  21. 2:00pm -3:00pm BBT: Brett, Tyler and Faysal in the KT and can hear the workers outside talking, Faysal says they said something about slime so now he thinks it is the slide competition,In the WA Scottie is getting a hair cut. In the PBR Faysal is telling stories when he was 12 years old and took some kids goggles. More talk about hearing workers talking about slime in the BY Brett says the slime is supposed to look like ice. HG are all getting ready for the next HOH lock down before the live show tonight. Kaycee in the lounge room practicing her speech.
  22. 1:30pm-2:00pm BBT: JC getting into a lot of trouble for singing, BB keeps telling him to shut it down and he says he will if it is said in spanish. he tells BB he does not speak english today. JC and Tyler in the KT talking about Sam and JC says sam will not vote with them cause Angela threw her under the bus, Tyler tells him that is not what happened, he tells JC that sam and Angela had a one on one and Sam said she wanted to go home so Angela said maybe we should put her up. Tyler says we will see where sam votes.



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