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Posts posted by Wease

  1. I could definately see CBS rigging it I hope not though. I mean how could they explain away the Love UM or Leave Um Poll they have when Kaysar has a 87 percent approval rating and Eric has a 29 percent. I just dont see how he can get the votes with that big a differance.

    The only way is a split vote and I just dont see the support for Mike on any of the boards the way it is for Kaysar.

    Maybe I am a little biased being a Kaysar fan but that 58 approval rating difference just seems way to big to ignore.

  2. Hahahah sweet. Although I think people coming back is pretty gay. He is the person I was for on the show. The thing that pleases me most though is that when the Sheep here this they are gonna assume Cappy will be back and when Kaysar walks through the door. They are gonna know America and hell even us Canadians that most of us hate their group. LOL I cant wait to see that racist pig Ivette's face she may actually commit a live TV suicide when she sees it aint "CAPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYY"

  3. I dont think CBS should stop the feeds or the show or anything. I just think she should be booted off the show. If she has the right to say whatever the hell she wants CBS should also have the right to say dont let the door hit you on your "ghetto" ass on the way out.

  4. I actually couldnt believe when i read she said that. She is the most ignorant person I have ever heard of in my life. CBS shouldbe ashamed someone like that is on their program. Even though it is on the live feed and will never make air thats disgusting. In my opinion she should be automatically evicted from the house. Screw nominations screw POV the network should just step in you are gone. It just shows the level of her intelligence which is nil. TV usually doesnt make me upset or pissed off but I hate that damn women. I wouldnt piss on that ugly bitch if she was on fire. LOL the funny thing is Cappy's group thinks they have this great moral fibre but I can pretty well guarentee no one in the so called evil group would ever stoop that low. For example has anyone ever dropped the N Bomb about Beau. No they havent because although maybe being a little slimy in this game I tend to believe they are probably decent people. So screw Ivette she needs to go. Hopefully whenever that is Marcellas gives he total shit on House Calls.



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