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  1. [The feeds have been in an out today, as have I, so no specifics ~AuntD] The HGs have been packing their belongings then stated they were bored when it didn't take as long as expected. Jag said that he was taking all of his costumes. Matt wondered if they would let him have Josh Duhamel and his polaroids back. Jag responded that BB was likely going to scan them in first so they could use them for... WBRB 4:19PM BBT feeds are on RCHS 4:22PM BBT feeds are back HGs lounging in the WA - nothing to do. Matt guesses there is a giant cake waiting for them back out in the living room if they would get up and go out there. Comparing shoe/foot sizes. Comparing sayings Bowie: Do you say Don't give a rat's ass here? Matt says yes and says "Bloody Hell". Bowie asks: do you say that here? Matt: no. Bowie: We say "bloody" everything. Bowie asks Matt if he likes dating non-athletes. He says yes, because they aren't tried from practice like he is. It brings his energy up living with non-swimmers. Bowie: And that's where Reilly comes in. Jag: You get to see Reilly tomorrow. Bowie: Are you nervous? Matt: no, I'm not nervous. Jag: Are you excited? Matt: Yeah. discussion moves to Americory - how long before they were dating/said I love you Matt: I think those two need to try out the real world first. Like they won't be together 24/7, how is that gonna be? RCHS
  2. 3:36PM BBT Feeds have returned Jag: Afterwards it seemed so easy and I felt so dumb. Bowie: I wanted to ask you what you thought. Look at us, a bunch of losers. Bowie: At least we can enjoy the rest of today now. Back to RCHS 3:41PM BBT Bowie: What a loser. LOSER. Well, I don't need to memorize anything else. She sings "What a loser. She's a big fat loser". (feeds drop) Bowie: Oh boy. Well, I won't be needing athletic gear any more. (she's packing clothes in the Scary BR) Matt shuffling cards at the kitchen table. Bowie pulling out paper to take to the trash in SR. Bowie: How embarrassing. (she returns to Scary BR for more packing) Matt playing solitaire at the table. [The house is SOOO quiet! ~AuntD] Bowie goes out to the kitchen with Matt Bowie" What a loser! Matt: Don't be like that. There were only two people competing, It's Ok. Bowie passes through again and says she's going to shower. Matt says he will take one too. Bowie: Maybe we should dress up. Matt: yeah, to celebrate. Matt back to shuffling cards - the only sound in the house.
  3. 4:11 PM BBT Kitchen Bowie & Jag reviewing competitions and who won them. Cameron had played every comp and he had only won one out of 10. Jag: He won Sludge Stackers after that to save his life. That was his second comp win ever and he was already the house target. Bowie: That's crazy. Jag: The whole story we built around Cam is way more impressive than Cam himself. Bowie: Yeah Jag: Everyone's comp champion - now he's a Piggy Pal. Next discussing Jared's performance Jag: The wall was impressive for Jared, but you could have cooked him. Bowie: Yeah, I could have. Jag: If I'm third, they'll say "I told you so, You should have taken out Matt". Jag: They're going to say "I told you so" no matter what we do. Bowie: We made it 100 days. Jag: We literally made it all 100 days. I felt good when mama Fe walked out. Discussing the turmoil Jag went through making the decision to keep Matt. Jag: It's always harder to do the right thing. I appreciate you talking to me and helping me out. It feels right and like something I won't regret. Something I can live with and sleep with. The money isn't everything. The money comes and goes. Bowie: Yeah, it was the right decision. Jag: I appreciate you. Bowie: If I was an asshole I could have said "yeah, that's a great idea" but you would have felt bad. Jag: It's so cool that the 3 of us made it to Day 100. No one else has been in the BB House for 100 consecutive days. We are the only ones. There's no other squad I would want. Bowie: The end is special. you want to be here with your mates. Jag: It feels cool that it is us. Matt joins them at the kitchen table.
  4. 7:15 PM BBT Jag will not give up on his pursuit to sway Matt into getting rid of Cirie. He has shot down every argument for Cirie that Matt has offered. Matt says lifestyle wise, he likes Cirie better as she is nice to everyone and Jag agrees, then finds another reason NOT to keep her. Jag: The thing is... Matt: Here's how I see it. You have to decide because if you win HOH, you have to know who you can beat cause I can't play in this one. Jag: I feel like I HAVE TO win. I know we say that every time, but this time it's true. [I think Jag can go all night with his same arguments to evict Cirie. Not sure why he needs to convince Matt because he is not able to vote on Thursday since he is HOH. ~AuntD]
  5. 6:00 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the backyard as they finish dinner. More talk about the competition - floating while trying to keep something stacked up. They speculate about getting Halloween costumes. They tell Jag with his hair down he could play the lion. He then tells Matt that he would be the scarecrow and Bowie Jane the Tin Man [no mention of rolls/costumes for Cirie or Felicia - he seems to be done with them. ~AuntD] Bowie Jane asks if they can get scary make-up so they can spend the day doing each other's faces. 6:07 PM BBT Felicia has been telling a long story about traveling in bad weather. Bowie Jane & Jag take the opportunity to clear the dishes and head to the kitchen. Felicia says to leave her plate as she's going to finish it. They all comment that they have a lot of food leftover. Jag & Bowie in the kitchen discussing who is the better person to keep in the house. Jag: We have to make the case that she has played in less competitions, but she has done well and may just kick it in next week. She did good in this shuffleboard competition. Bowie: And she's smart, she just hides it. Jag: yeah, she's smart. Bowie: He will get to keep his jury vote. They are running scenarios about how they move forward with Felicia staying. Jag explains that the next noms really don't matter, that the veto is what is important. Bowie: The temptation is that Felicia is beatable. Jag: Oh for next week? Bowie: I'm just saying if people start making deals. Jag: Oh, I'm definitely not taking her. Bowie: Cirie has not burned any bridges in this house. Jag: I would be open to hearing why he thinks one over the other and could change. Cirie interrupts to ask the time. Jag & Bowie return to their conversation and say that Felicia is anti-Cirie. Bowie is washing dishes while Jag watches and keeps talking about the competition they completed today. Bowie seems to be still seeking reassurance from Jag that they are still working together. Cirie comes in and asks if they have a hand to give bringing in the food from outside and Jag goes out to help while Bowie finishes dishes. Bowie: That was delicious. Jag: Thank you for dinner, that WAS delicious. Felicia: Oh, no problem. Everyone working together to clean up. They complain that it is getting cold outside. Felicia: Fall is definitely in the air. You think they could deliver some Starbucks or something? Cirie: We need a space heater. Bowie: We need an open fire, Big Brother. I'm starting to get bossy and demanding because I'm bored. Well not demands like Miss Felicia here. Felicia: I've made requests... WBRB
  6. 5:40 PM BBT Felicia & Cirie getting dinner ready Felicia: You can tell these kids are used to somebody else doing everything for them. Now I don't understand Bowie Jane cuz she's 50!
  7. 4:57 PM BBT BY Matt has been helping cook dinner Jag invites him to play pool Matt: I'm on grill duty. You think I would be immature like that? Jag asks where Jambalaya is from Felicia and Matt tell him it's from the south, Cajun food Jag asks the difference between Jambalaya and Gumbo and Matt explains. Jag & Bowie continue playing pool while Matt, Cirie & Felicia cook dinner [all is mellow and cooperative in the BB house ~AuntD]
  8. 4:37PM BBT Jag and Bowie playing pool in the BY. She tells him that she was adding to his (pile ?) for him to win. He said he didn't know she was trying to help him. Bowie: I thought we were a three? Jag: We are. I just had to give it to him. Bowie: No, I'm not mad. General pool talk
  9. 2:20 PM BBT HG in hot tub except Bowie Jane who is drying her hair in WA They are discussing meal times and what to cook. They decide they need showers before eating, so Jag heads out, followed by Matt to shower. Cirie: what are you thinking? Felicia: It's questionable what they're going to do. They should be saying "you did it, final four". All he has to do is pull one down and put Bowie Jane up. They are reviewing the competition they just had. Bowie Jane comes out and Felicia yells across the yard about switching laundry. Cirie says that the heat is back up in the hot tub and her muscles appreciate it. Cirie: Bowie Jane, I was right by you girl! Bowie Jane: Yeah, thanks for waiting for me that one time. Cirie: Oh course, what am I going to do, push you over? Cirie: I was one away from you when mine dropped. Bowie: I saw a splash in my pool, but it must have been your stuff falling over. It was a fun one. It wasn't crazy athletic or anything. [conversation has stalled...] Felicia: Jag usually takes long showers doesn't he? Bowie Jane: yeah, cause he has to wash his hair. more discussion of what they did in the competition. [floating in a pool?] Bowie: How quiet is it at night now? Felicia: oh, stupid quiet. Bowie: especially having no one in Scramble. [planes overhead} Bowie Jane: Well, good outcome. Cirie: Yeah, are you happy with it? Bowie: I could tell he was so far ahead. I'm glad it wasn't a memory comp or something. But in the end, you just do it. Cirie: yeah. Bowie: I started to slide under the water and day dream. Cirie: What about? Bowie: I just had to tell myself to concentrate Cirie: Either I'm sweating now or water is dripping from my hair. Felicia went in to check on Jag in the shower and reports back that he has about 10 more minutes. Bowie: what about HOH shower? Felicia: Matt is in there. Discussing why they had to get up so early BB: STOP THAT. Cirie: Why does he have to sound like a parent? when I get out of here, I'm gonna say so many (curse words) Bowie: and if you want alcohol, you just go to the liquor store like a normal person. Cirie: No, I send Honey. Cirie is the last on out of the hot tub and Bowie reminds her to get her necklace she set off to the side. Bowie: I wonder what faces we were pulling as it got harder. Felicia: I just kept checking on how many I had left. Bowie checking on laundry.
  10. 1:53 PM BBT feeds came back briefly to show Bowie Jane walking around the kitchen. Matt, Felicia & Cirie in the hot tub. Bowie comes out and asks "how's the chlorine?" WBRB Jag & Bowie Jane in the kitchen Jag asks her to come out to save him from talking about game with the other HG's Jag: I just want to enjoy the spa right now. WBRB Felicia inside looking for something Bowie asks "Do we have to wear them?" Bowie Jane microwaving some food. Jag has joined Cirie and Matt in the hot tub. "This is only like the fourth time we have used the hot tub." Felicia returns and is surprised that Jag is out there. Bowie Jane brings her food out and sits beside the hot tub "It smells chlorine-y"
  11. [Feeds are dropping in an out this morning and not all cameras are on] 8:45AM BBT Felicia in the kitchen making cereal with banana for breakfast. Matt comes down from HOH, greets her and they hug. Matt: I was down at 7am for a DR. Felicia: It's cold this morning. Matt: Yeah, I was cold when I got out of the shower and usually I'm sweating. They move to BY with other HG Felicia says that she wanted to talk to Cirie but didn't want them to turn the BR lights on. Jag asks why they didn't turn on the lights when America and Cory were talking. They speculate that it was because they were in the same bed together - on top of each other. Jag jokes to Felicia that next time she should lay on top of Cirie to whisper to her. Felicia laughs loudly and Matt asks Jag to explain what was just said and he also finds it funny that Felicia would have to climb in bed with Cirie to talk to her. 9:00AM BBT BY Jag & Matt talking about next moves Cirie & Felicia in the Kitchen talking about next moves
  12. 7:00PM BBT Upside down BR America: There's no point in me doing that any more. They don't believe me, they know I'm not with them, I'm with you guys. Bowie: Yeah. Cirie passes through. America: I haven't showered. Bowie: I shower too much. Only once today. America: Only ONCE today? Bowie: well I shower in the morning, then after I use the bike... America: I feel like everyone wants to go to bed early, so getting called in at midnight is really late. America: The only constant is... Bowie: Change. Matt comes in and chats with them. America tells a story that Matt thought America got into bed with him, but it was Jag. America: I'm going to turn Cory's pictures so he's not watching. Bowie says that Matt hung something up and conveniently covered up Cory's picture already. They are trying to find a couple name for America and Matt, Bowie: How quickly we forgot Cory. America: I miss you Boo! They discuss that there is a cup of Cory's pee in the room. Cirie hears this from the next room and comes in to ask if that is true. They joke some more and Cirie asks "What's in the bottle America?" She responds "pee" then says it's a citrus quencher. Matt & Cirie go into Comic BR to whisper together, Cirie leaves and Matt is still talking... to no one. [the camera pans around the room to show no one there} 7:08PM BBT Blue & Felicia are in the kitchen talking about food & cooking Matt goes back into the Upside Down room and jokes more with America and Bowie. America is playing with a squeeky toy. America says that she should "pack and shit. I have to pack all of his stuff too". They discuss outfits that Cory has worn. Conversation has stalled, so Matt leaves. Matt passes through the kitchen where Blue & Felicia are still talking about food...and Blue's nails. Matt teases Cirie in the WA, then goes into the WC Cirie waits for him to come out to whisper more game plans with him and guessing who will go up next. 7:15PM BBT Back in the upside down BR, Bowie is coaching America on how to have an Australian accent by repeating headlines and random phrases. Bowie tells America she sounds somewhere between British and Polish. America points out that Americans move their mouth when they talk. Bowie says that's why it is hard for Matt to understand her because she doesn't.
  13. 5:56PM BBT Dinner is ready and set up outside. Felicia says a prayer and the houseguests respond with "Amen" then "Thank-you". Everyone eating together in the back yard.
  14. 4:50 PM BBT Felicia has been prepping chicken to be grilled for dinner and "the boys" are supposed to grill. While Cirie and Felicia have been in the kitchen, Matt & Jag are upstairs drinking with Bowie and America. Felicia calls for the guys to come down and get the grill going because chicken takes longer to cook than burgers. Bowie comes out of HOH and they tell her to send the guys down to cook. Felicia gets tired of waiting and goes out to start grilling herself. Matt & Jag are still in the HOH with America telling her again, if we work together, we drink together! Matt says if he gets a bottle of wine tonight he will share it. America leaves the HOH Jag: I think that was good. Matt: yeah, I think we're good. Jag: The one person we have to worry about is America... Matt: and we may have just taken care of that. Jag: The mamas will go after her before us. Matt: Day 100 is gonna be wild. And we will celebrate. Jag: Oh, we will. 5:03PM BBT BY Felicia is grilling and Bowie Jane is chilling on the couch with her sunglasses on. Matt finally comes out to the BY and sits with Bowie, leaving Felicia to keep grilling. Jag comes out Felicia: I just got started since you all was busy. Chicken takes longer to cook than burgers. You cannot eat raw chicken. Matt & Jag now helping with the grill, trying to figure out why it is not as hot as yesterday. In the Kitchen: Blue talking to Cirie about conversations she has had. Blue: I think there is a world in which she (Bowie Jane) works with us, but you have to start that conversation. I have some ideas in my head about how next week plays out and I want to talk with you more. Cirie: I want to talk to Jag. Do they feel comfortable now? Blue: They know they're the biggest targets in the house, so they're nervous. Jag comes in to taste test the food that is ready (cookies). Jag asks Cirie if she made it, then hugs her and says "Wow". Everyone clears out and all 4 cameras are on an empty kitchen. Blue returns, then Felicia comes in to return to her dinner prep. Felicia alone in the kitchen making a salad. Blue goes to BY to check the grill. The guys have wandered off across the yard and America is in the hammock playing with a squeek toy. 5:20PM BBT Felicia in the kitchen telling Matt and Jag that Cirie is working everyone and trying not to get her hands dirty. Blue comes in and chases Matt out to the grill, leaving Felicia to her salad. Jag: I think if we talk to Cirie... Felicia: She'll come ion board, she's not going to go against the grain.



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