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Who Wants Sov6 to get HOH this week???



115 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wants Sov6 to get HOH this week???

    • YES
    • YES, this week and every week until they are at least guaranteed sequester
    • no
  2. 2. Would you like Jase & Boogie to NOT make sequester?

    • YES
    • no
  3. 3. Will you like Will to be the first person to hit sequester so he has to spend a week ALONE?

    • YES
    • HELL.......YES.....I want to see if he REALLY refuses to go.
    • No, send him home ASAP

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you one of the reason this may be bb last season :(

bb needs drama if sov keeps winning we get no drama just linear picking off of hg.

we need a shakeup in power

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The way you worded the questions is very confusing.

Why say :Would you like Jase & Boogie to NOT make sequester?" So if I want them to make sequester the answer would be "No I don't NOT want them to make sequester" or if I don't want them to make seq the answer would be "yes I want them to NOT make sequester" Why not just ask "Do you want Will & Boogie to make sequester" answer yes or no so simple.

Also : Who Wants Sov6 to get HOH this week??? isn't a yes or no answer it's an I do or I don't answer. "Do you want..." is a yes or no answer.

Not trying to be ugly but the poll will be kinda inaccurate especially w/the sequester question since it's so oddly worded :D

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the polls are never approved by everyone. i never do the polls that ask "who do you think will be nominated this week" because you can only answer 1 person and nominations are 2 people.

oh, and dumblonde.. your post didnt make sense either! :P:lol:

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I cannot wait for Will to win HOH or, someone else and put up Howie and Janelle, or two of the bb6ers, they have taken over the show and week after week of them is annoying. Jase was right when he said he was tired of seeing their friends and family, I bet the rest of the house is too, it's time we see someone else win hoh besides a bb6 player.

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sorry dumblonde.. i understood and wasnt confused at all about the way the poll was written. that is why i said its never acceptable by everyone. some get it, some dont. or some think its stupid and the others dont. :)

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I was a teacher for quite a while.

I'm good at deciphering the undecipherable.

Even if the sixers continue to dominate, there will still be plenty of drama, just like there was last night. It will be the drama of what idiotic thing they're almost going to fall for next. Last night you had live feeders screaming at their monitors "NO-O-O-O-O-O-O-. Don't fall for that, you stupid people!" Thet's drama!

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i agree tarman.

just think of the explosions that will happen if sov wins AGAIN this thursday. half of the house will be crying FOUL and UVP will start a bunch of threads boohooing again like he did last week. (lol uvp, love you :P )

on a side note: now danielle is talking about not wanting to be here till sequester.. along with boogie and will.

why did these people come on the show if they didnt want to go that far?

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I think a lot of them went on the show thinking it was All-Stars & that BB was going to throw some big twists at them & the HG are bored & disappointed that it hasn't happened that way (just as many of us are bored w/watching) :D

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not to sound toooo sarcastic... but I think SOV fans want them to dominate this year, because they got tired of watching them get rolled over by the 'Nerd Herd' last season :)

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it would be interesting, that last week before sequester, if everyone started acting up and getting penalty nominations, and begging the other houseguests to vote them out! lol

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not to sound toooo sarcastic... but I think SOV fans want them to dominate this year, because they got tired of watching them get rolled over by the 'Nerd Herd' last season


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In a way the Season 6 alliance getting HOH over and over again is making it interesting because everyone is getting soooo mad about it, and it's amusing me. It's a game you all, have fun with it.

I like the Season 6 alliance, and I have a person that I WANT to win, but because I have NOTHING to do with the game, because I'm not playing it, if someone else wins, no big deal, I'll get over it, it's not like I KNOW these people, then I'd have a reason to get mad if someone I knew didn't win, I'm not going to complain about it.

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Will will never get a HOH. That isn't his strategy. His strategy is to stir the pot and whine, complain and annoy the other HG's. He can't do that if he is by himself in the HOH room. That was his strategy in BB2. He admitted in the DR that he would throw the HOH competitions so he wouldn't appear to be much of a threat.

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The main reason the SOVs keep winning HOH is that everyone else is tanking! People shouldn't be complaining about what the HOH does because they didn't want the job themselves.

I want to see everyone throw the gloves off and go full tilt at every competition. Let's see what they are really made of!

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not to sound toooo sarcastic... but I think SOV fans want them to dominate this year, because they got tired of watching them get rolled over by the 'Nerd Herd' last season - Uvpnolimits

Well, in my case you're absolutely right! I'll admit it! GO SOV! :lol:

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I am a Sov fan, but they aren't my first choice in this game. Their dominance is far from boring and my fav (Dani) is playing them and playing it smart.

As the Sov keep winning, some of the other players are getting frustrated and their true colors are being revealed. Boogie lost it last night when Janelle told him if he wanted someone out then win an HoH!! Now that's some good TV!

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