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Status Updates posted by IndigoAquarius

  1. RT @bobpockrass: Caution for debris from those cars hitting the wall. ... just 3 cars on lead lap (Kes Allgaier KuBusch) ... McMurray will…

  2. FINALLY someone has said it ON LIVE TV! https://t.co/mo05NmCYLv

  3. Sorry Harper but, you can not buy my vote or my kids votes... #budget2015 #cdnpoli #justsayNOtoHarper

  4. Red Onions started. Come on #mothernature bring us some #spring!!! No more teasers... I need it a lil… https://t.co/CLQchpxd4e

  5. the fifth estate@CBC: Please investigate the wrongful conviction of Nicole "Nyki" Kish. https://t.co/bwPpOWr1FY via @CdnChange

  6. Today's #autism meltdown was brought to you by a roll of toilet paper. He doesn't like this toilet paper. It pisses him off. Oh goody!

  7. #BeKind ANYONE can end up homeless! Most of the time, it is not by choice! Gov programs don't follow through 4 all! #HumansForHumans
  8. RT @dustinlong: If you do nothing else today, do something to put a smile on someone else’s face.

  9. http://t.co/LtBlHm9Pem Special Education funding is almost non existent in Jamaica. A few $ go a long way. #ASD #Autism #MentalHealth #ADHD
  10. I just voted for a Scotiabank Game Changer! Read their story: https://t.co/kTOE7iOcqo #sbgamechangers https://t.co/kLEDsg6AFF

  11. #TeamEthan event coming up Aug 29th!! He is on his way to 1 million dimes for #Arthritis. #dreambig #Brantford http://t.co/cWEwLAcjTr
  12. When having a bad day & thinking you can't. Think #TeamEthan. He is 6, has #arthritis, is in constant pain & is making the world AWESOME!!

  13. Being in Canada, since @SPEED shut down, we get jack all for #NASCAR A race if we are lucky. No practices, No qualifying. Pissed fans off!

  14. Susan Sarandon: “(Marijuana) will be legal everywhere”: http://t.co/RTCWB69Uxl via @cannabist

  15. Make Cannabidiol (CBD) Available in Canada http://t.co/ZSNRfbCJGt via @CdnChange

  16. Whew! Got the #container #garden moved just in time! #Thunder, #lightning and #rain happening in #Brantford #onstorm

  17. Heartbreaking: RT: @ReutersIndia Bodies rained down on Ukraine village after plane disaster http://t.co/0MCFPK1zbd #MH17

  18. WTF is happening to the world? Airplanes being shot down, ground invasions happening, people going missing without a trace! #dountoothers

  19. Put headphones on, crank the tunes and just relax. That was the plan tonight... then I remembered it is my turn to blog feeds tonight

  20. When you are asking questions and don't like the reply, maybe you're asking the wrong questions! Look at it from a different point of view!



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