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Posts posted by mskittywitty

  1. On 8/30/2017 at 8:21 AM, straykat said:

    Alex (who says she is a really nice person IRL) said after this eviction, they will amp it up on Kevin and "break" him. This has been the pattern with this group and it gets worse with each person they target. They all gang up and harass, bully and shun the person that have chosen as the next one out. They probably believe that they are wonderful people and that this is all just game but that nastiness is there inside them even IRL. "The Game" just gave them an excuse to release it.

    I agree - very mean girl along with the other HS's who stand around like a murder of crows and take shots at the accused.

  2. i was thinking the same thing!!!!!!!!!! Gm should tell her to f-off and go away..the biatch never shuts her pie hole..did you see what a wuss mcnasty is? just sitting there letting big mouth go on and on bye bye amazon :party_smilie:

    I was thinking the same thing - sorry you don't get it, now go away! GM was too nice and should not put up with Am's nastiness, not a good way to try and stay in the game. Oh how the manipulation Queen has fallen!

  3. I agree Fatcat! She is now my most disliked houseguest ever too. I have never seen such an immature display from a grown woman in all my life. I could never have handled it like Elissa did....kudos to her!

    Ditto! I asked my husband tonight "do you ever remember disliking someone (Amanda) on the show this much?" I just sit and watch and just cannot believe how sad and hypocritical she truly is. I wonder if the makers of Aderall are working with BB and seeing how the meds are working in these crazy situations? It wouldn't surprise me...

  4. I will admit that I was a fan of Amanda's in the beginning but now, I would love nothing more than to see her booted out! I want to see McCrae play his own game rather than kowtowing to her - he has to be completely embarrassed of her behavior and comments. I think the physical euphoria is wearing off and he is seeing her true nature.

    Look how cute! Amanda and creepy Uncle Spencer hanging out in the HOH bed - McCrae is probably breathing a sigh of relief


    I love how she goes off on McCrae for not moving when Jesse was sitting 4 feet away from him painting her nails but she can cuddle up next to Spenser...

  5. I think the mother of his child should use the things that he has said on the show and petition for full custody of Brady...he will just grow up to be like his vile father if he's around him enough. He goes on and on that he's all about his son...blah blah blah - if he were he would think before he speaks because later, those words will come back to bite him in the butt! I believe the true colors of people come out on this show and he thinks he is loved by all but most of us hate him. I feel sorry for him and his delusions...

  6. I am so hoping that Boogie does leave tonight and Julie informs him that it was Ian all along and not Dan! It sickens me to hear them talk about the other house guests and we were watching ST After Hours last night and my hubby says "does Boogie know that he acts and dresses like someone half his age?" Immaturity on both of their parts really shows...

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one completely disgusted with him and his comments about Dan's wife and what he could do to Joe - how desperate he must be! Perhaps he's not the savvy business man as he wants everyone to think he is and I wonder what his mom in NH thinks about his comments - I doubt she's proud. He's hardly thinking about his baby and what he will think when he sees his father's comments in the years to come...

    So sad, very pathetic and what a sore loser! Too bad the exiting diary room comments couldn't have Dan and Shane on the couch doing a mock of Chilltown...that would be great!

  8. I posted this via the Willie thread but it probably belongs here...

    A thought: I think it would be a nice twist if for BB15 (if there is a BB15) that they put say 30-50 people for America to vote on and we can chose who plays and perhaps people would be more vested in the players and what happens. I will be honest, this is the first season that I'm just "blah" about.

  9. I agree. It is really, really bad. The powers-that-be need to clean house and they need to revamp their selection process. I can't help but believe that some interesting people (a few, surely) apply to the show. I've never understood why they dredge bars looking for contestants. And, how on earth do they come up with one gay person and one black person per show and even worse, occasionally they are one and the same. Just kidding, really, but you get the drift. What a bunch of dumbasses.

    I couldn't agree more! A thought: I think it would be a nice twist if for BB15 (if there is a BB15) that they put say 30-50 people for America to vote on and we can chose who plays and perhaps people would be more vested in the players and what happens. I will be honest, this is the first season that I'm just "blah" about.



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