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Posts posted by BBLover4ever

  1. Appreciated that Joe would not let Boogie's last plea for his vote change his mind, but still not sure about him. I think he would be loyal to someone, anyone if he actually had a real F2 deal or heck F4 deal. Just haven't made up my mind to like or dislike him yet.

  2. The only two people in this group that seems to be ABLE to win any real competitions are Frank and Shane. The others just suck at it. I am not a fan of either one but no one else in the house to rally behind. I like Dan and love how he took F/B bullying to protect Ian, but looks like he is out the door since production is pushing the house to get rid of him. I'm just really starting to lose interest in BB this year. :(

  3. I have always known that Production tries to manuever the game for their ratings, etc. But what I am reading on this thread is very disheartening. Ian owes Dan big time and for production to talk all of the guests to let Dan go and not give them the chance to actually think on their own (of course for some of them it can't happen LOL) is going to make me actually stop watching or reading BB!

    Dan I will miss you terribly and I hate that those QP idiots have turned on you so quickly!

  4. Britney talking to Ian. She is telling him he needs to build her up with Frank and tell him how honest and trustworthy she is.

    They were talking about Dan going up. Ian says he made his bed now he has to lay in it. laugh laugh

    Ian is starting to really get on my last nerve! "DAN" has made his bed and now has to lay in it? Really Ian?

  5. Okay... How about Grodner institutes the " Jeff special power" so that Dan can win it. Dan then has the power to change 1 or 2 of the nominations (except HoH and PoV winner) at anytime until the final 5. Bingo Bongo... Dan saves the QP and either Joe or Jenn go this week??!! :D :D

    I love this idea!

    I just hate that everyone seems to be jumping ship and leaving Dan in the cold! Dan took all the heat for the QP from Booger and Frank! What a group of losers! :nono: :nono:

  6. Ian is just a kid and I think he really got soooo worked up over the Booger thing on first eviction! But, he needs to own up to what he did so he might have a chance with the QP. He likes Frank and didn't really want to backdoor him after he just voted Booger out. Would like to see him stay until Brit, Jenn and Dan go. Even though I love Dan but I really don't want a coach to win.



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