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Friday, July 14


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I think we have Food Comp and nominations today... should be interesting!!!

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What is with the season loyalty? I just don't get it. James was betrayed by Howie and the Sovs in Season 6. Diane and Jase had it out in season 5. Why are they suddenly all in love with eachother again? Being All-Stars, I would've hoped each one would have gone in looking for alliances based on strength and skill, not the mere fact they were former roommates.

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I dont think the bb6 group were in alliance again.. but it fell into place...I think Erica and Kaysar and Janelle and Marc secretly had alliance together..That is why Erika and Marc want the other 2 gone so kay and jan would stick to the orignal alliance.

I still say why dont the sovs and Will, Boogie, Dani, Nak all come together have one great big alliance and when the floaters are gone then that can say GAME ON!! the BEST of THE BEST go after each other no hold bars..

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(Kaysar, Janie, James and Will?) Was that Will that said Howie reminded him of Lenie from "Of Mice and Men"? I could only see his legs (wearing blues pijamas?) while talking about Howie's reaction when Kaysar won HOH and how James had to tell him to tone it down. Janie says "he just can't"

then Blue pijamas asks Howie if he ever read that book, he says no, they laugh and blue pijamas asks him if they can call him Leny from now on...he asks "Leny Kravitz?" (They all laugh)

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No, I could see Kaysar he was there, but wasn't saying anything

I'm still trying to see who's wearing blue pijama pants

it was James! the other guy was Jase I not Will

PS. I rewinded, you're right, kaysar did start the convo by saying Howie reminded him of lenny from "Of Mice and Men", but it was James who asked Howie

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UGHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am definately spending way too much time watching the feeds! I am ready to throttle Mike Boogie and Will because of their constant disregard for the BB rules about singing!

And the COMPLAINING! WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? They act as if they are so much more important in society and Hollywood than anyone else! It's embarrassing! Boogie needs a serious reality check! His idea of just how self important he is????GAG!

I believe he may possibly be on his way,..along with Will to being the most hated houseguests even over and above The NH! The constant need for fire on the feeds because of these idiots is really making me nuts!

And will someone PLEASE tell Janie to STOP crinkling bags so close to her mic???/Just say NO to the chips Janie,..just say NO! I love Janelle,..she is my favorite,..but even SHE is getting on my nerves with the crinkling food bags and muffled mic so ya can't hear what she says!

Okay,..time to take a Xanax! Sorry folks,..just very frustrated this year! Too much Fire is making me nuts!

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I don't have the feeds, but I can imagine your frustraton. This was addressed before, but are they doing it on purpose, just to irritate the internet viewers? Shouldn't they get some kind of penalty for continuously disregarding the rules?

That guy from 'last comic standing' was kicked out for having a blackberry-- clearly stated against the rules.

( he actually snuck out for a cell phone call too-- but I think he would have been booted no matter what)

I can see giving someone just a scolding if they just slipped up and forgot. But it seems obvious that they are doing in on purpose. It's like they're giving BB the finger. Why are they even there?

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LOL and NOW,..Mr genius Boogie is complaining about them being treated as less than adults and how everyone needs to be told to be here or there by a certain time or they don't eat or don't win the comp or whatever because they are tired of everyone not being ready at the same time and the fact that they are all adults and are capable of getting to the comp on time,..etc,.WHERE DOES HE THINK HE IS? Does he not understand this game? The more they make things cut and dry,.the less drama!

BB does things the way they do to CREATE an atmosphere of displeasure! THESE GUYS ARE LAB RATS! Come ON Boogie,..step out of your little bubble of Boogieland you live in and remember where you are!

Besides,..they hate the fans and could care less how what they do in there effects us so they can leave as far as I am concerned!

Someone slap me please??? Thank you! :D

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Flo,..exactly! So why are they there? they KNOW they aren't gonna win the money,..according to them they are both LOSING money by being in there,..Dang,..at least Dana or Monica or Ivette would be appreciative if they won,..these guys think this whole thing is a total joke and that they are doing CBS a FAVOR or something by agreeing to appear? Bad choice CBS! Will wouldn't be as bad without boogie to ag him on! He'd be into the game and the scheming and highly entertaining!

and ,..what do ya know? He is singing AGAIN!

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Well, but they obviously do want to stay and there is only so far they'll go cause before the fire we had in prep for the live show Will was talking about screwing with that(the live show). Answering weird OR answering for someone else. But BB must have laid down the law cause did you see one thing out of Will or boogie? Nope. Not one misstep, so yeah they do that when they can get away with it, ie when its just "us"(feed viewers) but they are not stupid enough or gutsy enough to do anything when BB might toss them. That just makes their behavior that much more annoying, IMO.

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Oh, we knew Will was arrogant from the beginning, and he wants us to think he's even more arrogant than he appears. He was like that throughout season 2. We would have been disappointed if he had calmed down. As for Booger, he's just a hanger-on. He does seem to be playing the game a little more than he did in season 2. He'll be gone before long. But Will is good enough so that every week that goes by without him being nominated is a wasted week, in a way.

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Yeah they continually talk about how pathetic we are but guess what? I can have a beer whenever I want,..I can sleep whenever I want,..and I can shut him off whenever I want! Who's got the power now jerk?

LOL,..I hope that the BB6 people figure out that they will continue to have an advantage over Will and Boogie by winning HOH and KEEPING George in the house cuz he snores so loud they aren't getting any sleep and can't compete cuz they are sooooooo tired! Can someone just send a plane over that says "Keep george BB6 his snoring helps you sike out Boogie and Will!"


As long as James can sleep,..we are good!LOL

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I like that idea of keeping George around to snore and keep the others awake. Good thinking. :P

George would be a wasted eviction anyway. I say keep him around for a while and let him do the cleaning. He isn't a threat to anyone. They should target the threats first.

I agree with the aggravation of Will and Boogie (although i like them and the possibility that they are aligned with Danielle). Will doesn't seem like he wants to play the game so he shouldn't be there. He may be lieing about wanting out before sequester (which none of the others beileve him anyway) but, i don't know, it seems to be true by the way he is acting.

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I think Will is messing with the rules and singing and talking crap so that the feeds go to FOTH because he knows his gameplay is "old" so he is attracting attention by other means to hide his insecurity.

Maybe he is hoping to be sent home without having the shame of "losing". :o

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