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Status Updates posted by IndigoAquarius

  1. "Damn son, that's some real expensive corn at the #WalMart!" Lol today at Brantford WalMart. #Corn $25 a cob. #lmao http://t.co/96yl7L9peJ

  2. 23hrs and counting! Back to school! This summer was the hardest struggle we have been through yet and it's almost done! Whew! #Autism

  3. RT @MsDredd41: McCranda CANNOT win HoH!! you saw what Amanda wore to the VETO ceremony #ToplessNoms #HellNo #bb15

  4. RT @Kassting: #BBCAN applicants. There is only one way to apply, through bigbrothercanadacasting.ca Any other casting site is not legit. #g

  5. RT @jeff_gluck: Bowyer has a left flat rear tire that he got in the crash, but a flat tire didn't cause the spin.

  6. Well I think I am gonna make some Carrot Cake Jam b4 my TFU shift today. Thinking about the Enchilada sauce too. Can I fit them all in by 2?

  7. In the morning, all the tweets on here are #NASCAR, at night it is all about #BB15 lol You can almost tell the time by it! Too funny.

  8. RT @RaganFox: Holy shiz. Just hand this chick the check. She'll spend $500K finding the softer side of Sears (white sheets). #BB15

  9. Feeds are back and all I can think is "Helen shut up" she is going all MOM on the HG and it is annoying. #BB15

  10. The Mongolian roads look like parts of Canada in the winter. #dontdrivehere @andrewyounghusb so how was the beer over there?

  11. #BB15 Choose wisely America. Wait til the HoH is done tonight!
  12. I am in total shock. #Glee star Cory Monteith was found dead. He was 31. I can't believe this. Another #Canadian talent gone too soon.

  13. #BBMVP Come on, give it to Candice or Judd. Let's see what happens! #BB15
  14. RT @adele967: Crazy @TorontoPearson reporting 123 mm of rain. Last record I 121 mm in 1954 during Hurricane Hazel. #TOFlooding

  15. #bb15 @CBSBigBrother Didn't anyone catch that Aaryn's NailSalon bit on BB 2night was actually @anjelahjohnson jokes https://t.co/EuSkeOpgqc
  16. 17 yrs I cheered for @DAlfredsson11. I will never cheer for Detroit. The only thing worse would have been2 become a Maple Leaf! #Ottawa #nhl

  17. http://t.co/6qS51n3Slr PLEASE Spread the word 2 end the word! #BB15 Using the R-word is disrespectful and ignorant. We EXPECT BETTER FROM HG
  18. #CBS nice geoblock on the #BB15 feeds. Thanks so much for taking over and screwing it up.
  19. Day lilies always look like Mother Nature took out a paintbrush to make them perfect! Our AM surprise 2day http://t.co/UskOZEPs6D

  20. Happy May Giveaway! (Over $1,500 in Prizes!) http://t.co/kjZYkeSHbb

  21. #findtimbosma the search continues, do not give up hope!
  22. #findtimbosma Asking U2B on the look out for https://t.co/SUCt8usADH Black Dodge 3500 726 7ZW Click the pic missing from Ancaster, ON!
  23. Just a hunch but, I think Alec's kiss confused #Topaz and she was so awestruck she couldn't see and voted wrong. Bad Alec! #bbcan

  24. I think AJ, Topaz, Alec and Peter voted for Gary... Talla, Em voted Jill. Andrew... I am hoping he voted for Gary, #BBCAN



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