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Status Updates posted by IndigoAquarius

  1. RT @RiyaTravelCa: #PrinceGoneTooSoon its a sad day!! All international monuments are raining purple today!! https://t.co/Xf0MT5lLDy

  2. RT @ThatKevinSmith: We lost one of the greatest Artists who ever lived. Prince's music was the soundtrack to my life. RIP, Royal genius. No…

  3. To the Mom who allowed her child to be paddled, You weren't helpless, you are useless. There is a HUGE difference. That was NEGLECT.

  4. RT @AdamCarterCBC: Back at the #TimBosma trial today. Follow along: https://t.co/Is3xakj3hM #Bosma #hamont #sc

  5. How I look when I hear #onpoli plans. #annoyed #frustrated #WARRIORMOM #AutismDoesntEndAt5 #Autismisntcuredat18 #ASD https://t.co/jimjNSJS5h

  6. https://t.co/NmAMF2Ij80 4yrs ago he took a stand. Vaccines & autism. Where does @realDonaldTrump stand today on this issue? #Autism #Vaxxed

  7. RT @ScandalABC: CHILLS!!!! Retweet if you are FREAKING OUT!!!! #Scandal https://t.co/gOC1MorEIK

  8. Just a reminder to ALL #CDNPOLI .. My boys have #Autism they are still voters! We vote as a family! 5 votes up for grabs! #ASD #AUTISM #VOTE

  9. Singing #OCanada, end up switching between French & English because that's what we did in school once upon a time. #CanadianProblems

  10. RT @edmontonjournal: Manitoba's Chase Martens' body found in creek. “This appears to be exactly what we all thought it was — a tragedy.” h…

  11. Everyone, everywhere, look at the pic, keep an eye out. Could be anywhere. #findchase https://t.co/mXB9KnjD7O

  12. @AdamCarterCBC Thank you for your thorough coverage with the Bosma case. Makes it easy to follow throughout the day.

  13. 5 fun (and quick!) ways to celebrate #Ostara. #springequinox #vernalequinox #magick https://t.co/zgwdjB8j5h via @tesswhitehurst

  14. @CNN there is a WORLD FULL of news happening. We have changed to @BBCNews because we are sick of watching #TrumpTV. You are feeding a frenzy

  15. 6C outside and rumbles of thunder just rolled through #Brantford. #onstorm Heavy rain now too!

  16. When politicians are making promises but not explaining the how, they are full of it. Ask questions, seek details #Votewisely #SuperTuesday3

  17. RT @bbcdoctorwho: Happy #WorldBookDay! What fantastical tales are you lost in at the moment? #DoctorWho https://t.co/GNGkklDH8N

  18. Jenny Beavan is an inspiration to me. She has such talent and skill and has a powerful and true message! #Oscars https://t.co/34EZpPbmPH

  19. @darbysofficial Abby is now the #OvalDenMother rather than a #Workwife. #Scandal

  20. Find new words. https://t.co/vT3q0K8dzO

  21. I can not believe that @JebBush has suspended his campaign.

  22. Artists need to stand up and refuse working with "DrLuke" AND SONY!! refuse recordings until @KeshaRose is free! #FreeKesha #boycottsony

  23. “AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):Identify what it is you want most out of life, then focus on it to the exclusion of..” https://t.co/hhHn6ES0Tt

  24. @AdamWylde @ddlovato That girl can belt it out! She needs to do some @LionelRichie covers! I loved his reaction!

  25. Believe in the right to protest but, do not protest to destroy. #BaltimoreRiots Be safe, be wise, be aware. #Heartbreaking



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